HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-4-24, Page 2('I r",-'t ,x+ r ,aw•:tn'1t..+
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,r "'1."e^Mtewr'e...l,''wrt v; d
i." tp y, stiNF1 tlgJ"[ "`slrst fcz •ti'8&. a
wetly us his own eeauwrees -• mecum -
Mow • Tenser W.. mode.
the French conquest •f Algeria
aegutiatious for peace were entered upuu
with the sheiks .4 mortal's Atieb tribes,
mad • moaMrK tut the settlement of torah
was areaalpl te take place et the French
beadyuM Ure. The French "Toys re-
ceived their guests of the desert with
great hospitality, and a banquet was
(teen in their honor. At this the Mtauet
was tuitelded in order to damns
t r cans and captivate their simple
oiled". At its outselwioa an adjourn -
meat to a Imre hall was pruptsed. Here
M. Honshu, tike celebrated conjurer,wbo
•tx mspanied the Frisch forces, was w
pee thew as exhibition of hie skill, which
to thein seemed supernatural. They
starved IAoppa- Mora lied wonder at all this
tricks that were performed, and a feeling
(.f awe c.rvi t over thew as they saw the
mysterious appearing' and dies ops unugs
of cartons objects. lint the greatest
cartel to therm was the ■ppereut manu-
facture of cannon -brans. The cinier's
arosd awoasg theca • high hat.
;111u• they examined very crrrfuily, hist
without beteg aide to discover anything
unusual in ember ,t* make or sppanuee.
When it was returned to him, M. Houdin
placed it on the their iu the middle of the
*tags in full new .N hie audience. He
then proceeded to take from that hat
canuon balls apparently without number
. and rolled them scrum the door into the
wings. This terwuated tae performance.
The chiefs consulted among themselves,
AP%txt KISL TO LEAVE rets • eoNTar mid came to the conclusion that it was
for • while, and • lded these words, w useless to tipper enemy that could turn
far as 1 can recollect them : U you can ,wt its ammunition in w gray •manner. tion guaranteed or money refunded
succeed in keeping him out of the way They therefore signed the re iuired treaty Price only fifty cents per bottle. For
1e04.1 J♦ar.sltes Cite/ N Sark 14a•
From the CI :len New Era
The death of Mr Wm. H. May, et
this tow„, on Sunday last. removes
another of the 'master of Hurn Is
lad he is entitled to rank arsonj.( the
.cry trot settler* of this now ,aauificet,t
t osnty, he hones tees • continuous re-
•,dant Of it for 64 years. Deoessed was
toes l• London, Qy(tand, and when
t my sevenears of sats emigrated to title
to•atry with his father, who wee one of
(lasers) Bleacher, and lied teen prowl
,.t the battle of Wa!erleo, settled•en the
'ot os. the H:.n.n road, tioderich tuau-
rMp, atom! is . ,,le from this town, and
ow occupied by his son Albert. Ot
sours. rt was then • wilderness, and •.l
the hardehtps of pioneer life had t. t.e
1 rarely *edurwl. Mr. May married a
a dsuehter.'f the late Wut De. is, mid a
family .f 5 wetland 2 daughter., all but
, 0e of whom surv.se him. About ten
years alp, he moved int., town and has
needed here uolil the time of hut death.
He was a Liberal In polities, beiusr of a
Tibet, retiring diet.,.aitwn, took no act.••
part in publ.c affairs . a member of the
Mitbodut church. he died with a form
Truth in • risen ezatiour. About fifteen
yeses a$•' he Etat w 1111 an 'evident while
sing a land seller, the team running
away, and he toeing crushed between the
'rause and Teller, and fron the effect of
her accident icer never f•111 recovered.
ildr. W. Graham, of lot 14. 10th c.a.,
f Stamey, (Goshen line, died ,n Fn-
•iay. after an ill:.esaef about two weeks
Deceased was leen in county Cavan, Ire-
land, and was for years employed by
lard Both. of Dublin, as uverweer of
his domains, and afterwards removed to
YI•uchester, Fn... and was employed
as foreseen In the engraving shop of
Welfeudeu & t'tanstield, which position
:.e held for 7 years, until his retnnval
to Canada in or about the year 1838. He
assn to Hurt n and resided in the neigh-
torh,wd of Gude .ch f. r sheet 5 years,
ubaetpuet.tly moving to Stanley He
was supposed to be"ahont 96 years old
he was unmarried. and has lived alone,
`.ardly paying atte:,t.•,T1 to eve' the bare
.scevs.uee of fife. He was a mar. of
acme mans and might easily have made
hs home much more cumfertahle. had
',e been so diu1 .ard. He was a descend -
Ant of the House of )lentrose, rf Scot-
land. A !ante nu..,brr renewed his re-
mains to their testing puce, on Sunday.
