HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-5-1, Page 1MEI
.rla its TEAR
NU* :tilos
, St, OT iLINSTTPDT niton. iemicmwam.
sass +o PILAR IN kbVA)it'K
Fit' l)A1, MAY ler, Illi.
Tits (Deo adios at Ottawa is making
• noble nt ind against th., hi ate Tome
snaj•.nty ..2 the Franchise B.U. A.1
honor 1.. the.s.
THE r• ports •1 the c.nditioa of the
tali woral sent in by o'er c••rresp.,ndenta
are % •r) f .t.•r tb:e The '.utlu..k s•. far
SS ..x• t.r... deals(.
iT now looks an 1( nstbir•at shirt of •
mi•a.lecut prevent hostilities between
EuelsmI and Ituuiw We esi,ct a
drelar.t..s of a4r tvetk day.
Tun T•,tT des trine that Ugh tag:slier
mon. national wealth le tlluateeted by
the flet that the D•onnmi n Fra,achi.e
bill ados two bemte.d paid ..ass bi.l.ises
to tits- lands .kick are airtuiy I.vu.g
Y , upon the Mspysrs' The p,ub'.ic inter
eats demand that the number of Aire
hoiden should be dituiuts!.od instead of
increased. But then, you -one, these re-
vising t.aa r•rtera will eicCuls:" its (ear ads,
the muu.y they receive ss eateries'
Cuxrc.w had an increase of population
dunng the past year •.f only 9, while
Goderich male on increase of 143 to as
numbers. The attacks of the Canton
newspaper upon Oi.d.neh wilt therefore
be men is their proper light—local
leskousy. Co der.ch increasing 143 wtnile
Clinton only added 9 moat ,mite oar
truly good cttsai Brn. Holmes feel sick.
But there ate the figures aodericb now
h as a population of .1982 to Clinton's
Ws outemend the following from the
av ultra Tury Hampton 4pelefor, to the al-
teetiun of our hysterical cnntemporsry,
tie star ''Certainly Mr. Dswdoey has
• bona gushy of the on of failure. It is
ballet ant be eimuld retire to pirate
'ififb end int some man eereoead to the
g eeersment of the Northwest ten -dories
who better understands how to deal with
Indiana, half breeds and white settlers."
Now Iet the Star open out on the Spee.
about its " rebellious rant."
"Kith refetlmim is Lite •nide from the
Masi which en dieguiEs ism ssnotimoni-
ass a,t•mporary, we have just to say
that it a sot tial/ endorsed and appro.-
o# by the Star. but by mw and journals
4 mon biases, greater hottest* and
higher character then was ever possessed
by the preseut mamag.mest of Tim Sm-
nai."—{The Goderish Star.
Ates we to understate from tha above
list tha Star has not as .imeb brims,
IaeMnsty or eharaoter as the masigwimsat,
of lots Sriwase W aro glad to ass oar
outage. tomb the saknowledgemat, and
ws bow our thanks The candor of the
older is otssmeu6Me.
'Itis Leedom Pow Pus of Mostly
bola silly artists ea the North West
rebellion, of whish the following is •
sample pass**. —
"The ridi.sltusnass of the epriaiu
begin to show itself the very etoaemt
that it is brought face to face with s y-
thiag like adequate force. The scream-
ing, shouting Indians who ' skedaddled"
te save their skies as soon as the troops
got et them, are but a type of the whole
of those that hwe bees rndus.d to join
is this moo. polities! net"
The feet that the details of the
stubborn fight at Fish f'rsek wen given
on another page of the rime issue of the
Fess Prean adds to the etuptidtty of the
• rti.1.. "The eerisaiy, shout/ma
Indians who 'skedaddled' to save their
skins as emu as the troops got a them"
is idiotic in the light of the terrible
character of the one altiss in Frday's
fight We will soon hear the foss Pres
saying that killing or woumt1iag oat
troops will make them hardy
The following s e W6octe..f f,brotia
copy of s postal card received by as m
St. Flelens
Aprio L.th,
To Hiroo sgwsl .tboe eoder.ch isentle.
men Plass di5costinse my Paper as 1
Dont wish t!n osetin.e tskiag goer paper
fA, m•ssh R-ot Act for AV I rentisis,
Your's trselly,
A. D C,eese�
St. HeLas, tint.
do we ha.. *oven to mesh &Ott Oct
ler Mr. C t 1t is may to give too
much mend and instructive literatureto
• man w) n mlweibss kismet( years
• treilly. ' and spoils "too' with ewe "m.'
