HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-5-8, Page 88 THE HURON SIGV,�I� FRIDAY. WAY 8, t885. DraPell, N�j�bFarmersAttautloul��,��. ILL�FQ�I�I�IIBE (:au LuBAGLIND IIID �OSSII.e�mm..o.��o� H!IY ;L� P,N�ENGLAND AND RUSSIA. llr neaten8ummouedto11��I��h�,11i�td��London. I 11 l�' 1 ■ 1. *tr.....f A).puieitee The rrr.. as r*iMa 4. ourremeder • d oar. ILsad- •tete. a�aasrW Nes Indo II Jew* I a gaMa- LroN1.06, May J. Mr. tiladuutie AND GENERAL DryQood � ooaznioz at the ailde foam �}QDil�=QZ �'`'�+{'°' t �1 PI. fl NIArG M wyc as shown on M �il of Crane. r M !SHED ISL. -- ur id East !SHED 1S3& _-- •1 North along ea Litaw rend I LSTAIL MACHIN k P 1 1 ''1L of t o aa' 1 Iii`°" rr or pn i. Ji l %1(�) there Kaden,, foUuwia` the low water of Buch1M Lanni oRobingon u�.i,u.tdlaraiiortuttethu•r evteu Lu uMaa Lanni measured 7',Mterll at grin LArt' racTIMIaas or ae 1 e VW, river a s amt • halt esithe1hw r .n:. ...,x IMue:t, Nen on'"M'Jwwwa ' Rero. ro.. 1.., .,.•l lilI1 t. pa rnw.., ' •b_•.d Isms thew ill wady. alai &w..r.l lire re.o. S AITKENflea N .. , K,,, i 101 rnbla••k,ullt.l",•.amt ns I..., wore. 1e., 411.,..,.,..,. Ht►Kv4:411. 'Sin )t t'1141 n utted ill th•t ...mutton's this afteriit.u. 1 Alt kts.1..•t tun hour reisar:n,1 'one .n. Ann I "iota... had been ordered 1...wmv boner uuluedi- .hal Sir fetor Luuestleu sod 1-'.'1. Stewart ately. Ile said lien. Lunieden had not been recalled, but had been committed upon the subject, sad 111 cw)fonnity with his ,•wu news bad Leen rolurtted to rt tort. to Enghood. As it had been de- . i Sud t.. eury oil 10 L',nduu future com- n,uIliatN•le with It :gala about the mall[ Ir Nuts iu the Afghan frontier Zino, 1.,th Gen. Lumsden and Col. tte•art hall Leen directed to vane tb Lcodon. In the house of lords this afternoon I tl lila11VIIir stated that he could con- ceive of nothing better than referring the 'liaputo over the Pet}aleii wcident, in - WAREHOUSE. D. K Ma.b:I • mol 1.1a,•Ii 0 4 ..p. O .1,,MCh. The subscriber wishes to inform Atertl lath, lies. 111114 the Public that he his opened out a Large and Well -Assorted Stock, of Maple and Fancy Dvv Goods in the prenii,es next to G. N. Davis. where he will use evefy legitimate I effort to give entire satisfaction to all who mai- favor hie, with their v.,llnil; tam honor of two ..ficc:s, t.. the patrimage. !.cisme tot a third limy, nl wh.•m each (i0•.nls marked in plain ii.rures, ..ids bad perfect cw.tolunee. In this way at: whole matter awid he closed honor- anti Iter second price. No cutting in rahly for tx.tlt aides. 1 s. .:%\, I S M-o'tN•.. -' ,. 1.1«111 --tarrrtwrr; May b: =-•Geri, l:i.t..•wat will lace tumtrwd of the Ifnudh I1.undery •.goneeiuu in place .4 ;co. Lunisdeu. Capt. Vat. will be second to command. .TILL t'\,E1tT.%IN. Li isti.'X, May 5. Harm De Steal and Earl Grenville had a 1.ng conference to- day on the yuestiun of what guarantee/ ellot td be provided it'Osiiest Rus -inn auvebee o.0 Ilerat. It is rep.