HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-4-24, Page 44
'A chtel'sameag viler IM
Aa' faith he'll mesa
TN fast slam,/ ta lookow sus... and Geo.
•,swan is still bestow .ng ,.sry attention
c Mhe .c work. Bee arwest
oss tor- $ao were•
liartTt.n site. r..r the cheapest spring suit.
as us Ishii N 1 Mae(:oeo the lore"
..sti!r i `lit and
flak* go to llaoCoru'ac at 1 1'. llcl..•n's
The wore sad runners .till proe•tl, but .e;•
lows the pbetsgraptuer. takes chiles pictures
eswn•l muskiest hie patrons happy tad coo
tooted b7 giving then. good work .• the best
tiles. R !lutow.-
t.rp.t. taken up elraned and rebid. 11i
scads of rowing deme I.o.siges trade ever.
heti mattroeses. chair*, ate.. recovered.
'1 t bargains given in picture fram.ng.
'1 .. Robertson Fist stmt.
Mtn. H. Cooke's stock of wall paper bas been
ram(utly selected and good value will be
mesa Ir. all mods. Chat your steamer! at Use
lienssc.•wo1 book depot Books and prrsenu
. rilabia for young, and old.
Great booai.ta wast pays at Imrie's t.uek
, yre. The cause or it is the ren.ark*Lly law
prices and choice design• in the pa -t.s.
till and vee thorn. whether you boy or sot.
Frisco range from 5 tronas per roll.
Mofore you commence house clawing. call
urs your
applies. A !rest, .'oo k ..t wall pater. wmdew
•.,sees, wall tfats. carpet Iiel.g. whitewash
rad balsnmine brushes. and everything:sec*
. sry for house ci.an.na. Noted s t6.• .heap -
wt house under the sun.
Pe st.!e and call at rt. t'. Rnhortsos'o Cast
• tweet waer-e you +,a get groat bargain* in
wall *per' Low prices r cbu.. a design. in
the patters, prii as range from Scra. up. You
oaa make your furn.,ore look as goof as sew.
M fretting your 'arras'. and furnit are oil at
11, l;, Rot.ertsonra
love s wmuter on the vtre.t
Dresead .n the height c1 Paoli*.
Na every garment ;s cempkte.
And no the r'.. a n.Yhin.
I'm sold. That Is..,th le brother iw'a -
Me. oee:: to Pninx•ses for hie • loth*.
1 O. 0. F. -The Oddfslluwe will meat
in the lodge nem to 10 10 seat Smoky
Wuralaf, aid marsh W VlaWtt• street
church, when • spacial aurmua will be
preached to thous by Rev. J. H. Oaesas.
The Elimville curre•puedeat of the
rimer Tiw.. thus rehire to • former
Oodeneh high ..hock bey -"Rev 1.
Medd lett for dermis os Tttieeday niers-
ing to pass his heat year, sxaminaiioa
He deserve •bunds.$ ,,gess
Our ()tool weather observer, 3. N.
Macdonald, has the following .ease. fur
the government weather statistics
"Frogs firm tint heard on the night of the
ll.t April ' This, we understand,
two days earlier than last year
13enguu,ghe t'cnrwp.ditus korfAarefer
came t., w Ia.t week tilled with gaud
Mum Crawford, Q4 Haustlten, has beer,
the guest of her begrime «radesaw bats
Crawford, the past week or two.
Tomo .w. Pnacs tsar. - The eshooaor
■irwiiy Ater hes hes penessedy
Capt. Jausw Batter from Copt A Law -
Firer Ft.owaas. --We ars indebted to
our old 'natal Julies Martin. for the
first flowers of the •eases, a pretty late
Mooch of as w drug. They showed
themselves on Freda), sad wore es the
repurturial breast '•t Moaday.
Tug At.ason Hurst_ We understated
that Mr. McBride has embodied all the
claims against hia estate, ted will eon•
tixw t.. conduct the Albion. This hotel
has for the peat year been the beet am -
ducted to town, and we eau reeoususend
things Specimens of Isaac Pitman's, it to our readers Mr. McBride will keep
It.n Pttuan's, Munson's and Grnb•m'• up the aea.mmodatiun of ob. Albin to
styles were given,and the liberal character the highest point he has yet scored.
of the magazine was fully sustained. than o.* TUB Hca. -The bees carne
out during the week. At least those of
the "little butaees" what were alive
came out. The season has been a tem
bly herd one on bees, and it is the ex-
sorption, not the rule, for a colony to
here snrrir.d the winter. We would
CUTA► Husstrusu.--The seelurthlike those of our readers who hays bees
B1r.aito' says "
-The (laeem'a hotel t•, give us their winters *slotiemoo with
omnibus and the team of horses belong- thorn.
ing tom, were purchasal by Mr. A. M. The many old comrades and friends of
Polley, of ti•denelt, the other day Inc !Dime Watson will b* pleased to hear
$175. This is ler than half their value." that after • taps. of nearly twenty years
The light seen away out in the lake at I he has again donned the soldier's oust,
sunset several days last week, was but having lust j) oined the volunteers at Re-
gina, N. W.T. , and assumed his old posi-
tion in the ranks as "right hand man of
the right sob•dteision,' and is today as
o lio.. to meet the foes of his country
as he was in '66.