As s rile illhIsasey and nppssitisa to
octad aapers.as pries*. lirn it as -
cord. Mr. A. D. C roaimds no
meg meek of the assn who spelt nigger
with mss "g. and dog with tiro.
Ao.omnts received as we go to prem
appear RI.",my The wh,:n district west
of Manitoba appears to be an armed
camp, arid the ranks of the rr`ela an
being continually augmented. Mash
anxiety is now being felt at Calgary and
Edmonton. and Quappelle is (melted
.vier the prospects of an attack. our
militia are boosting nobly.
?WADDLZ nom nix T -t 1:
Tota Star made a feeble attempt last
wises*• reply to our strictures on iso
hypocrisy is crying out against our con•
detonation in severe language of the
1) .mint on Government's bungling of
North West affairs, while at the same
tame our critic was hwpiss the coarsest
absrr up.•n the administration of lion.
t) Muwst. In the course of its reply
our West street contemporary makes the
following silly statement -
"it did receive a personal rebuke for
its .intent ravings, emit that it felt bound
to heed ; and, like a true bully, it will
.'us tote todiglatn,n to its personal in-
t areata
The Star kaftan that the abt.te tsan
absurd falsehood. Each week twee the
uprising Tao SP/ !4A:. has been fearsome
and outspoken in denouncing the is -
eatables at (Maws for permitting this
unhappy rebellion to occur. We bare
never suited oar '•todignatiun to our
personal interests," but we all know that
is the record of the Sear. Itis toturioas
f..r swalIowi.e its reel cpinions at the
beck of the little ring of Ceneervatite
self pokers who hold it in thorough aub-
jectiee. Taa SIOJI•L has more than
ones above that it is able to Woe • c. urns
tudeseadeat of 100161 party wire -pullers.
TAI Boor? L(,7 IN HURON.
The Canada Temperance Aet comes
into force in the County of Hero* to-
We regret te leave to say that it will
not start with as bier a ohmage of seems
and popelarity as was intended by the
framers of it, and was looked for by
those who helped to carry it by voles
and vote in October last.
We do not desire to unnec•earily say
one :surd word about the oondeet of the
Itemise commissioners of the Dominion
Gov.rameat for the .o.nty of Huron,
but we would not do our duty if we re-
tested from a•yit.i that they have earn-
ed for themselves the contempt and mia-
train of every lower of temperance and
every sincere supporter of the Soots Act
is this cosaty.
It was beret inteeded that the sale of
ligeor under the Canada Tempsoa.o.
Act should be put into the hands of thee,
who have up to the present time bees
selling whiskey by the glass promises-
oasly over a bar, and who are of that
*lass who, over and over again waw tha
Act was adopted is Heron, have sold
that the lis would sever bo repeated by
&nyoae who would be gives the prtvil•ee
of ea.. Thea an obs very pianos who
ware es• ossord with the lissome system
ea 010 301h of October Inst.
We are bold to say that anti' the oom-
ainisee s Int It leak out, not s single
tsan in the 10,000 rotors of Huron,Scott
Act or Anti. fancied for s single moment
that any but drsggimts would be adroit -
lid with the retail mak of ligaors for
medicinal or s•*Rsrs.estel p.rpuees
But we most snake the best nt it. Lit
*very temperance mon sad friend of pro-
rohibition Itorp his eyes and ears opus.
iaet so visiliter el the law go unwhipt td
justice. No mawkish sentiment most
sane any offender, especially if he be a
liomnmed weldor.
We trill likely be told by some timid,
half-and-half advocates of prohibition
that wt are too hard on those vedors
who were formerly in the trade —that our
so.picimts are Onjest—that we should
etre them • chases. Perhaps so, yet we
*onset hot Wier* that those who have
is the past retailed hgeor by the "hers -
to every bar -room loaIer,drunk or sober.
are sot the paresis who Afield be ea -
trusted with the spoils' sad restricted
mak of liquors under a prohibitory law.
And we believe we eorrvctly robe tem-
perance sentiment white we state that.
