HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-4-24, Page 5K i TEI MeaASTHT AOI. 11. t. snewees. w wow •rets Mswtes Ole wslasawllee. t greet smrpr . was in .tore I••r the ft..use when the notices of mutton were leached. Mr. Caa►erua (Heron) las had on the hat sine early in the tusaiuu • resolution to be considered by dm House in outomittee, declaring that the liounition Lionise Aut of DWI and its atuendrueute, which have been declared I,y the Supreme Court ultra vireo, a could be suspended until a decision of the .ludiesal Committee of the Privy Council io obtatued. Sir John has h. retufore used every szpadteat to Kermit a dir•us- sion of the question, and has umaaged by one device after auutber to .toed it, Today he was bro.Rbt face to face with the subject early in the day, and finding l.r could nu looser evade tee iwuc, he t oris and made a meet enmplete and ign..- tnuon.us backdown. He asked first that Mr. Cameron should not prem the regio• luting, se be pr..p,sed to bring in a bill t.. n est the difficulty. Being asked to explain, M stated that he ezpected W have beard from England previuus t.. thio respecter t his .pplicatt for leave t.. appeal from the decision of the supreme Court. Nut having done ...,ht proposed now w ,.spend the act. Mr. Cameron said that in that west he could not have any ubjectt..'r 1,. his %roulettes paesint. Sir Jusn, fearing Mr. Osmerw would proceed with the debate, at once gave his aseeut,and the Houser *cut Into coin tuittee ,m the rewdutiint to suspend the ..,-t, a hen it was reported, and, ..rt Mu - t ion, was read • opened tame ,ad placed - • •n the order paper for a third reading tomorrow. Such a complete somersault was neter before surpassed in any Partiti- oned. At the ()psalms of the House, on the debate sea the address. Sir John sa- sailed Mr. Wake fur suirdsutiag the very action he now peoples" to take in ad- dition to this, Mr. Cwttgsn, a few days ago, in reply lot a question, asserted that the officers would go on with their duties regardless of the Suprema (:curt'. decis- ion. TM new light Sir John has ob- tained ky which he nullities the set and I.ruclaints it a lushes aseaaore and turns lois liceuw uRietds on the street. has ►.sen refloated by his followers from trutb.e, who. it is Ieseemd, •t the meta ,-anon of the Qs.bsc 1.o.ernment de- manded try susl•enswn T. day Sir. John, at Mr. Cameroon's declared Intention to go on with the resolution, made a rom- pfete surrender. and owns himself a beaten man. His canine created a rifest sensation m the Tory rank and file, and all admit that the Liberals have secured a treat victory. ilia is to a great extentOntario's vic- tory. The other Provinces in this cue atu.d up well f..r tber right'. but had it •,••t been for the sturdy defence made by tlr- Moses.* Government, Sir John would hare saeceeded In throwing the hunur Inde into confusion f• r several years. and that was the ,object he was striving for. Every temperance ratan, leen SPRING OPENiNG' H. W. BRETHOUR & CO., ��.. BRgNTFORD. =rocs C-t-oocla, si D VA V IT t: WE HAVE RECE1VED OUR Silks, MilliizG 7 an.d. Maxitles, tui -1. p:tl'l.l1.'I'il'TIO" OF THE sA?MF New Pattern Mantles, Mantle Materials and Trimmings. ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN HATS AND BONNETS. AND MANTLE MAKING. DRESS Thr amortmeat o, our Orem Iwrp.rtm tet Samples Sen/ on Application. Goods Serf Cy Mai! or Express. .