HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-5-8, Page 22
Apt :1 17th, the Court of A &I of the Mr. Ritchie, OessN.ratiee, asked V tie Le mss w.ee le ase teftwa• es v we ties
aid meet to Rurerntueot prt,ptleed te summed s � 1 ase eiseeres M•'
Tee Lasses maims" tame alts illete a Wee - me
Itomintun of Cased& gs • j
tit can of Beatty v. The Northwest
•frwportatiuo Company. The statue
was brought by Henry Realty .•n behalf
"( himself cad other shareholders 4 the
ompaDy, seeking t.. rescind a purchase
of the steamship hutted Empty by the
emcee, from Jaime H. Beatty, • share-
holder and director of the company.
The parches was nude by the destec n,
sad the shareholders afterward ratified
it by • m.jtrity'f six notes The uses
was tried at Toronto, on Dec 21 and 22,
1883, before Chancellor Boyd, who de-
cided in the plsintitrs favor and per
°omited • decree venue aside the put
chase. There was no doubt that the
purchase was invalid until ratified by the
shareholders, and the euestien was, in
the language of tne Chancellor, "Wheth-
er the purchase from the director having ser has colla ,yeti.
been submttt+d to the fwd f share- I nletlathe : melds sslupo f Ktta s col would
holden and adv ted b a majority ail Eng f t aid
muse with Risme spec •Iter Mr
ens' arrival. The tetra who writes, and writesin tern
Mr. tlkatistuse replied " N•e' 1. seldom worth a tinker's cures.
Mr. liladstoit. bringing up the subject The man who plays the ,wGu,
of the vete of credit on arwy and navy 1s always lacer then sic
account asked the hours to vote the en- The man who tenet, he knows 11 an,
t.r.e $bb.000.000 eu bloc. He said that Displays a mighty sight of het,.
be hoped the motion to Te wit the c pit 1 hent � nto hshouldiamself ll detest. best.
would uut be pressed.
would not devote any portent of the But he who pays the printer is
money for particular purp ees ter ua. es The uubtsrt Rousso ru ib. 'biz
the Soudan, but would reserve discretion-�BigSpriags Tex.; Pantagesph.
tet apply the mhn.y taken for tSuudas as \VSAT Ha REAu*. -Before hiring a
oouut fur the purpu+ns of special pretest- i yeul,g mai,' said the propriet•r of a
•own•. large factory, '1 geaenely trryy to asset
Mr Gladstone and the povernwent taiu what sort ut bovi,s he reads. 1i he
anuders a necessary to hese the enure h.. k. ate of a low, vicious character, i
resources the empire ready for use and
applicatn.n wh rtquired. Events
mute the fall 4 Khartoum leave shown
votes, it u open for the dissentient plain-
tiffd thesal b the intervention
nut put a stop to the slave ora. n, a
therefore it would be useless to shed
bleed and treasure in the esu n.
do nor employhim. The bey w read.
bad hooks wil not toe a fsithf 11 wonit• I 'say so much about. Indeed ' indeed
,malt.' It .tends t.. reason the. the lite- I ••h,.w thankful we should be for that
nture which feeds the mem.;:n:e!ltnt •medicius.".
will foriu and direct It. - --- - ---
SerxRN,Rlrt of DP:T1LLED M ATKa,- I •esaHllsu mace •era.
K oro Physician's are often startled b! no.
nurlcable discoveries. The fact that Dr.
Kings New Discovery cur Consuwptioai
and all Throe and lung diseases is daily
curing patients that they have given up
t•• die, u startling them to realize their
sense of duty, and examine into the
merits of this wonderful discovery, re-
sulting in hundreds of our beat 1'hpsi-
etans using It in their practice. Trial
bottles free at J. Wilaua s Drur Store.
ltegulGe itiM $1.0). t4) ----
T• tee medical MI• seas. awn all wheels
It may ewers.
a R....rwe geese,.
Mre Mary A. Dailer,eet TuukImamatb.
'e.,was afflicted for six years with Asth-
ma and Lruncbttis, during wince time
he beet phyuc:maw u.wld give no relief.
