HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-5-29, Page 22 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. NAY 29, 1885. ■nae tttewlrsa Melee Boehm.of Beldam s scoots, sew with Gen. Middletu., is a su. (lml D'Arcy Beolt.,u of Coleuseg. He w• formerly • major is the 46th last Durham kateeHein under C.4. Willaams, who sow osmm•sde the Mari bat- talion in OM Northerem Major Seel toe was i• Manitoba is IOW, and with mow Scutt was thee esMssese to death by RUL Fth..e years ego ]layer Boulten lying • primmer t. Fust OMrry cued ed to death ley Loins Riel, pramideut the oar-ea1W provisional ouvernmes Then were many ttsatleisen din• .t Fort Iry and the neaghbonag lege of Winnipeg at the time, and by one the tn..re ingeenti.J ,d t sought to mollify the wraith of Riel save the life of his 'aptly*. But elver the other wee »feted ; n was w much the offence test was to he pun- ished •s the ezample that wee to be set and Boulton must dia. Accordinglythe w pr,oer was ei informed and waa ade prepare hunch for demob. Archbishop McLean, the Rev. Mr. Young ass others visited him. At length • gleam of mercy or wisdom reached the savage dictator and his flit was sued that Ruultoou's loft should be spared. and the glad news quickly spread through the little settlement till it reached a rever- end gentleman who lied prepared the young mar to meet his death in a Christ- y manner. ' • Nut to be shot ' ' said the reverend gentleman. "Dear to. Hs wu well prepared f ,r death. The young man will never be in a better mate w die. Dear me ' Not to be shot, Well, well, it's o fortunate escape." Riel afterwards was wont to ex his regret that he had not shot Bel wince his neap* encouraged others, a it is probable that when he fund himal pursued and taken on the banks of Saskatchewan the other day he may ha .mom mon wished that he had not terfered to render void the pious L .of the Red River clergyman.—(Toro tVor!d. of was mss- pestles agreed by Jas. Veer Wawept•1. Township Hall, Kay C, 1883. Cou:►al tint this day. All here prwest, the knave its Minute. of Iset stestiag ra _ }py�weed. Assegai from Cosmoses www► :sue to ealloillituti with .tits e. dot W Wawasp► was seed, {Nish the ea ordered the to • the grins 4 ♦ • hod sot opened m the essosatt al I1. Sarais, Wm. P. fin•ssaiis and Jams t. Nines, asking smote to pnruty arcn aeon earl .urve), and pass meek by-laws I squired by the Consolidated Municipal THE vaLocrrY O? HILLS. wits lues saws ties•ata flat- tlumwwe WIMP. tneiePNre Wmea*ea Messes/ el the attempt of • uumber to clank a hall dropped of the Wadoisillipe Immo aphasia ed se to Ht 'of asp costo ssseeeplleli the feet, ,the gwsetiee sews, ti aeeir of Shona bee he as et theee by a bait files *iMigatt wbt tit 0 feet by the it Mikes the p.ead. 13te szpetliONet was teletl, by Paul Mese. Sue Pati Baker lied bel aces ereetw;ed io k Posi Ow fed is Acta bad so dropped has a vtdeeity of 181 test per sae..od whim it strikes the grouted. This velo- city neo be better comprehended by com- partlUf it with I hatted bull The !nivel, hat which the writer tiaa any anoe of woe tirade by George trucks M Isiwnpo io, few die v struck the 'Rf*aa.d • iww iacbae u»r W200 yard& be baU, in this itsta.oe, was hit loco tie air et an angle of about 46 degrees-- the usuut fat urable angle for •s IV. �t gac tag the formula I will state as ue.r as can be .iJculated, the aught and tis distance being gves, the inked velocity a the ball in this care is foetid w be about 100 het per scrod. Allowing the sauce ball to have been bit in the came direction, M angle, with sufficient force to give it the mem veiucity at the start.ng point that it acquirer in falhng from the monument top, it would have gone 544 yards. Would any of the players like to take hold of *Jim hit, of the eases force, at short field [Spurting Life. Bila, blUtCISs, pimples, sod all .kip dimmers, are quickest cured by cleansing the blood with Ay.r'e Sarsaparilla. one Art el UM. to enable them to midis a he'A ditch frac creak crosnng IR 16, an 4111 and ciao and ruin,ng t., a southerly direr an• l ti..n across the North halt of :tat 16, 2rd n"t . pun., tert:otsting at tine dividing north half of 1.4 It., 3rd con., from south half of tort 16, Sed coo. , the seine to be .,.