The Huron Signal, 1885-5-29, Page 3i f to: vee" t ere fr 'or MISS PEN SLOPE, BR Dr. Reedy ~flue haeuekrpe a hebar, and Mur Pea/dune was mat to Peaektee Hardy, Jr. They bed lived timely all their hues in the same old-fytehetnae4 house, •ad leis, Penelope had mpe.e hem away frees it for one night eves. P Mind bees s large faintly of them, Oil' e11 titin ethers were quiskwr and aglearsli-teaurt:ee than Mies Pem.Io.pe, e'lmehow dhm had always been put aside awl harden Lid epee het mall madd- ers V • tuition that aright have Truk'. down a str outer .pint , but she never thought about :t .t fleet. and when .he did at last wake up to the fact, the ssIM.r had beau Lid to re.t m the .tesiat ulJ dearcb-yard, the brothers and sisters mere married ur gone out into the world, and her own youth wee gone. Only Mee P.ael,mpe ape the doctor re- rtiatned--he peculiar and somewhat of a martinet : she, with • simple, .elf acre brag nater. mod • strict Now Eeglnnd cow.nioes whish reels kept her kueull .eruilde of her own short turnings. At last the doctor grew tun treble to practice any longer. mrd after some tvhi mar, add est to Dr. Joel Mherbara.e a shrewd, ensegetfc M•ut. inti., she .rt up hes shingles hale way off and arm eel tended rhe Waiter" u much aeain as when he got it He was cheerful as well .s skilful (two essentials to a popolir physicua:, keepitw well up with the tunes, sad people were .tuiek to find it or. Still, he ,sold itot afford to de- irs Dr. Hardy's instar years of expert- "- rpert- tp7l'"' and was very idea sometimm W eek the older map's eaves., which grail. tied Lim and consequently pleased hire Penelope. It was such • break in the monotony of their humdrum lives to hate this hag cheery man to dome im and nit as buur with them, bruiting • breath of the outer world whit him, for his talk was not elweye : hum as be waa,he freed titin:tit lead the magazines and el any a Ilse Ades and pleament thought found ite way to Miss Penelope s mere them half -stared kris. They made • ooq Map around -the open berth, for 1lIR. hardy was a fund • e1 a rousing wood tweet i. hares Dudley Warier buaa.11r. as Iook.4 ups " a hula in the fluur"Aliii jgv*Dtiun Of the dM not eager to hag to blame either of them, in fare, e►e knew of s lift's *prole to Patsy% life whisk had t'membe ed to the pretty ring w bee lawn sad abs 'loughs the doctor knew it, teemed quite seined Mas he would pre- fer ler the somber si mares eorapaRY. tike hipped btu nap syr thought of analyzing her owe feeliMs i she ail knew she wee not w choler ass usual. As tins Nape om the dootor i visits grew t cry te•gitert, sad be brogan to ma - hr. fix the Mei time is hie bee; life, that bsehelur quarters were bare and dr - veal places. Visions of • pl„•mat hearth of kis own, sad • ples••t face inside the hearth berm to ►sent his walking moments, and after much cogitate') and w.ighirg et pros sod Duns, Dr. Sher- bert., wrote • letter. It was • work t•1 some tame sad instigation, end art nt•my • sheet of paper betere it war completed; thee, a patimtt uneepectedly stepping ta- to the race, it was hurrtdly addreseed to "Mite Penelope Hardy,' sed die. palettes!. During the day it was received. Paary took to in and medaag she wpsreoreptioo ran up stairs lightly to Miss Peeelopes ✓ oom with it. 'ante, Miss Penoltme Hardy, the cried, gat1T holding the letter over her head : 'u • love -letter for pr.' (h ' you sky aunty, to be re- cejwine letters from anknorin (to at. writers. 