HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-5-29, Page 5i h. DII&TH OF VI(TTOR I UGO. Wba,ieea, Bornanes a...t...lets loot she 10e wit May •. -Wake Orp at A 1 JO sBr•Mss. Th. t. �.Anna was so esaiftmt corse L Mets• ietg tint hie death baa interded a•..t- hio to take pones ham • few h Whoa that fan know t.i,i+iSsl (bullion,of Pane, seat • asp gal to bttp f wdinieter r apart - loamy. Ma tiles et to visit am and�thy ehm.b M. the poet', cow, is -Ib., two war le atleabba M the d.bsd. rspk d for Hero, dell aria ab��r�o h - batboy's teller, mad srt�ir�, `'oiot..r aur is sspotiag flialb, .1 ke dose not deem the semen of a Irian. it is reported that Hugo bequeathed his inea.scripta to !'race, and left it to the rep/ebbe to select • bona, pow foe has reaestn a sad to debris as lu the lees of his faunal [Virtue Hate wee horn is B.sao ata, Fen eg, idol, end wee .saseuesatly i $ yeas ok'. From kis preeminence' at the see of 11 to the Preach madese, a hu fistwInk. • poen spa Les Advantages de I'*.., kro was smirked out for a enema distiretion sad whew. five years ,aloe, be .susA•d s saamtiw with hie lint wahine of flies .t iWdee hie fa. ter. was assured. His We since that tines has bees u.. of promissory before the public, as a politt.ss, as a poet, as a novelist, mad as . arms of titwo.mhly to- dependeet views. In early lits, ►is teth- er being a R.osrml mod saber demo of Joseph Bonaparte, the seedy orated king of Siris, 1. was e•tanlIj throws. emcee .cart udi,inb alts isM0 what is called high life, bet his t�wl- too vigosees to be trammelled, and he very early bsgaa to show that oeighsality of thought whirk distinguished kiss up to the very hoer of his death, when through his sus -its -hoe be declared be *weld fans t t dntroy.r wit Moet the aid of a ] Th.....r..».t bee proposed a civil fans, fee rine Hugo at the expense of the stela flid g es weft proaonased ea the dead weber, sad the name sed chamber ad - parsed. It is elated that Victor Hugo tinned therm. a tong and terrible ,.rorty Were death Ie is prepared to inter the poet's taaitiae la tbe peatb.ua, and and that the day of tits (sae& be de- clared. day .f astiaresl moeraiaa un whish all guerre esateine,.shoot. and dueness ahaf he shoed Denotation hum the tneeicipal po,- etwtnent and been parliament offered their ooaddiae. this Neat ar- rived Mate. Bernhardt actress, domed eoiapietly la whit., bri.¢ig use mamma albwa Si whiteness. Half hie barium et 44000.000 banes is tteg.•ar.d tea* daughter Aden, who is • 1waaW t,.y�am. It was Victor Fiero'. wish tW his hells and •sse•tore .hold herasher joie V balding m lunatic winos. drat 1111111natinew Most pea* ars like as egg, too phnll .4 themselves to had anything she. Omri.edty is the gene rev all eat rpri..i ansathg for wonkier -he more for curiosity Men they do lot woodchucks. There Is lois of pb.lks in this world who kis keep nine out ov ten ov the coneweedmeate withaat Gutty tr'able at all, hat the es* that is left they laid kap tale small .ted or. 1'haru is •aromas iedtvidsaIs in toe Iliad who look epee what they htiin't Rot az the may Wag worth having. One man ov {ou►us to 9; thousand four hundred n.d 41 men or taieot is Jett snout the right prop r.bun for actual hiamin.s.. Rare is essay a slip between a cup sad a hp, bet an half as menny az there ought t.w bre. Rather than not have faith in eriny- thiaR, I am willing to be beat Dias times cwt ov 10. The two most impuslwut weeds in enny leaterge ere the shortest, "Yes" and y.. lgsalaa t. ores Imuseeema Itasecnoo, May 41. -Beale* •r. Ores Ani t.