HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-5-22, Page 88 ma>e.wc:a.aa; ,-errvox:!.,Y za:A,lr ,'wsraiStI ltlya.-• ••• _ • •••7 t ,:; THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MAY ?t, t.:5. 'Il E REBELLION vitt Law le antes Casa It appeals that there are two pn.omen by which Rlel :au b.' treed First, by tatNtm geuvrel court martial, acid 'mooed hy th.. .ordinary chit Llibutla's of to %orIhtit eat. As an Amerino' i citizen he con be triad in the saute way as d he vete slid a •ub u.•t et her majesty t 4 411444. (here u no cnpli(atwn Brain, from the fact of leu le.ug legall a foreigner. As to those misguided imbitaurls who, being subjects cit b 1lsjwty tit Conrado. levied war with Roel a citizen of s fureigu country, the law ruvide. that they p a , y cuay be tried either by u.tlula a.urt-martial or by the coil Ltibu.,al, as already remit el, and the paolsltwrut ou convietioll 111 death as fauna iia short the tinbutul Hay be militia rosters' tour' -marital, cvmpueed ,,f ,,.tion officers and officers ui th regular army trot ..n full pay, or it be a stipendiary uta4rale and (Isla ust.c,• of the piece with a jury ed si - The trial may be anywhere in the North west 'I'crtitorteu. 'There is an appeal to the Court of Queen • Reach H, Jlaititobsl. fhesen«d tence that must be pasupaa Iacl end los 454o1 tarts on cuuvtctiun elle du.tth seutuuce. •wltT rt kk!cirrus7 !ciT4 Swt.t l'1 ggENT, N. W. T., 11ay If& The transport service between Swat Cur rent and Itattlefurd hu beet' suspended se ih,Indmn are reported to he plunder. Mg Liu the trail. (treat anxiety is fel Asa to the fate of the teamsters who clipped from Puus udiu•iker• attack Dead horses have been hound north ..n l/+Aad akise is now sssd w fuse l.rto0 followers, .cid W be at or eau Failte lake. A rat *Atha.llt tipeaktng of the dletlwushed bravery a «1 sone cit the tesetetan i. the Ninth - west, a member 4 the 14. O. Rader e writes "Yesterday we seat one cit the I teamsters back to meemail the siI titan and eaehtile until& He had tot abouttt eighty tulles oiloilhorseback when he sew omittingomittingthe mail man omitting towards hon, being ether peculiarly dressed in buckskin shirt and trousers, etc., soa.ut style. The era tosu.strr dil Hut mutt Obis mail but turn - e l hu horse and gafluprd for life. Mail man, not knowing who he was, put after him. Finding the mail Hush. gaining en him, the fugitive cut od the man., drop- ping them un the prairie, then threw away hie own and the food of the horse, ahieh had been tied to his saddle, be. a all th,was ..f 4e avail, as the tnen,l men sato caught up to him. 1 leaned hint a ride mud fifty roundsof ammututicn, lac tay slid when caught he had the ride to bis lett hand, rawr.d in his right, and was tryisi;( to ram a brrat:h-l.taditg cartridge down the tnuvle ' He has n..t beets awe since, so i gusto the chances of getting back lay weapon are exceedingly Am." err. alll.Cn AXP cot-7sbbj. At. lulled. Wounded - Duck Lake... 13 10 . Frog Lake .... - . 13 Fort Pitt 1 1 Fish Cry -10 t Cut Kinfs Creek... . 9 , Ratoche . 9 Near [Littlefield ! on the Northesee.. ,. 1 the trail, mud fears are eip.rease'.t the the tweeters have been otertakeu Nothing has bead heard of the 21 tooks tan who are in Poundesakeri hands. Twa a17TLCFJRD eat 8T1,Ilt 3 - /3 t L'y Iuttnlu weet-ttRat- tleford Elsewhere Gel 119 The rebel loss has been about tee.:e as I tree w ours. tl.trTLtn\rn.Jlay 1i. -The }any of blo mtrd police strut But to recover the lady of Elliott, whi, was killed at E.sgle iftile last Saturday when Pouii,l,uaker braves captured the Hudson irony Coln pony's train, hide returuvd wt:h th;• body l Wimp the ls,'lcu erre returuu):f with their sacred cadge Indt•tns were, semi In every uirecttru, who attempted to pre - tent the police reterning here. Sergeant Major %Alien, who c..mwand.d the a lied, says the bushes are litera'ly alive with Indiana Prints .of m,e:cann• were discovered on every Band hill and neer every clump of bushes. The hostiles are supposed t.. be tumult) to the woods near ilei Mucawnt'a reser... R .se and other scouts are firing the su•.1s and prattle to every direction, eu +s to prevent the Indians getting under :over tut. close to our tamp. Three pre- cautions sill be conducted on an extend• ..d scale as opportunities present them• Weft S.r.utswh•, have just arrived in camp say the Indians are travelling se the direc- tion of Duck Lake by the Carls,en trail but are keeping in coulees to avoid being \,,,,iaeintered. Last might the scouts camp- y where the It.dians camped the pre. nil/ night, and counted the mirk* of ".