4•re, read it, and then confers to ate ..r fill never 1 rgtve you.' She ran Isugt.ingly sway, sad Miss Penelope was left done with her letter. It wee tacit unusual for her to receive one, unlet+ frena Yang thee aka was away, w she put on her spectacles sad reed the *biter carefully before she apexed is. It was certainly fur her, 'Miss Penelope Haney, in a bubl, free hand ; •U Pent - lope's letters were addressed to Pansy. After looking it over on all sides, she cut o.fl the end of the envelope with her raimataiabij (tow out the letter,arid the u what she read. Zed Ore • TY'+ she a metantly volts of writing. and memberless tatedwut• mummer at the race, tushed to his memory, sad eater, eiel emeag euerietwn grew *post the timely -- that 'perk armor y..uth,' sad shat Arobss Ju►sstos's Pna,a1 would mII1KllitehM ode. fllowly,.isileasly, be evened the other letter, but after the lust lemur two read rapidly to the end. Mrs Peurepo wrote Da. Jose. Ithammutia :--I bre read your letter, and leer say *arm it ass w great surprise to me. [sever imagined that you oared su mach, of at all, for me. Rifest sit all, 1 want to ten rue sense Gouge that you may not know. Yew speak of the didereuioi in our slur m if it wore a gloat deal. 1 ina. look than I am, but I did not to ibis w. 1 au 44, sod I hoard you tell father you ware 49, ea you sew there is very little difference. I promised mother when she died, ten years ago, that as lung as fath- er lived I would take etre of him : s If you took rue yvu word bivp to tie lather, tun, sad nut rimy ore want an Md nerd for • wife, and her old father besides. You are also mistaken •bout buy,. baring had suitors have never had one to my life : you ite rathe h for only man who has ever cared I kkanw me w ask me to marry Dasa Mute Ps -`timers :—Perhaps you mIU be surprised whoa you reed this let- ter. I Imp diet you leve guessed beg alto how time Toe eve to me, wed they you may be willing ue give the.gwedhties of your dear life intc my hands. 1 know there is * dideesuese ill our lour ages. but not .o great f hope that cannot bridge it over : and 1 will try 7 test to, .held you from ev*y ad care, and to• deserve your affections. I es.r pnopered in business Agree 'The two dusters taiwd and .tgse.i fo I His ppe.el year, end can offer you a Imre lumbi. home, and you will still be their leart'saonteatewkiie Miss Penelnee set on the 'apposite Md. of the hearlb, and knitted or darned and listened. She a I 1 J was full ,t kindly impulses, and *bserr- int that Dr. Sherburne a driving [loves were out at fingers, she timidly offend. one evesing, to mend them for biro and did w while he .•t there . another time, in some myeeertoes way, she daeovsPldl that there were great hots in his over- coat po:ksts, whtdt alio received attea• ties, and gradually the m• nectar Iee- gsm to have a quiet, friendly feeling fur the annhettrewve Mete vet wen. Sow Mies Pesetops had aster had • beau, that is, an unteind•uut one. Ment'' Yeats before. when she era. 10 the hey- /'Am I-1'' Her mind was in ohs to day of her youth. and round and plass- confusion. She walked o` r to Anhe ant to look at, John Kilter. the school -'small blurred looking g Lim masters mom, had made owe or two an. lover her cheat of drawers, and stcod vapors. On one occasion he had waited 'there Toulon; intently r leusdf. at the church door to tee her home, and 'Ah, if he had come twenty year had mad. it s Iwtwt to offs her tilt ha i jo .be whispered, abakine her head book ,n singing -school, but Miss Peter •adly •t tha redectu.n before her . 'then lope had Wert tun eh/ of iledilereut to 11 might have been worth the having ; pow, I am •n old woman. And yet be Lives me, and will comities htmaell fortunate If I will be his wife He is so strong and kind ' 11 most be very pMaisset to have somebody to lore one amd take care of one. I would keep all his things to order and make him se ooadorable.. What will tatb•e ser ! Will t lope, Jr. , came home. Ina fit of grata- he be willing to let me go ? Oh, mother, pursed through • `I have kept my trent fsitkfally all thew • lode for busing been I this mum severe illness,her mother had named her yea• if : will it be wrong pet after Miss Peuelupe, but as the gratitude before my father. Deaf Lord, what have r wen away, it wee corrupted to Pansy, I done to deserve this grime h piumee, "a still. iurbakdame.' e.