HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-4-10, Page 5te.111..ae John Li.kl.ter was Heeled ..rest trotter ter li. K. ria low flaistday lest, ,a the mem ef! ♦. Naha. resigned. Or rah HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1883. 188° S'PRING OPENING i886 I � SWAM re midi. , .. Norm Charles and Ham Toms lett ea Mo.dey fur Yitiisw. Thy tank with them two imported hones to travel to that .eetion. Beteg there heliur., $y left behind them what they were tot esltasaed of The shore veined gee. derma are enterpolsies ywi.g men. Geld believe that it pays to deal i. born ilea. islis..'sv.. Joe. Birks. of Loudon. is here ow emit w his father. Miss Arum* Laird, of f esforth, is visit- ors friends in this vicinity. J. R. Hulme will ship • ear bad of tattle to Btiasttord this weak. J. T. Ossetia) end wife paid s Tial to their sums Idsond in Centralia, last week. T. P. Csltiek, of Brussels. and Miss Kik Callback. of Ronald, stoat their toaster holidays at home. lits. Jas. oirvin returned boare un the 1st hum a plesn.re trip to Amherest Island and Peterborough- 'Jim' looks etre.& and hearty. A eery ssattessfel ewtssinsioe was held is our school on the 2nd inst. The esaminati..e was conducted by the I $sssber. Thus. H. Alton, assisted by 0 M. Kilt,, of ilidfa t, and tiso. Peetlsad. The cauldron answered ib. gasetiow pot to them very readily. Although the rats Cade* down rather heavily a fair amber of people pot to an appearance. ie the tymiig 3 •st0rtsis0est was %given is the school, ani notwithstanding the bad weather there wee s rand turn nit Charles Oirein, wove, presided. After the Chairman's address the manse was oemeneed and lastedes m til Deady eleven o'clock and was not ex- haeste i then. The dialogue delighted the audtesa immensely. Some of the reed:nis sal recitations w.,. loudly sp- pleaded. The different .barsoter were well dressed to mit their parts. Karol - lest seas was furnished by the Nils Char. The ssouet taken at the door emulated to MAO. A good ism eon- sidsrisg the kind d day and the fes Charted. Naomi nosy lead s Vaal into errors. bet it isestiied seise. W. speak of deeding our ehildrea ; .no we know that our ekildr.n eke 'de- vote as 1 oadeseen deorliwa ot•eeried by T Oo.erttcw AR arboe )IMi.1 Wheat. Wall) 'basis ..... M 79 • M :1 Wbostt, wed wlarart • book 070 • 070 rwtt> t. (Spring) i book . . 11 .. 070 • 0 7 111 busk 0 0 • 0 0 riser. dant•cm. S0/e 0M lAwr. monied) • Cwt .. . ... 1 10 • 0 0 Moor. •fe baler. II cwt ......... ... • n e H IS .................00*Pow. boob. 00$ 0M Earley. •booed .. ,..,i., .. 0 n ... 0 e 4.491199041, a 9999 s...,: . 0 M• 0 m Vier. ��,..130.140 Vette.... .:; . 0 16 se 0 IS /aaRs on packed) •. -WIPOSe.dada . .. ... • 12 * • p m • eleoa. toe . ...... .. N'.. 10 0 • 0 0 Ursa. 0 to.. . . a 1,• ♦ • 14 SI " 0 0 Chop. oto.....100"4111119 IL'.. cwt :�v .w sad '• 6 N Meod ` . 3 0 " 3 is • slNe•es W ....3.• ` 2 estates wears.. Mewled by Telephonic] Cuwrow, AprIl L IOde. flail Wheat, per bust. ..... M s) to M M swag Whoa per bush • M to 0 0 031te 03t .OST to On 00to 0116 6721. 00 013 to •16 0 1t to 0 ,t 10 0 to 11 0 t30D1111RICH PLANING MILL ESTARLLSHED IHSS. chanan,Laveon: Robing' 111.491/1,111-11.1189/197.01, Sash, Doors & Blinds 104/11.1 9414 •1.1. room 00 _Lutnber, Lath. Singles sad builder's wisteria of every deserlptle.J MIK FYrIT1ff1E AIIftRUITT. matt Orden ps.s$I,tattssd.d te. OMdsrlcb A uR. I. 103. 