HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-5-8, Page 7... vie s .'t.;-ttiF1'Mc A -' r'
6�kr'.a:Des ? ••T se ,awl,
7trlm. `rP et+ n.
fun anti Tann.
Tarm ant $drden,
t Ir.tr youngg maw who ten is lure Mimeo tett::,; hens du nut allow is e
e':1) a nary /ashy vuutrg w..w• _uafees- i many ears lu u r .,... .•u. r n.eo .
id that he was infatuated. foil (foe (dee led front 10 egp, as s rule,
They say that the only soldiers .ho
were not enacted by the sand winds of
toe Soudan were them who had soiled
grocery storm.
Diogeiie•, beiuK asked by what begat
'.e bite was Float daugeroue, answered
if fold beams. that of a slanderer , of
loans, that of a !letterer."
They Sultan .1 Tun key has •ed.!eii1
tamed playlet{ Wagner* u.uac on los
, wits. Thr royal detectives •ilac•orrc.j
a plot to put dy oluitc lu r'... points.
The f...,luli in u. a 111 ask a e an it
',et, baby is trot a trifle cross eyedBJt
''e wise lea.. will take the cars 1•Sir*
,sr, and -male linin. uire* 1,y pat .mrd.
"1 underMaad that a policeman was in -
lied at the ere " How did that hep I
.et. f What was he there for r "1 toe
!.eve he was trying to arrest the flumes
A Cinuunati man clates to have a wife
ao het-tempred that be ran light his
dna from the dash of her ryes. He
wade a gaud hutch when be moiled
"Wall," said Mrs Spriginns, in re-
sponce to a remon.trancv from her !ill•
.and. "i got tired Gunn up there all
.lone in sohsfe, so I just went doe,' 1
a .d percolated thn.u, h the ,teed.
1t is a grand thing ashen a Luau giro*
•,p his course of diasilatl,n and seril.w-
:y settles down, but It is also a grand 1
thing sitars) a man has a stroke of e•.n-
.,teuttuusne.. and honestly emotes up.
"What hakes your Iwru a' ways any
a.. later' asked Amanda Bl.deen of
milia Popinjay. "1 can't vet rid of
tam,- replied Ameba, frankly •'Tbe
truth is he is °Le of these 'g•' -as you-
l.lene 'imp,/ m.o..'
A rentleman entered a shop an which
were books and various mt•cellaneuus
article* far sale, and asked the shupean
A he bad Guldeniita's "Greece." "No
mud he, "bat we Tuve some splendid
hair oil."
Palmistry is socially protiolss. It is
,try easy to learn. A small, weft. bahy-
..ae hand without a prick .,f a needle tar
the faintest suggestion of a steam burn
.• • sign that the fair owner will nut be
worth three cent* as• wife.
"Captain," said • ser of Erin as a
* hip was mating the mast in inclement
weather, '•ban you an almanac un
board "' "N.., I haven't. ' "Then :we
shall have to take the weather as it
'Tour viaduct sarpripea me'' exclaim-
ed the good old fanner when he might
a neighbor's hey robbing his apple oreh
mrd. 'No more than your appearance g er.
' ,uprises tee; replied the incorrigible, I it. His '.i.•' work in file es to destroy 'Is f de mot what pays out money
youth, as he hastily desrted. 1 that by which, under our arrangements, whew folks due !' \
Farmer -"You Can't run your railway , he nets his tread. He has n.r faith in ,yey if they aro insured in our cone
Ihruugh any farm unite' you pay me gee,. dtses•e. H. believes in health, and 111 pahy •
010 dama_•rt" Sapen.•o
ntdent ''Why,' that only • and d any physician suss .Zees, *•h: yes. well, my husband
:ao you only paid 0,000 for it last I known .0 sow disease broadcast for the
what's name Rufe Eru.s inshore," in dim
:month." Farmer -"Yes, but didn't yon ' Sake of Kan, the rest, instead ..f thank lle!l plac. Milne tune eco : an' 1 thought
my your railroad would make the farm I int him for making them work. ao•Id dist I'd call own' die rbed an' gin de
leu times tepee valuable r" i kick him .u: of society -yes, out ut tin saw,.