- eluded December let, 1680, if puskble. Moved by deputy mere, amended by councillor Gibson, that the prayer of the potion be vented -Qamed The clerk was instructed to write .0 oertarn land surveyors respecting woria k.. be duce is the township. After apponung a nues- ber of the pathuosaten for the current year, souse tame wan spent so ezamauisg the ateesatu•nt rolls presented by the seseisot. Account of lF+, for getvelluyg un Lsidluw'e hill, by Peter Foam, was presented and urdee d is_ its pod. Council adjourned 1e creast i the ball on Friday, May 29th, as a mode rival -so and for other business. R. K. Mtt.t.zlt, Tp (To& Mee koro nd The Tory press are now taking refuge the 1a the quibble that the franchise is to be ve teen only to " duly qualified " Indian.. to- The objections token by the Opposition b,r to the Indians 1ranebiee is that the bill nw now before the House prisms to "duly qualify " all Indians residing an their reserves and under Government control, whose there of the tribal estate would be equivalent to the property qualification of a white ran. Por 1natanoe, if the Sarnia Reserve should be valued at $30, 000. it would qualify 200 mate Indgaae resident thereon s Voters. And the ode Judge of the value and of the quali- fication s to to the revising barrister ap- pointed ppointed by the Gov-.rmeent. No appeal an be made from his decision on ques- tions; of fad as to age, restdenc•, valor of property. eta , the only appeal allow- ed being on points of law. The more the provisions of the bill aro sifted the more .andaloue they prove to be. ter. wend -'eats ,..later•^ ter..... erect art. For the benefit .4 all concerned, We select the following prow»ions of the " Canada Temperance Aet relating to the violation, punishment mode of pro- cedure, ercedure, etc. :-- Whoever, by himself, his clerk, serv- ant or agent, exposes .•r keeps for sale,or directly ur indirectly, oa any pretence or by any device, sells ur barter, or in oon- +dontion of the purchase of any other property gives to any other person, any apintsoas or other tawziosting liqu..r,or any mined liquor apetle of being used as a beverage and a part of which is spiri- tuous or otherwise iutoziating, in viola- tion of the second part of this Act, shall be liable on summary conviction to • pen- alty of not less than fifty dollars for the first offence, and not less than one hun- dred dollars for the second offence and to be imprisoned for a term not exceeding two mont.ta fur the third and fur every subsequent offence : and whoever, in the employment or on the premiss of an- other, s, ezpoess or keeps for sale, or sells or barters, or gives in violation of the said nomad put of this Act. shall be held equally guilty with the principal, and shall be liahle on summary coterie - tion to the same penalty or punishment. And all intoxicating liquors in respect to which any offence has been committed, and all kegs, barrels, masa, bottles.pack- aaes, or receptacles of any kind whatever in which the saute ant contained shall be forfeited. Any prosecution 1. or any such penalty or punishment may he brought by or in the name of the Collector of Island Rev- . - tttuM within whose official division the oboes was cursmited,--or by ur in the tune of any person. It shall be the duty of such Collect, of Inland Revenues to bring such prise cation whenever he shall have r...