There is cause for disappointment, but
not for alarm. The AM ay be soete-
whet enppled by those in temporary au-
thority, yet it toms still be made a gloat
power fix good. If the temporises, peo-
ple ort faithful to their votes, avid loyal
to their opinions and to one soother, the
Scott AM esa •rsr yet be made so great
a .wenn M Mares that the banned her
root with ifs ogee enticements mad its
seductive allsrensente will sever alpha be
anythieg more than a treditiou k ties
e ,arty.
dMme Tall ntertrs Toad ar+wad ti. Matisse
Beau Taber.
If )Itat.chausen were alive cud availed
himself of the modern facilities for visit-
ing country villages and small towns. he
would be forced to hide his diminished
bead, and resign the proud pueitiml, of
champion teller of tall stories that lint
Perkins has vainly attempted to wrest
from Ilan of late years. III every elachau
there is an ..Id inhabitant whose bent
tends to harmless lying—that is, to ly
Jug whereby no one is injured, and little
harmm, is dune except to the veracity of
the story teller. Iteoentiy it was my
misfortune to hear a number of stories
patented by a local celebrity of the claw
referred to, and as misery likes com-
pany, 1 ad! endeavor to re -produce a
few of the yarns of the long -bow series,
of which I speak. The hero of the nc-
oosion is an old chap knows as "Sam
the Huntsmen," and is a weather beaten
old disciple of Nimrod. The "twisters'
bgre been gding the rounds in this see -
lion for years, but as this is only a small
corner cf Tis Sto1At'. vineyard, I feel
like giving- them publicity other than
that whicti.they have had *lutetium
THE IL`IT uttn$aa'1_
"1 er see," said the old mw to the
expectant auditors, "It wer' in the spring
of 'i,, sa' 1 wee sot biotin' deer in the
highlands ie Grey township. I wer' out
purty nigh all day. and hed poor luck,
when gittin on in the arternoon I spied
s purty tine buck. Ile got outer me
just about as soon ss I NOW him, an'
although I drowned a bead on him slick
an' quick, the blamed critter got roan'
the hill and I failed to comma' with the
sbootin' true. I followed .5 fag' as pos-
sible, bat that bock k.owed that ortary
guns wern't built for shoutin' •roan'
curves, an' be cep' a b.mpin taus' that
little hill, jilt out ov rifle Isola. I wee'
shoat ea the pis. of akin' up ia 4iggi is
wham a happy ideas struck me. Oa the
side or the path whish he war' ssrnhn'
aroun' wee a tree with a crotch whar a
stout limb sot outer it. The ideas
flashed upon m• to put the geabsrnt
inter the crotch, an' bend it so se to
stake it cures to oorrilepocd with the
hill, and tharby giv' a csrc'lar flight to
the bullet. I bent the har'l, and jidged
the curve so e'rree'lythat the hall 'twee
ms an' that thar book war' no poortec-
shun to him. He drapped at the fast
shot. Tbem's the horns of that back
what hangs over my chimbly ; I Rows
coo ov ger has seen them. Bot that
that gun event good fir annythiag bet
shnotie' roan' curves after that ; I had
to git another am fern orwry *bootie',
I ass mom' on yet lookis' Inerediow,
but trooth is stranger that bodies.
Speaking aboet spoetii tsattan, did
&nay on ger ever hear of how I
CYt'OMT a DOL•/ PareMDoa,
M coati I rums met. Well, 1'U tell
ger. It wen down that by the river
mbar Colder's is now, ea' I wer luokis'
ler big gats* one day whoa I sand a
rowed donee of plump p•ttridge a tlittle'
on a limb. Er gun wer' loaded with a
bullet, sa' for a minnit sr so I wee
bothered as ter how I could tsseee. them
doss% partridge with ere shot Atter
euprtatin' on the sabjeet, I decided how
ter wt. an' plated the gen and tired.
