HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-5-1, Page 3THE SURAT EittlItAlt,IFRMAY, lAN 4. MP.
plat Killed the Bev. Kr. Lail annarr•.r.•• ••, Me Walser avoid.
dosbl.J edged award -yuu tele tau 1 i . seise to M but h* res still
u, hat his tem as all hrokeu the t th tied !lower of a peat ecce edemas , •
al atm !'star o► iIaluo!1 b tt it wasn't calculated t„ draw 4h. M was not lits his .sld elf, that be a.00eta. TMy live to the sttdst
man and widen the water of crest deeds; 1 !firs. w whom they have ountswred we-
re sbtt, Mho Is.11shisas of society Yet
them u nothing triter than that tuba
mess is the world, himself. The spirit
be whoa 1Mu the world w the spirit with
whte4f it receives hint If we propose to
wait through life with • ur elbows .lit,
we oil gets many a *tarp ku.eek lord
Study Waw nu the ribs • whereas if we
MOM one aasuaietes with friendliness and
weed w with reg.rd Iver their rights
and privit egeo not forgettin;t their sem,
taliveuiu , the sharp reenters wet be softly
ewhwned. Courtesy disarms resent -
we CheerrtN.
• gbr,oy • e"'e bl thtatp -yuu wIk W t Paha hitt tette It" w oeufsJeutulll It a often anneal that a flies! Net w There are people who cue always cos-
uclt about tb• lust stat. of use -yea' t Its nil Vous.y. w e uu !craw , sear et their tretam of b th watt
rmeu en hell stay here been scriptural, up, that he suffered from sleeplessness, and lits s true of a mutton clam of great I'tley euwpisia n( sta ujwstic•. of the
of grist (wmgdaSI u( (fiends, the ►usratttude .f
The Reverend Mr. Leath died of
'nagging.' Be weal a goads etaa. One
of the kiud fist is called lovable -the
children loved him, and were eat, when
they saw lain. He wee gwoerally mavens -
ed a christiaa, He became a minister
begttw, as bw said, '1 lure my Saviour,
and believed that 1 could glorify his
nwtu by ',machine Ilia giespel.' He
seemed deeply impressed with the sac
redness of hu wake, and many of tiebu
1;v .a anti admired hitt, thought that he
was oversensitive about it. He •ae a
resoling wan, and thouvhtful, and had at
taut been for this •, erwwiureaew he
might have bootee* • y'.puler preacher.
He was popular et one sense, evurybudy
tuied hiui, and I..1 cunfiJeece in his
,,lets ; he nraar'y always had g sod Con-
gregations, but the *needs didn't seas.
80 had only nue iwtt revival in the
enurch denim the *hole of his gaetorets
of twelve years. Tet, come to think of
it sow, the church had a great number
.1 death. anti rrmnvale, and ours is nut
a very growing town. But elf ua
were very zealous fur the our
heerta were burdened with s sense ilea
responsibility and we thi night we ought
t-, get up • revival once • year, or uuos
to two year* at any rate. A number of
us went t.• Mr. Limb and pr•p•neJ to
send for Mr. Thomas, who the year bo-
lero had gut up • revival in the nest
town, and had eared many precut**
*Yule. We c Mild see that our putter JiJ
t nt relish the plan. iia tried to smile,
passe Imre !nits esu entrrtauerd es well Milked to biwwelf a emelt deal that !die
as ivattucted --w iLu,6 met he Jaw, had tau rias• ass tpaa)•1�er Nh 1i,Ij�ll
Sad the lime has Gem to du it 'Bather in tears Hs !osteomy stoke d.•
they uss • language whish has been K
dewily moulded to melte purpu.ss by
poets who have hymn their pvswtawees,
--' whom fame they abeerb. Apw•artag(
What ltd Mr. Lamb say r •Why, ur,he !spondaic!, .4 Isnalife- work -maybe Items the ilei: rmualenttl:ry rep the Aar
Rut up mud waked up and (leen the • secrete It was very eridsit to its at • :lost wl,.c:i h.0 biro, •own by •thew*.
flour, au1 ho grew pale, and iia hairdo that he was (auu,.t. 1)040 t abbsth Morn- ltubjects are waiting for thrum, style and
caseose 1, std hu lips meowed ee th•ogh big-- the c.,ngtegamwl wee • Lsgte woe- manlier have leen prepared, and • public
they L, t wawa together . then he sat he teetered his misname. The shy• tell of •ymptlly and c eugenialit7 wee
same. them, tikakepeare mud 1ia.tt Icay
sot 'ebbing coavuletely. cried. 'Olt ! • long tees. He bild us of his love fnr
dawn, and brined his lace in hu hand*, scow' had s•td he ult:.t stip at "telt ter hi yid h• be!oua to this elsoa Th. tie.!
