HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-5-29, Page 7rHh HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, MAY 4, 18155.
Tun an fancy.
beet so.s ars the shortest Whiter
heaves. •- - -. _ _
satrvo•s mit S'M1rprierty and iro-
pees shake heads.
"Weetb jberpisejbl les gold" is not the
meat sompliksoleMee thing that ep be
said about a *emits, ai she world have
to weigh 300 poend$ to brio, her Talmo
up to 5100,000.
At breakfast tbs other mwnimigo New
Yuri glide declined ii (,ince of shad. lie
said AN 'u�. _(bel , and he didn't
wail lit MAI Illeisdf f eft ate poeitioo he
okprgid i. society.
An Elmira moo has coot rotted to sup
y .s festers firm with 100,000 be .,e
Aad yet it $ mrmasary to in-
troduce the whipping -post in several of
the States 1. r tl,e peuuhmeut of wife -
A New Jersey pedagogueadaertktes "s
.dist school full evict boys faentlemea's
ualy). ' We wpm' the boy who bad
the miefo.rtune to be a won of a woman
coalda't tet there, w, sot for minty.
Tbe ode of a brand uew member of
Concise told her neighbor that her fam-
ily would remove to Waabiaiton,but she
was eadeeidad as to how they would tree
is tbs Oapital ; she favored taking nue
sof the Potomac rata
'Pomade, air i' politely said a barter
to a cranky customer iu his chair. 'Nu,'
M ,wind, 'I don t want any oleoouar-
se on my head.' 'All ntrbt, sir,' said
beefier, 'I armor put bolter on cab-
. An emelt* resin's--'Ye..telid Fender-
rendercoo, 'I've quite an ear for nitric.'
' You're quite an ear, rure •$enga,' said
Fogg, 'but 1 sass t sure it moss for music.
1 didn't knuw but it was intended fur a
Mr. Gladstone recently cut down • fine
cherry tree. Aa he borrowed the axe
from a gardener, and was asked a, ques-
tions, he wiU probably not go donu to
posterity with a• great a reputation fur
veracity as George Wa,hiugtun.
A German went to a friend and mid :
"To -morrow 1 owe you 590,000. 1 am
ruined. I cannot pay it, and 1 cannot
*Weep a oak." The creditor said : "Vy
dada t yo.a wait to dell one tomorrow
low neither mon I *bleep a vtok.'
James Kelly, • brakema•, running out
of Seat Portland, Or., a Mw days ai'o,
was sabred with a tit .•f vomiting, and
thr�ew u�Fp a lin beard, Cully two metes
In 1ee1Rti The brakeman remarked that
it was • entafort to know that it was not
a "deadhead."
It is said that no young ctrl ever fully
tel 5 kiss moil else mites moeth-
f of m o.stscbe in her teeth. In snob
Gales the young eiri may Mimeo, .he is
eating sweet eons on the halt shell and
boo .wallowed some c f the ilk.
A lover of good coffee entered a grec-
.ry rwoestly, and holding op a handful
of ground c. tfee from a big can he en -
.tared : 'Am there any beans in this
coffee r `No, air,' promptly replied the
groom, 'How do pm know T .eked the
tan. 'Became I was oat of beans aid
had to put pees in !' was the aaswer.
'Pa, what was that place where the
procession .topped and you all went in
and stood at the counter, and you hit
Mr. Brown on helmet with • glass mum r
Thee the family loot all iuterat in the
conversation and lir. Holirday . appetite
tressed, and after breakfast he invited his
sol to • woodeb.d seance for yogurt
gsetlamon only, pro him • topdte.sing
of shingles nem/much that lie mold be
heard at the distance of half • nide.
SHtTT1Io IT? A Bihor. —A certain
Bishop in the How of Lords roes to
speak, and snneuneed that be should
divide whet he had to say in twelve
parts, when the Doke of Wharton inter•
rupQpt�' dd him and bagged that he might be
indulged for • few minutes, as he had •
.tory to tell which M onuld only intro -
dues at the esutsenL A drunken fellow
was p.ssins by St. Pant's at night, and
beard the clock slowly chiming twelve.
