HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-4-24, Page 6A1 6 THE HURON SIBRAL, FRIDAY. APRIL 21, 1885 _ t_ _ -- the Poet's Corner. Tete IMO. "Pseesst arms r taw. they an Ruth mretched out te ate Nimes god sturdy. eaeesh..d white Fair •e arta Milk ba '(around arms" ea the floor. Putted up We toys. Hreaklse all wtthl• has reach. Basest.( buys. • "testa wheel • off hu cart . "Lett wheel " tau. a Kone . Hersey•s head ie ta,•ke• off tlwwys aril is tern. quick .iep'" -Forward u•*rcb' 4 retia. .OV. he curies. Had *how. Nan the tat n:. hc,l oil setts My tutus'' -huu;,ler arms' ken: at last. Nosed toy net they .less. v.,r lisle wld.rr toy t:r 110 quarlrrt riee. 1.\rml and Navy Jearnal. t.irl. Motet tea Iae I4. at xat.i.t�KT rot Fuson. Now .s til...• time. must women say. to wrestle With stutAlt,1u nails *ad horrid, headless trick.; Vete Mega Ilt.ys should sever g• threu;l life mt- istiwf to be always b„rrowiug other pem I. pie's beanie- There are moue thiuss they should bud out f..r themselves. There is surreys something waning to be fount out. Every ley sM.uki think some thought that shall live alter him. A farmer's boy should discover for hum- soli what timber will beer the sent weight. which N the most elastic, what will last hugest in the water, what out of water, what is the best time to out dean Ira• fur firewood. How maty Inuits of oak grow ID your region, mid what is each specially good (.r t How dries • bird fly without moving • uitngor a feather 1 How dues a make climb a tree ..r • brick wali 1 Is there any dif- fidence between • .leer. trash sod a hog's track ? %Cleat is u ? How tritest does it deet shed his horns, and v.hat W- eeklies 01 them .' In L. ilding • chimney, the throat •.r the fuunel 1 l$heuld it be wIJ. r st the t..p or drain in 1 'Che boys . r white horse*. Did they ever see white colt 1 I), they know 1.,111 old Lite tri. mot 1,. t0 bear reaches, and 1ltselrteat t:ra.t iHIIY fleaIF Is. toed lie rents ed in the SFRING & sUMMER with the other opgrudteut• used in the • p. kR Naska.h Piasters,the beet in the 'BT t' . way,' ha wsvt ss. '1 reaem• hat rues pleatera'wake / arsoel s S' W. market. Price 2:i mats lm Xew Goods arrived, std will be arririn, dui. - in a the Season. I can suit all as to .Material and Style. HTTG-H DTTNLOP, FASHIONABLE TAILOR_ Ierttewiemtrer Ilia• Piece- Wee emcees. neat door til, uIleak of uestre.L%$ bar *n it.aiduat that clearly illestrMa.s hu flea oral Grant's) chromate,. Whet I wa Se..resery .4 the Navy setae hue drink, ..1 the motors all Ile Iwdtrr eras. CAMS to me stool nursed to have seam rack given thew. They lido t cars shout au increase of pay, they sat•I,but they want- ed ra au v• rusk. 'I c,,oldn't du auythu.g for tnem. but they carne several limos .s v1 were rather iuportumate, a..d I tion'Iy lid H. da. i - tion o 1 theism • i. r 10 tL. *hitt, House and let theta present their ...titlol t.. President kraut ala pare.•... [Ile) told le,ta aha: they avowed, enol ur:ed for a redress el their grwraM*s lout fu:.i bly. '-\t last an old boatswain e,aa•r to the (legit, and hitching up kis ti .esere and turgint otter sM Nicees ant quid. no said : 'Ater Pintid's , 1 msn put title 'err matter *•1b y'uw:{;*n ►4vplain Now, bare 1 V - r .nett : 14 "(ail, a father. My am is a saidahtp.wn. Ile owe -entre WO. d .t: • „ear t.laservel tet ain't richt, don't y..0 we •seep•• Mrs Mar,` A Dail+y,uf Tuakb.nu0t*. Pa.,waa afi.trd for sal year. with Aeth• um and Breadline, during which time the heat pbyau:ians mold give ie. relief. Her life wee despaired uf, uuti: "1 last 1)otuber she precured s bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, when in.mrAi.te relief was telt, and by continuing its use fur a short time she was completely cer- rd, gaining In Cash ftO Ile. in a few months Free Trutt Betties' o1 this certain sure .f 311 Throat and Lung Inseams at Jas. % I4ru;t *torr. Large Bottles 11.00 t'f l n, Kitty's And all Ttlro.t and Lung clamours a daily REMEMBER MY LETTER Informing )ou that t ou ran get best Itoll Nails lot Phyactau'r err ft" startled h: rr wr►able dia•uveties. The fame ttut Us. New 1)t.ouv.ry "Art" Coteau ntphom �70er/1001k • ttarill.4 D4.revrrr. how old tate rune is when grape. first 'indeed, mid fir:.