A big Yankee from Maine, on P• unireree, if they could, and it were Mw• •l‘' hen did your husband die r
ng his till in the r•atnrant, was told , ful. And w .en • ties pt .spacial rxial 'Hes dead just an..ut now, .ph. (tate
down. djdn t include ' drunter conies. when the great pestilence when I left home de doctor he say de p,'
than from !3, or mute.
lu the Western States the Percher.n Now the nal! Clclepoa that 1 eery Is he who is reeding a
and Clyde dere hoses an fast super. 1 Mawr bosh than tale "-Pw.ar OfUlliaT HAttsSTos
••ding 1 1e amuse autn.ala, tee consr ' You ought to sell ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND seta of
♦times,, br,llg tarter enol w,•rr L.rectiiI the llawhnwto to vii usenths, sad will do w, lithe leading pubtle -mos
to uudr.tand w yea are doing for the tneelligent chafes." -D. R
iher .than Crowesu8
urate and wi h!so fret- r la t
eJ aur reneral farm u a •. e .. p pa .
- I QaoT Peet. g b•• Pond University, III.
I h p puce You dc tactal!ee mesa Such an abundance of cheap. t`
ere n* a great difference fol the foed IklOws food .tad no memo G, prow.• It.
of tows in venous walk testa, and the j have saved up p00, intending to bay
results are se often te.ta.f the differrit
lipids of feed and skill of the feeder as
•.f the capacity of the cew. if all hulk
and butt,: 1r•t• were made ori g; raw as
fowl t1.. •r 1,1;.« 1.. neat colt buyrtw I
1 coast stand it any bltlgll.
clatter, bet It most P
Pluses wad fork, • • •. '-E. BuylRo., caYMoga, C'a1
would be gre.t.'.
In Euglant. the farmers pay annual
rentals per acre larger than the pricy .d
toter 'grins nn :hi. country They lice
only by leepin, the laud in the 1u,;huat
cultivation. It Eu1lah farmers can
att..t.1 such a system there is no rramou
why ...r farmers, . hu own their I.trds,
s!r .lot 11. t lila ;e t1). it tare• :ay a halid-
e 1),u wont era-ry year.
A good `eft for breeding ewes 1a corn
and oats, equal parts, coarsely ground
tugeiher. and lotted with ono pelt ul
when bran-- thoroughly wet. but not
J,!••a lid
lo soar- titre each ewe a quart
of the uutture daily. A tablealra ulul
oaf flaxseed coal be • valuable eddinon
and will be f.asd beneficial sl«, t., toed
turist1w, p stet ..-s, carrots mud boeta
Heavy ani, and those rich in rrge-
til.le wetter..b..uld receive fretuanl
light deenm:net of salt It dors nut act
dirrctiy as A f.•r ilater except in eery
rare ins•sance•, but WA in small doses
helps to dissolve turd male avaj;able
...titer plant food of which heat, soils - - -
THE ELZEVIR LIBRARY. "likings the gems d
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'311A0E GREENWOOD'S NEW ROOK, Stories for Home rnik., 30 cease.
Oil NESE 000ON, by Arcblbald Tortes. chola, price. 80 Dana
CLASSIO1 for English R.ado• 27 miaow. boltedIu r, half
mala p,le,. asDO0.
The WIT sand WISDOM ofIVLWER .>ti•.t Arnshed Price 00 omen
EGYPT aad RAIYLON. by Goo Rawldase. Jew rea1,..d nee 60 du. 1
Tits LEEP -Cull of MINI* Dr Geo H Tarlo. Tutu 75 casts.
)oohs 1p asa/l require 11v per cent extra to prepay
Specimen PAats I*Rlif>f. A � •4 �e Itnwt-Y'n.,.
monthly b ceder • years. whlcb ..,total.. Nr ,mea
ChiNiters 4r ts. a:me of our deice: books fn.. immense arta paper.
i♦ Tow +t.oe
]vl tram.
• Ortteee Iakttor ar �+wW Tem m
r 111
now Ija IiNd IM [ty.
ucoess Ira.WT. .
a saoocwap. amen. Jaw. ja�,oc
m a.•bRlmr'• awns et the fa1lL Ilse•
N Emmy w Yell AWOL
M Gertrude of wlwmis5 Cure•at le
mist Ptiw•p i Iw5 Stun t
M AIr4•ot II•r e, Ib r marls. 0 7e
♦ra.ada Lir.
•r.eut _
ie1 The loan M P r
NI The fa+•b. IGS'. Soma
A. 1•..a. k•
15lternmeaaadtsW.thea.tivavts t.
:.•arse earl -Jur..
1'e crown ter WIN nave
it, Ethics d shelled
l 11n. for the last )ltsses.L it
17: 1..rwt• u •e
14 Lon •t'• the late , , .
Jt'h:I.ILZ CLAabICS. de
IJ t7w. I M.I. •cod u air r aria
41J.a Tt•. r Au..e:,
13 A hall Hour Yat
ll erd 111.0307.
