HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-5-29, Page 8•
.0:1;Yi N i'1
44. 3 'ft
rUCmoisAaaa waseeee TO et; Salm pea
BATTLSToap. May 21, I$Nb.
1' .undut•kee beet is a lead of deters,
with the captured teamsters and two
women', ted • priest, to salt altos whet
410114 !1.Y0I Y.WiJt!
•1'' •tie a meed 'Awrw'
.fttr, ., ..see
ordeals met Omit• Yuen(
MOONS at w his gime w
puha. *utipriiisp M �. asp
orders. Rawl Is weal, bat well some
servotrsm.•s at bs.g headed over to the
plass He dues ,rite talk tweak. Tee
ether premiers era likely be hruillet11
kern to be tried, as this te the capital of
the territrwtsa
Sag Smis•etww•a.
rights ee. it. smet ; they ehteM
I w trlet me a• bsek to Mosbaw►, sad Ills,
lby order d the eetteewl, t►. saht. 'weld gat all that We pat a 4.111 rale)
with which the rebel• tned to tepees! They •S,41 1 wads.' ao emaf. The
the Nortbeste at Betuche was removed matt.t was stirred up, mad I meet 1104
ted sakes to tiaekatuoo and gest for the a one. 1 was lot the ringleader They
use of the settlors. The ate ober teoyed obliged ate to lead them w the tight, but
onlyin tee day time towsuchureld .very the matter wdl w doubt b• tried in a
nigt to mead .tracer ss as to avoid the coast of law, where the truth wilt coats
he would wet t aurrwdw p,s•ilrtltty of a appease Clark: s Crams- met -
Baptiste Four ‘11.•, tun 04:out. supposed icy was reached at 2:30 oar the afternoon " Wtll the Pea* tight *AY own
to iv
• w hove been killed r fortnight age. while
it i.atrau, Mal 1g - A d from of the 10th, read the bust 'unwed at Sas I thwk mut , I told them u • up
on a . came
expeehbuu uanmer Constable V sewn" "u Ed berg @ 74 kstotm es 4.30 us etre ucurmiu* of the their arum and surrender. 1 .urrwtder•
Rues. came w with the released phson• miles from Edmonton, eye that lar 'nth. Capt Ye tea at uu.•e sat oboe, .d uiy'.s.II to General ItMidl.t••u.
ors. H. asys Puurwluaker was Niel
'4-1.'I swats fused three that eree�y• eiseenee teems for the journey te Merme ! Were you not taken by someone and
broken up yesterday, uu hearing of Niels thing had harm dais Mia law pofd- Jaw. After prooaring from the settlers I bneustht t. the 'anent' r
toes. The paw was asserted. It will " Well, I oras us. w way t-• surteed,r
Ica miaow end tbttrr buckboards with
teamsters, the whole patty sat out at to the galena when Hoene, Siedel and
owe the same day for ileums Jaw. The Anustn,u; met me I had received for
The Indians were terribly frightened,
and piled their rifler in a tepee, and
heated an o14 British flag, whtch thug
had captured somewhere.
They then held a bag rx,euoih and de-
cided upon leading au this bier. Ask•
cult for terata ..f serreadenng.
There is gnat rejoicing here over the
'ArTuax ter WHITE'Ar.
be guarded, however, u.til the mate
force serines Ori id.• way to fort Pitt.
Alarming reports are Merrwat there re -
warthog the number of Big Bear's assn.
There has been •o much unavoidable
delay in the axpedatiun that he b s had
time to recruit tram story tribe in the
district. The restless spirits and young
asou eager tar r•putaM'S have b4 their
own thuds and have uinsd him. Loon'
stew he has y
a force men all laird.
