HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-4-10, Page 8s,
THE K E B E I.1.1, ► N . JOY IN TB COURT 11001. I �°�"•
Itsfddeig New in the situs;ion.
•mitre assts d se air L..t tare:.t,taa
Ab*Mtr Oniesinrap fasrtilmo.
(Minima. April if< f►e • Yi -*, 'bar
soma anti loading sieg.tdls t'esrn'rull ilii*
today are 8A (utl(1wa
The II m... , 4•4 to i'lta, 11-n A. P.
faro+., rttr1.•-,1 ucjy.ln•r 1..p .tib frim
( .1. 1.. me, who is at ?fie** .4.41..:, yam
terda) . The oes .. was .Jatad uta
$stunt •v. and •1111 toots J • ,• ry win
t, rwardel td (luw(M,iJt by ,pular. 11
is mom is ... that •b.eteicrtaw ow:. forth
that .hale all is quiet ag . Prime Albert
The plat•., is •urr.wu.led by ion ., • and
Col. !fried and An Vries are saint,
1•.clpt.u. He a,s that r.•..,.or...netus
I. ant at anter. Flouting parties he -
looting to the gelato aro au el dire.
imam, and the saltier* Lougee ate being
plundered, while their live• aro •o•aroJ.
K►rl a to ices an• ss vrraslhg 't. • a. •t• -
tack mu ling Al.••.t mtdut any d.y
iris ,on Pero Vnimpy ra.
CawsKut, Ainrs16. -A uu• inet • 4 li• .u-
laia c,•w ie•ya arc 1s re rainy to jai% the
'SM. mounted eo..unK(•ur. They
say that there are ro•.vements 'hu tut:
like the adt ante of a tnuu of Anttencan
ill .4115' bis: Mt- pw,•p:40 hire hied u•)
Mrs. Barlett, of London, paid a visit
t 4o Dunlop framed,' last week.
1ooquittal of Bunting. Kirkland, Dunlop has three raleuats &moo& its
population. who are ready for solve gar
/desk and WIlkinison- ti.e whet- they voyeur marching order,.
___ - rho 1.011 ..thee Jepsrtluent g.,t wrinkl-
ed up ..n Fnd4y, ..Id our motile of St•.-
w)Laa ( barye. to rasa, d tau• did not active hrru uutd Monday.
war Lot. of fellows were mad.
Leenn rn.
*I.t J 1.e ►. r
Inge ssrrradsat. t • erser+ail•e
Mar r,
Harry Horton, of Paramount, stowed
tomato W u.Id clad. ( hi. cherry lace in our 'iodic, for Easter
flare were • Rossi many corks pulled tacatom Me understand that he brought
in 1111 Albany and T ,ronto cluks last &(. oral to.ena of rrtuemhrauce from our
.111111 1.4et the tenutusu•,u of the a, brother correetsoi(1Int of that place to
whiten conspiracy caw which has been tato fair sea of this hatulot, who made an
erjusttne the druids of politicians, editors „oprealuu uP..0 ham during his late
and 'pampa f..r now a year stone. 'rhe tort
two happiest well un town Mere ('lira.
Huuttut and F' S. K iklaud. The totter
felt too 3.eo1 for anythtnz. MrMI••ek
was ails, jam full of jubilat . Mr.
Wilkinson went last n• fobuurg on lite
erotism( expra•ae, and dud not stop t)
chafe in the great war deuce. All this
h►larity, fe'low.h'p and champagne of
Course was the.uttlow of the acquittal of
11.0 lour a11c04 e'insprat •r..
'Piers was Intense excitement in Chief
Justice Wilson's c ot:rt thromehout the
day. The little chief pratice began his
.'large to the fury after ruling out a.
:roupte .d amendmouts ,(gored to the
Irvtw gat after the
court •.*rued at .09.30. h. c s j
talked up t.. 3.25 in the afternoon, with
to intermission for lunch. To sum up
h15 Charge, 11 Mae an unqualified de-
liverance in favor of the delendsnts'
innocence. As the chief justice pro- ow
▪ 8:-.01/.111.1•.114 topper, tui ors
V0141 whish iudhirle
carrier 01* It. * torts
about a 1141!1 from 1
accept the kindly in
titan u. put up, for the tis(
was reached about s
tag. and Jack tho4f
tura out again tlrst day.
