HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-5-1, Page 2A BIG FIGRT
Thi Bebels Attack Our Bola.
The Rebels Forced Back After
Hard Fighting.
letevee of Oars Killed and Forty -
Two Wounded.
Mae p..i.a_ ______ p1NA. a tessee•M
ofw�setaewetae &pe• * H.
the will of tier d tae 4.1.
N., through tea barrietera whit
a a
will he htools. 0e osmate aoe-
adre ; sled d isj Maw- se mat-
ter hew . is so
titherhip will .ems list so
oculi that •0 poor not w4M b. shut oat
Iuevvr trent seeking parliamentary kee-
ns. 1t increases the oust . of revision
..oneuesty, end adds two hundred cine
hiders to those already in erstencs.
The Franchise bill is the levet infam-
ous measure which ever ernanated from
the hands of Sir Juhu Mecdemt•ld, and
that is saying a great dost. It is a bill
framed and devised in the same tuit-
ow *plot which implied the radiate -
Dutton of sesta bill.
The goverument Mving gerrymander-
ed the constituencies now repose to
Towing), (. p gerrymanderrrymandsr the cconstituents. •
'fits left column tot tietwret motile_ The bill is re.ua
olutiry in ether
tot's force was surpri mad by rebels yes rsepects tbsn thin It propenee to r.mueve
tenlay'morning, and a tares euceuuter arum the provinces the centre' of the
leek placefranchise which they baud helmet, en
Fighting ora. still going on •t the toyed.Nine a'nfederstion, the Dumiu-
time the des etch was sett ,4 p. ut ). (to
Our d Cummins did not curer
itself wfMf the ether May wham ibe
Iowa AA *d 'maw ansa nam. Oa a
etea*ht out* only Mend t dors -
bare .deet muter sh. A a•
rote wv typism tet Vt • y��m
as omens ..emend to tis.tr e$ Dt ta-
dtre tette , Mee pee � up wi* tore-
�tau�s sae -
rapidity. These Ottawa films
had pot the plash teey "nay • te Pro.
�,,.,..• het s gaud many of thews were
Bite •scones to give the privilege til a
felling ligwe tow many peoplehimself
thirsty Inas .weld email supply
with atimslsate even though the Act
were in funs. It would have been far
mere muly for those who tried te de-
stray the Act by • side wind to have
voted directly against it. Any oma, 'n
er out of Parlament, has a right w vete
agaiust tb• Scott Act if his conscience
tells him to do so ; but voting in favor
of • ase, end then trying to indtreetly
destroy its effect, r • moan, cowardly
piece of business. Such dodging ill to
c.•nies • legislator lir, fur that matter.
any other man. if a majority of the
the House of Ctanm.otla really believe
tbat the Scutt Act u a bad meesui..they
would repeal it at once. But ke told the
electors of Briswl that he had '• ad-
vanced their interests contrary to their
A as n pariuseeerit has accepted the franchisethe
.tun yet"
.,/ mown
how at cans ° whic..reveild in each previews fur
telttr•phic c•.cumunleau°o was infer.election f provincial legislative) repro
mutative*, winked septet on secount lit heavy rain term.
'far rebels ad.snood from a coulee
neer the river, and opened tire on the
troops, which was returned, and fighting
became terribly severe. The rebels were
forced to retire, and tuooke shelter t in •
rswine, from which they p up
sant tire on our men. _
As far as keen') seven vt.Iunteers ltll-
eel and forty t oro wnuuded. The rebels i the hese, of representation u about the
hum unknown. same.
4 p.m. -The Grenadiers arrived in 1 There u an obvious disadvantage and
geed form and at once opened tire upon one which cannot be expleined away in
ore et the rsviees. There were three she adoption of a Dominion frsncbise.
ravines in a string heavily weeded and it lies in the confusion which must exit
fall of big boulders : and the rebels I in the public mind, as to whether a man
skipped from one to the other. The , is a Ater or not in • Dominion election.
rain topped at 1.30 o'clock, but there' Me may be gsalitied to vote for the Pro-
wess mut, and this, with the clouds of ! vancal legislature but under this bill not
smoke, rendered it next to impossible i for the Dominion and vire reran, New
for the troops to see what they were ; this n undesirable. The simpeer and
tiring at. I less confusing the right et voting fur
Gabriel Damn cornmanded the rebel., I members of both Federal and Provincial
and did it with wonderful skill. :legislatures is, the better in the true
tntereets of representation itself. The
At 140 the rebels had been dislodges' easiest way to amplify the system of
from two et the ravines, but they .till voting, is lir the DOIUitilon w accept, as
held lint In the centro 0110. "A." bat- „Lee_ 4., • pr..ramcial (nnchur.
tery could not get their .hells to a e"eeThe ob ectionable feature of the bill,
here, but the (%rcnadien and the !30th ioriel the: feature which the Opposition
poured in a ti. tire, which did nut do ou ht not to a]►ow to become low if they
much execution. however, .wing to the a• esu prevent it. to ed in the clauses
tion e
mutative*, and the system as war opinions." But it takes • man, a big b -
welt, that up to the present moment not minded man, to talk in that way. It u
the slightest complaint has been made m he tiered that there's nut many
against it, either in ur out of the prem. Burke• at Ottawa_ ieaned' Presbyter -
While there mems w be • plaisable an.