The bullet bit the branch them patrid*e
wee on in a kinder SLntindie'Itlt way,
as' owned • OMNI ter open in it wbish
closed semis fast artier the bullet paned
thn.agh, grippin' every one of them
down paltridee by the toes, an' holdi.'
theta las'. I imnsejitly clomb up, am'
started to out off the limb. I pet a beth;
cors awole nn than wet' •bsolootly no -
e stuary, an' that concerned limb dropped
down inter the neer that were (lowing at
the lest ov of the tree. I di dial loss so
tires k 5ttia' inter the river, ter I didn't
want flik Ise has pattridge arter
WOW ISM es not. i didn't peel of
scuta', tf tl* 1 had on a bran' row
set ov contralti that Marthy had fist mad
the weak afore, het went right fee that
br&neh whisk wer footle' down in the
middle ov the stream. i 8.61'1 got it,
and brought in ouster the Mak - . Wer'
the pattndge still on the brsnab, did yen
say i Or moires they was , bet the
gettin' ow the psttriige was sot the most
remarkable.* thi.g sever all, and I'll teff
ger what was Whoa i him nut ov tbe
river •n' get osier the bank ti legs im
my pasts, sad the Inn ed ov my gpuilaMi
wee sheik fell of trout Arte' I.apid
tb.sa o.1 they mid s saes bade seri.*, I
toll ger--four doss& is all --cel was
mem, .et o.. tins,—ea' the mean
menet reskesmd • geed ciao for trent.
amber. That's the kin' ow spot day's
torp enedlt., hay' in tike old times afters
dfide term kens inter futon, and r"osed
tie Meese*
1 ided the foregoing as saw pies .1 the
yarns tiilld by the old timer. He is only
a spos*1es of a class of men who lived
and WOW 01i and had their heing Its ovary
hamlet and village of this western sec-
tion. Ho hu mom these twisters iso
"Reis that he actually believes them to
be solid facts, and an incredulous look
or a skeptical remark doesn't worry him
in the slightest. After a11, its a plea-
sure to hear this old man manipulate the
long bow, and make the yoesgsters sigh
that it't ras not their portion to have lived
in thelilars of yorr,and hare witnessed the
perfole awes which, he alleges, he took
part i. As civ.lwtiou merman, and
as th( chariot of progress rolls on.
the storyteller of thecuruergrocery is be•
miming an historic character. Nut many
years will teepee before he will be an
.xtindt species, bat pie remarkable ex
p.rtegsss will live in the traditions of
the ssation in which he dwelt. Thom
of us who have heard bluest divers times
and is sundry places will not remember
him gs the champion (*beefier, and as
suchly, but when all that is earthly of
him bee been laid to rest ; when the
grecet''sod in the graveyard. and the
wooden tablet marks his lung home ;
whets his bright eye has bet its beam,
and his nimble ton4ue its witty way ;
whim the old mai has crossed the River
and wired the problem of the great nn -
known ; then will we throw the mantle
of chanty over his failings so lis as troth
is concerned, .rd while admitting that
he was a great stretcher, not forget that
he was • creators of odd surroundings,
a representative of the peculiar class, a
necessity of his time. And as we lova
at the date of his birth and of his deatdh,
and tek+ into account the period in
which he lived, we will usesndall feel like
saying : `Pesos to his ashes ; be lied
wilikvnt /glue " D. Midi.
T1s}u/s/.r for the first
mouth sttis ' belittled the up-
rising in he seat .ma•slb tssbioe day
atter day, het now it pets treNIosdously
"loud" heading's emir is war news. The
Spectators saint was astray in sniffing
the battle from slier.
Dt inea the past week the Prises of
Wales and his party have been doing the
north of Intend, and the expressions of
loyalty have been profuse. The loyal!
northerners have shown a little more
grass than their soetbern brethren by
proffering addresses to the Royal party
i.pLtte._ed cf decayed onions. the
Probably t
Wilt was intended as s home -grows
otbriag—is Gae(r)lie, as it were.
mew Dena avis Millan lbw Mer ambeeve
INA titlmsms Mgr.
Ws last week remarked upon the
heavy lo.s•s is bees, owing to the severi-
ty of the weather We requested net
maders to give w their experience win-
tering boss, and in response am have
nssired the following intimating letter :
Post ALms*T, April 28, 1816.
Does Sts,—The following is moms of
my expenses, with bees :—I took about
• pint of dead bees free ose eolosy this
.pial, bat the nest d the (whiny ars
doing well. They have bootleg hooey
into the hive already, and 1 thisik
get it from maple sawdust, of whish
then is an *handsaws oboe by. Th.
hive has double sides tilled between with
sawdust, sad is sheltered on all aides
except the south. I have been told this
sprint that ltd i taken off the Inner
mover on the top in the fall, and replac-
ed it by a %dict ones pad, the would
haws doss vanish better than tk.y dd.