He counted the strokes, and when it Sas
finished, looked towards the clunk sod
said : '—you ' wby couldn't you give os
all that at once T' There was an and of
the bishop's dory.
1dvmaaswl arm.
A gentleman who was visiting one of
the public schools in a Texas town asked
a bright looki.e
'What profit is there in
g0sient history r
'About fifty cents, 1 radion,' was the
'What Y
.Wal. the tMicher nukes us buy the
book of him, and we have to pay s dol-
lar. I think he gets them for fifty cents
apiece .i so he has / clear profit of fiftg
coats, sc.ordsmgt y cru'e`t fun.
the study of
-rang Valera tests.
"t:bs1 Justicewilas very 'nay 'aT• colune, making 4O0,00' lb. At the
there is no object in hnldioR elections if 'whet vette of bb colli pie pound we
unptiencip1ed officers of the law thwart have the snug sum of $12'x,000 for the
the will of the people in this way."— wax ►lune.
The most experienced bas keepers all
(Toronto Telegram-
Then when Sir John's "reyeling bar-
risters " elect the members what about
it f The law franchise bill is • measure
whose fiat oect is to thwart the will of
the people. Chatham Banner
farm ane IarOen.
Pse. the sprang work *Dino.
1 s
1 Comb, Cold or ..y B,wmebia.l •Iodism
,tali sow «da dl•s.dr.d t•d't ,i. p1, tt yoga, }s M'pt 1M
io lair ,pnllei�ts of i �r q t �Llt. �a1� it t(h♦ t tl�yi f/tWr
limas lana Itlaeweg,e. A Bassoons Taaeemeiy. —Fur a
' ifa/.er eaabeso m ieessonota - - - /+,,,a,Ar esideegtj„gDl,lb. 1 eh",earl Guide Itt4 peat healf
The another ben is the beet incubator. si ted telex • .eek after the nuree with the unit .uyaned mosses, .isd to -
MA twait fur irk"( d. w t •tikes slew tttewhus, ♦ Pett id soot. day wy 'quututr of is is that 1 wetinw
y �s tied up 1. • shish sad immersed w t►s to thunk soli inure 4 twat which 1 boom
The omason leaved parsley is the
best for Lsunng.
To drier mils into very hard wood
dip their points is oil.
(live the buy a calf or colt to raise
for 'his very own.'
Frog farming is to be tried at Hemp -
:teed, Long Island.
1V,it fur settled warm weather before
you picot aurgbum.
Blue grass is proouunced the moat too
trilbies of all the gra....
The fanners wile does not receive
half 1 he credit she der. us
An illiuuis man i. aleicted with 'lou-
der. muen' from a horse.
The white .4 an •gine good end com-
binable remedy for berm.
One progressive, brainy fanner eta
make up • dose old fugiea
More toe• aro tniured ley being pack•
d too wet than paled too dry.
Ar. Irish paper says rest donkey is
excellent, resembling turkey.
Many good farmers use little manure
at a time, but apply it often.
In some parts of France land is very
high, yet agriculture it profitable.
It Is better to cultivate a few •ores
tab aro.ghy than to skim over '.any.
Many Louisiana auger planters, di•.
awragcn by low price, talk of trying
Nom is the time t, go afield with 'the
boys' and supenotend operation.
Owing to :he great agricultural depres-
Sun, laud is very low-priced in Raglan&
A few evergreens planted here and
there add greatly to the beauty „t •
New vegetables, fruits and strains are
generally overrated by their introdocera
Let the boys and girls have plots 1
their own to cultivate. You will
The sheep interest of Tenseness is said
to be 'nearly iaralyeed by wurtkiesa
Many Tennessee cnuotres have no
waton roads and Carmen go about oa
horse back.
A. the object of root•pruniwg fruit
trees is generally to promote freitfulness,
it in beet to de it when the shook to
growth is greatest, and this is in roideam-
mer or after the trees est into fell leaf
in the sprite_ On the ether band, if it
desirable, mit generally s,to salivate in
orchard with the least iwjery to the
trees, it should be early in the spring.