pra,vidw arms
MEATH or A .:1larurll sa uWTL-
N.,sTkaaL, April 6.-- Rev. Fstlter
i'n•voat, ch..psb1 ..f the 6..ih batts'non
dyed aud4eul) at 'Mat'Matteotti.A,wther
father starts this w••r1tltelt ;'. talc iter
itis .int acs,
Bora w.. .tpta 6. -- I'. t)L)!y` e
.Itatrlet heal .4.3,1(4.'•( the fent 4u oretl-
erh'wd, void, -•Tion is 1441 ,1'.u.1 a far,):-
able uppurtuurty for au uiy.trwtt .,f
Colada, but tdote will be 11 : Bei -
!".4111(1 at-
!". about •••h. r *•.•tit• f ant not a•
liberty to say. An eia••ro0:tcy cummar.,-
ataiu of an lriih se ,et urgai,ia.A:ou 1, is
earn called 101 1014114141,.''1014114141,.''na
Tible44: Tett afi
ljc'AL ono.o. April 4.' tt 6 m(j'••.;t
this loomloomingloomingthe h;,rt Iju A►•pel:e de-
taehn.snt tont the malt eft finite for
I'nuc(1 Aloa•,t. mud it is exp. .•dthat
A battery sill join Nat-rw..a
uucu) 1:3.14,
K battery resuaaaliu; hero A.. ••.p.41
on u taeln1 rout by Swift Current,
which will infect the other 3. ....i a at
Clark's crumbing, thu may 'waua4elacy
being that hoot* may not 6.- avaiaFle.
41 is expected that a dutaclimeot of the
il.ronto turn will also uiertake t�,N
troops on the northan. march , the bulk,
however of C•'1. ( Ir'nr s waura.J will
/a mmounctiuS wt battery, go swop
the $osl*&ohewar neer.
The r ,use •.f liaadguarters ea: is se
(g : - From Port Qk i'Appdto
Houghton, 241: miles ; Houghton to
Touchw..Ml. seen. diets' • Ttaucnwl 09
t., Ise.lr,n, 2'U miles ; Bodoni 4i lwin-
!ord, 20 mites Swofford to Wise, 214
tulles : Wise to Iduu..h ldt, 211 miles ;
tittmholdt to Melanin', 22 milt • ; A1e1-
gaud t•. Middleton, 20 miles: Middle-
Middle -
ton to .'lark s Cru•aur, ld miles , Clark's
. r..tuung 10 Mailer, :w 101:. S, a total of
:2i miles.
April A, 1865
Ilan. Middleton' is and to have rxprss-
.d s regret that no uu4rnetr :oris has
Wien Mut to the limit, but he win have
.,tile E;f!:culty i.. _.•a.,:g a.1 the •th-
,;.nerrome re,lu:rcd done by his present
force. The lmtwlbgersco corps. f, -rine.:
of aura/lora, is expoct(1l to prove • f
immense service.
The most exciting despite:l recaived
today comas intro Moose Jaw, snd is to
the effect that yesterday salt- (1.9n forty
or fifty ('rime tit fu 1 w.:r paint enter, I
Swift Current, eLecute(1 a dance, rod
then set forth on a marauding etpad .ti .n
The citai.one were ••' terr,fied that tl ey
fortified themselves in the l'enadiau
Teethe railway .1 ( rooms anti the
children and women were hurried away
!Lowe Jaw, alum.• a ro11,p•uy of ;omit.
guards, fully armed soil equipped. has
been f• rmed. door and the jury came Int., c..art and
A telegram from the Turtle Mountain twk (heir amts. Clerk Nicol asked
district as sounewh*t disturbing. The them If they had agreed on a ter4ict.
widers there rightly ciaita that they are The foreman replied yet Mr. West
surrounded by thousands ..f half breeds,
.h. , while they hase remained quint so
far, are jet known to be in folly qra-
pathy with Kiel. Still as the uaj'rity
are on the other side of the o..undary
line little need le (eared if the f?nited
Mates troops do their duty. Every pre-
caution, however, will he takers Ants
will be sent the settlers. and .c..uts,
will be ordered to patrol the frontier
with instructions to co operate will. the
..wile ti. soldiers l0 cow tat emergenc the benefit of it and pronounce them
A mearwe has been receives It kyuitted,
K1 seratunit too the effort titan Apple-
earth, the Indian instructor tethw Red
Pheasants .ear llattt.lord, returned
.ilfed, arrived at Swift Current this
morning with hes wife, after walking
reerlond a distance .1200 MHO..
