HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-4-24, Page 1EVoTE°. Coli N NEWS L INTELLIGENCE GODERIL1II. ONT., FRIDAY, APR% 24, 1885. Ilt-GILLterhaDY $ OW,>rt' 111.4 .t litAK 1\ .t!►s'/tlii " ¶'MI UUURON SIGNAL! ?'illi' "r:(:.�'_!L' 175.,01".tTVA ON THE WING. neighbors, and would claim that his line was the beat, and all others, though good E. bolds • . : +Kingie a th •.rungh -paced : FRIDAY. APRIL 21tet, 11113. 'Tory, and hat run for Parliament to the tre''rd'l ks Tali ..4i a•saautwte. to their way, sa mtepping entire over the a Lwery and .Mia. 1. a t•w erNo, interest of that darty, but he has come ! - Hat is high in t.oderich-ec high. in- it.. the sound conclusion that bowdnsy ie 1 Saturday evening bring' the cummer- .lerai, that some of the Bose of the purr the p••rson who to resy..iurble for tits' cis! traaellen house. The drummers tolls can reach eery little of it. :ley: table ‘rate .,f a.Yairs in the North- who !olive on Monday monolog to do ( Meet K au truthui the rwu.•r that 1 west. Nmat st week quoted, soP iuioa i their week's work are usually fagged out the sudden warmth of the weather was; r... Jiro Dodds' paper, and this Werk I. by Saturday, and pace the coining of the caua.xi by the bohlire of spru,,i iroory we evil the G•lluwini; fr..ui the rams day of rest the Sabbath -with joy journal. the venationSino-ren •er • it , not perhaps, became@ they ere any more sue:@ by •• it "nee" •'n Friday. _will be seen that the IYtSuaor used by , pious than the rest of tiuulind, but be- - /hie fest--btw--tawriaetmou ideetical jj' eau= the steter of Autumnal the eon with that of the article in Tatstent strain upon their yital ferees aloe, which a fortui41,t agt caused the Star to 1 :utoly demand the recuperstne quiet grog' ':viteateal j stet the freedom from excitement which ' "The etolwnce .•n every baioi u over , the tenets of religion attach to the Sev- whe:n.ing.teat W L►rwoney, the I:.,rorn entF Uay, and which the statutes of the wed the N••rtbwe.t, :..'sesta indebted rwlm, made and provided, duly compel _ for the hr.rr,h:r slaughter that toss taken + place. Party holing meat ha: c • in- ( the observance of. Under these arcum- duence when jeering this man He has , stances all who are wtthin *mess of Tet McCarthy Act h*a oil ntotki-t1th I ur tuetuhi•r, M. C. Cameron, been sus- peni ed. Mr. Cameron desert es the thanks if tits c•..untry f •r f : vano the government t,, tLts sour.1 c •rcittuiea. Sar .lobo is getting, sa1le kr.'•evoel out os c•.nstitets •not) law. %Vs h. Vo tie r .ir will have the but.- eety to insert juryman Wtet'e eap'.anie proved a miserable traitor to the niter t '•Hou.s `tweet Homo- avail themselrrs tion of the verdict in the c..uapiracy atta'rf lila wuutrl,anmj .f notal ,if the accessary c.nveuieuars for getting -can* It misrepresented the Hume so ly, L."s."o:feet of5eul s u utter, .neon aloe. fit cry loyal citizen sh.utd demand there on Saturday night, and sot a natio greatly that common doctor 111111pres of the (i..verruneut that he be at once rel consequence the trains on the oeeaa- tou are usually well loaded with bagmen, homeward hound. Taking all an all, they are a sharp, intelligent lot of fel- lows, who in addition to natural shrewd- tho town co rout. gitisg the newt The .nulhgest oompoat-rtias nese and fair educational advantages, grant to the 1110eLanws Institute. It turned up an Clintua, and Footsie a fratoe possess a knowledge of men and matters will be too bad it we lose the $400 offer or. the 1'c. Cot, if we can judge from born of experience and constant c•ntact ed by the ()uteri., t.o%ernmet,:, •.r even the fullowiag foot note to an article in with change .1 scene and dilenaty of half that sum, through any u•.ata.on no- our readablecotem last week .- circuntstaoees. When half a dozen of non .•f " economy. Let us hare i)tt ..'utas. -riot to fetter No Caw. April these fellows congregate in a smoking 11.1 ai`aed "Palmetto: neer twiddle of seoond wg.