argument in (aver of • uniform Duwiuiun rasataaa-tAeea a ewnnMd.mer.
franchise, yet now, that in shame every
pr...Ince the privilege has been extended •
.When the McCarthy or Domution
until it a practically a male adult sting. Liqu. r Licensing Act was being dscuar
ed, tense who fevered it urged as •
reason for its becoming law, that the
Ontario Act was being administered in •
partizan spirit and for partisan purposes,
and cousequeetly its friends declared
that this power should be taken from
the Provincial and vested in the Dem -
Mem wtbunties, in order that no each
abuses would be permitted. Well, the
McCarthy Act was passed by Parlament.
Mee Mary A. Dailey,uMihisauock,
Pa. was Ahead to sit Tears with A•ttt-
a•a and Bronchitis, donne which time
the best physician wield `ire as eat
R.. life was despaired 01, until in MO
Oakes" she premed • hoot* of De.
PO New Diesseery, whoa imaaedede
rebid was felt, and by ouotinuing its is.
for a short time she wee completely ne-
ed, neurites to leak 50 Ib. i. a few
Fees TrW Bottles of this certain ewe
ei •11 Thema sad Lang Di'.'. -e t Jia
t# ib• of s Dreg Store. Inde
$1 00 (4)
Pia tib. pie v
' • No she lingered aid suffer's' along,
'Tiniest all the tine her years. the dot-
e -es dung her no good ; and at last was
ar..1 by this Hup Bitten the pipets
•say se much about. Indeed ! mined I
-hew thankful we should be for that
' wedicise. ".
New Goods arrived, and will be arriving dur-
ing the Season.
I can suit all as to ..Material and Style.
*33.11106 ptscesere.
Phystoiaa i are often startled b: re-
markable disoovries. The fact that Dr.
King's New Di oocery for Consumption
and all Thom and Lung theses.. totally
curing patients that they have given up
to die, a startling then to reedier their
sense of ditty, and examine into the
merit, of this wonderful discovery, re-
sulting in hundreds of one bet pei-
ctaus using it in their prettier. Trial
bottles free at J. Wilsun s Druv Store.
Regular sue $1-01. i4)
To u omen
it war)
PAS IO1 - '- T. .ILOR-
door to Masa el ye■treal.�
attRetmewsvr the Ince West street. beat
Goderich Pouudry and Machine Works
Runciznan Bros., Proprietors
Flouring Yills Changed to the Gradual Reduction SJet8I .
s Agricultural
Horse Powers, ()rain Crushers, Straw Cutters,
Stoves, etc., etc.. at Lwow Prices
.111 Kin -ds of Castino.� .Made to Order.
R. W. Rcect0A%c
J. B. Reectra.c.
°odericb, Nov. ye, 1
• liable
t.. ■Neese rr.eesssea, sad . - THE P E O P L
Phmippatine, lir Nerve }owes Phos-
bate $►eluent bawd upon
Scientific E'S -STORE.
Facts, Formulated by Prutessur Austin,
M. D. of Beaton, Mass, cures Palmww- I
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertex(' and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the human p TT
system. Phusphatine is not a Medecine. c ime. iiT 33�■ zone iV
but a Nutrimeut, because it Contains tau �.�T ��i�.�
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opt•tes
Nuretia, and no Stimulants, but limp
1 the Phosphatic and Gartric Eletuents
and we, in this county. have recently r found in our daily feel. A single bottle
had some experience of how fairly and is sufficient w cenvinee. All Druggists
impartially it would have been admin•- sell it. $1.00 per bottle. Lewes's &
tared hal it nut been declared lumen- Cc.. sole agents fur the Do,w.inwn,
etitutiunrl by the `Supreme (Court. The b6 Front Street East Termite
Commissioners appointed by the Duan- • Life nam .meas.
inion Government under the Dominion Mr. M. E. Aileen, Hutchinson. Kas.,
Act, baring the granting of the licenses saved his life by • simple Trial Bottle u.