is the n incel product of the ifllitsbet
Genet dearer me 1 chis ternptatieu.' us all, hew lei lie 1 tried to preach a pure
I had" t dtmpted hili. 1 had vuue with gtapel, how be reieembsrsd every Wlen
the 1 ,vu o1 Uod seal of the church, and of lure &i, I e el,reettion. It wee • ter -
of thew deer, preci.•w petite imeple a
minds on my I..r+rt.' That ctrsmveraata.0
a•etur.l t., have n" awe .,u Mr. Lamh's
pre•►ohin; ; the very meat Sabbath be
pr .tu:.,td
on the Been un 4 Mewl, and iu
111* et ening on (lbw) tug to the Crites of
(::sr,- t if ewe, he di,l ...row un•,luent
'teas in that mewling eirusuu 1140 just
threw his arm% armee the cross If I
ever heel my Set int 'twee that Dight.
But they were only lorry of as .. it. Mr
Short preached un 'Sli•ret{ar's •s g •ad.'
His It .neo mu packed. /mum our rul-
ing Adria welt to heat Mr. short TM
near issue o1 the Weekly Indra cent•in-
ed a Ito -k1 stews! ..1 the sureties, and in
ailudtu, t.' Mr 3. it sol : ''Che great
rise! ,.1 the pu'nit •f twist, is the p leter
to adapt iter:( to the• uttellectttal sad
tetthMweleis wen as the tii...el mil spiri-
tua!deinesd of the tines- T'►e pulpit
in is. i'1 ,'' et •. -."r tel• l0 they wrest he ems hcfnre the Lienee. Mori arm out
whet tory were a century lige.; men read
and thuik ; preachers to .at real and
bet his lip quivered. Ile said something
think. A platitu 1.naran t. out lit place
about '.i ssetit,nable methods :'then,witk in rh pantieIn Mt, !!feat we hate a
- t e e I •..k en his face &sneered that C`'r''dian. a reader. a tbieker, an neater.
✓ ib • b:,.w t., us al.. When the benedic-
tem yeas i,r,.neuneed,%tr. Dar idaou &ease 'pram helmet! and the great novelist had
grid said that he hyped the euugregat; el eremite the style and smoothed the path
would remain •few minute*. Ti. pastor
fpr hint, and sine+ it two cewturiee of •
fbunshiwq lenge* literature there bad
e nd his tangly weut oft. Then Mr. D.,
atter a ahuil apveeh, full of meltirtx
words, effaced a pr.awhle and rose-lu-
ttum, setting f•.rtb 'our eenlideuee iu
and lore for our Jeer pester. who,' alto.,
&rsI thet iia resl;gnaUon Le accepted.'
A 1 the women and children sed wine of
the .nen wept. I ass mad •gstu, I mut
up and said Br o. Davidson, you are
n ot the Irian to alter than resolutions.
This s.0 tun has usenet' our pastor to his
lest'!, and yaw have lel the Van. Ile is himself Ma ha had ' • hexad through
not site to work ;' he has elide himself which a rrigimest.t of hone had been lox- Women bear pain in -es bravely than
p..or for our sakes ; he has offered ban- ercisine ever since he emu five ywr..iId." men, whet' their keenly set nerves make
self a iaorifice for us this church must All the turmoil ..f the h1...d which u put
support him tilt ho lives lir dies Y •u to root by the security of s settled eivtli•
are loch ;brethren, sh,►U we net sustain settee, and which had lingered longer
on the Berle: then in any . ther region
hnm till he dies,or ttf ke is able t• cuaw so near the capital •eats of civilisation -
heck te uta, to preach u he has always all tbw iutex.se passers, prejudice*, and 'Ohs' mud 'ruche',' a tan will prince
dune. that gospel that lea' sustained ria auperstithine which make the stock of around the house like a Comaache tads-
sand aur !stela, him seed the ftra Errs of
the evmancer anti ba11aJ writer -belong. an, overturning water isms, break-in;
* b to !!scot!, not simply tecawr he Wil a dishes and the Sabbath with temapia6
ueths, sweating like a, Ethiopian at an
elettien, denounelne ail sects, religion.,
friends, relatives. and the world at targe,
demanding that teens step, church bulb
aadieuloe 1erlUers eiropeeear.. cease mettle and the c..rn exchange ala -
;est he believed the time of intrather•u1 sae writes the payee. peri•*. operation. A mai With a pun le
/lass day •young ciao, cur sue '.f ale cried set wise soy voice, 'Yee yes, sad Aimee.; . ad aye's prophecies and ad- en hie now wilt eret seenety man !isle
was not yet -that be had lung been
ehtnkinR end prising urea the inatt•t - of our dead =embers, told rue he was, sets were heard nit all sides • momtwus on the annual eclipse of the s wem�ri who has -to have a left aaiputst•
tad h. had intended, with the slmiuq• g..in to latae the .hureh. bat for Thu marble shaft that ;g!.tters in the sun on the 16th :.f March, we find the ell, and yet man is the elutetrey of the
sunshine in the grantyeed at the aria is ful!ow►u.e refer,nce hu the beginung of universe. --IChicago Tribune.