-'th tepees, which endtates that the camp i.oubsius st least Ii4O warriors. The In• duras are evidently travelling as rapidly as possible, considering that tt ey have their women and chlliren with them. The pr„drie is strewn with empty dazes, tuba, barrels, bags, arta., : indi- cating that the plunder is biting rapidly devoured or put tufo a runty portable conchtinn than befhre. t'sedrup horses, cattle, and even dogs were found near the camp referred to. many ..t them with the remnants of their loads attached. The «Tint..11 prevails that these carrion hive vine to form a junction with Du• m.ut's party, 4.1 possibly to jean Riel, not knowing of his defeat. rime evTta. 04. Father Fourmand, reported shot $ome weeks ego by rebels, is still alive, having overtaken the c.elumn ..n Friday with auuther man. They passed 1 iabriel Du- mont eu the way to Batoche frim his hiding Otos. Dumont, on being advi.- ' ed to surrender. said he had taken op • arms and intended to tight, and would ' nut be taken alive. He only had s few Indians with him. Tilt AL.AIN AT RAT.h Ha. i r.tt:L 1YTE4%14w• CD. tjuAKI.t-rtt Owen' Jlty Int, slit t'larke's Crossing,• May 19.--itee! tints * rscrythtng to a religious subject. When . asked about the Fish Creek tight Riel said Dumont would go.'*ud Beit further than he should. Then waudvrcd off t.. say that the Almighty had directed the tight at that place. Red says his Circe was seven hut:dred Lighting men. When asked why 1.e assured his people of the assirtaoce of the United fMet.., be re- plied that no reliance could lie i.la.esf nn the word of Indians who had ;riven him assurance .1 assistance. When pressed as to the statement that the Cured Stats government was to assist him, Riel threw confident. and avain religious lien. Middleton thinks he u a religious m• m otuan lac. The prisoner expresses mucic anxiety for the safety of hie family, but fears of violence to pie uwu person subsided after he had received a hot steak and some 6 mit from headquarters' Haws. He, however, expressed a desire that if any one alieuld be punisbedSt shou:d be him- self alone. %Vhen general Middleton left hied in the evening he said : "General. 1 hate hese thinking had the Almighty given me the decisive victory he has seen ht t.. I give you, whether I would receive success , as well asou hate done. With the ' remark " i don't think you would," General Middleton lett him puzzling ,ver • this c•jaundrum. 1(eol is code**, having left his outer garment in a hush. H. baa moccasins for his feet, a black slouch hat fur bead gear, a hickory shirt, a grey and dirty !vest and trousers. Hia hair and t.eard are decidedly dirty, as is his person. He MIS a most courteous manner, hu ►once Is well modulated. ana gesture graceful. Although there is loud talking in the Icamp about .hto ting and hanging, the !prisoner is in absolute safety. The ( greatest danger, if any exists, is from Isome of these who were his pnaouers for jtwn months. 111111 As soon as Mel was captured Gen. Middleton was nonplussed as t., how the Criumer should be disposed of. and the onl7 solution of the confusing question, %t hat shall I d.. with him r. was to telegraph to Ottawa for ►ustructi,ns. This he did, and he will remain here until an answer t• received. Two hours after the capture of Riel, his lieutenant, Maximo Lepine, deliver- ed himself up. He is a big, burly noon, dressed in ordinary clothes worn by hall - breeds. He pretended to be disgusted with the entire anove:tient in his ap- pearance General Middleton asked but two questions, "dere you in the tight at ttatoche's 1" and "Were you one of Riot's councillors 1" To both ..f these Lepine amply answered " Yrs." Your correspondent interviewed him, but he profa'esed not to be able to speak English although he could understand the language. He dented all knowledge of the whereabouts of Dsmont, bat when asked if he had any statement to make shook his heed and replied in French