-rttd Earl (:TaAt'lhe pr..pmwd • tleaty pledging Russia against further advent -v., and re- cognizing au Eu;lish protectorate is :tighanistin. t'ucertainty rr•n.uus in diplomatic and ..tfic:al c.reles, as to the maintenance of naval and military prepare- ::ooe will continue. ..,,(VENT!• nr rtlr. 1•Itiltl. I ooN, May r.. --- The Newts says : •'The government (nest he ready ter the worst, even while they believe the worst is (Nit to C.Nlle. The 1..-t says : "One euro humiliation w hell they crowd so thickly un us, would i.e ut little .orient, if thereby we avoid - ..d war, but the inevitable conflict will u1 be postponed fur a brief The (t o. lard says : "Earl Granville _limes up the sponge iu the most artistic ,tuner. Sc have no doubt., when the allitish c:ulpiru perishes, it too will have :earned tai die :esthetically. - MI Titers says : "'!'here is little to i a thankful for, except the fact that war Las teen avoided at a puce which cannot .0 calculated." Moderate papers a;.prove the present flan of settlement, as it will allow En. - land tone to put her army and navy in ,.drfect fighting order f..r the final Atruggle, which is believed to he certain. ST. PzIEIOOUK., May 5. -The Noroe Vreenya says it u evident that the Eng - 'ash cabinet is content with much less .hen when they hurled their thunderbolt .uaad on acoouut of the nettle of Dask- itspri ur Pen)'deh LovnoN May t;, -The Post concludes that Gen. Lulnadeo, finding his advice disregarded and the disputed territory .dcd •o !tussle, has resigned. The Po.( .,.sieves Mr. Gladstone is shrewd enough see that he will gain only a britt respite - y his self abasement. The cowtruction of the railway through Lolan pass on the way to Quetta, u par ,;ressing rapidly. A report was current in London yester- .y thatL.rd Duffer:n had reeigncld the ..ceroyalty of India. Kuwsia's agreement is that the arhitra- . ,a shall be confined t.. a settlement, as whether the agreement of March 16 ...• i been t jointed. LATEST. the last despatches received look ...tc !Ikea renewal of the old war feel - .1. fi LatlalL During the evening of the 30th of April, quite a crowd feathered in our wo- a.ly quiet village. Oa making inquiry .is to the cause of the commotion, we sero told that the "Scott Act" was to ;.lute in force the next day. and cones- - i..ently ones- •t..ently the buys were making the most : present opportunities. Those who .co,eded in securing a hitt le were quite a:eiMat ; but others. who bet theirs, re - Idled to he comforted. "i hi' hods. of Duncan McLeod was struck by lightening on the morning •,f, t..e bth inst. ; the chimney was shatter - • and parts of the gable bore evidence ° the power •,f lightening. Lochalsh. An effort is being made to start Sab- bath School in coonuctl in with the Hest 'shield Prwb)tenau Church. This is ...teething whi.1i I,, lour been n')eded, ,ad it u 5inton•.y 1: he toped, that the .,vemetit will .1w t with the_ vPfy best f success Fall wheat xi a rowel thine, is l.tok- ,ng well in this met. .n. and should the /rather for the:.,eft iuw week• ite favor Able, a yard t1• •N ..1 ..real may lee er)'ect• A number of very fine fat cattle pas- • .1 through this place ..n Friday last .n nate to