Again has the d.-str•yer .f enr race
leen buy in •our t.a..i51 1 hie t:me Not
the hoary head of age, but one in the
prune.f life, in the person of Mrs N. H.
Fleming, of Manchester, at the early age
. ( 26 year'. Deceased will be lung re-
membered In our midst. for her kind
And genial dap sit.••u made her a fcvor-
te with all. 1'ensumptius marked !ser
for • victim. alter a lingering tuners,
barite with vbristun fortitude. she de -
patted the life on the Tek inst. Her
remains were iuterred in 13011'. cemetery.
trance which may account for the re-
markable iudcpeodeucy of character
which he nate dilated tbruu{{leer the
whole .•1 his after years. At the tats• of
alei en he removed to (ilaaguw, whom be
remained about thirty yearn lis IMI he
amosaiated to Caads, and ter •levan
fJern *odors the hardships d piastre
1/1• among the rebs ale[ the immes►ip of
Dalbuw:e, County d Lwrt. In 18119
be cause weetwurd and settled us. the
Thames Road, Fathoms, in which been
ship he lived till s few years age, whoa
be removed to the township nit Morris -
three of hie •ors sad ..o. -is-law hating
farms in that township. lie puaaeeed a
strong, hardy constitution, and eesrosly
knew what it was to the stet • day tw hs
lite. On Friday night, Aped 3rd, he
was seised with paralysis, tt..-o which he
never roulvered, and on the following
Sunday rite • "the spirit peacefully
took its flight '
Tia Irebblsk•p amid tkr Hasler.
Archbethop Tache, in We sworn tusti-
moey beton a Committee .4 the Howe
of Cummnna, stated that he had several
converse% with Sir John and Sir
Geerte E. l'artier. and went .n to my :
"Kut ono especially I remetuber with
Sir John. it was on the 7th of Deceit'
ber, 1871. about woe. in his ottioe. I
do not remember who begs, bat he in
suited that 1 should
.,.yt.a tl. D E PA RTU
.lf.ld••. > .... re► 1 . 434=" NEW
Wtbted with atWL u( a16i
Mounds/tie fetwale trouble for tars
nor iambi terrible and excruciating titite
rdattae .f Tits r .tt v Gleba will tr MOW
iter. l'emlearia, i /'ee wi. ISE.,. the billowsated Greet Is. tau.
sic t t tiemei LLued st+ o s one i!: IS mon.
Vu medicine or doctor could give see semM'+tbsee'ar""• t'„ri,I el t w, m
relief or cure until I used klep lament l*wry ti loos it ()cloys
.IAI.a . I t. e
error a•Loaa- a ••aa
• lis
&MN litOE Seterday keteras [Mime •
'The int bottle
Nearly cured use ;'
The second made mess well and strung
as when • ehtld.
'And I kayo bees se te this day.'
My hummed was an utrslid for twenty
years with a serious
'Kidney, liver and urinary complaint,
'Pronounced by Boston's beet physi-
' I ncenble ''
Seven bottles ofour bitten cured
bins. and I know of ah.
'Lives of eight perr,us'
In my 'eighb..rhotd that have been
saved by your bitten,
And wary wore are using them with
great benefit.
'They almost
I)u isirselw ''
lm stn. E. D. Mack.
Well Rewarded.