• said her grind- Pullin% on her knees by how bedsid ver seller her by it,tbwtth poor 'Vint Penelope sobbed sod cried • father, ire eater Merl one ere did, edit' Dr. Sherburne, wail of mucrow for her lost youth and although he liked the old-tashioned name bort, and .)ways thought of bee by it iter mother had died year. before, and her father was in California making • Rab but 4app), club wee.n the of Providence, I will try too make )ue, .wok• IAwn ,Yaw .hero tie dsbatuitl • geed wilt. But i would like you •e clrssia. where women pet upoe their coru:der all the obstacles, and do nntkt- feu and tell, extempore, the rinse" why mg rushed that you might ee Hass?. ime of I they tee...shut er that see of • questing& these data Pttrstot•s AsaDT• chess are perhaps the best of ell. Pat- ' Whew !' whistled the dueler, either l lox speaking, weenie re.eprot and epr„(ht in his Mao 'tl.,.'. a deuce of , natural r pleasing beyond meet loads d talk. • image' I. asked Penelope, Jr., and Then, stain, there are parlor clubs, Penelope, Sr., has accepted me " where sten and wellies talk the mead kis red it Mein slowly, then walked cure. the faith con. .pintuahane nuts - over to the mantlepsece, took his pipe merism occultism and all the crew-fane1- nut of his pocket, and knocking the ed witc ttraft of the bear. Hag ell will d to toe a.aeSod-'• lift fashwnabr mast, Mutely., sad halal es bang orae it •0 tf As ked Neer bard the mark beton — f earksrs Yeses* im De stuiret's Kosthly. sage• te Tam la f..ltiu able conies in the hale eifia.► at present, mese amt nsten v b•bm Mid to eke an of sua,ersattw thaw hes Cora for .oure years. This lea happy more There u seserbuhe porkers ea the thuogit of being vetted to eft for a whole ...nese and •' make talk " os. of pour own head. Per Hutt wawa, der nag end games have beau merited •till the horrible void occasioned by the .tuiidity end in total emptiness sit Ladies aro s,nbtttus§ to besowie hell- bent end entertaining to a.avermteos. How the sparkling talker hgn a up • whole room with her radtaneo, aid draws a heat of puemle ab mut bier wherever the appears. Not she who talks of Ares% •.!rant■ •ud contemptible or spiteful personal matters. rhe brilliant taus. b she whew send u stored with kauw- lednr. , f ankind, sit books and thanes. end whose *ea! reunite snit sena tetas- uered Numerics ladles have formed con- rerestien ohiba Some are oewspsper clement Thos read the de.pstebes awl nuthrag about love • ti. t ( do know .bat sant imtttr has trade me v current new every day and data,, thein and that if"tt should be tee in 1 •t tbe.r meetings. There are literary members steely .ss. talk ▪ Ot▪ t .s &red admin, looked et the in. tater, to Mime tarsus I pen tae mete - 'Weil; • said one, L Only Ball at the duet &alga leeiaar Hoa. e oldGx, there ever wmw&nd triune mire your friend u Tule to ewe yea tag to Om rtuyleader, 'be didn't run, didf any ham- let, and leave tit..,.,sae and irwhew smelt gunpowder f save nbwtt t►e re. wi posed,. 'hoar ann swered the big man, kis wow Carry • cheerful face omits. speak tit meow, 'why ►e drdw't cheerful words, but y.,. used tell mu lies to be cheerful • if your flayed M vent, freak do n,o' fah me, gay end c+relem ta,l to the at tempt to eheer bun n d the...rive 5 Dont see questions •n your fume of talk. i. Talk about e,.methrng words. •nJ not about the disease mud t:ieeumsesuire tit the patient. 7. Tell the sews, out not the list of the sick andng. R Weer we ..seer in the sick ronin V. If powers. carry with you some thine to• please the eye and to relieve tee uu aut.00y of the sick room- -• Dower or even • picture which you cart terve f,•r a few days. 10. If dwtrah'e, some little dull y UM to tempt tappetite will he be stowed . but it a the most unkind keel in bath ! !Bait wbst'e tykes s y (sir week. nor Ate. Itke o a S, sad psrsr .author a saved beet 1 lits )mat Strad ny bb flag and let us pepper him—be did'' Wh* the eeg►mest .asoMd sway, that rode heed -boats. remained to tell whet a power lies in a Oknstuu life - (Yoath's QotmpsnMm- ter'. Irises& et tees.. The loarnale welch fee party purpuras oal1 the primmest reb.Mrw • tint out break, are demotes •d furgetuug history. A