Locknnw, where they will be .hipped t.. foreign markets Messrs Juo. Mak elate .1r. and Hugh Mclnt.sh had what might hare been t► ..enons accident nn Friday afternorn. ;'hey were driving along McLrod's hill near the river, with a Ire of hay when the horses, one .4 which w's a a.lt, be- , -ane un'nanagwable, and running violent y down the onetime'''. toad upset throw. .ng them with great Veen 1.. the ground .some dtstatwe away, hot reoeived ne in- laries further than a sprained thumb hy Inn. McKenzie. *nil • rood *leaking tip hy Moth, Today ie Arbor flay thr' sigheuf the .ebn..l sections of th. Pro. ries.. N'e have anise dewy hole. in tindrrich, but they have beaten ns Nulty in Nor w ith. tint. Th.' deepest boring for an attests., well in (Canada hie lust horn • Iapleted there ..n the prrmncs 4 (' ,1. C, oke, the depth toeing 2,045. prices .,n leading lines, believing ill the acknowledged honest prin- ciple of a reasonable per ventage on all gods alike. I refrain from advertising prices. as it is no ,fair test of cheapness. and often misleading. As to whether the goods and price•. are right, I leave it to a dis- criminating public, awl will abide by their verdict. '1•h.. Public -s ohr•lient .servant. ALEX. MUNRO. (ialericb. May Stir. IlM6. 1114:3m THE ARNOLD AUTOMATIC STEAM COOKER is uuc.ivatled for cook ng anything that ran G.• Halted, Wiled or lto•atad. It is ronatructe t so that the worm arrest -Tyra IttawC L I9 8Ka u8TAi Mau for the LaAoT ALO*%T urn ►•rt:I- Tlwa 4140 TKor.Lr 1t can be need on any kind of stove coal. wood. oil or gars The Cooking is Entirely Done by Steam Binder Pressure, lirncratcd vr7 rapidly in the small, thin ves- sel under the pan (the pas is simply a Ream rote to keep the generator supplied with wat- er 141 i1 boib. *way The steam pa-rea ep the t nbe end thnnieh a perforated dla.. on which several kinds of vegetables tear be steamed at once wftbout the flavor of one greeting fbe others. The steam tuna completely surrounds tight kettles ur pass, in which Cereals. 1' id - dings. Mesta ur other food can be cooked a'Oleo' exposure W the air. water or steam, thus pre.ers iag all the flavor and juiee.. The .team instead of escaping into the room is caught by a receiver. condensed. drips back into the Supply Rrxrruir and 14 used over alt sever boils over. Steams up in throe min- utes. No steam or odor can maser into the room. All the Nutriment. Mennew, and slay , or -of the rood is Itetatned. rood cannot scorch. Needs no watching. l'an be used un 1 any kind of stove. Kalb cooker is arcompeni.d by Exploit 101- ! r ' rcctiula and Many Valuable Recipes. PRzc�f3 a No- 1. rhe gallon. $I.11a. No. 1. two gallons. SI.M. No. 3, three gallor- I. ilo. 4. four rations. $4.I$. No. ), Ave galloon 04.78. 'A steep Kettle. a Shallow Fettle, and a Semite► etre Ina ded is the Moor, [.rices. 1 :trove Moog a; A is., 91 cents. 9 i4. to cents. 10 in.. 31, cent. W. A. ELDER, 1994 3t :lode Agent, l;. .'sal 1.. 