age, which has filled his iumamuutton with
its great deeds and the ,treat Outages at Ment. $uspieton and feast nndugg and
hes wr•ueht. tipitt, too, had, to the lint j.slouayy beget their kind. There is ne
place, the aidtantage of tw lets to elem. Ruble 1 1. which is neat fired above taw
eteg» It was safe to follow , since !stake- level of the discontent and uncharitable -
nem which tills our intercourse with each
ether. Roomy will nes Gee. u* twl•as
we possess via *.ties welch it admire' and
to winch n gives homage. 1t will nut
grown up • common utdentatdiud be- meek out the dell. the melancholy, the
tween the autlinrs and the public But, friendless : It by ne kinship with such.
mere'orer, the teeming iwat;siatwu which If we w..uld be encs! favor!!!.. we trust
furnishes out „erttt a „Has and rutasn cultivate reeial qualities. friendliness, re -
tees was aim. in • certain Grew the result .P"naeeeneleh gautrlu) , we be
of (, rtunate clrcumatancra 14 was not
bugle. and'ietels with neater tongue and
the mere aeeideat of a gifted nature, but rapid thought In short. we must not
the res'lt .d lead and faintly aseecutt'.n
expect to rosette, net to gime. And
in the hrain of the Borderer, the wild those wbo Itrek tor appreciate in of Tavola
life of his anteaters survived M a _ova- vouchsafed, are remruded that gratitude
mal %l•riny o! leotard p.•etry and rumauoe. is an Alpine flower, which blies/ems only
That brain was like • haunted house lu the loftiest altitudes.
upon which the *tramps deeds of a peat - - - ,uodrrwtrly wile !+rim, which st castle!
geurntinn had left cher nark. He said the rata i•emrasee d sirs awe were tunes turns up evenly all r un t, tut can
— be turned down when pr -lection of tbu
face is desired. The new eats and trus-
ser* will take fn•m the sailors shout all
the distutc4►enees .hn•h leer dress has
hereof .re vet en 10 thele, tier. u u ealca-
lated that there will bea tale lit utt:tty
. t
1 Niles•!!.ease
Mrs. Wet £Il•u, of larva, d.els.as
that Hagyard's Yellow Ind is the bei
household remedy in the w�.�dd foretold,.
wimp, oars threat, Ler maids mad
ether puuful complaints .r opuuws'
si welt mewled. o
aeMVe. fens.
Ti. American sake is to Ix ao rad.
qtly altered to •ppeorsuce, eu far as his
artier sn the Lotted `States may is mite
grnud, that he wail hardly he reougus:a
lee. All et aha pictures of him me
extant wt;I .oddealy Lame, .•beeste
The navy clethumg beard has Leen ler •
mouth it' dally sreston in New YorL fur
the purpose of refashioning the tetra
uud•rino which have for a long tune
hese considered ref icuh,usli, ammo._
A great number et exhibit suite haw.
beat mimeo, suds decision has been pra.-
ticall reached. The blue will remain
as a duwu an' calor, but the shapelier*
to be theruughly reformed. The familiar
cepa/lieu of the treu-tee from a tight.
knot to s pettiar•tish bottom will give
place in a cut of kgs mote nearly in ooa-
fonutly u eitltw► taatuon. Cha otbet
Receptive ittoevation. decided on u a hat,
in piece of the traditional, sort[ banded,
vis••rless. ot•wrhange.g t. pled cap, which
hes • wonderful capacity fur rrtchiee
tie wind and none at all for shading the
eyes from sunlight. The hat which the
Iraini lar seepted is exactly line vise
woru generally bout ten years ago. It.
is trade of cloth, not pressed feet, and
has • father hive roiled cup, with a
suffering much worse in a ratio thee Ihs
pate, which men feel ; and it is a ke aeon
fate, that while a woman will hold one
hand t.. a jaw c�entainine • ranee teeth
and with the other reek a batty t-. sleep
in its cradle. humming a lullaby between
permeation. last so !Lis tnqui*iturlal genius, but tnauniy because he els a
Sian, this star chamner lbs place of tor- t1. --.serer, because Ice was* Scott r- Cen-
utmnt called a church, {:ire raged against te.sgrtary Renew
tl r axis ''
' i , hien d.riu the s tee
lee w ,a:,i not oppose the session, lett • trieud of God and man ' Mr haloid- 4- 7
MUST have been eltsguw►t my
approval, to seed for Dr. Roimasua, ate
1 ring. But we told him that Dr. Eiubta•
eon was not the kind ..1 men fop tie
tunes, and that we thought that 'new
was the accepted time' we had the Bib-
le on uur wide); and so Mr.Mn. Thema mete
tend the house perked night after night.