„. ma• where orcin the word. "nerorioas tar, the matters of public importance ; Rzo:tsh tawvers it should read ' e.otorious Lotion lacquers; Thu was as error of our the aoience, art and history of the d„y ; ("" fa reailnir rite man rsorIPt• .des was bot the wars and rumors of wan, the politi- aware that ours siren ,orr.zoitdeat war a K d d MerMt w ntlM the insertion of the let ter • ! this malt oda , d,sguaard from the pool is service. The wr,!e the historical verdict. ismeoteat ••fboe he has 1..orae'ed re•lu.ros _ r !motto•: a knave not a fool as tis - beAt-' ItrHU, urtac •• appears to be in lava c century action. Tne 31,,il stasis .tet the most of the North west expedition s 340.000 Per li s and that the exg.ensr already incurred amounts to $!100.000. It is to be hoped that this u ae over-e•tairete, for tf it is t•, rttci the Ria rebellion will ir.vnlve a substantial addat.un t" the public dela before the end of the aesecc.-[Hatti1. ton Titter' Et. Monet appears to have met with an enemy who can stand the heat, and make It sultry fit him in :pure ways than one, as wail be seen by the fuse: w rig despatch :- Como, April 21. --It is reported that the rival lliandis bare met in battle, and that the original Mandi was defeated, losing two Governors. It is also report- ed that E1 °betd has been plundered and burned' ------ iv an interview with • reporter for the Mental Witten, Hon. Wm. 1'Iaodougdl said he was made the scapegoat for the blundering in 186'.! ant 1870, and he predicts that two men will be made the •capequat in the present instance l -ie Kays further "I have no hesitation in condemning the present Indian policy of the Clevern nient, and the t disastrous state of affairs might have been averted by em- ploying those who had experience among the Indians and half-breeds o' the Northwest," ens Melo hes en far "scooped tics other Canadian dailies every lime in the nutter of important and reliable news from the Northwest. it was the first flatly to correctly " mise " the uprising , it gave the first eo s cnt of the Duk lake right, and also pre tee earliest news of the Frog Lake massacre The tilnbr', work d a credit to Censdte& lowrnaliam, more espeeialty as it is not a organ of the lot-erauuwt, and has had to collect its news wlthoat any epectel Enron from the Minister of Militia. wita*ed angels. to the realms .d bliss. 11 w,ufd have been viten to the unlit have listened to your arguments, gentle. 1 thrutigh top mr:wm. •.f the prom teat men, and have noticed the jeaata d welt I week, but for the 1.dieu a: lou of ffam& anti well-rtshrrs, mho foir:u that ety- Riyer. were not the safe end lure hoot upon, but upou close analysts I bud that 1 thing I might say or nay motives for by which the troubled watera of life were you all deal in luxuries, and that i, and , writing wou1.: tat' en feleely consumed by to be crossed to the treat heirs' of rest_ I only, deal in a tine w:,iah is aF.solute)y The only dt$rr.s,ice oath's two ltseussiuns ueceaary, - caskets of all k.:tis. nukes would bo that the go.Kinatured banter of and shapes, from the .:.fatly u.aitu*aoy the one.-4puuld bit exchanged 'for the and rusewu.•dto the humble pit.* cess , acrimonious attacks of the other. But, all warranted of the material specified , I tine that I sin sermonizing, anti a trimmings, handles and plates to suit , that u not to my line, I will close by with or without transpanng, as the tastes giving a ample of how the drummers of the relatives of deceased may dictate ; talk Shen "shop-'-t-tails topic. terms to the trade tikrseis otrtha The gro.