1 - GO TO KNIGHT'S FORA SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO DOORS EAST Or P.0 HARKNESS NAIR BALM Resteree grey hair to its n4 tura) color. re- moves Dandruff stops the hat from fall:ng out. increases its growth. and mil not soil the skin. As a hair dres sing, it has superior. Guar steed harmless. Prepared by Harkness & Co. London. Ont Reid by all ltrwrri and twat Dories MACKINAC. SUMMER TOUR Pales Ileminise. Ism Ser. roar (hilt owe Walt Sweesoa DETROIT ANO MACKINAC Ara Bowp Week lav asta+ DETROIT AND CLEVELAND W.1ss w ew " Pietareapos Macklin," leob.ded. Oearas TM. lorU L_ I.stlsa PIS& Detroit i Olspolnd fir.,. Na.. Os. C. D. WMITOO1S. Oa• ease soy.. ,/4TM1t, it MN. p Iz1'RAITON, Aft.. G. T R. Mistinn. 1994• (ioderich, Out, AUCTtilN ...ALK Or V. . i i,! %ISL"; MILL AND PAIle 1't:urkst 1 .. U oder tai�y *Irmo u�. a p.. w -r -a( .41 r ron- 4lesedJse.arrfn,• snowiagv, we've w.tr iw • Ian wl ,rt+.' NI it r pec me. t alike t 1 1) a lu.4.a, ems, to 1110 Vca4o.- . t er.• w -'N Lr ..lf. red for sale by Public .t uy1 11*,. 81 W1.tUTlbt:s lkI1'i.1 1■ tar t-I:ia4•.- ut 11.4.1 Noses.. :11 •e.. •• ten:) of 'leerier. t1 .1lS,J. •fug -h.iy .4 IA Ma, at LI es cock noun. u) J,aui t. n.. 1, 1 u.....,I,. er, the t•.:luwlno vatuoole Peol«•r) w 11., ..u•.4- iag par eel* muss,) : Parcel L l oosisi w.( .-t t f1� ... is pruptra) u( WlIli.w 1larrir,.ttptr is tee ...ww • ,i. ,.t .sbgekL in the clown) o. .1.! u, du •,• compared of a pw 1 .•s. of Ide+..� uhf •.'14 ; and a. 1u 'heath Cue, eaarun. 111.4 *1 1141.4.. •,., 0. tb0TightiTilp .i'.c dW21Chi I tor t�iwli�ty Ht.rue. and which May r. ta. 1.. leenr..o4 M Mame* : I:tN111nencla1 al a poet y),► *cd .w. ( lased .i• .m+d Ohio ,t wu teeWatrtwylint 1 KN'.e1as Y on Registered Pier et 11.e Viltino ut linos ford) at tlw diagram.-- of tw'caty-live measured )4+utb. rly from ter south -lbw angle of Village Le. Number one, thence Novo sir'O two degre.a'V.rl une ctilMr snit eighty-seven links to • pan. tln:0,.; ,N•.a•.11 ( went) -oa•vm . d. -,;r. v. a,. 1 forty -dee mimeo. Kant tlarty mw link. to • Viet. thclost hurt.. s'i:) e.1a ir);:a•.w ...t. (oily monoses Wu' thirr•.•r, .'b:ur-scat thirty-'uurLn..s to%Pet. them.... Sera yoga:, unloved'Oita':oar obi, seat t wryly -lour l oil* more er tram. to 8 pawl planted at the din:neer a.( Ihiit) :al'lea amid one half links from. sod at right (/*giro with :he Easterly (tact o' road aluwairo0 between hili a amt 7 thence $e1.I Erl) redwing (•arid lel with saidruolatlosisoe Ire *maw mei elgbty•une Bats to a post. tit rime sum , eighty.:ght drdttos• Mixon mmutcs F:ae% three t1..a4.4 and [.loner* 1..:.s. to r pori. 1 0*,e 4og4. .1417.1 wu drgrees.a•d tort y -sere minutes (Gist. the c):afae and tweet) *Mho to a post. thence South. Ally ^iu u"CC*re4,• rind thirty nor '-•. L'ws','o. tha.t.e.tt4 Sty -two *lags to • post• them'(• soma. tu,t3-ii.ra-e de- grees, arid that) t.hutes f t, three chains and nit) -`}ere tinge to • port. tbe:,te tenon, eigttern degr,•o.4. 144mt. ole chant and .•let••a tants, tr•.r,sor !car to • pat pleated en the Northerly limit of read alley. awte Mown ,t. the plan a!„rcaaa.'..; :bis.. South. eighty-two Jeanie* Essi�, a.uug pad Ne Up.4 Arm:t ut *mid seven chains. and fife links, mere or 1.'