Se. (lwgos'a Cet'icu.-The adjourn
ed vestry meeting of St George's church
was bold on Monday lad. Rev. P.
Owen -Jones presided. Thee M. 6nan•
cul report certified to by the audtturu
At the meeting i.f the Hamilton and
Lindon Presbyterian Syisod, hell in
Hamilton last week, Robt. McNair, son
of the late ,lames MaNair, of Guderich,
was taken tau trial fur Homme* on the al)-
! phonon of the Presbytery of London.
the reflection of the eon upon • maosof
ioe. This strange light was o.b.erved by
many .1 our citizens, who were of opin•
ion that it was a small vessel tet distress.
Naw SToat.--A)et. Munro. for many
Keep off the grams years connected with W. Kay . establish -
aunt, will shortly open out with • new
stock of dry goodo etc., in the store at
(i.orge Black, Jr., ars gme to Soncoe. ppresent occupied by Currie Bros Mr.
PANG •: °enie Meldrum is voting friends ]Ylunno Is said to be an excellent buyer.
at Exeter. Our latest exchange is the Fort Wil- ( was presented, and adopted. This was
Ms. Ileortina M.)I.cl-.n4 has reiuru- Ilam Sok.., a heads,.• weekly of twenty- I toured to be very satisfactory. This
ed to town. eight columna, edited by (' J. Stilwell. .me.,. blanks of the vestry was accord -
ed to Mr. Johu Deacon, church warden,
for his very etbcent management of the
6ttascial work of the church.
John Morrish, formerly tet Colbo►ne,
writing tom Hendrum, Miun., on April
16th, says -"i might just say here that
a severe attack of pleurisy. recent Canadian tour. At 13trathroy we hen had at extra fine winter here
Col. Roses fancily hart returned to 500 people witnessed the performance. with very little snow, and rather extra
triderah for the summer. ter. Harrison will bring • number of the early spring. as then as nearly nae -third
The bteydes are :how on the roll, and "wonders' to Godench when the new 'Voa..s.d usually the i fine rounnow, the
wheeling has beau het cis .ince Sat ur-
Miss Marls of r3rucetielJ .s the :uest
Lt Mrs. H. Co..me.
Oeorce Ache( n s new advertisement
wdl be given net: week.
Mia Alice Platt lei been laid up with
The B.'., is a very creditable weekly,
both from a mechanical and litersry
standpoint, and Fort William ought to
be proud cif t.
J. C. Harrison acted as manager to
Dudley, the fancy riding bicyclist in hia
a settle helters8he s/etrt/a Sio.1
Mr. Jamas Oree mrd, of this tears, bee
mewed • lett. j,.m his Ydsr, wbu
former Sato
lived Mee, hat is row in S•try, aaitu►a, its Gus moane of ehoh
the old geutieatsa is unmistakeable lea-
gued. pate the blame of the uprising
upua the Domiuiuu suthontis He
rays .-
"The rebellion ha• hese brought on
through mumsnagetueet of the Domin-
on usuals iu dealing with the half
breeds and lodiu.e in r.terenes to their
land, aid 'Our Government morphia.
Many et the white settlers hove aloe bees
badly treated when lookies for titles to
their homesteads, rune of their home-
steads beteg deeded to Government
favorites. Rut all them grievances du
nut make it probable to get up • rebel-
lion and to was the livor o1 s, way
man as it wen in cold blood
When or I.vw this inay end, it is hard to
say. Ono thing I do know, it will oust
the Dustinion • targe sum of money be-
sides many precious lives, not counting
the injury to the ouuntry by the hin-
drance of emigration, and putting •
damper on busmen ; for all of which
1 fear the Dointniou Government is a•dly
tu blas.. Your lit other
John was instrumental in getting up •
somp•tiy of 50 volunteers in Narrows,
where they have been dnlliug. John I swamp, a short
trounce from the tow.
was chose capteiu. He started on this it tneaaures 6 ft. 7 in. from tip to tip,
and owing to their t•eiug sore. here :a
quite a u.,velty,
Most (loon Hriterr Cots,. -,:entre
Huddle, of the 10th coo.. has a oh
aired by "Itur'eland Chien" which is ton
months old and weighs, LOGO p..un.is.
The i,. moved nut of the harbor nn
Wedaesiay, eight days later than lad
The Misses Kneed hare opened dress
and 'moil. making rooms over treorge
Aebeenn s store.
John Gentle., of Kincardine. spent •
few days its town during the week, the
guest tet A. M. Pulley.
R. McDonald, of Dunlop. leaves on
liaturdsi to repels his cubueety 11 with
the Detroit Transit C...
Mrs Spence, who hes been an invalid
rink is completed.