Piwr ... :•
v nuamalne..'ear awl t'areeassr,
Cts 111... L T. •i.t•ae le
31 P.010. Ir..o. Aires. Benning ed. Mw11rd the 4a 1..e .
IJ Aa..Slur.. 01 drew Yrawbae-
121 ram of ley Peen Vaasa UNI.
I W e Van filar Winkle. sad liar• reraeerselisms 7v
1 The None wed now.4,a••/ is1a Tae CrIeS us uW
e ..1b 11: re
A.e4ated. (`gumma l)raasa the
M Rltbways of LMrretun 1)4115
Parra ra
tbo peels ur
The ire • r4,r J'A a. L cur,sarias a&
113 ()wider( of The l sO.ewodlae
Jolla lacer ler
115 Lat�..r-e Talks Ts. Sy La
lit Luther teeed •. fol: •rear IT
1111 Legend et }M W.tl.lh.',!tn3ei{ Jrw. i
*1 Custard.. of Y opium later.
Taoism Pa utmost M
IR Or.. m..aad Nr.., VIII. J. U.
Mia t IlAtislu.s IT
Lys sear or 111114.e. Iracauur wrt•i..•
in tie Liberty. Ja a•re
t rail M
dal The War tug the 1. akin. Wax
Li They IT ree.a�..f for Clear
C7er awn -areas. LL D. w
a TO. era geeppeeee...1 d arMatr.
Miasmic/ Nihon. i
p worwama.w.g. li is ,
Sic. w. Y•rrgac w M
13 A Bat naw. to lrataral
Wu. • H. I't•moSl..... .
ea The 1•ld. gees of Srd�•a.
Irl Public health. Legge nines: para
1'u l.eaam w 3.m5ers 1c
Ia7 LaMar. us Sm.r ..a b
Fair TermsRa.b not uadsr ID 00 in value are .sunt 41
• anyone for omaw/.whew beferr 1•a/-
sn.wt as reamoable evidence of good faith. Ida-pssge illosalrafed and
d•elwlpttlre Cassie/re of our immense stuck or Books mat fou d cewta.
JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher,
P.O. Rua 1= 3911 Pearl *treat, New Yoe`
• e
K 1:1 he Dialled
Iu all applica.ta , E E
W etaterem ager .. .01
ring It It contains il)luoust.ua. prte•b
deeertploe and direrxse. std •It
FEI iGO.:a.
usually have an abundance, though not the buys in blue, the heartrending I harem beerever7
in available edition for use. On scent* in the North when the news ..f That is daily bringing toy to the homes)
battle tilled every hetee with dread, and of thousand, by saving many of their
dyiee tope of ultimate *nooses in the dear ones from en early grave. Truly is l
suppression of the fratricidal war of Dr. kings new Discovery for Coauunp- '
rebellion. Suddenly, as if by tion, Coughs, ('olds, Asthma, Bronchitis, I
arati..o ` rheaven eaten t Ili H F ng ay ever Lees o Tkl "nice, is in in
land entirely deficient in vegetable mat-
ter, salt is J..sally of Mlle nenefit
Cows wed fed, and which yield a large
pr.portion •f -reamin their milk, always
snake bard butter, even in warmweth-
er. In such cows and on such feed a
part of the fat which usually goes into
spewee tete tee milk veins, and Is
converted int.. butter. This is really, a
cow made .leom■rrarine, and cogitates
lees .4 theeeritiat ods which give gra*butter its es;.11eet darer and aroma.
Ube *edema reewate
Tlse doetor as things now are, live*
by the exiate:ax of disease. If we were
all, and always, in good health, hie occu-
pation would be gine. But every good
A 4amollea Journal ;.l Prtil:r.., a. la'5.
and L.er►amass.
poet raised hu brad from the table and the Threat. Pain Hi Suds and CheG
EC OLDst,ur- I
snap &epi g
w ith a gaze that seemed t.. penetrate to any dice -'tat' .. the Throat &Ad Lungs, a
the faraway held of the South, said in : panties curt. Guaranteed. Trial Bot
a epic, thtt gement+ with emotion : flea free at J. Wilson's Drug Store. Large 1
Ob. that wane bird from the sunny South Oise $1.00. (U) 1
)t.gfht build its nes: in the cannon's month, %__.___. - --
.Ind stop its terrible roar:
ellike a weight, he fell hack into
ear -hos head fell forward on hu
1., and the poet was again asleep-
ib'e,- (Pittsburg Telegrsyt.