that be did rest understand what we were saying t., him He was pts•:ed in the guardroom, and at dusk taken on board the steamer. Reel retrains a captive in the tent ad joining t len. Middleto n's. Father Fourmand estimates the repel loss in killed at ltatucne at 60. The wounded rebels have been sent beck to Seskatcheeen with our own, ,on the Northcote. The troops passed through Duck Lale and were t., call at Carlton on the was t.. Prince Albert. Mr. Wrigley. Hudson flay Company, , ham received a telugratn from Osaer.l Middleton referring to the Batoche en- iastrtHeat, wasekililte kieaerwi eherseter does es a deceive victory, the enemy ]wing, in four days' fighting, 00 killed and 140 wounded, the volunteers eight killed and .11) wuund.td. 41 It I % 1 THS 04A0 Ka44lw. Father Lauzon reports having buried ft Indies of half breeds. A half breed lumen told him that the l.oss would be at least tl0 killed ,n the village, and 12 Indiana, and that many inure would die of their wounds. The priest who came into tamp yeeter- d sp rep..rta the Pira: lilted of rrhels em 157. The number ..f wounded is not lnown. TRE '.134.'11 rut DrlloTCr has Morn 4uatieresful to the present. Slcl..ed, • clever aceut, tracked hien to a place twelve ,piles north,at•d by means of an Indian tne.m.ngnr asked him to sur- render, pr sifts hiu a safe conduct and a fair trial. Dumont replied that he would consider the matter. it is admitted that he Is ledly wounded. Mc- Leod succeeded in bringing Hl a lot of half ',revile. I1. believes Du t will wrrentter eventually N OTIbt. Each of th. 31 wagon in the train captured by Poundmaker ca.r,erl It ton of provisions, as well se a quantity of forage. It is said Riel CAme to New York secretly inane time alto and endeavored to tet mesutanee from the Fenian., bet was uM4ceeeslul. THE . CAPTIVE, WOMEN. WINNIPEG:.., May 19. -Ex-mayor Logan received a telegram from Adjt. Tupper, with Col. Smith battalion, that Mrs. De- laney is dead. She was horribly treated by the indians passed around (rues one hand to another, and finally died from the abuse. Squaws cut her to pieces. Mn Gowanlock is owned by a buck,and still alive. enema tan 6.1T11 .loan. The ',Mewing is apparen.lya certified cit of the caaualtiee of the Northwest li.1d forte and the rebels in the South `lsakatchewan valley ranee we left ile- .Iofle Total killed, loyal " rebels Total wounded, Loyal rebels 1A 24 191 The rebel lose was more than the above figures, bet the numbers given were veroohed Int by priests, whit count- ed the dead and wounded. !Idea tremas. °rrtwt, May 19 11 is the general mpre.eenn here that Real will he tried by commiesena of judge. at Regina The smog of Chid Juane* wallbr.dge, of armor., Chief Jostles Wilson, of the lie, and Chest Judges porion, of Q.ebee, are somplla.ted as those who will kely eowtpose the colaesimwoe. F.H•Nnv*ana a rt*Mt4t4n. BATT1.tr.'ao, N. W. T., May 17 i The 1Mm•tere who were mode pwt..wMrm a by Poundrnaker Are htrt,►ve.f t.. he timely o in nimber, mrlu.lu,g Frank ('ns, Ries M Hera, H.nt, Cooney. and Sheriff, of is Begins, this remainder being Americas g 1 trod nest Faro. and Grund hurls li ?..•.east. Meat Sunday, beteg the f.laat of Pee lomat, will be celebrated with all the crtrtnolly 1-,esible to St Mater'. R (' etureh The e::.,ir under the ab:.aired tutu of the t,letit%d organist, Mlea Jen me (',.oke, la prrptrwg a apecsal tauten Pre,tavat, the feast of tVo,,ks, was ..1 the three great feesta . t the •lewld law It was the feast of the to gather.. hardest, soli the later Jes. regarded ,t a aoirwm commemorative .1 in. Nt.•so legislst in the third useuth tEa."1 aeaj ; Iwt Ilse,, is no traps of such view cid the Bible, or et en w Joseph« and ['halo. • It was kept ou the hhtet Jay after the first day of the Nemo' sr Nemo 16, the second day 04 the Pseeha first, tieing reckoned it. the lint . f th fifty day* Lev tviee, lb, IK : ell Bee Altherthitm, p. 391) set 1' . l'hnstisdr the day because upet•ulhy sacred, for .n i at the third buur t,. e. about 9 ..clock the Holy (lhost dritcrttded miraculous) on the sp..'.61.. rho aIIClessi ttaditia that this Pentecost fell on a Su.ulay confirmed by John *dill, Ott, for if th Friday on 'stitch Christ Bled was the era of the Paesurer, i r. Nisar 14. them Ott lei, the first of the hit). day., .u,d Ih Itftieth day itself must 1...th luau 1e.