•n believe that any such offence has bee committed, and that a prosecution the for an be sustained, and would not so )ect him to any ondue measure of respon sibihty in the premises. Such prosecution may be brought— In the Province ..f (hst*rin before an Stipendiary 5fagutr&te or before any two other Justices of the peace for the cowa- ey, city or district wherein the afenoe wascommitted ; ..r, if offence was com- mitted in any county, city or town hav- ing • Police Misgisttate, theu before such Polioe Magistrate, .or in his abseroe,then before the Mayor or any two Justices of Peace—or if the offence was committed en any city or town not having a Polios Magistrate, then [.dove the Mayor there- of, or before ail two Justices of the Peace. Koen In any house, shop, toms or other place in any municipality in whish any prohibitory by-law passed under the provisionsof " Tl.. T. ne/,rrto; a .1 1 of 1864," ..r of this Act is in force. a her, counter, borer pump., kegs or arty other appliance. or. preparations s:aoilar << hose usually found in taverns and shops ere spirituous .or fermented liquors are ust..wed to be said . r trafficked in are nd, and spirit fermented or her intoxicating letuor is also found inac house, shop, room, or pe, such a.r shalt 1.e (benne: tohave Sorel kept sate aetrary t.. the provisions of h Act unless the contrary n• proven the defendant se, Fifty prosecution ; r. the .cup ant ..f seat house, •hop, or other pia.-.. shall be taken con- clusively to be the person who keeps ChM* and Pt,.r. This disease w in every one's month , it has Am become a a,.ia, until every tittle change in the system is attended with almut • deadly fear of china and fever. The greatscause e of the reappearasos uf this deplorable disease is ftruin treat- ment The remedies meed to check the disease du nut euro it, but promote its reappearance. Every one can cure them- selves, physic ion. and need no phys.•n. Thuse who nt•• net the convenience for baths esu sae the sponge bath, is a hot nw o. Take every morning a handful of the barb called feverfew, and steep it to one pint of boiling water down to half a pint, then when It 1a pool, strata it and drink it through the day, and take a cup of lemonade on going to bed. Apply to the soles of the feet a pusltis of o ommo$ salt. mined with hot vinegar, and a pad on the pit of the stomach, evade of dry salt, to a plaster of Burgundy pitch. Avoid all animal food and pastries awl—coffee tea aboaldawl—coffee not mroog• In the spring, whet, winter a depart - )r tog, with its many restrictions, we find . the system in • feverish condition—,pore to so now, than in our grand -patents' time when stoves, registers, and gas were nut so freely used. Just before the chill comeson have a pot of very strong not coffee made, and when the brit chill is felt, pour out about n re- b - a pint and squeeze the juice of twu y lemons in it, and sweeten it to please the taste ; drink it all and go to bed, cover op warm. If the first test i. not suocca- ful, repeat the same the nett evening, until the third, which will cure. In all eases of fevers and headaches, apply poultices to the soles of the feet , take two tablespou sf ul of salt, one tea- spoonful of muatare ; raiz with hot vine- gar, apply bot : when it is dry, renew the application. Thu* will cure, of con- tinued. Boxwood leaves made to a strong de- coction and drank, will cure. WYortawood ffjll gee cure on the same oosditioaa. Feverfew when gran, bruised with a little milt, and applied to the wrists and sols of the feet, will core fever and u se. tae this every day till Slain for elm Seas.. If Osumi dresses of the ebi'dren an moiled and at all grassy, add borax to the water in which they are waabed. Dis- solve a large tablespoonful of borax in a pint of boding water, Fut about • third of at an the first Sala in which the garment IS to be waabed, another third in the next water, and the rest of it in tie rinsing water ; Shake the rarune.te thoroughly before hanging them up to dry The Mese let. The best blood cleanser known to medial science a Burdock Blood Bit- ters. It purifies the blood ut all fool humors and rivet strength to the weak. 2 JEWISH ION(i�'ITY. Sew Wee M.setvasee et the Senate L. Fv.