11111617 DANIEL GORDON, CABINET*UER Lead AUudartatar, Has en Mod mete tbe LAMONT avers of First: - Class Furniture a the ttaeat7. and eel new poramee for rash. will mad be uaderwold lsy bay Mme. 1 War ?deastt7 Carpet *ammo*. from I6.30 upwards; Mustards. Rood, treat ILMI up. Sew Rech Choirs. trent Mak. up. sod every. Usti( stat la Ile wader p•Psrtlaa. AT THE 01.D STAND rstwres the Poet tine. R Rank et hothead 0.0D112RI0A. Ore. Oak OW ifeb H. W. BRETHOUR & CO. BRANTFORD_. =sem C31-OOds, WE HAVE RECEIVED OUR Silks, ,..= =Ory .seal . ties, AND INVITE YOUR EARLY INSPECT/ON OF TIER SAME. New Pattern Mantles,` Mantle Materials and Trimmings. ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN, HATS AND BONNETS. DRESS AND MANTLE MAKING. The attsarhattet la Mur Dress Drp.rttae.t a thew connate. onspAstart tbe Wad materials bad newest abode, wttk triasatiep to mate.. Samples Sent on Application. Goods Sent by Mail or Express. Aar &dick bnebt from us. and not sattateoter7. may be returned sad tao..T reloaded. H. W. BRE_ THO UR & Co., Brantford. Westford. April Mb. 103. i:; SFRINGie NEW GOODS I Our Stook is now WI the Departments with New complete pring Goods. We have some special linea in Dross Goods, Prints and Cheek Shirting., worthy the attention of every buyer. Inspect our Stook before you make your Spring purchases. It will pay you to do so_. COLBORNE BROS. Oederkb. Spring. ISM WONDERFUL -VALUE IN CARPETS LACE CU �N RTAINS Imported direct free K.glaed. at J. C_ Dk'V OR 8z CO'S Gee Their Spring Suits, Made to Order, at itis a.d 116.00. O.dertcb. Yah. Isis. lea. J_ C. DETLOR arCO_ ROBT. McLEAN RIIILESALE A1/ RETAIL OMEN 11 I boys mach pleasure in calling attention to my stock of BACON', H.A.MS, �tc� flarerety Corral sea tawdled. Fresh Beef, Veal, Iuttofl, Lamb and Pork, Sausage, Spiced Yeats, tongues, etc. At1W isdltitGI ,deipity Slled snA Arllvered. 161 MaLA24, . Osdsneb. March tad. 101. The Itq••re . Haderieb. SPRING & SUMMER New Goods arrived, and will be arriv ni dur- ing the Season. 1 can suit all as to Material and Style. n n ocEmEs 11tTG11 D U:N DOP,: bilI FASHIONABLE TAILOR_ rRems abrr the rake west street. sett doorto Rank of Montreal% GFCZZEITSMrt� Note Papers Albums it. 1. ,..__ Books " 1 Cards Dolls Toys oto. I —_(IX? YO(•R- • einqpipm mo times is belt. the_pmg keit tkp AT ItRft ui E Ell 1 This the 2*. wblfeb ( M aurst4. l newtsnusee armMRS. H. COOKE, 'MIMEH NAS - Ne smnrwseen elt.pwr+• BOI 3 AQ 1 T, . 01-6D3E3RIO SsSw l*. A' 4th IOM. 7011• I Iebr..P7 Stb. MR - 11110 -as ALLAN LINT, ROYAL MAIL STKAMSHIP:t 14181N4iNTEREEDIATE►$TEERUE AT REDUCED RATES. WINTER SERVICE. LIVZRPOOL-LONDON DERRY -OLAS'*OW Sailings of Rail Steamer. From Portland. SARMATIAN... Tbereda A ! �b No Strainer from P.rtl.ed. )tare PARISIAN Thursday. April tad No Steamer from Porttsad. April Mb. SARDINIAN. Ttunda7, April 1011* No steamer from Portland. Apr11 23rd. SARMATIAN . . Tberuday. April 311th Last train learn Goderleb on Tue.days, at WO o'clock. !lalling or hall S1.amers Front Ha.lif.x.i PERUVIAN .. ltar`:b lou SAIRMATIAN . • 21st POLY NES' IAN •- SU PARISIAN . ' - April nth " line CIRCAs81AN SARDINIAN PERUVIAN SARMATIAN. May Yid Lost train Moves Oodericb os. W.dasadays. at 1210 o'clock. If you are Prepaid ing for Pwnad'Tlokstyour fiends. you ran obtains at bowels rates at obis Once. available trout Kngload. !reload Sestiaand. France. Oere••7. Swedes a.d Norway. Steerage $20.35. C�ODERIC H To -- Liverpool, Londonderry,dl�as$gsgO�W London, Queenstown, Belfast, Bristol, Cardiff, &c. Tor 1 icketa and all Information. apply to H. Alt3t4TRONO Agent, Allan Line, °ordering. Oodsrteb. March lab. IM06, P and receive freeRead sin cents for swage. . a costly box goods which will help you 0 more money rlgbt sway Man anything else in this world. AIL of ruler sen, succeed from Ant hour, The brood road to foetus, opens before the workars.abcolute, WOW*. Atonceaddress.Tal•RkCo..Augusta. 