Feet ADM.
Mies Burrows is rwuuu
g fnhds
n d
Creditothis MOIL
llama Cum11 has returusd flout
t►shkutd., acid is the guest of Mrs. It, .1.
yleesre. (fro.. Green and NM. Cut►
1111111,001.01 hate the Oontac
rt tit 4uildlug a
•hal and tenor at the church on the 4th
N.• dauget is Die from o• spring
freshet at this point, the avow being
almost goons, and the taw 04) the aver
brurg tory rotten.
11617. W e regret t.. moon' the de -
mi*, of I'.trek [loamy. Is hila sad event
occurred on $aiurday after • few days
illutt.s frau. intlntuuatlort -..f the lungs.
Deceasedwho resided al.out one 1•140north cf this village. was in hu sasehty
third year. Ile leave• s w4ir *u(1 11611)V1:11children.
Euclid. g1 1 turcun • nn -
At this iurc
M.uulay last, stet. Mr. Taylor resigned
the pastorate. lie It an a4?e and el,•
gnaw; sj.wak••r, srirly kn.•wtt and *ell
hkgd, lila Mill taw easily un•d ti.ano*l11d
ills part of tl.ecounty, es Ice *as a credit
to oar village. This :s too aroma first
ease allai•ter aa ca,(re4alnu la as hast
during the past two years. Y
Nea •
A fn, Igen xC
S:a: 112.
TOUGH Taat*u
Lttu, - TM tw14d weer 1.-
K taw . r . � . the
roads itupaliable. Our moil errnar left
haxler►cb at in. on Monday,, bur mode
slow progpropose..After varied fortunes
getting troth h• on their logo: the
si.ow Sa. -b(1 hiss fort .tlbert
ccrdesl the eyes of the iter defendants
lit t., with unrestrained satisfaction,isatisfaction,n 14110 Clete counsel smiled op the capaci
ous sleeves of their roust 31!,1105 Mr-
ii:ale, Mr. Irving and M r. Feut..11 sere
corr�$IY.n.Iingly all at ease. The r.o.,nt
was full of lawyers and politicians ..f
hath partite, and mono of no party at
All. Speculetion tan rife a to the result
wetl•k.own CottaervatiVe
erchant bet a basket of Pomnerr that
if the jury went by the judge's charge
the detenlanti would uadouktedly be se-
•fu:ttt•J. Ne won.
flit) LAI 'wing is a synopsis of the in•
tdn-tmt•itt :-
F,M-T egancr.-The Bunting, «•il{iin-
tan, Medi, and Kirkland with other un',
known std am-.ngat themaslves unlaw-
fully conspire, combine, confederate,and
agree together, corruptly and illegally,tt
to iufluece and procure certain teem
bets • f the Legis.seativs Aably of
Ontario to vote in flavor of a resolution
of went of confidence against the (h,v-
stsweat by the paymentu
of certain stuns
of awns and the +s r.ment of others
of eejtttltsnt u
Su-o:14COpttT.-That Ranting. Wilk•
inst.*, Meek. and Kirkland, togetherK
with others unll,wn, did unlawfully
conspire, corruptly and illegally, t•' in•
Mortice certain members of the Laois's -
time Assembly to vote against (attain
G )vermnwnt bills and resolutions.
Tylao Coptic. -That Bunting, Wilk-
inson, Meek, and Kirkland, together
with others unknown, d-,! unlawfully
conspire and agree together, c• rtcptly
and illetally, to influence certain Ihem-
bers of the Legislative Assembly to i"tit
in favor of a resolution 5ctiMg the
management of the timber :ands.