• •whom apyotmte'i aurin p*1 enta that they hove Risen up bang upo n it 1 Thur is U bird in the beat i middy 1' to die, we startling thele to realize their (caret which never builds a mrd, but e• 'The peened try. here( the M. stn *aril: x,iiw „1 duty, and examine into the lays its stir.4• in :he nest of ethyl birds. an.1 eneeurreotoi hr the Heretics he w.101 talents "4 thin wonderful that..retr. re- . d.J(It,41r, dusty .:owes4 the dusty carpi•ts, I (•en the boys tet! .:hat that bird is 1 Dat an ; 'It stn 1 rb.hl, dean t yur see, that 1 suiting to hundreds of our best l'bpsi- .t...1 boat shwa weal witu away atutsdisithey know that a hoop yitw always winds,sheuld be lensed; ion 1 W3, of 1 441.1+ CHUM @Smug it in their l••aetice. Trial wha•ka with the sun, but s lean vow always t• go onto his ship, mho h. .y 1 or•,a,ht tip h.ttle. true at .1. Wtla.,n s Drew blur,. u ,earth with mortise gaze the cracks ends winds the „then way 1 PO they auow to nbvjeneu would hoe. his ti en f*'t.er :Regular star 31.0 (d) • Comers. _ . !diet when a horse crape grass be este Jest think id :bat ' An' lie I.*• better 1'or bite of Ifoffand slyly hidden crumb: • hack toward him : but a caw eats oat• q'iart•'rs' n roes, an, tetter grub, nice fur I T. the atedNsl rr+se++sea. aN OU MANGO u*seep from coeur $ n.g(ia the arts of sped- nail tr nu se her, beeWshe hat nn u .0 fretl lure. an' all th. 81 .1111 u r mire ,,i, M away eaters. ars epee iter upper jaw sod ham to Yum to !- brdn•a ell that. See 1' P:,•ot{{ihatt.n, or Retie hem, A Phew- -•-cal :int the brise. sattesVawing has tome; licterbun. •Yes; the Pr.uJeut raid : `eel itis' plate Blumrnt Lwascl ap•.n scientific But. etr►s deal yea .las it toad is tall of t.a+rua idem 1 know it kac•s, Formulated by Professor Austin, ease quite similar t„ yours.M 1)...if Bosnia. Mama. cures 1'ulattnl- toe time. t y ii:-... Any. for dashing tiles .Ld bosun chuckled quietly, and cry . •,:d water (.'ntuurei+tt•tr . NickHeadache.Icitr- biu,1: ..r hanru s quilts and rug, and teats and Want;eis test on the lies to Nutter la the wind. ', vet poor men w that they wildly atter i• •h words asstrikr their alit* -aisaassal -dumb. 3• lime to tura the elo1.• housetop*: tam. lk•-•ause the frects. wheezy sprint has come Hut, inns, dui' .r'e de i1. t, the iiia:. Mei ca}. but 1 .•y. " V vu erase !" getter restate in peace till by and bye : Tees by degrees, art everything In order Vt!Ma .',r• grow ,.arm. mauve:h J non... Ride t1aIN I• the Caa11s array. A11 military *tatters are brought nuw- •►days touch sauce frequeutiy to the ryes and ears .d the general pgblie than was Ithe ensu formerly, asd perhaps hardly a f.uuily exists in village or town. hut �.M`e��a- srew some connect...ft with w.bwre of either•. the Regular Army, the Militia, or the Voluuteu s. During the suwutit months whoa campy .tet instrsstion are se ire quently formed, the sound of the bugle t nti!ion t., the preemies of thelt• t olien army throughout the length and breadth f the land, and the inhabitants of a Jrrns.n t,wn aro ,, the same way Con- tulually teutu..ied alt the presence of sky. 1 regular troop% by the notes of the bogie. The cabs being the came whether ad - dreamed to the volunteers in -.sup, or to the inmates of a town bares'•k, a shirt 1 explanation of them may be foetid later, • iii,. to those who frequently hear themt 1 Considering the length of a me of the •sur r reader to hear - i that there are onlyy live different notes rvprtrg [see.