L.ieut. Merritt telegraphs from Huai- I well 41,..•,1 Meet of the „tile he had
have been butchered and the meat dried,
and with this and the tame quantity of
provisions and plunder takeu tet his
raids, he IS too much encumbered to
move. fie declares that he will make a
NuLoun whale on a recunnmeetaee captur- stand at the Ilett Hells, between Fruit
ed ` u...... , White Cap's right hand Leake sed Fats pat. Th. haunts fay be
roan. The S ssua Beth - ulry pant' intenrg placing his captiess and his
t.. the last apwptug grouted ..f \ 'nate women and children at the front so the
Pale. and for tor,. drys the trial of the troops way amt be able to bre upon him.
vivito war followed rapidly The Indians However we have to fire spun hint.
travelled all outdo, mud wens maktog ter However we bare our artillery, and frusta
the South. Peter McDonald, from tae what is shown at drill a flank muvetueut
Carrot ricer auttfement, assisted tbd c„uld be made as quickly as b7 cavalry.
IueL.tt tet folio+'-_ the trod- The HI' There will also be with us a mounted
1.ol4t that he and fourteen of the goes
ern.* general's body guard succeeded on
Tural1o�y evening 11. capturing White
Cap &nMM twenty ten of his tribe. After
hard nhin¢ on, Troopers McN•b and
&Mabee is 171 miles over a very gold cosi+ from Gement Middleton. He pr..
trait The route is by .0 odds the 1 duos. a note from the general, which
shorted sod beat They traveled day reed u Louis Riol-
aud night, dnvitig four hours and then 1 • T oat wt!I rurnnder 1 will tr.omias
rwwtiav two hours thtougbout the whole ' you protection for under and awnos•
ivarney. The horses were feel on ..eta I yon pr til u ars yourself
with by the sed-
O...d wavNewas p.toitul,sadtliey realise I y"
ata Nor tie Jaw leje en gar ,dT�'ht , f the 1 •uthorittee
del, sa alale bums ltkl: Yut•1 "littM Ila t. Mizeneros."
side the town. Calot. Young wrist tea•. 1 The wee dated lath May. Ceidauuiog
lute the town alae.% and f.wad urdere he sold . - "I did mot receive this mute
awaiting ham to deliver his prie..net t • I ti.I the 'hit.. Meson as i received it 1
the Mounted Adieu at Reeies. Wheo i proceeded to sus -reedit myself. There
they left Oen Middleton it was intend will to. doubt be a fair tem l."
ed to bract, Biel to Wnuupeo, and Capt. "Will the Indiana Nat 1' a ran this way on Saturday night to
l t)tter's souk u•1 must Barry O. Mclean. of Port Klein,
std Harry didn't tart'
men, with light carte and with as little
begttatte sad •eppiiw as pusasble, so as le
row- the whole euuatry and strike r.gide
1 'epees Big Bear will react give tap.
If he dims I eh.tld treat hew sa 1 here
P"undwaker. if he dues not 1 *Ash at-
tack hem Iwmedlately.
Drapy, 8a�rdashc�:
All parties fettles their sale bills piloted &I
this (Once will get • free carder inserted
iry Goods
o s
this list op to the time et sole.
Auction sale of valesble household
furniture, all in reed studious', the pro-
perty of Lewis Trott's). nest deur to the
C..Iburue b.tel,Ouderich, by John Kaes.
•uctinaeer, at one o'clock p.m., on Wed-
nesday, the 3rd of June, 11186.
Asensio eat•.. i
Cook. orf Huime•nlle. visited
fete& a here last weak.
Miss Rachel Gordon, of tShopptedtna,
was the guest of Mies McAllister last
Our architect and his staff are now en-
gaged at Porter's Hill.
Oli rat WIU►&L. - The tint bicycl.cs
of the ses.•ea here were Keith McLean.
J Lue. Elwood, of tiudertch, who. took
Young ends such arrangements a would ' 1 do nut u"w.