New roots pot nut, and the tree is rather
Isom 'igneous than before, especially
when it had been in ,od.
Ellwaneer & Harry recommend a dry
soil for transplanting young tree., either
naturally or by draiaa;e ; well prepared
and melwed by plowing, at least twio.y
befureband, fleet with • common plotisw,
and then with a sob -soder. I1
ground is not rich, or has been exhaust-
ed apply fertilisers and work them in
thoroughly. or turn under a heavy coup
of clover. or old manure or compost, so
as to make the land rich enough, if r..
gwrd, to ruse good 001H. This should
be done in good time before the trees
are set.
Foots are useful for various other
perp- ors betides what have already been
state ! They make good wind breaks
to potter our crops, orchards and stock
from the rigor of winter, and keep the
stow from drifting and blowing from
our fields, and exposiat the crops to
the wind and cold. They slow shield
o s. our property and growing crops from
storms and t.rapests of summer, while it
is well known that forests induce rain in
time of drouth, and afford the beet of
habitation! fo wine d our most beautiful
and useful birds. By the evaporation
alum gtraatity d walls, a ate m meld -
lent •tad ode atl.lnlart.
• (:audytuft is beautiful is the hanging
basket. The white is the prettiest.
With good sod and treatment it will
bloom long and.buodaatly iu the winter.
Seeds eau be store dueesly in the
took in which it is desired dere
Gower. I ossa tettaefereed a few thrifty
young plaits of bachelor's bantam from
tie garden to the home in autumn, sad
pea .urprINd to see them blooming free-
ly in ti. whiter.
Astor seeds mu L sown late iu the
spring se us June, and the youngplots
isaspleahed several times. Thm .in
raw theta w bs stocky mud w have good
nerta. thee risk soil and plenty of maydays
in a tool plane. If the weather is dry
water and mulch. They easy be taken
up is the fall when iu b.tao,m ; puna
each plant is a pot Just Targe enough to
head it easily, and retie. .. to a and
situation is the house,
Dahlias may be grown to bloom the
ant season from seed. They should be
planted in the Mose or hot -bed not later
than the middle of April and transplant-
ed when three or fear inches high. Foe
a number of yeas the Mehi•.n galled fur
double dahlias, as it did for double
Bowen of all kinds that could he oruwu
so, but lately single Bowen are .'using
more into favor and single dahlias hays
again appeared. sad tbey aro very Bae
for cutting. For the mourns nothing is
hoer "r more showy tban a good selection
of dahlias.
Clematis seeds have a hard outer c -.at,
and require to be Kept moist far a con-
siderable time before germinating. It
is host to mow the seeds ie the fall in a
acid frame, or in a well prepared bed.
If reeds are mown in spring it should be
as early as possible, or, in order to save
trouble in weeding before the punts
appear above ground, it is a gad plan
to mix the seed with moist sand, and
keep it most and warm until signs of
eerniini•tiow appear, and then sow it.
When the plants are up provide them
with water as needed, and they wiU make
a fair growth without any particu1m at-
Ftention. —(Vick.
A ourrespondent of V.rk'r Jimmies
tells haw she manages bar tea noes : le
the fall 1 repot my nese in rich elute,
one-third well rutted barnyard manure.
1 we two -team eoomua earthern jars.
Cot the noes. we11 back and water tions,
then plasm thew is • room upstairs with
an east widow and hosted by • ball Dual
store, sever ezemdiU4 !i0°. Every iso
day I leve the window open. When the
buds commence to show themselves I give
them • good drenching with wares water,
hest turning the dirt from the edge of
the jar and putting • teaspoonful of cum -
menial fertilizer all around. Du not
water again for three or four Jaya 1
repeat this three tunes duriug the winter
and have always lovely buds, bhms,ass
sod (tillage, In Jaw I cat back again
and place in • rich border, whore they
bloom until I take than in.'