Many who read this will remember that
Well. I menet mend 31r Lscnt
preaching. He i. tui prosy. 1 neer get
teal unJer his ',retching, acid besides
Prestretertanism U sot re date. leneedy
preaches like Me Lem!) new He is •
lovely man, and an '.!ut,',ut f .refer Mr.
Shred. P:aa*. non fur my letter. Fite
ahem followed him.
ineetin 'ewe iu ': S. Mr. Lamh led tr. Ous day in session meeting .Mr. Dar -
g +cutin mewed t.y iutrwiu,:e a rt.,dieed t::-
;tcayr, gave out •few }hymn► and seed
sauounerments--in inert other regards i urly 1 du this, Gana he, •t. relieve
hs was almost ignored. We had twenty tie u.• .:et,.r,y o1 our •traces.' Mr.
sones.:ens to our church, the Math, Lamb attired his protest, 'n ,t hecanse
at -
'data got mere than we did. awl die' T oppose liturgical warship in the ah -
Baptists abnut hall aa tummy. A few i strati, bit bxaese I believe history and
1pi..nn litans became candidates fcr' eapenunce will hear Mtge ant w tdt. +leer-
,tuwfrmatiun. Most lit three whopained tau° that laturgie. teed to ntwli•tn, and
our church were the children who had, stat em a will worship, and will were
been taught the Catechism, and latae j ship lett'.!' t•• idolatry. Brit ee ddn't
-eked with and preached to by Mr. I mutt to 1.ur: Mr. Dtt-i•lsnn'. teelimes, s,•
'iamb ; three of the young ladies ...nein I we toted for it and It •ao curled. A
Mn Lamb s Bible chum tlueeld dreuk•' somber .;f the older members were In -
en 1-,.n wept cnpinusly, whin" e.veing dig , but the session soul l not atul-
who had never previously 'hewn any int till itself. end ., we het • liturgy.
ter•eut in religion were hepoiu::y caw The pastur celled the s•sasicn oto day
; erted ; we got none • •f these. tier pen- sad said that there was bei.ig introduced
pie have ceased to talk of that meetinn. 1 mato the library of tee Rabb eh school $
It's a great spot in the history of the
church. After this Mr. Lamb's preach-
ing seemed to lack effectiveness : he con-
fined tanned( within t,., narrow limits.
One of the sisters den..linnetinns had got
a new preacher -an ehrqusot man, with
broad: views, lsothing heretical about
hits, and nothing particularly orthodox,
hut he had the power which Mr. Lauth
lacked, of preaching on current topiat►.
For example, in the great railroad dis-
aster which oecurd about that time one
of the citizens of our town had beim
killed, and Mr. Short seized the oppor-
tunity and preached on 'The Railroad, lune Brent.. fico Macdonald, Mi.s ago for a tithe of what it wdl eget to g
the Csnsdien trou;ia to the sat of the
the Dsathrad.' Mr. Lamb was asked Mulock and that children had better dia?.otion : end when the people cams
to announce this, and he did it, as did read thew than to ias 'tempted round
to par the •wit they are hks17 t.. ask to
both the weekly papers ; our cougries-
ti••n was very small that night. Mr.
Short.* church was 'packed.' We had tut
older ones in shortly beton/ this, sfio
bad been the ruling spirit in Bank's
Chapel • country church near par t•ewn.
He was an earnest man of large maaea,
and immediately became a power in the
church. His nese was Davidson. Be
went to hoar Mr. Short that night. Ile
came to my offioe the next morning, sad
spoke in the highest teremof Mr. Short's
dtas,oree; gave me a rambling 'analysis,' wasn't quite w.1: -_test he didn't sleep tracts. 1 u,.oltsw myself down and eat citing moue tempt tee prn1on ted elven
u he called it, of the sermon and said, tet, well u he wed t•,, that he dtdn t feel s a Great jewel -tee t hare oared the cis. At the deer of every place od
'That's the kind of preaching we ought strong --but that was owing to the fact o"untry -hence an. happy -- Bradley. will ( amuseiaent sands a group .4 pnwomn
tn hams.' •y morning another that he had had the weigh* n! a tong euetiaw t.d krsp a sased I here seed :blear.: waeteng a. assert you tr the nepttl-
the fon a t w wit, and Bradley will :bre. vi.rtatai is dmnnat.,, V�itrn
a teethe any to his pampas live few !:,tar tttltb e w Lite N,ret weal "At !taws _
this •.base will tem risible ; tete R A. of Ala r.ssarst temhtaties
pastor who dared do his day Mr. the M. C. wilibs .d,' lir 42." .4r;.• S' 13' --
Desa•:wu este snore towards it than aey culrmuat.ree and 1'.o., er Z1° 21'. 'Popular in several articles of food cows receive
body eta --maybe un hie memory u 015 attettemattt, sedition and Teniae outrages suttictent water to satisfy for weeks ell
min. w written in burning
1611"11 thu , nail smut!. fuller,. 2t will behove the the dentsed& et the system for reoewisg
G./veneer-Gm-Loral and his ministers to the blu rid, for stalk and an the waste
A Merle !teased re tl
Thr ,reat'naree of e.,nwv:ptinn mad
of ugly s.,rea 11 .crufola in the bleed
ltutJ,.c. Bleed Bitters parity the Metre
:envie mod cart acrutula. as well as the
mere ...DAIMON blood huicere.