* esr•a14g. I played on the buds, std thought "At •s l Iv be 'oast cot•ciuded to gIle up 0111A- 1 the case, the language of the instrument ir.g.. _ i Mx -Secretary Robson. 1: is much bettor to cluatt ane apart- i is nut at all ltuttted. A !anionge with utent at a time rather than t.. have the only five words might be thi•i. tot easy to *Nand Ward. Frain a wary Taper. whole house stirred up in confusion all learn. and yet the didereu: arrangements -- at 0001. Then, in cane of casualties or thew, 'words' ('•reutencdS'• as I may all The Ham:lion Spsctuf.,r says - unexpected company, there is a chance them are endlosa it is, indeed. •very, The men who have taken up sans, to he comfortable. •l'here is nothing 1 necessary part of a soldier's training to whether ludians, halfbreeds or whites, •' 'hose who will bring to their homes .las Com.for. ..1 alike t hrlr lith and kin look or,. i , Kluw : t a . �. b , Ild iur wane of Ams go (neat And Laagry Aad all bes'ausc uneasy spring has come: ltu:. girls, don't yea do it. ¢a1L, it u:a) p use the give an alter bt:eh to rote I-..'rr gear. '1ko w c f an u d ..liter ' > sod Genre ilt . .. is Grant, 'why is pet muster of a little t .esu in Kentucky. Hr iters in a plain way, in a small house. He tea nose .old mitts, be isn't mueh in reek. His sea far eatrauk• line more thin your von (lows. Iles moa.: ye, iu Wa.Ling(tun. in the ! i nee. t house there. esti lie 11 Oaf - ruandesa b\' the natant of furnitere, and ail u . and Mole ai:encw for the Dominion, turn to. He e.u.t reioove his father J.1 1 *.tut :Fret Last Toronto front ,•$.co is a 1514,110 11 be wanted t••. Gat he doesn't watt to. The other ofd • este sevens rslsysms man-tliat's Jam Grant, you km,w- Mr. 11.All:emt, Hutch neon, Kan , gtal- saved bas 130 by a simple Trial Bottle e. vont Attacks, Natant. and Neuralgia diseases of the human syatCm. Pk.uspbatlw as slot a Medeetue• ant Hsi: Iata.esunnai:v getl.n41 .n new ¢.ani.. bp well bought that 1 ,.en stand 'hese ds bat. a Nutriment, became it contains no cuunl• and low prices. Vet; et.ble nr Mineral Potents, Opiates My snore 1s headquarters for • elebrst.sl Steel N•tl.. Narcotics, and i Stimulants, but siinp.I lye the 10-wpltatie and Gartric Elements there. very compisie sd heavy Mork of Har.twore. 1 will lir sled to show goals and quote priere. is sutlicitwt to c •murine. All Druggists and all wasting Best Steer= Yence re for B4c. per lb, both Nett Cull, an.: U.a, 1 an, 4,, lnc 20 per Cent. off Cash Sales, and 10 per Cent. off Credit Sales, found in our daily fond. A single bottpl1 dutsn't seem to care *bent the t.Ml ity in rank. I sunrise It. is glad to see Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con• Isla boy get along us the world.' Gumption, which caused him to procure •The old b +uu Looked down at the a large bottle, thatoompletely cared him. R. W. MCKENZIE Low PRICES_ c trptt and tried to bore a holm in it with when Doctors. change of climate and his, , ani hit ciirnrades laughed at hies everything else had failed. Asthma. joyously, and slapped him on the }hack Br n chtti,•. H traencs. Severe Coughs ai COME i�T D f aoa tiled alt in great Klee It was the sad t all Thrust and Lung diseases, i SEE THE BARGAINS 8111d . arn last I ever heard of Cie petition id the guaranteed to clue. Trial Bottles at J C}ROCRZES, Iettiuuers. ane mid Luein flung his Wllgo»::gdrurr.torr. Large eicr=f. idol CROCgERY WARE, quid 1:.M p* :.. 