The river broke on Sntnrday about
six o'clock in the eveni•v. Tits ice had
raised to within a foot or two of the top
of the breakwater before the smash.
Some of the boat houses along the river
id caved in but no serious damage
seeding. in this country as • general
thing the seed to be pot in when the
land is sticky and muddy, but now It te
quite dry. Times have been rather dull
here fur some time put, but blstthtening
up lately by so much war news.'
were H. & B. Ir & I. Co. - -A meeting of
has been reported Si. far, the Huron & Bruce Loan and luy.dment
Speaking -,f Major 1). Allan, of the Co. was held Loa Friday, *Oen the fol -
Queen's t )wt., • brother of our towns- lowing directors were elected . Sir. K.
men A. McD. Allan, the lltn.ef'u rooky- J. Cartwright, Dr. Holmes, Joseph
trr:.r., says • -"The Major of the Queen'. Williams, F. Jordan, John Acheson,
Own :se manse boy, and if hel has in- sheriff Gibbons, J. H. Colborne, J.
hotted half his late father's pluck, the itobrrta, Dutiganouu, „mil W. M. Gray,
half weeds that cross his path had better Seeforth. Messrs. W. Campbell and W.
be careful. Ii Robertson were appointed auditors
for s•• many months, has tour on • not t'inners of horses are reminded that we and the meeting adjourned. The Direct -
to front.' at Krttarela are sb„win, an assortment of outs, that on met suheequently, and appointed
A. SI. 1' 'Ley has been purchaain,; cannot be beaten by any ..dice in the Home. Horton, Menaeer and M. G.
horses in the urr.•tandtuta; tun uatiipsddr- county. Before ordering your route Cameron, s Bettor, The election of
.tug the put few weeks bills for this year it would oe to your its- President and Vto. do. was deferred for
Rona. Walker, typo, left on Tuesday terest to all around and see the cuts and • full meeting of the board. This Len •wan, ,n seconding the .muss of our
L.r Yembr k.-. where he hal taken • find nut how cheaply you can have your I Cu. has been o rif*nized ..n • sound basis, teen uictah to make the town aurae -
Georg" ..m the Stiaiohi J. work done. land ie prepared to offer inducements of tor. to summer nature. Yours truly,
Getorg. (►IJ, Chas A. Nairn and 1:"bt. Sprightly oonespondenoe to alo•cal pa- ?a supenor nature to borrowers. Mr. C. stroll
McLean hare put :n telephones fes the per s a help to the people of the vicinity Horton, Mayor and ex-M.P., is a man - -- - --
teavenience of the:r owtuwn. represented. 14 advertises it above other thoroughly posted on the county and Lee WWII.
Mous Retch& and Mina Murray will sections of the country, attracts buyers with a good knowledge of finance. The ----
IeaJ Lke respect, -.,e aides at •he literary of stock. At.. front other places, and prospects of the company are bright. Mie Horton was the guest of Mies
contest t int ht at the H. S. L S. add. to the dt>in.ty and importance tet ' Helen Hillier, of (:oderieh, last week.
g the a t.. •far realer ettent then is gereatk. I The .ylvtan forest of Rosewood farm
J. Eeuefurd has returned to his limne
people q -
at Stapleton, the *lairs of the H..ro:1 cux•moolp eupl„ mash t., be the came. Bro. Altck Saunders, D. D.H.C. it for rang merry with the awing er of many
oy> it I rotes gathered for • sawing bee last irk.
Stems firma alt parte et Mama get ea w
sew. Sariaasv.
August Kossuth has pnt'chased the
faro. .•1 Peter Scott, .•oe. 11, I.4 2t/,
Turuberty, cunuuning f•0 mous fur the
auto of 81,850.
Mr. Pickard, of Wlkortun, has had
the wisf,.rtuue lose his whole stoo\ of
bees, comprising 60 hives Ti i• stated
the revere winter proved too much fur
It is currently reported that Mr. T.
G. digitate, a tumor umss..h•st ,f Lower
Wiugham is t,. occupy a prominent pool
Wm in Role new Goveniuteut fur the
North M est Territories, and his son
Wu,. H. Jackson, is acttug as Niels
Rev. Chas. Teeter. who is at present
supplying here for Res Mr Dickson, of
Eieter,has bees trst•°ierred to the Maio
tuba confenuce. The transfer will not,
however. take effect until June Nth It
is expected that the rev. geutleuiact eat
remain there until that time.
The Waugh/on Torso m Memos
Sid. Hall and Tach. C..d, .our local
1 "abo.dtate, had the zooid fortune t-,
capture a tine specimen of the American
emote ..n Monde e.entne in Mason's
mornings train April 7th$ for
with 30 of his luen,the balani to follow
if required. He will go west to the
poen. of trouble. Then are some
lediaae scattered through the part of
the somnty but they proem to be friend -
D ,.
An architect ie patten:; u-. • wind
ni.11, std w,lt roots rival the G.4M4.h
Mock Parliament.