Is a Marry.
doctor --1. o, every doctor except pssi- A heels woman entered a life iuser-
Wy. a few w,*peakable wretches -tights agce .,dice and asked for ter maua.er. A
disease to t1)• very utmost of his Jeerer. j.,eltlrntan stepped forward and ailed if
He gives it L. quarter wherever he sera Ile cuetd du wy�(hen fur h
-tat IDC 5Dm {{ ret
:he waiter. 'Wad,' he oared, 'I didn't
tat ai.y waster, did 1 1' He looked as if
he oonid thulltfh, and there was nu fur
they discussiou.
Scene- -Scotch gvooer•s Apprentice
'Gas spent half an hour looks** for •
..smug brush. Highland master-
'Whaat for ■re you spending the wbo'e
day for the last half hour looking for a
* mg when you know quite well that y•- 1
will never bnd a sing but where wase
It T
'You made a fool of me,' said an irri-
tated men to his wife,'and that's the way
yea /tat me W Marry Toe.' 'My
love, sweetly responded the wife., 'yes
dou do yourself injustice Csil your•
self a fool if you poetise, but remem-
ber that you are to all respects a self-
made man.'
;sweeps thr••-14h the cites, tho doct•a's
ethic* relit] Tr that every physician shall
, take his life :n his hand, and shall be at
his post, waiting for evert call . 1 distress
that may c ....e tar hies. That is, as Rut-
, kin says. "the print of honor" to the I
pretension-- the pent at which the duetor
must die rather than yield. And that is I
why the medical pr•fession is a liberal I
prof..&ion, because it has a standard ,f
1 dun a ani of honor which is not that of I
limit -1i gain and pe.-uniary advantstre. 1
When that great Scottish physician, fin +
IJames T. Sirnpson, was b..rne to his Iasi i
1 resting place. what rmatiteted his cruets
I of glory ' Was it that mea counted up '
Ithe snrer,i.Ins and nobles who had called
Rile to their bedsides, and bad pnared I
wealth in'., his hands in payment for a
iskill that I ;ht give them back life and 1
1 health tIr was it that Ediubur_h
- - - _ -. - _ -- _ I emptied her wynda and alleys of her poor l
The PeawehlaP RYL to weep over the bier of the man whose
--- ear had beet, open to every cry .4 their '
The Government .ueoeeded in getting misery i
the House into committee upon the Wee- i -elm
tin Franchise )till at 5 o'c!.ck on cater- LJ,gtasd win Ra.. the sera of 11.
day morning. We have already peinte.l ( --
out to our readers many of the atrocious 1 1f Ramie hem it arrest army, England '
provisions of this measure. It belongs' has a -treat nary. The I!u,am' army
to the saw type a. the Gerrymander cann 't reg.'. Emerald. The English '
Bill. It is such a measure at a Mexican I Davy can iea.h Russia The creat army
adventurer who had socoeeded in being and the great navy may be hell to count -
elected President might propose for the I erb.!,uce "eh other. England is not 1
purpe of perpetuanne his rule amongst obliged to beir, on the line fol Herat, but I
the people. Fir John Macdoualul has: will probably d.' so in order to strength- '
spoken about hu policy bring similar to / en her alliance with the ameer, 1p secure
that of public men in &ngland. vo ' the rnnport . f the Mebane. whose power
etatennet,t e.wld is more void of truth. 1 of emplane- to an enemy advaneinr in
His political atone has not the dighttwt 1 their ,eon e'.untry is. too greet to be
resemblance to the course taken by any' durt•2arded. and to keep the rewne of
public man In England on either side of I, h.stilttier 1.s lar se plastid* from India
politics. Had jade Jeffreys obtained ■ 1 Each step , n that road will aid to
meat in Parlament, it is possible, that, ! Rmaata'a costs by adding to the distance
with the low state o.1 pub is opinion in . to he trar- reed, and if she succeeds
his day, that he might have Leen dim- !eventually in reaching the cvntfine% of
peed to adopt a course like that which! India, the war will lie no nearer terrain -
the Prime Minister of (*nada haaadupc- , anon than &•tore -will have only reach-
ed bare But we know of no statesmen 01 the %too. where England is honnd to
cm other side ret pn!itice sines the rev.- I do het hens -tett fighting and w,:1 be hest
d lents effective than they wore at the be-
giwnine. sinew they e.oaist ..f an earning
capacity which :t is inipssible for Russia
to pro her hands upon. There s no
apparent reason why England should
fight s nuarter of a century with
Tutton who wool ha* ventured to rot--
.rp:cote his rule by the s. urce which Sir
John Macdonald has taken
We d., not fear that It can have the
effect which he hopes it will have. Logi-
cally, no donht, the conclusion which he
draws agnomen, follows trim the enures
abl.' t. firit•. Her resource' will he n..
he has token, but potpie are nut like •n little tin•nm•l difficulty as she fought
many pawns neon a chess -hoard, and fr..Di 174" to 1Rlb.--New Toro Evening
they menet 1.e snored simply at the will Putt.
of a deelenieg and unw•rupul.os tan.