Ths j.ry was locked up at :t 2:a. At
3,43 they returned too court t.. oak acmquotationquotation. Then they were m t hoar.]
tram unt•L 5.30, when the ..,remelt. Mr
West, cams into court, He told the
judge the jury had stirred. 1%%.t he want•
ed to ark a question. The chief justice
said he did not want t4, know any .•f the
secreta of the jury room, and invited the
whoi(1 twelve to came out. Mr. West
h•,wever 41canded the steps to wI:ere the
judge was sitting and whispered a few
words in his ear, at the name time show-
ing hue lordship, a paper oar which there
was writing. Then Foreman Weet trap.
ped numbly uown the steps and dis-
appeared into th• jury roroom. Five
minutes later a knock was heard on the
lath)/ partaken .1
t.. till upon u;)ang
e e could, till, our
arJ loneliness*,, hut
P. rt, a was (min to
a11111..0 f John Sul.
a m. Tarr y uioru-
ata wise u•. to era•
The metal spring esaminati.,n ill school
sedan No, fb, Hallett. tt.,k place on
Phura.'.ay, April rod. 10 rpitr of the
iociememcy of the weather and the had
state of the roads, a goodly number of
•i.itors were present -over 50 bring in
atttoJance. The children though chief-
ly small, exhibited c••uaiderable alacrity
a d prudeaew in their answers, and re-
flect great credit upon their teacher.
Considering the severe weather durtog
the winter, and other (alis,•a which pr..
vetted th.• pupils fr.1n attending the
rr,Nalarly, airy 'showed remark-
able pr••,ress in the tarr+•us studies. At
the elapse of the etauanitem the major-
ity of the trusteot,wliu wers,prt'ssnt, ex
pressed th(1meelvts as well !drawed with
the d.p.riulen• of the impels. This is
M,. W'inton's twelfth year in this school,
which apeaka well f..r his ability as a
teacher. May he long remain among us
to tnatr•1ce the y .uthful minds in the
paths of knowledge__ -
then reuse and said
M'. Lofty The jar) have agreed that
the first count is net sustained by the
et sdence Infers them. Also that the
third count is net sustained by the et i-
dence placed before them The second
count the jury consider would have been
sustained if the pnncips sudence fur-
nished by the prneecutten were of as un-
questionable character, but having doubt
they determined to, give the defendants
' 1128 rtOHui a PeaMtatta-
Coa. *ImMori.a, April ♦. -- The gratis
aiiertff of M1c4•4 hag 11411' d • 44114 iar..a-
t..on A vl,rt,.;: Fa M+.hdt en outlay 411(1
notifying ail ;r.,.• Mohammed's! • that
the Knglish hat o the rght to treat luta
as • common murderer The proclama-
tion decrees that the niandl has thaw- Smith, who was seated in the jury box
trod hundreda -.1 true hrlevers and . n the east aide of *h. room. heavers a
canoed 1!.r morale? of General 1:. rdon sigh of relief He whir Kirklau,l a bonds -
for whom prayers hail hoes, altered at man. and the eminent prnfre.r.r ...ident-
ifier -ea as the true frons tit M.•h-auor,e ly thought loaf he was free (rota further
'laza reepunatb.iity. The swarthy features of
FM,r• a 447 TAM 44 n1441(354 Kirkland, which through the clay wen
[in•tw's, April 4 (len (:sham, de overcast with gloomy scowls, all at 0111011
a.crib;nl the commendable Paths/attar of became of an *ng.hr composure. Mr.
the British troops .luring the trying Meek and lir. Wilkinson did n .t sweat
,narohees between 1uakim sot Tama,. i a hair nor turn color a pot. Mr fifake
wire the Australian meddlers bore their .aa not in court when the verdict was
share of the hardships In • manner en- +rendered. Neither was Mr. Fenton.
•,rely worthy of their British 0omra.iee Mr. Irvine was the only ons of the
1)00003.8, April 4 The deserters prosecuting counsel n, the room Be
front th• rebel army at Ithartoun report did n..t share to any of the enngrstuk-
.1 .ry lighting bet seen the M•h•)i and mot's amnion behind him, He hurried
a portton'.f ha army which washes th• :y n•eked his red bag and Iwft the room.
campaign to be concluded The yl►hd.) When the escitemerht had .nbsided
yea severely handled and retreaded , here was s irnmble for uhf nw,ghh.ortng
The Mahal has summoned the Einar sample r.. ma and there were cr.nirre-
.,f Herber with his array to Khan' nm to / ;utast lone and more fix,
moist in gwellint the nook . 1 There ..re a*kt cnwa0reaurm• three
Thea .t.e.rnor of Yemen has asked reformers and one ,ndep.nd.a on the
t nrkety to send 3,OIN1 ninfoeaa1ewnts t.. nary When th• tory first retgrrd tem
impneeAm the uprising in favor ' ! tl.e f them were at ohm. ready to maw.