Mum E. Taylor, of Heenan, was the
guest, of Miss M •cru. of O•rhnid, last
_ SOam1J1/s•
141-*ua4 1111•111.- On hl'mtdrty miwyt-
ing •4 last week Mr Marten, an elderly
man wh.• lives near Renmiller, started
ft r the bush to chop wood Not return
uio that .tight a search was instituted.
and on Tuesday m•rtung he was foetid
Mi an at 441,411 uncomicnooa state In •
geld by the path leading to the buaki
He haul been *truck with paralysis, and
had laid all Monday and all the might
alone. The rzpmure is said to have
ha.trnr.l his death, for he departed this
lite at 11 ',aim( .i Tuesday night. Hs
had toe chil.'!rru martial, attmt levee a
endow in poor health.
&weed s.rass
Na'• Yuax, April 20 -lien. Grant
started for a drive at o'clock. He
wallal d sun the step! unaided. As he
crafted the !aggtug he bowed and !toiled
a• a hundred hats were !•ft, -I by throe
who had aesemblud The Omuta! was
dnven to Mount St. Vincent and around
the w.rt aide of the park and back to the
ho'uee, hevinc been gone 31; minutes He
left the carriage the tot of the party,
and walked fret'y area unaided up the
.tsps int.. the house.
Naw' Yoax, Aprl 20 (general (:rant
Ss now et.n,i-ore.l bT the phy.ic.ans out
1 and we will hew an eye on them?model. He is the real .del of a draught horse. of dan.tr.
We have ratty for thankfulness to the H. Snell sold his .use year and ten a e1*M.tsdleal Reward.
Lord for heath and usher blsl.aibets months old filly for $450. -John MoonI The pub!ial.eo ,.f he•.r'y'• V .ntl.ty
J. C. CRawroso. sold three enure colts, risingtwo,fur the 0.f.,:•••:-`,..tllsaleable rrwanl to their
Mr. John Crawford. son of the writer, suua .•1 89;x0. Tbeee cult. sem alt sired o•.r fr ay.amonY winch is the fol -
of the abuse, and formerly of G.•lioricb, by the saints horse. "itoreland Chief."
. w:nl Na eta gree 8-'o U(1 b: the per
appears to W very popular in his dr.- It is intended to travel this noble etre sow telling w how test,ereusthwee•ru,
triet about the same routes' lad year. Good ba•;ni two wools each, in the New Tse-
ttr fullest' What tuwaship baa twat ta•itei:t ocriptures (nut the Revue.*
it [ter horse tleeh) alai. n by May lt)th, 188. Should
Ar Rt r -lin Wi.dnaetlay 11,41.1111g two •...r more-•.,rrect answers be received,
last our citizens heard with feelings of the reward edit tu.dioided The money
regret and pain of the death id Mrs. will be forwar•led to the •nines May
Crowell Wilson. of Wtngbsm, after 15th, 1865. Parsons trying fur the m-
overs! weeks illness, et the age •.f 7:l, war,! •..ust sen•l 20 cents in silver or
witch sad event too.; oleo at the tautly postal note., .,no postage stamps taken)
residence on Tuesday evening, The de- with their answer, for $which they will
owed lady was well known and highly receive the M(.•tiAly for June. in which
esteetned by a large circle of friends the name and address of the wuner of
here. The funeral took place at L.n- the reward end the correct answer will
don. Mr. Wilson and family have the be published. and in which several more
the sincere sympathy of the public in valuable rewards will be offered. Ad -
their bereavement. -(Times dues Rutledge Yublehrng Company,
CLINTtON STATisTtca-The nor her of rm:ye:Plane-
1 n to 1865 between 5 wd 16 are
, Yeep K usms
e he.
i -
ouaat.•u, April 23rd, 1886.
To the Mime ad The flares tune.
Sea, -It is • shame that the sod which
Gest so pouch to put down in the Court
House Park laseason, should be de-
liberately destroyed by persona making mood over itmood of going on the
gravel walks, or around by the side-
walk. At this sawn. particularly, it
should nut be trodden upon, yet, every obey moment of the day, persons be seen
going from one aide of the square tu the
other, over the grass se 1 athe c oui.al
is going to try W protect it with wire
fences. Tho will be • wholly unneces-
sary expense. A more 'Masotti "Nos -
to put around it would be the strong
aria of the law. We have a bylaw
against what is above cnmplaimed of, •
town constable and • mayor, it is the
duty of these officials to see that the law improvements The value ..f pert ,nal
u observed. Let any reason (be be property i. $30.456 as mama, $') 060
whom he nay) eh° is seen brae/111W the lad es year. Inc;ma $300 lethis yoar.
