The Huron Signal, 1885-4-24, Page 7Mk HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, A1'RI1. 24, 18& . Fun and Fancy. i Household It dons MOWN to be a little extravagant to put a three hundred doll.,r 'acetic upas • titres d.4lar woman, but it is sometimes •acuaable when it M tl.e only way of •moth•ritlg three thouseud dollars worth a in trupsr "My sun," said &o Arka,tiew a,louel of the nlormed uch,el, ''ler life alway• make it a pullt shot t. fight." "Stipp.** a ,Mall sed Ins a her, what must 1 do l' 'Feud test whether he Low t.4d the truth •.r not. If he has, asklw,wledue the ac- e cessation ; If he h•a rut, remove to aw- ,•ther neighborhood They were standing at the franc gate "Won't you comas into the !..rear and set a little while, naivete d.wr "N e, 1 think wet." replied Oware!., hesitaling- ,y. "I wish you would," the girl writ n ; "it's as fully lonesome. Mother hu Kona out, and father is utetaIrs gr. Y with rheumatism it' hi. le - es. "Kell J ;tee . I" "ked George. 1't•., teeth legs. Thea 111 cease in." 'The world is fuli of deceit," raid Mid Mr. Setaaggs, "and woman u mostly st ;he b..ttutu of it." "i know it " said ..141 Mrs. 14quaggs ; "It is after a roan {.rola a wife that he teems to practice deceit. 1f he hadn't a wife ho wouldn't :teed to say s.i touch rbaeut where he spends his evenings. Y„u are perfectly light. "It's the weenie" that citu•J the •:eoett." OId Mr. Seuaggs became very boughtf.t. Minister (t'. young man) --"I am very .lad t, tris you at church en regularly Sunday evenings. Mr. Sut.th, but 1 think you sit too near the do r to enjoy the e ervsces 11 yew like I will Instruct 11.1 sexton 1.. 1115 Tun • seal further -'- Young man -"Well, er I am etu-h • hliued to yuu, sir, but 1 like my present rawer -- eR/ demos Meads. is i.Mer the! the Meta MLitt he inured'" - !i ,lime iof !hi !tart w: txsaful breeding, ' Ise" rot • .,,e.1 mere hall.-, .041 would Albums barleLyr, implies • the /'. P•, mud the 1 NOto Papers Kurt li1M)R CALL Two cope Y1C• i.e..... ey modern .ta/d,. •,., hair brew I •,t o k. teed ach • e Moan! wait a they Tuft Loses, urns cup butter, Moe cup butter- aoC,Mtplisled by ...0 whose ptou,tuvet tl.e urs for !iei...pe.. oo•reh. How eery BOOIt�$ milk, mee.gg, tee teestrr,ulula of weds. M other heads. Uedonel R*Mhard 11. i o,•a•aderate' .,bad r,., .d the knave Cards saws of Mu rather silt err, ■hoer I5ventIeu$ old lieu ,n,sv longer. H { 1 Ir.). , f the 71i• ,..►tint :,.o,t u. uLL, 4a /ai' 8 rat'''. cm.. lira" dual a halt eons of Mentausprustluv promos have revels- ! rot, 04,„0. on tee c • o •.r. nl which Dolls sugar, nue cup raisins, one cap sweet bleu.a.d the business of pr.uttue, shod 1••e, reel.. ib u, 'awes, sires and .tats,• Toys luta, uo. t...,pe.a lul chorea, lute t.a• rrnd.rtrl bs uaue f.ulltar tllrougheot' alio sill be ie.,. , .e. to nurw then. wall epuwdul couamuu, one t.1atr,orrlul of the world, Is almost es widely keel., is w' len u•••.bt area ,...,,g01.4 103, ca,., rcdecm tw Mtc. sola, three taldeseteeduls of shorte,.nrta. the breeder ,1 , u (ileum' cows Ali•hea, I, I list •n , , ,.Mot, ware una{e "handy.' - 4. r.l' TO(' It !r lL half eup butter, half cup sweet will, two cease. deutands of lilt great bwl.eee rw milliIINNIMID WEIR! CARR No. 1. on. cup sewer,` 171. and Enr, •,t-,, 1494. a r ea : , �,n 0.11 hleveef cups oe dour, two tante...dub' of taking Could Met alWlu etbur overcome a1/ M •.se dd tads Glitters. powder,weteaapouluI of lee ea•raet, am1"1"a., and "Bnghtadr,'• It:a leu le ,Arm - w hites .1 four egg". •1w iv,. Harlon" Hever, ilia remain )u. •'lset tory ...era, bola, ant I was led Waive Calla No. 2.Two ell .near, tet lona; after it Ilan dueepsared wattsy te- take de' welch,' ago, J..o Web. beuoath 11... brick sod ar..rtar au41 payee star liar Au Awn" ju.uc.. half cup hotter, there upstiliairttufs, is sweet uteuta of ser a ltaucun: CV. it war "1 AIM $114 to sac that you t '41st piiall Wilk, two end w half cups flour, ewe veil LI ero taut 111 bcr.I Alplie :l, an int Isar cri•e.e Arlt•l, w•..t th..