The Huron Signal, 1885-5-8, Page 1B
IteTY-lyri,tlTI( et tt• NLMlte:it :,at •
!r 51.11 • L&.& Ielf N L V AN K OW �
PRiMLY, SLAY fere, 4.663.
J+ memo eros the number of cattle
nd heroes belonging to malt ri which
ave been cn Pound.raker's reserve, 11'.
:d buck should be celed Poundkeeper.
et Otter pounded hint in • vie roue
**Item an the recent fieht for ism[•c•tnd-
ing the settler: stock.
£ae 4.01ie% cu/uu.eira err s ew his tike
Geld. There y,• ne men were tannin;
u: •vrtuga iii' iry eine' to at leant del a
say. That would b•: ebnut.8,0o0 a day,
or say $03,000 a week. Aside tom the
risk of los to precious [iters, here is an
earnit:g power of $45,090 Icnt t t the
e'ur.tri weekly thss.n>;h Ter, incapacity.
. Ttia Tureato Week, whose principal
'aontributoe took the pLMG•rsa Cir Sat
John 3lacdaweld ie 1876, t•..derma the
Dominion franc':iso tai!. It ad!. that
f reed
en the Government in the selection of
revliieg bsfristers to maks•i .as to
and subtracti,,na from the !int of 'rotate,
would place a dee:ger ius power in tee
hands of party lead.», and o:le whech
would Le certain to be sbeas,i W eke
prejudice Lf the electors."
TJ!'E t' d CES:SE BILL. ( IT will be now :n order fur the ante
T'team in Cicada is tottering t• iu t'c'fl`- tally t, ask 41r J••t,n to give then,
downfall. The hnaemo;sal policy of the ,• reunite barrister. Such a fuucti„risry
eoverutr.ea4 bas peeved t., be rnttsn 1could so work the voter. lists to lbs
Trade is stag*ant'i .na.7 is starve ; the j
man cf..ctir it art the country gave net
made airy suhatarttial progress during the
post three years. Our farmers hart ,not
felt th. [.inch of bard Braes do keenly •
fur a s:ore of year.. In tie Northwest
the tasc+ystits of sone of the Tory mini-
stere amtjuthrr g •s-rrhm•nt nftieiels, and
Sim aleepaeity of the remeiuder, Lase
bred a bl i y re:.tuti••n, a',rl Er preci-
ous lives (.ave been ahead”, charged t,.
the ;,e' cerement ates,uot. The country
is growing sick ..f Macdonaldism, with
itslrreter, incapacity, seal its rs-
pecie= r-aw fur the pe,•ple's teener
T•+ryienq is a -rr::-1, het a desperate, du•
benefit and tresdserour attempt is to be
made to atvii it. The revising barrister
is to ;'rrear:: the voters lite, and on quest -
io^s of /i+ w there i• So app from has
decision. This emetically means r-•. spired
the discretion proposed t. 'e • con n
h ' clearly intended that the
Tat frond a Aifwrts er io lust &boat
correct in the hollowing{ soaapsritue of
T rawcallues -"The Termite ballet
leo Suffers has been scut«need to ion•
T. is quite ri;;nt and in
acc ordaaee with the demands •.f jestice
Yet we Canso: see the: millet bet stuff
tag u one whit worse thee voters ha
. t etufing, and that is what is contemplat-
ed under the revisar.g barristers ethos
of the Ferachiae Bill. Beth nue at -
i • tempts to defeat tke postwar wet by
manipulstiag tri. ole:tere. s►ch:eery.'
at all. is
tames of a corrupt and desperate govern•
sett rocas return that gewernrset-t to
memo a' any cost.
A ,n••ne ini•teitous scheme to tete the
rears uf a fete to peep' ) at the p• els was
..ever devised titan th.. euaa!1.d Fran•
cilia. Bi': rrop•ued by Sir John A. Mac-
donald. The powers granted to the "r►
v:air.g beertater" are of so automatise a
:! ira:t. r tett '11-.7 .auk me -4 of ttoss
guars elder a Russian uiase than .f
what shoe! ! be ceeferred upon any man
by a parliament representing A free u:d
enlighteee,' people. It is iut.r.dei as a
death -blow et responsible government_ :
but se bar • a hope that the corrupt and e lltetrtictsun G• evil u rigLt sad is int r-
treacberoua leader of the Vey piety cf i Kiva. -jun t., i Wix*es.