•ery man m answer to $ quea- un goad marks, if cash is paid thuds* of tion as to the state of anode from the 30 days a disonuat of 3 per cent. will be dry heeds man said • •'Welt, as to that, allowed on invoice rates ; cat..l ;nes con t tinct nuttiness fair, and I think the raining cuts of caskets, woo, ao,l ?n.ces, trade will continue to improve. You furnished by return mull by see, groceries are staples and they are The roar "f laughter that br.,ke in at different from luxuries, and the business this point from the rest of the piny dune is after all, regulated by the pope- hindered the coffin man from giving the lation ; I see by the .ital.. that there u .tarn, .of the him, the number of the no exodus, and the natural Increase of street, and the post .dhce address of the population, together with the groat flow of immigration hither will necisaarily keep up the demand. - "Oh ! oh ! oh "' broke an the dry goods man, "You don't mean to tell us that groceries are not luxuries. Why a nun could live comfortably and never get within a dog's bark of a grocery store. Look at the nations of the earth and their standard dishes : English, casket builders. He had started off to good shape, had actually thrown a feeling of awe an awning of awe, so to speak --oyer the ubject, tut }.e got en the downgrade and before he was swam of the fact was worltin;top trade in his best vein, t.. the amusement .f his aud iters. The insurance mon, alter : u :nz his ribs to see that none of theon had bept one or both of the party roans to suet their own recos, as the ler.i,ct lots been by the M . t;f c. -urea of the w,•rd.ne of the verdict can lwueatI%' and fairly be misdate bear the coustructiuu you have given it, cit, that el braudsnt ail the witnesses fir Cot prosecution sed the 'dlinistrrs and others of the h:eform party who t ...k any part in tl.e i,r•steutw,u, as "liars and perjurers," then the jury easy loosobleate, and their inactive to dc jttstiot �.__ • Itis taOLS WIM.IPRrED. I do not, however. hesitate t•; sescrt,` Out if riesel with --O ec*-psr:aan*pint it is stmt.ly iwp.rsible to draw from the vt�ti;ct any such uteatilog. 3i. reuvear. the fact taut the son -party paper of our coy, the Tt:ogfor..; has from the fiat siteo to the verdict the iwtaniu; the jar, intended it to hare. goes to prove it is not e. vague as to be justly worthy of the construction you -have given it in itqir columns, If I am correct in this. fa asaoifcatly tiniest of hog to persist in whipping your crolitical opponents over the book of the jury er to cell them "lieu and perjurers under cover or pre. tattoo of this verdict. It you feel i moo- ted in publicly proclaiming these gentle - aft as "liars and perjurers," be fair Omagh to say buhlly that such are the views and cpmions of the a'«a, and MOT r TUE [L.'ri,Ic.t:sI;.1iT V:'oM rix JC[T bread, cheese and ale ; Irish, potatoes rattled by the double -actioned narrative or their verdict, as it is absolutaiy faire and buttermilk ; Scotch, parriteh and of tho casket wan, said `'Old f✓_ortality, + to say the; the :try ties engaged soy se_h � up+own lit the parties rnf�agud tr. the milk ; French, frogs a fa gridiron ; u correct in some respects, but not in proaecution, and it a equally false to say Dutch, saurkraut and lager ; Itaaans, , all Ha is right in saying that provision that the verdict. which d.st:nctty states fAsua/laa lasryr kfm If as oil, wine and snails ; Hinduoa, race ; should not only be made for ourselves the /to) :eel c-,mpelted" to acgt.it limp so. write sheat h.s oeltlaaa aIeoren :n 'het cal doings, undotngs and wronedotngs 1 because the had "eiderout. ' on a moat woo. the world at begs ; the bloeee and Sequonaux, walrus and seal steaks care- and our friends while !icing, but that essential part f the evidence which was „ - ofthe of courtship sect marriage ; the ed tiff the living anlmal,and bolted while We should always bear ion mind our end- , Ihs connection of the defendants to Tots Ntttgham I. ss loot Mit 4Ad w the blood is warm ; the Tartars, horse- sc re -Sitz article on the ,'ile"» and i:2! faahtoes and the foibles of frail human - dash . white the Digger Indians, on oar oatensibie manager, in the course of fly ; music end the drama ; in fact all western plains, are even lea fastidious which Mitchell and his paper set