HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-5-22, Page 5411A zit09. Miss befall Otbiuo, of Codetivh, w Mend. hen, D. Oen leg, fandnarly known as •be Daniel) %rebited, has been awarded the ..unmet for buildlmg Bethany church, .;oderich township. It is out the brat church Donald has built. Willie Brodwell, who for sone time wase resides( haw left fur his home in tlpooa, Mich , oo the Ilth lost. Mrs. Cooke, of Reed city, Math., •i•u - • J friends here last week. rHh HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1885. 1885 SPRING OPENING 1885 H. W. BRETHOUR & CO., The Roc Mr. Mamie, .d Obiegow, Uses seodead, is berg on a visit to (timid*. The "OIympie worn " are to be bel.' Iltis yaw on Monday, the 25th. To !tidos from the posters, we should say AND INVITL )'t)t'It F. OILY 1NsPECTION that bott sday.uceth ns good is in store for w ou New Pattern Mantles Mantle Materials and On the evening of the 45th, a concert ,e to be held in \'mew's ball. A strtn_ limed from Dungannon is to 1-w in attend- ance. On the 1.8th inst., Kr. Donald Mc- flooald, one of the early settlers ..f this section .f country, passed away ti the hones appointed f..r all lit lug at the ripe age of seventy-five. BRANT:FORS WE HAVE Itk:CF.IVCI) OCR C+ocd> Silks, Milliriery ax Maizt.les, OF THli 1'Au(P Belfast. Mr Henry Altera left Inst week for Algoma, to take ap land, if suited with the ouuutry and climate. George Hinny mored a kw 4Jt• from Leeksnw, to the taloa fag y ase uby Wright Martin. John Loogheed ts u..w running his hotel as a temperance one, and has start ed a grocery in connection therewith. Oa Wednesday, Wm. Harper lett for Nlaaitola, accompanied by his wife and .laughter. Mrs. Harper's many friends will be plowed to hear that she is suffi- ciently recovered from bee rant severe illness w rejoin her family in the west. A sad accident happened near tit. Helms last week to Mn. Morton. tl►e, it appears, was left by her husband for a few minutes holding the bosses in the field attached W the plough, when they became restless and unmanageable, avid trampled her under their fret, bruising her iuwtudly, and tramping ..mea arm al- iases to jolly. she is now oath r the care f Dr. McCrimmon, who has little h..ps ••t her recovery. Ler. The croquet season was opened here last weak. A number of persons think that the township °outwit ought to make enema outlay cm the lake hill at the terruisus of butternut row. There is a large traffic then dsaine the summer by those draw. log owed, gavel and drift wood. There is salmi water also drawn from the lake .luring the summer for cattle and also for household purposes. The expendi- 111110wr tare of a.om&& to ale the road down the beak safe and euesfortahle would be satisfactory to away. The following officers were installed fatemeniog piaster at the last meeting d Iws I. O. G. T. No. 13. Owing t.. s14k*ess Bro. Cumming win absent, and the iantellation was &redacted by Bro. Linklater:—Bre. John Horton, W. C. T, • 4n4sr Edith Horton, W. V. T. ; % L. McArthur. W. B.: Bro. W. )ligsraetse, W.F.S ; Bro. K E. Br.wu. W.? ; Bro. Geo. Folioed, W. M ; Bro. A. 11. Clutte°, W. Chap. ; sister Eva seise, L O ; Bro. 8. K Williams, O. 0: sister M. M..Maoua. W. K. H. 8 ; meter I Ella Horton, W. L H. S. Last garter witnessed very good attendance and six editions to membership. The animal picnic will be held on the 23rd inst. Laol ay. Tea Votxwiaaaw. —Daring the past few days onmederable excitement pre - tailed iu our village .owing to the call of our volunteers to the frtat, but it reach- ed the climax on Monday whim we were called epos to bid farewell to the volun- Wore of No. 3 enmpany, 33nd Batt., which is now on its way to the seat of war in the Northwest. Early in the 'storming of Monday the streets presented a lively appearance, as large crowds came is frog the country to bid farewell to and relatives who were going , when duty galled them to serve eewntry. About 18 o'clock the bogie minded, and 1-b+ men took their places in the ranks, in front ..f the armory, under commuted off tdeutenanta I) Campbell and D. O. Cameron, es