The pad nomad absorb the moisture from
the inid., sad flows would have hese
au meld on the frames se there was.
Tours truly, T. A. HAwc)ws.
Mr. Plonks*, enrawr BMmstseh mid
Sinks streets, Oobrish, bad lest mm -
weer an aviary of le Lives .if bas. Is
the tall owe colony died, whit* led Kr.
Plunkett to maks .n ise•stiiatioe sad
he found that they bad animated their
winter store before its %preach, the
messier bong toil bot sad dry, for the
Omwen, etc, to give • supplymaster.
n he waathe to teed e bofbut
was too Ida, sad the resell is that he
hoe lest 8 colonies Mr. Plunkett W
also a kris harmer* on his groeads, sad
we treat be may have mons mesons in
that iedestry. (tom.
Ae lhnoisrtew Admin. ---It is tans
generally known, but ws haeme gond
grimed@ for making the statetammt, that
the trip of H. Silber, depety-name .d
Stephen, to the old eoewtry, (iseleiinq
France and Osrm.viy,) was .o/ takes
solely for pioneers, as missy apposed.
Rs has gone as an immigration agwt for
the Duatwi..n Oeversaent, will bo ab -
Met three a..wtb., aced rtssse►es ter his
o smium the spleedid salary of 81000 mad
.*peuesa —{ ew Batt
MsibMa l 4 oedema •1 ab• Ter? Ira Jseel7 ar
The L•oc(on .1 levrtiwr has the ("ibis •
mg account of the nicest long seises —
Ih'tawe, ApnI 28. —The House hat
hien lis •eesiun all sight, several .notion*
favoring sn adjournment having beim
voted down by the Gcvernmeat mem-
bers, who are determined of possible to
force the I•ranchise R,11 through the
House. Crowds of Ouewrvstive luemb-
en hays been bulling s riotous sad
*unwind time in the restaurant, and to-
ward morning several Dame tutu the
Hotta. shooting One insisted on stains
in his sprat and smoking a cigar, despite
despite the calls of "orderfrom the
chair. Sir Hector Ln.nge'tn• in order to
try to intimidate the Liberals into glvtnt
in, had his breakhuit brought mt.. the
Chamber, and stn it swing in h,. chair.
Sir John having tat uta:.ucu.,,,a eith
his lieutenants, Sir Hector and Hens.
Maek.naie Bowels, went off .sr!y iu the
night to bed.
(gnaws. April 28.—The House se
still in session at 2:45 p.m. It is llpotrn
that the Conservatives srrs:i4ed at thew
last caucus to take Parliameut hr the
throat and compel toe passage of the
Franchise Bi'l thnatgh the Howe ibis
week to the exclusion of ell other busi-
ness. Sir John sated in the House situs
it was his purpose to push the bill can
tenuously until tt became law. Liberal
members feel that to bane ore! the
making of the electoral WAS to the soots
of the Conservative party woes.: be tr
sign their own political death warrants
There are many tyrannical and objectton-
sble ft•tures in the ball, and Sir John is
determined to make it law without nit tog
the public time to beeoc• arq.atnted
with its details. The Liberal nuennbeca
WS bound 'u resist to the utmost of their
ability. The clause giving Indians +h-
are wards of the Government and de
p•ndeot upon the Government the power
to vote is r direct attempt ti., seize aeon
the seats of several Liberal members Ir.
Western Ontario, as the Government is
enn6dent it can force the Indians to as
hist them in this project. All the mura-
ing a band of Tories bed by Woodworth,
art, Clark, Wallace and Prof. poster
did tbuir utmost to howl down the Op
po•itios. Sones were sung at the loatest
oitlitottainahls, and catcall", o•sk-crow-
ing sad gismo wool failed tate tegemi-
tian to attain the purpose. The most
dia*racefnl results from the Baomkanelian
orgies indulged by Tory members were
visible throughout tea o)'saber, ani
mss oerupying high poeitioss in entail
and political circles smile disgraceful
exhibitions of themselves Seoh are the
tactics resorted to by the brute majority
to force upon Parliamsut an infernos.