-.sy be set ^. tial awl money vefuadd. Amyse/kir►••.got from std adsat_.'sc+ II13/SI, - ,'10 t 'R & Co.. Brantford. to yt.n. • waif .. 1 aD': :.tw.Y' .l:adew, with is sue , cal+:.-ee.. ee:e: •.ct owmaw. aid over) advocate of Provincial rights ..wee t.. Mr. Mowat the heartiest thank.. �� ut Chisholm haa sold about 30 acres I hu property on the north part of Klock C, near this )lace rot • soon atw()trstiest 10 sear!, IMO an acre, t• o Mr. .larvas, oaf Toronto. There are three a:res in fruit trees, ..:d u. be on. of the ,•hoicest orchards in the county. There u also a brick house and from* barn on the land. The location is a tine one. mtalL ( our boys hay been milred with a mash) h r bahing the last few days, fish hotng cauthtin great abundance. Nicholas Ausiro ha. mored mit' town, when be intends to leave bis Nmily for the summer, ..r until he (ircides ..n his . l.ocation in tar west. Mr. Austin is highly esteemed in this eeetaun of the gusty, al.d we regret Vs removal front .'dr midst Carlow. Harvey Howell has retorted from lteargoinee, Iowa Fatty RetiTsn -Albert ('odd has rent - .d the farm of Chas- Young to Lan. )fc- k'bee, fur of150s yeas. `s, Y►•. J- Ferxoso*, bolt ro• ll-)eow11 /terve-man has returned from his recent business trip to the United States. A ..wing match was held at W. Rob- ertson a last week, which wag well at- tended. Two vuung sten named Win. Robertson and James Howitt, out 20 cords of woad, in nine hours Clad Jii fire minutes, with I,.nc saws. This se the beat work ue record in able eM:IM• Ur.sUeed. Agent 11th. IO. E IIARD'NARE STORE. .TES & AGNESON AGENTS FOR - `may j�LLA:: LINE RO' A... nSTEAXBHIPft USIN-:!NTERMEDIAT%STEERAGE AT ftsnuclKn RATES. C+LZDDEN PATENT WINTER SERVICE. TWO-PIOIT ��aPo�t LfTIs:GPO'.-LONll(INItERRI -rLA6r:ow Barb - Barb S.. .no of Mall titeamers From Portland. Wire ";2'4,a:',. trws 1e,Ti.rsddarcLlah b1.9th PARIt•CA% . ... .Thuneday April tad No et.ru.er frau Portland. Apel 9th. CHE1P, ATdIINCH, ZNDZBPENSZTLT_ 8A ItNoi�eam1ASerlrvaPorIsnd. AprilEfrlath d. BARMATIAN.......... Thursday. Aprit Seth Manufactured by the tt'ashburn uowrn SI'fe l'o. lap t-eln. :eaves Ooderich on Tnea•tart at 1.190 u'cluch. Call and See us, and Inspect Goods and Prices.' Aa.:incest MrtilSteamers t I From Halifax. ANNOUNCEMENT. Tb. tadanllcaad,bashes lately returs.-d Iron, the markets, when 1 hair setra•tedwhh greet oats all the Mediae erat.Aes .w MILLINERY and FANCY GOODS, t.1•0 $(1)1 0. uF'111 ti 1.1\ AST F'�CY Ie 1....07T\TRRS fn•-.. New 1 ori a snort uotelt) ul the .sumo:. and which cannot lir surpassed for ELEC+ANCZ OF IDESIC+N. As the coming season III Europe avid eft voted Mates is to he devoted to wearing light Aur utalenal. 1 Karr tided etyrs ••sorry la maw' lag only such stilt lea as will be .suable for u1) customers, aad buutht accord mg!). and fee) satielled. with the selection of pirsu IAst Mork 14th We have oa le •tall and complete cork of ! SARIS • ATLAS . • • . • .. •. •. =1st I OLY N itFS1ANI sit h PARISIAN April Oh tIR(•AitM1A`;... tun SAHU1N1 AN 16th lath Paints, Oils. Glom Nett.. ROPE ,& t) CORD.