fRtire•trr• it
r/.a1►er r.
Ll,aapp.nntreent so litany
d1 s.•onations se rinsed. and lose faith in
medicine sho•tld rest rt that !moot of the pre
tetaat.mi panareaa are prhlc•:la of alai• e■
time, waive* see eat w.mee4,a*d Melsrn
ed int/townie to trod.• on oar rep non et
I�ttandarei .reparati.env and it,,pnieatrtha ere
daftly &wd rowersVitr et tae uoblo.nw'chea
.A thrraneutieal agent, M %tied the teat or
a•ttereal erpcneure an 1 .c. ore lhw rutin
de nor etptita.•va 01untu•u•, taus& torinu
late the , r)stalt:ed . IP -rtetd•t' et may year..
medical nmctn•e, as in Wheeler a I'iieeprlai••a
ami t4N Moa.c re'Iui.t-es now a err
where p:.• e-rLb t in all /,alarm of AwbJt:7.
the new nowt
A Balmcltai i Trsrsta'osci, - For a
eti42h • 'A timid pastor--a..g;ed. to 1 be WI 'heir guard sitainat Fenian attach Muds of the bed), and the water so re• 1 Couch. C..ld er arty Brouchical a.'Tecein.
death (or Chest's sake ' `Britt!! pmt, for there is 1anger of a raid on !:stood hien its most healthful. Some of ''Pentad►" to Ley ut,inioi:, is just the
tilt __ l teeupt. St ,ruts wel. d•• great damage, pumpkin*, apples and green food.ere' rn, ' c.,uglw and !.ells for the pets. [nut years
e I tortuuately, Jupiter is in the second all to their natural condition. Elterlate 1 with the mist unterlrl *cheers•, sett to
hp, iwH s wd.' die: left ny alit!) oe- • haw and the second house and this can be added to the list with the eseep- I day my epinitia eat i� hl tffat 1 continue
and less wife dire matt, years a he ' tum that it contains the ester vegeta- ' ro thunk •11] mer: of fMet wttkh 1 t.e;,•n
and Ice rewauwl a a;lowvg, wt that the 1 prutu see a the i dTrevenue and public es
'-'•eritp in the end. The worst elect Hun changed by mors or leu fera:at.ta- ' thir.kiag well of.
egor. h died at Yawl j sal this .cope
the frontier and • f nu insurrectionary at. the articles are pntatnes,turnir•,o•bha;e, thing, / I hat? used it u► any family for
e m M. a& Nee.
direct lone from Genres Stephenson the 1
Watt, ti. newt e t o a &Met the '-'5th of March and the ; th of ehange. But, on the contrary. the waste .
were the anted w.,,utr, left the „ } of breweries derives ala m.weture fn•m 1
acetrarmt*. It appears that min ; 3uptti.i ger." The wat'ttln,;s to :adiytdw
steed fur ii .cluoical genius, like teeny els eta this occasion are u follows : "T., water or steam added te dry cramp. mud '
of those famous :a literature,. science, !, persons residing in Canada and Heath ate processes are designed to permeate, I
and *overuintittime>zt, lave °u children to 1 Atomics born when saber the eon or destroy and break down ail steam ciaoe j
;ftiauto hold the Beth or Melt degree eI and character of the Ryan. Both the t xi A L
M Collins.3' Pitt,
d ' Thompson,T' I warned to ar rid as far as pesetb(e all food and drink for *owe lea unhealth 1 Vegetable Sicilian
will be felt in Camera tion as cider or apple pomace may
Ono Hats, !Lassoes UMa io Rani,
Piece 3i mots at all drugrista. to
tion, R cheat !!ranee rvey. pend. t o' water and the n are far nrotwedt
!tori, Idecun, :tiewtuu, eaves, Pres, the sig P:.rv, thea ediirw speaks un !frit
e mwtaaeab.v of dative, and they are fr,tn their natural and pure.ondNtoa as
'tit Fvx ra Cott ere
Ors, (l. , tle cosi.e anti to live ieiterthmu;ghout their fulness can be judged by the condition
ttRuh'a Hume, Buhop. Butter, Locke, ruts n e of the tows and the milia as is is ailed H�� RENEWER.