Land and Water has lately dome a woe-
ful service is pointing out the fallacy of
the widespread belief that ivy trained
against tie walk of a dwa1imelemre is
prndoceive of damp walls and general
unhealthiness. The very oppcsito s
really the case. If any one will careful-
ly examine an ivy clad wall after a show-
er of rain, he will mutate that while the
overtappiug leave hare aondeeted the
water from point to point until it hes
reached the ground, the wall beneath is
perfectly dry and deity. More than this,
the thirsty shoots which fume their way
into every crevice of the etructa,o wkisb
will afford a firm hold. act like sleeken
is drawing oat any particle of esoistsre
for their own nourishment. The ivy. in
feet sets like a great coat, keeping the
house 1r of wet, and warm into the bar-
gain. One more virtue it has, in giving
to the ugliest etractute .n evergreen
from their leaves they modify the ex- i beauty.
frame Mai endure of asmm.r.
tr 1
fee Votes,
A California,' took seven and • :.elf
tams of booty from thirty -hives last sea
eMMt. of aged..
Birds not only cough and sneeze, but
they dream and snore, making most di.-
tressing sounds as if strangling. They
himongh--a very droll stair it is, too—
and they faint away. A geldrineh,
A remarkable yield of hooey was re- having been frightened one night, in his
moiled garnered by H. C. Park from his strapq a' was aught between the wires,
' apiary, near Riverside Cat The yield and ,ave • cry Tike the .goenk of a moose
release, he slipped nit ir' the mom and
flew wildly about till he hit something
and fell to the Boor. He was picked op,
and his fright culminated in • dead faint.
The little head drooped the body was
limp, apparently perfectly lifeless, and
he was laid in his ewes, ready to he
buried in the morning. He was pissed
for the season from thirty-three Dives in distress. 00 my hastening to his
was seven and a half tors, an averago of
414 pounds to the hits.
An emulate ate of the lamp product of
Southern California : Number "f bee
keepers, •2/000: coleses of bees, 100.•
Op 1 astou. of bong to the eoloYy,
(�10 lbs., whiab gives as 20.0006000 lb.
in all. or 10.000 tuna. In addition the
earefully en the heat". however• and in
wax amount. to five pounds t.o the a few nmoate• he hopped upon his peed
•h ok .fat hi. ruAltrl feathers, and eoas-
roomed himself to steep.—(Atlantic Monda-
tkit:lwg well ell.
Gast. Kara. Mummer Oaptn-i�u�..B,,aenk,
Prate -2•a mote at all drupelet& as
Saran . Mad LYMaty
L the only tnatantasenes mho! kr Neu-
ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub-
otng a few dr briskly is aft dad is
needed. Nu taking mammas medbluss
for weeks, bat one taiamt.'s applieatdoa
removes all pain and will ve the great
.else u( Kram's Fluid belling. 26
cents per bottle at George hynaa' de.a
sture b
The Hectic Flash, pale hollow checks
and preosrbws appetite, iadioate worms.
Freeman's Worm Powder will quickly
and efecteally remove them. lm
A eorreepnmdelgt of the fbsntry Rr+db-
span goys that it is a good pian to make
small hotbeds with one aflame •/ window
sash, nuking the footed very rich with
well decayed stable manure. and plant
each hotbed with one kind of seeds—
agree that bee disrelines i» a very •.nous
complaint to deal with. Following are
the answers given to the query, how t•.
treat the above complaint, in the Ameri-
can Bee Journal, by severe) who are se -
k now ledeed as standard •uth'nity upon
an Matters pettaiof.g to apiculture.