'on AS he left. Pcuhab- CIT A& WARE, more disagreeable than te have a house ' learn the language of the butte, end even are „big._ (aloha., $very via cf titans all in commotion, carpets up and cur- 1 unmusical men soon sequin it. For, in has incurred the penalty of death, •ud tams down, and everythutg us disorder, &rid there u no need of it. it is bet r.. ,ugh to hare one near, disarranged at a tune, but that is fat preferable to hay i..g it stirred up from garret to cellar, and things brought into contact that were never neighbors before. When the orad is well dried up and the weather iv arm May air and bright sun warms tae atmosphere, you can buiah your to remember the meaning of the sounds house cleaning with ease. Get your heard. whitewashing all done up, stoves clean- • ed, but not set away neem do that. There are altogether over silty differ There are plenty of damp, cold days all ent cails in constant use, but it would through the summer months when tires certainly only puzzle my readers and are indispensable for comfort and health, occupy too much apace were I t, give and it is very uupleacuit to have the half of them here. So will take the whole family huddled around the kitchen cook -stove in order to get warm. It is a Most preposterous fashion, this custom of taking down the sieves as soon as warn weather camel on, and con11uon sense would dictate the folly of such I thing if nue would only .top to think how many rainy, damp days canal dur- ing all the summer months. A little .it's would change the atmosphere of a :nom, and prevent mildew gathering on Ate wall*, Intl be conductive to health and o•mfnrt generally. :n house cleaning, neer lay out more work than you can aeoumpleh with ease 'eft re dinner it is as long as a person *err ought to devote to such hand work, 41111 by judiciously following this rule you can get through with as much work as if you had scrubbed one whole day and were sick the two following days to ,.ay for it. Another thing, $ woman *nook' never do the whitewashing, or call down carpets, or re -piper the walls, .t is not their work, and it is lar cheap- er tor • man to either hire it dens or to d0 of himself than it is to pay doctors' alb, nA1 t• take al &meant the suffering attd pain That is almost sure to follow such labor for a woman. the first place, the same "calls ' sound I can only escape that penalty by aubmis• Much about the same time each day-* Min tint and exercise of royal clemency hungry recruit, for instance. does and next. But they must nut be treated take long to reougnize the'Dt:user Bugle.' with. The Queen of Great Britian dor* nor dues the careless soldier forget the not treat with felons. When the ruing summons to extra drill, meth ss he shall have been suppressed and its lead- migh wash to do .0. The men in their era punished as the public interests die barrack rooms, too, ofteuassociate words emends, we trust that t will be found with notes of the buele sad that isa hell- possible to deal mercifully with R:et's deluded f••Ilowers. But they must be treated as individual orimin*ls,t'• whom, individually, mercy is granted. They must Dot be treated as • clans. If negotiations are opened with them -tet they are allowed to consider themselves a people .part from the rest of the Can&dian people, they will he it a posi- tion to make trouo(e until they are over- whelmingly outnumbered by the whites not only in the Northwest generally, but commonest of them, in the order in which they night be expected to occur in any one day, either in a barrack or camp; and if any one wishes for a forth- iu every district throughout t1:st rut A Rcw*an-')f one dozeu "Tusalt- bugle, he can vett bythe buy; g{ language copy of 1 theyterritory. arre encouraged tare o think than they rhyme on • t,„ .,ending til. the remarkable Nag i�rkahrle the regulation man ual.