Captain Jeffries had not arrived trots Kansas in time to take commend, although he had telegraphed that he wield meet them at Whitechurch or Windmill, which he subsequently Aid. The boys in red Looked etosedingly well, and we feet satisfied that wherever they may be placed they will acquit themselves as Jaen. When ready to start E. L. John - Won took a photo of the company: after which the order " quick arch " Aran given, and the company marched tr the stenos, headed by Piper Finlayawt to costume. followed by the spectator*. On arriving at the train a few minutes were given the boyo to bid rood bye to relatives and friends, when three hearty cheers were given for the volunteers, after which the train started followed by any wishes for their welfare and the hope that all may onme Willy home again. _ _ - The following is summary of the an sensor's roll f.w the township of dray fur thioear : — Valve of real property, $1. 1-t 300 ; yaloe . personal property, $80,680 ; total amount of real and per- .n..l property, •1.773,8010 : member of acres assessed. 74, 703 ; number of ams cleared, 32,4i7 ; dogs, 417. £itaellee tads.. All parties getting their sols hills printed at PI Ude sake will get a fres metier owned 1s this Inst up to Bre Goss of sale. Madams sale of valuable min and farm property, beim/ enetlw sed ret lute no.'s 7 and 8, in the 4th con., E D , township of Ashfleld, sat Mania's Motet in the vil- laga of Dawgasiams, by John Knox. auctioneer, at 12 o sneak. none, ma Sat. arday, the 233rd .1-f May. 1186. Antoine sale of valahle nl'age pro. party, being a.aare..A .4 a amebae of ads in the village of Bayflerd, at the Errors/an hotel, Bsyfeld. 17 Wm. Harm me, esstinswer. al two n elnck p m , 00 EbL.+l,. the Ord • •f May. INE Trimmings. FRENCH AND AMERICAN HATS AND BONNETS. DRESS AND IIANTLE MAKING. Tot assortment .o our Dress Department :Ai now complain. asmN(dart the latest materials and newest shades. with tnmmingot to rnatch. Samples Sent on Application. Goods Sent by Mail or Express. Aty article bought from us, and not satletactory. may be returned and nwr.ry refunded. Oranges& April da. 1M6. H. W. BRETHOUR & Co., Bra n l ford 11111 3e 5 L %re will exchange all kinds of Goods usually found in a first-claay Dry Goods store for WOOL this *sawn, and pay the Highest Price that the Market will afford. t )use stark is very large, anti you can get everything you wand in our line of business from us, and at prices that cannot be beaten. Bringon your WtH)L and we will convince you that it will be to your ailv'antage to deal with us. We have a splentiiol stock of Tweeds and Shirtings, awl other roils suitable for those who grow WOOL • We also .leaf in Rutter anti Eggs. COLBORNE BROS. 'April 29th, lt+,tl,i. GODERICH. OW1740 TO pressure of Business Just Received, A large a•nort stent of the merles. GRASS and CLOVER SEID8 I bare no time to write out an advertisement this week. A few suitable for permanent pastures. as w&11 as FIELD AND GARDEN hprelltices Waffled to beam Dressffillang. sEEDs nu,..„,„,A5A TIME T• NATTER. asr`IEED GRAIN OF ALL LINIJt ♦3 AIwo sent for the celebrated'UNION CHURN, the very beet in the market. STRAW WORK DONE OVER. MRS. C. E. GX3v=N. (9ntacia lOteti Barb enre Tompann if .LIMITED- 1 SOLI MANI-FACITKERS OF THI IMPROVE -D OCKBARB" FECE WIRE Reason* why the "Lockbarb" is the Best Wire Fencing • Manufactured. We Oaf 1M Mil English Bessemer Steel Wire, and we claim that in iia construction ls is suseeior M all sow kY]tsit trace wires. The wars forming the four ;Momper' between tarn Wire. of oke cable, iatwleck each other and par around the mile. which make_ the .troe5est barb to 1-M immediateworld. It has the advantage of always peatiate tae barb laterally. wkich so two-polasad harked fame does. At • meow' test of the strength of the "I.oetbarb.- made at the Northern Railway Shape. In Toronto. the tstlowtee was the 'with - Ontario Steel Herb Felice (o.'y. 1616 lbs.. ass/maw 11101b& email! lbs.. the Toronto Wire thus beating the Montreal Wire. and was awarded the contract. 