HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-5-1, Page 5Spring Brennen ' . A bran well won is bsll-eng,w ii.'' A grind .red bed is one 01 the lunge important •.bjecta U, La "ought bJ the farmer. While, all other (blocs be- teR equal, the early ...s (rr planted crop will be the bent, it is much Let- ter to deity the heeding • dew days alma to put the gram into cold mud wet or half prepared ground. Thu en- amel sprl.g, with eta eoow banks sod aero weather lumens well WI/Audi Aaril Ass steedeee, to make many pr. - pl. ureas,. sed we tear mach grain will be harried Into gTuued only half prepared. While ,t ie • (sot that the ion is very hack ward, and that at this Dube I0 other years the spring seeding was nearly over and wary farmers wore planting potatoes aid preparing for corn, 11 t. also a fact tat the cold weather is what has prevent- ed the pr.osrauou of the land and the sowing .d gva.a, •ud this ..use has squally retstd.d 611 .sf,etatiw, m. that, columned with the gre.wth .a} wild phots and tress, the farming is not more backward thou in eiditary seaaooe. We repeat that while it is Important to tet all imps into the naiad eo sow as possible, it is stilt Mot to take time to do the murk well, mod to see to it that tiro land be thoro0tghly well fitted before the woo to sown Roubemper that "well awn to timely ware." _ fRh HURON SIGN -1L FRIDAY. MAY 1, 1865. Richer than ()roesu8 •• Now the only Crams that I envy is Ire who Is resoling a barer boat this tells" -Pana Undies Muuraioi. •• Ton ought 10 sell OMR HUNDRED THOUSAND arta of tit Rawlineoi fa sis mairdhs, and will do so if the mediae PuhEr ..m, to s.dendaad what you are cluing for tie Intelligent to onelt• - I , . Gi.uoai, Prod. Like Purest University, 111 " You do tantalize toe so. Huh an alun.lance4.f chilli., do- liebns food, and no means to procure it. l can't stand it any huger 1 have saved .p !Ilam, f-tead ng to buy clothe, but /t mast go. Phe send fur it, • • 0."-R. Boy NTus, Catton**, tit. eseins.ad teasmaerr. The :Mondani confirms the trate tweet that Granville h•s reiterated his Cheap ChoIceBOOk THE ELZEViR LIBRARY. • e•r,t w' the g"" id hteraSlwe within the mach d the pourers, en,/ tie minting and ptrpir: :.n• so gaol that 0.011 the tadtd4-ue Wl,tk+rute would never thin* cf ..lei tong w, presentable a 1,1.a., • .. -J , abybr. r. a, Tons:to. TA.sOI 1 YVlilat Il1iCELt_ANwt'a. . r,.o.10 nr.Ma YI•r.a,: . 1 T.:r vas wt.aI.. a.a. la 1t.a.11t bm su7aa 'J ,. V. a•su..[e.een/vele»..I . tgut r. :,i 'Tire rleJ vtlta{.. Tr« TN" ss.l , KMr 1'a n . M .Ike, [Ser Uwlel.ro. T1r sr 7 21•.wMatt• rl- Y ,, Inn 1 s curio. . Tr 19 the 7fri.t s. 0.M 11- P awe Lim Lied etas 70,...,4. tit Uaows riles ss $ .. t .m e d erns Jur w. Ie rt ".• . 0.l. 55 .d >N M Sflat oo Mae. Anka Teen • e1 to nsvn..w Uen;ebr...w5sUIrM7..p( 'asr.►:.a.m.liM4 Yu.•ppa. Lvao Co s Ila a.esetTls.r>mLeelaat1i.etsvr.a,•maMHl.*•.Ne as 0.'l la.1.ryatMArMe6a.Cie. 111L r'e T INy els.2.3 lgtTer dSevers.ArTmo*.IMto.rMAra ieatt.r 1i Thr .ma, hr. as. los. i ,.r1t dot tie wasnen ( has. 1b li•.maa. asd U.i.,t►ee. (l•ewv b e,1w.1..r.Y•..• •.f MmeI5s satyr. Toms. tie In meow 15' P. - By JOH!e RV*$IX. III 1rasg.w maw Be.'', VIII J. M. II: ...same sad 1.ILwr ..: tOrMta1 IYAmsaes . .. Oe 1.1?.. 1 ik1 at wW (Mrwe....... ire 11,,,;„,.....,„„,„,,,216"...,1114 us itMr.a. • 1 itra. d ti. Dont F. . 