••• :+uudayea l'rutccwt Wan ket.t as Christian tektite! fr.,nl tory early tun The word was used both f.'s N hit he day and for the whole !retie} of tilt days after Easter. %% hu Sunday i Eu;land *e.1 the Cali a name f.•r Pee recast. Mr. Skeet e" Etyn►t logical die tit.sa17," *tib d• e } iTiuwe tlaliiiiu dot **duel leptons acid settain It desceud feeds the Awtllo Sasso. " h,vtta Stumm. (tree," and means " White S•.ndaj.': i is i1ust tlidicu:y to N,, why the a.ana• w e;ivru, but pr.,li.thly the :soave. jus quoted a right 111 his .u+; e.ti,n that t refers to the elute rote of bsp•ifu e e 1 00 i0 "- KNIGHT'S AOR A SHAPE. HAIRCUT, SHAMI't)t), OR DPI;. f TWO UDUIte MAST OF ►'.O 1 11110-1, - • A UOT►oN SALE OR VALUABLE t MILL AND rams 1•K01•'gkTY. ) l' wider sad try virtue of a power of rale cos - i. u • uarbls iaurgpagc, w hurt. w W be y are ut, loathe ate v elale w asir swan b) olfrr ao w ilarr.q m t he. V e adurs, i I4 rr %wan or otti d N resale by t'uhlk Audios at e e • u cif. 1 a • 1- • M.IDTI N'S HOTEL. (t la the village of Llasgansus• ,n for t'wtnt, of Huron, on inderdele tkc "dr.. day o/ Mug, A. U. 1105, al Ifo'clo.l, newt. by Joh. Knox. Auctioneer, ter tuituwi.g valu*l.te pruprrty its the fellow - i perrei , srttwcly : Purl I. temeasuult of the mill property of Witham Harms. situate is the 1'owou4W of A,tbarw, i. the Costal) of Huron, aid befog ,+wt.pused of • liortfu., of Lots 1.• unborn' ; meal !k W toe tilt lbnc,rtou. F,4.4. ran Di 1•10111. 04 lie Township cit A.h61414, JO 1u. Cugsty 01 Hewn, and whish may be better dew rated as tlpluwe : t'ommrau nig at a poet roamed ea tM Westerly limit of roadslluws.,.e owshows u. Ite.warred flea of Ilse Village of ('rats means' M a treat t bared at the A IZ ruW mllswtawb 'e srows Leese sal' ttiee Notaide sf rood .1ewaeoe ae sheen em tM red piss of tae Yilfye of tyke ford. 1 sea Numb Kneed, rums said frost limit aside reed /hens .Mins. stere ee lees to the low water a the N,as Hilo Hirer, thea.. Easterly (otturtoa the kir wider of rivers 'milk tent dutascetoper, Shirt wives sad • ►alt h.►s w.sseth the ,fr,ed La•ier1) at right h road above Gamed. les hkenoe Serie N'weedy the side rparetbl with Ib.• .Mia 11.4 to tM Iater.eet,ou tib IM nlherly hurt .f the milt WulwnlY.. Ihe.s. .Waerly, Ib lowh.g the 'several your... of the rid Roolberb limit of the will prupert) tulle n,ta.rautlr with the Northerly .,de of road sLluwsa t w shows om pins bowa ed.• th.sce Nerd►-Wewterty,el tu(-bwlswme.ofdtlayr- Nur1L4My aide of road altowasa two cruise sad Rey hula. 111161 or tele. 10 no Angle of read. thence sleuth. four chaise sod .1441r • tow lista, stere or km le as settle of rosA. Nosier Must►, ..'..*teen degrees and tee min- utM,raat Are ',Woe aid reenters llskanwre or lees. to angle of rued. theme Mouth. **m- ists dosece., t est, lour autism wore or lege, low assts of road. thin). North. fifty -sloe degrees aa/ .bialy ml.utea. %teat. sew estrus riem* *ad Fifty links. mete or lees. to Ow la- terae•rHea wlta the Ifaererly Walt of .mfr rood *ad place of brwisstatr . the whole a ustalurtg urea of tyres!y-four acme more or ler. This property adjoins the stow,. mentioned mall property. The awl is eb1Ay • seed clay teem. There err shoot 2 a. -res of • .iuol hearing apple cwt pear rebated. Go this property b erected a frame d wellies( hoax about lei!!. There Is attest from the properq to lite None Mile (liver. by . lane Zf 11.4. a cite. at Its North-Wr•s1 amt(, Terms: -Teti per tent. oft day of 1.1.. sad Oaten • a within one month 11)4111444.. w1tb.at later.+t.. hen p..ssesaoa will be alliin. rurtn.r perti.ulars ran be ascertained and Ike title deceit .*&missy on sppli.sttoe to (truseruu. Mutt 1 camrtun, llarr(strn, bode - rich. Is all cit. er respects the eondit ions of ask w111 he theela•dirtg ruhdulone of the t tuo- tery 111 craws of for HII8 ('cert of Jeri. .- ITer2d lilts cath day of April. A. D. 13113. 4'tMECON. HOLT!(',tMERON, su.di a: lot distance of twenty -Ode **eke JOHN KNOX. Venders Solicitors. m •awrvd t+oatlierle treat the h.utb-4. i Aectioerer. IfiM.td arise W V dlags Lot Needier nee, theme u onb.lau Iwudromn N'rN vee thole sed Ht RON AND 1HRT'CE LOAN AND .