•l0. today. flpeitheag of by Mesa be said, " I simply a better toe clow I wean tis time brim fairly and squarely. I shall bre Ain again. ga.i Demi is eighteenIs the best nee se* ens I ane authorized to ay is reedy lA towany awn is the world for free MOOD to $25000 and show travelling *Epea:s ." Harlan is in excellent sedition. Not use Tory ran has allowed it to be knows through its editorial columns that the twvinirt. herrn ten ander the propene! Franchise Bill are to be ap- pointed for life. As they would have rp ..Iiaa"y the creation of the Homes 01 (. rtrpewntative institutions would be at as sad. One chamber would be appointed by the revising bar- rigses ; the ctber by the (lovernme.t. Col. Sir Francis de Winton. who was Secretary to the Marquis of Lorne while (Ioveruor-(emus, o4 Canada, has been appointed Governer of the Cue*, Steer. He will occupy the position till neat yew, when M- Jansen.. • Beigen, w.11 assume the Joao. W IoM he was in Cassia, and then plain OoIusd. Bir Frani had Brest diiicelt in eosvlasinet the ladelb . invited to s vies -v I drew- tnR-eonse that it was theirto wear meltedlomelted .d drones. . wll find that hie west Atrium have no scruples on that heed. it sem antes are reported to be totally wanting in neck.. [Hamilton llama a.sartea Ilamrsb rills HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1885. NT. WE SEND SAMPLES ON APPLICA- TION; 15.655111.1r ritAIL OR EXPRESS, AND, IF NOT SATISFACTORY? MAY BE RETURNED AT OUR EXPENSE AND MONEY REFUNDED. - 25c. Checked. =race Ci-ooc5.3 for LACE -TRIMMED SATIN PARASOLS AT HALF PRICE. Several Lot& 2 k 3 Batton Kid film ii Light Corsi Brening Shade', worth 11, for 350. H. W. BRETHOUR & CO. BIWSrTFOR.D. New 2\01- 1i=.61, I , Pr .te ext.d. Sta teen_c_ THE NEW INDIA LINEN, a Beautiful Fabric in White. All Over Lamm, Flouncinge and lunbrolderies. Oriental Laces, Swiss and Hamburg Nmbroiderieo. Ladies, Misses and Children's Hose. OA. UZZ AND MBRIzgO ':' TX RWBa14 L.L. uZBB- H. W. BRETHOUR & Co., Brantford. araatfeed. May nth. 11165. 1885_ QODERICH WOOLEN a[1.iz.za- Tu lir Wed Groton uJ the Surrounding Colietr'y Ws wish to ray that we ars prepared to take yo.r Wool in ezoheage ter Goods, or work it ter tee int. &q at the tsf.wtee articles. yr Blankets -Whites, Grey or Horse. Bhirttnge-Grey or Check. Cloth. -T wsede or Full Clotho, Light or Heavy. Flannele-White, Grey Colored, Union, Plain or Twill. Sheeting. --Broad or Narrow. Stocking Yarn - Whose, Grey, Clouded or in Colors. Carpet Warps made to order. ROLL CARDING. Oor tecelties Int thko work maser be nor- . We witleadevisor is mat caste lode ti tke dal it Is Moemkt in. if required. C0t4e10111Waslat sad Reeling, of Spinning es the Cap, enrol to, Sac bare or Gott twat. as beetled. we are 1s • potties to do all kisds of cna tees weft, ti.tts11 dose to a fiat set cease a111, tad we will Teamster to as far 70o fully equal, 1.1 not little batter tany in our regrossid A eau respectfully solicited. E. McCANN Zest Rad Woolen Btu.. Oad.rtcb, clay NU. 1S* lashes b'retepbent. tram Herts Mtn.1 Ooow,trw. ins 1R 1(~► Wheat. (Rath p busk fp woo* tlW istt.. Wed �� • brat ... rt Web 0 M G 0 res wniea u t.mb • • .. 