*sable tom t.• remelt there at tea .;:lei► the _isdi+ue pa..eitfdtb.m (rem juwtug
on Sunday morning. The specirl trans ( mt. Had they c..rais woe they wen Ta-
was is roadimw early next euurni!g,wd pe ted the tiuht would have Duet' worse.
the patty drove inti teen, &rid weior As at was 1 had ^buut'l,0 of them w.th
aboard at 9:30; tem h .nes later they 1 Mr. Fithlad" had several Len: a•scor-
were at the police barracks at Ra{inn. I AI„mut ,...w Look out for o..tnplaints
and Riel was formally handed ore, t,. .atlona today with Riel on the subject of from the army in the Northwest, abort
the authorities. Copt Young mid a fila nsligiow views. He was .cults will- the site uutal»ts, mud bad memoirs"(
1 I _a a- lama that he le not at the great uu,•yuiw of the Veins. N hen
up that night, bet mused through on
Senility, having beet, detained at the
sand t. amu over night.
titans hist test killed a bear, and theparty left Ketone by the tegu:ar trio' it cwt to talk,
J force of 150 mem, n that if Big Hear 11 "'cl..ck Sudeley nIYbt, and readies. one with the church of Rome He is
tacalry helped thew to dispose of some dons male the stand proposed, he will t videntl � tr tt. t., create s •m th for
rump stork. \\ lute Ca states thin \Vinnipeg tart ey.maq. The whet chief ) trytoo 1 1
I p nen us the bort possible chance ..f de- did riot show any sig- of unearinese .o Li:n.clf &moor, Protestants. His great
armed half breeds and Creed threatened him. Ttln gum has emcvrtut his ora down. lie seemed to thin. ti.at . is'tapcithy to the priests consists in his
to shoot him if he did not join Riet. :.'(t �owttc'd polies, the infantry nuto* y F.,.tred ..f their interference in atoned
The hostiles took all White Ca •0 oven,Ica..." love l., pay a .wets penalty, i
lj 3Mt and the taawrtrn ern an attired ntatlen. They have t• o much to do
uta eel twined to his fats He
Ica bestins to get h:, woe in the Is.ys
will forget ala shoot Bite gap., the hart -
tack, sod other .. inor hardships. --
[Hamilton Spectator
Scomessu lite:-. -aid you know
that milk which has turned or changed
killed and ate theca. lie Jeoe ed the reserve tet /70.It is hoped that as im t heed P with civil affairs The council/it liatottirs
mod ant be eweetettoad must made ht toe
a very re.ige.us grate.
Indians with all wuur.r of pnxoi.ee. mediate -drtace will be made, since we • i& I a le,igiuu* creed of distinct d"c•
batl>Irl.tl his 4•i•a on Ptooviolenea �� (bed o teach the aerate by stimuli(
1n a heels soda. Jot
The cavalcade, whish rues auto °In, I Are distant scarcely 100 miles from Big I trines, wh.ch they w e t Nye an authority. The remedy against
was dtcided'y • unYtwe ane h.iadrdd by I liver and his white captives. Ar st, els freely tel the reb.ilio 1., and I people. Among the dogmas are the col•
_ the bite uta 'moque.. m oil of thyme.
harder, that t3oer ha gallsetly I w t H dad t atl to ouncwtW l sae believe all true believers constitute
Mrs. Whit. 4,-.441t oar tient I'leseeks
sews mow vI TualA related all the cin:eawtanalasers, :
s that led up -
• o. tora e n e oar Wwp
This herb could h• grown in the yr -
offered S mount to the distingutshed ' Vicroal►, N. W. T.. May 19. -The true position among the rebels. Hethe true church.
lady. anxiety here with regard to the lack Of asserted. that he was tha supreme !read, W. 3,, :,.,t c ..,,,e in the infallibility
The tas•nrtrn were - - ". hted at their r prus Leona. i• arptdly isue&Mng. t\ a and directed .11 their mos memo •-mth• ,f the Pope.