Her life was despaired 4, uutil in last
l)etolser she precured a bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery, nice immediate
relief was felt, and by ountiuutng its we
Jr • short time she was completely cur-
ed, gaining in dash 5U Iba in a few
Fr.. Trial Bottles of this certain cure
of all Throat and Lung Diseases at Jae.
N ilsnn'a Drug Store. Large Bottle
111,00 (4)
se5r see tl4, t
• • N u she lingered said suffered alouK,
"'mum all the time for years. the doe-
't..rs doing her no gond : and et last was
'mem' by this Hop Bitten the papers
Xew Goods arrived, and will bo arriving dur-
ing the Season.
1 can suit all as to Material and Style.
w undo e 7 h da } Dr. Villeneuve, in • paper read ! i
..f the mart. las bat ere had the tint- I the Academe, dos Seances. he nesstatedwdu•
,tor J. H. tfeetty, abstained from seting 1 regard to the smallnras ,d the specie for dnttkiug perpesea,
the uujerity w.•uld have been largely vote, he reminded the house tout ort was
tinsel carter far •uf.enur to 'emeriti rat -
h ncellor'sI the largest asked since the l'rimeau w+r. I en as tine sources of the latter are often
sgeiost the purchase. The l •the
decision was expressed is these werde . onewog oulas~ytby in regek ard
war sur the trug-
"If the vote of the director who was the y
..caner of the vessel, and also the largesttare .d relations with Russia, that her
shareholder. could turn the scale, he I majesty's government had striven to eon -
duct the dipluuutic cuutroversy to such
would be virtually ruling the compass, • teat d K unhappily ended i0 vie sole•
seems lute hie sewn pocket agauuL the .i-wJ JM!.4 pp arntaie air, li is easily teat.d a
reared leaf trnpttare tjey might ata, to e�si- 1 tion of nitrate of silver cites a prompt-
centamn,ated. He had used distilted
water for three years, and found that
there is no feuudation for the p.pular
notions that it is dtsa,reeable to the
taste, difficult to digest, and does not
will .•f a 'naj•.rtty of disince
stareh.eders. His threefold charsatert
of director and shareholder an l vendor
necessarily involved • cetntict 1„etween
duty and interest, and the rule of the plunging of tee such eo,untnea into
court is, not to penult • man w enema-
staaoed to hold er exercise the balance bloodshed ane despair. (Cheers). There
..1 power in the conduct of a crmpaey's , exists abundant cause for the war pro-
ieid••ce a any o e •hbeing carried on,
lenge the verdict of civilized tuaokind stn when added to ordtwr) drinking
mintier or not they had dune all that ( water, but s dissolved in the eiselte.i
men could du and had used every just article.
and honorable effort to prevent • the Gimp Reams. - There are many little
matters which enter into good manners,
which must be so learned as to be habi-
tual, tf we prsctioe them at a11. Fur
affairs to the prep ( f th I tans whit are
shareholders. ' ' My judgment i Cheers]. The starting pant was then example, manners at table involve car-
pn.ceede upon the ground that the von• Obligation to the &meet which should be tern forms .•f eating, the disposal u
dor, fiduciary prelate n incapacitates bum fulfilled in no stinted manner. (Loud hands, the observance of acts of poltte-
from coercing the minority by means of , cbeser+ . The covenant with Russia 4 neem, all of which should be constantly
• majority secured by his own vote in March 16 was one which England hoped practiced, in order to biome) natural.
and believed would be recognized as one So in general society. the art o1 being
his van favor, site s of Iran aacnom.' w the . of the most sacred ever made between agreeable Involves gnat delicacy and ly the Phosphatic an
The defendants appealed.ealed, and the Court I two great nations and if any d.vutn,a _ _-•-_--
fairness or unfairnem ntact boisterous much or sboisterous con• found in our daily food. A et le bottle Oen PRODUCE.
venation ; a (rigid or uninterested man -
is led this d occurred there should be a jealous rivalry u sutlletont to conviner. All uggtsts ,SEE THE C>EOODS DdAR$ED DOWN_
lack f est in the discussion stop hotel 1 many
t'arlteu,.-ntt•er tLr1'aler N rat street. next doe- to I4..ul. of Moat reel tea
Goderich Foundry and Machine 'Worse,
VtunoiTnf.n Bros., Proprietors. '
Flouring "ills Changed to the Gradual Reduction System.
