The Huron Signal, 1885-6-5, Page 2LOUIS RIEL I reserves, They stns sed ev.dendy '.artily tired gees reenseet Masan mem sloe weth the whites. arbel('Yef. Tee g.meral ordered the foM.wiwt Mab sed. s.d Wei yge� ;-Ar�/ww�. the lagiw the Oat Y.iile� 601 meet wane Kiel. report. the W • ho'sr, •ndwe, • __ L__; lowing itmdset as keds" m cured after me, comics Rad was hwi(tgkt uqs the preemiessI Mmed ILAN.% (Iso. Middleton. 'Sen is BIM," Arte- Rwodmsker, streagismid. The Ufa amass sedden- Iy Mil feeing at Biel seed : "Yos'eget las filed, Igo. Rist, phrase take a asst ;, bs'linseed.11lr Rid. Rawl trowelled flan the camp at Ba - lochs to Baia a blank oust given him y Gest 5w w Tones Weft Net v Wei whisk bite Mi 1.11L •1114/ C110271 A man named Anderson, who was tm made s pneer by Riel before the Hat- tie of Deck Lake, 1. now at Reels- He says Rief mot word in twice to Major Ms to COIN out for s dead, but the me. 'major refused to do .Filially,m amended at such modest on tlgpaR of Cummer, R..1 told Atdroo ti take • team and convey the bodies into Prime Albert and then return to asap. An - demon did as directed, whereupon Rid pare kis his liberty, alias that be had dome good thine ►n the cause of human- ity. 11111 IM the 1):2110101.1 t•e1.L Wmenrwu,May 20.—A Slim ourrespro- dent tried to interview Riel at Regina He was 'Mowed to see but not to cow verse with bust. He rives the fullowsai description of the rebel Mader "Rid was walking to end fro os a small grass plot east of the gaud hoes. H.Iuobed up nervously at the intruder, betreTiag great fear. He was ouatlen but bad a vest over a common grey llama shirt His pants were of • brown dolor and dilapidated. His heed was covered by a grey slouch hat, with angles, not sides, rolled up. Her • man of &boat live fest ten or eleven insets and has a kindly and impressive fans No photo- graph that has yet bees published gives a correct ides id his apQasrauoa He wears at preset • mouser** sad side aid chin whiskers His lass isdwrk,but bis moestaoke sad whiskies ars light. H. does not look like a ball breed. He lees were hastened together by metas of a &Mia, and his hods am manacled with as immerse weight, readapt Dona the ooanectinw chain. He is confined in a ail in the guard home. Itis as urdisery Iotas looking oo the soothers side of the square. There are over 100 police in the barracks Au addition is being built which will afford 24 more cells for the accommodation of other prisoners who are bang bought down. heel en- joys gond health. The police ridicule the ides of his better insane Old Wed w Mit slink r t�jtlk will Theyi remilos hes el le +�►"lam her fitis Bit( Bear w►eila meow it the Mte bloody work at hurt PIO, is well known to rosy residents of Sdmsstoe. wk• formerly resided at Fort Pitt J. Sinclair, who was in charge of Fort Pitt foe the Hodson Bay fee twelve yens, is well •cgo•istM wttk him and Rives the following partioe sI :—He is a plain Ores, • native of the Carleton re- oion, sod r about 00 ram of aIle. He is of abort stature, this, sed old 'onkel' His appearance is aoytbinx but impres- sive. He speaks with • toed voice, bet is short of breath, and is not an orator by soy means About twenty year& aro be removed from Carleton to Pitt, sod became the bead man of • small band of kis relatives who resided as Pitt, hunt - boring about twelve teats, or perhaps twenty tom. He ower wee amortised as • chid until after treaty six was mods, sod he removed to Cypsss hills Fort Pitt be was frequently empIo d b! the Hedsu. Bay cotapwy as • Bu sk. bunter, and had the revelation of beim • good Innen. His bend however, were generally rmamb►, the greatest being his nephew, 'tamed Little Poplar. Dorisi • tansieswhieheesured thirteen years ago he and bio band .else engag- ed in war, but they were notonoes for stealing horses from the BI•ekfeet He was thought to be rather cowardly. Os