lauthertzed by the Scutt Act. The,. •p- Dr. Kings New Discovery', for Con-
puintments have now been made fee this gurnpttun, which caused him to pr,cnre
county, and in the entre lid we du not a large bottle, that completely cured him,
t u can n I notion the name of one single Reformer. h of climate and
hearing upon the •ppututment of se call- Under the Province! Act, as administer -
dense brush. A toady of reh•elanow ap- 1 by • Reform Gurernment, three -
peered in the rear of the troops. and d revisimt; barristersSir Johu pro-
04 (ran sero entertained that we sh'iuld pees tkat thew re,ising officials .ha'l I fourths of the licenae•holders were
bp caught in a tri t:en. Ntiddltnn ' Tones; under the Dominion Act, as ad -
had provided four Sept, however, and not revise the lot puel,ared •• the telt- • ministered by • Conservative (levere-
l evere-
rote» luta are r but shall
ro them, a costly .,t, en t. in
, went, nut a si::;; e licensee u • l:efornm-
Moult,ou's getout', a ith a nine -pounder, !nary p er, but the wh ,lis list, without vote ex -
dispersed them, though they hover- I sttog,ndter frets what the nein. would
indicate. The government may appoint o.ptien to relieve the menot"ey of the
elf cu bands on our flanks end sunt t. I thine, is composed t f ws.d. •tt t-tcud
an occasional volley.. which fell shoe non-pnrtiran uf6aials if it pleases, but it
11 was evident at this Onetime well -armed that if �Torim of tket strtetest sect. Au,: yet,
, may not. After tome experience with sooi,rdi•g to Turf authority. the ('rite
the retools had been all well armed r the present c• verument in the past, the administered their law for the ad•toes
had artillery, the day w ,old have t;•,'.e ,indications an that the "may net will merit of partizan purposes. eltlww e
hard with us. prevail. thtea fourths of these to shoo they
Tra Yost FITr riding. In n• country to the world which granted licenses were Torts : while the
itereutrerb Ilpril ."2. boasts of • parttime eery system of gov Tury law is iwe Tories ; w lathe
The Fort Pitt gamine reached here eminent, do the powers rest in the hands I and , lawtt1 to although administered
one Got
today., Theyconfirtnthe tf the Frog of the premier which Sir John blaedon- ; u Qrsntrd a license under it. Enough
lake massacre. Mrs. Gowwluck was not add proposes by this measure to owe te 1 said. emitted
clrcumetannd, however, ugh
killed, bet tarried id as • captive. The pia In treat Britain there are revising i added a very big index e. how gen-
priests were beaten to death and their otiose. it is true, but in London they 1 oral law ylf r ins Leen ho
tr theteen-
bodies then burned. are appointed annually by the Lord Chief I had it net been aveLe una.mtiistire
When th. Indians reached Fort Pitt, Justiee•of the queen's Bench, and in the h There declaredwould n many tacit
Praetor Mcl..ren.of tete Hudseu Bey come provinces annually by the gamier Judge' hotel hre a lir liquor dealers.b`u• fit
piny, visited Big Beer's camp te try and of Assize. The gives an unp•rtizas i as the Grit hotel -keepers are concerned, eighth yerr rid states that she lin sef-
arrange terms He was taken prisoser. character. to tees, redoing °Goer. rot- the McCarthy Act under Tory •dwisis- fared N::h 1 o nsumptinn it r abtwt ten
Then Bit hear compelled hon to writes taws Free Prsas t»licit scald be a• powerful a detennt ycar,, was ttreated by sirs Pu7girums•afl
deter et his in this,
to his friends inside _ - - - las the Scott Act cru Jxossib:} be--! `es- of them pronouncing her c sse hopeless.
the tort. In this, McLean urged the The Heetio Flush, tele hollow checks I funk Scottit, r She had quem up all u„pr „1 ever »cur -
ma thins t•• cosine nee late Ilene camp se land precarious appetite, indicate worms. wing. 'even tee f
prisoners or be killed in the attack vu
the garrisons. The pulite were asked to en
lay down their Arius and leave. The civ -
Alums were glad to qt eves the Cha300
iron cstoanc
Jan. 21. 18Ki. The I'ecple's Stere, Qdench
when I)e,ctors, change a ima COME AND SEE THE BARGAINS
everything *lee
had failed. .\thine,
Bronchitis, Huarsene.es. Severe Coughs
and all Thrust cud Lung diseases, it i :v
guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles at 3 CA-ROOEIRIEf3,
Wil. -ns drue stun. Large viz. $1. (1) CROCKERY WAR£,
AcC-, do C.,
A too „ La -v. :.r ,..
May lbth, 1880.
Gcir ..smut-Hsviag been s sultrier
for a long tune from nervous pro.trati.en
,rid genteel debility. 1 was advised t.. Mo;;gtache Cups, Ladies Cups, Fancy Mugs, Majolica Ware.
try He, (titters. I have taken one but- Vases, &c., whi.:h will be sold at COST.
tie, and 1 have been rapidly getting bet-
ter ever since and I think it the best 1
' Hamilton street. ttoderi'
strength end aI ; elite, which was all
medicine I ever used. I stn now gaining
gone, and T ens in deeper until I tried
your Bitters. I •m now well, able to go I
about and do my uwa work. Belun
taking it I was eumpletely prostrated:
Niue rh,sseseas ewsde.e.
Mrs. Helen Phut .z, No. 3:31 Dayton
St-, Chting.; 111., is nods in her sixty-
ile• •, Dr. King.*New
Freeman's Were' Powder will quickly i ne.s 5'nUa0. Diacvery fur Censomptinn completely
d effectually rent, ore then. lm - cured her. Dnubtinq ecus, Meese droop
• Load family
of escape, They complied with the re in Orilla to a friendteal L.dtlu.