• 1.,1) ..r c . take • half lives !venae lilul of lemon eltr•ct, 5111(.+ of for ergs L J. C. teat. at aha rate of over teretay-oto« .e blvsh l it para .lila el•1 vane,, mud Lour Cuts.. Three cups of baht p•,u:Ads of butter • week, welt wily au ,Lit air 0,.s o cod watch1...tl:lo at ,:e prrufuls tralu"g powder uu.•. abet cow whom! blood 1. arts) [wield ill the manila I" 1*4444e•el 14.. tl...,..r, comity. mon a valuable h.ru. Ei•r uuf.nca4 I "1 as. d.lude,l ,t ter.• chain, soh. 1 y deuvh ; work 111 cut, ..1 butter, enc ! quasi. .d I;round Teed w lady w auu"utrend ead • 1 1. T...• •h u, •i•1 kdcd :err, "el.. cup of auger, rue cup *„.awns', two e;->:., to pasture red her repeated 111.415 ort u.l en :.1 .• , .:e w .act.. La ora•+. steel'', One tr.,el'..•nfel ••l wear dwohud til threw I glia•, aka,. at the rate of tasty-tklr.. to •au dr camas tib all on dew bath cuIu• tahleepo.ulfulr .4 milk or cream, one teacup ..f ch..fgrel raisins; spice to the taste, and let it get quite light briers lust lug, C,r,al,o; Marr h'rE.AK.-A lltlle con- tributor wu41. 1,, the Toronto fJb..,. the follewtug useful hilts :-.\ ¢prat many e.r,ks (at least the younger our. stick the fork to the middle Mf the sto•+ k 111114 turning it over; this is wrong. The fork ,Loud be inserted In the very edge, or It the fa: that encircles lit. tt'llen cutting it up, of the meek is inclined to curl, cut too:tt)-Lour And a half pounds a l.utttr plereasbuua. a week. ruark her... siurnYell. ale anaive, "You win Mut le• Jwet,cd by ileitis Fr her Ido hied E.,rons, :ad f fora ti.ae at lest d 1 cut help it," re Europa carne 1 ,,lo'aa, that un the herd marked ' Ills Holier, kiting baro awe of \lir. A. 11. U+rho matte 77t4 pound. I mareth&en the chilli gent. IN:ffines ..114.42 '•f batter In eleven menthe and live deys, and Are p ied ie cif widen a )ear A boy was ..d which was the greater hem the be,Ciuueis of the test. Here evil, hullo, anothei . finehutrs or his was superlative merit 1, r three steers• lingerie •rtfie f,r'!inxa,' lie and 'R,4ht, 1r.."s ill the Wesel ; and it dad net tad nay deer child,' said the gr•:.;ied eyes- rith Eun,tas, for rltho ill: it she hal n„ rlentr ; 'dud why is it wee,' 4.. hurt the dait¢hten that lived 4.. .•,tens tutu milk, tees g:m a 'Because )eat .'1414 Ow r rad Mr. 1)•rling bred A eranddaugiitrr, per arousal thein.' an+west the tauld. 1., threw places before pulling it n1 the 4v4nr g &tae the hl.rrf '.1 his 14reat row A 8cotctn au, who at an est:), peri d tan. With a toed tire it ought not to art', \i..let of Uarhngtou, Mir,.;, that gave 211 of he career .•lino to L•nvl lit, and, as in the 4.au ..ver twenty minutes. Never p .Muds 11 l rumors of butter m wren is pt. -freebie!!! the cis.- with folk ..f his ad.( pepper ..r salt while the steak i. fry- I day ..n her sec„od calf. This was the tiatiuualuy, aa.1 re.e.ali d an the mete.. mu, Aa theseaa.,uing araws Mut the lilted. cow Bombs, previouv'y ulentim4,,d, pod's, was at deg 1itidaitol"'c# his dying Put the steak In the even as axon as it is It is probable that great improvement sifts, vile, led ',twe •Ile tattle it •w the n est rery much. i dmf sit up iu front done, but do not shut the dour, as the •• will ere len4 lie effected in the seeable a1 lie evening, and the result was that be- meat will get hard and stiff. :pettily .l t11e lest herds through the '.,re I could reach Miss Jones she was Many ladies claim tt.at the unbleached multiptieeta n .,f the bl,e.d of the grettt- La1f way home with the loader of the Cdt•on wean tenger and is stronger than teat •uu1151.. But "many contend Ihtl• .