Hub`n, Adam Smith, Bentham, Davy, enaulttg year n lila• store ti eoially by 11
lair Jeaha liayaads, so Thomas Ise- I should they •raid danger by fire and for human food." -{Z. B. Jaasson.
rens, B r.tn, Lord Clyde, and oilers "*ter "
Of the conjunction of Man and
well knee to taste have no representa-
Saturn . n the 6th lit August Zsdkiel takes �Iede•s.
lit lag. -(The Argonaut. - baa • .a. Ottawa
leo ...o . The...ve.
piece at d t ohne p.m. The c.n}vined This, from the fire Yt'b T. , d t true
-Mrs RE-ttotneC plantsn are lust sectio;; this presigmtirs as it is beautiful : 'Who be ever diet • teal
kindness for another without feeling •
warns glow of satisfaction creep int., some
shady corner of the hetet, and till it with
sweetness and peace ? It is hits the ty-
iog o1,a knot of violets and mienosetts
!racy the button bole, just where client
pose. Elder Brno... wt.., furnished the result of the most shameles miernaa e-
prefume map rise deliciously pleasure
u to our series,
tt,l Talmage ea It •tette:. all day. And what • plsaawts it will be,
honks, he Irawg w the b wt buuoesa, ment and neglect on the part a t::o -- when the present trouble u met, te g3orernment. The disaffection of the Tae Rer. T)r. Tatm•ge said in the member that, even in the darkest days,
re --
looked aad:aad, stammered, aad then halt -breeds hu been known for years ; Broo:t n Taberns. Ie ee eerday that
said that 111 the !Ovaries were bu ins their complaints of alt -treatment : their , :dyne
y we found time and inerinatem to stir• to
T P• roller skating eclipsed coasting, neatest, ohpersona «+ole gortwn lit that td -
these books, and that thay certainly did assertions cf bad faith at the part of the football, lawn tennis, and slidingby etre.'n, or pnetiaal helpfulttsu, which
ealtivate a 'twerp ease among the Government : their throats of revelation, moonlight un a pond. It had an advsn- ems the overdue of that generous spirit,
sun people ; he knew that parents w
We been ria;tngg in the public err for �• over the gymnasium in that it emu whicb finally bore as through it all to a
young Pei P months Pat ctnplaints •
and threats more tlthil&ntiefl. It we ggend fox all MDPT anti
pslcskwl ending. ---'Rejoice
well a children read the bnois, gond were *like t:oheeded. The whnle difld• men W take one hnor s day for roller with then Abet to rejoice,aiJ weep with
basks Walter Scott, Dickens, Char-culty might have been s'ettle'd acre months skating 1t was gnarl for the women of them that weeps"
America take a vacation from uetad- _
ing and darning and go pother skating. A .r s Catharic Pills are the hat
It would bring heck light to the rya and medicine that can be anpl.•yed to cot.
strength to the body. It drove away rest irregularities of the soften, 1hep cute
the street on Sunday. Kr Dav:dhen Government wenn very troublesome ns,tr*Igia and neve wen..
remarked that our children must be gaestian• Ta (bet they are asking the;:: "But let its hare,' he o,ntinued, "n0 crmti &n.1, stimulate the till/Mitten
nue Detr"it Fres Press more of the vulgarity and twme•desty of bridle and ills ap�stitr, and cleanse,
abreast the literature of the tinter, that _ build up, and strengthen the syst•nu
certain old ideas had faded out in the t:a,al aught, young girls going alone along the streets. -
le is very to catch cold, !-amt n .t They should be chaperoned by neither, �atwi • Flab_ s. • *&.di.
glorious light of the nt•eteeath century, w 5117 t, cur! It unless you use ll father, braher, moos who bass r. lit --
and as for him pini, he roust, reluctantly yard s Pectoral Balsam, the Leat rented, to do it. 11 • yoora l man tips hs hat t'"Torn out the gas,' said a naturalist,
for all throat, bronchial and lune tree. a young lady in a rink and u net *0 'and i will .hoe the latest thing in light;
that s.' he added, 'the latest thing in
that lane p British C,•umbia.'
As tbe em. went Out, the speaker un-
rolled several objects that had in 'an-
cient and fish like smell,' and. striking •
match, trot -heel rine. A m,tment later a
clear, yellow light appeareelea •tog from
what banked like the mouth o1 a not the
candid end .4 whish was thrust .rico a
large ',tone• candlestick.