Ph••sphatine, air Nerve !emu, a Phoe-
ph.tte Element based upon Scientific
Facts, Formulated by Professor Amtin, I
M. D. of Boston, Mase., cures Pulman• I
ary C.•nsumptwn, Sick Headache, Ner- 1
vow Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the deme. 0-1=a06:111
avatem. Yhu•phatine is not a lKecdecine,
Horse Pvw.n, Grain Crushers, Straw Cutters, Agricultural Furnaces
. Beeves, etc., etc., at Low Prices.
411 Rinds of C.actin�s .11-ade to Order.
It. W. Rrw ,..m
J. B. Rteteeres.
Goderich. Nur. . 1164
but a Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable e•r Mineral Poisons, Opiates
Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but limp
of Appeals have now overruled ,u a nee ; ac u agmen -
between the two nations to sift to the arc it. peer• w,
vision, anddirected that the settee should ` of to the aasertun. of lammed pecu age
he dismissed Mr. Justice Burton m button► all that remained in susp+ersa. topics, Cc., sole rats for the De:minion.
Marieh lunties, •and much else, •are entirely mut ran Front street East Terme,
H_ RZDL= 11
Jan. 21, 14.t,. Tb. P.cple's Stew. Oeiiderieb
none 1 Tt at the directors are 130, showing that
s h t England wail d to An English edge basing receicmd an Mr. M. E Allison, Hutchinson. Kan., _
his judgment laid down three propene A bloody etgsgemtnt occurred
I p one or both failed to of
order. ♦ere Yri rrestt•t
:}tent of Cie company uy sh sad of the e•tm- fulfil t e eorenan o 'eared his life by • simple Trial Bottle e.
6 dutyf b th mitres to ascertain inuuution that a man he had sentenced pang only hoy shareholder has the it the o , countries
particularly Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con -
right to vote although he is interested bus that calamity incurred c - w..ul l • death wished rticularl to see him.
u t
Con -
ID the subject , n which the vote is taken; ntA all Pa
(31 A resolution .f the majority is bind•' right. He felt perfect confidence in the
Ing on the nonot:ty .end en the a.01- British ottcers, but would u a assume
piny. The other members of the court i that they might not have been misled.
agreed m upholding the transaction ash is certain the Russians were the at -
good in law and equity.I tacking party, and the Remises suffered
is life, spirit and repute. Knowing that
a•oee. a blow had been struck at the credit and
Lite.sry %Nl
_ authority of our ally. we are unable to
c'a&adiar. Methodist Maga:ioe for May, • close the book and bay we will not look
WS. I t:re •2a year : el forma ntontka • xl' into auy more We must de our best to
cents par cumber. For sale at all book I have right done in the matter : there -
fure, there's came f,.r the war prepare-
Ctf the pictorial articles in this number tions,
Mr. Gladstone a words created a pro -
bat the British were went to his cell, when the man said 'I
the nest sinking are "Venice from a
Gondola and "In Classic Lands, • b •th , found sensation. The opinion in the
copiously illustrated. We get a vivid lobbies tonight is tout the speech inidi•
portntture by pen and tweed of the fair pard is inevitable
"City of the t�ei.." and granitic sketches The that waral to separate the Soudan
try the deur. Hagh Johnston, t l:. credit from the ,reedit for apectal prepar-
iSutherlsnd and others, of Cor(u,C- rinth,
Mr. Gourley, radical, asked whether qac interest to the people o` this teen -
Athens. Epbesua, etc. Fret the "Cruise
of the C hellenver we ret more adequate
ideas of the "Greater Britain of Austra-
lia" with its noble cities and fine scenery,
The touching] story of "Sugar -Bags' is
(xrndnded, and Skipper George Nettwn
Nitres • graphic account of • weal Hunt.
The solid article IS one on Science and
Scripture by the Rev. C. H. Paisley.
The Studies of Wesley's Hymns are
resJly brilliant. (1f timely interest are
two articles beariimj .n the Indian leges -
tion by Rev. .1. McLean. Methodist Mis-
unnary at Fort McLeod, and by Rey.