release, They state that while no the ' sill probably not have enough to last tory as well as political. The idea that We bettere in the inspiration of He*
each more than a week, and we inset be Gabriel Dement was the marital leader of dttferent kind& j V u jf] j j V mala ifl •
trail they were surrounded by 1110 in.Scriptures and the nett of even roan to _i -
duns. They had no escort and but little' delayed here until supplies come troy w a mist -ken one. The halt breeds and learn the troths they content "s
an.tuuaittow, and yielded to the demand . Edmonton. The settlers are delaanding Indialu looked upon Eitel as something we believe it. regularly ordained min- maim. The change of tariff has caused treat eaci•e-
exurbitant ewes (Jr prow of all meat . so has
to surre.tder their arms The Indians P P sun than human, end hu re!agr•.us fn Clinton.Clemson. a the Iamb Inst-, Mrs. raged t 7.S ',
promised them an wort, hut the Stoute. kinds and io many cams money aill tort vltwshsd great intu.nee with them in m Ste tonere in a f .rat of church qne- yeasLathliem. mother of lin M. )lurks. •did
years mad •,r months
The subscriber wishes to inform
the Public that he has opened out
• Large and Well-Ai.ortetl Stock
of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods lit
the premises next to l;. N. Davis..
where he will use every legitimate
effort to give entire satisfaction to
all who may favor hint with their
floods marked in plain figures.
wail no second price. No cutting in
prices stn leading lines, believing
ID the acknowledged hottest prin-
ciple of a reasonable per centage-
lon all goods alike.
I refrain from advertising price,
as it is n• fair test of cheapner. ,
and often mitileading.
As to whether the goods and
prices are right, I leave it to a dis-
criminating public. clad will abide
by their verdict
The Public's obedient servant
tosterich. May Stb. ISW.. neo]e.
deli and w....ds by sowing the seeds. _
Hung rip in the Iedroms it will ken!, to ii T fa i1 t'1
mosquitoes away. t4ovne use a link
camphor, ter carbolic Soap agallist vermin
compelled them to return to camp
where they were well treated. Pound- WILL comet -taw etc ■$L$ Wei, who thanked him for hat kindness. we believe there a one G. i-wet.tey .tedsttyears.
maker was eery polite, and the' ROY. Mr. Pitblada also shook hands to Lind : to Christ ; to Mary . to the to Cottrerwe Towo•►tp. a wedao•d.T. may
half breeds waited upon them and at- Rev. Canoe McKay. who baa boldly 1 with him, renserking, "I thusght you saw.. tet` `t'sa'r` 111 yr.. aged Irvin
leaded to their writs. Three ha,e of I ventured into Big Bear's camp h. minister ; were going G. Winniptee.' to wee -h Rist We believe in the final *Ovation "t all
Cne tumoral will take plass from his late
newspapers Ito the comforts of the captives, is the responded byi ' Pre foro residence. Colborne on Friday aneraooa.JlaT
caw n ores its elle melte captured clergyman •t Furt 3iel.eal. I • y �' mem Set.. at 2 o'clock. Yrtends and acquaintances
and were opened. The news of the ser• I He Anglican widelyknows all over the North- fir- Pitblallo' froth amp:. ot!p•e Mr Pitbladu Baked Riel, "How would i oil; please accept t"..v intimation.
render ..1 Rae!, demoralized.Tete the Indians,' i of aetimatitK Hiel'e share°t�, u � you answer if you were charged with --
d West, acrd u hold in file vary highest' convinced flirt lir is us coward, thou ge % treenon t" I -
purchase them. ) parting Capt Young shook hands with I emeent, preferring; episcopate. in Hinton. os ;th )IST, Deo. 'Meese&
7 months.