'Yes,' raiot the naturalist, 'it is a hsh,
elder came to me, and .sed at the W e told hien togo { and nhefish else, nn tube anener ort within,
prop, pastorate on hitt throw its weight en the Kopper and ao Ilruadw•JJ Pias Turk, ..r in Puttee only the fish jiiet •. it came from the
sugse.tion of Bro. Davidson, that we and stays lone time, till he felt well endeame to keep it filled 1 haven: I street!, Brooklyn. I see at the 'resew ester. Take this paper and net a limo,
have an infernal meeting of the eiders, and strong again. ;eat ,lay my heart nn'd0 any noon.) to hrag t, but L have ; h..lir dau,thren of respecrrhle families, end hornet.- rine of the very few who ale
had s urge wuru.etnit et fun L kw. w 1 w:,utm eonaprca,us behavwu it intrmi.•n t,„ao that they ht eve read by the Iitht d
without inviting Mr. Lamb, 'to talk oyer went out towards the man I wanted to
tial m1 ftusd' will W *p over m1 re' to sttua mnesuhse oli.arvatuot., • hnr w deed herririe '
matters' I screed to it, and &ccordieg- go and tell 1• a how f loved, and trust- tirement, but thea 1 tackle them with a t evr gees through my arnil. 1f (hada Che fish! emu found eghsl t ,that eta
ly, that night. we rusulvsd t•. haws • ed,and bou.•red him (he was still young, basks! of bananas or swine of girlie they `voice loud enough to reach them the nandle, a .d resdir.g Ly fish light wee hats
will silI have w opportunity to reeujsw bet•.:! tv the Rio Grinds i weald
Plain talk with oar pastor. Mr. David- note yet forty , but I didn't He led look I hand T Peso easy matter.
eon volunteered to the talking 1 had my pate, and thin, and worn• and weary,and � my fine Treflan hand T ceteris! afford
.,y fiartation is demwatinr.
to he hue ass moat keep busy ental our
oertaiu class of books that easy be were "When this cruel war is over” betwea i sedition, bitter disputes, troubles huh
net eh;ecti:,uable u1 the/melees, but the In minion and the rebellious half- for the eoremment and people of Canada,
slime base libraries were intended, and
did serge to furnish Sunday railing.
these bnoke were no:. tit for such pug
breds there will Ile pretty seri ::& a rei,tn of ve-lence . c'.rruptien of fruit,
reckoning between the Dentist** Gee. I eveleowin.t of the sea, epidemic sickness
cremate an the people who pas the .551.1 a high retool mur'•lity.'
piper. Fir the rebellion is the nature!
to be sure, oppose the views of the plash
or. 1 voted wilt. Mr Lsm'1-the other Iola, coughs, c'.lda and c.nsumpt.ve ten- quanted with her, the gopl'neler must
heel him to the tient door. • If those
was against ham daloiw.. _ - , l d
well dressed devils e s on the streets
Mr. Lamb one Jay --'twee in Julie-•- ♦Teas VNedtewr• 1 and vometiMee at ohsreli deers sheen
asked the session t, grant him s few (flet jostle* dune them then would M
• • fitv.re cta la arrsngemente wife Mr. more honest amusements and purer Me?
week* vacation -said he was afraid he K Bradley to fulfil all my ped -up con. ' riment. Letn..t unlliutt bete* std es
•Meanwhile, Ise the wild pe eple low A aha tantysal.
doubts about the propriety of the thisg, s he went „tit m7 re ptsyewon' with l Untie Greyer throws • post -°bion tit • i ea.. ber that 11107 were Ones 7uung !gr-aIeeting • sus.ip&td condition of
but didn't think mach about it. lire hies. When he was well nut of hating. lutetium over my toady form and says : Rh..atuan a Inc eupatent to glee law the ba,eels ie •wire to brtwc ill health and
havidena went f gave it se [art( it from t(r Davidson said that has late Nato: at "Tiome, lour c entry needs lour to old ankles. Pw.i 1. who have the grey! srlirnnw. Burdock Wheel Bitten
his -ha told Mr Lamb that the church 'chs chapel hal never alien for • race- ssryaass ell hay, take this, there ere
cash „f the wild beton they reenh thert7 ,ecohte the bowers in a natural manner,
bate, thins• yet in more for thee." yeeeen ter. the lits out of prayrr meet punfy,ng the hi.,,d and pr.emotw •
was in • dsplorahle condition apsrilua117 ton. sod, said h., ' W o•n't atkrd to Then I will orisons that I •m in the ing, and disgust the world with the met hes chs eneti..n r•( the stoea•A, liter,
-that aet.ethiie bed to be dose -that pay bins a hull salary while he to tone.' I hand( of my fri.nda flower Cleeel•nd t of religion. God made boys •n1 gi 1. 'caner, and Aewela. 2
we meet here I•tser eoegreptions-that 1 was mai T said. 'We can afford it - - u those Maids {T.waa Bleak Welty. f� Kaye thous testes to he gr&tified se
last Seeley sight wee eeid•nae of ear i if we matt, 1 !eau, and he shall have it, Their bodies steed etremitheniest." 1 "1 seri always tell the nationality of
t of fere that Kr Siert wee a entry cent and more besides. 1 went The "comet/ is
oat" fealty, sot ___ — —
e•d h 1 of
w ri or
often et s t e rant laipon.•-
cause of owl], averse verse ability yet that his out among the people and raised his Md a eri.d n•eq enc enfeebled A Theme's cars.