677; between 7 and 13-406; over 16
and under 21-217, s. ight increase over
1884. Valbe of real property in 1885,
$617,300. an increase .1 8165.000 .. ,: e r
hat year, and which increase is nein; to
byte", b. brought up before the mayor. The total vales of all property 86513,350
and tined, and i thunwk sush wwouill..ldrel nohet u against 853:.!,700 last year. I'. ,.ula-
...d the win lenses, hiclion 2668 as eosins' 2659 last year.
stepped over or kuoeked down. It is '1 as againet 47 last year
astonishing that there are au many of
oar satirise, who, have such hall. public Two Y tAaa IN • MAN a Mr ap - A
spirit se to insist on not observing the needk, which had been two years tis.
bylaw of which they moat be all well men's heed and was brought all the way
from Ireland. was extracted by our of
our surgeons . -u Tuesday last. It was
very much rusted. and had wandered
about considerably. from the time it en-
tered. An Irish doctor who had examin-
ed the head before the young ratan left
the "uuld son ' declared du.: tt was not
s needle at all but an "idem' that had
got into Pat's had. Pat de --hared that
he haver knew an "idea to give haat w
much trouble and pion before. and if all
the "ideas- eery Ilse that he wanted
Dons of then. H. lost the "idea" on
Tuesday last, 'r at lead his lead did, for
be went home with the "ides ran! ihly
rolled up in a pied of paper in :.is vest
pocket. He intends to send the "idea
back to the country 11 came from. as he
says, "it is not his. It belongs to a
!hetet Irish earl "--Seaforth sun.
P•nfrn Away,-Mar.y of -oar readers
will learn with regret of the death of Mr.
James the. one of the pioneers of this
county. Mr. Orr died au the 7th haat ,
at his home. S..It Spnngs, Mao ur: He
was 73 yars f age aro. had • •rely been
while p'ayiag with 104 eetw,ol-mates on ill four dep. He was nne .1 the fest
the ..boul erased. fractured his leg settlers at the townshi,, of Grey, to
enmewhat above the knits in a very un- which township he removed frum the
accountable way. Indeed, the account „f Ayr, iw the county -f Waterl•ro,
given by each of the different 'boys who where f.ir many Teen, h. carried in the
were near him at the time is r a•oflid- shoemaking h2ain.m. Ae continued
mg that it a impouible to know pus the this business after conning to th.s county
accident did happen. The hey was oar• and also engaged in farming. I. ,or
rued home and Dr. Cassady sent for who, several peau he was ppostor.aater at Mor-
in his .killful and careful manner, set ,sb.nk, north of }(russet,. His sons
and b.:und the fractured limb. The Mor -
having settled in Mi..,an, he, with the of .butsr M yuan rel to Marra itv
wiswos biMnse Apply *0£D i ART)+MAR
poor little fellow stood the Operation remainder of his fatuity removed thew 1 ]IAN. limit street. tiodertcb.
though the pun must have been about tm.. years ago. but, although hell -- -
A PL•nl•R1AT.-The tine poem "To
Malt Association baying been wound up. South Heron, will shortly visit uflitially I Over 30 cords were cut. Our jovial
Caned• wntten ,n J
1868 by the Lte R
friend, the commodore, with aures
Kennedy as mate. with the loos saw,
lett the young sawyers far in the tear, to
racing bouts
own production It certainly appear as court at Peterborough on the aeeund Mr Joh•' He tton and J. G. Clntton
if Y• Wtlmut was much in need of truck
Tuesday in June. attended the meeting of the Heron Rett
himself. Rev. P. Owen -Jones will preach to the l Act Association in Clinton last ween.
The usual fortnightly entertainment skimmings, of Godench. oldie arijourn-
of the Church of k .glwd Temperance in; in Bermuda for his health, has bean
Society. +til to greets on Monday even plagiarized by a fellow named P. W'itutnt,
ittg nett, in et. George • school house, who sent it to Truth last week as bis
at 7.30 1•. en All are cordially invited.
Stephen Yates preacaei in the Victoria
r.tsset )letbodist cbnreli os Sunday
.morning last, and Thos 1cGihicnddy .n
the evening.
H. K. Cirisfetrici, forrserly itt Cod.- ‘p„e„ten last fall. is filled with solid ice
nch, ell me accident was r, purtea in our to the mam deck. Her upper works have
f parted, lout in other respects she is in
apl.are:►tly good shape for stetting off.
Arrangements are now Being made to
haul her off se Mon as navigation areas
-fWiartoon Ecb'.
E'TerratuL Mr. .1. ('. Harrison, .1
the Goderich Roller Rink. 'intends hiv-
ing o tr cantons ,tnhmited amusement
dur ng the sutn'ner and winter seasons-
He has secured the lot on the corner of
West and Waterloo streets. in which the
old tank was situated, and is now in pro-
gress of erecting a roller rink 60 fes
wide, and 120 feet king. The building
the courts in his jurisdiction.
Bro Aleck Saunders will represent
Court (i.derich, No. 32, Canadian Order
of Foresters, at the meeting of the high
It a rep'rted that the stesnier City of
Owen Sound, that went ashore at Miehi-
last testae. died last week rum injuries
/untamed uy the fel..
Andrew Reid. carriage maker, with
Story P. roe , hoe gone to Millbrook.
Aedy is a decent young fellow, and was
weir tbuught :,f in t,•wn.
P R F. Chilton, American Consul at
tis poet. returned to, town last week.
neer • couple of months s, jou: a m
'.Vsaktngion and . tote: postts.