a feu- subjects that can be thought of between in their tastes, and load themselves up fu! handling Ph must protest, how- the cradle and the tomb are argtsd and with damp earth, which strengthens the ever, against the ri.i,•!.. being classed • I re -argued, contended for and objected digestion, clears the blood and induces to, upheld and knocked down, pot 3° -longevity to such an extent that the life Roforin journal, fro tt is not one. The Tones closes it colour. ..f hard hitting gether and dissected, annihilated and anamrarice man u an unknown factor in with the following • resuscitated, galvanized unto death, lie- the community. I±onney, you're not "Summed up in a few w rds, the gotten and destroyed, (raised and dr welling with a line of neeesseiries- whuli career of the t'.,1`tte has been one preciated by the travelling men gathered ' of vacillating imbecility, o&eentereptible in the smoakinq coach. The latest novel, Y°re dealing in luxuries. If noceeai- slander,ef powers prostituted for Peron.- sentimental song. grand opera, pithy ties are wanted, 1've got 4121-- dry cry gain, of falseness end deceit, and a *Waal, wise saw, aboard stoveplane- tic .ho- goc'� , disgrace to journalism in thus county. Pe, p• tic sketch, interspersed with banter, raillery, drollery, solid reasoning and philosophical deduction, come out in discussion between whiffs cf smoke from MORE DYNAMITE. Th3 British ALd iiirtity'B-ailditag fragrant cigars, or k.bacoo Pipes ranging Blow' t Up trona the c.rtly meerchaum to the humble clay -dab. There's • mine of wealth un- told for the novelist who can aucoeafuj- ae,aee. ',amaze se lir BeI:dlas Mrtaas 1y re -produce the wit and wisdom. the phil000phy and the folly, the solid de- ductions and the devil-may-care badinage of a railway carrtage stormed by home- ward bound commercial travellers on a Saturday evening train, for they run the gamut from end to end; they range from Burnett Passuosett, of the R'yth lfe• rine, recently pot et his warpstnt, and winds op a vigorous onslaught upon the village council in the following fashion "It is not often that we are compelled to criticise on such actions orf oke counrij, bet when necessity convene us, we sen wield the editorial pen with • vengeance, and if the "boycotters" sniping to hide the "nigger in the ftnee we can *tot find him." Brother Paesmoreh interact' is that the niggardly and bigotted vitae coun- cil of Blyth will net give hton • fair show for the municipal printing. There is fire in his eye. Tes Oovernrnenl haus been neglect ing the Indiana. until it was tato late. t That the Indians who have rue have been starving to death, the following *tract from Indian Agewt McRee's report for 1884, respeeting the iadians near Duck lake shows As the staple fond et the [ethane the mask rat - will be swot scares. and as the crop promises to Wry, them poser pal depeadessee denim the oomiag win- ter will be open rabbits. Destitatina ie ears to maw, and will he fek iters the at •s7 viae tie** treaty, for, in farmer years, nor y was °weed that could be d of for the alleviation or their misery, het this recourse Ming an longer left to them, they have now vastly the government suietanee to d* plod oei. The fol. swlag telegraph despatch was received by us as we were ' making up " to s( to prune - howoot . Eng.. April 23. 1883. t; reat excitement was caused today by grace to gay, from lively to severe. And to explosion In the Secretary depart- ment .1 the Admtratty office. Assistant when all other subjects an exhsoeted, secretary Swainaon's mom was complete- when the thousand and one topics that 1, wrecked. and the adjacent cnrrdors warp daily the minds and consciences of nisch damaged, while all the windows the teeming millions of this poor old earth fronting on Nurse tiwrds parade were of ours hare been duly placed upon the blown out The building toot fire, but the flames griddle of criticism, and rested to their hearts content