.m, to an augk of roan Muth of toe two bridges bas shown to slat .ifonsald,) :hens s SYRhcr . fw•iwiag the Westerly luso of l Std r .-ter chains, u. d ,; xty 1::.1ti, reeve or leen. to the pin;:e of b gtnnitrw; also emit meacinw ut t"^ `tooth WVrsiorly angle of V : Ieg'e Lo: U tdhenas ka.erty, following tr.,• �uy�pe*t .I.d c.ao*eriy limits of mid Lot 4.1. tp file South Easterly angle of .Lot If, thence Rortb-1 a.ter t), slag the rear of raid Cel It to 1'. N. r' I''.a.terly &. ogle. thence Nora, e,gb y -sus Ammer aad forty tetanus*. least, tight twsl..an•t three :inks. more or leas, to ',tame n)u:looms; 040t41 on top (tial( be - tweed harm Lots 7 4.:d •. at t1e distant* of tweet) -t so chains at.d forty I...ke ••'rumored :iuutheriy from the North Fast eagle of said Lel Ito-, ,' North !'watt:1y. alongthe I,mii bet wee* Lots ' and it s distance or one rft•in and four linke t a poet, thence Seat& linty three degree -stand tl'iry min.'s, fact, eleven chat*. to a mune u,onu•.ent. Urwce Rooth. thirty four degrees and thirty mlawtwa Last, four chains and thtrtem.got IinkR More er les, to the ee*tra of Lot 8 where • rime monument u pleased. thence fununntsg Mouth-I':aaterly on the nam•• ..,err•«• s t5st named s.i:•ren c.!-ain.r and forty limas, more or less. to a stone monument p1antold ori the limit b.-tuern Lot. 8 and J. then.* South Westerly along said Emit is. roes the Nine Mmle river) eleven chains to au angle. Menne North, twenty-two degree.( W..t, twenty. tutee chains and seventy links. more or hew, to • poet. thence North, embty-three degrom and thy minutes, West. twelve ct.a n. u.. r• - or lees, to a poet on tyle Belt between dote - aad 9. thence North, eighty six degrees ami thirty minutes- Wet, three chains sad forty links, thence North. mut", eight. degrees and thin mf*atea. Wesk four charas :.ad this teen inks. more or Item to a pot at ler angle of road Stoat11 of Hsi thence loll)wiag the Easterly side of mod rued allowaaee in a North -Easterly direction *eros.:t. urn: mile River. a distance of seven chains and eighty hake. moo- or lees, to the two -A w eel acidic of Village lout Number 4J: to the place of be- glnninS the whole containing together as arca Of tory eight acres, mo^e '.r 1,16. On a premise ere ere •• e R grim of for .Ade reed abs*. -Weolerly para1101 "' Sasle Doors ' Blinds to t►u ie4rse.riva with t I of the mill psupr-ty, thaw* bl.amph yr the asvet.l Warxes al. t ! Mie MuslbeNy Isnot of the mW 1*0,8 (7 'oh CrtaCitis IX att. [t%Da or i u with the N y e,..r of ova 1 wYruese4.wwua pow a *1.'wtYw- Liember Lath, Slbtbli(�1ed ed, thence North -Westerly. allow,uo, s�44 y ! Nurt1ei4y tate. o1 ruad atluwaaoo two chafes and Lud d is It A!er:a: of rrery deecriptlo•. and Atm links, icon w ter te an a.a44 id sf� a fuuiutu�t srcuun road, thence South, fuer oluabs real f.wr Ruta, ion ur low, to as angle sox . [)11.05 YY"ib, seventeen &rota and tens* *PSI Orden promptlyf aeendod to. rlss el !five abaina rod seventeen lirkS,m0n Godsrio II Aug. « 1111- IpF:-hy or leas. be node of road. thence South, sixty II we dagress.West. lour chairs mors or Imes, was angle of rood, thence North, fifty -nuts _ - de�ree*and thirty minutes. West, 5evrateea r'hwin• and thy links. m.