It was evident from the Ration of the
M'nisteriali•ts from the outset that they
were determined not to entelatgentiy die
cum the question. bat rest the matter
hurriedly through the Howe.
The Opposition members were !greeted
with cat -calls and ell sorts of unseemly
soises when they rose to speak. A band
on the Oov*rnamt back beeebee were
organised and led by a kazoo as cbstrue-
tionista The Tory rode of the House was
a bear garden.
Nothing daunted the faithful bend on
the Opposition de narded bit the meas-
ure should be inteUigoetl daeemsad.
The onedget of the Tory o
was simply indescribable, and was an in-
sult to Parliament. The dieeassios is
now on the main aotiee. Mc Charlton
wss speaking at 3 o'clock.
L. ru. —The debate os the amend -
most to the first cense of the Ftsaehr.
Bill was eostiau•d until Weight at 10:41,
when Bit John proposed to edjosrn the
Hones if • vote was allowed. This wee
served to, when the amendment moved
by Mr. Townsend, which striates Oct the
freambise for wmpis ss relating to (las-
u►bus, isms amid by a vote 417 *10 61.
The Oswgtmwa.t'• &Mien mess ea admit -
Mon et.j est, se the deists will 000tinus
os the trot clause as before. It le very
pr,otlshk that the Government, hawking
learned that it cannot eboke off dies.. -
mon at will, may be impelled to with-
draw the bill altogether. The oapitui•-
tion of the Gov..rnaent weight is large-
ly owing to the feet that the syedinste
people are all here, clamoring for set site
dude .sslatenee, ss the estgsseles •.f this
company will not permit ionise delay.
Th. vote on the Franchise Hill furnished
the proof that Sir Jobe had given his
followers the wink te eliais&te the wo-
man suffrage clause from the bill The
Ontario Tories almost sssstssoudy voted
to remove the promisee°, while Air .: ohs
rebid M retain it. Os this, as on other
q.satioes, Sir John played a double
game. Profession to be desirous f,.r
woman fraechiee he, as Mr Pries .n•
formed the !louse• let it he uedere' ,o41
m the maces that he wield not arses t.a
adoption upon his friends
ae.ritae• soma,
All psrties(settles tisir 101. Ile en.n'M e1
tibia etre will gest • he* memos i n ser..01 i s
Nits ltet up to tie thea M man.
Mutton sals of valuable mill and faro
propertp, being composed of dote sn tr T
and 8, in the 4th coo.. i D . Immobile
of AthAeld. M Martini hotel in the v11
lag* of Dungannon, by John Kn
attelios.st, at 14 o'clock. noon . mei flet
.rdsy, the 23rd of May, 18841.
Avenin .ale of vslsaMo vd'age pr...
party, being composed of • oewber of
Les in the village of RayYead, at the
Morgan hotel, Reyfeld. by Was. Ilam
rut, sertielteer. st ten n'elkiek p tit , sn
8aterd•y. the !ted of Nay, NM
n 7.1, Look. 5, If Tbr7 Mesa wlnbI 1t Na
GIs 4.4•04. •sk.w. as as.l$riaim Seoul.
L•,xionx, April 2;.—It l,aiiiament this
afternoon, Mr. Gladstone teed* telWraw
fr•ou Sir Peter I.untaden. .Lacing that
Mr. Stephen, member of the Douad.ry
eummisson,had started for London with
claps of the tlispored nine ; •Iso w.tla a
detailed statement of all the circum-
stances attending the Iiltajdek affair.
The telegram stated that Gen, Lutudw
w ould f sward t, earl t,raov.11e s state-
ment shelving the actual position of .f
fair, as they now steed Th • g'•vernmeut
members of the house received this users
with eridast satidamion.
raszsT ASO Tau Datate .L.:etw
Valise, April 17.—Austria has warned
the Porte, sued will consider her treaties'
aith Turkey sea if the Norte allows the
be9hertnts. t., fusee the Dardwrieiles,
Turkis!i •y mpatl.y with England is he
coining more pn.ouuuced even at the
police, although .t is c :uide*e.l prudmit
tamaitsain an attitude of reserve. Kot-
withstandine the reeou:uiendstions sof
the powers resg'ecting the c:. sing of the
Dardanelles, not the slightest step has
been taker: to increase tae 'power .1 the
Porte t • guard the strait.