Canada has ,,sly wrested a gallows from
which '.te h resell will shortly melte tfiareaaters
whiskey intermit t .at • nape
people w• i1J lure to retire fr•.m the raisere et. tai. Tarr Leadereatfines,-ells• his beet% by pointing to the fret that
held. . g, .r Ma emcee.. nest Ire. nisi the ti'.ventment had, fear tr., day,. been
Evax, independent paper in the Land. err;swa, May 3. -Tee band of Lib.*
ieeludifr the two largely circulated ale in tire House at whew Sir J.Akn hur-
the the threat test he w.•uld crush thea
in a week by pushrug his Frauch*e Bill
Closing nouns of Timis Dr178.
and trewdnel galleries were e!ectrieed by; THE REBF I I1 / O►�
B. As he wise freer point 1r orient his;
utteras.cea called out great bursts of ap•
p ause. Ile ah flora that Sir ,inha had
C, . Otter's Column 3nbages tb®
disproval his Ewa statements, that the
(►ppeinem had designs t• break down
°tat; 1 • •, are u;+pcoed to the C:urern- tkn,essl. in that tree hate taught hint a
Tae Iv.rtae. Love 1d- 51tted .e.d or naiad -
rot 'r.Ieeterr Le... tears &gird ale
lydweea lir dad
fighting a moil. n fur at: tee- :rr:meat
Sir John leimself yeah given fit. r.--phanc 11'sYrrtrr ., May 6. A step tweets
".to ' t„ the proposal ensu It was mot, katehewatt Lauda via neat Cermet
Referring to Ser-eohe'a assertion teat it per o•u-ser, wen arrived sbss to'emog
was nut the proper place to discuss the from Rattleford, brings Heirs of *nether
Indian yueation, bat that it sthoiik have
sent Franchise Bill The bill is too,. lesson that he will remember. They been petpwnst) until the enaatieg clause
ini uitow he Inuit hide- lave ►bowl. hum that they Mare suSsient nes brf• re the beass, he showed those et
3 y � intelligence, deterr e's/anon and vim* to air John's dictate's, it was ender the
bound partisans. It u a twnratdl4 mess, same clause that he l slatted the,:ues-
urerunw"rth of nisei hint at bat- ted thwart his attrtnp,t-
Y age. ed tyranny. Wimp the delete was stop-
, pie? by the striking ,.f 12 by the town
TAz Assents tug Despatch has been cloak en Saturdy might, air John 1 mod
seized here fiat *;'sated u.fraction ,of the himself with the Franchise Bill in his
customs regtalator+ It is n•.turiuus tbet hand. net beetle: made a single line •,f
tam of woolens But e. t+t: that same
elaatae the Premier hale that the -:acs
tura could properly be settled. but on
the other iwpurtatz suhlact of the 1r
ilian vote, he eomnaiDed he waw net
Patel • treated when tits ideas were toeing
earned get. lir. Slake servant -sky
hate. fought with the Indere:6a ['Hund
maser's reserve en Ssterdity Mw:. The
!lying c, !emu of t e Dino under Col.
Ouer, aur iked ler Indians. '4) •trust;.
at 5 o'c%ut4 in the morning. The tight
lasted till ronin. Otter a 1•..e was eight
kite' and eines wounde•.t. Wire enemy
lee 100 killed aril wounded. O+ttero.v-
toed tincfuiine the en;rageieeth ;0
enters, fought Inc t..ttlr, and returned
Americas: ve•selsfretleently etiolate these p y uaaide of fee ::•urs. The ossa :e.hace,l
themselves in their .est. Th. list .d ki'A.d if v
once Thursday, when his ('1
towers phone t the disposed of tiir John a assertion that the luaSnthceetly'
laws. The Despatch u owned by 7.rbe to wear out the minority sitting oppositele[j,,,vs , _
ToLm•, now an Ameriga citizen, but theist. This, two, afters a constant die- (absent, were trying to weer the Comore
vabves out b nntit de thou disparity? ? *YVLS't,
one of the large creed a Americans who : ctasen of 61 hours, each ei the three % reindeers.y pia nt to that, but Corporal !aerie, N. K . i'etli e.
days being broke by two hours of a re.Cor oral L. i W.