one memos leer Cram were attacked opposite ort Pitt by • large bend of Blackfoot, •bile Birt Bear was in fort with eight teen. He refused to go, to their .sistaace, although Mr. Stools* offered hist the use n1 the bust sad the H. B. horses The four Cram, however seo..eded m escepi*S. On several ether occasions his actions showed that his courage was not of the highest order. At the soaking of treaty No, 6, ha 1806, Big Bear r.lised to swept the terms offered to sod aeeepted by the rest. He wanted to ass first hew the promos made by the goverestest weed be car- ried nut. Pending a deletion he remov- ed to Cypress hills, where be remained fur six or memo years, gathering • large somber of dboont.nted spirit. Rr'o.ud him each year. Between frequent spats with the Blscktest and incursions to the States, his mat bssoms mock more ex - pest tbse foemsr1p in the art of war, sed he mel to las lashed epos se • but chid. egesl is is.psetsase to Pia -Put. At MN wreumotasaso, to the drape d few buf- falo sad many United States troops. coupled with profuse promises from the Indian department, induced the Bear to return to bis old stamping ground neat Pitt some two years sea. Although he took treaty he rtafs&sd to ge un a re- sew., always limier an excuse ready. Doing the winter before last be freight- ed crow trip from Pitt to Edmontss. He always kept moving about and fomented discontent wherever be went, welch the managelment of the Indian department made easy, espssially among the Fort Pitt India's who natter had a rood repu- tation, and of whom he seems to have secured 000tto& A large number of the original band of Sweet Gram, „ace head chief of the Cress, but now dead for ...oral ears, seem to be ander his ooa• trci, sod have taken a prominent part is tb. Fort Pitt butchery. The remainder of the band of Sweet Grass are car Bat - fished under little Pine. Report ban it that Little Bear, who Asa a wall eye, killed three of the white men, probably the mill hands. Pa-pa-mo-cha quo/ (the moving spirit) killed Delaney. the farm instructor, and We -pa -eros (light hair) killed Ret. Pere Fefard. The manner of their death is confirmed as first stated in the Bulletin, and not as stated in the Batteford report. Qsino, 1 that 81 0egge tett be Proyeethes •� Itis whim Rin) took the asst Sir Juba had prewar& + m smemy as $ reward for ltiel's sbdiar bon in laver el Cartier. That was m 1672 Wiles M ataties& Frosted the misesty in b Jbeluga presses tss of tires year. These shwa mattes ul beauty. Whim soeitoedei rich Sumo the Landon Free Prea, says : Five yews after the first uprising Bial mote to Ottawa se a MMiaber elect for Parliament, Mesas. POUNDMASL+R RUN IN. M.I d (Ceps MaDowst•q Mime hive«•), Waversau, !* H'ym'n. NW, belf Mwsssesi ,�' I•■ie+a, .Lpo.esltt i (lfmvetliMls�, Ithihn Medneb Ifie i hi ue, Msties, Focht, Power, Pease, Prevost, Riche* St Jews, Taashseeat, Th�r..lt, i f,delMed, SPRING & SUMME. .,Yew Goedl, arrived, and will be arriving Se ing the ason. Io alit all as to Material and Style., Blake did not kaow whether to admit Tiseimey. him or suet I. this state of sibs, Owl it Lamed • Oaossrvatires, 'seder Mr. Buwedl's motion, voted ha eapel him from tete Hues But instead of arrest- ing Rist, sad trying bum for &hooting "poor &lotto" Mr.Maoksrsie moved that hy be smeusttsi And this was carried tstthe Grit ttlsjority. du it w the Tortes who .spelled Rid is 1874 ! Lat us is.. Mr. Rowell Tory. gave notice es Friday, April 9th, 1874. that es Monday next bit siesta mom t• that Mr. Rill, having leen charged with murder, sa iodictmeut haring bees found against him sod warrants issued, bowleg fied from justice, and faired to obey the order of this Hoses for kis at - mediums in his place, be +spelled from this Hodes.' The motion was debated at considerable tength,aod on April 10th the House dived upon it. The following members voted for Mr- Howell's mottos: Liberal,. ('urur,eafini Cnpaie e,errlpIMa we rev Nrveader er Ss Mesad Meet WIxrlrst:, Man., May 27.