•hair."-INew York !Word. bleached, at less cost. So they buy the 1 while average t4usnty clay lee treatly in\\ Some of the papers have a poem writ unbleached and whiten it before making 1 (Tt''ts'"1, there have bora iadividud town F ten by Deacon ,pinks, of S.tuashrtlle. p already , ) 00 t f'aye the good Desc.en : n k he rr,wederd liar 'him a. it may, there • Ib • deacon tit the w,urahvihe ,Luo h. and y d 'once a month er saw 1 .onw to \'ark a loot about and see bow matter% t•or hew could 1 denounce Its sins on m1..'tin' e, ea's there 1 didn't ire sad see the thla( it all its h11se glare. [ Louisville Cee er•Joursal. Highlands, and had ways retained a steamd atfcrtion for tit,. Lod .4 her birth. "PnMn+e• ole, Angus," .4;e .arta, "that you'll bury m• in thu Hlr a : 1 eieuld neer roe evict down here. replied the prudent AtIgo., who did slot lis4 the .'pals..d muv4uY tate body to up. A cord way to do this is to scald It id apnea it out on the anew, taking it • and reclaim: Grain on wuh day. The sr•ny. effect is pnnlueosd by scalding and balding on the line to freeze, scalding again wiiene•er the cloth became' dry. Others otp4 chloride of lime, • safe process if the elubh is rinsed in a venous supply of Mater aftrrweed • _ Slightly e,ilod white w+r.len articles, •• Toilet. wale rosettes." knitted or Cn'cl*ati'd, may be made to - - I.r,k •e well as urns if they are carefully Certain 'Kirertnited alleged enormous ruld,ed in flour. C.ver them with dour yields .4 potatoes from single wends of iced, in ort npetrtten for prizes offeree) by a C,mmrn•ial utanure e.mpany, are • edited in the termer of the hem to 'careful uultivati..n and liberal use of a *4,441 until ne atom of dour rerlatms in leadlog attract . i.igh grade fertiliser.' A sample state- the word. Of c"urns one would net crte girlish -bred stratus of Jers.y cattle eient u that 'one bushel ..f seed at this to cleanse in this way articles that are I hate Lett been drawn up..n to lmpr- .' rate would {nduoe 2,SM bushels ; and worn inert t.. the Veal%, but for shawls.I tnlerioYn herds, and one wu1rtlnduced eight bushels- the amuuat •f seed teem- aspen and ,lead curer,nis fluter answers i into Canada •..mr years a .. by 'Mr. sooty Mord per acre --would produce admirably. Sheldon 44. Stephens, of Montreal. chief - =1),464 bushels ' This .huweie la char- h• selected fr.>lu the Queen's fuze at aa:teemed by Mr. Stewart u 'an attempt Rapt* Sweet.. .\ \%uwd..or ; to this was inter added mi- red.* u- to estoTt money by false pretences ;and I other English haw. .pre • ging originally r nye criticises '!blase agrietnitur►I journals Al the last maple sugar convention in from the herd of P11:11p Laun,.ey, Ery„ whhch mislead !rade. by enmineuting (Thio nearly all present seemed P. think 1 of Berko, and inverted to the [rutted 'avorably upon such frsudulrnt facts t' cutting the h"Ie over anti matins lit ai8fates by Mr. Peter Le ('air, .d j et- Re retenwis the wna,phtcueated that by little Inger was beet, but I have tried It jW il�luosk,, \'srluunt, from whew Mr. • tricks of the trod" known 1.. gardeners two or three times and it did not lay the Siehhens pn,eured the hull Stoke Poets and A+.ruts' one tuber may be multi- , lied slowed iadetinat ly. '.A notate is • di int...Ingle ryes and platted in a bet- ted. A. the sprouts appear they ere ';lipped uhf and transferred