of the drummers in the smoking car ; when tatters have been made of the great themes, and the minor matters hare been duly pulverized The police were promptly summoned, between the upper and nether millstone end all the gates closed. No per.nn was _the argutnent and irony of the coo - allowed to sour or decor. ante) • tontines drummer+ -then, and not until thomufh examination was made. A large force of dete•tttres were shoo posted around the buildings. hat no arrests have yet been made The authorities are very retreat about the affair, bet the were soon extinguished Hemmen received a severe scalp wound. Several other officials were in- jured, but none aa seri:us:y as Swain• then, does the business instinct regain its position, and every ore begins W ask his neighbor about the state of trade, the geeeral condition n[ business, the possibilities d opintnn u that tt u the work of dynamiter* future trips on the mrd -in other words, it is oer'ain that either gon cotton or haring exh•ueted all other subjects, they dy.waite eras used. begin to talk "shop." Talking -shop" is never of great interest except to those •wsAt; et rs�Mn. engaged in the special lie* ender du- P•ir ste T 11. Inhofe gives tate f• ;low- cuaion, and, as a consequent*, then is ing orraphic description of the Brandon a diversity of opinion regarding the re - hissing best's' The concert was just (•five merits of the respective daises of nicely over and we were getting tattled banister unman those engaged in that down for the night. when we ran into Brandom The people iterated the train, and a helot of about forty girls 'merriest: into the trate wok eatables and coffee i believe every soul in Brendan meet have pawed thenuth the train. The boys were uproarious after the daj s test in Winnipeg and the fen of the eoncert and were 'cowed with a sat of spontaneous oemhuation, for every owe ersrned to start at the ammo time to Ina acct hug the Rina And the girls were jest as keen for it sew* were,end kiseed Was (hen awe kissed theoe it was sortbisg terrific ' the boys yelling and hugging. the girls screaming. and the mere of Bran/len evoking blaek in the face Bestehen of them. beth Teen and wtweoo, were crying. the deice n*1y knows what for When they MOSS into the train they were as steady and owlet es awly "You're a dandy," observed the mil - latter stopped to take breath. ee dear cross while health Inc vigor a his brit both d berO atempted - em and Reformers thought you were wound up fur twenty- portion, but at u also his duty rand I are agreed . n that point, and certainly four hones, and were not going to give soy duty advisedly -to look to it that to the jury were -but whether the defend any of the rest of w a show. if there's the event of his being called away sod- ante had "conspired together a. urine. " Now, the "principal evtdeace" referred to in the verdict was that portent hely which hare connected Messrs. Busting and Meek with Wilkinson, and the c}s'. transactions This important point u the so called "principal evidence," and was necessary to p ove • censpiraty In the minds of the jury- -sworn to deal justly with the evidenoe of every witness -that point was made questtocahle by the sworn evidence of Mr Mees's clerk as to the dates of meeting Thencoaroes a d',eht in their minds as to the connec- tion of the several defendants Now the law and British justice u such --end properly so that the accused shall sJ ways reoeive the beneft of a dente, at on thio ground the jury, *Pet careful consideration and die:ues.