It is asserted that the 14,itish gnrern
meet has u,formatirr, mel ich proves be-
r'rod a doubt that Ili.marrk has herr%
urgartjg Turkey to side w;th It *eau to the
event of war.
e''n Pr4o-'..
A Pussiaa trio -of -war his s -:i• -td a1
Ftsnce has warred Turliey to maintain
neutrality in the erste ..f war
A Berhu despatch says Run:arrk r
(spewed te any mediation between gag
laid and Russia.
A Persian paper says th it a treaty lies
bsen in exists see once 18►4 entitling
[tussis to send troops through Persia
Lingo order for torpedoes have been
sent to France by the Turkish gnrern
went to addition te the orders Riven at
A Renin despatch states that the royal
families of E.igland and Itueala have
tit ered corrssp•,ndsnce 417 or. the subject
of mediation.
Fngland has ordered 318 Not'denfeldt
guns sod aitrsill us.s frog• a firm at
Stockholm. Work is going on night and
day to execute the order.
Awriculturs in many places is Sweden
is it s standstill. The fares r. sr* es-
pedite* to be plied epos for compulsory
military service to enforce neutrality os
The 1.1i wheat to flys section looks
wed, and pommies to he • good crop.
Farmers have commenced their spring
work. Dan ]torus turned the first end
on Tuesday Stet. Wtll,am Tewsiey sow-
ed one field DU Thursday,
FOOT Bat: The Colborne f•oothnll
slob played their first gime on Wedas►
day After the game • meeting was held
end the folluwine *dicers were, elected,
William Young, captain ; Ge.. McPhee,
vias -prep , Fred Blair, sec -tree, Moura
Rowell, Rethford, :'ewsley, Henn:tem
and Morrie, eomaittee.
Pe.sr Stem) —On Saturday, 18th
alt., Kamera Thomas and George Hamid
ten sawed 23 cords of staple and hooch
wood. The total time in the bush mea•
9 hours and N ametes ; time sawing 8
hours and 50 maeutss. The work was
witneNIed by Wm Robertson, Wro.
Yoesg, Jas. Howatt, and Will Stephen,
son. Wm. Teeing a...ured the woud
This is the fastest work yet recorded.
How does tote catch the Manuhester
boys 't _
— Ihttt
.dated Orphan odd hie excellent farm
of 108 tl Ie Weems Robinson, of
Ciliates. • ler. Dejdsh wees g' "►d neigh-
bor, .04 tea ere s n7 M1snk fan,.
The farmers aro Blessed with the
peasant appearance of their fall wheat,
and *rein hopes of having an excellent
prop if the emote s m i i favorable.
The Msrdoeit Bros and gang (steno
maaens), began operations last week.
They are gond workmen and hews al
ready shoo.. j: .500 work ahead for the
w amor
The old men who have not been able
te ',sitter* out during the cold winter
w at last seen beaking is the sue... ane
in front •d the blacksmith's shop taking
war news.
One night last wawa a number of out
yon* chap• paid Wm Ymtth'5 525.4
bask a vont and hal sa excellent mom
Wd! d:d.wd it up in great *hsps , snd
Imre them tale n. • stick, in a dish,
and every other soy
14wm+ unk.nwn roughs whose •pee-
t.tes were, mender titan then principles
made 1 raid on a iiisa11ty •1 sap helms*
mg to Moors Tenntann and Melanie,
aid had s feast of taffy if they are
Neel net they w,1l be amply rewarded,
as eons of Um defrsudsd gentlemen pro
poem ti Medd s e,xw•tu .,tet their eves
fair tb.er trouble
l,ssnr 'M Fnday night tan nm,
teigw begs desisted the subject Re-
eaNolen. that there ar* more miseries
ettesd.wg startled life than sisgle. Many
ISties ago *Tv 'i*ests were promoted,
a•.1 a I,•..ly interest promoted dunes
the whole debate Three motets were,
spowated 1.5 sot sea Miry. and tsar
dn.:,aeon in Neer of the unnoted mem
hwisg the m .re mus.rahl. It is to be
hoped that shoos snow* may soon bare
a chants to mike eon • of the aloersMe
yn7s4 owl ?rimy