\fie ha.r est -.•mewed the l'hr.stmas
comber •d ,high 1ttr,•wnr s Phos ..over-. ,
,.:.till, Lrt.,. Woven shield send us
a o uethtt$ f eshtr : and we believe he
':tr" t it 5»•-.' .. .__- frill be shout. 26 high and will hese s
Q, a Fiawkise4 i rftttpet alb. High promenade at the side for spectators
school, l'en•re Groove, Ind . is visiting Re wish Mr Hatrisen success.
relations r.erratn.Ats. NIr. Haw aim is We are Yid to learn that Arch. Me -
well pieared wit:. t.e rtitrience acro G.hL:.u.{,.f ':.,derich Hugh soli, r.l, has
1 M hues. passed his t•rrllminary examineti»n for
Re,. J. H. l"•ts,t returned cwt WHI the Methodist ministry. Mr. tcKib-
Mrtlay, tanking era after his annual b n rood first utsrks in bis division,
exam We arc please•a to host than he petting over tie per cent. He attributes
,soured very R•, •d marl• crnei. et.o,,
,• tut•'n in tae High • school herr. it is
1 h a suttees t he good handling of his
hs ce:ettt Nrerr Linem. Mn. aleKilib.,n s iutentiet to matriculate
Tis expenses of the Huron Scott Amt at Vittoria (*.Liege in Jute ; and he will
As uci,t.on in the '.ate calup.i.n to this pr„hsbly start on Circuit work with the
oeentr. a'..r.1.1,; 1. a drooled st.te- conferee.:* year.
mmol ...:o.t.o•te. • '',ic cut.ver.... :. ,n
't'nesdsy, was $1,V.:' u:. The fort William B•dhe stays :-- (.epi
On Send. a Salvation Army halted I FA. '1Mcr'-t g•,r, of Goderieh, Inc memo
y i once in command of one or the other of
at the mar. et grounds. and • mtPubudr the Nor:lowest Traneprtation I.omp•ny's
assembled tr- witness the knee dull Thr
'limits an solistely .-f the firnt of Mel:regor
rare are fast rlhng on, and the meet_ {,$ C.... I'.rt Arthur, has purchased a
Ingo are r. wded nightly. - 1 (sine th.roi mtt••r*t in Moore Thorium
A palatal sccml/Int was etwtaint.d Mat Mari.. & t' , . n.w f.rry Kaksbeka, to
Il,i!.7 f.y \I: -a (' F`',02•""• she slip- ply het ween herr and Pert Arthur. and
pod and fel down stairs and boohoo tem ,rill run her nett summer. The Kaka-
arr.: to two• r:acre. remade. 14.niully to bits :s !Ie*►'• completed and will he
cerins ore of Iver thumbs. launebed at Tornio, in tume to take her
The Otter* in tut week s illtat.nf' . place Oil the o pig of nartgatton.
iV,o, A'.. -• entitled. "t% ho is Re°p+n 11' . F't' •T %Ki• It has fre•loumtly
a.t.k is 5 nth the ion -o o1 the whole hewn stated tl.st Tie,.ple in England are
papfr. "Old To werrt,w lettnit the /••'t wilraig too pay shs•'et any price hr go el
b. l .ter hits o fl the eunratioe. apples and as an exlrnmont a well
Foresters in St.. George's church •it Sun-
day, ltfay 3rd, instead of next suoday,
as •nnouuoed last week in order too avoid
conflicting with the anniversary servos
of flits Odd Fellows ob that ds
t;.deri.•b werba•Ie.'Insets nee.
(lode r.eb , April 20 1885.
A a pecal meeting of the members of
the Mechanics' Institute was held this
e vening, called fur the purpose .'f oon-
atdering the question of dosing the read
ing room. Mr. Rice, president, took the
chair, and explained the position of
affair,, ahnwt::g that in coasegnence of
the refusal of the council to make the
usual grant of 11100, the Board of Direct -
nn were unsohle to. meet the requtmusents
of the Government, and would not be to
• position to secure the next grout of
The trra•orer read • statement .haw-
ing that the board wanted $100 t.. sioeno
Inc books, in order to qualify fur asking
applicauun for next grant of 8400.
Some of the members thought the
reading nn,m ought to be free to the
public, and • fee of sl be charged for
use of library ea at present. After eon
siderable dt.cu.au n taken part its by
Menem Murney, Ball. W. it. Miller,
Strang, A. Saunders, W. It. P...bert-
son, Crabb, Alterman, Foot, Sloan. 0 .1 -
borne. Graham and others, the following
resolution was made
Moved by C Cribb, eecontied by Mr.
Foot, that we ask the town council to
reconsider the •p ilicalion of the insutote
for a grant of $100.
Moved by Mr. Miller, wooden by
Mr. Iteyn,•; l., that a committee m000 st
ing "f the pre+,dent, treasurer, se,retar7
land Joseph Williams utteni the council
nie.tine in order to mpsbe any explant
ions needed.