they reiuruing the prisoners andoffering j esteem fcr bar mteUeatueJ ►uaanmeou, 1
he due+ not pretend to be the fierce war- 1 I would say. first, that whilst I was
•1 sn,f i wanted f or f
our Sys hat ( qualities, and his earnest
The teamsters had ret interview with i °m! 4 nor that GstRisF ohno,•tie is R rd. a subject of the English government 1
Col. Otter, but the result 'f the commie piety. He u pertly Crest by !tithe When claims to have been in all the engage- ' war loyal to the coeatituttuu If I. with jl W. BALL, ACCTIONZER FOR
ho expressed his deteraiirtsaiun W gee othersinstrumental in beeunng . the County of Huron, Balee •trended
Pre t t Duck Lke an, F osh
talion has not been made public. It was into Bay Bs.re ram h. watt wariol moo a • u , were in am part of the County. Addrs . to
the paws of *he victory at Batoehe that p y I Creek as well as at Fiatuoh., aria Mr. the recognition of the rights of the half ' uoderich P.O. olden.�
remonstrated each by meaty friends, but Pitblsdo uys he ea" Bice gaud estrum- I "reeds m lfsottuba, my conduct was
did the trick. 1'uwadrnaker had intend• relied thea he tx,astdered at lar 1)e hes
rd joining Hied., but when he heard of duty to go, and ezpteesed the hope that I scandal evidence in v cntietun of bus oto,lnued, if not justified, by the treaty
the tatter's de/est and subsequent cap u he knew Bear not onlystatement. The Rev. gent .mea bar • which the torernment mad& bea,ndly, '
lure be at once released his prisooeef would his own safe� m eeztam memento of Itiel in an iuscnptinn writ-
rit- .the Dumlotom government teoucnizoid me
and sent them to the camp •t liattlefurd y 1 tea sty him on M, the fIy-slse*t of a ter t u the ruler of Ilessiu.ba for two mouths, i
with peace overtures. The coalfaces 1
to �' that ho might b• able I tament loaned him, and which u ss fe" I from the 44th of June tell 24th of
state that the braves are clamurvue furs q
cessation of hostilities, that dissensions R*LZ.tsr: or THE rRlAONr.R.+. Rest thanks you, ran. sir, for eke very
hare occurred in their ranks, and that a Maes he has goo. into the easy of the I Christian sermon which you have had
few days ago the squabbling reached bawds Indiana we liar. not had any the kiudoees to pcsaoh in favor of the
such a pitch that Chief Little Pine was Maw oommsnie.tios from him. The [edema during the war." The rev. gem -
treacherously poisoned. Y"ung Quinn. pie best du not tits 1lMf timer cisdit . Homan u favorably impressed by Kiel u
who brought the Dews of the Frog Labe ter the sightest &mount of anything like a man. Nevertheless. ha is of opinion
massacre. is reported to have pees later chivalry, and regard him as sty, oow&rd- that he should be banged fur the sake of
dere!. ()tie of the teamsters may he as• ly, and utterly without principal, so that the country. H. Inmate -ins that this
untamed that two weeks ago McLane the friends of Cantor McKay, who live should be the fate of the leaden of the
and the other fugitives loin' Fort Pitt here, have whops' whatever of his bang rebellion, and all who have taken au ac -
were alive and still prisoners with Big sbIs t last iddisarmed, (be-
Bear, who led them a terrible existence.
Halt breeds say that the Indian forte
st Cut Knife Creek was four hundred
low• : "May 20, I(lflli--Isms David Au art 1870. 1 governed Manitoba
when Wolseley entered ; he proclaimed
me a bandit, not • traitor ; he never ar-
rested me ; when Governor Archibald
Dame he shuck hands with lee, so did
tko1. Irvine, and I served faithfully in
trying to pet down a Fenian inveaio•.
The government recognised my services
I rust/pied my seat in Pruvenoher to a
member of the governatOt. I have I
shown the government many favors,
(erred •stn le
o sooeeed in effecting hu oh' live part in it mhos be seat • while they have con e
and bel' that be will be treated like
enfranchised, and have their property favor on as. I have been true to the
the prisoners --Hedy in Big Rear's pos. ctntisoated. Mr. Pitbldo had two in half breeds. 1 have not rebelledagainst
the am a ctti-
subatatnce of the coevetsa'i "t on each oo- sen of the United States. tad I have my
Polonpapers all right. A citizen of the United
•' Where a your wile' Matas tart .e•reely be a traitor to tLe
" A tittle below the place *Ler. you Liominwn
saw the children un the bank. blot`• How did you come t o it, t, the
lives with her cousin. I have two child- Cooed States ;.
rem, a boy and a girl. The baby girl u •• Relh the trach is I west at the
about eighteen months old. I had my earnest solicitation 14 Archbtahop Tache.
wife and &h,ldern teach a in Montreal.' He told OW that it would be in the in -
session. termites with Reel. The following is the got eminent. Besides, L
and fifty, and that the total force was
about five hundred. The Indians were vluut roe AT sarrLamau.