&Q V , Et38EI.; PERMATwv...... _ ..... • May tad SZJPPLIICS. Table sad Pocket (cattery. tiee our Itt)rer `1 SALac: ttsiIleasee <lodericL oa Wednesday Platetitled,. and Artiste Materials. at 1:90 o'clock. ACHEBON Shelf and Builders' Hardware, Laces, Lace Collars, Lace ('urtain `, .Embroider - yes, Cloves, and Jt"hitc and Colored ., fit• .- lin, in Plain, Fidia'ed and ('heck that art so at sob is rogue that my etrtomers will he sell piea..•d w,th the select lea which 1 have u.adc. 1 will display full lines .semit 1k;mrimen:. 'rimmed Millinery. Flowers, Wreaths. Feathers, Lace', Lace Curtains and Glove, in Kidd, Taffata Silk, and Jersey, in all the Newest and Most Fashionable CJlorings which for Variety, Style and Quality, cannot be equalled. 1 will also aGow all the n000as ntltahle fug the season :r Fancy Art.chT. w ith pria're to suit the time.. t VEili1'(,Y1' 1\ VITF(t. BRANCH STORE AT DUNGANNON. 1 also call attention to the fact ibar 1 hate opened a It;anrh ',tor, at Ii, i.t stimuli. under the taaeagemrnt of SII$$ PII:NTI.ANIt. If revere Grading for your Wendt, you esu ?? obtain Prepaid PaaeagrTickets at lowest rates Nest door to R. McLesa'e Meat ilartt1. rOfOrbail ble from Eny. `swiss and gland, Ireland (lodericb. Anvil lMb.lelS.� pt AeTa(Norway. SPRINGi885 NEW GOODS! Our Stock Departments with New Sp D ete in all the Dopa ring Goode. We have some special lines in Dress Goods, Prints and Check Skirtings, worthy the attention of every buyer. Inepect our Stock before you make your Spring purchases. It will pay you to do so COLBORNE BROS. Godrrich. Spring 11ett Flat. Wass*. -The fail wheat is ilia vicinity hooks fairly. and if a warm show- ers nf rain tdtottld same would sues pres- eat a besatif*l appearsoce• O1trt ART•__It is sur painful duty this west to Moonrd the death of %w" o'd residents Deer the Nile,R viz., t row dMe- Knight, deo , ► an8saslre S.'ttuot.. -- The Sabbith school at Sheppardtun has been re -opened with Mr. E-klin as superintennent ►asist- ed by the Mosel .1•ohnstnn, Graha.n and Burrows, and Mr. R. iL Brown as teach- SrarlsA,-dial has opened in tight P earnest All the songsters' the grove have anwmenctd their tesledies- The bees and Airs are buzzing .beet air if it were seemeer. We b**e even heard the whippoorwill whi.tlinr the earliest we have ever rewwsiber of bearing. Now IT w t twee. .t thief ea. taught in a London eatabliahment a tire brae Nt'o,,pen's, a safe eswkunies a foostn.s with a key es i.erff'ct at • though msir one,n.11y 1..r the hock 1 he man was convicted, and hte pr'•secn tors, nut ,d cariosity. begged him to tell them how he got the kel "Nothing *osier,. he .n' replied. at k , car was like$'i, reedtMkey fid my pais we gets wtu the. saint Steerage $20.35. Or0JD RICH Liverpool, Londonderry,Glaasgs��ooW London, Queenstown, BeHhst, I Bristol, Cardiff, &c. pus T i. krtr and all Information. apply to li. ARMISTRONR Agent. Awe b dtritb. Gelder' -h. March lith. 111110. 'IP April _Int. 1,13. MRS. C. H. Ci'IRVIN, Nonk'ids thurt [louse `..mare. i oderh•h. Keep air Feet Dry! Yue ran dutbiaatater!tnni*g.•••t sty bet ue l.• r BOOTS & SHOES Sendai: cents !tr peauge. which rteill help !o Woodsou to saute tnr.nrl jigld two, Own anything else la this world. Alt. of either aw•eee4 from test icer. The i osd role to fortune speer be ref tie a if sure. At once addeeheiat: it 4 c .. A armee ame. 1911 1111 - - UO TO het [GHT'S / FOR A SHAVE," • HAI RC'P'T. SHnMIP(►(► OR DYE. TWO DOORS EAST OF 1.e0 •.....