•l,.ht; ...veil links too pos:, thrum North 1\1'fttlT1EXT t e SiPANY. t ea.4 1:14Y .60 ten degrees and hat;-li,: w tILutes - - FA%t th:rtyone links to a D•wt, tbesa North This t'w.pan. was os1i,•. izeA oa the httla of b ,r wed Easter and fbutut:ost eery :or than) a.t• the times at witi,i4 baptism was Almiut stared, an,l m c-.11 (Auntiesnlikeouruel/ !'enteu:,.st would be preferred to East.. for the reception .1 baptism, which. ti those days, wt* given by `uiutursiun. 1 this explanation 1* wurrtatl nor none f.• l'cuteco,t would resemble he Lstiu tit. for L,w tiuu4ay, eir :-- winica it .Altia" t'eutt.Tott was kept as Christ loan fe,t:t•*1 fr •ery flatly timed:, Th word was used inn$ ,for Whit Su cud for Cie win le period of fifty -de. after Easter. ilen:••us in s Lit work (. the Pasch tt raid to hat•e mentioned the cnstont of praying erect during this awe lea, ()retell in the " .lp.,Iit..1 , C ,nail tuti.ms ' , v.:.'0 a+ well as the conOcil (.f Eller* Ann.'. :.;0.1, can. 43.; There was no fasting during the erh de period h. even the feast on the vigil wait not know in the early church, indeed, Quesur thinks the cult. min the R ,1-,1.tn chi ire is that older than the twelfth c mtnry though Mferatlts and Itenedlet xe: De fettis a1:)1 believe its introductieu mus he placed much earlier. The ti,gtl 1 Pentecost was on. of the 1.....ays r which !••Jean baptism was c•naferred.an hence the Missal still gives a form 4. the blessing of the font VI/ th:.t day Benerdlit sit, also mentions as cue. which prevailed to some places. the byes sing of the Candle, the l.h•wing of trues pets at the (-.n. Sun4. : nooh... in the man of it hit Sunday. the d,rcharve of firs from the rinrf, the letting deem loose in the church, and the scattering of roses. Phe Sundays which follow till Advent are dated from Pentecost In the Rowan calendar.-1COirrius •TT.D. Ai At) -.•4 d.rgreu• mud forty m,nuts West April Ise. and now in.rrotite. ova -n.1104 u prepared to receive applicaIsens for kers oe rod tier nt Sward y. Thl. Company being • Leal isatltuli0.. can offer to borrowers wester facilities for get Hu4 their leo executed with /Want b. alma oa., be had from uutalde .w foreign Cpuiprn- few. with w4oin days .ad weeks are life• re- quired to visor up • loan. When Title and Security are ratisfalterys borrowers may obtain their money from this l oepssy on day of *pplt.at 4041 - Due attention has beim paid to ,odfinkng 4nlicitors charges to the lastest rate.. Mortgages purchased 14 security and talo•s are smote, e.1 of. A ?as,css Crank ktfaaeh wilt 4e shortly opened by 11r t'nmpany. Oepo.(tots eel be paid the ilip8eae Carr -sr Rotes on their de- po s: ta. Th. ('ompsay's o14re. are on the roe.., of Market equate and North St.. in the Nuelding adj..' ng t1..• ler) tilod.. *ore of J. e. 1kr4,r m thirteen chains aid thirty -tour links to a tarn, donee North eighty degree. West four chafes and treaty four Maks. more or leas, to a per planted at tits dutan;x et thirty -,eves and o,.. tuli 1144. from. wd at rt,r4t angle. w nth r ibr haat:131 iii ,I u( toed rllowsaye between , Lyrae and 7. thane* $uutherit. twining carol- , lel with rid rued *llowaaoe dye chain* and elgh.y-oto' tiers to a post, shag.. Meath. ✓ eigbtyrlgbt degrees. Weis .shutes Fist, tint, tholes and .ourteea link• to • Post. these trui:b. silty -dao degreetssd forty live 1 n►lau:.:. Nast. ate chum' and twenty links to a phot. thence Beath div -aye me11ten, and e shirty risme* East, tau cbatha.wd 61ty-too Tines to a port. thence South forly-Ihree de- ! free•. and Hurt, ...Rtes K. ttref chairs mud ii::y-flee links to a port- thence eolith. sighlre. degree/, Kest. one chain wd e4•ten O es. more lir lea., to • port planted of tee herly lute: „f rood albwaace 'ebuwn :n n *'..re+*td,l theme South. eighty two Mast. alum said Northerly limo N t ! ('u. chess, and tiny hake. mune ee 1)ilj,'T0114 : of read :bath of the two Josses ttH.uarr, President. a la plea .roe aldol theme W. J. R. Houses. V,e. President. at the Westerly limit Of :44 it. J. csierwKt,Hr. gesture (iinsonr. me. 34. Oita V. Andrei* J. M. Konawe. t# nteanoon. louw A,H1•n8. Ueda -rich. F.Jowua,i. - 3. H, ('oLcoaas. 