were caught mostly asleep and were Harroaeoan, N. W. T., May 2 -
obliged to fight Riel's emissary and Th. Simmer Nor:bweet, with (lea. MieL
two other half breeds were in the tight diction, came in at 9 thn evening. Fuer
After the battle Poundtuaker wanted to hundred volunteers are with hien.
go to the Rockies• but the Stonies would Rev. Father Cochin is jun in with a
not let hien Little Poplar is now with I commuaic&tiun from Pou.dmaker saying
-Big Bear. The latter was inrited three
to join Poundmaker, but watt no •n•
ewer. Big Bear was not in the fight,but
one of his sons was The Indict loss
is stated to have been fifty killed and
seventeen woutoied. It is dated that
1i11; Bear has been illtreating his prisms- letter they all laid down theft arum.
en. This was on Thursday last. The Indians
a POW -wow. have already oomanencsd moving in to
that he will •urr.ader unconditionally.
The Indians are now eosin, to talk with " Do you knew where yt.0 are now t" tempts c the people for me to retire,'
Middleton. They are thoroughly eared. " Yes, geotgraphaclly, but politically I it I did au, I would never regret it. He
There are about forty breeds with them do not know whist the authorities will do said .leu that as he represented Christ
The Indians member seek. Wh.a with m..' should obey him. I told him his argue
the priest gave Pousdreaker Col. Otter's " How far did your rifle -pits extend anent amu good, and tI he would take all
down the river r the responsibility of my going I would
Well. about two mile& I planned retire &crmas the line. ' • •
the matter with toy connctl and the In• ''How muck money did the govern
I',usoes sewer, May 20, ria Clark e
Crossing. May 22. -Beard and 011e -
repels. chiefs of the Duck Enke reserve,
with some chief men held a pow -wow
with General Middleton today, express-
iug loyalty. Both were severely sena•
questioned by the general.
The priest says the enemy were two
days burying their dead at tout Knife
hill, sixty at least. The rebellion is
virtually over.
The word " coulee," whish appears in
dispatches from the sear of 0... Mid-
deans.1 forced t tight sent pee ynu T
• T ION EKR and Land valuator. tiodericb.
On'. Haring had considerable experience 1.
the auctloneering trade. he is in • po•itioa te
discharge with ttwruurh .atufaetiun ail comae
missions entrusted to him. Orders lett ca
Martin's Hotel. or neat by mall Ie my addrwa�
Velars* P. 0.. c&retalty attended to. Joust
KNOX Potency Aactio.•eer. 1ah17•U
T. undersigned coo still supply • tali Resell
the celebrated
Seea�i�ill�r ChiILe�i Plows
i>Noe. 10. 26, 28 and 40,
At Reduced Prices.
Special Iadoceieets to kegs.
Ha•o, also for nal. the Canadian "Maros"
end American Meunier*.
Ooderk Oat
May iAlb. I463. INT -2m
Bedroom Meta,
Woven Wire iced..
Mitoses. Tables.
('aarscated Clain. t los.
How -backed ('hairs. 4 des.
Picture frames below, oast.
1 won't be undersold by any dealer on the
top of the earth
$ 375.
15 ,0.
a M.
• TS
4 26
Weal street. sett door to V. Canteloa's bait
�fary�. ,opposite clank o! Montreal.
w,Sd.rtek. )larch eith. teat. 1ff6-n,
This Camerae was organised en the ISM or
April last. and le now In artier operation. aril
Is prepared so rerrl s a •pplicatioes for Won.
throe Security.
le Company being • local imeltelea. can
to borrowers treater fa"ilitite for set
tales their liens executed with climates. then
boa be had froom outside a foreign Camgaa-
lee. with whom days and weeks are often re-
quired to close rip a loan.
When Title and security are satisfactory.
borrowers may otaata their money from W...
Company on day of application.
Due attention hap been paid to meaning
8oltekrws chart". a the lowest rats.
leorteaaeo purchased if security and titles
are fed of.