0 ie 0 •0 75 eery w sees .. sees.. ItI IN Poe, • hush •.o A.bf. i bolsi Paa•trtyyateO�M. •bush .1s11 M 0 1. ttsneteae•t.fssrrhM . • • - sees a 4141: " la sees : 3 GO TO - KNIGHT'S 708 A -t;. SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO DOORS RAST OW P.O 111117 OWING TO - Pressure of Business, I have no time to write out an advertisement this week. A few Approllcos aite to Learu Bressmatiii. STRAW WORK DONE OVER. MRS. C. H. GIRVII+T. �ntaria $tttl Pacb tancc Campann 1X23 1 L'RD-1 801.8 HANC'FACrl'RIRS OF Tilt 1.1PROORD "LUCKBAMI"FENCE WIRE R eters why the "Lockbarb" is the Best Wire Fencing Manufactured. We tar ally the Mgt Leigh* Monomer filed Wire, mad we dames that In ito asaaructios la is seserier to all ether barbed Isere wires. The wires rotmire the Mr p rota pa between tie wires d the cable, Weiledt each other mad pate spewed the ann. with, make, W =Tie barb is the world. 1th t las the advantage of always peeseetiag e barb laterally. which ae two.polated barbed Mace does. At a r.ceet tet of the strength of the " Iaolttark- trade at the Neetiera Haltwty Shops. in Tomato. the tollowtst was the neer 015M* Ake! kerb Toney owy. INS IL., m atlslaat NIS 1t.. and 1111 lbs.. the Tereato Win thus besting the Montana: Wile, and was &warded the s..trsct. 11r8esd for Almanac with fall pegenLrs. to R. W. McKENZIE Sole Agent, Coderioh. Ray nth, 1m15. THE MOLD AUTOMATIC ; ; STEAM COOKER Is eiteetlittir . Holl:• orig=tfist oda it is emanates; Go that t MOOT _,.C'r,.R MMC Lys Ann arra new ter the mem AIMS*? 05 rt LL. TIME 51,0 Ta0CI11.1L It can be used we any Med M stove-osat, wood. e11 se ane.. The Oooking_is 'Entirely Done by Steam Under Pressure, 0esor.ted Vert regally fa theWage" sel osier Meshtheca �rlsea MH er is . •.) TM stesmcm wwhlcb seee .cul tbe.uV m II*W 'td several tWa ei�.�etw.N[ tore be tvmM at once without the Saver sae mAl ethtg the others. The oases thin completely surrounde maks kettles or pass, le which Ceteab, Pud- dln$s. Heats er other had oast be cooked without exposure to tag air. water or t�bum pw•rvltis.11 tbe 51vot tiannd r1s inaooh SesiAM. 41,30a41,30a Its* to the a R riereoir sad is used over spin. It assn bots. over. Stomas no In three slim - ,11 . No abaft • odor .ss tempo bb the tom. All the Nutriment. Weasels sad :la'.. Gr of the treed 1. Retained. Food mown ..s.btr.. Need. aa watching. as ba need ss. iso et e reeflorr act6Way VsUabre 1.411,411. PRTCBS • No. 1. rme Ite1Ma. 011.1a. strA No. :.two gallons et•S. ..sen N.. t, three gallwie. SSA& Ito. 4, Your walkers gs.n. Ira. a. ave tallows SCA A Arm ,sato.. c 8l.uew t rove sed • Af .mer err Aid weed la Me abeam prices. Serve Riese : $ Is., SI mow r fa.. 11 route. be 1s.. 16 Mesa.. 1904-31• a Sokj"wand. ?UM t011a'. WI ram Iwl s tabic Cate*Ta Sew Barkd f7 ire, "� y 1 ° endive. w " 1 t fL ti. .uns.wtainia sett p•sh�es,, ftMy �t cost.G if tt.ptet,er es sett colli lytta• Aiwa vranewir tttag to psi 5. wawa. � A� es .mcg s et tt or Mier. of W 1 G. C. BOBBBTSON. Hitt SPRING & SUMMER MILLINERY. MISS G'FRAHAM tate• pleasure is aaaoaoettit that she hes la perms bee Spring and Summer =rnof lillllner7. etc.. and hoe take. adv..