Moved by W. R. Roberton, seenmdei
by Mr. Moore that members be allowed
only ten miset.s time to read • paper
after they here been notified that it is
The mortify, thews a.t•..nrned.
A Ca tonne rte t'kuoOL CutLt.ats. -On
the 21st init. Jerry Dolton eight yon
old, a son of Chas. Dahnn, Aahbeld,
Nevens, a baseman on the G. T.
R., borrowed money from his sweet-
bert at Durham, a Mw Margaret Cuff,
on the strength that he would *marry
her. He then married another girl, and
the one he had oorn,wed money from
had Nevem' arrowed on a eharge of ob-
taining money under pretences. Nevem'
has hese sent t,. ga...l for six mouth,
Wow l l.MNeet. ilea Week. -
•tortes Wasted- J. Torrance.
/lei Bale rote !teat- stem Motit.
///pppuussseee ter Salo er to Iw-J.gees MMaiH.
ill. Dentist. tee sad rwMden'-e. West
al reel three doors below Bank of Montreal.
Uuderich ITS!
Tor Bale' or to Let.
Tee comms foes somber of years *cm
pled by >Yi' ('. A. Humber. for +k or to root.
Goad ore** and garden. ha partkal•n
apply to. AMID% SXAILL 1*t-tt.
jr frame • o:'ast'e n,. Macke street, with /vs
teems. kikeer.. woodshed wad stone miler.
good w0ate'Tadjoining.
a Cd ssabi i og. Two antis of as acre
WILSON. Maple sree Apply
on South street containing eight room*.
p•stry'aad k.tslea. with hard mod loft was.
App t) ., GI(ORGL M' -W %HON.
naivete. Aynl let. t>l♦•tI
r RTNT Thr homer. has three reser,
there a • good chilli/sand well no the kraals -
ea. Alen a gn•,d num, a,w for Pale. Tor par
tbannapply to II1t* lciHSi WIL,ION.draw
mtatter t', G. Newtoe'• store Goderich.
tiers, Lot til Ave. in the Maitland owe -
0( the Teter ship of Goderirh. apply
b • lstter to J. 8. !AMARA, MtteatA'rd. IMS-ef
She People's Column.
necessarily severe, and i doing as well was. l,ecuutardy, tety comfortable there,
as could be etpeeted. Sorry ow;t►e le he had been too loses truly halal Briton
reflect that there is • possibility of their to tike the American ways (Jr t, be @Mia
ratios hurt ---SCM%. fled with American itentutmos. Its
early life he enlisted ass soldier sod
served omens years in the West Indies
He was a pian of good abi:ity. extern re
knowledge, and his rental dispoaiti'n
and rare social tiu•httes made i..;n a
have but little hope of his recovery. moat agreeable companion.
Gen A Hawkins is home on a visit The village of Wroxeter was thrown
after a three years sojourn in tote Wates into a state of eintemer.t last week by
Then was no service holt in Union the audden and mysterema dieei pearanre
church lot Sunday, owing to the itnpas• of a resident named Thos. McDonald. it
appears he had been drinking during the
Port Albert.
Nelson Izzard left fur Jouit, Ili., on
Jas. Finn is seriously ill. ilia fnends
sable .tate of the nods. 1
Prsil0Nal. -Robt. McDonald eheer'ed qday and late in the evening started tet
our village with his presence os Monday. the residence of C. Willis, nn the Gor'rie
He bade gucatbye t.. his many friends, I ilii taking the beaten cath up the mill
previus to resuming hu former position pied on the snow covered ice. it is
in Detn.it. alxnst (stain that he broke thrn gh
■WrS l.na - The sprit); freshets has aka was drowned as a man named Cote!*
dyne enesidetahle deniers t., Mr. Ma- who iris on the batik of the river rap•
hatly's null property. A bre purrs.* posit* Wills says he .as awagrned In
of the mill dam, being entirely swept the night by distressing cries for help
rwap Th. river is higher, at present, from the niter, ani nn ening .to the
than it has been for yeah. The ice es door mold get no sower to his eall as
the lake neemo to be very d icily diwsin to where the sufferer was The river is
whop. Iportly open at this vont and Nis ssr.
For several days our Marl carrier s mused the missing man staggered «tf the
the only person whr has ventured the the path and fell in when the swift err
roads to travel any distsnce,and even he rent owned him under the tee. On
mem" en !sere had a hard time of it H. Ssterd sy a deligens eesr.:h wile made tea 1
I)Arrt.caot s. ('.wnplaints ars ►'. 1il km -sun fruit dealer in thio county last fall - is very faithful m the dterh•rvr o1 be Mnsidaabis lee broken. led se the pond
reads shoot the''nafe '"1 /1"1 the sett: *ii barrels nt ehoi.v, front to the old
Oro" e(ro.(s Ti. .chem' ch""" have hind (,irked, peeked in barrels made
In hr :• c LOCO
Slot --N'41-S. duty howerer, and au last Friday. NA is 1e11 d brush •ad stomps it w felt
pubbi fleck al tttd e.•ener of `I, k and el. -linter. The apple" were Baldwin. - - - . t' o village to foot Ato G"tench, and Int a seesessf"1 swarth .,raid n••( he
lora g y hatter than a flour barrel,
every °°Y• "" the vet ..