The practical results *re always different ffnwretl Poetry.
from these which • statesman .1 Sir
John M.ed•oald's type anticipate. The
more nearly he is successful in banning
the restraints of • healthy public opinion
fairly expressed, the more certain will
his enures be such as to lead to his pelt
tie&) detrocti..n. He ha misgoverned
the Northwest, lied M. now up,n his
hoods • rroelli•'n sftlh"ns •.1 dollars
will he .pent sad exam of lives will he
..erif ceel, He knows whet the effect of
this will 1s, and be hopes to neutralise
the eTpr/esiow d peeks openicm epee It
by radical changes in the constitution of
the rdistutudncies But we hay. n,. fear
that tech a noires well remelt in anr,Ma
Tb.n h a poem m the universe thea
,•skew in ise -r •d right and wino
wrung, and it is because this a ei that t•
m empaamble that human rascality .an
trete be entirely snr•rt.ful. --(London
own couldn't lib mot' deli fiflneen
minutia hinter. ars I reckon i hail burn
'rr.ut dat lent; walking fr us de I'erkNis
block ter de place. You see, I'll 'teed
some a' de money in de fun'ral. Thrum'
* at.ter to, _o der I.r.ksus( alou•bey, an'
like -lc. k huh. masa, aiti't you velar to
Kul inc der money i Hefter fetch rr
.titikit dat he • dead. yer say ' Yuma de
f,at eau 1 cher seed what wouldn't
believe de •ref then it's told him. All
cyton, ash, 1 II send round de corpse on
de dray. Datil be .tiflkit 'buff.'
ankh. Ready ger the Sorest Art.
The Luno r stents have dine an
enonu.drs beeline• al. m..uth, hut
especially this week. Extra deli%t•ry
wahine have toren kept ru from
caro, monnintt Utrt.1 closing Rents. In
mime cases surpriait.gly large .ioa titIea
o1 hitter have Beet. Louvht for private
we. We ere informed that acorea of
wan who. haver t .rditarily kept liquor
in tht'ir houses have purchased* few
gallons for medical purposes for cases
of emergency Fnn.t all lee can learn it
wnold pr .mthly be safe t.. state that am
much huu, r has been wild here this m.nl h
for family u.e a* is ordinarily sold an
nine months. Even many of th..me who
wneerely desire b. ore the Scutt Act en-
foreed, end who have uo thought of
changing their temperate 'whits aerie to
think it butter to have it little of the stuff
in their cellar The wholesale dealers
beta mail, a rich h,rvest hetore stepping
duwu mud cwt. -1, N c.ndstotk $entice
Cherry Pectoral.
Na other eorplalaer are ee insidious V their
Mask as thew aefeettag the throat .ted lump:
sone so tn0.d with by t1)• majority wt ag•r-
ses. The ordiaary tough o cold, malting
perhaps from a trilling o a.eow.ete.s es•
pawn, Y whoa bat the besti ata( d a tical
sickness. A ru'. Calmar ?SCTO&AL km
well proven its siege, in • forty Tears' Sahli
with throat sad loaf dY.rea, aad semi/dee
takes in ail asses without delay.
A Terrible cto.gh Cured.
1111057 t.r.k • weer& coal, wide aff end
m7 law. 1 hod • terrible conk, sod=
might atter a. ret wtt8oet sleep 17►.
✓ ivo ea SI. 1 tried ATKA'S C&Saar Po-
lecat, .h1eh rehrred my lungs, 'admired
sleep, and afforded tie the Iran u.e.ervy
for the recovery of a strewth. By the
eorot.n,,c,1 use t the �rt7eaAL a "erase
sent cure .0 effe.•t.-4. 1 aas www a years
cid, hale moil heat), aid uo atos0.d you
Cgialtat Pact tilts I. sated i.e.
HVaA.'r r.iaaaoTYla"
1ocktsgbam, \'L, July 13, 1802.. .
Crop. - A M.theY. Trilogies.
"While la the scoria lam winter my little
boy, three years old, was taken ill with croup;
It teemed at if lie would .tie tn.ei strauga-
Whim. tine of the famine •.ggested the w
a'4ivg'. Cnaa3v YI,neiat., a bouta d
vhlth wait always kept In t5. ►o.... Tel.