1 u ,.
Aped alta sur nus in the Algoma elnt will
; o, from 6 to 8 u'cleck. baring the Liberals dal all tl.e'1 htta...m a the p. 4t •
We ,alt sou h, a the l:overnment will e.
whole period until tis..nlay evening, Conservatives spent their time.4eepir.g, i•seler Puree, N. W. Helie .
deal with s• faithful a friend as Mr. I with a ten minutes' sac iun,the speak; Sir John ging regularly every night to t'ri iste tlstemil.OuardsS1tarl-•ikiretera
Pei bed- What the Liberals ;greatly object. Private iGegers,t.uerds Shsrp'hei etw
Tollgate 1 ee was iv.s s d to refinineetle to reply.eene ed to was the fact that the bill was Private Bobbe, l Cnn.pauy !dantry,
1 Cwi.t•iwt,vea wlleuly refining to reply.
Iagasees Tbreeebes+. The debate h:as hrouglst to teen front bmsgbt ftorwsrd L. be tushed the'ogh- Tomato.
lrtoerai newt en hereto, extent who Marc three months after the seeseet was open. lius;ter F ulkd C Cumpinp IasR+ottle
I..,Iisna, who are1 I maws. l debaters re , ween the tine had elapsed to its
It enfranchises shown themselves to e e of
**wards of the c•untry. who eanao' con ;markable tslerit. tabors r.. be broitgta W * sloes. The
reset s legal debt mid who• weed., ..f , 04 Sat 3 ft n e Messrs Foam beaanuas had been conducted in K• dila-
course, at the dictation .t an Icdien to of peelJr
assd Sumervillr Dt Bract, tory $ manner that little pt •peer bad
*Rent, v.,u for Ue +'•,•arnment when; d li 1 addtetasas etr,eh fur ixtetve been orale. The Nays sad Means cent -
Rave them .urplies. It e:.-tpewers the , e
O„eerrtrent • fete may t., app,aut the +Air. Flaming adLressed tamest$ el..aely to (3araadtaa Pkohc .ai way
revisor, uf the veten lists. and thus the , ueati.xi Indian eseraoebiaemett, attended to, the Clones° P.tttrnetton Bill
pears the erectors at the mercy of the l end shower! hew utterly at tariauce the still remained pigeon hoie.I, ti>e lf, cth-
Covernment's ins-upuions agent*. The till in this nepeet was with the genius ' west matters were to be discwseed, the
Opposition are blamed for obatrtsotiu* •helloes Ten ... ..t to make ft*ascial affairs of the ci emery were to
e ren. mitten heti are finished its work. the
1... ..ow.. are deserving .4 great pries. P 1 had not best
Me pomace cal sect a measure, and tbs Dor tri•_ P beoonstdrred, these and •.ties important
C. venerate .s encoutaeta1 by the apathy
of public opinion, which as directed else-
where, or else u directed agaiUst olsetawa
tion instead of against tl,e evil itasU.
- PV1.1171 SI THE RUN P.)WRR
Already :rend results have f-- lowed the
introductica of the Sena Ay. iia Huron.
Doing the past week the open winter of
ligewr ha& been practically abolished,
sand ase;: who had beer tri the habit of
Bite. Jawts Matra, M.P., had a ben
tales dawn ila the House moonily. Mr.
Somerville, ,,E 1lrsnt, was masking on
the Franc -thee Bill, and in tee ccure of
him address condemned the action of Sir
John A. Macdonald ir. indacir-,t his sup-
porters to 'ting "Old ting evle ' to
annoy the Opprftion, tri . espec,at:y es
such tete ity was out of pea a at a mo-
ment w�teu the country was it:
over the sad tia:wgs from the North
(test. • • What has King Cute te d. wits
the Franchiser' impertinently queried
Bro. White. The reply of If,-n-rviW
came like* dash "It was wt a 0.1•
li.tit yea were after but a Writ($ tim�R
Bre WLite subset .