**rsed the Sitew or a Mae.. irm1111110110. 161"4/11116' We read a.a ..(ua WI week to the dseglellarr taptlnps waives of sue• e Beards of Dorsies lissom Commie- MMera to teeming hosiers fur the retail soh, of I. oar soder the Scutt Aet to ponos w were previusaly .aped le she ball/AGM el keeping taverns sod sateen Itis bee the Shepley Mss set Msehibit the UM of lancers to es.h �Ie,Y.t itis Widest that tie iotsetiw if�e homer et Hie Act was to pew& obs sale et Ilion pumas ether than dew a*,ds sis plisse where dredges are act assiteile, We believe we hare 'peed peende gee eisiwistt, is dao light d She retest Moss - Ma of the Waiwmow s(Iwset el the Duman too, that the W tioveniass.t hes nut the power to issue these liwaesseaad that any layout avid wider *soh Newts sr issued will be in aiulatwa of the Mw, sad the sellers ups. he poo arcus— toot puniabmmat. Farther, the judges of the Supreme Coen evtd.stly inset to affirm that the retail dale of figteor should he owtn.11ed by Provincial authority. Iadsreetty they affirmed the mundane of the Sows As, end aewted that it should be e.Lsrsed. Clearly, 'hair derision netti *ale the leg- sal.ti•is that attemptsto take such purer away from the lviticial autfluritw, and that interferes sink the worry*" mit of the provisions of the Scutt Are. W trust that Nis eesrmo* sew ram of the state stairs wide IM M►witauag- y► *treed to 1y set Moray sad the Provieci.l eatharitise hi eMip past of the Dominion, sad that they will at uses proceed agents thew ez-teteteee-keeping •codon au N to pretreat their illegally milling ligour under licensee "not worth t isr u. which they ere writ: ten. "-[Cartsdupon Citizen. It Vaslsed *artless 'Aunt Pully,' said a poetic young lady, who w•a visiting her aunt in tie wino try. 'What is it, ekiid 1' 'Du you never feel as though you wanted to leave the milk and butter --- 'If I did, child, it would be sure to Bet your iniad ; how eau yes keep it chatted to them oumason tbtspt r 'Peer child ! Why, bless you, my better isn't common. It allots brings an extra price at swim sad is spoke for 'waysietd.' et dos your suet borer yearn fur Om beautiful, Aunt Polly r 'No, child ; I never yearn for nothing but hulked pertoten But I do hanker for then dreadful sometimes when they* skoeros an' high. Weald Take sae t'A•.ee. A New York state farmer, who was in Mantra the other day, was asked by a w I legal speculator of be bad coy hay to �aNl 'Going to hang tight on to my hay,' he replied. 'If England and Russia fight, bay will go kiting,.' 'Got any potatoes t' 'Iota of '.m, bet in we of war 'tau will boat right up.' 'Any uata r 'Two husdr.d bushels, but war means 80 gents a bushel tor oats.' 'How about pork r 'Got ten barrels, but pork is going s climb.' 'Can't you spare a few turnips r 'Turnips 1 Well, eu gate of war turnips have got to jump, but bean' I want some mut and aaiker and stacker, I'll let you have five bushels and take my dunce. ou Ramis Within' down.' In enumerating the causes which have mad. the Jewish people so .trot.[' and v,guruua, particular mention must be made of their obseresese of the Sabbath. This day was appointed for the double purpose of securing a .et portion of time for the worship of God and of affurdang rest to tbm body weaned with its siz day'. labor. O edience to than primeval law u still held by the Jews to be as strictly banding on theta as any other re - 'igloos obligation. In Christian cuun- trie.. where the Sunday u kept sacred or observed as a bobday, another day of met in addition to their own Sabbath a obtained, thus fortifying them auainat the crashing toil and nervous straw of tsndern life. The lo.s accruing from this enforced abstinence from business worms is more thio counter-b♦hnc.d by the gain in nerve power with which periodical