40111 fTnpv C*riauN. HOLT ft Carrier*. MORA(•K HORTON. Mau MAUL aidum monument planted on the holt be- Owler:r4.7th May l*ti 11es- tween farm Lues 7 and & at the distance of _ -- r'weaty -two chains and luny lank. mett.ured Southerly Crum the North -Bast angle et .rid Lot 7 thence North-IiaaerO stoat the l.to,t and lour links to a post. thence Youth. afly- three detpeesaud thirty emit.. least. •Jorge Chains t0 a .rose mueueoot. .hence 804ti, ,s une44411wd for Coolant as 1a tag 14.t cam thirty -.'oar degrees and thirty mutates. Croat. be Iibked. or RamsfM. four redone and thirty eight hula. more a tees to the centre of Last S. where a store it u coast rt .ted so flet the liner 4011: Tlt-4 wnn4eeat u planted. 14e.ce continuing agar LTi.AMR arrA,Ssofor the Latin A110CAT ..Jute-ia.tarly of the manse costae M last lir «('*1, T144 Ann 140( its 1t an be wed named slates■ chains and forty ha kke,s, more or os any kind of Wove coal. wood. oil or gas. leas, to • Mine mosst)er1 glutei on the The C•ioo Il9 Entirely Done toric brewer Lott s and A theory ?Mirth - Westerly The V y Westerly slang said limit trans. the Ni.. by Stead Under Pressure, r n h n d • toots The tnetyflld trade on the Likes d very dull jest MIL Freights are ,.either paying nix plentiful 11111•1411. .t t the maiden, a o,' the bride's father. nn Weals -AN.. th- .4b in.t„ Jame* Robinson. to Lorne Humes, daughter of ('o.dueter I) Hetnses. G. T. K., .11 of Geder.ch. The Ree. T. 31.1'amya:.. of North strut ;hurry, o114 rioted. NRA. In West tWawsnorr. ui. Sit'orday May lfte• 10.1, hwiiella. beloved wile of lffr char. (ikrvin. jr . ,tnd ride*: M'ig'et.r of Thos. (ir•ham, Uoderlcb. aged 35 years sad 1 months. Al the Nilr. its ter!. Aggie S I.eld\.note-! Id Ye•re. Lsdrrkta Oarae6. (Reported by yelephoee from Herber %IUDs l uuo4alcw. Kay Zt tett Wheat. I Valli • bash M m t wt a, Wheal, 'red winter/ 41 bath 0 06 .a 0 A; Wheat. oepr.ng' 41 bush 0 Gn r 0 e" Wheat. 1aroueet 41 bush 0 ).i o. 0 74 Floor. ifaill *cwt. 2 n or 2 ti Flour. (maedi • Cut 2 6 r 0 311 Flour. utrdng baring zed ' 4 -4 0 ;,0 Oats. 41 M:t► 0 .0 a J M Peas.elbush ....... 0 •:t w 00 Harley. 41 bush .. 0 --, i 060 Potatoes. i hos`. 0 .14 • 0 1e Hay. altos .. .. it 10 w 1.1 00 Renee. VS 0lJ• 011 tISpackedt 41 dos a 10 .s 0 10 Ito. tate. 0 II! e 0 11 Shorts, 41 ewt s 70 M 00 0) Bran, Slew" . ... 00 60 ' 0f 00 Port, • ewe- :. -. rv4 wen. - 40 ' ; MI Hider -- 3100 411 6le Snoe.Testlss ............... 044 ea N the d reed se v less. to ah 1 as Mort taut; Bald sees. Owen, and sixty links, more n: leo. 'u 11,. place of begar one, also cowt- men.tee at the Smith-Wea.rly angle of Yt:• loge Lot 13. thence 'Queerly. to.Uowtag the Southerly and Wasted, balite of sold Lut 43, to the :South b asterly aside of loot K, thence North-Barerlr, .I-o, 1(f the rear of geld tet I2, W its North. l+arerly £Ogle, thence North. eigtoyeae degrees aid forty minutes, Kart, eight chains and throe Wake. more or lea. to 1 TIE ARNOLD AUTOMATIC L between 7. th lists 7 sod R • d:sta.it u one chats STEAK COOTER 34 1e meet ekrei ,.bales ate to *5411, the.p fiese,auld very rapWl) to the mm•tl, Timmer.," North, treaty-►wo degrees, tt'est, sweaty eelu.dert4. tib. titree cbs,as and *twenty hake. more or ler. roir to keg the P•w a Mled to a poet, tomer North, eedety-three degree* y w it7.> 1 . sur. pri witL sno- w attt' must.*. K-e*t, twohr chains, more tit e d both • through a Tho steers /erre q the ch lir 1.•.t. 10 A post w the limit 8.twee. Lots 7 tube and tk . 11 a etaperbles oa ibr, oft ted at and e. thence North, eighty six degrees sad osc.*renal kind* o ttri$0., • oma be straaaed at thirty to,ssiw, Weet. three ebain. aid tarty once wttbe s tb1 yse N now surrounds sbt• hake. thence North, sixty-eiabt degrees and o The snare then Compbtell satrroi-. thirty miaoT.a. West, four chains sod ter- t ' ef..kmtk, "r pats. la w►b► l'. era, • F'ad teea make mere or less. to a foot at the aegis, a MeW .r other fend we. tee .stms. of road South of Bridges,tbeece tdtewi without exposure to testae. water 1 stems.The 'tg thea prewr. ,ng atl the piag sag yokes The the liasterly nye ng ori rood alb in a steam indeed of tato t u H t r h. rvar.w, .ink 1tia•ter dies. tan across Mala male bit* tt brra rreetvar. e..d.ae.4 drips over Hiker, s e le of amen chalets aad esgbty isle the 9rprly (rr*l'rf.Pr mei b mad over hnk•, owe or les*, to the Youth-N"Bot aisgle t V lease 1.0: Member sl. to the place N be - *Mains, the