'Send for Almanac with fall particular,. to R. W. McKENZIE Sole Aunt, C3Voderi .h. May -1h, 11as. SPRING & SUMMER MILLINERY. MISS GRAHAM tats pleasure In announcing that she has pwrehaeed in person her (Spring aad Rummer Stook of Millinery. etc., Gad has takes &dean tags of the LOW PRICKS prevailing at the wholesale markets to make Largr Purchaser. Heryatrons can rely upon good Stock god Lout Poaille Prices. A call is respectfully solicited. MISS GRAHAM. West side of Square. nor en, t A pr.1 lath. I Iw6. 041 NOW COMPLETE! REES PRICE, East street (iraln Depot. opposite Towr. Ha11, tioderi.h. Mar -h 11th. 111115. 1191-21+ MACKINAC. Sbs 3rsta Dstt tn.t SUMMER TOUR Debase etotrwsw. low arts,. roar Trip per Week ➢wwasa DETROIT AND MACKINAC And *eery Weak Day lUewer DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Irene aelm "Picturesque M.ckhgc " mustrsisd. Oo.esaaa son :aeosaWwa. Gabel )eros. Detrolt & Cleeelend Stearn Nae. Co. C. 0. we•1TcONs. hew pate. GST., SCTROIT. NICM. A. MTRAITON, Agt.. 0. T. R. Station, 1994- Ooderich, Ont. F08NITDflE. The LondonTeaHouse M ARSur.I RRC1 _ have opened a branch store in Acheson's 11lo.•k, adjoining Morrow'r shoe atone. GODEI:ICH, where they will keep.!. hand • large stock of CHOICE TEAS AND COFFEES. A. we make a specialty of TEAS AND OO/FEES. we can do better with our patrons than aay other store in town. A handsome picture card given away with every pound of Tea or Coffee. TRY A TEST ORDER. MARSHALL BROS. April 30th. 1365. 1163-3m West side Court House Square, Ooderirh. NEV HARD\VARE STORE. YATEB B AC8E90N AGENTS FOR C+LIDDEN PATENT TWO-POINT Barb Wire The change o' ta' ' hue canoed (treat ...cite. TWO-PIONT meat , so has J. BROPHY Barb --1N THf:— WAR OF LOUNGES. Wire Lounges. 4 3 75. Bedroom Sets. 15 W. Woven Wire Reds. 3 50. Rittenaton Table,. a 75 llideboarda a de Caere -mated Chairs. { dor. 4 !!t Row. bac ked /'hairs. i doz. 2 11- Picture frames below oust. 1 won't be undersold by any dealer on the top of the earth J. BROPHY, West street. next door to D. Cantrlon's bak- ery. opposite Rank of Montreal. Oederlch. March ath. 1146. 111111141es WARIWA Arrival of First Detachments of CHEAP, 8Th1:7NCS, ZNDZBPENBZBLE_ Manufactured by the Washburn Mower* M'rg Co. Call and See us, and Inspect Goods and Prices. We have on hand a full and oontplete stork of Shelf and Builders' Hardware R faints. Oil.. (:lave, Nails. ROPE AND OG- ORDA., IT E883101, 8 V PPLZEB, Table and Pocket Cutlery. See our Solver 1'tat. Goods, and Artiste' Materials. YATMei 8z ACHESON, Nemdeerto It. McLean's Meat Market. . erLLf #.Ir1. til b ,t.. SPRING GOODS - NOW COMPLETE! sAUNDERS Beep Your Feet Dry! —AT— A (HOICK BTO( I[ OF Vou ran do this at a very trifling cost by buying your DAY C SOD mend. Groceries_ SPECIAL LUISB 115 Dress Goods, Shirtings, and Tweeds. A Choice Lot of Seed Potatoes Cheap. -ighest Price Paid for Butter & Eggs. GEORGE ACHESON. THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. easedge. A0 Irons, 5.11. i VAltMET.' STORE. GREAT SLAUIIIITER ooTs & SHOES _- OF _ _. Stoves, AT TIIE (STORE of E. DOWNING, Tinware, meek Wall Paper, Fancy Goods AND House Furnishings AT OM 1 have now on hand the Wrenn stook ever shown in Oederiehand comprises . 1,r c line et natty hound in a Drat -star slim store. from the Dnewt kid. throngs. all the iaterme,t.u•.• grades to the heaviest cowhide. 1 will sell at Prices that Will Snit Everyono. Ladies' Boots, In Button or Laced, from :1.00 to :5.11U. "The Cheapest Hoose ander the Sun ' lieges and Children's Strong School Boots, from ritr 'f . upt Nest deer to the Pest O•lee. Boys do., $1.00, up, all other Lines Proportionately;Cheap. adwMh. March. Doh. tN4 If/r7 A !teed dx seats fee tsdage. end receive fres. aeestly tag aaoM whish will help yes wore anewey t awwy w t Als wwrt4. Al off Maher time aayttttig . ss 1 elan ..resod beam S,w hear. The breed melt Crabb'a Nook• Corner East street and Notre. le toen see mime before tire werkere..5.11 re Vary At oreetndtlrwe.TTet,s t (kr wrote. /gal To Me trade Loather std tanners In any gwintry, at low.et Prices. le.. T; I ern and will salt ,sat, hnth In (owl. .red p,1•-.. DO—WNING •1