T}1e Wingtiam 1':,6fl. set. -"we
term t that W. Brophy has decided to
renti.'e to (,odeneh. the tu8ut of to
seamy retool farmers will l.e. • benefit to
the r was. se they male as a t..;r a .'e•
ttltitobk Gi1t11 of ClUitigh'
a;,p'. Ming •rarpoi in paper like ntang 1
es are received „ and kiln dried ort
chaff used as leashing fur the apple.
When this &eisompient arrived is the ,.1d
wwentry they were in prince order, and in
tem .semen,• fornt,and sold for the hand I
arm* sate al `:3 a bssrreL - New Ess
(lx 'ret Deer - List Mendel Capt
A'au Rog,. left to resume bas a,mm.nd
of his vessel. the Belie Willem. for the
season of 1AW1. KA* was lid up at
Purim( During the water he was wed
Borne at the homes of many fneeds. ee•
livening them with thrilling advantaged
on the Mee wsteresseel a1 his home Cedar
Cliff tber in •' h • ) r ' • .. :
e rry the mail. Isola ante the is melts. so the attempt
i(wrt -it le eel painfnl duty to was ah►ndneed for the present. This is
chronicle the death of no of the seise the *..unci esu r( drowning which has
residents of this place Mr. David Me- °marred here within .. a year, and the
Cosuell died at Aa reindeers hese, oe
Moodsy lest,andwas buried on Thar -
day. in the Den.annoe asmetery. Nb
kneed • M Ate of the keret siva sew
re this neighbn,heed.
JMrsmine e.rcum•tanoes whish attend
ed the 1•t ter should mak* s11 feel thank
AM that a mote etri.geat Lew a shoot t o
amiss IS IM WWI "name; the hie- r
IZ1.LLIDwishtaaatuse tin Wier
etw*derreti moa vtetnty'but 'bee tips.
V dress rad mantle us•kiwe TWAY some
i w 0w ples..d1 o tell l all .Meer Ins'store.hume wrams
tiiipreur d fa•b:r n. Mitislet RLI.ICRU. HatIt
■ e .1 ►r• r'a red up to the INh of May.
I.E fry the ere, • Ion al • sew frame ebet. -
10 replace the hn;Ming known an Iktbany
ch•ra.. ►e eptly deatn.yrd by An. Plane
Laeci! i „°tions tom ..-. n at fish hansom,
wson k Robinson's Mire. Ooder,rh, from
April tath. to May and at Josses Them
tarns prone!. t Muton. fn -in May 7th. in May
/(Nt. AN bei dere should be addr(red to
JOHN TNRRAACE, Pesters Hilo net. lett
Enw$JD RH ARMA N. sat.•anarua
and plasterer. thank• the pub: iv for tbefr
ermtlssed He is will ready to do
an week la kis f•. in a impeder maaa.r.
Neta taw theses Lsstmnfts given ter
"Hoe, eatred. H77.ly.
1Sw y- hereby va im immune r rat Iter
remNoliswtr er n 111114.he.Mro1 and
• es, the tie., statures of Ontario,
Mit 511 , r.d'ttwe and other porion haring
.rima • sittM the e!(•te et Thomaat welsh.
latent rhe ownshtp Mt Ora enmesh. 1• Ile
Oenn.y of 11 omit. Y.sm.n,d.eemed +hedte
es or about the led day of April. .t
ah t.rrehy required to red b. post
M otherwise deliver to the undersignedpAd'
,ahristra•-.I id the .stere and rtba-.• of 11.e
rami .le. stsr',d al I1.gan.mn 1', (l.. Ontaris, or
to Me..r. (iarn,w R ProodPoM.hee bolsi
rteaer,rh. bra .w before ole Ht day d Jct
ISM tr., .nrt,n*tlaern
n e. and .oleeame, ad,
Arewwa rand Avsrelp't.,e toe1.11 •particulars
M ih(ar .•mark estate meat of thea ..,,manta*,,
.rad the natnrr o!'he .e, more, tlf any) held
M thewi : end In dab W tttrrse/, Nn sale Ad
min .mratr t. w11 atter the maid tat day of
.1 My 111M. diwriburr the asset* of the .rhe 4.
Teemed t)'e parties emtb.relo
Ain i. g heard „•,Ir .n el.lrm rd wA1ittedrA .04ir.
h..• le.•n wive, r ab,r. sse.Ine, aa/
said Adrwiabtratrfa wttl rollbe lake. Inc
said mime* or any Mr ,bream, to ear
M.wyenro Ay her. et of whiner dal. rami,. sWl .n1 base
t►e Ike et lash dMrtbeseeer said btrtMset.prq as
Hated the IMS ,'a...t Avett Perk
lel It. MAItl PLt