Prof. A. J. Ceok's rept, is tit "if Me
tlmpsratsre in the saZLr was above N
degrees P., 1 sb-'uld cool it. I bays given
bop a flight m a warm room, bet thio is
t 'able. 1 have known this to be
dove several times. Very often the
some r
wittier encumbers. enuakm.baa o4{ weepy- .nlomy win do 'ery wtdf Nen if left'
melon. When the mama petmtto, lith ahem- W. Se Hst.wiaess .fates that
the sashes and let the vines grew is the "as ea experiment, I would try giving
boxes, ,peesding OM the sides of them. the bees • flight by carrying them into
fly this method there u no danger of waren mom, giving t6 dry
��.t� batt the growth of the Slants by ..eeba. tied petting a soft anay.reeetbe
ttrai*plantivig thee). and they fan bet haemes. eetle5I11 up se thatthe bum ma
dept from the striped bur by throwing a •eater open the card)7 if how continue
yard oar tee of strainer cloth (which can to sbow MMS 14 diarrhoea after dory ea)
be psrebaaed at ail eents trot yard) tvm have an ooc sinnal flight, 1 weld change
the plimee, whoa the •••bee aro retn,.ved, their combs and ?mall as ab or." Jaw
for fear of scorching them. Hidden remarks that "not saying what
�.... _ an or memo be dos,.. I will my that,
TIM es Uematim. practlea'!y, 'he heat thing to d.. is to
R. F. WIlioster. lllsrth•r.t. , f Ever- give op that colony, and reedy the came
seed of • toren/at k of ' - and rreventiom ; t nily prevent the
- z �- - --- -'t
Seam msim.s. tow aws&
away tiers we wawa urease
Atha aims woo nos a.sweay
tease alar way
w Fisery t felon MNklMo," Mhmtrelad.
.sesame sal awateseres. mama the...
D*M'ait i Clelland sheet Nato. Cs,
i. O. wrtrro0ia...ew ,ass. its*.,
os as.t. a m...
A. STRAIT(1M, Agt., G. T. R. Station,
1994- (lodericb, llat,
Has the Beet Facilities la the Couetr of Huron
for 'timing out every dee. r Id of
Muwrbaau t -aa sot their RUI Heady. Letter
111.4.. et.., k.. priated at tine since tum ver) 1
out* more tiro they issuomily pay for eN
paper, rad It helps sr advertise their business,
Call lad as samples wad get primo
, ''Ofiee—North St., next to Regiatr
Oakes Ooderieh.
" • thorough knowledge of the tutu
pure tiesetbrattcar. 04
tlessltoa sad .atritdea, lad by • caref
•aw1lt Hoo of the Sao properties of web -
reieetid t'eoas. Mr. apes W prrvtded oar
hr..kf•stwith • d•lteate r Aavound
bee w my mare as many hoses
doctor. bill. tis bythe judicious rase of
sorb arttelssof diet ta mainmsttea may
be gradu•U7 wilt .p until etroag rah to
mem every teadr.sy to disease. a red.
of seta* swalsdles are Ao *tag aro.nd m
remote to •t•see wherever there le • weak
t. W. was mumps itsm total abaft try
�.r,uIaee wen teRiaed with pure
odea. .o.rltashome."
d hee.'—a'fetr
dereiss aee.fe.— • with leu
water or milk. labelled tai eel, la Paeie.s b dri-
Hlisioopsiiblc aaeaJeta Ledwi .4*. Sorre le
ausat ter O•es4s. C. L lbtaos. Mostreal.
TurnipSeeds, Millet, Hungarian
rass Seed, Corn and
Private tla invest at rsasona:de rotas
of interest.
Hamilton Street, Gt)derich.
Ooderlcb. far UM tall.
Just Received !
A Wer assortment of the various
The success of the bayonet charge on
the rebel rifle pits at Batoche, has 1d a
member of American papers, which be-
fore were disposed to sneer at Canadian
troops, to change their time, and they
are now willing to give our larys credit
for daring nn the battlefield. This is
very gratifying. /kill, when it conies
down to a question of sold steal. the
American ca•bef• holds his own --and se
mach of other peepla's as he can get his
beads oe.
suitable teromement ppeeasttatm, es well es
Allo writ for the celebtsted t72erIOZ'ff
tCHviiST, the very beet la she market.
Bast street Grain Depot. opposite Tows Hall.