.ptabdA i' -e .'her tee were 'Joe br.'ttght wround.
if io lent/ship carefully attached*
orandum of the verdict to the indict -
meat aid handed it to the clerk, and a
ho did so told the defendants they were
acquitted and the jury then they were
diamiaewd Mr. flaunt and Mr. Kurt
lead were rho more visibly affected of
toe defs.danta The face of the (' ,n
aer4ati41 boss suddenly s*suaet the
color of the preterit on the label of the
Dockage' of ming .un *tnve polish. A
dmen friends .warmed around him ar.d
„reaped hurt warmly by that hand. Ioon
alit M.cmaster eagerly wrote a'copy of
g he verdict on n large place of paper and
n seemed as if st were the sweetest aan-
unmee le ever penned. Prof. (ioldwin
1•Jo2. legation
Lastera..day to Ma1Mtr.
Easter Sunday the year was a joyful
and happy day for our little mta.i•In.
For the first time in many years we had
the holy sa.:ritic, of the naw offered up
on this 4nu.d testiial. The young tastes
of the pariah had the chapel beautifully
decorated. The altar was most artisti-
cally ornamented. and all spoke well for
the create tate and sterling piety of
thoM whntook pert inane good work. The
choir, which is now very strong, owing
to the zeal and training of the organist,
Mies May Mullin, did passing well, and
t`is singing, manifested a 'remarkable im-
provement The choir sang Peter s Mass
in good style, the solo being well ex-
ecuted. The a ilo "Et in tern pax,- tag
Mom Nellie Reynotds,wwe ably rendered.
The soli. "Laudomu. Tr, was beauty
Cully sung by Ml.. Annie Iteyndds.The
.ui.'t lady possesses a very line voice,
sod is de.ltnrd to be a very good singer.
The durst ''Et to tnctrnatus est," was
sweetly sung 11 the Aliases K. Reynolds
and M. A. Mullin. The ••11w,niam,"
by John iteyrio,ds spoke well f..r the
singer, who has a powerful voice. In
fact all the memh• n of the choir dui ex,
ceedingly well. Notwithstanding the in-
e'enlency of the weather, the 0l.4reha-
tton was very large,_ Rev. Father Wat-
ters sang High Mass, and preached a..
apprr'pnate Marmon for the occasion.
Tate piety of the congregation was seen
in the number of the faithful who re-
ceived holy c.unmu , there being over
seventy. We ha* a reason to be thank
ful t.. his L•rJuhip Bishop Walsh for
.a)e*ng Father Waders an assistant. We
now hare masa every second nrun4•7
with vesp.•re,pr*yrn and elevation of the
Creel In the evening (In Monday morn-
ings we alit' have mass.
Sometime slur Father Wafter, estab-
lished a frrochal library for the youth
of the parish. The young pe opts take
great delight in reading the hooks, and,
no doubt, this library. though small as
yet, will he productlte of much good
amino the pwrishoners. Sunday even
ing the Rev. 1'aator rwnounoe•I to
his people that the new cathedral,
London, would be blessed to the Ito
week of Juno, and invited us to prepare
for the occasion, and have our perish
represented on that joyful event. He
remarked it would be well to choose a
few moodier' of the congregation to he
present at the h',wssrng and opening of the
now cathedral. We feel certain that rill
wall do their utmost to c'.mpl) with the
wrshes of our pater, wed tl lh we ate
tut few in number. we are readied to
.how our belorem Bishop that our hearts
are with him in he noble work, and That
with the banner of the petrol, mint 04
our chapel, "Mt. Joseph, we shall he
there(rete to rejoice with i nm in this h,. Eo .OLD'
t g work of loth m the o this ha lhvine lean: and Master i>; T.
Has ordered sense ebotM
On d sir rage
The latest wows by table is to dis,fol-
lu. ung Wiest
Btvswcp WAN vertigo..
Los pun, April 7,- There was a slight
reieael of the war feeling to the at'ek
ex4hange today. owing to the reports
fr••m 1t. Petersburg, that Gen. O Rrutch-
.t1, elite( .4 staff of the Rosman army,
had obtained the ('ear's assent to the ac-
celeration of war preparations.
ax7K1YEL4 t•II)TIcAt.
LONDON, April S- -The `(hrnr(rrr•F,e7w r- N tr .'nz:t oft., tette.
AULV fn 4011
)ti.uutaetur.d by the W*.M3.ura Mu*. n M t icC•
,Gall and Sec us, and Inspect Goods and Prices.