quest iw McLean s letter. But the police A meat re:narkable -enure, and one i leave fn. Barrie as e party to a law sail
and • tight followed. The
rarely wren iu any country, was that ,reek koefure last, eSud i want ;u gtre A RswAto--(d one Amen "Trealit-
which was un �Tonday presented around you a bit of advice. /)oe't make the as RT.' t0 any cone serdinithe ',est four line
at:.. Ask
"New, I have had a go••.1 d.a1 of . her • petal.nd.atiefy yuureeftcs Call
perience in courting," said • ;entlernan ss J Wilsun a drug '.cure and get a free
i who was about
to 1`
to•tt, P 11HOrE Teta 121.11a2a t
around the grave of an aged resident of ,l,iauttance of any of the jury :nen you
lc tiling four redskins and wuuudint sett- tt'at.'fond A number .•f old men and , ei•et happen to meet around the taverns;
rel The tattle was fiercely contested, wumtru, the eldest 80 years of age, the ! fen t tell them all tee -particulars ..f the
and although the police nnmtered only youngest 60. were gathered together. ides that is probably to be brought before
:!1 to 10f) Indians the routed the gar -
Y -left Their white heads leered wife storrew, thein : is t ask them t„ drink t etur e
'vet The civilises. hadr'e possible occasion : don't de awythurg, lit
short, to envist their syenpatle. or pre-
judice them in such a way an would be -
likely to lend them, knowingly .•r un-
knowinely, to vitiate the oath they take
to render a verdict in aocort(ance with
the evidence. D0n1 t do it," he added
fent, were with the Indians and had no than usual, torperform the last sad rites
share lit the 62fit 4'. iisui.iba Cumin was over the Ludy of their father, William
killed, and constable Laushy wouuwded. Perkins. This extraordinary man did
The pollee then ottd rep s wow and days age at the age .1 100 years, 3
reached here after destroying all the months and 7 dap.. He was home in
arms ar• aid airrnunitiuu at the feet 1 Gehtehoruugh, England, and came to
bef•.re leaving- this cnuatp in 1861, settling near'onoe more, with an expressive weik.
Factor McLean s timidity .rel. .Maid I Deenaville. He serried re early life, ..But I caw tell you, from b'nQ ewiok
the police sad proved Lase to the hh•rt ' hal eight children, every one ..f them f
of over °:, whites, t , niers and chi surviving bine the eldest, as stated le- •lice• that if you don't, the other fellow,
whoever he may be, probahiy wile -
ren, now ceptivee to the ind,aes. The ing SO years c -t age. Ruch lenges ea 0. I Parket.
lindens were vcry d biloma hirsty. an entire family is ibmost without
McLean, tinily anstaff, with the pe,plleI-(Woodstock Times.
et} er whites from Fett Pati, are Inane.
. who ke r•
-.1--.-.......- awaits tike haaila.ttt.t%R. lt!t isl s I Fever Colin. Unnatural •ppette, frws-
ui.friei i . fuIncas, weakness, and convul.i'mt, are
laden* burned , the effects Weems in Chattiest'
per to attuttd church where ne victims Syrup. lei
• ped stat Treed to sea master.
A Jew daps melee "hent," tine baa 11.
Bernard dog nel.mginl t the Superin-
the Salem Leat em env,
of the nes t ¢ to his
kennel. He at one went tut . kitchen
rhyme '.n ' rt:ACErRT, t
little gem for the Teeth an
your druggest or address.
I'ITV THIS TnoR Diltrrrttc. Poverty
with perfect health ,s rather to L� the
than riches sail dyspepsia. the
ma is effect of a dollar >• twee •-f Fr,r Air
All Ner..us Dehitity c'z'ed )r the ;
of Dr. B. C. West's Nerve mud' lira
Treatment. Sloe advertisement skew here,
kola at N'iis.,u'• ileo.; st• re. :b
Says Dryden :
"She knows her mai, sod when ice rant
and swear.
Can draw you to her with a envie heir...
But it mus: be heetstifel irate to have
such rosier : anal beassifal heir can be
enured by the use tot CisineeSE nate
• •.ewer Mates.
Can any one sent use ease of Keine)-
ttecember tub. t3st.
1 A)1 :=ELL17,l3 Ote r MY rTO4'K M'
sea Ghi,TS F('HNIsiIINQ$
At a Greatly Reduced Price for Cash.
':ffh1"-\t;tel-:V6�. I \11:3iENT
;ear:._.. Nov. :b. .tot. )10
Pre,;•;ses and Splendid New Steck.
Hamilton Street, Coderich
Awood a-sorte'eat el 1[itclien, lied-rnocr. Lis:r; lt.,cm and 1•arlr- erre • -. •, .t e, a
bees. t ).a.n .liar.. rpe and wcw,d ,eat.ul. t'apboards, lied -stride. itathesaer tt Jul. cru n
Loose's.-tof•s. Waist -buts. Lusruag I,JYKP
t R.•Acompleteswot•srentofteens aid OL.rord,a:wayftnhard also Renu, for ) r
at reaioa•bie rate .