Tag Hamilton Faster is peeing as
Indians voters who were still to remain
noel/franchised mil undies the control in
their affairs of Sir John ea their supenn-
tendent-general, he declared was a scan-
dalous prupueiti..o, unique in iia charac-
ter. Sir ,Tuba's otatemeat that under
the bill the tribes now no the war path
in the Northwest, would be phren the
• sr to vote, was in elimuent language
matters had to stied while a bill t,• ob-
tain a party adventade,was• being fumed
upon theHteuee. The Liberate -had entered
%enr protest against the titverntnent $
course lay their actions, sad. would con-
tinue to put the matter in its proper
tight. Mr Blake colic:ud.d hu address
before ft, when Mr. Panama's metier.
The Rhe pas that the committee rime and resort pro-
emsplaeirtpt the preparation of seeesa'i ea the most oonstroas ever _
a ims it. tl.e lands of res wing barristers, suds to a di hibe+*tive .assembly. Feel. m • w*. carried Liberal enmid al'f'la'ee
the (receive bell of Sir nhn A. !Barden- ing the loran of Mr. Fleming • arratgn-
sld wit: vutually disfranchise the Liberal ment, the Tory metnberwtried to annoy i ser.' I.e. mai waseaY.wr-
party. It u simply a bill designed to him with questions, bet every time his `� don 1 know of a mets aequdoul
giv. representation in the House of Cos- readtneas of retort mowed gnat laughter measure taati that of the ,aoverr. te'u$.
teens t. oar political party. It u the last at their expense. treasures tea which se► to put the
a Mr, sometetlle vigs euanly ewe the propG
of rainy tet to infamous Acts u, the - e thea voters lists at the mercy of psruwsc
Cir vern*icrt to take from the peu[::e their Conservative iwemtoe d t o „elem.
.r and et revising barristers. Thew mea vita b. -
appointed, as a matter of fact, by tae
guv.rnmeat member or gement-emit
managers an the riding : they will have
romp ate power over the list, they ell.
drinkir,3 end t:eat.r.g, •i^:p.y conatitut:nnal privileges enc to perpetu. ortng all resents to is ere
the old custom prevailed, are new "Usti' !ate the rule of the Conservative party. $ir s dictation,sitttr g .went while a
.d,to abide by the law, and save the . The country that will submit to such queeiiun of such *rest nemeeot, was be -
teensy which they had been in the habit legislation dear nut deserve to remain tore the House. He ditiested wpectal
tiv to a number of members who are
uf squand.rir-g focdishly. ('f c.•urse the
old topers w::: iudesv-r to oetair their
daily et strong drink, and will
use every mean to break tee provisions
free. How soon wit Cattadiat.s realise tention
striae oR eve roan whose to vote
that they are beim; left with the forms seldom content, to psesit ere, minor ry. m
of liberty without the *obscene'- d � to
reemain ur ndiscu sed At eachs he seam* 1 •tuesttonaMe and Selo m they
(Wa detect Watinel-Receew made it decidedly unc,sfortable for
{ thea,. DM.tton McCarthy, Tom White,
ref the act, bu: ti;, .xiditi.snal cost of the ?be Melees le Resoles.. "Professor' Faster, Woodworth and
►al attention at
"medipap," sad the ratricttoas caput. Tke Canadian aha riginc has attracted others t•ec.ired biDgr•ph
I its sale, wi'l I t ks the en•`iva- a good dad of attention in several ways. bis hands, which made them wade. and
h 1 titer
of beingagainst the oesenr,:cnt
sad [•et sad wont of all these is to be
ne appeal from their decision. We don't
often sympathise with Gasp, bet give t.
3redtt her a bit when it said "Why not-
let these revising barristers eters the
member, at once' instead of goir.g
Trig woK'!MDED.
Wiest. McLetrd, Mounted Po'.ct
Irani. Peltier, B-1lettery.
Semelt. (leffney, B flattery.
Cotters! Morten, 11 (battery.
Unener Remelts. B L'atten .
Intro. -Major : avka.w, C.Cuni :el tie
cttry, Trireme.