whole eoetaintag together ma area of forty right acres, more lir leu*. t)s the prrtrwsos there 1s errct.A a good tria* m,L 1U ul M. 3( many* 11410. with four lfoon. ••.4 3 ria cit *lobes in rnod letrlu4t order In eoanaai.e with tie !loci mkt: a brick store holier to by M. with a good cellar ureter the whole of , : also 4 frame sort house et by 74. also a first class two storey brick dwelling liter with kftc4.n IMO. • rnod shed * kW. a orirk smoke h.,* sad four mar. frame dwell:t.g houses suable for mill heeds to nye en. There 1t alas • first rise sale sill: on the ( premises. with circular saw .at,abieatcutLsg 101f) fent board measure per tour. and a stood shuttle mal 1 twee ,. at.o os the premises s frame barn. and • terse driving shed and eatable. There are about three screw of eroelleot orchard. Tee Witt dam. mills. mschmere Meadows aft:., !r .. are all as good order. Tbi. parcel ca:•u4 of /1 acMuof land. more or less, of which oboe' 4 acres are brash. pris- e, y cedar hei property w11: he sold as t fo stories: or acre s of t le one ()wsttto Harris 7..r%, w4ieh 4*. yet 7j 7.41110r0*. AT THE This is • good b.ppeanant forsay one desiringMEDICALdistan1 to g'• Into the mlllla4 Acidness. se the water power ,e one of the beet in the ( *nate . being ae the Ni... Mie ttiver, abd th.• pro rtyy is , aitttatad SI alit.. from t YO M JDu r 4 +son. i. the County of wen. m es root .1 wt received, • large ooadgemeat N tie Nest fain& ssM Illaneerrat brand. of (tb. Village of Lucknow. 1• the honor! of ff Bru.•e..ud l; mdra rn,m the the of 4r of rich. the ('aunty Town o' the ('unary of Herm. it .ever boils over. Seisms up in three min- utes. No steam or odor .an escape Into the roam. *lithe %swimmer. Rlc$.e srod!'Inv w! _ or of the food i Retained. rood .•root .L see eb. Nerds DO watching. Can be used on anWad of sia.e. Korb cook.. is tweompseltd by KW4Irait IN rectiot.• and Many Valuable Recipe.. P1tIOE$ . No. 1 one wanes. 411 IL No. 4. two Mantes. 01.0. No. 3. there pllosa 41U- *. No. 4. four .i Lb.na. 414.4, No. 5. Eve pits•. 11.73 A deep Kettle. a SAsllar Kettle. and a ; Private fords to levees at reasonable rate. Steamer are earleded es tae eatery rider.. N laterset. teret't Rogue • 1 tr.. ! cease. 0 is >*; coma. leis., 1u mato W. A. ELDER Hamilton Street, Goderictt. 1'194 3t Ade Agent, . Ooderir4. Mal rich. MIL Wada .uctiansering. Hw. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR . the Ceerty et Hares, bales .t'es4 I f• say port of the Comity. Address .sdwa to Beyer eh P. O. 1 JOHN KNOX tuENERAL AUO stw.rlONIttambil Lase Harlow ceswid raid artea S 6* the a.etloneerlug trade. he 1a la a pusltbs 1. dlerharte e. nth thorough atlefa tjor all eatS- tolesi0ss .luno el to him. Order'. len M Mirttr's Howl. or wet h) mall tum) add raa w, Wpterlch P. u...refull) .11 ended to. J(MCN iKNOX ('..stv Arctlusser. 1/1V -If NEW 1riir,', 1hi1iihis1ir, AND GENERAL bre Goods WAREHOUSE. The subscriber wishes to inform the Public that he has opened out a Large and 11'e'II-Assorted Stuck of Staple ant! FanrY Dry Boots in the premises next to (J. N 11t►vin where he will use every legitimate effort to -rive entire satisfaction 14' all who may favor hint with their pat reeinge. (ioo.l. marked, in plain figures and no second prier. No cutting in prices on leading lines, brlievin,c in the acknowledged honest prin- ciple of a reasonable per centag' on 1811 goods alike I refrain frotu advertising price., m, it is no fair trot of cheapness. anal Often lnisletuling. A. to whether the goods and price's are right, I leave It to a di•- crituinating public, alta! will shish- t, their verdict. The Public's obedient .servant. ALEX. MUNRO. Getlosb►- May toxo th, Liles -ate FURNITURE 1 1 Bureaus. k a i Redeuos, teen 14 • Woven Wire Niattrew.em, 3 4 rt1 t. Ursa end wool I11Vu tresses Hareeklsat Tables, 2 Om Kk.•hea Tables, 1 Y. hewn Tebbe. 3 50 Ysteuro. Tables. OM Bow Reeked Omura 1 fe v►.."`vbbotoaases. 7 10 775 Lema,vu and Parlor Sees at Cost. Har'ta1an, swingWindow Rollers. tenet. wladow *tial N' Ilse cent utt W.il I 1prr on rewrite.. - of St or ever. 1. C. ROBUtsox. • nae-tt E L>3T AI 'CT SEEDS TurnspSeeds, Millet, Hungarian Grass Seed, Corn and Buckwheat - MONEY TO LOAN SAIUEI SLOUE. SPECIA DTZES a E385_ - _ Naterl 1 r unsuy.ng of a Foto of 410 scree In ii,dUra of •11 sloes i r./ end Noon Wrtaonv of tots Number.7 and 4 Makes a roost healthful and r.,reshot" Weeniest for tlwptotwtr swans. in toe till con• rsaon. 