- The ex- pected unconditional surrender of Pound - maker has at last taken place having beer confirmed by dispatches this morn- ing from Idatteford. Following le the message which Pound• maker addressed to Gen. Middleton at Prince Albert - "Sir, 1 am camped with may people on the east side of Eagle Hills, where I am .embed by the news of the surrender of Riot. Nu letter came with til newt, so I cannot tell bow far it may be true. I send wow of my men to you to learn the truth and terms of peace, and hope you will deal kindly with them. 1 and my people wish you to send as the terms in writing, so that we may be ender uo misunderstanding, )rum which so much trouble &rima. We have 21 prisoners whom we have tried to treat well in every respect. With greeting. his (Signed) 1 PurNDiA[L*. mark. VIDDLtTI)M s WETLY. General Middleton was on the steamer Nurtha,te en route for Itattlelord when be received the message, and sent Possdataker's runner back with the fol- lowit:g reply "PorlrnuAxxs-1 hare utterly defeat- ed the halfbresds and Indians, and have made prisoners of Reel and moat of hes council. I have made no terns with them, neither will 1 make terms with you 1 have men enough to whip yew and your people, ur at last drive yes away t„ starve, and will do so unless you bring it the teams you took, yourself and your cousc lh ru to meet me with your arms at Battleford on Tuesday, May itti. I am e ilia twee treated the prisoners well herelied 1 them. (9ueted), Fru,. Mtontrrl M. Major-General. Early yesterday morning • wagon train arrived with 1 ,O h•lfbreeds from Peeodreaker's camp. They gave up nine Appleby, Arehibafd, Bain, Behave, Blackburn, Blain, Baths, Bardet, buwssan, Broom Brown, Buell, Bark, Burpse (St. John), Herpes (Sunbury), Cameron Huron, Caro nchav I, C•vTw WeaT, Casey, Oaaalrolr, Qoekbarn, Corm, Cenniughas (Now Westminuter Dawson, DeYeber, D.wdney, Donahue, Dymond, Farris, Flemiox, Forbes, Galbraith, tiibsc., Gills.... Goode*. Hetpr• Hall, Hitptiobsthem, Heston, Lrvisg. Josue (H•lilsz), Kerr, KiUam, Kirk, LaI1D, Lsaderkin, Maedunald (Cornwall), MACDONALD (Glsaprt1), Mackay (Ceps Beebe), Delaney, and the two priests were taken Macwzis (Lambtos), prisoners in their homes Quinn re- Mackenzie (Montreal Wer), famed to eonaider himself • prisoner or.ioDougall (Redrew), to 'bey the Iedisas in posse where he MsGrsgor, was told. The Indian having hint in McKay (Colchester), eherge than shot him. Delaney and his Meditation, wife seeing this began to roe, when De McLeod, laney was shot and hie wife takes again. Metcalfe, The prime were shot while attempting Mata, to perform service over the ladies Voss, Their blood being cep, the Indian went Norris, and cleaned out the trill hands, but the Oakes, manner of their death is not yet known Oliver, hero. There is an enthosmetic and ant- Paler► vernal desire among Mr. Bears nems. PArsiaorr• ons eegeaintances to see him wind op his Pestes, lone, if nut easeful, career, looking Pickard, through a hempen collar. They think if Ray, the band is broken upend out destroyed, Roscoe, Roes (Durham). Roes (Middlesex), Ross (Prises Ed ward ), Rom (Vietoris), Braid ttosttch.rd, Sari wee, Shihlg. Siaclsir, Smith Peel). Smith (Selkirk ), fie ( West morelaodl, guider, fit irton, Steam Thompson . Haldimand), Trow, Walker. Wood, Young. BO W CLL, Brooks, Cameron .Cardwell) Chisholm, D. B. Colby Currier, Davies, Doomille, Ferree, Fergtmua, Flesher, Hapset, Jones (Leads), KI1xrATalt:x, Little• MACDon A W McCollum, McQuade, Mtri tlxLL, Medea, Monteith, Orton, Pisgah, Rochester, Mt. Bans voted for the elpulsiun. We sesset tell, at this date, to whish aids of polities he belese.d. Mr. Rosiest voted against the •spineless. H. celled himself .as independent