miry of Hera (mends wili show that therebellinn aot"aly Meal aympathmesd et its oasts et she Try noir. First, there was S,r George Lr Cuter. ('tu his minter • seat in parliament to 147.1, Louie Biel then member for Pnoreaeber, ruogti•d w Cattier a knee WAare $ir neer to tempt the sick to eat ter., roach of (!.urge K Cartier diad, Ri.i wan elected nuh c ' te. pt erten, i , .aiuwtn, err — by the Tories u kis sucowlor it the -. (tlel presentation of Pec vencher. N hen Ries became a fugitive hoot putties, it was Mr. Moure•u, M. P , and new Judge Moulmeii, a prominent T.wy who was his chief parliaments'', chsatpioe. Mr. Laurier, the Liberal leader, repu- diated him in t$74 anal Andrei in par- liament that "befltie4 dues ire belong to my party." Another fermi of Bud's t. qir John Macdonald the latter wasso A True Matemeas 'Kind word, can never die,' and there are Dens but kind words spokes regard- ing H.tysrd a Yellow U.1, nkat old rules ble remedy fete eatatyl std 'uternat use. It cures raeuetu.ant, deafness. croup, sere threat, and sly serener awl wonude of the flesh. solicitous for baa nailer that while r"ut near enough to the itomestted to be able to look after there. I know you must bate had sober suitors before ewe, and 1 am pieta sad 014-fa•hinoet, not gifted with flower* of speech, but and hall con- sider myself a most b ppy wife. ate man it you rill consent to be my y sincerely, Jost Susest a3L • P. f. —Please let me heat front you . ewes s pues a' Miss Penelope piped and laid down tee letter. Her state of mind closely resembled that of the little old woman of our childhood's days upon whom the neuahty puddler • trick had such a be wildering effect. She alert .eked, There is a rthwg more urdtds►tive of re - with one hated be was dttes:tuag the ad- fi eine t and a genuine culture in a Esau - yet w of to tee for hist prwia forwarding capture, 1; than Wright, ereertul bw(-slumbers het with etre utlnet y was cuss Tasteful dec..ratiena d,, not necessarily him arenas to defray the cwt of Gia tin etpeaoe, and it u '4'4'ble to mak" relieve and future wa her as moiety in i a chamber 1..ok very pretty at • very/ relieve his wants nu Jubn in sail "tie). Indeed• In many II" eros 1Rw1's dearest defend. Neat, stances, no (Autry at el. will bet required there was Lout. Schmidt, who was Riel'i beyond what would he tt-curreot under peovitioaal Tscrtrtary of alas. lie M pea ss the Turves Dame grew O.eer io 1 any circumstances. The women of a family, asp eeialIy. are •:.t to. pas. • reapd portion of the tum lis diode bed chamber+, and in some houses the .leepiug apart meets are used alike for seethe Teems sitting n'onts, and nurseries. It ui worth while to obtain all the innocent pleasure we can find in this lite, and Mere can be no, doubt that ills is ples.nt- r, tf most of Its Rottman prised in cheer tul 1,•vL a apartments. ten , 1878, r..,: .d a government appoint- srbesout pr•eeeded to fill it, stuffing the .oetety out of empty trivialities. sad meet a: the hands of his pulitical afire eater. well down with his finger ; thus came „amen to know something.U I the Tories. He was also secretary of the he lighted it in the same deliberate tray think withosomeut thing. .,nd to b.or a and returned W Gia chair. Hereon 1Yi•s titer are some pitying.' punts that it. t. well tr. remember iii traaniat urea self to talk. Leers to form words aid rounds wilt the tip of the teems., the front teeth and the hp.. Do met make the rued* away book m your mouth— in your throat. That u the great Asert- .wn tauit. By that mwua tee t mous see gobbled end ,.bstrubted, pertioderly the meal sounds. L. is thio that tt:.kes the nese, American voice that f•tretgner. observe anti comment us .o un eaaant- ly. Vt'utst of ail, they are tie about it. Our throaty, obssure national void is the reverse of the clear -struck. ringing Penelope ■ letter again, several times, putting at his pipe and .trotine his beard thoughtfully. I would not Itke to say buts awry pipes the doctot smoked that