mention from any harassing employment is cum Tbia is doubtless one of the actl un which har helped to invigorate both mind and body, and to develop in them those 'high qualities for which they are juutiy dis- tinguished. To sum up—the longevity cat 'the Jew u cn acknowledged fact In his sur- mundiogs he is on a par with his Christ- ian neighbor. If tine locality in whish he•tlwelle ie unhealthy he alsor, n sage but to a less degree. It' the eliwsate u uneenial ite influence tela on him, too, ss but with leincurious effect. His vigo- rous health enables him to resist the on- set of diens* to which others succumb. These advantages are for the most part owing to his food, hie temperate habits and the ear* taken of him in sickness and poverty. Nu doubt be a specially fortune in inheriting a constitution which has been built up by attention, for many centuries, to hygienic details. His meat is drained of blood, ai that by that means sorbin warms s ro not likely to, t.e conveyed iso, has sy asstem. It a ala, most carefully inspected so u to prevent the consumption of abet is un - mild, hence his comparative immunity rom ecru(uloua and tuberculous forma damns. The Bible* regarded by some *can- ines an old fashioned book : bot Os tea:btng in relation to hye•eae,ev.n they ill confess, hat not become antsquatea t must be credited with having anlici- 1 Sows es 111.sie. The wife of Mr. J. Kennedy. Dude 01 P. (1., was eared .d • chronic cough by Hauyrd's Pectoral Bailees. The best t w DOC (oro d such WIC and roses therein swell liquor foe .de. 1■ peeving the sale or barter roe other ual.wfel disposal of liquor for the pur mei an, pnaepLng relative t+. au of - wider the said " %wyum.n -r.4. t o; 1.04," or under Asa Act, it shalt not be .mesaeary or show that any m.esey actu- ally pa..rd or any liquor was actually anssomed, if the ,sacro, mai ansate of other officer or court hwnug the can, is er are satisfied that a transaction in the ttelure of a sale or barter or other un lawful disposal actually to..k place. Moder. thea CeeA, 1 A good nese, g'w.d health, S good ern.panson and a bottle 111 Hiwrard'n Yellow Ohl an amonw the firs requisites few h.mea happiness. Yellow OJ cure. Rheimetienk Sprains, Lameness, Brui I am. Bemis, Prost Bite., Croup. Num Threat, and all I'ain and In•amation. 2 throat and Tung healer known. 2 w Why *.r 0..p4 Lite. wan. 1 My thin boots wore ont in a few dare. i forgot to hold up my dyes and entered my petticoat• with mad My bonnets were epoi!ed one after another by the rain. i generally returned from the expeditions 1 took, dirty, weary, and o tants some of whom had Neon the oo pater and recorded for our nnstrtMion end profit doctrines which ore now sc. ospted as beyond dispute in this depart - treat •d 'omelettes. 1n the Mosaic paw are preserved sanitary rules, the habit - nal observance of which by the Jew.fr ss l reneratuie to generation, has roads him a, II Id WVhovers my rens man acquaia eo pani.ns of my ehiWhnod in Berri, had none • d those inconveniences to submit to. i therefore had a lose gray cloth mat made, with a waistcoat and trousers t,. match. When this astute* was mom plated by a gray telt hat and a hoess woolen cravat, no one maid have,; teased that 1 was n- •t a young et udent t u my fist year My Mott, were sky partsnhar deleeit. 1 abn.W Paler to hare gone to bed with them. On their little iron heels f wanderers from one en,d (4 Pans to :he .4her ; nn nne took any ,entice of me .r aspected my diagnise.