•'e or 1r.., to the 1, trtleeel n with the links. limn of side 11, SEEDS OVA pole6 of bo,innirur . Il.r whole .00tagainst an mesa t went, -four at rem, 'n -,re or leas. This properly adjoins the rho(. mentioned eu 11 pr..i.ery. �be soil is chiefly a good .lay learn Their are about 1 acres of a rood bearing apt'!• end pear orchard. Duthie pro rt i erected t d 111 l s e a Mime we 16[ hoar about 1sir. There Is Our aowaw from the property W .r Nine de N' I hide Rivy u•• r, r lanew t Iln:r ids a 37) 14 North -Weir .ogle. fermi,' Ten Per oast. on .:ay of rata. sail halon• a with:n,,n0 mouth thereafter, without interest. when p seseerlon a til be go ea. Further :cellars ..an be as. er:aitied and the title deeds examined un applt•ation 1.. 1'aut0,va, Holt S Crimmins. Barristers. Dodo - rich In ell other respects the conditions of eel - sr if - t�@standing ...edition* of [b.. that erre DtvJ*w of the Haiti Court of.1usable. D*:ed Lir kith day u Apnl, A. D. 1M6. CAMERON, HOLT .t CAMERON, JOHN KNOZ. Vendori So1,ctta.. Aw444.40er, 1711.4 dt't*'r ARRIVED Clorer (fir T pi? othy Seed Orchard Grass. (ted Top. bine GIa,o. Lucerne. Tana( Wheat, Pea., Oats & Barley, Flax rind Ground Ot: cake. Men4 old and Tur :t;, v Y1-, :Lad all description.. of t.rnlen died. a:. abe.n tunne- l: w--1 �.; S i to give rile a call. SAMUEL SLOANE. Hamilton Street, Goderich. Oodericb. Feb. lath. *11.'. 111111. IMO 1,ure•es, $ t ei lhrod0g Rurea.t.. 8 0 ltadr nem Sett.. to 1A Wain Wire Mattn•.w+. 1 el sea liras, and N-..nl tlsu (relies. Itr•ekfast Tmb1- . 3 • Klt1Arn Tables, IP Centre Table* 7 !e *:tendo. 'rabies, 7 R/ 14.114 1'r.•k.d !'hairs. 1 11 u'rsdlrs. :`pkdsundr. 7 M tV*s1..Ltu..,. Lounge. amt Parker Soto at Cost. llartal•orIi Spring W11.duw Mullen. Greta Window Rslud Paper Se 10 per .rut u ti all Paper on purchases of 11 oi' u1 CI G. C. ROBERTSON. I1 -It EAt3'r 13TFtIiiltlT. Just Received ! -1 W.:, a„orimrnt ur 11..• + aft..us BRASS and CLOVER SEEDS .u.table Lor permanent pa.'ures, as well Ss 1-111.1 AND GARDEN EDS OVUM Skin TIE TO MATTEt- tt/.EF:U GItA1N Our ALI. KIN1b1.1') Also ..gent for Ihr celebrated VN/OW CHURN, the very' be at in the market REES PRICE, Es.. ,reel (:ran Iirput, opposite Town llall. 1..,.ltri. h, Mar, h 11h, iiai, 1!eMt:m s .885 SPRING OPENING1885 H. W. BRETHOUR & CO. BRANTFORD_ SZress 3 -cod. , Sip�c, )1 Millizzery d Ma nodes, .l\:' 1.P!TX Torek LAP: .‘f 1N8PReTION OF THE S-t7MC. New Pattern Mantles, Mantle Materials and Trimmings. ENGLISH. FRENCH AND AIV!ERICAN HATS AND BONNETS. DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING. 'I ba • torte-nt .0 our Urex Ilenartmrn' . • 004 .