We hate on hand a full and eua,;•kt.- ►t,a•k of
Shelf and Builders' Hardware,
Pomo., too. lila*.. \a,b, ROPE AND CORDAGE, Vi:.8SEL
SUPPLInens, Table sad l'erkrn t'aIL-r. ills ow. -.I.•,
Kale Hoods. awl ArtlMm
'. tt doer 1.. It. IlMlaaa's Moat l:arkel
"It a premature to say that mr4ottatwus
between England and {tussle are looker'
down, hot a is un'lut•,t*ona),le that the
relations between the tau 11411.1111 I.at'e
reached au t•ttteu,ety crI(Ic•1 stage. We
are no nearer an un.irntand•ief 11.,w
than when Himont refused to withdraw
the l'_saacks from J'ulikatuol.
11u)Vu 471(1.14.
A despatch as ire go t e press sa) s that
under the i•ntest of changing their out•
tarts the Itusstans haveddrirru the Af-
4h*ns out of I'rn.djch, and are now th
pesaeaton of that place. Tiia looks Ake
Awe( lois Males.
t; part,.s getti•R their a- le (.ilia printed a1
,hi•wttl'-r will gel n free not i„ 4n,crted In
this li.t up to the time of -sale.
Auction sale of valuable farm property,
being composed of part .•f lo: 111i, con- 11,
township of Hullett, at Menlo 1 hotel,
in the town of tIoderich, by H. W. Rall.
auctioneer, at 12 i clack, u•.on, vu Sat-
urday, Apr.1 lltli, 1884.
Judicial solo of land, bhinv the south-
east quarter ••f 1.t No. IS. in tFo 3rd
eon. .4 the township of W'awanosh, by
John Knox, auctioneer. at 1 .'cluck, p.
m, uu the 17th day of A' , 18.6. •
Auction ale of hones, tato, farms
ruplemeite. etc.. the property of the
tote Thos. Welsh, on the premises, east
half of Int 26, in the 7144 con. of the
township of Kest W'awartush, by Chas
Hamilton. asctioneer, at 12 n'slock,
noon, on Friday. April 17th, 188(4.
In (:•derirI Township on Manch 77th. the
wife of John Hood. o(• daughter.
In ('olblr.e, on March Seth. the wife of
Junes Yuuna..(• sun.
Clover Timothy Seed
Orehard Grass. Red Top. Htue Orate, Laminae.
What, Peas, Oats & Barley,
ria. 'bed. Gruuad Oil Cake. Mangold and
Terme tired. and all de.crtptioaa of Gammas
5014 is abaadaaco-
It will pay you la;i, a awe a ra11-
Hamilton Street, Goderich.
Oedenoi. r.b. my. 150. IfMt-Hr,
(-room and by vlrtn. of Cevieed statutes of
(►star*.. . beater ter, Setts*, M. Ube (:e.d,
ton of
Late of the
le the (quit, of 11x14. Farmer Deepened.
who daeel on or sheat the IErh day of July.
11140. ere hereby notified towed by post pre-
paid. on er melons
Friday, the 1st -of .fay,
Sow asst paswitt1. te the osdete1Rne.1 Eton -s-
tore of the p.n.-anal estate of the rad James
McNair. their ahriatian and surmises. ad
Arrows and deecript tone, the the (.11 parties
lama their claims. a statement of their u,
•menta, mad the nature• of the %emeriti,* Ill
ani held by them, and that Immediately
after the said let day of May what. the *meta
of the ,at.t..•f the card James le Naar, goal he
diarihnte.rl amoaw the parties entitled there-
to. haring reference 1 the chilies d whieh
notice .14.11 have been furnished to the exec. -
two a ahose required ; a.d the mad C10111 -
lore will not be liable for the mid smote or
any port thereof t1 an perms m pergolas of
whose elates *stir.. shall sot base been r.-
rei•pd by flame at the time d each distritnr
t inn.
listed et 33)11 Tranship of Vaughan afore
Wet this iwo•ty-.lsht day of Mare -b.
NARORCT ,(stet Tone
1M113t Itiehmoad Hill. 1' 1)
Tars nM SaeMM Oat.