-�Casseli'aF.arily, can ext„rt terms from the government little gem fur the Teeth and Path._ Ask Magazine fur April. , by appeals to as they will cont.tyt to I appeal 1.. arms SO de.tie• as they esa for - your dru¢geat sr address e �wt..a . now d and mr •acer.t a mutPITY T1111 l'001 Dranrrta .-Poverty mew to Teals Ilse aaasighterm with perfect health is rather to be chosen than riches and dyspepsia. Try the ntaytic effect i.1 a dollar bottle of rot ?trete 0/ HgaLTH All Nereoce Debility cured by the use of Dr E. C West's Nene and Brain Treatment Seer advertisement elsewhere Sold at Wilson's drug store. (2b) Says Dryden : "She knows her man, and when you rant and area. Can draw you to her with a single hair." l;ut it mw. be beautiful hair to have such power ; aa: beautiful hair can be ensured by the use of Ct. a HAIR Rags im a l- Sold at 50 cts. by .I. Wakes 2m res.INlll leo Is lab mees- N gond, thtreughly 1 repared beekeep- er can easily care for 11M1 c"Ionoes, with no help. Except from middle of May. till July 1, he could care for 200 redone, which to do well would need to be separ- ated into two apiaries which should be at least four or five nodes apart Thus by hiring an aaristant for two or three months during the seeso'n .'f storing a good amnia could care well for 200 ,artiness in a gond bee regi•.e which abeunda in such honey•plants as white .dater, basswood. ra.pbernes.and abund• ant fall plants such as asters, thtwe.gh- worts and voldennds, it a not to much to expire as the year a avet•ave, 50 yeninds of comb honey per colony, In- creasing to double the cele tu.s This estimate is below rather titan In ozone of .hat has been secured by .our beet beekeepers. -1 Professor A. J. Cook. Tamp roomer 1 1•04. The secret of success of flurd.•eit Rood Ratters ei that it arts upon the bowels, t'te kidneys, the skin and the bleed : re- oieiveng obstructions and gay, lrting health and vigor. OM Mae etre • No ; she lingered and *offered ahem, omits( .11 the time for years. the doe- ' •term doom her no geed , end at last was 'eared by this Hop Batten the paper. much &beet. indeed ' indeed ' drew thankful we should be for that Mdicine. ". «♦tL1�•:TO�t, 1. C.. May Moth, 18&'. GLNTLCWEt-Hering been a sufferer fur a long time from nervous prostration and general debility, I wan advised ton Moustache Cups, Ladies Cups, Fancy Mugs, Maiolica Ware. try Hop Bitten. 1 have takes one but- , Vases, &c., which will be sold at COST tlr, and I have been ni idly getting bet• ter ever since, and 1 think it the best , medicine I ever used. I am now gaining STONE &C-, t&C-, !Otto_ ill., a Lenge Uwe of W_ MITC1-2=I T strength and appetite, which was ali December 1111b. 1811. gone, and I wise on despair until I tried . your Bitters I tun now well. able to td &beet ar.d do my own seri•. Before BAGAINS FCAS Laking it 1 was c ,mpletely prostrated. Mit .,ilio STUART.. Mae rhy esaas 44.14.0.. _ _ Mrs. Helen Pharviz, No. :til Dayton -- Si., Chicago 111., is now in her sixty- i AN ekl.l-INc (AT all' STOCK or eighth year, and states that she has safe fered with Consumption for about ten years, was treated by nine phyaicians,all of them pronouncing her caw hopeless. 