--(Cmrrge hand. The opinion of the "seem bailie is regard to Ayers Cherry Patel& is see - firmed by cleryymo., lawyers, public Parer Pooch amditinos of the akin, speakers, and coots. All is, it is the agsaggeoing the head, Pteaplee, Erapr- teat remedy that .an be prooered far =OM Diseases. use Prof. Low • all affection of the vocal organs, throat, Rasp.Is and lunge a pence to all other races in respect uf eahh and longevity - The continued nee of Ro uiuso'e's PauarNoatxab Lk union invariably domino the blood from all impurities and restores the eys:•m to a state of healthtuin..s, that ,, manifested in in- creased e"rietitutinnsl rigor, menta) Seta tory, and lightness and booranct of mints. Always ask foe Re•ot*,sow's Pnoatwoauu Rrcunow, and be sure y0:1 awl it. Whe.lvr • Tfes.e P%.e .tea. 1 NCREASED STAENATH increased try 'b. ass of alosk0L strychnine. est.. chigoe! M sea tern si'etimelent M .ere. 5.- M etsmb wows, b. ever dr vney the keen Me ema •ets the oma- ceope a ee't11sss eMmtnte that gee - env. vital A.re.. t ewte.w mantas stem InlMw. The a '..hoer of the taalise mid beorapel e/ }e/1aR Wandty PAssehate. and ( set urns sfhwnntten. bit a payetalpr meson of war•.. .t.'.r .:,arils •win ►r•r'e-'';., •1,'r)r..i ,'. t, ..t. a. I embarrass the new Liberal government. 13- a (.t._•.. says that it was Mr. Fiaet Wu, couducted Riel to the Clerk . room Ito be sworn in • but other authorities e sure reliable than .our contemporary as - i sociate the tams of Messrs Ouimet and and Memos, two loyal bleu*, with that hnnor. Be that as it may, the Citizen this morning tells the world plainly that the swearing in of Biel was • Tory patty trick to which it was privy. A morn disgraceful admission was nerer before made even by Ms f;to:•n.—(OttawaFree Wb1 Gael Yeah the *ma. The C:t;.on tall its this morning that it knew all about Riel'a doming to Ottawa SPRING & SUMMER XYew Goods arrived, and will be «n ' dtyr in,; the Season. rt' I can suit all as to .Material taut Style. ITU G-11 D13 TDOP Ii►.dHZONABIaE TAZI.C�R. rm tt.i.k it the Fain.- Woes street. least Mee to Bask eidement.� Goderich Foundry and Machias Works, Runoiman Bros., Proprietors. CO•TMACTI TIM Fee $TU E•mow•I•EfmowRILLS. dM OMRYC•1•E•1 NAELI. Flouring Ms Changed to the Gradual Bidnctioi apts. Horse Powers, Grais Crashers, Straw Cotten, Agricultural Furman, Stoves, etc., etc., at Law Pricer .111 hinds of Castings .ifade to Order.wss J. B. RJoteata, R. W. Runt-manUoderlck, Mev. fe, req 1110111 THE PEOPLE'S STORE. BARGAINS! GRA ET .4 -R '�GA.21NTS FOR CAB�I OR PRO .01:703C. SEE THE GOODS MARKN ED DOW_ RIDIJEY Nevis'sJan. 21, 1885. The cpis's Iters. C deeieh LOW PRICES_ COME AND SEE THE BARGAINS �iROCffiRI1Ct3, 1N C ROCZRRY CHINA. IC, ISTONS WARE, !WC_, &C., aro Also a Large Ilac of Moustache Cups, Ladles tops, Fancy Mugs, lies Ware Vases, dtc., which will be sold at W_ MT ICHET.fT.i.. December foils. 18th. 1174 Hamilton street. Oodericto. BAGAINS FOR CASH 1 .IM SELLING OFF MY STOCK OF CLOTHINGE AMU 0MT1 KNISH MOS .6.t aGreatly Reduced Price for Cash. to take the oath, and that it warned the go•ernment that Riel was in Ottawa. No THIS LA A (J .('IS A\\'fs(')ck g y doubts e Y Sod that our contemporary knew all about the affair. It was clumsy political trick gut up by the Tories a to Ooerick. Nor. Lttb, 11W Ina ABRAHAM SMITH Pre.. eeieeentates desrsatr.m. It is worthy of note that the inde nd- ' entpreas unanimously condemn Sir ohne fesnehise kid" For many tsars it was I truly said that there was no such thing as public opinion in Canada, but merely party opinions- that whatever measure was proposed was oniversaliy damned by the organs of the other quite irrespective of its merits. This is still true as to the machine newspapers and politician., but 'he trowth of the independent press is a sign of the formation of • healthy poblie opinion. outside of renal or biased poli- tical organehip. The people have long been tired and diagutted with newspapers whoa emus 00 any given question two d safely be predicted in adrenal., according to their political iraninga ()n such oc- casions aa the present, the inde,iendant press, by throwing their inflames into the .ale against attempted infringement of popular rights by either rorty do a moron. -e which hide -bound partizans ean- n.,1 render.