P. -lure roue wart s e1'e t ty -A Lae r.e:.c.to J
Thr. diens 1 all lt b uildtntn s ,,nt t, f the ff of W ('1 Mrmt C &SHOES atFr.•t Late ■mel c.Iuput1Cd althe dams Idestiny the some with 1)1Inw's Wo,mh
ke 0*.P•fiia. ibhkh•
e rderen met together They
and m � Inc Ldtrn
after the atm
Taw >N ed theattention
■ser P•+eta. window
and site et • t it.n er Liver Complei.t that It:•c
---- of Sirs. R. and the servant, and by ''d.,g speedily can \�!'a rye
1d has d d
nkat ten white settlers ; sap they
will not Y•wcl
Free: Smart, n y•wne man wile wss , .4 minister. velem" a schwa. asked silos" rented oho the mete
anti apt past, s tdily cue ..f cases y thei
, any to
ro .i xage dL We d.dup
ou wutry ;idly last night, was shot And' the rest linter how his scholar were prat tut em ru.anentoy.need alt wenare y leen t, ann•.once to the Publlc that they hire • pmenel) Lmainrn in the ab..ve Stor
uiS nilly Idled by prettiest; indiina ,nes',regressing
er replied,
in their Bible lodges. The nut and mend it. Fula Q to persuade commending 1<leehic $ttters, will prove in the sloe 1n a a'•c add Dorsce este. H,vtng esa in,,.ed nab
i,. and
ae wren+.tN teles. master napped, 'I*ernultthly well, sir. them, he undertook the j.•h himself.
BrithtsDieeaw,, Diabetes. Weak lick, 7 b7
in Swat, there d one Sc 1 nay snv• am
the piece (roam the crewel with ile teeth ode at clone figure,., se are deter.uine
ter Part., Minn.. April 24 A special well acquainted with t4cnp'c:e as i am the piece of glass which had fallen « et, tor soy urinary complaint tem vete cured. web ao>tstriTd atom of Spring and hummer G.
too give the l'nblic the b•eueht.
duP.h h to the t%1.•'.: from tt'iuuip,eg I myself for when 1 ask him a question he made several attempts to put it in They pertly the ;.-.*blind, regulate the lam- Ule1L 31188
la an I a -t directly nn the dietlaaedroissioit
eay.: "Thr public thick that the nom he answers et, end in the same breath plies, but. hating n1 experience ,s • e
d a1 1 pert . Et•er7 bottle gtierantwrsl, For
breeds int ort, wh . y terming lwlf I asks 011 I' rt trig, • g1. Wenn. 1
breed earip as fast as they can el, tl whet puede* me for • tens. I wo.Id ,waf,ng the return •d his meting. The .ale at Fd.>k. w brittle by • j Irp'Pkase cavi and examine our t;• • ds l.efotepereliw►tnw .l•►nhtre-
aR"P.ts,mrmtoer t't:o . ntxt do• t t.• .1. Wilson s Lrug $tete.
rid a imetirlle- tie ,after, lin ga.e up trying a. c lit y
st re
same, *Ill rem settle the tn•nLle f�pcx u e .,ire anything t.. ht. able to ask a gnesta'n d•m,tte was then rope.:ed and Her•, l�C.a t m
biters have already Katie Hest to hey the of how alit he c .mail not answer, kat i Vas Mppy (Dumb Animals. • UIet.t■s is all ttaa•tae. +, , wt tit will revive oar special a:tent in.
err:p issued h thin cwnmissien h, aw.e in _ 1.1 these times when uur news;-Rpet* its -None hat the bet r4 mania' weed and that -class woeemet empleyed,
y 1 will never .,.(bmanage it, I am *frail." The aro do I' »rRep goon neatly lawns on the ehttrtet mete,
this p v"ettele The whole tronhM is 1,7 1 minion peed hest in thetieht for a few Minas aims Agee.. ,dad with stent riedicine • tliT-
comtnt * farce in the 0708 t.f the people miseries. then he .sclsi,wed, "1.11 glue While Itev.)Mptmwns Jones was speak- tisementn, it is gratifying '<n Inner what •
(iodtri;f.. )[arch 9 IfR2. DOWNING & WEQbU F
an the city, and they laugh daily as the I him • ;e ger. Point him oat." The in 1 •
nn tempworence het f.we the I'noruicaal to pnocnrc that will eertanl7 tyre you
troops a.me in from the east master did se. Going up to him the License Commiaionern he referred to If you are talets, Wed out •of order,
minister said, "Can y.•u tell me. my lad. the men who w.irht be seen sneaking liver inactive, or tenial debilitated
The Brussels I'.'4 gates that Bull••ek, I how lone Adam lived in inner....'" into a baleen after hears. I:stag the there is nothing in the world that wilt
the he trainer. • fellow who has ,n ; "les, sir..' "Pi"' the troy : "ave till ht• co:timeliest nnm5 there arw,ss **ample*, cure yen s• .:nitkly as aElee kin itters.
notoriety in thus locality. and I q••1 a wife. Batt hoe lane after ' ' Jost he •aid "First, en ane .John Smith The area h(ening held.
• 7 h fencer can hal fee (only hfty cents •
:n o'be places for Ms duheset dealing, . then the miniter found it cowventee- to sliding in, and thee y'• 1 see um Wslrtn 1"
'd by John - .4 rime of lauvhter of Jasusww
� at present m that dstnct "teaching , ;speak bo tome one
slew frv•m threw present number of resejents the truly aaientifc 1 nr Awe tor
d be unseemly reaped •
t caused the reversed
way to manage the horse Bullock u 1 1 m 1'r•f• airs a Se phspeaker to step, •g i
•spshle by peewee' experience to teeth I Pnokly Hest. Nettle Rash. `esley Brute that Ly his ods w,a setting the Kee.
his pupils "the truly sceenti6e way • f tio n, itch, and all diseased amditions of ,that
Nmit6, the m. et active tenaptwanee
the skirt lav orker is the city, and that his own
are a is • ,
worst o 1 peened a, t nl[ta Hw•derhe, Toothache, etc Rub atter hours (To.nwto New*.King's New Discovery 1
h had
aaseIMOS Peewee..