- t.a.�e..e/ the LOW PRICES pprreevailing at the waeissale sl.rtets to mak* Lege Purchases. Fier patrons can rely tips lisoE Steck end Levet Possible Plias. A oaf 1a rawecirully .etlelted. MISS (MRAHAN, West sided Square. Ooder eh. April Id*. 11116. 101 We will exchange all kinds of Goot1s usually founts in a first -alas, Dry (hoods store for WOOL, this season, and pay the Highest Price that the Market will afford. Our stock is s eta large, and you can gist everything you want in our line of businetw hoot us, and at prices that cannot be beaten_ Bring on your WOOL and we will convince you that it will be to your advantage to deal with us. We have a splendid stock of Tweeds and Shirting*+, and other goofs suitable for those who grow WOOL We also deal in Butter and Eggs. COLBORNE BROS. April +9th, 18143. GODERICH. The LondonTeaHouse t-' NOW COMPLETE! --- -- NOW COMPLETE I A CROWS STOCK Or D1t'Y 000D. em.d.OFIOCCat.GG. SPSCIAL LINES 111 Dress Goods, Shirting.% and Tweeds. A Choice Lot of Seed Potatoes Chews. Highest Price Paid for Sutter 8t Eggs. GEORGE ACHESON. THE RED, WHiTE AND BLUE 313J17' siTaemser. I S iaie5. April nth. 1111. M .41A.RS1-7.A T iT =MOS_ bare apasad a brooch store hi A heron% k..4j.l . M stock,c shoe ore, OODERiCA, of where CHOICE TEAS AND COFFEES. As we snake a.psctalt7 d13A13 AND t' O1TE1t8. ws oda do hatter will tsar patrons toe any other store in low.. A )med.an, picttee Gard Was away with ever' po.ad dirndl or Cabe - TRY A TEST ORDER_ April 1atl. 1f. MARSHALL BROS. Wet side Court Home Square, Ooderich. NEW HARBIVARE STORE. TATES & ACHESON AGENTS 701* C3LZDDEN PATENT TY0-PIOIT a Barb Wire T110 -Pula! Barb .z i 'dare OW .&.P, EPTA. EC, I2.7IJI8P8124.8IB1...31C_ M.nn1'mctered by the Wash►urs Howe,' Direr Oe. Call and See us, and Inspect Goods and Prices. We have os hand . full and complete stock of Shelf and Builders' Hardware, Prise. Oak azar. NAIL. ROPB .A.NI OORDAGFB, 'VZS8BL _ 8 V P HLI HIS, Table sad Tooke, Cutlerytine our tither Plate ()coda. and Artiste' ]faterfale. till YATFFS 8z ACHESON22� Luta. Noll door to It. IleLata's,jt at >f�sre.i. Adarleb. April Vb. 1111, 1tWaa Keep Your Feet Dry! TIM eau do this ata very trittlite oust by buying your BOOTS & SHOES AT Tilt !TORE Oi E, DOWNING, Cmbb'c �r3locicr. O�w band the t.10.d .test Ker shown In O. LSr , k. a.41 rmntwiw averr Hne ne .etas shoe .tore. hues lbe ase.+ kid, tM.a,th ell ale .terttsedtate gaffes ..wbido. 1 wttl rill at Prices that Will Snit Everyone. Ladi1i' Boots, in Button or Laced, from 11.00 to 15.00. Item and Cbildren'a Strong School Boots, from 75c, up. Boys do., 11.00, up, all other Lines Proportionately Ch:: p. 1 can and will salt res. lest h In sloth .red priers. F. D0 W1 1NG Orabb's Btoak, Corner haat etreot and t care. L& -.Te the twin : L.Nbt soul /041.1. is any gwastly. at Lawson Prices. 11