nrKht, sir how may timet that letter was ready, or heir many times that beard wee str'aed, nor n it for me to Ly ban his meditations. Enough, that quite early mit morning a small boy brought a note to Mies Penelope, e•wtraiag them words : The obstacles are not iseurmoantabte. tones of ebicia the veer omens ars L sl all sill w nee you the afternoon. a Aa £9glakmen says that he J. s. c•p•W has nater yet seen sit average American Tbis are threw Was Pemeloee iuw • who, could my " 1. They all sneak it •' say ' back in the throat mod thruuotb the nom A little observation will cite - mem anybody that this u true. Ate teotiou is not sten an the Gaited States novelly to the cultivation of a pure, state of n.rtomeees very trying to Pen- elope, Jr., though it must be confessed that energetic young person did a great deal in short time—routed objections to eertsin modern impruvemewte in areas tweet speaking voice Yet such • v a were borne down and overruled to a most 1 any weaken can geeelep for herself. The determined and red handed fs•hiun, and I main thing is w observe the simple rule 1 P.eelope Hedy with her hair 1 abuse ment.oned—to make the sounds h tk and n ,t back Then earn to ptrotw correctly. You can do the' byebaerving the neiataon of maturated people Kala s. yew vocabulary by reading, by time, fur outdoor planting If new talkies of the beet things you knew, Led plats ate not wanted, repot Inter than 1 cherry. by knowing the beet that goes ua in His the data above wood, sail prune off world of book. men and tbiaga Ours- I about twodlerda of each branch. There will then. be a rapid growth, forming fine planta for the parlor and fur bedding out to hemmer.• convention which called Riet overt° per- tiIpate in the present rebellion.—ff)ttie we Free Press. impend, so finally he wet away, sad 'she never heard anything more of him. slier life had beea/no full of eareaheatd responsibilities to,. give say MOef to /m or love-makint, so she gaga. -tit b• "stn undeniably old maid without ever • ctt:g been in lave. " Affairs were at this sinew when Pent• • oertau` y I at the front oft e men , rolled lamely at the nape of her neck , to the throat 1 carte instead of in s tight knot on the sop of her head, with a mutt bow of pretty blue fast.oiog the simple linen collar, and re- Iieviag the severely -nods blank dress, with a pink flush (born of intense write - trent) on her cheeks, sad a new Ibdht in malt your dictionary for every word yo her amid eyes, was a much pl.asent.r des t know rhe m. to of. ciuA,.a b pp desire tc ulease With at person w look at than the Penelope who ar,uad you will do the rest had sat by the hearth and darned. they you will in time become • brilliant Penekrpe, Jr., opened the door for tauter. him. 'I am very glad,' she whispered his hand is tier eager, sued by stns iswi, heartily, pestering engbh fasuioa. '1 always tbouttht you A 1 ,yen conk bat brave solders were would suit each other.' And before he could Gnol words to respond 'that last remark being rather hard upon him, w• ad e ) 1 r A - anal est■t seven Mr. Bloomer, of Hamilton, Ont , suf- fered for many years with a painful running more upon one of his legs, which hated .l1 attempts to Lail until he used Burdock Blood Bitted. which speedily worked • perfect cure. l Maw to Kamm. t:ee'sdwma. Take un the old plana in the fail lust &fere f root, and beep them in • partially lighted, cool ear, of in • cold frame. The latter part of Deoreber re -put them wood petting roil, fret .tripping off tel — t serrates were. B•Iri,.ek Blood Ritter, set at ties same time iso, n the liver. the ir.wels, the rosier and the akin. relieving or canal; in every case Warraseod .atislactory x maty refiuled. PITT vas roe•,-. Dt+retro.