Cuter-Snngt. Wetter. Cuardt sharp-
$.rgt. C.•riper, eleeer'• (.Own.
Prasute Vsete, Queens torn.
Private Watts, Queesi s (Own.
Private ([itbert,ltattteiord V.,:uut.ers.
The engagement on :taturday weea
oa-mp ate vi,.atry fur titter's fern: The
flr;tit lasted seven hums and the lodi•aa
taught desperately, the *mime letting
ter part with the anew. There wows
about Mei or 700 Indians, and they were
doves from th••ir caner. Over 140 of
.he redskins are repotted lolled. The
np was dem.lahr 4 by the rroupa,aher
which they return:ad to their heel/met-
ers at ftettleforet.
u:� naso'. >,rrt +trov
Wirectee:. 11R:y :t -never,! leen
reeetved today $rum tae Fort Raekatahs-
wan cerresponde.'tt of the Times, under
the date of April 15. He • ••Ou
the 6th stews was received of the murder
of Thum.. Quinn, Indira. agent at Frog
Lake, and Delaney at the Fame plate.
with the looting of the Middle Tek. In
*emcee Scouts sen: out br,ugttt
news, that the !ndiens are uneasy. A
,rout sent to Beaver Lake had :narrow
e.eap.. The settlers there had bean
visited by a smell party of Indus*, who
helped themaetvsa to pee rism e* shed made
themselves generally at hunts. It u
thought that but for the presence of as
old Indus humor aid scut, ns•atd John
Whitford. there would have been Meed -
shed. A beg evened was to bo held at
Baute River en the 10th by the Crew,
Steams, niece feet, 4sroees ant Pieg*ns
to decade cumbased movement against
the whites. Nem was received on the
tion, to up r 17th from Mr McLaughlin, the Meth..
howh had ed a band to else another step nearer to the day of trouble. dot minister at velem, that in addition
even(ua, y a r a loyal ally, as $good neighbor, and caused the House to roar with laughter.
-• them. We have story reason •n but unl of late, as a Even the Minister of Agriculture had thieve! •e onetime the ewers' taste for
term .;ut in some teatime's. y by the been unable, he rid, to rise and give witch have been evoked
t•, believe that the retractable meal treab'eesme ware. It remained cur
keelsers th - ughuut the county will eh- ingenuity of Su John A Macdonald w has stereotyped reply of 1 tell you,
an injured isnoceet, and ectaelatna how invest }ion with all the interest attaching teems Nth p to it Re
.save the law strictly, tut then are a � nue kind of revtasnpt hrrsfiMes James
th r Tories are shamefully treated t who will endeavor
u • tl t.eoal parte er., whose vote will be Ee en" t to the charge that Liberals had Bratnd Juba C'. Small would assi-
f been t t wear out the rllinistrrial 3• jr.,l
by the county judges at the '-•vr
e Pr'' few it every section u
d h t b of useful at
pen- worthies
o teen un t nothing The Reid could Dame witl•.0wt trouble
electron time. o ry Dint for Termite. It nem** system
party. he pointed Dui how difficult that F
Revision, reidently forgetful
of of the unfit before rase$ would be when they had brought :heir it u an interference with liberty, it will
beds and bedding mato the House In diegrace the age that plasm it, and it
.410 ei tont the Rooster numtser of the county son pd wilt only bring the conservative party
judges now en o6ice aro ap;,ou:ter of
Sir John A. Macdonald. H ear the • wail
of the Sp -tater . -
"We all know how It works C�
vatises who ought to be on the reel are community a maudlin ser:ument fin favor make on Fare not teen eery uitelltgent
1 f the taw, but
t- make 'he law unworkable. The [art
named fellows should be attended to
T thisd the local Scott Act tai•
the race have heed known as politicians
now, but the race itself, by res
en of its state of tutelage and depend-
,toaatiom should be thoroughly saga once, ha+ 1•sten kept as a whole from the
e:cttemenb and dwipations ou the can
addskeepthen spirits he to
they emerged Net ore of as u s has.Lact the operates down stair, and members. whole drink-, •- mgnn rstpe Gt the murder of Quinn and tlelaner two
ing. gave singing and dancing sccomps- Ito preemie rattiest tt ',
priests had been Idled Quinn and