A literal reward will to paid t.. any
party who will produce s case of Livor,
Kidney or Stomach cowplaint that Elee-
tnc Bitten will net speedily cure. Bring
then along, it will cues you nothing for
the medicine if it tails to curs, and you
will he well rewarded for your truuble
besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious -
era. Jaundice, Constipation, and gene-
ral debility are quickly cured. Satiafac-
ora while I will make his case mine and
will carry the point. • • 1 made to
Sir John the sante observation which 1
hd.i already mads to Sir 'ieo.rge about the
necessity • f giving tome money to Ebel
( he were asked to leave the country. It
was agreed by Sir John that they would
do something abut the mance-other he
would consult with Sir George Cartier
and give we an answer afterwards. 1 got
an answer dated 27th Dec , 1d71, from
Kir John, which I produce under direc-
tion of Committee, as follows •
sap Jorge MACDONALD TO aa.'aatnHOF
rat NL
[Private and strictly oontidential.1
OTTAWA, 27th Dec., 187 1.
lily Dear Lord Archbishop, -I have
beset able to make the arrangement for
the individual that we have talked about.
I now send you a draft on the Bankof
Monter' for 111,000. I need nut press
upon Y„tar ::race the importance of the
muaey being paid to him periodically -
say monthly or quarterly, and not in a
lamp, otherwise the money would be
wasted, and our embarrassment begin
again. Believe one, Yuor (trace's
Very obedient servant,
(Signed) Jowl A MetmowatD
Our reader will regret to learn of the
death of Sirs. Jas C'ummi.g. of the 7th
ton.. of Tuckersmith, which took place
.,0 Wednesday morning, at the comps
retirely early age of Set year. The Iw-
med•ate cause of her death was :effete
.wstiou .f the ;unto. fro n which she had
been suffering for ate'ut • week, but he:
system had 'tern very notch weakened
by an aflectiou of the heart, from which
etre had suffered 1••r several years. Mrs.
1'uniciiieg ads a p.art.c.il*rly kind and
atniat•te .,..wan and was a.ncerviy be -
!tired by all who knew her, and she will
he keenly mussed the n•,ghtorht'nd
as well as by her r ton family She
laves behind :. family of eight children,
the eldest .'f whom :s sixteen and the
youngest about et: months. Mr. Cum-
ming will have the sincerest sympathy •rates, mann c$we i
of all in his very sad bereavement. Mrr. lytu. ruse a r.a. The hall breeds'.neve trial. We are not disposed to disagree
/'unitam was avot•r of Mr. Thos Ns,. 1aices are lane thing, out organised rebel- with the learned chief justice in his atric-
lana..4 Mullett ale. Mr. Alex. Nutcds, lion is another thing and must be put tures on the members .1 the government
McKillop. down an 1 Rel and other Iradrra must dung a man further Into came seems
h f
and departed to tell their friends in the
desert t1 the wonderful lower ..f the
invader -1 Harper's Magazine for May.
Tree frees la tamp.
A subscriber writes : it is only two
rears since 1 visited Pie -a -pot s reserve.
The picture d this chief doss him too
much credit. If 1 were to gine a coos
deacripti•'n .d hi• personal appearance 14 Timer are solid Ines,.
would offend the tiger sensibilities of The hest blood puritier and ayatem re-
of your readers. But Pie -a- pot is I gul.tur ever planed within the reach' .t
cleaner than most ..f thew. Thr el
laws I suffering humanity, trul a Eleetru Bit -
are a revelation, as )•„you see squaws at tore. inactivity of the 'ver, Ilihousnes
nwquendea The squaw in Pie-a-pot's , Jaundice, Conetipstion, Weak Kidneys,
reserve is chiefly dressed in a pair of . or an disease of the urinaryorgans, or
pants and plug hu. A blanket mad •) 7
shortpipe complete her turnout. The whoever repoureS an appetizer, tonic or
tnajoruy of the Crew, when 5 was there, I mild stimulant, will always find Electric
bred in tt' worst -looking teepees .r Bitters the best and only certain cure
tents you could imagine. They fed on known. They act surely and quickly,
muskrat ticou every bottle guaranteed to give entire
_ satisfaction or money refunded. Sold at
As a superh hair dressing awl rennva- fifty Dent* a bottle by J. Wilson. 141
aur Ayers Hair \,t,•r is unucer*ally Few Lire lee Iwaetlew• Weebeaed by OS
commende.l. it eradicates scurf and ea... sr ut .od tse«et»rasa. I . jOI F.. AGENT, G -OI ERIC _
dandruff, cures all eruptions arid itohines The Great German ln.igorator u the I February Mb. teas.
tale by J Wilson. ie,i
■eereser's weedy Pert.