.0 tried In email soul Inguen' dee., ad
to .sur delight in lets than half an boar the
little peilrnt wits b'.atL..g easily. The Me-
said that iia l'. KURT Pr -rotaL W
YveJ m• airline's life. Can you wonder tat
our gr•tlt hwcerely years,
Mat. roue, Grum .
11• Rost 171t5 St., New York, flay It, MIL
"1 have used ATea's CaaaaT Frog&*
la an Wally for .everat roan, •ad do M
h.Ntas to proeeattee ft the moat efeetnrl
remedy for coughs lad colds we have .ver
A. J. Cwt'•
Like CY7•si, 131n.., Marsh 17, 1Q2.
•' I .efer.d to eight years from Brambles,
ane atter inial sti.y remedies with no ono-
.5.. 1 w eared by tie taw er ATLk's ye sr
ar PceTosal Joaltr* Wait. u."
s,hall., Pio., April O, lett.
"1 easel s7 esoegh la pride. of Arial
C•taar Pt.T.Toa*L, believing u 1 do that
but 5r Its tae 1 Should .Ince have 11wd
Ower Palestine,
trobl s. P. BiAubu'."
Teams, April 18&2.
Igo ease of an .lemon of the throat or
Map exists which canon be greatly rel
by the me of ATtts'• Ceraar Prcrvaar.
aad It will annoys run when the dhow M
sot already beyoad the control of atedtene.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowel 1, Masa.
0Ud by all Druggists.
McGregor R I'arke's Carbolic Cerate ha
been teole•1 by yrs-. of trial and 1).e strep
fo0ed the moat convenient and .ffH•twl
method ed appal Inc carbolic arid. TAT treat.
est ant %swots. in nee ter f'.t•, Horne and GIM
-ors. 14 sure you err \;e(lrrgor.1 Parket
Carbolic cerium. Sold for 23 rend by George
Ithynaw drnyfglst.
"lever Give re.
If y•u are sntlering with low and de -
premed spirit', loss of appetite, general
debility, disordered bloo.l, weak consti-
tution. heedaehe, or any disease of a blt-
jowl nature, by all mean, procure a rr,t-
tle of Electric Bitters Yon will he sur-
prised to see the rapid improvement that
will follow , you will be inspired with new
I fife: •trrpg/h and activity will return ;
1 in and misery will erase, and hen.e-
urth you will rejoice in the praise of
IElectric Ro.tera. Sidi at fifty abets a
bottle by J. Wilann. (01
• '
11.. ordered Some choi,
Garden and Field Seed?
A well -selected week of Groceries alwa)a on
GEO. H. ( ILD, the Square, C.derich.
31.n h 4305. 1*43.
air Telephone t'um sou nicaljun,
Note Papers
-(;KT YOI'R--
Newspapers and Periodicals
' tt.00eespr to Geo.:'hepparc'.
Goderkh. Dec. 415 IMI. 1*72-
Puulidhcd 7Tiw
Refry ,wlny, of .$3 Prr
I THF: t\'Rt•:f;, "Canada's 1.:terary ]eurie'l
. col. n•1)
has *1.110.1 UMwh Ile M obit )err. G((
,.•aioto •'s. prrhre.,ar table of .noir
to the statRrryof trot.. w hr. -b rt;., *Villein t1)'
• .r. Ie of a • Ofno.+l horn,. and wtil rad, :••vel
talhfnll) to ern, . 1 a...1 .wm.t.rtz. the w14*
le* teal. o.,- .4. and 1'111 eel , .IDr,.ts et the
dun. F 1.11Vn. In the fort•. 1..1I, ue ernate and
!short stories. also .r. epics a prominent pla. e.
The un,,,, which It pprrat•tdt 11 the 31aga-
tine wit-. 11)e \\'e.11t 1..urnal app..re to be
rrcpmiud at the thing r..-4TQ, and Irdepea-
drut Journalism is et ulentty grow .mg or layer
with the Moat ,•..Itgbtrn,.1 sod p)trtotit W
the The !deter) lak•st n' ('as
.da, haring an organ oNcr.-d to 11. 1. tiring
drawn forth, and nor s: aff of (-caul ut,.rs to
conwtantIJ wncreamg. W r ate fibra •. shied
W improve from lune M tune alriial depart.
11.eals, .urh u thyme of Com:uaree,Rdve-.tion,
Art. %. i,n,r, Music and (:lire.. TL/ lovers
of music hate. we truer. of !ate been ren.ibk-
ur sur desire to promote the inter. wit of that
goal aounr of ha Ihrea and rent., nw-t'
poetics, THY. WF.F:K btborougl'I) Inde -
Deadest. 11 is untranuurllyd by bon) con-
nections. fret frau. party leaning.'. unb••awtd
by party ,onsider.IUM.. In I"auaduae poli-
ties its desire will be to tonnest.. the umbos•
of its power. the free and Snaith. 4..,-lop-
n,ent of the Nation.