•rs west the words 1151. ,:ollrxusn ing. Death and tater aro sure to catch all of as, and none can do l gs either of these calamities. Under these circum- stances 1 would mildly remark that at gether in a pre-arradg•d "coosl•iracy to bribe." If I say, this verdict can be constrained into brooding the prosecut ors as "liars and perjurers" surely then every verdict rendered in our courts also behooves every man who !overt his dear brands one of the contestants in theorize* ones, whose affections have centred nunner, but this 1 take it no honest per around his own fireside, who has sworn son wi11 admit. As the writer of this let ter also penned at the altar to lore, to cherish and pro- the verdict and *elected the wording .4 tett her -you all know of whom 1 speak. it, so as to, embody as briefly at possible who has gathered around hie knees when the unanimous views of the jury. it be at home the little curly hoods who lisp mg by thein, you discussed peur!u s and adopted "Father" to lovtag accents . I [lotJo4rl.•`e OY :TA LinANIN.. say it u the duty of such se oomiag from good authority ; it men to not only labor well thio First, it must bo dot:act y borne linery man to the dry goods man, as the and earnestly to make provision for these in mind that the charge was not whether one in the, party who u travelling in the luxury bujiness you're the man. Dry goods are a comparatively recent inven- tion, and when I ay comparatively, I mean comparatively. The poet lana written Mae waste bat tittle hers below. Rut waste that little tome. or words to that effect. In the sweet long ago tailor-made snits were not in rogue, and the ancients' aspirations were little, but they wanted that hide, long. Hence the flowing rote and girdle of the east. In the west the local residents went to the other extreme and were sat- isfied with a tuft of feathers in the hair, a scalp lock or two at the belt, and a few streaks of paint on the skin. The We captain Jack cotsic'ered that be was dreamed for company when he had on a paper Dollar tied with a string, and a =retie of panthers teeth around his right wrist. For the sake of argument that the last costume is a little say for our winter season, but notwithstanding that admission, I have this to say that tailor -mads clothes are not necessrrise, but lutunes, and few of us are as happy now as we were whin our mothers made our jackets and treason, and our sisters knitted our socks and woolen mita But I've got a line that's an absolute nesersi- ty—mdliaery..' As he ceased *peeking, and struck a match to relight his irasrant three for-io tickle Havana cigar, a heavy•drawn, deep, enmistakerbly grave -yard nth denly or in natures course W see that the mother's food heat will not be forc- ed to break with the double work which ha thus fallen upon her, by the taking off of the chief support of the once happy home. This is where the necessity for Itte insurance comes in ; this is where - "Clinton , change cars for Ooderich going west, and for $eaforth, Dublin, Mitche11,Sebrangrille and Stratford met, at the latter point connection with the main line of the O. T. R. to all points east and west," broke in the brakeman, and the discussion was abruptly termon- ated. D. M•' THE BRIBERY PLOT. Leiser tree. tM M.@wsesa of eau Jury - Tie awry asamleeewetp erhaa1e tart it, **nemeses. womeSetise d ertbMy We hare long 11�h teat Use ordinary rota of Conservatives batt necessarily for a good while past awed to be astonished st or ashamed of anything their Toronto organ could either do or say They too give the defendants tee benefit and pn-not ':e them act niton 1'in were desiro,:s of leaving no 'item opot. the claracter of ether of the dor'.ndasts mors than the evidcnee warranted, and eertatnty not one of the jetty intended for • inumerit to g•, ..rat .i 3/..Ir way to cast even a reflection upon any penmen takir.,t part to the preeecu'ion i tbink, moreover, at as safe to say the i' either have stood eu much that it might natural- the judge or c•rnnesl Ger the pr•.aocuO.te they could stand an had considered the verdict to be a re- ly be supposed hy Aecoon upon the characters of the peer thing. If however, they are capable of cutors, the Court would not hare hew either mattresses or shame. they will toted to re:- ted rot that we had not bees asked to twos judicaaent upon any one but the defendaia. Io•u