omenta. When he mentioned the des- !h. iniquity of ths measure and Coe Iklaney were tares, pna nes in the earty
giacefo`o•tenes that had taken place is weskeese of (fir. Mowat's franchise bill part ,.f the ttvutles, aa.J when shot than
the chamber, the Tory members fairly ;have their origin alike n the eve -T iee* beeiea were thrown the•, a ceder and
the franchise it berried Tine then firer+ oboe. as they
were trsvet:it:Q. beeaute 'they did toe
trove feat enough The '.w.. penes at-
tempted t.. pray • '.or that h..Jies and
Were 1111.,t Fi. a noon why were heeding
ed and placed upon a sound working cos and :he csmesign. A clause in Sir
There a to mile cectmrc.s of the .oho'• federal franchise bill proposes to
make hila an ele.cwr. The Gimes of this
left off, and tarifa who ought to be off of of oonduning violations ly define, b� the opp,sutnn roundly ! ,� y+tem ..n which
the roll are put on As it t. an itamil- sentiment in this matter u out of the art what has not been authoritatively howled themselves hoarse, and t!e , bnaeel Men •r, tires ^ores by beet of
ton. so It u throughout ()ntario. Mr gvsstaon and it is the duty of the men denied. that it u sufticisnt'y far-reaching 1 Speaker would allow him to proceeds thein on nearly * lionised diene of
Bake has repeatedly told his followers, who v,Wd for the act to see that its pro- in its cente.[uerces t, include not only i until he withdrew the reference to thew I qualifications, and each of these n open
that elsetieT were son ill the sura d tt mel esrstad este gee[ thh educated sbori,eines of Ontario, but epas.des. Ms erville's discussion qo a Knee n[ i, and each -irate, to a is opo,
sad hatless. The; ( h f the Indian gores•
»v uou. TMs (into are more setive and •! ons are y
Witt noteads r Isia*e•l r ; n the various o le. ramble Why tfy h not stake it a
•trai t l-. a
scrupulous than Conservatives, and those who require a:cobuhc liquor fur !chiefo'ch,ck, said y �y t�tni%i at 1 ottg Lek•• wove ale.. eh n. The
lees :aiiouy, indicteal or mechanics: pur- findeans who tomaintain fthectribal r - I the subject dealt with in s masterly++hood qualitiestios, (,muse enty Nab escaped. i'j:u eea9 June by who cheat as out of thouetnde of cotes atI citizenship and rr.e ionisers - Bear'. bated and rem• hoc he ods, who•
ei.-.-. an. They are,ag des- I th law has mails sports! o..i. vas' talion is that they are ward Di nue natx'•, '.. war. In oaln the intruductiva of 3 q' purchased Mm Dehsn'i and another
stain him- P R
peep •
Por' t servants
t race of he
perately W retain the frsndulont *dean_ dependent upon t -e g
tags they have. That is the reel mean- but re sr-sngemer.t hen been made for ofh a party in power, and thereto,*
ing of the contest now going on at Otte- I the perpetuatiur. of drunkenness or the short .4 the status, and unqualified for
ars, whets the oppcositsoalking ugsinstht
I oa+ntag of liquor 1., iilrtt entrees the duties of citazen•hip. The spectacle
trots, see detevsind that
tthe majority ruder these conditions the duty of the of an Indian agent voting a whole trier,
shall not :she "frier'ms of the `Dietl Act is plain. eine I many of whom would require to have
their %alerts mantel for them, tar the
tors of ti: ow are c •moron cnm,nals,snd mantel nemtnee of the government party, we .1d was to defeat liberal members
'd h thnt delatttw meted ' t anti calculated to escite indigos- I strength to the Tory party.
The means Fro. Pres. is *weed by C.
r. $aria e, esus e ' co • em Sir. Blake is 'Sighting
a tan- tov shite weenies from tLe fndietr as wives.
do after the snaking retake of 7!t •
!t„merville, •puke in reply, (Meg to de- I fair play only, and in the struggle he� }rev Mr casein'', of tee ()hutch of Eng
fend his friends for ignoring the .;nes I night to hare the support of every (sir I fano, mfeaivo$ry at l)ni.n fake, and wife,
tion. His was a very lame effort minded tsars_ --(Toronto World eerie: • were Dina prisoner, snd,alnaped by tbv.