A gayeties fleet DRawch will be sheet)
oponsd by the (.mpmay. I Ore will be
*the lfipAut Central ea on their de-
•7naCempanrs titres are on this miner of
ware and Narita HL. la the Nd susiu
the Dry Ooetde store of J. C. Delon
Josrrw WILLIAM, tint,
W. J. R. Mimosa. Vice. !dant.
HIR R. J. 1'.arwa*niT.
SHsanrr Oasa on•.
Wu. M. ORA y, searorth.
J. 14. Ko7mt1il nnon.
Jostle Acwsm,N, Dederick.
J. H. CnLwnaw<
C•511.s0*. HOLT & V•1111110/1.
• af.05N.
Oed•rich. 711i May. 11113. UM
was or o, AT THE
Win foreed yoe 7'
•' 'Atte police and the Hudson Hay .em
pany. They tjrranuized neer us , they
abused their power : trey would take
everything fr .m us.
" Is not this rebellion a bad job for
Beardy protested that he had always dleton's operations in the Nnrthweit, .. Yas' eery baa, bat a gold Protli-
been loyal end wished to keep his tribe signifies S ravine, or. more definitely, dense has ptwvanted it ir' i berg „Orim
the sante. He was unable to do this, as what to the Eastern States a termed • Had the Indians whom we exyeoted join
• number of his young mon took part in gully. The word is used, not m British ed us we would hese been exec atr,nger
the Duck lake and Batoche fighta against Amens• al"no, but also in T)akota mild and abler to resist "
his will. When asked why he had mot Montane- It is pronounced as if spelled .. thew may ntsn Lest y,a i,t tae
notified the p.hce that the rebel forces "cooly," with the &comet oat the fire fight r
had leathered at Buck Lake, he said lie syllable. "Abort 600. I ettl.ected an attack r a
t touyht he was dura¢ enoughwham he TIM WTI cu dff ti e•1�. the north side of the river, and left 150
warned his young men •r�aagainstt pwtiapat m.n to net w attack .,n e: ada.
mg A.eueapondent with Qti' litter M Thi. wsalelsirti w on the "char othdes'
The general said AS he was not role W the Cut Knife Creek fight says : "Anotb• Where were you donut; the tight*'
command the young men, he was not At er eoenieal episode happened during the At tint, when the mist wet (.11 the
to be chief, and he should reemineand thickset part .of the fight. 1 ditn t wit- river I was tin the north side, bbl when
that he no lunger be considered as chief, nese it, unfortunately. tut the fellows the attack was merle I went everywhere
and it would be a matter for aonaldrn- wore telling about 1t, so 1 will just pat it among the fern, and all through et
tion if he Iwo not removed from the re pat.
serve. All depends on his stood behavior.
Ile .the reuo.r•I' orao going to send men
to repair the telegraph seises, and tl •
aingle -that was fired at the see, lee would
send a force and barn the reserve mud
punish all
sItemessie admitted hting at Tock
like Sed Bataehe, but was ton much of
a coward to shad on our men, although
is. Major tlbort of B battery was firing
at an Indian, who was within range,
with • revolver. and a private in front ofhim was urns the same redskin for .
tonrgg+st They both bred almost t.gethu. They were against us trvit.g to redress
mast the red ddeb ed tip Major Short oar own grievances. trey since the
said "Roe tae d that red devil 1 But doctrine of the .-fallibility of the Pop
hong i
the prim/. tt dityereaty and, with- wasprlepe.ndsd they tare been very
ort terdsg eend, raid, "Yoe'ra
ast4her ! I dropped hitt '" latagin•
" Were the priests friendly to you
" They were net and they were. They
isolated on as better submissive to them.
t nnieal. They did not wish the pe.' -
e it. do aeythini, hut priests to do a11.
he had •gun, to satisfy Rlrl. tee •orpril d major •t bene, thna f they had Men an favor of peace i
The (seers' ssid . "A rnward is not fit addressed. They til' yet* a war "f wowkl have been with them. They were
v it 1 bNNte the v!e all 'eat hut not int
the time sesames• of wham he war Pero• 'They need a dosbl.-edged
in be a chief A chief should 1.. s breve words overPri favor f etthant f .r pn
man." and onesequently he would ender
hie title to he taken away. No tobacco
or p..rk, whish had been .shad tor.wuuld
he given.