premising was with pswer time. were � hundred dollar* ea a "resent. 1 wrote!
viteNlity. Ale?* earspsrill. !weds and
w it w they owes were --the world was his a note with a cheek. saying, 'take estrieha the blond, iner•sees the app.
sit., sed prsstea ref tete fond,
syirrg Mrs--iw the Oro of the ohm- Ills children. ten, if tilt's not masa.•!!
ended!! essimiltioe d ata stewraet.h.wnaa
wench reater7, the shack sett be etlk toe mare ' let w wwae of cheek., q -t. 11s .7.145. hog thea
abreast dr the tlisee--pmeple welt. tie idled I thee& 1 saw i plisse when* a drat" rxslwd, fit teem, repent, mhsngee is s
Saivism. my., preaching sharper than s of water had fallen and been wiped offsratelal sense of strength and enere1 I Be, Y fro ,• hawiw' toe steels steam.
ensiles Met peepration perfectly adapted re
cure Mesas's of the scalp. sad No fret •e-
e•satul restorer of faded 01 gray N/r b Its
lateral color, growth, sod yoethfsl beauty
It has had sissy Unitssnn, Taut suns hares.
tau, wet all 11e 5.gaume.ta noon* for
11. proper trimmest of the hair •ad erel•-
ldai.t's Hata leum rice has atesdlh afNe
fa favor, and spread its tame sad asstI1&•se
V) every Quarter of the alone. 11s swarm
le.ed 'Ocean; cam De stutbated N het Doe
Batter the e*r.re J-ljtbss &r q/ err prasues.
Us proprietors hate elites bse..erpne•e
at the receipt 0t eviler. teen magas art&
trier, where they had some spat• M d7r. ter
Ia tarod$rtloa.
The ase her • !sort the wit 1*iLt.'s flare
]triers. wooderfuily !spur the est
semi app.ars.ce. 11 elea&ees the scalp tinea
all !opera&•, eines all Moore, fever, sot
depose, a&d thus preemie befdeesa ft
etlwni1ates tb• weakened glands, sad ~boa
thew to posh forward • new and vigorous
grow&A. 71a easels or this anode are ma
transient, like chars et aloobo,.c pr%p•n
tles,b.t monis • loos Lime, 'Wax mattes
as w • mutter ul soonomy.
roe mea
Witt siege rhe tweed 1.. % *Mersa b•0w',
er black, eager red. It prwdaeas a permaawt
Color that will *ewers away. (maillatInad
a Nagle preparation, it Is armee remelt
B. P. BALL ACO•, Naga/ p 11
Sold by all iDe•lers se Mealtime,'
ttereheleus. wg.rewrt&I. aura
Mood wawgare.
the beet reweady, b"rw.n the
sue ee.rnh.ng said thorn's\
bisad.purtaer, u
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Sold by all Druggists, • fit, M■ bottles. K `•
flora lost reeelt*d & lar,ge stork wit
BRASS & 1111111 $TEn num
animaiby the memplarnt he me,"
e. old imtg
said •s wild irlw Imelda The Nromtch few Salt Pu! and Boiler!
is always worried sheet the 'bnch
A aunt tar Creep There is no hotter • , f1:riglishwen and Irishmen are al
eetel.dy for Crump than Hagyard • Y. - ways fighting 'the theme, whish they
1.rw ON takes ieasrnsgly &nu applied ie Grisly believe we left for them to re
eordIn to epeeist dh.eii.. s. This is oat ve the iter ase is very mu of cos-
ies great household v&na .• ter theme .. tied abort 'dem waives ; while the
tiara, alit knots peen, inflarainists.. 1 •eke. hs. • hard time to 'keep Mr
Nein a .hottest Not 'w.
Mall orders for nee wnrk
receive prompt a'irertea.
Worts soar O. T. Il. Ntatios•
aled*rtet Frb. 1s. M.
and rapatre will