—(Toronto News. new Lire Ise Fwnettewe Weakened a1 M- saee, wrb5IN cad tee. 45.41... The Great Genian Iarigoreow is the only specific for impotency, nervous de- bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, pais in the back or sides, no matter how chattered the System may be from ex - Icess of any kind, the Great German Remedy stall rrees�jore the Met fent-time and **cure &tela. and happiness. $1.00 per hoz, sax hots for $6.00. Scold by all dr.gfimta Sent on receipt .4 p nage raid, by F .i. Money, To Ohio, row agent for United Sestet Cir- culars and teetiseniaa .eat free, Sold by Geon Rayon, sole agent for God. - rich Sas : A Rtwaa► tee nee dean ' Tumula- av ' to soy one mending the beet four hue rhyme ns ' teneWaar, tae r•ma'heM. Pirtle aim (n► 11• r..,•.. • r 'Nit . A -G Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. GE�.11►Ftrtir N CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, 0 eriz DlA gnal (kaansanrt'eatneof cadgttehea wood. Bedrst,,.(M't4ntwar'n.d+ lmsa.i-s,.sua, lisFt::r.tvt•:et, etveu,.b•ataaa,d.oenge., Setae. Whet -Note Looking Gleaee. N. R. A copteteoaso.'ascot of Corns and Shrouds & ears on band ala Rearms ter lin at reasonable rate .n, Posture chiming • stteeIalty.:�,.li mit signori B 1;33 OTS &SHOES ?•o d "7CTe dicfl.up Heir t. arnnence to the Public that they have opened business in the above Mot— in the store lamely occupied by Horace Newton Hating porch/toed • large and well assorted stock of Mprieg and Summer floods at close figure*, we are determine to give the Poblie the benefrt. QUICK sus, STILL PROFITS ELL BB OUR IC170 ,I -Please call and examinee our goods before purchasing elsewhere. '-Remember the elan, next door to J. Wilton's Drug Store, AM -Custom work will receive our special attention. siterNome bet tie bed et material used and fide -class work men 'mph yed. Aar -Repairing neatly dose ea the shortest notice (Ioderuh. ]larch 9 ldid. DOWNING & W ED D U P ART DESIGNS IN 749.LL PAPER Now is thit time. it pee wt.b owe or les stmt reams st tooter. t• see Put/oil rocs gape: Me hoe ever 20,000 Rous of the Latest Plasstlfal enlers. and sf }.Meanie.•. rh.n rmrl tnte,h tafmrter gpo4s. Cal coil sn. thee. =M •ntkv tr,.t'.'.!cote tows. and meat 0,.eM The Desi Spring B ,a�aar Pa���c� �F&bieq, AT 1 MISS Y. Dr. Bsedy a and Kies Pine Hardy, Jr. 4 thele 4ede is hoop, tied 1M bees away hror Tket, had been and es all the mem ealtessert somehow ale• la and Modem lair res * a feshk,n down a str,ngr thought about :t did at Ism mel mother had be paint obi chute sisters were nun world, and her Oat ' ]fisc Petw mauled—he peat inertinet : aha, Mug nature and e.saese.o• shish sensible of her ut At last the d.. pr•ctico any long mor, sold out to .btawd, emerge bis sktaasea hill tended the Iasi when he got it., as akilful (two pbyeiciat,j, k timer, and est. Still, its Wise Dr. Hardy' y's*nee. sod wu • ask the oliet m batt List cad c, ?aselope. It moa.tony of hate this hig e sit es hour with u wasof the out alter.n w.a,beofoundys ti cad *arty a thought found more than half They trade open hearth, 01* ruarwg "NVarnrr hut: •lf Lute in the door Evil On. TF.e two tyur heart's oo lett on the op and knitted or wu full of kind ing that Dr. 14 were out at one torah*, did so while he in soles ea that then w gnat po.:keta, ties, anti grad gas to have a the nnobetresi Now Miss P beau, that is, yeses before, day of her y ant to look at, masters sot, 'anon. On at the chinch had made it a book ih ming1 lope had respond, so she never h ''Her life had responsibilit' bees or iove- unden' iletvieg bean Affairs w ' lope, Jr., ca tads for heti severe illn after Mies P were sway, i "s silly, fe Lather, and every one although he beet, and al Her mother her father money, so t with bar std ersinthe o She wu thing, and woodetfsU made him the three doctor se commies they had o and and q daring and a that he *very in his had Jr., Is pealed days fol es se/ Heti bares ally w Jima* 4 1u• at •