—Pererty with perfect health is rather to be chosen titan riches and daspel•via. Try the magic effect of a dotter bottle of Pot mate she leaves aid curiae off the tips of the ` ,.r IIR►Lett branches Tstta there tat-• the sato/g- room. This treatmeu: will came them to throw out n.w shout+ all along the branches, well duan towards the routs. About Marsh mat all the breeches off tet within two new shoots of the body of Me plant. The&e new shouts will form a new, bushy pleat, that will give better satia(.msioa during tbm meting mason than the plant wield has• row if left to w a *toggling way from the wok of the old branches. The branches cut off, with the new growth on them, can be cut ap tato slips and will make new plants ir. gays Dryden • "tile .nuws her moan, end when you rant and swear. Car. drew y,u to her with a angle Fair." But It muse be beautiful hair w have such power ; ant: beautiful hair an be ensured by the nae of CINo•trit Hate &arsawaa. Suldat50cats. by J. When' AYER'S playing cards one night se tamp. 'What on earth ie that I' suddenly ezcleimed the ringlesder, stopping in the midst of the Raine to Iran. In a moment the cueaiderieg the cissoastences) led him whole mead were listening to a tow, sol - quickly to the parlor, and shutting the emu voice which came from .i tent teem - door softly', went away. pied by mescal rectuita, who bad at -rived to camp fiat day. The ringleader ap- 'Behold your ('lyases " her saint, with a tent oo ti toe ( d e n foreign to hie usual Proms ed k or I'm a sinner" urea gay y, .e y.. e s s -pea t Belt assured Manns But ee he saw the he rosre+t oat. ' ree cheers f •r the emelt shrinking figure. the the thin face parson" shouted another man of the group flushed, the hands roughened and stain- as the prayer b ded.p for tit es week. ' .d with many years of willing labor for I,U show ;ou how tit take the relittot others, twisting each other nervously. out of him' maid the first speaker, LaRh- enn l • or and thought of the ooertant self ..crick. tog. lee pees terse man, the g and 0 p•lieatly, i great wave of pity, Pale faced l tit 1 saint es testi .'t •af+s et•e sad of a During the wit three eery nigh skim to love, "'Pe, aver hu' "reel he waia.the butt of thecsmp. Theo with heart. wind he put.at beth and. wish a I .gaged boy, conquered by the lad's gen- When a heap Mas is all amt Usand uniform kindness to his pero ration, you leer him @bad to tit• • and repression she had endured .o long i to mischief. The recruit was a alight, SO s dyr esr•asaae are se teidlole is their itWeek esrkess al .Wee tae throat sae Maar moose° trdaad with. by taw mal•xtty d e•Iet` OM Thu outlaw! .mesh or wad, rese:ting tNt'.Iramwb Mwae'/.'d. eerWho trews • totting or unpasetses ea - Mr John r. Mackenzie. of Priam Al- po••rs y atm hat bks eseetsiae or start herr, lust a son in the tight at Duck •hers ATaa'e dieter rictuaat hes Linke. He writes an aecneet of the eon- eats metes its dimer Is a forty ems' ORta Cict, in which he charges .bat the police tisk thaw sea fey diseases. stat eksill le behaved in a cowardly manner, and left sea.p is sit e.g.. tsithott delay. - - a1l the netting to the methane. Mr. A Terrible t7.wgk Cured. Mackenzie alae meksethuprioeseh rge : e la tam tt bead . 5 totdre s "Jost imagine the Oovernws it re- ry ta..p• it arta, r•r let wttbo,rt .twee warding the men who went 4, Montana ate r a I frena Arse. Cnewut P'ec- after Me rebel Riel, end brnegkI him to meati wk rk r ews4 are 1asi , ttwle.d this country. Two of the three Bele- rep, sed sLnrdre r etre ret wwwesary for tit• reeovory 1 r •train{► BY tie aster got Government offices es Indies ' e„iti...d sum d um Pre mans a part►• iestrimessa. Them isatruetots Iteration. sant ewe saes .i..t stye ed over to the Indians .•d gives cattle std, mar ss. usage. and aim Ce. al' Pee We • eros. ••w 14 Rot' Nesta Pais.a0raata." Why .set I Riel i. • Tory. Be had Ilma.kaMam. VI, es, ts, mit , 1 bene .omiasted ter a Tory oonatttuency Omer - A healers Trtbub, in the Northwest lie withdrew in «W* 1, is the .,aster tam w1ftef sy Kt.* fever of fair beer ge Cartier, end Devolved bey, tarso yssiesh , was tikes u1 with .roar; ; !t seen(r it Ir imam 44. troy iereigu des . friends of kis leaders. Perhaps Wise. ore et Me rosily .ueres.d sinr{.t umef Ries friends were given °sena for d £Taw's coast recrout Mtit it Trvtog. for the Tory chief—Pima= wee was wt.