Mr. Edits followed, and made it elver "—", Egad. Omen Lake fodiaas, hot wive sent into
that the sun of the Franchise Hall a s.+1/I ws.d. F•,rt Pitt enharmed. tierewel nnsuoee.s-
and bent p"hen the total outlay on tae ',:.oC fol �ittaeks were mutton. l',ttby :Le fed -
Road sail! lave been added to the out- ,'rain but ',n the 18111 an atteart we
lay on the int rtolantsI. the people will Ito he made to burn it with trundles of hay
stakes Inco• ani Pig liner a not weft
f h t sty [Sed with eniwumu.w, and fres very
something like 1j1b0,000,000 fur otitinl DP
A SERIOUS t ff4R�1S.
Ise finch at:uu. • e Ito nand y q probable of Kent, like Mr.
W. bl[ tehell, $brother of the editor of
to nous They s -e n.: better than tion and disgust It is nits robab.0 I Mr. Landry,
"m,wn*hsers, counterfeiter nr dens that the investment of the tribal In,'esn , Sproule, felt Shaded into petting e • de-
Tts•, and the tuhewit with the franchise would open wide the - twee for his silence. He retested to be -
the °aerioh g'ritter : tit.y are engaged in "sine" i door for moa anuses I Geve h» leader, that the indi*us of the
article from the Frao t• 'of oilt be toter- which the law "'del". as moimecal to Mr. $ lom,.n White, M. P. P. ,is nom,- i plains would be given volts, and indica!-
, readiaR, es none of our 'Newt's.
the best iite.esN of society • and Si such' sally an Indian chief, although practi nil if this was the case, that ►is sop[ourt
tine readers will cast a dscbt open sirs • . a French Canadian. lir. John would be deuhtful.
lit r the duty of the law abIdmg people calf
well connected an a•ithority Joseph Hawkins ie roe fealty an •drop- I "Pridemore Foster ales was benucht
•• phe, ,Blue denies the morning that of theconnty :u frown them down These tion to the IstsChief Johnston, of grant, to ha feet, and made a moat violent
t*ybdy on the Ministerial aide was j remarks sr •mot intended f••r respectable I who was a hot Tory. Mr. Hawkins stall 1 harangue, accusing Leher►ts weth ,nc.n-
aeen during the whole night session under he ahkeer•ere ehe keep the law, but we i Xe sh desert
which there Davie an vete ey in 'ie ioade smalls the
the indigence of ineotieseiag liquor. the I mit ter a rear of men who hese nn i Indy reserve, upon the votes of winch the etue ts.on, but spent most of hie time
denial a not worth out paper iia doses of 11 erecrla writ -
t me ins ,erupts, against d tee
tee Oa. Not owe but warty he is suspected ..f counting, should theriving how truly loyal the Tory party
the venteeSat seppeetere were into:i• lepra: mss. Teat all such r they de- 1 bit[ pees without further amendment. r and tea been, and charged t at the
,-ated --one fell asleep drunk in his chair , serve t, he treated, and the moult well ; There are also Indian reserves in Resat Liberals dishonest lute disloyal
with • "iter in hi. seneth s*other eov• I no the paralyzing of the i:..:.. trade 1 and Ltmbton, the enfranchised ,.asap H waw on the print n R
ernaert seepnrter who was helplessly Pulvee,r the ram power ' ants of which could probably be voted
rntoaeated was earned nut h two mem , I fro Ube government party. The Mew-
Eor through a side. d'inr and ether g,•v i - - - tion to tee prevention ere therefere
str..*seat,w>�rter were quat•lulsomsty Me yvateence tt'stenon to hese; tFe1
'a and well taken. Wenn an Indwi
amok t the oases os the minister al ` ab•ndims hu tribal privilege*, f...clime
beaches would have done discredit to the , ac'cos't "ilea sleveiota held ,'t the same kis guvermer t allowance, and aseumes
nerupants cif the lowest dive: and the ! day se the other mcnic,pal el.etiota, and the deeding and respensihihties of an