Raid the Petlewn.g LIN el t'ewtHb.ten.
Profe•sorlioldwin Smith will,'uaritnttr, at
Intervals, reviews of current events, in t'aw
ad•, the United States, and in 1tnrope. 1'riw-
cipallirult, 11,It.. Ur. Mantel Wiliam. Prof.
Murray. LLU, ('bas. Lindsey. Itet. Prof.
Clark. M.A., tvr eranrinn Htr,k., Louise
Ho.ore Frecbenr, Wu.. Houston, Y. Maks.
Crofton. (:. Mercer Aloin. Hun. 1.. S. Hnnt-
irt�rl..n. T. [reunion P'.ndlef,.;. intr.
J. \t , Londe). Juba Hein. Het . Ur.:. a t.I.og,
O. C. Aurinlfer, Grursrr .Stewart. ±r.. John
Heade, J..aguln MHkr. John liveries Itch!. .1.
iluwter-Ihlrrar. )li.. Ma•har, here Karr c4e7
Maur Ltloan. Mina Louisa Murray. Mae
Jeanie (elver Sinn h. and other..
!tweak cookie free on application.
C. BLACK ETT R(Witt N s(IN , Publisher,
3 Jevons etre* Tere.le.
C.A.NAIRN Wilson's Prescription m�aQ Store
AT 1tFll1't'RII HATkr,.
Ratline• of Ma11 Steamers
Froni Quebec.
POLYNHMI A?1 . '• kWh
CIR(.ASPIAN w 1101
1'ARlytl SX " lath
PERlVIAN . Jane sit
15lAttl)I'lAY. ... -. . " 1314,
it was in the dirk dais of the war, and
Governor Curtin, who had been ailed I
1.. Wy�j►s*ltinetnn to *safer with ►'^eeidert
Ljncio'ln on the disheartening news from
the front, arrived at the National tripod
fell of forelyding for the fear* for the
('n1,n Early in the (ley he met Col
Forney in the drewing-ronm, and they
sat down by the window to d»eows the
ghwnmy situation. While they sat there
the inner door opened end Thome'
Bow hanan Reed. the brilliant hot errata•
peon painter. peeked bis way in. and
1 amen gornr sena. the finer, threw him.elf
tete a chair by the table Wlth."tit a
1 gime* i the mo nget teen by the w,ad,w
I h • .hipped In head on the table and fell
int" a hooey *Imp A e•et;y the war
tir.retool and the swat jenernalist talked
nw the terrible losses in the South, the
• eknw, and disaster awl death saves
( rot 'c
• Poll.‘ N11.41 e
$ TRP-L-CoMW)RTINO. ClItcaselA All? lib
PARISIAN....... 1115
RAM/1'4IAPI. re " 25th
-Ry • thorough knewl.dtre of fine rata
rat laws which govern tho operation* of
tbnetlew *ad notelrlmt aad by• e.r.teI
1/so of tits See pr.pertd -Nl-
(lsoss, Hr. Epps has prselded our
breakfast fables w1A a Atdintely llavnwral
5. "'lark wag me. u. many heavy
d,Aerr' AUum 11 1. �r the JoilMMns u.e 01
�Sww.t8 srttelesef diet that a '.naelltetloo may
NMayhet up mini uuy..it nunua8 to
t.afet neer/ temaimb.y to d eear. H orutrwds
of ambito cn1Wllw are Rnsling an.nnd .i
ready to atlaeh wt. rmw there 1■ a weak
rratWe may 00111110 Mashy • fatal shaft y
w o
pinar.el3M well fortified 111) Tare
e..o,t •M a Dr^ .n.ri.h'A (Fen.. -healing
tie,... (/o..rre made vimplr wl•h Aniline
weer or milk ••std surly In I'mebers hyOre
mer. labelled theta,- 'Waal!• Were R
Ilon"verpathle teem= tarlm
." he
*Moi' e• R t. /pier iga eemml.
Last train kat re Ond.rlrh on Thursday*,
at 111D o'clock.
1f yol are lswdlag ter your Mende. you Tan
oblate 1 Tir. at lowest rales
u this It N 1 5Mlowestvallahl. from E.tgtaad Ireland
Iteotland. Prance, (4.rwuay, Paredes and
Steerage $20.35.
G0DE .ic
Liverpool, L.ond nderry,G1ssgow
London, Queenstown, Belfhet,
BristoL, Cardiff. dor.