Mr. 1Ailbes. Iib.rwl, is favor of the Rowell motion, paired with Mr. Abbott, Cow earv.tive, opposed to it Lanvin[ out Barron sad Rodeos, and ooestirw Wilkes aid Abbott, there were 93 Liberals and 31 Conservatives in favor of expelling Rid, sad there were 43 Liberals and 25 Cosservatims opposed to the motion for expulsion. Sir more Tunes voted for expulsion than against. it ; fifty more Liberals voted for sapid - don than against it The publisatet of this list ought to pet as end to the silly pommies that it was the Tories wise ex - Riot from the House, but the tallc Pram cen be treated to repeat its yarn within a week, just as if it did cwt know any better. ©N11BL2 TAILOR, Wan street, nett door to Raak ei lal lestre� aticaziesc_ Ciakeiabe ?foundry anti Maine Works, s Runoirtian Broa_, Proprietors. s t CMTMACTf TAW FM nui ENi1REf, HAWK NUS. 51. VIES IACM1MEl1 EMU nearing Iill* Changed to the gradual Redaction Syitea. (Kings- ton ). Schott; iiterprho os, li White (Haetiags;. White (Red rew), W dens, Wright jigern nem and over twenty shot guns. Thoy they will take refuge in the woods, and w.rre ordered to remain within the lines be a terror to pettier.. at least as horse formed by their wagons in a apace .oat thieves, for years. Unlike asset 0( the wt of the barracks Towards noon an Sediatchewan Cress, Itig Bear aced hi ess band sake no pretentnros to any form of Christianity. By strict attention to business they have succeeded in aims - ring a reputation for unadulterated deviltry who* 1. vomited by few and ex- colled by Mee hider courier from Poundmsker s camp arraysd in full war paint dashed into swap, and stated that the chief was on has war to amp. ,lust after noon the great Cree chief with 30 of his enancil W sub-cioefs ..tb upwards of 200 stand of arms Dame pito camp. bringing the captured wagon train. the stolen cattle, and • toil of anus, totalling .:er 200 e tends He had • grand pr.w troy with which experience has demnostrsted rosy (leans] Middle:••n. The cooft•renot be aroused, if bmr rote. b. listened to erred three hours. f'oundinaker put the Bow foolish it is to resort to dangerous blame for the revolt e.n Reel. His idea fnt[s when • simple dnmestie remedy 1. esrrenderiog was to let the (General will answer the parpnn.a In the cess of hely him and s. sive his people from ez• OtAn• some resort to the rumor and peril tieetaon. All the chiefs .ho spoken bloat- their live., as Lock- jaw is aut impossible Asa and Oma► -eat - If rsm well ant bear revue.. flow can you hope to snaps Mom evils .4 Roel for inciting be 'Indians to nes Whits .•t hen us. (eneval Middleton )maintained • stern lag substitutes for the grail sere pop sslti..de towards the repentant breves. sen cure_ Put..m'. Painless Cern end eterrily demanded the names of the Extractor it sewer flail n..r never ass. tsarr ows who n ordered Payne and Itar..7 fo.' it is Just the $sig for the purpose intenuot, the Holman ranchers At this Putnam • 1'aialessCors Extractor Take a 7eeng brave sprang from his place in neo other. the .role, and kneeling at General Mod dht.,.'s feet. said, in the ('re. ' Let the Owlet Chief cot in. in pieces as 1 cut Rela Irryden Payee Another brave then admitted "Shekn.,ws her man, red when you .rat Shed rt was M who k:Ued Barney Fre and swear meat. B.,th protested that they were willirw to •u4.r death for their erne, but wanted L. Yrs their tat, ; le from the vengcanc. .f the whites After three hears' talk Middleton cot short the tom www hy ordering Chefs Poemin)aker. Urea' thr,ugh-the ire. 1'.