t.. ped* and cut into slips, which are nrled in other testa, and these are planted out iu the e.rdp. In thit way many hundreds of Plants are procured. which in the aggre- gate yield the enormous quantities re- enough more sap with the latter to pay I inspection by a oosun.tur'e of tete A:adri- 4r,rteet. To clams this result .0 trine for them the tint sewn. I think tin' cru, Jersey Cattle (:,lur; gave :lee pasnds rue to any special variety or to guy pails much the best every way. 1 atr n.41 13 ounces in seven ,14ys, both of "thigh .pec'al fertiliser u a gross fraud which troubled lit all with silica wit an evapo- I tats re:uahn a„.„I fixed. It happen. at.,uld be severely rebuked.' ranee wuh partition., but used to have � that ker sire was chsely descended much with one with crimp. To get est through double lines fnnn yl r. Ihnneey's Seal meads. the silica frons the syrup, attain thn•tfb bell Rioter in Eneland, one ,. .1 wh.lse white flannel wrung tot of warm water I pins, Rioter 241, insp..rted teem there by An .tad lady carne into an Alton chair ,Ise, a larte strainer, se as to get it Colonel Hos, was the sire .4 $"rotas. car the other day ant. plumped into Due through quick. 1 cannot keep syr,p II 11!31 Mr. Th'ttuas Mal f l os - r.1 the scab. She was esidently a tirade wlth•tut crystalizing. unlessput lin Motley, traveler. The curios* constructiat lilt )� ton. Massachusetts, tinp.,rted alta cot and run genal), a. jl wits meg, wet the flour becomes dark. shake out the arti- cle still rub in dean flout until all eel is Tome%erd. Slake well and bang in the r o bread wh'Iw. ca-.4e't we 1 never r_ . Sco.t:se.l ; "%eel, 141 jest se•. 11 1 tints 1 will he nu eff.,rt spared to surpass all that ve canna rest quiet here I'll bee ye ,O$O. known precedence. re,,,.,ttd to the HielaIds. '-Lusdr- ysrch I'„ secure this end the more enter{•ris- T, nig breeder, have brought t•• America the very frees of the parent :slew'. Mr 1S- M. (terminate of raugatuct, Connect I cut, t.e,ught 1,.. less 5 tow Mall t,e.'- Newspapers and Periodicals AT !lilt-. t'(M)B MRS. H. COOKE, no.•ce•5nr W lee". rsherpard• tJ.derlch. i r.• it 1R4. _ IYI. For7 RRY'S 4'ed A D11' 1 t Gal l.lT1♦I.i.t Wi.. t.. ::standCRIFE 14.11 r4•ri:e•ntr r and to, :awees o Ia )y.err *ileum ordering lit itcostals,!flu-traliuns,pricey, de•cr4$t^+•lir and dlrect4ewls A,r ppiannne all Velstabl•, ann44 Flower aE.AS, MieLat , ale, ECFV,,,&CQ.a11i1=6 GEO. OLD GROCER a TEE WEEK : • 11 i' -. Aeneas. of retitle.. seamy. M aLiteralism r Ii.f Imp Th ..Loy, el $3 P. r Veer. TH1 rt taxi. "1' amid*. Liters., Journal.' w hl,1i Ly rrta•Iv.l up..e 11,. .,-. cilia year. &r_ ortl. by It. con.ptehet -o e table of teelteete to 1144 4Nra•renI Iret,•a . both exist alibis the • Ir. le or • • ullured Lorne, sail 0111 eadar.•r faithfully to refl.-at arta 1•mtwartse the lutea bel url. won't. Alia political ty...rearul 6 err for eta? r n USe. ler t Ins tel w Ir,14 ,tf a ens sad she.tf rens!!., 5155., 4 sere. a promlaeN.hero. The autos *Inuit U prr*esIs of the Matta tine milli tkr M'• -.-k1) Jounu,l appears le br revere et as the thing ncrde.t. sad Iedepear dent Jouraalum •r Meetly growing I• laver Iles t ha• 548,.4 • uneat1a d and pal, belle tit 1411'.,u,mU411y Tt,•' Ioersry iAlsut •1 lsa- sea. hat lag an organ "Weed to it. la belay draw. forth. Cul our else el Cohm meters et ,•un.tarlly Incrrrrui. \T,•are• tom enabled W ernftenee from tin•• to filo.. .......54 drtierf ▪ 8uc4 as 116~ tit t'u., on.•rte.Rdu• atlas. art.:Y•era,e•, aler,.• end a 1..•.s. 11.0 •..ter► of t. . , .t . lire n.. u it lure. we lir t of la o u K nese (dour -" f , W take 1 • u t rare!.. reltwWr t , mime. 45 V ✓