Pte 1 kions and all inf reunion. app17 to
H. AReleRTn nIG
Agent. Alian 14p••
tiederlea. Hares IPA IOW
At for Seigel'sPinent and Syrup.
All tbe most Popular and Heliahle
He ie showing it.pleoAid anion mer,t of
China an1ssi
Oederfal,Ont IGtA. tali. 1145
~blow people. Peed 10 teas
or pnalagr. and we will u allo,c
rite'.. a royal. valwhle sample box
of good* that will pot you un 1Ao
way of mak ng morn moony in •few d w, ■than
you are► I./Him/chi prr.wiblc at any b.nhn•sw. No
capita required. You caa lire at Mase gad
work inspire tum. Daly. or all the this. All
0f lstt sexes, of all age*. grandly •ttr.•r.sful.
Me. to a,5 really carr.« every elewlnie. That .
who want wort may teat the heathens. we
make chi• unparalleled T.frr: To all wSu
not wellsat iwi3.d we will wend $1 tors.) for lion
trouble of writing ns. F'.III mirt l.nlan direct
-lens. fair., 51.114'..'.'. att InmoTn•,• 1,av wb.icIe es>r
Come in and look. If'jia"iii i1Ry, " *e.w t .► all mh5 Bla4 af e.
Addrree STli nags R cir.Pos dart r 11174
Ne Trouble to Show Goods.
Court Honer 8.411a:r. lto.l•risb
Doe. lib, tel.
New Grocery Store
The subw'rlb r beimto announce that h•
Grocery opened out • wow Gcery 'lore
IN CAO3DE1:1I08,
.std Is prepared to do tom nrsa with the pee/,
of the hewn sad eurroonA Ing Seel lob. 1 M
floods are all New aid Nit
An pleasant to lake Contain their awe
WI. 10 • aide. 1.r.. - •cod eA
el ammo its {'RIrenn^I,Ir awnA•. K 1
Ierr wnnn.l' lsurrobbedrhe
w(their n„1 mm,llvea
prolong.,' 1 apptneae
aril hi. :'i -.stored
h the.. RF.
„ht.,,,...,,„.......... p.r.n•a.h., • . .r,•. ..
1 p3te.rt ITaus.vt bl rt. CAM,. of .., s kondd
srw.I.al W.ak we.. * foe all •I...e... that fol-
low a. a ..gnen.e for fell Abn... w, Ines .4 ea -
ere,. I,rs of a.r.w,rr, nt%rr.s. leeett note,
1 pain ,o ,he bark, dtn.nor,. err • ...,,n, perusa-
1 tnrr "Id age. Pled mint ul her 411., .e, -a that
I lead In Ina.lty or rr.a.orttlesa awl • prose -
I It V'nwl far rin•,tl.r. with le., qv raw'. f/ f
me11 The ellit.:AR %Vt•R N iph' -.1„
1 r!Z
1).r. for.1s h.*
tar 4., I.' .II Afntrtwtp. u
wilt Ir aero 1r..• Inc mail- ma. -,•.ie A.. •
re. *Opt of price, hr adds wing
P. J ('iIYYP.Y. hemmers'
lien. R
1a: *sm.nll Rt.. Tenon, obis
'ale Aeon her A,Aerlel.
.war, en.'n.v thaw at earth , ..Ir b7
..king an yrwey ftw the hr., 4.111ter
hnek not r4glnwere owned grated
IT. Nen.' 1)11 Trema free Hatt etre
PI Sea CS. Portland. Malue 1!"I
and hay. '.wen par. haw .1 for Cath. and an theII
pr...r are low In ' i '• 1117 marl rte.
He Intends to Make His Price
Touch Rock Bostolai.
ragmen ewe inn talon . s e fee Goods.
ami highest or.. •. SIR he O1 esu
a►Itnn't forget the spot, GAT Yew c 'oath ltore•
, nett door to nine. Deng Warr, ar.rlerieh
p f1wAMTA ilei 11 IM1 1575
- �/��-�iihe
200 0.0 y1 Nnr peer
II west. Mewl to .tr
perm moor, anA b
ma)n.,00 w will get
$100 t w a
par►sar ret
gem% N large yellow that w111 start ye.. an
Work gnat will at once helot von in money
fatter time an War else rn.H4s All
. 5.wt the Fla In preamot• with .melt he.
rats want ceell ierywherr ret eithe..e1 or
.IT r.w foe •11 the dole. rr.pare tam, only, to
were ler .• at Their owa home.. Fortune.. Inc
�11 wwkw..b.whrrty won't 11110 .1.4.,
a, HaLLsTv 4'1'0. Portland. Laine 1071-