Wtn..luh:erne .'f Berne, Dab. write.
that his wife hal been tri. l iirid that
i with
acute Rronehitis for messy yon
contracting debtRue s and bearing s p *ee .
before tb.y Mid H deal hot 1 $..esa'. PION �s�semsw� t*amt• uwa Think u1 the,.. two tii retndries trued gore nu petma,ent re -
of the wi and if the newspapo r 1, the only tnetant,nwo,rs n lief ler ICs- revwrwltde *telling into a to nnvn fora drink lief• ■ntil M prucure'i • I•"'tee of ler.
r Ger C••naum true,
,.w d Huron were rn iq ane a few dos hnekly is all that i• I - - 0 - -- t' hu and Colds, whit. •
him look •t yin ty, w• Predict that sheet
kit 1,w h needed Nn taking naeswtwa me.licttiws
•rte * Journal. g y at 1
,swedes* all pain and wall prove theorised ; memo d the setwlsr army
i4b coo-
' tete. Iarp
L•,.e P.0 t.. em.. ' Ntes1.
THR earl.• SRVT.
off , and Tendered • permanent core.
rut a toy in t county would • ni't n
1 goalfor weeks,but •w.• mintaM's apppilicstimia The Raw Rook pub the effective 1t w guensitad M ca» ell dtees•ee of
rut not sweet (fit
M w 1 T8 ou0 7�feta, Lwwgs or Bra.ehiel Tabaa.
National Pills are miler email. Held widow of Knm s Fluid Lghtnine stew • rweerves, 47.E ; militia, Trisi battles ftse et 1. Wiloen's dnig
(ileo. ro Rh rias dine n r. tMtO. MM 11.10. (1)
bet th„rnoeh, and an the M•oenech sod runt• per bottle at y ♦,,lame re. -1
Now :s ser • sae. ;t lea wt.h of a or t tar.
He has ewes at toms. to aye Pater'. rot m t are,. 10
20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs
peastitul cu1t.re.,ad at lc ..es ahsn very mn.1 .nfrrier goods. Cal and we them. T to
eret).eboot • alovefa tows. and mat bessld
The Sriog liar P1oris & Fasbi�ns,
IMO Obi the BEI. Ir. LW
rY pts total or atas40*
The Reve red 111r. Iamb did sf
'wigging: He was • geutl. mea. One
„1 the kiud that is called lovable - the
children Iucod hum, and were glad elan
they saw Wm. He was generally seawe-
ed s christiaa. He became • us nist*r
because, as he mid, '1 lure my Saviour,
and Inhered that 1 could glorify hie
name by Preaching lite gospel.' he
seeteed deeply impressed with the sac
redness of hu °dice, and many ••f tit ho
Lived and admired hint, thought that he
wadi oversensitive about it. He ■•s •
reading roan, aud thuuvhtful, and hitt tt
nut been fur tbits uverseru$itIveuess ie
ireght hen. become • populsr preacher.
He was popular in is .ease, everybody
toyed lou., and had cun6Jruce in hie
,,sty ; he neary always had g,.od eun-
gregatiusia, but the weeds teen':
Be had only no. big revival in the
church during the whale of his tasterate
of twelve years. Tee come eo think of
it sow, the church lied a great number
of deaths and removals, and ours is nut
• very growing woo. But some u[ w Wert UMW. of the Welk!, Index a ,nt•in. This *esq°
were carp zealous fur the Lord ; our ed alto -id emelt: u1 the seree,u, and in death, and
hearts were uted with a sense of out sllwlui, t,. Mr `i. it std : • me heat not able to
responsibility and we thoucht we uaght or [lir nr
t,./ get up • revival once • year, or ones need of the pd'ntt of today is the power p'
mto adapt itself to 55.• u,teileetual and elf •.seri
uwytyA ouu.o
us tteatorarst„ Jl•r. anL.nibrate. and pr *,sedbeartof trtthetwsl,aa we've w i:c ,u ,.sl eta spirt- support hi.
teal demand of oke tines. Tin pulpit are rich ; I
send floe Mr. Themes, whu the year be -
1, tua�• i'. •T tr 'rl• iu tae wrest w hta till he
fore had gut up • revival in the next di t`e helere the Teeple. Men are net back to W
town, and had saved many premisswt.t they were •..:dory age; men read dune. that
souls. We coned ser that our pester did oriel think , p e chn a ir..at nave and amid our
pot relish the plan. Hu trial G, eater, think. A platitu•linsran .. out lit place persesntie
bet his wm
lip quivered. Ila said etking
in rhe !intik. In Mr. tllott w. have a 1 ufl, this'
about 'questionable methods :' arsonist'
Christian. a reader. a thinker, an teeter. 1 mete Calle
pained ntd look en hface, answered that him dsrii
l:e world net oppose the *wenn, LtR • meed of God reel man M. David biusr banori
tin wives the pager.