Ihvery purchaser of common .ruse bu.tnes•
capacity. when rrewg.eiring an article for • cer-
tain purpose, purchases only that which Ito
been tried or 1. allowed to try onion buying.
You are allowed • free trial battle of McGee
gor's Speedy ('ore. the great remedy for lits
'tepee. Impure Blued and Liver I)isuruen at
(6.. Rh'nae* drug store. Sold at S0c. and SI
per bottle. Nee testimonials from persona in
your own town. 2m
t W 1st of setterrtbereby ten thoessed wtth:o the a
Ws wud to inceMar use renew 'l liberal sod nape, .dented offer.
►a oddue.le r ler siesta et •n extra ropyter two months tree.
:3.551. alert .: ea bs. ca7lM•u4 receive e`'et p Itww n1..
.1s. ,...d W euba Ween w W ias mires ln e►>• Ave 1the :ate flee.
• aidInsub•tfiwwwi re•sive••op,ot'rtil Y 1111(15 tions for ..145)e.r:roe.
.ea ural % roan: ri t ars will reeeave • ropy of Petunia), . 1.•11v tiuwa urs• year frog.
wural?esots,nitonwdlre'5.lt a up) 1 T111. !tatty U1.'..rfou 040411)4111 tor.
pg7rYui. :a •sir ribs will rice:. a • a p) " f Tile U.11 r 4.1 ons one •. sole See
t:l4c amd ices..'.,.nd w will ...gN ui b - ma5Y Ice s Iy to festa.
ts'IbsrrlM sew end weer* ureses tats .- -
,weial arrsaermen a M wetri it pnaassere tW Ode -*ant lis raw
has E7
lel.. of pod..0 .Nt.n • ( roe .• tow• k 1♦ i'• of the h::.Ln: entree
M•1...1., .u, h a., WWIlblr (5131*e, alley arrdw ate. r lis erlbl l.5. L.
Forbes. web
Mwerkey William M Mp M mesa
d..)e. orf t•s'thir purl... ttM sr
llieW Osbe,ml Misr we web, lest MMwtaa + Awraes ssstslNe pa
start. ■n. (NIpkaa ireddew, i. raw
siury' .t tea -.'1" .nlerrrt. r*t.4.••1 trlLLwatra -n G..ued hal . ,•n. 41st. d. It wdl be
ransom* .t. Tits 11.:15 eau tt'watcet ti(AM s, wiwl M.,1 LI. •. i after tar 'rut n.med
ss.v eeeto by s'Ni t rrau the puwertid ppcct ..f JI SI tl' M.i'0%. the . am
story u ev.,.plelw 56.14' maul w ea/'tt'et.t 5. L. ra•J . ' the f,wrnu no.e! l:.
alar r Howe err &!'•ars monied is the it and y o . lock
Is add .l1 1 M the ere nae or 1er.• add,tw•.A.l Ito. cis ly ...tabors
world- lt 1' t. weal u, Toa /Wet es fryer da +napier.• :,uvob Pa. h )sur.
werl4'-.r .SC R{,: t.'. 11. LIIea .lasasr Lwsieteae
Is. Al A(.Htr 1411 Qat Sr$u r*Pes IOU WLe GLOSS til t •at itrlwta.
iftereewil r,a,,,,n hand •.r..emsv.ryncrit .n .4.:..•.r)e11a1Lt ,.,torr IA ni Toe
The Rev .Inter is la.a: girl ee•-I iia. nor, twat .. Orly e i peva. le r - n tbe•eurid.
The Itev. 1' TII. M'urtie"u u. beyond,
map is always MM. practical :and an.tn•c1IVe.
This cut re preemie tie datable true•antse-Itthe he•1. Note the peaittcnof the eha,.rn
eprio g situated ie the Pad, by welch • t't•N, rANT but toy INWARD and t: PW Alit)
pr4wnrr se s the beret& w11_ the truss ... &di meted.