•1'o. Mud. flan►et, sod the two eat ennfoi oed'nur awns into ennFnt .e t The ms fader si for 240 breves Can draw yore to her with a sinal. hair." Rut it moot Ise beautiful hair to have each power . gnu hea-itif,tl ha.r can be enured by the we • 1 l•iwoaLmsl Hartz Reesman. fold at IA cts by J. Wilson 2s roe Prof. Low's fi.lpher Soap for Prickly Hist, Nettle Rash, Sealey Beep- ben, eepti,-n, itch, arsd all diseased ..editiois of the skis. 1's Ayers Serwapsrilla is a highly ounces - totted extract of Sarsaparilla, and other lifted -purifying roots, combioed with Iodide of Potassium and Iros. ha oua- trol scrofulous oi.eaaes is unequalled by any other medicine. ememar inns te Telae Aesteers. Horns Powers, Grain Crushers, Straw Cotters. Agrsculturtl Fora•ses, *Bowes, etc., rte., et Las Pnces. .112 Kinds of Castings .,1fade to Order. J. B. R. W. Rrlrcumn THE PE'OP1JaS TORE. BARGAINS 1 FCR C Olt PROD 7C . sEn THE 000D8 DILA14.2DE3D Do W. H_ RIIDIJ - Jas. 21, 1896. The Peeples 'Store, Godwinh hs,.nvr.! "I walked into the oma of Scrib►ter s Sfeyetiw some years ago with a mese ' crape. Dr. Hole's(' looked at it and paid me $125 for it. I was rejoiced at a Asses orf seeing myself in such respect- able print The neat mouth I bought the tint copy of the Yoya::ae that illsm- iod the stands, and rushed into a bah - way to kid. my blushes, sed glsaeed it through.Ails ! my areal. was sot there. The next month I beach% it again, expestatiow still soaring. The production was still unaccountably de- layed. Next month ditto. `Next, next, next, ditto, ditto, ditto. At the end .f the year, it bad owe me $6 is swab and Mk ta disappointment. Tea years have sines sped. and 1 have been axing tbrodgh tbo Yoeazine fur my ambitious ooatrttbstioe suer .ince. b.e,tpieg into the Clwtwry oil ane two years ago, 1 ametioaed the little matter to Mr.0t)d.r. He most • youth to ransack the tnsasive sarerae of til ewbheluneot ; and out of the midst of twenty defiogseat toss, be dragged forth my wsana.eript, somewhat .aks.pt and dishavp1d. 'It will fall, into as predestined niche sums time,' said Mr. Gilder, amilii.g. "—(N.w York, World. _ The following siettti.rs voted Nay on Mr. Howell's motion, that is, voted ageism Rod's eipulaton from the How: Liberals. f lowwmNiesh Aylmer, a Baby. Benner, ? Barthel, Bachard, Bemeasm, Boyer,, Casco". (bomevnn (t$otario). Cimnn, (',ae rrsm, Corrt..as. Cat.1'ell%, 1)aajardies. Chews), 1)wPe, Cunningham, (Mar Flynn, De O0o... -- amidst. Delores, Gin. fl. Rains Georgia, Harwood, Maros, fl•irtmio. •.,. t, !-•reel , Backache, stitches 1u tete aide, i,tSa- siatioe sad suswiess of the buwefe, are sdstptoens of • diwr'dered state of the digestive and spomilative organs, which eon be pp,aspt and tAo •,mealy correct- ed by the rice of Ayers Catlartic Pills. Asdinner pills, and as sick to digestion. OMertal. Nov. 13th, owe. fbep have so equal. TLey care comb At • moment when adversity appear- ed to be pressing the Gladstone edmis- istretion hard, it has gained a parliameu- Yesvictory m • ytarterunc little expected. `� � Ye.tKdsy, in the staunch old COrserra- sive county ,.f Antrim, begone, lSt.CMire NtIFILIF 'eb`o�xe.Mcleet°aby .•'. 'majority , CABINET - MAKER ANI) UNDERTAKER tt: LO -W" PRICES. COME AND SEE THE BARGAINS I7 C11-1toc3C1tx3CS, O ROQ=1C1t'Y W.1t1Q, 08ZN 1 WLIi73, STONE AlRIC, IsC_, ecc-, /MO The ti doubt, in event was it may MMI M us bre web saes " ll.e el Jessie, • two, wee rally the matters ■ The tl busy, iatl the tones had bees Illedeme of Fifth e bet in evi lags that wedding', of cages, ur .esr 11 As thin were Aar As far _st have had to every\ ave, eel t o sgb e Howkiree The it mooed s soaped, Uncle J. &red sill had oft' ing quwlei onee haw red to the the age no &ppm. Ms that forth by of the t the sub end eve personal. 'Do ye the tae ey John .xm r always w •I'll t, Joha caw sweet, t, muss", 1 the first only be did nut Ion, an, r..t. i ler and 'Why, droo't th letters, to get 'el Correct. tempo fc '!1u du on such anybody so you • rood, am help it likes me tae to el ,'rte d when ) Well, I' he ape week a chair its er, and see then girls, if went a theed fyou ma, ully, 't Tom at the soul Mat am next ti 'Ault is it the was itt 'Purl offer Mesas why E.erpt Hooks! Yes, *meld the be you we she e.i 'Yoe but yoi with t aides them t Iesn1 and re love• t shades 'Ye one ti that p those We n unless to it.' 