Two rebellions in the Northwest with
in fiftaen years, led by the ramp man,
rendered possible by the incompetence
of the Name Premier, are • little too
mock. The people «Ill put 4..n the
promo.* outbreak, but they wilt came
short of their duty If they do not die-
charnr their unfaithful swyunta Mac-
donald. Il.wdn•.]y it en. hams misr.led
long enough (Iiamtl4N Tim*
Garden and Field Seeds.
A wellrk•eted sleek .f (borer;,. •tsars es
(Ilii. 11. 011), toe Square, Owder.eh.
March Sta. tilt
F. JORDAN, Medical Hall, Goderich.
Keep, ,•aa•ta.tly on head a:L•lert Mork ,.t Drug- lln�..tn.-.. 1'9ern �sl• �P'n4•'a. Ilse Mae.
Perfumery. tc.. kr. Toilet •rtitare In gre.1 tbrlrt, 1'111.:• .ani Yr,* rapt ..n• a Net -tatty
The seder.aurae& hating Imtetl returned from the Markets, where 1 llavr oe:,•ane•l et•
great rare all the lead.oa sr:.ctea is
F' TC . Zli.440W=RS
Ihroet tram New York --amps.& aevelIr of 111. eea•nn end w',. h r^ .o' hr :rpasa..d •,
A• the eosin/at erase, i■ Parel•e aid the I-n,t.d 1111!... Le to be derr,tr4 w wearing 14a
tin.- material- i have tared err,• enemy to .elm -ling only awls art,rlts as will be .citable '1
toy caotossan. wed becalm *ooutaiotiglr. •ad feel minded. with,thesetretton of
Laves, Lace Collars, Lace Curtains, Embroider-
ies, Gloves, and White and Colored .lu.s-
lins in Plain, Figured and Check
TIW a» ao WWII an vogue that say customers will be woo 002•04 with the ss4e0(4e111 W114 I
! have s.ade.
1 will display full fines an each Department.
Trimmed Millinery, Flowers, Wreathe, Feathers, Laoeo, Lacy
Curtains and Gloves, in Kidd, Taffeta Silk, and Jersey, in
all the Newest and Most Fashionable Coloring.*, which
for Variety, Style and Quality, cannot be equalled.
1 win ala above all the nelson suitable foe the season In Faze -4 Art whew vitt. peke.; to a-,
, the times. EVl:KYOSt D.40ITkt,
1 ale*. all attention to taw fact that 1 )u... opened a Wrath More at t►aama.t.c- emit- "+•
management e1 Mlritt PCNTLANU.
April 2n4. faits.
North Side Court Home :teaser. Ooderirb
armee gooney t linu slap Mo. else by
taking an tial for the blas pelting
book out, sen .wr.•eed grass
ly. Nose fate. crams free. Hat-L1rr
Sens Co. Yortlaad. Maine. tf/1
Just Received !
A (arm awnrtete,t of the various
GI1133 and CLOYBB 8 1J8
*enable far persammtp.,,A.r'ee. as wen a
rl 1.1. ANU tIARUKN
rums Ail, TILLS TO aeTERL.
Alen aaslseennt ter tie celebrated UN ION
OHURN, the very beet 1, the market.
Fist straws (irate 1).p.4. opposite Town Hall
March art►, SM. 1r-rwt
Th. phew* of tariff has road wrest oteite-
w ant . se W
-1N THS:--
l.ner.wws. 4 t 3 75Ilead.
. W17 •
Ede, tt
it= Chelan + Aos s la
IISw-b,eksd (A.4., idea. 2 f
1Me(we. frames Mhw real
i won't bee *ederw!A by *ay deals ea the
test of the Perth
Wee urwee, vii deer to P ('aafel*.• bra
eery, ssipante Rook at Mewtreel.
Otdarmb. Marti Ira►, I88 IMI -7a
Srauelling Ouide.
c _ - --- - - - _ �---
(:j aelsa/L
oder,,11 I �.1 Ie.. v.-
Stratford t ale ate17! p,
Mlztd. lilted Rtteress
$traitorsor. i saiLia lila p.m m
embarkb I er. )u51 .. I J1:• p.m I WS p en
ter.i d of First I.rta, hreent• e•
1'Altl[T1' *TURK. II
Tinware, 1
Wall Paper,
Fancy Goods
House �iTniB, ' t�gg
Chained Ra(Il�r milt the flee. '
\est deer rs ION tltttMraw
GsMritb, M.stck.1116sI 1141-
. dd