GEO GE RHYNAS, - Druggist,
of the scalp,pronsotes theireuewed growth only specific for impotency. nervous de -
o( the hair, *lid surely prevet.ts its fad• bility, universal lassitude. forgetfulness,
•, His (irate, the Archieehep of St, ing or turning gray. psis in the lack or odes, no matter how
Boniface. Montreal." -- - shattered the system may be from te-
nse Archbishop related also what h C
pared at interviews subsequently had and
The verdict of the jury in the con- and secure health and happiness. $1.00
with Rite), who insisted on getting more *piracy case cannot he c,onaidered as an per hoz, ale= boxes for =6.00. Re•ld by
all druggist& Sent .n receipt .f price,
postage paid, by F .1, Cheney, Toledo,
O6i.., sole rgent for United States. Cir-
culars and testimonials sent free. Sold
by Geo. Raynor, sole agent for Gude-
rich 3m :
Tate r'oa.parwry tate.
ceases of lend kind, the Greet german
will restore the bat functions
money. He stated that more was •hr • acpuiitsl of the defendants un the menta
tamed from Hon. D. A. Smith on Sir The indictment in effect charged a core.
John's order, and that Kiel having Leen *piracy to bribe certain members .f the
satiated left the country. lfgialat tire to vote against the eotern-
alet 1.It a flu. rnent ors a 5peciel resolution of want of
onnfidencc. The judge ruled that this
The Mao: has evidently sounded the' signa l d a motion of want of confidence
key note of an inheritor of the govern- actually f..rmmlated and brought before Feeing is believing. Read the testi
meat to negotiate with the rebel.. We the house. There never was such a menials in the pamphlet on Dr. Van
desire to see the troops withdrawn and res.dutien, and the rase failed oo this Buren's Kidney Pure, then buy a b.'tile
tl:e country •oieted, but we sista to re- ground. The responsibility for the mos- and retieve yourself of all those distrese-
,nark in the plainest possible terms that carriage of justice seems to rest with the , ing palm Your Druggest can tell you
we object to the attempt that u being draughtsman who prepared the indict- all about it it. Sold byJ WilsonGoderich
made to hold Impactor Crozier as the went. As it turned out the evidence
man responsible for the blood already was directed to one thing and the dei *all Hkeamfaerd.
abed -well ua to fifty lives. Rid hems, fendasts were charged with another. 1 Are you tr•nbled into Salt Rheum,
be reindicted for • Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sere :
ti.e rebel ite , and in bey/ensue it 1s.. m'of 171. serrwweu.. w. if a., at once to Geo. Rhynes Drag
tele :lie r.spois*itgii1y. It won't do to the c.napuracy.charging that the purposego
say that the half breeds rebelled, but they desired to effect is such as can be !Store and get a package .,f McGregor k
established by the evidence. 1 Parka's Carbolic Cerate. Price 25 cents.
that t. rune: was indtecn'of. Boal is the It appears ra to us that neither will have I It was never known to fail. b
:ran. He is a cuizen of the leersed i d"•
ntot'anadadoliberate- acquired much glory u the result of the For rough conditions o f the skin,
The 'rye•••'•„ saye We have to
chronicle tttis week the death of Mrs.
Bastard, wife . f \1r. -- oseph Bastard, of
the towntiiip of Stephen. at..i t two
miles from Dsahw.ud. 1 hu faultily has
suffered a sad beratememt in the lose of
an .ttect.onate, tender aid luring i* lith-
cr. who laves toeh.ud lair a large family
.f sorrowing children, some .•f whom are
very young. But this u not the only
be p•ni•hod. There must be no trifling unworthy conduct on the part o a min-
, T W. Anions, Girard, hon.. writes:
n th rebel i.•n-if the integrity of the titer tit the crown. The defendants. l neper h irate it re, Kan.. d your
cuuatry and the tnaintsnanee .4 hie and however, have no caws for exultation as
Yet- Mr. Wilkinson in his &Adre.e to Electric Bitters to my artome», they
cost • are not vindiosted
ri now the after Y give entire satisfaction and are rapid
conae ;uenets will he serious indeed. We the jun admitted over and ...'ler ,rain t0 sellers.' Electric Bitten are the poral
will have a rebellion /Leery year. The the aNreasonable afactiun of any re ahle than and hesmedicine dicine known and will t-
rbelemu•t he punished, and 11 .1 and that he .Wilkinson` had been enncerned Doa
its bei It is true that he denied the tive!y cure Kidney enc Liver complaints
Ns followers r taught that 4w is the int bribery. Purify the blend and regulate the bowels
thing to be rnai0tsined. cumlenation, or as it is called. the con. N., family can afford to be without them
If the government ate b'ainiable for 'piracy, but of his own individual liahili- They will ave hundreds o1 dollars in
their treatment .f -the half breeds, then tv for bribery there can be no doubt,- fltoct,•r's bilb every year. told at fo0cta
trouble, the father :les also in a very the people are ahle to and will punish by (Toronto World. a bottle bJ. Wilson. f3.]tomcat condition, tuffs -rine fn,w etyai},•- turning them out .f office into igiatr From L.alaad•.