11;4 _ Hamilton street, Ooder,rh. LOTHING H 8ke had giten up all hope of ever ream- ( AND 010(T4' FCRVSHINae Bring. Seven bottles of 1)r. King's New f a Dcured her. t,r CorsoDoubting cemplease tely op At a Greatly Reduced Price for Caah. cored her. Doubtin¢ ones, please drop her a postal and eatisfy yourselves. Call at J. Wilsons drug store and get a free THI14 1a A (:ENUINfi ANNOUN('FMOnT. trial bottle. ( 1' 'net encs Give your daughters • thorough eau- And the like principle .1: .uid apply to cotton. Teach than t: cook and pre. the settlement of halfbred claims. pare the food of the household. Teach Those people should be liberally dealt them to wash, to iron, to darn stockings, with as individuals The greater part „1 to sew on buttons, to make their own than het:. been !sberally d.eit with - dresses. Teach them that he utily lays most liberally ; and the rest of them up money whose expanses are lees than should have every a•nsideration cones - his income, and that all grow pan who teat with the public interest f1t4 they have to spend more than they receive. should have the as individuate Noth- Teach them that • calico dress paid for, rag should be dune for them as a chum. fits better than • silken one not paid for. They are Canadians just as the met of ss Teach them that a felt healthy face du- are Canadians, and there is no resale clays more lustre than fifty consumptive who they should have any AIM§ adr..t- beauties Teach theta to purchase and ages over other Canadian. tome that the account corresponds with The public reed with m great deal of tho purchase. Teach theca good cone- satisfaction the statement of Mir John moo some. self -tryst, self-help and in- Macdonald that Mr Royal had not gine d.atry. Teach than an honest mechants to the Northwest with authority from in his work drew is • better object of the government to treat with the half - esteem than a dozen haughty, fine -drew brads. Oen Middleton is the men M ed idlers Teach them gardening and treat with tk• der sets . the pleasures of natant. Teeth them, if- those who are not wader f - Ton can afford it, music, paintings, eta, need to trent ..r to be tree'. but c,reder them secondary objects only argumerta to Ire ur only. Teach them that • walk is better mast be seat front raise a than • ride in a carriage. Teach them mad noise other should b to reject with disdain all false appear. reistance ,s overoeae 1 span and to tem only 'Yes' nr 'Noshut the gates t.( mercy o in good earnest. --{From one of Mot- he can be esught he must be hanged. He signor Caped'. Sermons. was once treated with mistaken Clem - I ency that mueske must not be re- ' Cough, Cold or any Brunehical afenom. i One of tits most remarkebis sed gnti- "Pecteria," in my onininn, is jure the - feint'tsttdamts that have Aver occurred thiwg. i have used it in my family fur !in the Industrial history of Kneland was Cough.. and Colds for the past four Years reported at '!•o end of last month The wI'h the moot anvaried success, sad to• ' eedifiers ar.d middlemen .mp:oyld by flay my opinion of it is that i erwe(inue to think still more of that which I beaten thir.k,n, well of. (iso Kees, Manager Ontario Rank, Pickering. Price 25 cents at all daddi.ta m hare no d with. The I at present bold ;ns., used rill .11 or Rtel,he has ktmeelf. if Bawisa'n Tatrtwnxt. - Fut e By Christ melte o m.gel motive -power is supplied, which is far hater than any fact or .ttactt..nl in keeping society to. gether; and that is, the charity that is not easily provoked, the Ines that weeks no ill to his nengkhor To the s ent.i ves wh wsll.heing in this world. it odds the loftier hopes. the adder empisslinws• the Metter purple*. that hind the Christian man to an endless future. 1t helps him t . he • ettlsawi of this world, in teaching him that he has. eitisenahip in heaven. illiebsp)g era deb tuba to Ike dhae Cooke R Gri., of :Sheffield, tent • deputation to the mauler ,ordering a week's work for .eth•en They were well aerate. they said o' the difliculttee under witch the .:omp•ny lied labored in eon.eq.ence of the etagsallon e1 the iron trod*, and they had derided til help their employers at the marled of adverse y wheat e • ewe. ?ss•4sse*. IN THE M4)DERN KIN RACE OF ►t*M-s• a apet*mea tan ereimptfe t. heavily Mand. aid .e ilk* • man Adst- twg wish one heed tied The train tadisabled ',,eta ,n,,.,,rM ,cwt phMip*srteal fad tot arty en the ISewtal prowess. aid the ?e-tiaw of in setleeaW paralysis s .ser eastr..Mas. versose drawback to mmol workers Ras bbr pasealati Isla fele be prag�cu of i ands. e s r.Itk1m*�•. isms (h• Mo.tA tagging the ands. pal att.. .f da , a•~,,watt as awl • *.d peal sew d d t In What iw•Met• of •en••ro1l�resin* afbe 1.