K R. Young, late >lieu.nary at Norway
House. The latter, especially, and the
editor urge, -Give Indians justice.
stole your watch years age. } ou were
looking into a print shop in the street.
'Yes,' said the judge ; but I always
wondered how the thing was done, be-
cause I particularly valued the seals
which were hanging from the icb, and
kept my hand on them.' 'You mid, save
for an instant, it hen 1 tickled yea with
a straw behind the ear. He went on oro
explain that the watch was such a pecu-
liar one, the name bring embussed on it,
that they had been afraid to sell it, and
"aid, 'If you will get me ink and paper
} can rive you a letter that will enable
you to recover it. And the judge did
recover it.
CLARK rt Csnoot,i .-The Gerrie En.
errprur asye : Clark's Creasing, N. W•T•,
which has received se much notoriety In
*tions were rejected by n29 to 18e. connection with the rebellion, is of ape
A WAI:Nin1T•, Ttt•vcLLcR+. -W. H.
Thornton got into • pretty tight place by
stopping a train last week. He wished
to go to Wanstead, but as the fast entrees
does not stop there he bought a return
ticket to Wyoming. He, however did
not get off at Wyoming, but pn,csded
to Wanstead, when he pulled the bell
and stopped the train. The conductor
reported the 'natter to the superintend-
ent at London who ordered the conduct-
ors to watch for Thornton on his return
trip- There happened to be only one
return ticket et Wyoming, s•. that by
Riving all the conductors the number e.f
the coupon detached by the conductor
it was easy to rind Thornton. Chid
Winched watched emery train, ant on
Friday last Thonton was handed over to
bin. The atemeireg .d a train is a
a aminal offence, cid is not ptn.ishahle
by tine. se that Theruten is in • pretty
bad fix. as thirty days is the smallest
rentei..c whish can be imposed and two
ears the largest. This will be a warn-
ing to others not risk the lives of a
whole train for their own convenience.
1f another train had been fotlosine dem
behind where tuella Thornton and the
ether pnsseure rat have been
the gorernmeat would endeavor to have obit). It was establtsned by a howick-
the dispute with Rune* referred for an-
tastion to the l'nited States.
Mr. Gladstone answered : "The gov-
ernment are quite sensible of their heart'
responsibility to maintain the honor and
good faith of the country on the one
hand, and on the other, to use every
boy, Mr. W. Fowler Clark ,shuse parents
live near Lakelet. He•had been with a
surveying party to the Temperance colo-
ny. and on leaving them ho built and
ran the cableferry which takes his panne.
Laat spring he was home un • visit and
when ne returned he took with him a
means consistent with that honor to bride in the person of Miss Maggi.,
avoid war. I can girt: no more parties- denghter of W. Asthon, en the 6th con..
lar reply than this.-
his.'The utterance was accepted as signifi-
cant and received with cues of •' hear,
hear." of the telegraph office at that point, his
The house then went into committee wife, we understand, acting as operator.
of supply, and Mr. Gladstone explained a Mermen Cam
object of the vote of credit. The A REwwan -tK one d• zeu 'TEAesR-
entire credit, $:5.000,000, was voted A cure for Croup. There is ne better rt" to any sending the hest leer line
without debate, after one of the 'nest remedy fur Croup than Hagyard's 'Ye:- ' rhyme on ' one sr" the best
leer line
powerful and telling speeches by Mr low t mI taken internally anu applied a'. 1 shy n for the Teeth and Pane Ask
Gladstone. The premier was interred to cording to special airectiens. lee is gem
the echo Burin_ ar .1 at the close of his the great househedd liana^ea for rbc:oma• your drultgest er address.
speech, and was enthusiastically cheered 11sm, still j ante. ;.airs, inflammation, Pity :lox 1•ooF Dv'- Lt•t!•.--P,rerty
when leaning the home afterwards.
near Gorse- Mr. Clark, besides run-
ning the ferry, is postmaster of the place
--called Seskatchew•a---and has charge
Many lad:c• a In ire. gray hair -nn
tome ether t •-•. ni. But few care to try
Ps effect ,•n throe sewn charms. Nor need
tb'y, seer, ty • Hai • %hoer prevents
the hair fr m tornmt cray. and rest••res
gray Nor to its ori_mal col. r. It e•leanses
the scalp, rite. •rats the formation of dan-
druff, a•• l wen lc. f ii ly stimulate* tbe
growth if the heir. _.
sumption, which caused him to procure
a largo bottle, that completely cured him,
when Doctors, change of climate and
everything else had fats.•?- esthete.