4att.rn MI Musa, of the Towwhichpcoh,o of raonsl. may described A Lot of Apollinaris and other Mineral Waters. and which portions IraT 1,e teeter o Arnbed as follows (ommpsclmg ata poo' p:aoted on WOOLEN . h.. 7, 48,4 ;emit of sidle twit «uI re. PIt F.+11 elle ft,t 0i : •td 1. •+.+d pet. ln.ttt also at the a•t.r%..hnn Hellebore, Parr Green, London Purple, Insect Powders ! with ter 9onrhrrty aAe of d albww.r d..d.d by tl l isr, Harris tot". Town.hipof A.h6r1A and shown in rcgtet.red plan of the 1 n. ran rtr DLIZ.I.S_ :,lira. of O'rss.ford. thea. follow tog the v era. , al - G1 -i T., the II' o,i - .frons uj !'•.• .1,1',. 1+110 I'aau trot A'r w6h to saw 'ha' se • are 7r. rest "a tate your wool 10 .Whimsy. for ti40de. or work 1• for you into say N the Niles/in( •rto-I.. vi1 Blankets White. Gt'ny or Horse. Bhtrtingn Grey or Check Clothe Tweeds or Fri: Cloths. Light or Heavy. Flannels White, Grey, Colored, Union. Plain or Twill. /Meetings Broad or Narrow. Stocking Yarn -- White. Grey, Clouded or in Colors Carpet Warps made t.) order. ROLL CARDING. Iter facilities for Hos work "anew M AMU We will.ndes,or in most newel tido t th. day It b brought la. ,f required. 4'UMW. Apogia( and 1:..1154 or aMnnieg no 184 gimp roar.. or Ase hard or sof: twist, as required. W. aro is a position to do 11: kande N coo- lest,. is♦ test, work. 'aeelly does. an a fell set effort" moll aid tee will pianist.. to do fee leu Tully renal It set a Iit11. 41.11.- clan *117 in our aarrnending*. A esti r.t►ertf.,l:r .ol.c tel E. McCANN Rost Rae Ware. el no, •Merleh. ]fay Nib, lege, u w t r A bo',t it. era couid read * Goderich. d s r Lode IAr of Monti ora lender several di all m the P. JO Medic , H [M•i Vt a yT'tgdii/,fijtis Lode a real ►both of 141144., •is *11 a 4te mac. of fortr-three chains. more oe hoe,, tb.nce Sneth elstyrogbt d.gro.v and thirty minnow, Kostfour riming .std thirteen halts to • post. then.. South eighty six degrees sad thirty minutes. Last three chain. and forty link. en • poet. these.. 4.4th nobly there M greets sad arty =deme*. Kest twist. • etude* to ; A.T a post. 'hen..• W,nt4 • w only two degrees. Khat orW ..tether.1.4s*sd.evith a limit lime 111- C_ DETLOR tJtrs]Ly CO'S sweaor feta. to r4. u4154 5 ion with the Ilmlt be twee* fare, tots A and 4, theses /Muth westerly following the limit between 41114 lots Aand e meet tour chains &a4 eighty Mika, more or ill-RINO TNR ALTRRATf?OM IN MMUS TBRT WILL BOLD Ise• to the Mid lute.rover of tot R thecae A MAMMOTH MALE. SR IRAi. LINKS Or eurrhw..trrty *root the rear of las 1 and/.• Gods o be Cleared slut chain* moa•sor I.w, to his ne.r.ertlew wett t8. Kest NA. ref t,Ar road b.(we.a lob aRegardless of sed 1. tkeno. North.asterly *nowise add east ode of side road fourteen eludes. trine ()elms. to the parr of leginn,at. the whole Big Drive :w'aletr.4 an 4118 of on. hendeed sed Arty. nose sera, mar* or kis. This p-np.rtr adjoins the mill pn41.rt7 shoo. mentlaned The soil 11 good. sleet one half beim cid town. sed toe other half • 0aady le.fte it t* well watered Ay *prows and Was has spot.' m th. None Mile Hirer *lea'tm.p} lh4l4{r wad deeded m the Townst,e or Adtg.ld. which forms part of the hen wlsry of this BIG SALE FOR ONE MONTH IBR. . TLA. are ahnut 40 sere% of Sr.' r1ato bash Isnd. rtmlr•r.A with maple. hrreh, white ash. h.min,-1. sad ceder. T1. -r .re emoted en 'his oemel Own geed frame turn n..).t1Ow-1 sad tother 141* and dei tees wMes. Farrel t. owdet'ng of II cries Remit N the A on poetise of the unlit property and b1(ag s poetise of Let Number 7. la the Iib .srsss- *i Rsit.ra tansies of the Te A.bl1M1 In the leastj.1_ H.een sot i3ttirto Boal ilh deeCfleOl e.6 WOW.. -COW in Lace Curtains. Wonderful Bargain to Tweeds. Drawee Goode at Panic Prints, THIS 1't A ORNCIN4 KALI. FORGET TO VISIT THE CARPET ROOM. J. C. DICTUM t CO. DON'T oederlg, (its. Ma, ocnult Roue ikssa, &aerial. moo's Pr c piiou Drub Slog, uPal..Ani. ,ii +r .:i`.1ur.,..&Ylr':: 4 NK TI1. S41 gun AseI 07 Oita t W rax tad wren !atoll. Meet yI sat eaf Ka lee f each aid J. Ing tl tr t se do be be ser mo Ca one con the Ca baa aro *11• gid