•oaa,:•'ie, comprising the latest saatcr,als and neaweet shades. with trimmings to assn. Samples Sent on Application. Goods Sent by Mail or Express. -_ , - , Any a, :..:le bout's: from us. and acs gatid/hetory, may be returned and money refunded. Brantford. April 9th. ti. H. G. BRETHOUR & Co., BraNtforii 1t11►lre ilsn's Prescrillin Drub Sim, CO�r HOCSO $(jLASB, Goderich. nt�trir Stccl YRart,fcncc Q�onipann P Read .Ix cents toe footage moires ei ve terse. a ooat ly box if goods wide* will help yoei to more tee) right away Sian anything else in this world. AIL of ettber M; succeed from Orin blur. The broad road to for one opens before the workers,ahsolute, 1 rare. A t once addre.u,Tlat a s Co. , A ugalra. Maine. 1171 FURNITURE. [h th u e1 nod - - mill 31 by ( 34 storeys high, w at S !our flours and 3 run of stoma in goad working order bee cl*age of 4riR has ca need gree: ex :.'.• In connection with the 8.,ur mil/ a br.ck store how- 3 by Sat with a g•)od • etlar under the whole of 14dm oleo a tra.. store house 21 by 71. alto a drat (lams two Worley trick dwelling MIN, with k.t.'ben 18111. a wood labed i8ale. a brick smoke boor, and four usher frame d wellieg Meows saimblo for moll 11 heads to lire in. There u &l«) • first elan. maw rnitl on the premie., IIitII ci:.:ular sow oapa ocof cutting i 1011 feet board mna*ur per how sad a good shingle mill. There is also on the premieres good frame I barn, and a law deist's* shed and Madge. Thence are about three aeroa of exontleer orchard. The mill dam, u.Jl-. machinery. buildings kr„ lt.. are *11 in good order Tido pat rel minewt1 of 49 acres of land ,worn or ken, of which shout 1 a •res are bunk. pan d ?U, crater. dr?, property will lie' sold enh net to • lease of 5 sires of it to one flennr.e Hlarrel for 1., years. wbich has let St yearn to run. This is a good opening for any ons desiring 10 go into IA, mdlind b,letnesw. no the oatwr vows: yjytde of the bort In the .'ounif being en theNitie hilly Pi've1,•IiAA 'II,• pt'uppo•rt, 1:. .missed :, Andre (rein the Village of ne non. is the County of Holton. it (riles from the VUI•n of Lucknow, in the Oemary to Bruce. and 11 .0.114 from the Tows of (lode rod', the' County Town of the (county of Huron. .-I Puy el *..Mating of s rum of Lit acres, and being portions of 1151. Nnmbere 7 and 4 in the ash ...n». inn. rutern I)•. iron of the Tow•silp of AARfti111,. In the Count of aurae. aad which purtmto. mar be bet ter dew•nbed as follows . (i0imrnr•lsg 41 s pow• planted on the Nanerly limit of side road between Lets e and 7, maid pots being slwu :. 111.. nlerregsea with the i4nitherly will.. of road allowaaee drndcd h., W in am Harris to :he Townsbye( Allbs5Fd. and shown to reRtovred pion of the Village of ('raturort thence fullowuu the Southerly and Kaoterly limits of bald reed at lewance t1rotwbout inn -venal nothing to the angle in road !touts of Keir et• tin all • due tenor ul forte three chaise, more o: Irltee. theire both sixty-eight degrees and t11ll minute, past lour '-owns an•1 thirteen (hake to a pont. thee.. South eighty -am. degree..sad thirty 41440 e. Est threw chains and forty links MA past, Menet South elgbtytbrae de -- gree, and arty minutes. "'AO twcl•• • chains 00 �R , fey a pont. thence elYu.h twenty ••wo.egreea, Emit twenty -Arm align/ and seventy 1,.11 'mom or less, to the intersection with the Ibmit h. t wenn farm lots Il and 