Bronchitiim, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs
and all Throat and Lung diseases, mt i
enaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles at 3
\Vitaen's drug store. Large eine $1. (1)
\VAasmoTO'r, t. C..
May 16th, 1886.
1LNTLLMEI—Haring been a sufferer
for a long time from nervous prostration Majolica
and general debility, I was adriaed to Mo-.-.stache Cups, Ladies Cups, Fancy Mugs,,
try Hop Bitters. I have taken one bet- ,
Vases, &c., which will be sold at COST.
At C., At C., &C_
A.... a Large L...•
'le, and I have been rapidly getting bet-
ter ever since, and I think it the best
medicine Ire
strength and appetite, which was all
gone, and I was iu despair until I tried '
about and I new well, able to gore BAGAINa.FoR
about and du my own seri. Before
takingit I was completely pee:rated.
MR*, �I►Rt' NT•ART. .
teed 1 ever used I am now gaining Itamittoe street, lioderich.
Innen/bee titkh, Iasi.
Nine Payette/anis .Nese.
M:s. Helen Pharviz, Ne. 331 Dayton .�a �Ee.L:\r u�� ':� -:urs uF
St., Chicago. 111., is now in her sixty-
eighth year, and states that she has suf-
fered with Consumption for about ten
pars, was treated by nine physicians,all
of them pronouncing her cue h •peless.
Si. had giten up all hefpe ,f ever r.cvv•
AND GhNT•" 1't'N.'�1�H1Nt:F
ering. Seven bottler of Dr. King's New
Discovery cur Cotsumpti r completely �♦ a �:31,t17 &dU� Price for Cash■
cured her. Deuhtine ones, please drop L tW •
her a postal and satisfy yourselves. Call
at J. Wilson's drug st.ae and get a fret.
trial bottle.
Mr Swan, e f Glasgow• one of tl.e
meet widely t,nown .•wale deslersip the
world, has }.c.'n nal.inc a ear.fal a nay
of the st•.ck raisini interests .•f (enteric,
__-_ A Cunneen:et ;aper tela the story
'l he usual spring foods have not failed in cornet' .1 W indhama c..ut.ty, to that
state, there lived some years ago a man
with put un a greater
It him been of considerable wealth. He knew he
The w the grunter ghrt of the week. was near his death. and sent for a lawyer
water is quite high submerging the to make his will. His wife and (laugh -
in many places. Although net ter were present and greedily watched
nearly soa high as bighon some ugh and heads the proceedings. After mostmenerous.y
the water volved Thursday
andheavy pr vidiug fit them, the aiek man direct- Says Dryden :
sweepin .glume Thurhnsy morning to ed the lawyer to designate rine t•• his " ,l:nowa her cmer, end •aben�nerWt
sweep nt an Marry Johnston and Tura- aged sister, who was need. The s ifs and swear,
thea dam and carry a scene distance down and daughter rem •nstr•terl angrily. Can diiw you to her with a single hair."
the and Turner's cwil to Meme. tuwa- Qui�y "the sick man said, 'Malt• it ..But it mu!. Le beautiful hair t e have
anon and xp e�e be heavy and was 111000 for my sister.' Another protest Such power ; an.: beautiful Aar Citi be
•l new imeer unexpected as the dant was from the vultures 'Maks it $1500, 1 ensured by they use of Ctacta ses RAIN
anew and supposed to be having squire,' coolly said the levator. 'You RENEWER. Se.d atra0cts. by J.'*V.t.••:i
beenucgh t„ withstand the flood, as Lacing 2m
shall 11 1,' sbnuted the sweet souled
Men brokeF Lao year it was rebuilt mat- I fesales, •Make it 11'2pge,' laid the win!
tar Arch. Fisher, rush expert in such c i maker serenely, and here the selfish feels a■ answer Ws t.d.