la in the (see and Lend, and at times he
Shamp"•ing the head, Pimples. Erupt-
ion and Skiu Diseases. use Prof. Low s
Sulphur Scup. Int
Tb.ws.ad• nay se.
is go,te delirious M that,l/is life's de- 18107• Distant shores comes additional testi
spa :ed .f. Alas the eldest (Laughter
Iles very Ili, in fact. the !a.p'es fa her
recovery are het etas. 1 l tither
mita fa is ,f the talon:y ,.re 1,:s, suffering
.,:ore or less. bring .vile fatigued wah
.r.. --1101•14/444, l:.11 tsit:lablii.,,t-.,,.•,. -.
61111 &either • f ,syr ler:y pinneer has
depFa.ttd this life i•t the person of Mrs.
Role. MMoffitt,ut Turnberry. 1 he deces..
ell was born at Fens, Ear:at'e, Pariah,
So. Stoted, in 15:b. Fr
that paint Mrs. tiotlet sante with her and they are nut vine to stand by gator his friends. See that you get the genu- t7 of cases the fretfub,ess arises froma
birdseed and het tit.Coo, John It Md and see • pd..* a.ptaia made the wipe- „se Putrams s CentExtractor. Beware weak and emaciated e,cdition of the
ler. to 1850, t., the tit -Jewel) Valley. gW1. of mutat:ons and substitutes. body, caused by the drain on the consti-
Yew 't.ak State. Titre tri•.» later Louis Tie! is the man. ITur'•nte totem during the period of teething, or
••rile■•. trate* %alto
The greatest medical wonder the
}light all honest Grievances, held the acne u to the wot.derful merit .d the world Warranted to speealily cure
col-ern:tient re $p uumiou tut all as errors, ,only ams pop
cons 0u1
e- Putnam. Pain- Burns,Brnisea,Cuts,L Ice», Salt Rheum,
bot pun
rebels. less Cors Extractor ' Ot ee of the•' t
Louie1 lel lin raised a wececd rebel42 Fever Sores, Cancer, Piles. Chilblains',
Chemist, and Drugpiat Cannon Si CornsTetter, Chapped Hands, and all
lion, has been the cause of shedding the London, Env,. A friend traveler*; in 'ikm Eruptions, guaranr.ted to cure is
b1uud .1 f •rty to fifty citizens, has done the States ■nd Canada used Putoam'a i
war a cr
lila host W stir Vuel lnduun every instance, or money refended Ube.
Horn Praise v, aced wider& a few days boa. int Batt! by •1. wiliest. IT
against ..•aceabk settler-, iia* trpt back the owns vanished and i now ask Tee
the de eiopweut of the :il,.rthwest, and send roe • few bottles, S. Brett.- After
.w put the country to an enormous referring the letter to our English Again.,
outlay we received intimation that Mr. Brett
The people • f I'nt'tin kine all This, had ,ordered dozen for drat nbutuun arson[
Pt -VV, 414 xt'.. rl*TrrL children, err
very trying to the patience of all who
have the tare .,f them, and in the majeri-
they came int,• Commie &clot settled . n V. 01 independent'.