+_T tsN►ly 1' AT THE STORE OF' E. DOWNING, Crabb's $]rock,. 1 lure sow on fund ibe largest stock ever shown In GuJ.rirh, sod comprises every time .s Dally found in a Aret-.las1 shire store. from the finest ►:d. thn.ugb all the tnierm,dtate grades to the heaviest sowhtde. 1 will sell at Prices that Will Suit Everyone. Ladies' Boots, in Button or Laced, from $1.00 to $5.00. Misses and Children's Strong School Boots, from ?5c. up, Boys do., $1.00, up, all other Lines Proportionately Cheap. --"' AA. RI WAR WONDERFUL VALUE I'_— ti^:ural of Fin' !►r'arbtnnat. of ET! SPRING GOODS S .A�PC.---AT— k ts' LACE CURTAI S SAUNDERS r t F. •1 import rd di . from .og%gaol. 3.0_ DJ_ TIMOR 8t COS .-ARIFT,�1tTOlta. A + See Their Spring Suits, ode to Order, StAllllTER at Wes and MI�S,,�,.,•.,t► 'GREAT atderia. Mar. tib. 11th. 3_ O_ DFT"LO11, a c 00 - 1 can and will suit you, both in goofs aad price... E _ID O -'DCT -TNG , Cr•abb•s Bleier. Corner Rest street and Square. N.11.-1001ba seals : leather ad analogs hi say euat.t.t c, .t hoeeat1'ri.•rs- 4 Goderich Foundry and *whine Work, Runoiman Bros., Proprietors. CONTRACTS TAKEN FOR STEAM ENGINES, FLOORING MILLS. ANO OTNEA AIACMINf1T NAITO. Flouring Mills Changed to the Gradual Reduction Systein. —01r — ROBT MCLEANS,re, 11(ODUALE £IIC RETAIL SEALER 11 y,. i. r• - �Et1�B• t 4. '• I r 1 tomes were ptMnn^ la oatlest atte.atita In m7 .turf of Fancy Goods = n c_, eM" • • f etwtoYg »d met dandled• • iI [li Wall Paper, Horse Powers, Grain ('rushers, Straw Cutters, Agricultural Furnaces, Stoles, etc., .4e , at Low Pricew ehll hinds of Clisiin, s .]mile to Orill:I'. K. W. Ru\Clwa1r J. B. RCMCiMAS. Ood.tisb. Nee, IR 111 1 Itit0 Iy A god Clian to MOM. A \I1► with your uten•l' - when ha s r: w ins oof ti. has brie � ?b Beef, Tell, iutttone mb and Pork, 8auagei pec- - �rr��je.,,t(. Ay rwrl AT hick he .. t o H.* an gwnthr ' m� Mrr„pe, rain Cheapest Hoes* ender the New." iJ All N'd►' mot a Alle.l anTTA .N lintel. �NT Nest din* to Me Pogo C y r gear+ ')o.leMeb. ! Aa1(ri. b tear n Nib. 1 �F • 1tap • r ; t w as, got a Yey 1 our manager flpwloces d nay pct, he bee was ►n e`n" Ms palm, : r` r Maw's of the by A salt 's 11N palm, and takes a M. of th. safe •halo aeon ts epee , ]larul�. It1 , heTheses :Ls j� e r The noFw.-riwr, who t. about to Mks surae Important chasers in his bustard*. cow Misr* at • reedust iva for CA 160 stork of DRY GOODS! Groceries, R¢ady-made Clothioi, and Boas and Sham Call and ser for yourselves. (toots and Shoes will 1w mold et lull price. Gre- cariea will he WONDERFULLY REDUCED ! A large stuck of good Valencia retsina will be toll at 6c a lb., or 81.00 per box •f 28 lbs. Balance of stock of Ready-made Clothiag reeluced from 10 to :10 per •.tit THE ('HEAPEST SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Yni' EVER SAY Complete stock r.f Canadian and tic.dth Tweeds, $nt•li.h W”r,.te,ls and l(obhy toverenatints. TAIIAIRS on the premises, gaits made 1.• outer at 10 and up- wards. Fit guaranteed. Rees anal Girls' Clothing cut tree ..f charge, w►•s the goods are pnrcha•ed at the store of THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. t e• Rush to the front and secure bunions -ata GEORGE ACHESON THE PEOPLE'S STORE. BARGAINS ! C�-RAT 3�ARGA=N� ' I • FQI C11 -1E OR PRODLT0111- SMM THE GI-00DS MARKED DOWN_ W_ H_ RZDL�EY�, Jan. 21. 11t$& - The Peepl.'s *sew, dederiMi'