0.k• tis Vary. w ata p7 tier NAI TE511001?. is 1177a, tar of the hast !base o*.. . b Is lbee Pte.n l el tar *""94sass norm LL u k Sanaaal od Il. ltekrtq. ..,m JUVENILE CLASSIC*1 T r e d slcrtwee. • allefaivi >c a {ares Marel.ard other paras. a Worldiasasbs. ,taus Tana.. wtaant . s are tlaW.. r*a.,as ]e 11 a 5015 1Mwr Ir !(aWrmt 151.1.1'7- 12 ♦ . ar `Saamseart- . - Da Wes. Y. LL Ptaeesn >w N 7•r. V.i4r.e.• d eveniinoa go., 1a 1c. cam15. sod Bon areIC V. •assi. itea M +aW SI Masa trots disoy lU.irma•d. a. 5* Tvbis Bassen tYIslge wair et!. s. :a t6to. 5.15,1 agcc f. a0nmmns d sow Nar.ara Dy I/ATTINEW AZ!(OLD. a 100 ,.r oars w la aMrs Is :ri tl.mr~'wa Y7 rms.ehisirr - In 141 Unum ow rimor•oe . i Eni sOR .t 6 to a io vr,ue ars .rel " Fair Terms. ,loss for sawsMisettiow before - mewl w ir reasot.aberrd gifted bl s.mco oah. 111 -page d sod deocrlp(tee Collolegrege of our aelsMlse .tock of Hooka sent for i neer. 101s1w'1 WOMss mac macaw. seatessd erns. on to $1*e0. Tor .Num m a oda sumacs woman is s •..a, pro 5961. OVIZOT's *110011 .i TPAs01 s wets, Mil WeMratons aat.cco fen, WOOD Si00-vwperdleaa.0601 fnw, tJeAu aAwLlwsoN's SEVEN owEAT 11101111.11=111111101111.11=1111 , to 33 M -m a .ell.. over 71t ill aweal.s. .sd maps 1tAJIeeT011'8 "sus nersLLioreas. LITE." rive redo.+.t from tale s• be rubes to elelb bee,deig, it 11 r an arsstti MN odes.. }Ua001T'S oases WOstt. ILellassd mad babas. nudm..d 1n.... N w t. 5s 55-61 oar Sea Mwsaebl.at 1v mama.; cheap edlltss.t vet. pi 2S. IIEN111Jos'$ AN01*NT nem sassed fr.mt#M*s a St 11 S[1IJIAN'5 OIE3O1'11 MEM -.dared boo' 511114012 eta DtMtM'S IILLTO/'S TAEADISE LOW. esesvbI7 litamm .6 is K MEATS d 1ALT* WALDO e1[Ie1ON. Priv.. N seas 11AO01IE BIU AT11 strimplate peen.. uweal I sea* WI rads 000**E11 LMATZ = 5T0011110 TALss and the Ser. s vols. 1„.606 m s : low cloth pallor. 00.60. POONA PALMS of *DOA* A. POM 1 .alarm, /m. Arte, p►tee. 51 00 LOworsune 's nose woes* I naw. ass .•two. pea*. 66 mots- IMAM asts0 AM OEEMISWOOD's MEW 1001, aeweln for R..w. /W2* 50 coats- 011111111111 oat..01 1REt* 001DON. Irl Ar.il1ld r.Irkes. 51.4*. prier. 60 own AwQts%T OI.AStR= n. Nadu.& e.sNa 77 radiuses !woad la 1, half 1ltsesa., wale. MK lir WIT mss 1121110021 a sews, .A.1 roassagod r►. p, . e. Mee.* osma5t. ,a. tlitYP! teed LETI.ON*so*sodium's., as .e *sodium's.Jam 7'f. SILT -05112 et ZIMNL. D. Goo t Tees... Prim 76 mats. Swan br ..wit rewire In per asst extra to prepay domed ewe Russia in. • military aim PAGES FREE. A copy et Tar asek-Were ! JOHN 9. ALDEN, Publisher, tannery aethe spot where the tattle SPeCIMEDIII (monthly l6osamarout. which oostWse/meiaea! apE,w,tgyw.t,xewsort. i Pe jir11 o.cur i ed. ehwmrs trams Ma as or ear desimot b.ota res. afemittem af. panne. I P. O. Iles 1W. T'be spri ow the Col. 1885 SPRING OPENING 1885 home Ag,rwsltursl Boeiety, was hell at Ashore, on Wedaemdsy. April 1lod,and ria s valid •lases•. The weather was everything that eosld be wished for. pad H.W the reeds were very good, both of whichmesee helped to me the large attoadaee of penia_ whish was pe0MMy the (argot ue village ever saw. Then were 33 .i- trie. --10 bills, and 1S henna About eighty dollars were received in member- ship lee., for the bonsai of the sudiety. The Colborne ARriwltsaal Society will held its fall fair at Smith's Hill, about in a Saki vented by ar ..ss , , ,., .o slurs ' i , a thethe ,Society,, kamet of r Mr. J 1IcDesagh .imalohi GS t ar, 1\20,. _cry a ataaa who win fmi s this field for the Society iVii74i .. eie, with • *loss board (saes seven feet high. Tbefolilowiso is the AND INVITE YOUR EARLY INSPECTION OF THE SAMs. OF BRETHOUR & CO.) DR.ANTFORD_ WE HAVE RECEIVED OUR Desna -Age 0.v. draught. -1st, New Pattern Mantles, Mantle Materials and Trimmings. J. P. /Reh.r ; 1d, Alfred Askwt,h. Three yearling& -1st, Jas. Andersen ; ' Jas. Meta Bennett ` 3 ' Wm. ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN HATS AND BONNETS. Aged Levy. oveal. --1st, J P. Fisher ; Two ,earunse.-1.. W. Young; DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING. = 2nd, end Yo.ag►hot. Aged Roadster. -1st. Joe. Carlin ; tad, Jae. Baiter. The assortment in our Dram (Department L paw cvmptele. cemprisfag the latest mater**s rad no west abeam• with trimaiiap to mat -5. TwoytarGuP•- M.dd_ iw,tIoc Sent on A iblicntinn. Goods Sent by Mail or Express. tlaretga -Aged 3 years.C7n dsasoe ; 1-11, (leu (Graham Ally article beega ht from •.11.10iSSaptLtactory. may be returned and stoney refunded. Ewospetaks prise, dipieena, is the hest halal, .Olin, of nay clams or breed. - .tas. Andmeeos's 3 ym.r old heavy draught arse treed. April Eh. ells lsbaawr Warrior (hap H. W. BRETHO UR & Co., Brantford. BOIL. -Best thoroughbred Durham over two year.. ego -1st, Jan Me - lineages ; 2nd, Jen Wsakiagtor ; *ed, Jpo. Gamin Beat thong a Attired Durham under t wo roes of are. -let, RoOt. Medd ; 2nd, Wm. Granger ; 3,d, Robt. Mutch Baal Mil .or otbor brood over two years d ,5, -deo Young. Erauelling $u*be. GRAND ?RUNE SIM Mired. Mixed. t= I Ar. :..m I :60 w 1. Maud. Mixed. *Inane. fle0srte°`:I Ar I WS : I SO h: , 40119.55 EXECUTORS' ;. NOTICE_ Yr IV ( ( e .ad 'truss of Revised statutes of ta* f17. las ll, the t redi- ase a MR. JAMES McNAIR NOW COMPLETE! A PNOW COMPLETE .,, Late of the TOWMSHIP OF VAUGHAN, df :ba r Deceased. tae ti day d July. ere 7 aest5.4 m rad by post pre - Friday, the 1st of Jlfay, New dtt we.swltls. to the sndaretaatd Wawa NEnK,tseel sate of the mid Jame. their e3riMlasi rad s snare. ad- Natroad dserrip(1osa, the the fall 9011M•a- lam •f their calms. a 'tatetsent of thtbss eir e .(ct- held .rt .ndassate dthatat immediately f atter t yt dy of May next, the assets et the rotor et said Jan Nonoil w1U be' dieM0:(sd awns tam partes entitled there- to, the dalm. or which m. ha • im dian have bees herniated 1.M. ewer- urrs.s above regalred • sad the maid exam - opt 0.r IIsW fuer w ssaiid a meets rinea er ay pert thereof to u wham ei•ieM sellas sot have been re- ceived try them at Um lore tit 5110 thotrlbs- *.en. Dated at the Towaskie of masa..- mid tie tweedy eight day d ares. RST C. N. MCNAlt1.l Mggga, JO SCOTT. t, P. a FUMIITURE Rrsessis. 1 r esu es. 6 m Welibil,reaw attreM.w. 113 Rea alar oud wool Mrw tre.. MErleta t>iwM tbOi.s. Ti►Im• b a0 1 r. (Lien 150 am f N 1 .w 7w b Parlor Rota at ('est_ Wlafsw Reins. Over. all Payer eve 5arrtaa•e 5 Read sus cent, for postage. .adreoetvefre.•..noet,y bus pods whicb w0 help goo I ibeub assn money lt.of away eMe is thb world. All, 0f sutler • Grid hour. Thr broad road A CHOICE STOCK OF to eetwheeraee Wore the worken,ahMlete. ileum Siesta a leramTsus It CO. , A •Ire et., cfrclfzinisi viae. s es_ FURNITURE, DAYgs a,T -d 3- ocer5 Dress Goods, RPEt1AL LINES IN Shirtings, and Tweeds. A Choice Lot of Seed Potatoes Cheap. The change of tar:R ham (moved ".rat .re:te- meat : so has J.BROPHY ---iN THE - WAR OF LOUNGES. l.ouage.. 0 3 7 Bedroom Set. 13 a. Woven Wire 11rr1.. 