dist he b•linee the tune of tngatheriue Onwalsy •young was, the ora of ems cried oat
thin tut yet -taut he had lung been of our dead raemherv, toletui he wails » wen'
Arnie*, •ed p»ying livor the tiettstr- •c, hat fort' j l5tit dime
Pine to ►site the ,-hurch.
ad he had imtmulud, with the sessi.,gs 'W.U. 1 t ate14 DIr Iamb's *unseen*unseenpreaching. esen.Ile is tw pros). I ilwt't get
d udder his .reaching, andes
Prase terisnism is ont ret date. H y
preaches lake Mr. Lem now a is •
doabl•d-. ud essera-ytw take too + He .ante I
;Inonty • vi.'w .4 thump -you talk to , pale- fits
mach about the tut state ul man -yew, that his net
sermon oa hell witty have been eenptutnl, I up). that he
but it meant calculated t„ .lrsw--thea i ten he was
pang tees game tau entertained as well ( talked ;u hi
as iteattucted .omntLt'tg www ire June, had on wt
sad the time bas ...tae to du tt. 'lest thins in tear
what .(.4 Mr. Lamb say r 'Why, street ! ae.,isde.tly
gut up and walled up mind down the le mWeke.
deur, tied he ern pile, and lou halide a .bat be was
USW 1•: ,J, and his lips seemed as though e tethe 01
they 1.. 1 crown together ; then he sat
down, Anil bailed lits face in his hands. ` (sus heel
soil subbing cutout/neatly, coed, 'Oh ! I • anon Uma
Const dearer me f • this temptatieu.' w all, h••..
I hada t tempted hist. 1 tied gune with gospel, how
the I ovu of 0,4 and of the church, and of lure and
rib a Mow
oust ores pr
and maid tl
would raw
and his fon
after * ah
erten, ..:f,
tions, setti
and Io\ a
'owl that h
A 1 the w.i
the, men en
up and sae
not the ire
Of lbw0 ileac, precious young people s
.•PULS on my hart.' That aorvers,lh.0
...tune t., have n•. effect •.0 Mr. Latab's
preeehitie ; the very neat i4uubbsth he
t and
pro,.ic:,eJ •�u the linin lir (MINA,
the aiming en clewing u1 the Cow of
l : n,t If ever he did vrow e•agueut
'toss in lhrt niacin tw+rie.,u. ale just
threw his arae snout the cress If I
ever looted my tastier 'two that sight.
But they vete t�u1) It.rty of us .111. Mr.
Shortprvs:hetluu 'Sh•miar, •sg,•ad.'
His b •rise was pa.losi. Two lir our rul-
ing Adele went to hear Me. Shen The
• testier...
putoK oil
body elm
mine a•
spprut•l, to scud for
Dr. Ruh.in•vo, Ste
ling But we toed ham that Dr. lie:ne- tittasd
(r i
er. was nit the kind "f man fu)► the y abtd
times, and that we thuuitht that 'new b H
was the accepted timet • we had the Bele
lovely man,
and alt :ltat,'•ut 1 Fater Nr. a tits h
Lon uur side) ; and so Mr. Thomasestlie Shnn i': +sea Mi. fir my letter. )!ice ( t ?
end the hone pecked night after night. 'death for
Many who read this will remember that "tl,ers fuauwed him.
Oise day in session tnestimstg Mr. Dov -1
meeting --'twas iu '; 8, Mr. Latah led in
�tdsun muwL w u.trulo,:. r u.dihed 1::-
,-,ayr, gave nut •taw hymns and red 1F1.'b•:Ili
ort 1 do this,
aNs1 he, 'tis rvtieve
announcements --in meet other repels (tha) u:. uotr.r,y of ,.lir scretcaa.' Mr. u d t� •
118wag.Madel tww.r.d•iV Aad twentyIaoeees: vis to uur church, the MathisLab aturtJ pia protest, 'n ,t pecans* daset 11 teaTmode. liturt(ical warship in the sk- t emiaeu
.trait, b.t b:eca;ia.: ..:rice : t• .cameral
eapert*mce will beer tee oat u; the vast- voted to
rind that liturgies tend to ntnalistu, and of thou
ritueatiam is will worship, and will oor- and got
Sbil+ tends to idolatry.' But we didn't
M ltd
Sir Jut))
retic., I
wet. kc!
lir.* nU
diets got more than we dud, an 1 b ' h st rte and
Baptists about half as mail. A few
tpi.sc pisl►an$ breams eaiid:dates fee!