* es remit aW fretless* d.i., sed Tiu:w le per a.%.►t ts isms teas had as hoar the huts ppettreet win.5..tbin. many is. der for raid that 4srlithat tit. Cereal' P. TnaaL • sewed Int gratitude's leseereiy) ,us. suis. Lee. (iometer." la wept kirk ML, New Tore. May le, 1!. nu fellow of *Janet eighteen protecting gestuts to meet hers, esy *g patience tit other+ to step rah w and dry with all the dirt on. In boa to pertecuturs, hedged t M lemmas he arrow cern J him. ^ gether, ane e in 1ter. .. us,' i from hes heed to his •0 1 bees ease ATS$', Cmmm•' ranges$ ay ratty low .sr. mmemere ft aaaoWAMMIAw more Chen one tees of joy. file kww eetl 'Let is cat to oar inns Ipg E g$tend w take t de sell raeiedy to .se sad est A. J. bore eve awe t w a good to in firm • drew and sprinkle blond were feted. A. J. Cstrrra" ] owe heart now, end no matter how h P lips try s 'O to little ranter . no better than testis C•pm•t, ass., at.r'eu:t, tall thing ended, tt wee 'a lasting comfort sae soother. the t f •c .wares. the ringletiffkr imam over bum. f we serape him down sad [es/brea fbvsttjt p.estasmtses klWo to hfTe been loved by sok a gad man.' I Then Mia f`enefnpe bloke down "'I Re • „nnnder'naktire ing bjon U Bien himv ria blsnkean feet. Theil rubbing/ his less and tool W I was i.bpi te. w d Ar r notice red neon the I Lerl and cried greet tears '>< joy sad getsends. eoerratla+i/t'" Jr. •ppea 7• i Thera pious folie don't like the smell of Thu. to an hour h• is giant h i } ,lift, snort feed while !•rheas. Wer.. era I. fres money, so the girl spent her summers I Here P.oesupe h fell with her mothers people. and her stint scene, and era in the old homestead. hearing the wonderful news thankfulness, but tb.0 time they a rump, order. I ve no firth in their reit- cry end reedy -o take a _ e is pays •t Arvts ilVies Peaebpe with m many open the shoulder of the d.ret.►r's best a gK,n •• J with tier, easy, i way stars. stickand 'reai d Ca Pet- o ~'Hanes r tbars em then tbo ntument broke ter r nus said firstly del f % eOw ttoest sae t should boa( ss eam:vie.- Alen tt2,neemes11 t'alses(ms, Tura.. • [id of 19 clapped her hands I coat, and r'ten.lope, Jr., was not needed , In a few saes.. nap marched rowed Rtchmoud, erl- wletome young bluebell se Sit, wan a happy. see embraced her relative on the spot, as • comforter. ay 1eti„p the wdd,wnos. and mewed min that thing, and brig %he and up the old b•,u.I .t nes, mere than she had This all happened same time o, and t rrtb a era d wo•deti U Byte Dr Sherburne tufa Beastly aur a would scarcely mitts, 1 teeth and who tile. Tt s br,taole was dem •n t deCLrraf t was Dite the state, n eke Gree sans re (e made • y *epee d& which lad , 1O made trends at ones. She played on min Miss Peeelnpe et the sweet faced, , behind the breast works they had built the c' wi1 - ✓ who rules Dr Ether- !in the nrontung, be wee soarer Y1 Aer. the these legged old redno, ss. the prised placid little lady last sues pas was m ee •r surrounded sig. When -- company y her au 5.. violin. M opine so- On ami. he was clued' a table lar two lot- lest iastseio despr by Qitiak N spy when he burse a house. In her new life aka and I.riewrise, they had ore t tiedde•a, Such fen la yew whisk hepostmarked 'Borhrwi,, expended mud bioesamed tntoa gratis hui aha stoat tt:e bite"! telb,w who had they had over their dues., ands chola ms Mime s.in. Ono was istdm At d atter Lad and was from his sister :tee other was fullness tbat seemed imp••mibiw. Ur. Mei ow Q',ne {sd a r'nven t upon lost. and maeerlel Deli^minas. an aped loos., the Hard) baa 'fallen s leap,' and .he is Iter I ridienle. .tuts wars gt wen even diredted to a small, cess 1 ttrrddNll the Di. men wM seen tr.mIurtq and sqe wee et to ate T tam eeNfully elaborated, as if by to give ell her love and care t.• her hue- ,thrombi the nnd•rkruss. beanttg the daring aweigh to attempt De Bwciot : gaps 0satksr ban. 1 dead body of the recruit. Reverently he T Dr. Joel dropped in quite often now, one not gives le mesh writing. 