3 61. Extension Table, a 75 sideboards. s 0.O .'asww .ted Chain. f M•.4 15 Now-b•ckod Chairs. t fes 7 a:• e Highest Price Paid for Sutter & Eggs 1,. cure !tame. bete. on't be undersold by any dean, (a the tap of the earth I w 000t J. BROPHY. We will exchange all kincL' of Goods tl.nally found in a first-cla1'. I try Goods store for WO( lit this reason. cull pay the Highest hie., t tat the Market will affordOur st•a•I. is very large, tool you can gat everything you want in our line...f i.usint•'s from us, and at price s that cannot be beaten. Bring 011 your WI 1111, an.i we will c'nnvinee you that it. will be) to your asivanta; to tical with ua We have a splendid stock of Tweeds and Shirting., sit•1 other goods suitable• for those who gnaw WOOL G. C. 11011111101. EORGE ACHESON. THE R- ooked.. AMi 3IIh Wry anent, reit door to R e'antelcn - 0.nk try. opposite Rank of Mor tr.al oederscb. March Pith. 111V. ileal lm WHITE AND BLUE. "'WAR! WAR W HARD'WARE STONE. YATES & ACHESON AOE\T8 TOR PATENT C+LIDDBN TWO-PIONT Barb Wire TU -PORT Barb Wire (DEM -AP, 111T.A.17201:133, ZlwDZSPLNSIMI. _ IS.sewdtoeed W the Wash0 ,. Mower 2rf1 Co. Call and See us, and Inspect Goods and Prices. We have ea hand . bail mod remplete smelt elf Shelf and Builders' Hardware, 111iets. (:(1s. Olmm. Nash. ROPP AMD UO11lXA OIC, -a/mem L AV PPLZRtB, Table sad P.e1N Cutlery. the ver Ruler MAW Oe.rr. oaf Attica' Waterton YATIC8 az. A0H E80N Vett dent to R. Mr I.saa's oust Marius. Sete Erb, Anil eel. 310 MOO I.I. t' g;T ZT• Arrital of First i etaehmenta M SPRING GOODS SAUNDERS VARIETY 000010. IIREkT IJkIIIITER -- OF _-- Stoves, Tinware, Wall Paper, Fancy Goods AND We &s') deal in Butt*'r and E l COLBORNE BROS. April 29.11, 11165. GODKRICH. 1VONDERFUL VALUE IN CARPETS ZN D LACE CURTAINS Impssteg direct frog. 1o1bnd. at s_ C. JE z",OR & CO'S lee Their Spring Suits, Made to Order, a1 11200 and 11..50. :oaeri.r. Mr_-. Ilth. ung. J_ C_ DETI.OR c 00 - ROB . 0_ ROBT. McLEAN IRILEULE 130 REM KALEI I1 I have much pleasere 10 calling attestant to my stock of 13.464 -CON', u A 1ZS, =tc .fresh Beef, Veal, Mutton, Lamb and Pork, Sausage, Spiced Meats, Tonga etc. Hones Furnishings AT -- - ' r . Aaape.t Hew unite, tie lien (rest deer to the P40 OMce. 90111kb, Rang. 11th. 1550. ler A Gall is solicited. All orders retapt* elled and delivered. 2 /IOL The illguitios.N 3_ Soder,eb. MareA,t►d. 5SI6. REMEMBER MY LETTER fou Nailsior $2. 0 per 10016s. Best Steel -Barb Fence Wire for Cc. per lb. both Nett Cash, and that 1 as !*vine 20 per Cent. off Cash Sales, awl 10 per Cent. off Credit Sales, sad tom' I sen rontinss1ly getting in new goods. oo well bought that 1 can stand 10.00 dis- counts and low primes. My store is headquarters for celebrated Steel Nail". 1 ha, calf 7-, complete and heavy shock of Hardware. 1 will be glad to show goods and quote prices. R. W. MKENZIE Koop Feet Dry! Yon can do lhi. s, atrlSing tear Ing 7001 BOOTS & SHOES AT T111 STORE 00 E. DOWNING Cra't'e 331oc1cw 1 bane now on head ti. largest Meek ever *hewn Ta OMerbb. and rornprlew. every Hat • ,ally found is • Ilrat-.•.lame oboe More. from the loom kid, throng, nil the intermediate grades to the heaviest cowhide. I will sell at Prices that Will Suit Everyone. Ladies' Boota, in Button or Laced, from 11.00 to 15.00. linos ud Children's Strong School Boots, from 75c. up. Boys de., 11.00, up, all other Lin Proportionately Ch p. 1 can and will 0115* 10w. hush .■ goods .s6 nein e. DOWNING, Crabb's hMtck, Corner Row street and Saleare. r P. re the yes 1. t.eather bed 9a Na to in arty gemolily. at Lowest Prior..