March 0ti. IDA dinette
%sift dirks of tar Dolor are pope..
kir in 'levee for seeming wear, sod the
darker sheere ars suitable for street west'
with any dress not Inc pronounced
Gln.ee may or -nay not match the drew,
hot aregetiervlly derk and unobtrusive
for satire's wear. T. keep the Benda
Irons psrspirlag wash them n estor be s
few Amps 1 aasmtroia hew ben added.
This will he a help, but probably see a
soar sure for one who perspires feedy.
Osehraev sad s&k stores aswrwek wore,
sod I0nse who Bad it dusk to wear
kid will raid as advantage ia mon* dime
few all ae1r111aar Mimeo more dress
gloms see sora iriY�aasb
of the tiro by . aiseee olamine the welt writer. In the'
POstoitiltaleam threat ane 1'o.elity 1 hav* never innateinnatsoysiNtl—
e a
resell treal� ( memo ►a dot time to t NMism21 . _--
s rm. ars pis r anneed, mid
y,teesa+w..r� hrotldrlttS, apd Ord /*Wit
=lee that had j ansae" is •1d- I est t0ti(ta.,L, and ars the Slams* lad
epdt w Liver Pi/1 in see,
Arrival of First D•tachnegs.l
SPRIN3' �.
—AT —
Km the tams Memtdy ghee to £erclula
bemire of a anisestllba that it could be
cured by aka gee tomb. Ths wend it
wiser low, NW knows that
coo may be eared by a blthorough purifica-
tion of the wow. 1t oaf. Ir_ neglected,
the Manse perpetuate■ its taint thmuf ti
geserwtiee .flat gearratlon. Amens its
earlier wymylematic tdact'amorists aro
Iteneswa.-CSrtanesws Eruptions, Ts -
Cambium -lea, Eryalpelas,
Pliliniteat Nervous and Chy-
etee! Dollops% Elf allowed to ma-
dras. Ktwasmmwtions, Scrofulous ea -
tear\, Messy led Leer Disease.
'llabetreslar Oeoeoaepties, wad vse,
sums otherorSia! aalsdie., are
produced by !L
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
seeewPur{nyryklealy sad always r
esedicess. It Is so Almaeel
aeorve Met it eradicates from
the sysyysstteemm Hetraditary Serolaln, sad
the kindred poisons of eowtagloes diseases
sad At tae seethe. thane it en-
riches ill vitalises the blood. restoring
beslthed Mil. Is the s seteMi
rein llet�tksenti e.yMs. 1711spseR
llopmerative Meddle
tg,ldh Fellow Desft, Ma-
li�a/sid.�Iedfdssssrealotir_ q[
pwsdsd. Its flormalar M umgeserar j ksswa
ttoh tee msiea1 profession. sod tie but
esesibintly lA.aa a,s. IAA wink
➢r`eribe A,r:.'s
d&&*Olatt Care
im 1Jitswerme ceased by the 'Abet= et
4111•14 Ills G..ewdr tad se torr ktgt.
t>be 011/0eabie dorms, tar beyond wry
otksr Msepanrite Per welch rake effects
are lad Y 1Metors the cheapest,
se well se the best blood purifying medi-
cine, In 1Le world.
Ayees Sarsaparilla
rameAsio ST
Or. J. C. /,pr 4 Ca, Laws/1, lass.
(Amalr4lerkl Cimd_ta ]
Sold by all Dvti kiln pttse $1; .ta
Wiles ib Si.
Hae ordered woe rhNtw
Garden ad Field Seeds,
.1 well -selected alto" of Groceries, alwa)m on
GEO. H. OLD, the Square, Gooderieh.
Mar. h 11th. ISM
•e' Tc k-pl. n'- t ommun r at!On
Note Papers
D olls
---GET VO!•R -
Newspapers and Periodicals
AT HRt. eta-we:1e
glgeseaenr to (it,. 'tlet'tl•ed.
Ostterirk. Des. IND 1110,. Mt -
' n pet wage pew
era.. Mead W x
for postage. sad by
mail )ou wit Yet
/ere a pankaue at
Kuroda of la',re value, that will start you in
1 work that w,U at once bring you ho mune'
taster than earthing t tie la America. All
alien' the 4141eO4In prement• with each boa.