proporto of partially intosicat•d toe- • I,y hallo:, is a toad one it u, at least, independent eititsen, we ams willisg to
was equal to the reesgeise nam, politieally, es a tun and
sl wnsehy of trial we hops the Boa" we brother bet not till then So Inst as
h.0itl with which menti n ss bgea . "(Mitt of the trifle n1 sdeeneetne*t to
M h. nbtsm.d in the perltasdwl beetle;
Bete in the face of theles steams**, twit the plan. and tee if it be an improve -
.peruse by the testimosy of sootw of 4 mint on the old tams open vote, with its
teedIsnmesad to out enetempornry • ing •telco • ores ter ref
probably have paid' out n their earnings
sad military, railesers , and the fruits r f
this eipendtture to them se hr have
bees half • down Knighthoods, si l s
Greed Cross of the hath 4Th. Week
mutt. dtaapptinted at not 'ett:ng aaese
se Free lake, s!1 baying Owen sent 10
Pitt His plan LE settee. a after Ieswian
Pitt to move weseserd, gethenng force
•. h. comes t., at two Victoria. Mort
enee.eM.eteaI angers fee tai, Swab er+ Saskatchewan. and Kdneonton The
aerie. tars. 1 V •torte pewee will come t•, Fort herr
e krobewan M we stand, the [edema, if
it rained o: It days animist of sir.• i they come a torte, will makes clean
fall, 12': cubic inches, er 2e laches on (weep of the Autidtngs and Noses, wad,
the level. 1` perhaps, of eke fort No ems shoed 1..
it snowed on 8 days . amesat of fall. I lost in ending help if tubi• is dour•
were Bj inches I with s fere, of 'i0f1 men, our *Indians wee
Hoof 6 sal n his Greatest ',laity '•f wild dunr4 .4 ; not nes. but *heeild Itsx Boer resch th's
speech when a note wr purged ham by I hours on the tett: wird, north,wtt:, so sw ' neighi,eerinnd 'tee tre.,pa, WO mw
Mr. Small. a Tory whip, evidently tell- i flurries . i miles or ;12 miles per le car would he but s met:t!iful t'e the [whams,
int him to ..linos. Ele then talked Least velocity of wind donne 24 hours who well nae ons rears on his appy ode •
ega.est time until 11:30. The purpoes Ion the 14th , wind south . smother Fseher Leemehs a deeeript'nn of It'v
WAS seen when he eat down. cloudy . 144 miles, or S mile re- V. a -stature of Mrs Delaney is tent (Mien
Sir John immediately roes and eharg- aa.4 Delaney sere melted to a parley,
se that the Liberals had pursued a police
of obeli action with the lutetium t,( cone p.11ing hen to remain in the Eines in
• order that, °wine to his swpposed infinite
he reame s de est epee the beautyties and advanesd age, his health would
of the rotes e• a hes no tight to de give way. He spoke up h. 11 46, that
amid the ballot, thank the Tories seen there iwutht be no npprrtuwit to reply.
decreased te give it to bis, to snit in this he tees mistaken Mn Make,
'tete own sinister Faeroese.- {Toronto to the few 'ninate• left, made a mesa
News !ind 1 et seek rtnveg elogneece tent the AOM
.ye weteessea, the elitism Misr* a yerel .catspenvine sesames ester the Meru.
des,W. For impede: C.. the pe't_le are
No. of frosty ni hte, 2:'
N t. of clear nights, 10.
N... of cloudy nights. 10
Prevailing winds W. to t W
Harbor clear of iso nes the delzi4
Lighthouse lighted for the •assert nn
the 26th
Frogs first Mari or: the r, t'•' o! the
(!. !1. Ma onlrav•, Oitierver
Oud.neh, Mq 6th, 166,
bet was *Lot he!nre a word WWI spouse
Teta priest want t., esy prayers over tea
rot mere se .hey were not desd, when he
wan slot, and hoe mistral who wont to
Ms rescue eve alto killed The others
Sed to the peteat's home, bat etre per 1..
death, sr.d the woman mode a primness
The belies este mimed iota a knew,
where oral Dal wee peered urea tb.w'e
and was Intento