9, • hem.. itotttbwesterty following the ):mit between said lotel and 9 twenty four . how and eighty Mika, mors or as, to the blind line or rear of lot A thence Northwesterly .long the rear of lot 4 and,/ sixty chem.. more or I. to i', Intersection with 11. Ka.t side of side rna.f AK*lee lot 6 and ' theme Nn theeate:ly following said est side of nide road fonrt••n •-baro•. morel orlon. to the Au • of beginning, the *bole . ontalning sn area of nee h,wdre.I and fl ty MOO serve. more or leas. This pewperty adjoin. the re(Il property shote mentioned. The soli ,sgood. about or. lett' be.,1 clay I loam. and Ilse other halt • snarly it is well whet.4hy sorteats. lead also tea assess* the Klee M11e Rieman's,the pwilte 1 rose aseded to the Tewashio .1 AsaNid semen foram par of tt• huua•isty et thin 1 large are shout* 8114. at first dens bah , ) 4. HmM•rwi with maple,bseeb. OW rt. i�f Aelrleek nod radar. Mier* are erected on 1hie (carne: two awed I frame harm. este 31x$4. a.4 the doer .haat. nae awl two �M.w.. Pao+am)iiss et 1 miot fp nb,p•rtarrelodtitbMt eagr• t porins et Int Nwmlter 7 Is lbw Bel melee" stem, Eastern ills.sm% of the Townie( of , Aa1R,•IJ. in the ('aunt) of fle-oe and w1.••11 poll )n nu), be described 61 V' -tate t ILIMZTED meat. so has. SOUL MANUYACTURK!'. Or THK :MPROVKI, "LOCKBARB"FENCE WINE Reasons why the "Lockhart," is the Best Wire Fencing Manufactured. Weer. only to the Meet herbed Emilie fence w it Steel i Warr, and we claim that in its e at bet wren AR la serener to all fiber interim t lac wt01. e The wires fwmlcg t . • fume points Mat Ar, worn kA/AR Pte. wwi res of the case., ,nktrlrs k ra.;h Fitt er and pans around r',e Mahle, which rnakw the mrongrwt bash in for world. 1t haft the advantage of always pr. -resting the barb laleraik. which no two -potted herbed Tenor dons At • resent tot of the .troagth of the ' imckhmrh," made at the Northern Railway Shop.. in Toronto, the following wad tie result Oa4►10 Wewl barb rents. (:n.'y, 18161b*. as weirs( Ia111r. and 912 :es.. the Toronto Wire thus beating :he Manure! Wire, and was awar.l.-.1 •he - --- co*tr"rt J.BROPHY - l\ THF. - WAR OF LOUNGES. (.on•pes. t 3 73 room Stet.. 13 te Troyes Win Med., 3 3s.. legtensise nitMbeardq *ass a . Case•esafed Chairs. idol. 4 L bow -hacked Chain, l des- I* Picture Bealss below eau. 1 wait be a•denold by ant dealer on 1i... top of the earth J. BROPHY, Wee street• sett door to I) ('aetelom'4 hal eel. opposite Dank of Montreal. Oederich, March Mil 10.. 1111 tm r!htrdfor Almanac with f•.11 (Art., to Arrival of First Detachments of R. W. McKENZIE Yp lel., 1111 O 1. ke F 4 m s 3 s h 07 •h Bolo Agent, C'oderich. 7. JORDAN , Medical &11, Godericha • Rasps a eetantty ow bend a Reler1 Meek nt isr•ogi, MMdirtees, Chweueal , Rplmgwa Dys ntwtO Psrfomery. Rc-. ye.; ro,:e• article's frost 05(1147 i'blsia4 .s' eas1gaa••a • filpaulnhl. SPR,IXG GOODS -AT-- SAUNDERS GREAT SLAIJBIITEB - (t1' Stoves, Tinware, Wall Paper, Fancy Goods AND House ihuaiihiaga AT "The Cheapest Home tinder the Sur Next deny to the )'net Office. 9•4•00. Marek. 11th. 1711. (fir