will under stand from this that if -./ P or York," thinks there would be no tome/ In ore tanning the "'widow* of the 12 intent gent emirs" b, prnve that the promos ton were guilty of '-wilful and corrupt perjury, ' he is c•rtsuniy: feel anything but comfortable whom they read the letter from one of the jur7mea on the Bribery trial whish unman in our columns this morning, and to which it is to be hoped the editor of the M iJ well have the manliness and courage to give equal publicity in his. particular line And I know of nn ra- broke from the utadertaker's traveller, it is to be noted that the writer of the son why such should not he the care. 1 who, after thus giving vent to his pent I•tser though he was net t�tewt forerlM The armory man. the dryroods man, the up feelings, remarked . "The wise man, acted a such, and not only pronounced millinery nun, the undertakers traveller who had tried all enjoyments that wealth and the ubiquitous meantime man each could purchase, and found that in theca hes • mission, and their oontente-vas re- was nothing bet emptise s, summed up Herding the importance of the lines for his eiperienee in the line( sentence : which they trarel, if • little more earnest "Vanity •.f vanities, all is vanity and and hotter argued, are, after all, but venation of spirit." And the wine reap parallel with the religious differences wee right. We today at, drink and are which ars oeesaiowally reatileted in marry, and issaorrow we die ; we bedeca 1 ton platform. on the highways and ourselves in n le and fine line*, no the who)* Tory prose of tie Uo mows down the byways. 11, for instance, in- Nadine of the fact that 0mi/rest Leven- la° dochte1 it to tact we must nata^sliy steed ••f hails -douse drummers there et, Death, is stalking arnund cocking take tit* me•ains of that verdict as mase had hems the same number of good whoa h• res cut of V. Inok not uta (by the rein who drafted it and es under- Cbristiana i.1 diver= denminatioae. the fashion plate for •wr last oedenteata. sicca by all who euderIe4 i! as then t'.vmed miner wars, for they nay although all would ova on the hake we shuck from choosing that most I T tb. 1Iiter*2 tb. Mali there ham not been the lest *tenement mowe•aasbM tal p5 setple.. yet the 1 Ptie1. the neery orf ah thinks, a eie I , If K in Brash* over the aftraer t lite such Anglian*. the MhrcIiel, the ('dtanlie, whist. those who neve loved els in KM i Arm1 he latter published c r your tr.es,n (.lira, issue of trinity, heeded ' A Loesl View of but drafted the finding of the jury after the whole ea.s had been carefully con- sidered Iced discussed. and the optnioae of all the twelve frankly and telly stated. Ifo man could jure had better opper- tenities for understanding whereof he spoke, and therefore if the verdict of this jury r se valuable and decisive as st.ra55.I til nit WIPP, sonless they have changed th-o vieweeei reversed their opinion macs Mavttlt;the limy room '. As 1 have no party purpose' ter tfarea on goring this explanation, hot Sraply to place the mesatug of the verdict truth fatly hefore the public, snit rn rear etye•If and fellow jurors from • charge which I feel to be • grecs enmities. 1 trust you will in a spirit of iarnss Io the jun.» sire the letter • place in your edema, and 1 .hall ale) gi ce a rOpy tr. Thr tater, and T.Jeorr.nn• for to aaltro5. 1 am, sir, veers mepeetfully. Tonus. Wm.,. One of the jinx* T-w.nin, 1Mli April s aet/etissa sad Mseaa Ilwasrs.•e. Ie►'er..se. April 21 The ,green) ju.,y have 'fleeted Cpningkant ant Kurt•.*,, eight es that is worth half a donee such ( the Presbyterian, and the 1 notatuw will carry our renal to the toroth when 1 the Verdict,"t of s ;ret 'i 1' , or York, Ti, tir..rr Ar; n 11 come i ; .r f • M M much as thio Aker th^r� wet net + w, u'd each differ frost one earl al) of his ( R departed, ph by golden deep foo the thathfi our int has d ed, n old tofea !min m• an exp.anatt►r. wbac'i Friday nest.