A Rwaeatse •Draw. the rapid growth of childhood, ,n such
the 4&1►• on the ,1L.iCa.-d. &t the point _ curs give H0III5'nx'tt Ps(s.►a.aatu
now known as NI. .to At that earl ud tie wraaserew. I hare twice written something *bout Km 141(15 according to directions, or the
1....r arm 11 .• 1 . tors 1...l riot. the - the w en who have he:d, or are hold- •dvix of your I'hynician. 2
e.ttletaest, the 1.•441 for •rveti noire east When, as l'reatdent .1 the Prnris:ou- ing, priti.'ns in the employ of the A. G11.45 Tribes*..1 trample. for n b.'• r '• :i,t 111e t. 114•e• al (:nverntnent of the Red Riser Terri- M.1. 110w Railroad (J.enpwny : but i filed
,i.g year M her boat-.• i son' two ttrtoh• t try. Riel sanctioned the execution of
en. A. mite 1019 1111: 104 44,1 the .L co•eed, 5115 0 snrern*n Scott, be turned against
along with other were suhtected 1•. the himself the Merger animosity of the
•eveieetharl.hgr and pric&to.ns in mem powerful bdii__ut wht.6 he wag n n1em-
es, Iv days. and on t!i.•ar t rvt Art '.al, in bar. Wlien katiit•ha was instituted a
the rnonth t t November, she, with Mie Province .1 the D••uu..ion, keel was me I went, took her family with her and sup -
Hamilton, now Mrs. (:leo M. Ret. slept termed so (histo• as one of its rgwwsaa- ported them. Sho taught two staters
order • wigwam .f hem!ock ',rush until Wiese. At greet risk --for Ottawa and a brother the busmen., and was
• log cabin .1 the m,.•t 1-r'mitite descrip• swatted with 4'langemen when It was appointed street At Wayzata, where she
tine c••uld lie t o.t 1'• r 'encash, r that, , biome be was coming to affix het signs- had charts of all the leanness. which in
when fairly nettled in their home, they tore to the roll 'f lerelly elected mem- the summer, with short ram trains and
could hardly call tl e r h. use their .- Ai hers - he co n e t•• the capital and •igtled eteam.n •n Lake 11uun.tonsa, s very
en act ount •1 its tying a reud.zro'ts f. a ., his name In this Parliament Building. ha,y. After a t..me she was allowed to
all the landhon'ets. (In the tuurnine .11 He left Ottawa unhumed,5nd went lack have her brother 1•• help. and one sister
April 1st, the fifty ninth anniven•rr r((to the Vetted rotes The fsJure to eau appointed train deem/Awe on the
her birthday, else passed aw:.y quietly carry •ut their threats di•ereditwd the' sane now
and pescefi,lly, re).icn.g in tlir hoi.. of ;Orange 6.dy. and erectly diminished , Think ..t .t ! • woman, who nerd to be
a gl.Anns resurreeti•'n. their veiniest Influence. -Olt Juries . eonsetered se helpless and impraclteal, bretle to jam" Wilson. 2m
Last Rund*r eeeams.:.th use.. •t the l li wefts, English Ceoeerr•tive Organ. , a .d rsn•rll omelets and ini'mn •teat,
1 i" ViwM l. thtnIna cures Neuralgia is on•
f ht• son. len the tow hi , .f 1 -- i given the control .f all the Itfe and min
Throe P Keater,editor .of Ft. W:yne
1 had not known it all. The first woman ind-, fiu:Atte, writes : 'Fur the past five
mentioned was Miss Carey, alto, lemur years 1 hamealwaye used Dr. King's New
years age, was left with three sisters and Discovery fur coughs of m..at freer*
a brother ton.pp•.rt. Rh• learned t., he character, as well a for those of a milder
a telegraph epoeralor, and wherever she type. it never fails to effect a "weedy
cure, My friends to whop, 1 have re-
oummended it sneak ..1 :t in same high
terms. Having been eared by It e(erery
ingh 1 have had for five year., i (am-
ender it the only reliable and sore mire
for couttha, e,dd., etc. ('011 at Wilson's
Urtii Store and get a Free Trial Bottle.