1, • is married. and roma. ,nine• I tresd the corpse d.rwn, sarins, w site wiped . beamed to M what he erred with the blend from hs own re and a close observer would have no that he wore his Sunday clothes almost cal every events*. wee mach more particular in his general appearance, sad always t had something to show it tell Penelope, Jr., in whleh that wily hide staid• ■ op j ison.p d to he deeply ister•Med. These 4 days Peasheys. dr., did not feel as cheer- ful m meek Sims fovunil herself sighing sat feeling very csmly M times, um •eve«. I d traMy w them how we wtlL titer times, smog" is ay' about her. Do makes her acquaintance M1 him for our abuse •1 Ruh Staley ll t nd Dr. Jeal went fes` d ( day for me Petty, There h h ' 1 ten, itr t and all dh sir' c ^ ' el them ed, Pans T en he teed hie aiMaeoe letter first The times in the rummer to vase there . • 1 'Reis, I om hot leave hen with the I eeeifc,t. By a ewer fees '••,,•.rrnm.n her children. I Hoose, finnan,'' •eking' no a supply ,t .ss. of it ren tis Rein he fought a, ' 1 tnoem[bt he d.- PP, ' `Do you kanw saybody is that very. The ',maps said, 'What possessed Dr.. served • decent burial.' Petnaai Pa,nlo•ea Dorn Ectraotror, we f •newsy *Mega ,,f yours by the nesse I Sherbert,. to marry that old mud, whom During a lull in the bottle the mars I P e naiades. of tau tltinp : tide that of Pansy Hardy 1 i happeood to Irmo l he might have had Moor for the ask• '; dug • shallow grave ani tenderly Ltd l enrs,a are en.verast. •mt secondly that the remains therein Then, as .ane era• l pu•i•m s Parntees C ,m Bttmetor u 01 course,) that she is en- 1 fag 1 cutting the name and retorter upon • ! receentsed tiny • 1 clam. as the most (in ermeddenea Jowl use Gia secret. and is with a kiosk"' painless and an fw &feet, re- gyed to my particular pet, Archie John. , Bet Dr. Pi with , • •tie hug men mud. 1 t cruet Duet her to me, rad quite e,.atmat. Me frequently says, , rote.. ntsJ t.,r rnro. bteww of the •rticb stars. He veer' f twiskle is bis yes• "There is, '1 [nee• Toed beater p • t eh. words l met res ped. and use only 1'utnaat s 1yippee, says Mr ..nal relative has M • metty etrschx. fn knew all • divinity that .hap.. nor lends, tomtit I 'Cbnetian moldier,' la Sxnewhere' He Lam distil Twea • Iocky i db•er.'es the titles, and maybe it'll gen• 1'e Prof. Leowa Rulphor MAIO fee sole f v' when that tetter of sans out • d eye anrnhg those Prickly Hest, Nettle a ,1 , r. e', arm Orden ,r rn1,1h11tttes led to. Idly when Pansy a tut , E nod mite ora your candid cptnwn o :• o ttingf ears toss tsar, nes reading l Imine remised los.' 1 rossh men. as titer atur'c t w min, s y• la i Oat.rtrn Aotg t, tile's. qf♦V A c same Molt, dirty Our homes saver founder an sever take cold. We meet use • curry- comb. You werstah your heroes too hard. The only care nee.e.ry is to have the water tet retry ord. tires bath. them instantly whale you see nihilism their lags armholes. aro ma, Abut our lot in hew saw cannot deny that they are .tempt by their posits, et (cunt the common 1,ot or well w nesuffer sing. The Ingheat, and roost bumble, must be ever on the alert omens t ke advantage of bush ens M relieve when peon makes relief a n.cemity to our .r taikiag over meter I I Her ring, 's friend' to whom t And Mrs Joel sante the eompli- t caned b •ars. at the head of the grt.e the s:.ie. tperletlggt its the estate. world. h pretty war ; lisal i ai i ' ,` , . eget 'waif' ire eta at an a/.ed,5 et rhe tkroet et taw mots wkyk assent M wetly rads mise ler est of ATsa'. Cusses Tscrnasa, s ewdimmer'e pew- saes w dimmer' is 1110 der. eeitr'et of re5Mie h Sell rsaan sr li J•IQ.A 6 co . , Low.11, Msw fab' W Dmasiam•• OODICRIC II PLANING MILL LAT ARIA igtSI tt:t. Buchanan,L3Uaon : Bobin of ,sears. 1. Ramis of Sash, Doors LJ Blinds ngALtaA iV •..L 5,011. Or • Lumber, Lath, rShinjles list b hider', nes aerial of eve -y drsr•rlrt'SUJ st o tt rugutTuiit t1intat.n. 1 .5-..w