Agents waisted evar'wherr of either set, of
all ages. for all the time. or spare date oow ro
work 1•r ns at their ewe house* Fo-inane Me
all outliers abselately assured. lsos.t delay.
H. IIiL'.crr it Co. PurtlanJ. )Iaiue too -
IN. F ICO. MOM .dtes
New Grocery Store
The sabcrther hap te aanonaoe that he hen
u, •'rd OLt . mew t:nwer)' 4i.te
ZN 4:3ctBB.Ic r,
and is preparnt to do bnr.l.ee. with1l.•1'he PIe
ut tae tc.. , ,and surrounding section.
Goods are all New and Fresh,
end bare leen purchased for Cash. lad as Ott
Prices aro baa is the city murk( tr.
He Intends to Make His Price
Touch Rock Bottom.
I runnerspn,dncetakew to etr•ttany.for Cood.
l sad Mese Laytons wUl be given.
la/Don't target the sent. the New Crab Store
Rb Drug *hem hided ich
:all door •
o )star
Onde-'.ch !•r-. M. MalHARKNf 1SS
Restores orgy
1 heir to it . n0
Goal odor,
moves DandreT
stops the hal
from fantail, cot,
increases its.
1 growth, and vast
C.A.NAIRNEit. Guar
anteed harmless
Wall Paper,
Fancy Goods
Souse Parnsahinga
"'The Cheapest House midst the Bea."
Next doer to the Past oe ce.
Oedw{sh. Morels. Mh. the 121y-
sirli /.Mi crl�ere benr��i`w
saws meow lI. ort wa7 !i6
aey tti•a al aeyfhin♦ mor few ebe ha, Meed.ttaa wamemoeeto Metals k0o t toe ergo tea. Ihitart
FOR --
Ile is show.ng •.plenti.d aaaortmert of
China and Glassware.
COM, .n Mid look. drool don't
No Trouble to Show hooded
Court Ho.sr 9eea: .. tu.der.cb
Doe. til, 1224
or working penpM. Seal 10 eek
or postal., lad we w111 wall „r
nitro a royal. valuable sample b si
of goods that w111 pot you in the
way of making more money la a few esesthaa
you ever thought possible at any business. he
capital required. 1'e. rum bye at Immo sad
worn in stare time only, or an title dare. All
of With este. of aft egos graw4ty sueetwaru1
Sas. to 5', easily earned every evening. That
all who want work army7 toot the bu.inw, mor
moo eta* nn ur' 5Mlw4*ear• To all wba.rr
sat willetietsd w• will send 41 toppeart•rrbr
trouble of woo sea e. Fall part iceman. Aires
than.. err.. aent free. imnemne pay abwdutety
sure for all win start at sae. fDon't thorny-
Adirs.0rtivsofi «(:e. Poo tlaadAide . net
Ass ptsaaat to take Cc.tada tb•dr owe
Psspate.• 1a • sate, .sn, sad eds..
1mw,swr at worms is WNdsa. w
Tboan*.sssaal)yy •sr/grobberaree.t
. happAipslnee.ire.
and health restored
the see nfthe t
1 pr»tt'very amt p,rtsa►,er, y r neva •
teamed by vita s..'. et any ktwe,t
rwN we.Ymesa lad all diereses that 11.1
mac s ust ar a of Pelf -Abate. agleam of es
era Iran of !Delany asIvervai laastt.d.
}•1. M tale bark, dimmer of ♦tabs proms
tars old Sar and many other SIays.es mar
lead to iseanity or een.'t.iption and • prime •
tare erm.e.
SOW PO eireulare monk te5inweel•Iu Ria 5
mail. The a112e:m. VMS .• sold at ■ no
lam er sin hex.s for 45, to dl Arnggtws t
wild he eek foe* for mall crewel, .swb4. r orl
~MINcad ears- ALTA -'mit Nt.. moe. Milo
Oar, ninnies
ttenelAseel far Oedertee