1y Tau sudden washed
of se away cawed roueluded it was policy to hull their Csn any one reamnswe us a ma of Kidney
ey the dam breaking, the mi as ace the 1 tongues The lawyer has kept the se ! or Liver C'•umplaint that Electric Bitters
embankment and rat �( the mill race to secenl I crit fur years. but somehow it :caked I will not speedily curet Ke any they
places and the inundation ..i a c 'wilder- 'mut I cannot as thousands of came already
A sad aeglees- commending Electric Deters. will peeve
Neglecting • rnstipated c. ti l 1,en of
with perfect health is rather to be choaeu
than riches and dvspep•ia. Try the i
;nee le effect of a delay brtt!e ,f Fomerve
at Ealo
AlNervous Debility cured by the use CABINET -BAKER ANDUNDERTAKER "'
JP air b.
of Dr. E. C. West's
Nesse and Bram
Treatment. See alvertesetnent els.ewh•mr. Hamilton 811 eek, Goderich
Said at Wilson's drug seer. t2b)
r riti- I..t OLNIANIL A\\ritN('t.NIt.\T
Gann:- , Ncv.:elle :Ste.
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
a elide'
s,es.r eC
who op
at boort
anise, h
V. was 1
The s
the inor.
and ret
Mus N
sea dee
with au
from tt
1:ad rat.'
yet has
and ai
tike gin
kept a
neve s
1 w
s nese t
1. it t
I .vrd
t clic
\N It
t:,, t,1
t rite,
he tr
m col
it s+at.
as sl
to t
able le•.rttun of a greater part of 1, .wer
N ingha t. - [Times.
Tse rase5aas arisen.
Iterate Smith ones told me a ganef
story of • night he had passed in a stage
coach, when railways were not and the
j •urney from one part of England to an
other was a serious undertaking. 1 for-
get where he was going, but the distance
was c ,nsiderable, and the four inside
Pesaen,en niturally eude.,cer,d to settle lava: dist-we. of *he iliac as is commonly
therns•her as circumstances w,.nld per- level, muse helmeted as• greet ro.atit.-
Teo of thein were a married1 norm w. 1.e.. moult +elt et lmtever:ehment
couple, the husband sitting with his track • ien see by a Linath .tnni ewes. or reetiasia
d ser have
peraranently curd and who aro daily re
Ise bowels is sure to bring til health andrt
rest suffenc. Burdock Bleed Bitters
u'ate the bowers in a natural manner,
.urifying the bleed and promote a
healthy action of the stomach, liver,
kidneys sod Bowels. 2
who eler • ?Wan f/5 •-
)HTHISIS. instead of hang purely a
Gait. frees a failure ed hitt tion Omam and tla,ars
and t•cently paid a ciait to the eeriest.
o the horses and evident) not •lt,igeth• Masa.►. are the feu to v way. an
tans College and Etprerira•ntsl Farm at , etr at iia ease. About half au blurafter th. On." e/ 1"4".°4in
owg "Pit la °wi-
eomptton of the spine, hip. keen &nA hovrele.
Guelph. he expressed the .Pinion that
it was not surpassed hT any institution
of the kind that he has ever semi in
(treat Rntain or ..n the enntinent. 115
.xpna.ed himself as particularly pleased
with toe thoroughly prartical nature and
Take of the experiments that aro con-
ducted under Pndeesnr Brown's managr-
ment. He was pleases.' with the sight
! starting he turned to his wife and an , as we a,. the teen. Th. de c. co er
xi ly nnettreed s1 she were co,*tfuet• srntufly .n as ftwmftsMnn aop�ly of tt•e Md
phsrrstt ss for item, • amariertioe sad t e
•hlgeneration of sere. torr.. Wheeler's
'Pry well, l' she rept e 1 ins air way 'hairs and c attain a •hose the Crest recnkld n
tune. attained in trrrotnyg acd coring thio s
'Yon dee n. t feel • tiraucht it m the se
1 window r A Rteate • Tvrrie v. - Fee a
'Nene at all. Cough. t'e Ie. “r any Bronchial afferion.