'I t7 mid hardy Ibsen and mint the ss fess1 .sear yeses besot thous Miele the a than 4huwk sad. Th halt torsi ,M shoo sant Iran 'N 'th•I het area( asm, risk Also a Larne Ilse .t Moustache Cups, Ladies Cups, Fancy Mugs, M� olica Ware Vases, &c., which will be sold at COST. W_ MZTC��—T E TJ' .- r-s.mbee 11Ia.'Ott. 11.4 llamIltem serest Oderl.a. BAGAINS FOR 1 AM egl.LING OFF MY STOCK Or CASH LOTHIN AVT) nr,rrit' Yt'RXnwRINGS At a Greatly Reduced Price for Cash. THiS Ip A GEMINI ANNOCI*CEMKXT FetT ABRAHAM SMITH. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. r 1 over election the Gladstone government gains • seat ! As of old, itis the people who mote to O'adatones rescue, wheu the aristocratic Liberals are ni dined to de - sort him. This election resulting en a Liberal gain, the cable despatches leaks so mention of the fact --were it a Con- servative gain, the public would be treated to a sermon airatnht the Wad - stone administration. A reurbM Wen's. Burtlook Blood Bitters act at the woe tame up.n the liver, the bowels, the kidneys and the skin, relieving or curing it every case warranted satisfactory 'r money refunded. 2 •t negro brought suit in • Mitchell County Justice's court for possession of two shoats and a sow andpigs,and the i•ined it. HHislawyer, as soon ease was decided, settled the fees for himself, Rquire A., CW -lawyer on the other side, and the court. 'Well, Joe, Squire A. will take one of the shoots, Ill take the ether one. the J'dee will take the sew and pig., and you're gained the cane.' Mew uw Inv Vawribem Weer.sed by ti- re..t e.b,llt mad etw,warb.. The Gress (lemma � nervous only ppKftk for i _ de- bility, unieereel Msdt.de,:.,nrslf pain in tbeheck or sides, matter how shattered the system may he from es- tiwlss of any kind, the (treat GermanRemedy will re taon the 'oat functions and ware health and hap) *neva. 51.00 per blit. .11 Arises for WO* 140111 by se �sole MPnoes hedaptney of telco, � . hy P' J. Cheney. Totality,Thin. .goat for United O lea. Cir valetssad toatiwu0'1lals ..wt free. 8..14 LOOM. itayneai .,,4k• soviet lot (lodes floe : A Reweave 01 nese dowse "Teatime- UT- to M7 ewe seethes(the lean freer lies thyme ria ' T&AwQaw, the remarkable *11. few, e... ,.,,t p•'h. Ask y., Hamilton Street„ Godericb A geed assortment of Ritchee. Red roor.,. Dialni Runes and Parlor 'waiter,, eocb se ra tea.. Chao b , cameS� woad Looting Ohe Cupboards, 114,1 invade, ltattrtaaa►. Mash-ptasd lis M -A completeaesM'sssst s1Ceiba mid Shroud!, s:ways on head &leo Heatses feria/ M raasosable rate _��..�_ < +-w•......: pietere Framiasl a .SINaly.---A LttU so::cited 1'51 BOOTS & SHOES 2 cwz .1' g Wect•c -ua) flee t. announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above Stor• in the sten lately (ecnyied by Horace Newb.n Having purchased a large and well assorted stock of Ilpritg and Summer Goods at close figures, we are determine t•. give the Public the benefit QUICK BILIS, Billed PROFITS WILL BB 01111 ICTTO ,wilr Please call and examine our gonia beforepeir-hasirg elsewhere. "Remember the place, nert door to J. Wilson's Thug Stere. 'Custom work will receive our spacial attention. r•Notte bat the best of anterial used and tree class wovkraeo empk-yea. In „ Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice doderich. March 4 ISM. DOWNING & W ED D U P ART DESIGNS IN WALL PAPER r New le the time. it you wi•b one or two sore resins at toss, t5 vee Pull.,'. reens papa. H. bags over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Reaettful color., and at prire.leas than v• ry fetal teforler goods. Val sad sea thea. The are t 5e 11.54 • .lut is teas and omit ►ss.:d The 1est Spring Bazaar Pthrns b Fasbis, ♦T BVT AINIEVIN