Large nu $1.00. 2
Ctfeat init. - A name well known in
onnrction with the Blair Renewer,wloth
est -'r.5 grey hair to is natural col- r by
• few weeks nee. Reid •t 60 tents per
re.wtden-e o p
]tferru Air Honey %f(. er passed ..ver j The' e:,ereatton and 'amde attsof spring property inrnlved in the manettwn.nt of
to the yr at mrpornty, u Ili •„ranted ton.. are bot indication* .4 the elrnrgishI ah. nuttserowrai
fawn* es that 60•1 road.
tyle .,1 •lvhty 155.0 year and titre o
Iac'.n.f . the 1
Mood, over leaded with and what du the think .4 her i tried
months H. was born in County Il ton. carbon/gee acetrssutated by the ace of , again and agate,' mid it.. superintend
Ireland. In 1;:14 the year of the I. esti hosting food in winter. Thu coeditor 1 lent, "tri mart that woman off duty
Rebe.lien 1,oft .n orphan at an early may ti remedied ley the ism of Ayer'. bolero 1 have Mir the phew, row f glad ass
ago, be was when Mat a tt.ild, f• et to San stroll*, the beet Id •ud purifier turd all mete of odd hoeing, and i swat
grepilh with life's "alaiw, relying en. I known,
i eggs I•1swded "- [ wum•r'• Juvenal.
Fluid 1-lgbining cures Tentha4N In oar
Fluid laglitatng retro rev Achy. In erne
misuse. t■
Fluid Lightning cares 1.nsnbage one
Field LWhirled relieves 1tb•nm.t..m la
ea* "rott••
eay pals Mt r1 n trPkr Ks gee IOUs*
mtmwcry ata1
Hili; nee drug
SSS "77" . NSON
ince to ar.eucr.ce that •be bis in .tte :argr sr.d vaned rrefcr or.
The leery Laces! IVintcr andSJring Fashions
&ad she wou:d respert'aly ...write the roes to w! and we the d.sr:Ly at
The Chicago House.
WEST ttTltt:1:T a:•il•1CFtlt 41.
Rod riot. (tet lad. 1a14.
Merchants : Get your Printing at
this Office. Quality of Work and
reasonable Prices Guaranteed to
please all who may give us a trial.
- -.
Ssr'at auslserr
That is daily banging any to the bowies
of tho•sands by saving u.any of their
dear ones from an early grate. Truly ,s
Dr. King's new Discovery for Cnn.ump•
tion. Cou.hs, Cold* Asthma. Breathes,
Hay Fever, ias..f Votes., Tickling in
the Theist. Pain in hide and Clasat,or-
any dress, to the Throat sad Lungs, a
roisters rare. t:oar■nteed. Trial Bot
dem free at J. Wilson . Ire*, Store. Large
size 61.00. (11)
1r• the hiet••ry a 1 medicines no preps
ration has received seek nnlien.l c.m
nsendati, n f•'r the alleviation it affords,
and the permanent core it effort* in kid
ne7 diatoms as Dr Van Parini • Kinney
Cue, Its wiles in these diet►eesin
aaoplainta is kimply wendetrful. 1b
ti J. Ailaaa, .m
111441resor d• Farkas ( *rho., • .rale bis
Men tested t•y year rt tr'ai Ano has Now
home: the ,nos ern. en,'.' AI 41 rflettoat
ss.thnd rot arplysne tart.... A. e : to •mat
CPI al t,r•'pt,, r. ...e for 4 • ,I• purrs and Old
Sons. lee torr you ret 1N. ,.,,tour k Varese
keetw.. i. (.rate Sold 1.1 C' , . t• by tate
bytuts. are *let. Sri
54545 4,13. I.
If ran are su*er,sg with 11.tw and de -
premed spirits, ?(roe , f appetite. general
debility, diemelered twined, weak coned
ttab.n, hesds(hr.. r any disease of • bil-
iots nature. 1.v .I1 inners p rociirr a Mot-
to .f Electne litter Yoe will Ise sur-
prised to see the r* 4d iapeevetrlent that
will f.11nw : sow w Itl M inerireel with new
life: strength and aett5nty will rotors :
pp+.air• and misery will rade, and hones -
forth yon will river in the praise e4
roe Pities ta.1d at iffy •mato $
lay J.