of art many really excellent and Rely' '`Int. sere ' "Pect••ru,' in my opinion, is joist the
bred bulls teeth at the Experimental j Yfotte.' thing. 1 have u it to my family for
Farm ane elsewhere h A t !lata '•1h„ rswsrked 111.a1nelwn•ty •p•n0c Cough. and ('elle for the put foot years
A wan s_evoi re We change places' ' day my opinion of it u that i castles*
The great 'tiara* of consumption and
with the tri, ••t uncurled mecum, t e w ere t meg non no. i a.
ter • momentary pease'then sui • per and to -
to think mill more of that whiek 1 het,s%
of ugly vexes is scrofula in the blond.' The Hectic MA. pale hollow chocks thinking well of. tttrie Bank,,
Burdock Blood Bitten purify the entire and paranoias appetite. indicate w. -,ms. Geo Kum, Manager (hitwinPIeleseitR.
styitwn and cine scrofula. as well se the Freeman* norm Powder will .luicklyw •.i
fees cosmos blood humors, 9 and effectually remove theta. lm
•, •- •. ei' q. r1 tie m atvw. t�1;T..l'.
Bright's Disease, Diabetes, \\'•ak Back,
or any nrinary etoxnplalnt quickly cored
They purify the bleed, regulate the bow-
els. and set directly en the diseased
parts- Every bottle guaranteed. ?or
sale at 50c. a bottle by J. Wilson. [1;'
A Ultottlet a ase 155555.4•
la these times when our newspapers
are deeded with patent medicine adver-
tisements. it is gratifying to know what
to procure that will certainly cure you
If you are bili•.us, bleed out of 'oder,
liver inactive, • r Lenora] debilitated,
there is nothing in the world that will
curt yea u•• sickly as Electric Bitters.
Theyare a hLeeming t-• all mankind, and
can had f• er only fifty cents • testae
rf Jaiues W11$tn. 12 1
a Mas*IIRg Nerve.
Wm. Johnson, of Hurun,ask. writes
that hie wife hal been troubled with
acute Bronchitis for ,many yrmrs, and tied
eli remedies tried Pave no permanent it re-
lief, until he precured s h•ettle •,1 ilii
King s New Disen.ery for Conaumptint
Cans;hs and ('olds, which had a magical
effect, and pndored • permanent cure.
It is guaranteed to cure all diseases of
Throat, Luna or Bronchial Tates.
Trial baMiss tars at J. Wibe n's drug
A (nee a.asor, ever, of IC itches. Md•room. Delete Reim Parlor F rrr.ftu, r Perk SS i•
aka, ( hairs 1Lair, carte and wood seat. -4. t'upbosede, Mild tads. Mattress.. LL asb•sta.d
Lounger. Saw. what -Note. Leeektant)tswses, ---- ---
N. TA -A rorep't'esseo.'auni of CoRtesu.d !Lrou4s alwa7s ea hate! at., 11,.., ,„ 10, Air
at reesonabte rate .
P:c!-.-e Peary.'- . a •Drrty;ty.--A call solicited 1;51 .
�C�T�Z11Z. -4;:;r,%e Cid i
Keg t, announce t , the Public that they hate epened business in the above Store
in the stare le'ely • ecopied by Horace Newein. Having purchased a large and
well ere •rte4 stock . f Spring and Summer Goode at chew figures, we are determine
to give the Pnblie the benefit.
Air -Please call mid examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere,
/11P•Restember the place, next door to J. \Vileon'a Thug Store.
Custom work will tweeter our apieeial attention.
1l• Neese bat the beet e.f material used and first -clam workmen emnpl..yed.
jrRepairing neatly done on the shortest. notice
OoderieleMarch 9lin. DOWNING & WEDDUF
!row .s Its. t:me. it you wick ane or tato .- •vers at borne. 10 K• Pause's roomH. hpaper,
20,000 Rous of the Latest Designs
prat• e r -r r , t •• re.r.at.ee •Dan eery am,h tafertsr mood.. 4 al and see them. This
•re the boat • aloe in town. and sem* he.o14
The La1si Spring Bazaar Pa1ies Fashims,