,wsf.rinatiun. Must of those who Joined I
use church were the children .5. hadr
been taught the Catechists, and y lee 1 watt* to hurt ale. Davidson'. feelings, u,
•takes with and preached tdi h Mr. � we voted for it and it aid tarried. A
Lamb ; three of the youm►np ladies ware an number of the older men.hen we» ta-
Mrs. Iamb s lice. class. teseled drunk• di,(a,nt, but the session would not Bol-
ton giro wept copiously,aire(• wvStall of itself, and w we hs:t s liturgy.who had never previously shown any in• y
tersst in religion were hopefully con. The paster called the seaaiun one day
.glad ; we got none of these. Oar pe.- , •d said that there was beim; introduced
pee have ceased w talk of that manlier_ Into the library of the Rabbith sch.•ol a
It's a great spot in the history of the 1 certuu clam of bowls that, rosy be, were
church. After this Mr. Iamb's preach- nut oblactiuusble to themselves, but
ing seemed to lack effectiveness : be con- eine these libraries were trtendee, and
did serve; to furnish Solidity reading,
tined himself within t.,.. narrow limits books were nu:. itL for such pur-
o1 the eaten den..inimatiens had got t�° Elder Bnw:a. we., urfusuck the
new preacher -an elnguaot man, with
brow views, nothing heretical *best books, he toeing in the batik business,
him, and nothing particularly orthodox, looked ashamed. stammered, and thea
but he had the power which Mr. Lamb said that 211 tee tihrsries were buyirdt
lacked, of preaching on current topics these books, and that tbayy certainly
amont the ('•care
For example, in the great railroad des- cultivate • letersry hat. b
.aster which enured about that time one young people ; he knew that parents as mouth
• in the citizens of our town had beim well as children rise the books, geld were •
• 541.4, and Mr. Short seized the tipper- banks --Walter Scre., Dickers, Char- culty t
Ione Brent., Aso M•odonsld, Mies eau f"
Lenity and preached on 'The Railroad, the Cr
the Dasthr,ad.' Mr. Lamb was asked unlock --and that children hod better' dose
to announce this, and be did it, as did I read the r0 than to be 'mowed round Ito pay
both the weekly papers ; our emigres*. the street on Sunday. Mt. ftaI eidson Gover
1,. •n was very small that night. Mr I, remarked that uur children must be 1 '1uest t
Shorts church was 'packed.' We had an abreast the literature of the times, ' eat
older some in shortly before this, wee, 1 certain lee idem bed faded nut in the I i i
had been the ruling spirit in Bank's set:tripl light of the nraeteestb century, w vas
Chapel a country church near our town. and as for him biro, he mus', reluctantly • yard i
He was an earnest man of large means, to be sure, oppose the views of the pant- I for sl
and immediately became a power in the nr. 1 voted Witt. Mr lam'o-the other demichurch. His name was Davidson. He four against him
wool to hear Mr. hsight. Hs Mr. Lomb tine day -'.wag in June--
to my o16oe litet3boet setttat morning, and
asked the session t, grant him a few! ,.F
spoke in the hmghrt teras of Mr Short'sweek* vacation - said he was afraid he I K. B
dteaourse; gave me • rambling '•naly►u,' I wasn't quite well - that he didn't sleep I tract
he didn't feet I •• •
as he called it, of the sermon and said, so weas he usedt•,, taut
'That's the kind of preaching we ought strong- bot that was owing to the East i�
to have.' Seesdsy morning another that he had had th. weigbt of a long • the
elder came to me, and proposed at *hell, pastorate on him We Med hen to go thio
suggestion of Bro. Davidson, that we !and way $ long tiros, till he felt well I aside
sweetie; an informal •etie; of the elders. I and strong again. Teat day My heart
without inviting Mr. iamb, en talk oyer' went out towards the man 1 wanted to that
matters.' I agreed to it, and according- i gn end •ell 1' a how i loved, and trust- 1 ere
{y, that night. we re calved to, haws s 1 d,snd heuered him (he was stili young, 1 bw'1
plain talk with oar pastor. Mr. favid- a not yet forty ', bat L didn't He did look l
ton volunteered to the talking i had my 1 pale, and thin, and worn, and weary ,and ' 1
doubts about the propriety of the thing, I as he went out my prayers wen' with 1 1'a
but didn't think mach about it. Mr. him. When he wag well nut of k*•nsg, 1 min
Llavidena went - i gave it as Lent it from Mr. Davidson 5114 that his late pastor at ' 1
him -ha told Mr Lamb that the church I the chapel had never asked for a vacs- 11,
was in • deplorable condition spiritually , tion. and. said he, . W1 can't afford to The
-that soothing had to be dose -that `pay kin • fall salary Welles •Acrhe is gone:
te.' I hems
we mast have larger ogrsgateons-that i wee mai I said. `
iast Sesday night was siders.e of ear i if we can't, i sate ani he shall have it, '
volt of fervor that illi Short was • •very cent, sad more besides. 1 went
ala d newly average sbslity, yet that his • out seeing the people and nod pin : °
peashing w viewerwitviewer times were 1 hundred dopers as • present. vii
t•,t a own tn were _tea world was 1 him a note with • cheek. .Kvsgo take ear
sawing es- in the glare of the s4e. 111sa children. too, if that's ant e.awth
eswnth military, the •huveb most be ash foe teen ' L get aa soave of *like; •a
abut dt els tines-peepls wast, esc esti 1 taw 1 I taw 1 plies ignore a d'ar a
Omission sae, preaching sharper than s i of water had fallen sal Veen wiped off. I gr
the De
result c
half -hr