3aInee GO TO KNIGHT'S FOR A SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPl1O. OR DYE. TWO DOORS RAST OF P.0 1Staty C.A.NAIRN HAS EVERYTHING YOU WANT -- 1,i— REMEMBER MY LETTER latwmittg 70% + kat yon image, bast bon Ns lor $2,70 per 100 it Best Steel -Barb Fence Wire for 6.1c. per lb. both lett Cash, sad thea: 1 ant K!v qtr 20 per Cent. off Cash Sales, and 10 per • Cent. off Credit Sales, sad tint i am.Mat.iaua1l7 sanies in new good.. eo well bought that) nae Nand these dn. coon?* a r d !raw prices. My stere is Leedom:Mem for , rlohra 51 Steel Sant,. I bate a very eesplet• sad heavy stock of Hardware. 1 wail to. glad to show goads and quote prices. R. W. McKENZIE boderich. `,iamb tette. trai. Keep Feet Dry! You ren do Ibis at a t.r, tnidIott c••a Ly 1.7150 7. er BOOTS & SHOES EASE AND SECURITY Nodi' AND PrRSIH TOR 1885 tee M *.ruled a misaseld Msserismin .r , AT THE STORE Ole E. DOWNING, Cralblo's �31oc1�_ I bore now on load thegr largest work ever Amen in flod.rki, sad comprise* every Iles r malty found 1a • lent-• loos oboe stere. from tete fl..st kid. tbra.gb all taw iMergsedlste griMo to the beeriest melbide, 1 will ell at Prices that Will Snit Everyone. Lalli Boots, in Batton or Laced, from 11.00 to 15.00. Xi ; ; i1; and Children's Strong School Boots, from 75c. up. Bots do.. 11101 up, all other Lin Proportionately Cheap. I cAa sed will suit you. both is pods sad prices. E_ D 0 "W N11`�T G-, Crebb's Bkek, Corner East street and Square. N.B. To the trade Leather and Indiags in any gaudily. at lowest Prkes. Goderich Foundry and Machine Works, Runciman Bros., Proprietors. CONTRACTS TUEN FUSTIAN ENSUES, rums ■ILLS. A/1 OTEI AACSIUERT RUTS. Flouring Iill8 Changed to the Gradual Reduction System. CIi!ua all Glassware. mese Is nod leak. If yes doll bop. Horse Powers. Grain Crushers, Straw Cutters. Agricultural Foresees, Sterile, etc., rte., at Low Prises. .111 hinds of Castings Meade to Order. J.� R. lir ?w ray. t:odertrt:. Nov.30. MID 1940.1T 13. W. itssctrraa Is ?ruble to now Otis. C. A. NAIRN, Coin Neon than. •wderneb Do *b. ON. A Gaud Cliance to Marc Mouey. Thr.•dsurriser. wan,. kb4tt to make some i• 1ortant rbsagss is kis boaei.ess. aim otlbr at a redust.00 for CASH hie runt of DRY GOODS ! Groceries, Bear r;III Cloth, al Bie i ad Sbeg. Call and wee fur yourselves. loots and ribose will be sold at half pried. Gk. - :arida Till Lt WONDERFULLY REDUCED ! A large stock of good Valencia raisins will be sold at le a 11,., or $1.00 per box et 28 lbs. Balsa.e of stock of Ready -,Wade Clothing reduced from 10 to. 90 per Coit THE 1'HEAPEST SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Yfll' EVER SAW Complete .1.04* of Canadian and fkotclt Tweeds, E,wli.it Worsteds and Nobby *teetotaling'. T411.41)01 on the premises. Suits made to order at 10 and up- wards. litlvmraateed. Play. note •;irli Clothing est free 41 charge, whoa the goods are eurobond at the wore of THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. Wit.. -' Posh to the front snit owner barman lie GEORGE ACHESON THE PEOPLE'S STORE. BARGAI!4S 1 GVIT.EST 323AR,G}. oI C. AgH OTT purer 1V0>D- BEE TZiI 0003D8 D LARSED DOWN_ W_ H. P ,I:DLEY, Js., 21. 1341.. The P.epl•'s Imre, Sehei-