•,• s rea• r s rhaspmt*o awe t alaiW Ad, tee steate.wmp*� se mart* a specific r lais•am as aa.wer w.at.d. Cut any one acing us a ogee of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Batten will net speedtty Cure ? We my they cannot. as tb•,usauds oaf eases already permanently mired and who are daily re - c •amending Mortric Bitten, will �°ve. Bri¢ht's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, or any nnnary camplaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the bow- els, and act dime* on the diseased parts Eymry bnttlm,dstaranteed. For rale at 50c. a bottle by J. Wilson. [1J: • ttwrerteites MI • In thee. times when our newspapers are flooded with patent merdim1 adver- tisements, it is gratifying to know what t., procure that .i11 certainly core Ton If you an bilious. blood out sof order, liver meetly*, or te•sral debilitated, there is nothing in the world that will cure yon s. quickly as Electric Bitten. They are a blessing to all mankind, end can he had for only fifty omits . MRtle of James Wilma. [l:) • esirdeme tlllsessan• Wm. Johnsen, of Haran. Usk. , writes that his wife had been troubled with taste Nn,nehits for many years. and that all remedies rev. no pe mantesfat re- lief. i hp 'bottle King s New il.srv.very for Coughs and ('olds, whish had $ effect, and proelttced $ perwm.soSt eats. 11 et guaranteed to cure .0 diesases if Throat, i.unfs or Bro mehial Tushes. Trial battles free at .1 W ilteet'a dm doe.. laspe site $1.0& w ABRAHAM SMITH. (soder:cb. No.. 13th. ISM. LSO Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. It to 1 ups sum way wor .*1 • 1. 'FI ..1 VIM "um T • .W •it 1 1 th �7• -n ; will 1e/a • TI hI r. tate 146 Lett deo mea ape iso the 3 imS seri tee Vol • hl seal ne i.•t. •ht e. ten gt.lp4 1 he, .Cr er CHEC). ' A R.Y, CABINET - MAK ER ANI) UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich Fee 714 NM • to .p Lit tel oil '4t :t0 .e tio 41 fa Y et PI sl 11 P A p' Ii 1' _ 1 A good aasorte a•t of Kitchen. Hod -room. Meng Room and Parlor Farwitere. •s. b se • Wehainh.cane gIRnil(:y1 •' bed sumach, Maumee*, wase-Menaerat-r«dsia... N. R. A complete s sot'mast of Coffins and Shrouds always on heed alas Hearses for her at reasonable rate . Po -titre Framing a specialty.-- A call sol.citt d 131 OOTS&SHO t f 1 Beg t, arnoust.e to the Noble that they have opened business in the ab.,ve 8for in the store lately occupied by Horace Newton. Having parchaaed • large aw.l well assorted stock of Spring and Rummer Goods st dose figures, we are determine to give the Public the 'beluga. QUIOI SLIM, SIlLL PROFITS IILL BB OUR ICTTO jorPlease call and s=eam. our Rooth before purchasing elsewhere. JM'Rsmetnben the piss., next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store. pP('sdom work will receive oar special atte.tion. »Nene bet the bed of 'material maid and het -elms workmen employed. "MP -Repairing neatly done on the shorted notice (Iod.rich. March ft LSO. DOWNING & W E D D U F ART DESIGNS IN WALL PAPER Now is the time. 1t yes wish ase or t re w reads at beau". to see P51141's Teem 'sea . N 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs i se *td e.Mes, sad at primate. them eery townMemid tier ham► is (al sad rise them. Tl. aro the heat ',Moe The Sprng Bazaar Pai1es & Fahi, AT 13UTLER'$ Jel�..la`it$( x.