1 he general left in apparent dimmest
after orders/ the treaty medals of the
obi. hides to be taken sway.
Th.. two depwsl chiefs did not betray ley in Fopt upon hi• faint vi,tdrtea
the let emotion.
RILL AT Rr..t\11.
talking to --M had to keep ha 5715 en sword They ter..i ..ar psepte Km"
glag.d !meat-•mai the ta,jsrelltjaged them �
,•esethey oeurpalibi inset wee.
the joke. ' They teemed Protestant" *gated clan
W ete,,ip n, May 23. Gen. Middleton bera.me they opposed these. T7.. perm
has received antgratulatory telegrams seek power for themselves, nee gond of
from Lord L.•downe and laird Weise the people. They aro imams( the Pre-
yrMmte leek politically and r leentudy.
Tby are against me how. not heresies F
rebelled. bet because i did ate succeed
•' y 4t,1 you tight 1
"The people compelled me to A• .o
i meats, May 24 The train armee,.
( Biel era h at 11.30 yesterday.
The Saskatehewan a again rising
rapidly and m r
three feet above the ave
ae water level of the sesame fttomrtsers
ret cr arrived
ere will now be able to do effective service se
Rist we* stelae taken ...h-trM
rr.cks. The ap..rte hat alma Swift Current and
tttal d•Nti..na
"Thy clave m. --seT wife
£200 "
Mr Fabled,. mos Rtel then went into
an explanation of how the halt breeds in
the Northwest met for him. He called
them liod'a people, not his. He describ-
ed the fight at Due" Lake, where he was
present. Hs spud about the bght at
Batoche. and said, with tears in his
eyes, "I saw my cotnpa•wos killed, my
wife and children threatened with death.
and I felt this a bad job He declared
he did the beet he could for the prism -
Pet 'NDwat[A a Pelw•l*Z&-
O:tawa, May 27 --Before the orders
..t the day were calved the hon. minister
of militia announced that be was in re-
ceipt of a telegram frum Geo. Mlddle-
t on, which be thought would be of in-
terest lit the house. The despatch is
dated today from Ba'clstord and is as
follows -
1 have made prw•ners of Poundmsiter
and Lean Man. Yellow Mud. Blanket
.teed Beeakmg.thrnugh•tho-Ice, the most
mfluenual and dangerous men about
1 have also the two mea who killed
Payne. the ladaan metre/tor. and Free-
/ swine. ringer -White Boar, wb.. hailed
Paye., sed Wahwan:ta who killed Free -
event. My next base might be we:. But
Povndmaker brought in the teams
takes. and gage up tore hundred sad ten
end of mems end eve revolvers. Have
ordered them to etre up 1M doer taken
and the horses and cattle. and 1 am
sending part of the police to Mee if It is 1
alliven up.
Tl. 90th hate jest strived by steamer,
and a» is temp. TM red see corning
by lank
if obliged to more os the lsdians, d
propos organitini a forme of mounted
infantry made .p of police, B.oaltne'e
m..tented infantry, ,nota end some
m,ur.ted artillerymen : is all 'tout 300
Matti theta haft winter that ver bill of
Juts renrived. a large csaateament of the West India and Montserrat brands of
Zime Inuit T' ices
in Bottles of all else&
Make. • most healthful and refreshing beverage for the sumwter mason.
A Lot of Apollinaris and other Mineral Waters.
FSlt'i ll MI'P1'LIFst OF
Hellebore, Paris Green, London Purple Insect Powders
rte.. rte., ete.
P. JORDAN, Medical $alb, Goderich.
Goods to be Cleared Regardless of Cost.
Drive in Lace Curtains.
WonderfW Bargains in Tweeds.
Dewe Goods at Panic Prices -
J. C. DETLOR a 00.
Oederieh. May Sth. Ian.
ilsau's Pracrilliell Ong Slot
Gout Home Square, podorich,