The Huron Signal, 1885-4-10, Page 4is
'A eldee• &same 7e. Mitts sets.
Aa' talll he'll peed it."
TOIFX Tomas.
Hey wenled le leers the
b..ata. Apply perseoally} to O►u1a1
4••rtw.*T. tiwse•eor toll iL Iteb•o..
'Comeiestleprim" the poet aspand the
nods w bestowal to Yw: . Pii4 ase•
Mr • M Is.iso.
h spring
es.teall sties la materiel cut sad Inlet.
tl$ lTtirastl. tree the cheapest genets suit,
parte MgeoCereme. Tar the ewe selection of
.:elle, go to Mart•ensse. fee stye et and
natal'. go u a
Itsccersc at A. P. IreLean'►.
Icon, Oet your escrows, tisks early at
Mfrs. Ceske's. Pamela tree oar aasortreat
of wallpaper. Everybody (all sad *asinine
e u ante er7 sad Macy geode Mrs. H.
4 'sake.
Orval boom in wall paper at Imre'• hook
.:era- Vivienne of it 1•. the remarkably lee
Mire sad chaise siemens in the patterns.
Call and set them wbetber you buy ur sol.
ekes maga from 5 ceou per roll.
V tett' emcee Art weriO . Tbese of oar
ukl.',domes who wish • good ph.ugrapk
of Ibamael►ee either In rernttseatala or la
• ureas clothes Mould visit le Sallow*, the
•beteenspber. Puture ?stems at low rates
Uk.asraatau. Mrs. Lottie t;rakam has
...see • deem and mantle snaking establish - user [owning t W.ddupDs sun.
1151 tag had prarteeel eaperence. sbewlicit%
:he patronage of ah. ladies of (laden.bp and
•.eleity tonedeat that she can gate rliaftoc
ono*Twavn IaaTxefeice4 Boor.. Hy all
u,eaaa study •kortha.d. Pitmen • po-
Xrapb r is t e most popular style ''TM
aware.- lac : The Maeual. ' tee Yoe uses.
at Ti,. Marcie Dice.t cbeep and meted
memo for an intelligent boy se girt, Rh.
I:temet'uut Rio"
14kenders & Son have Bmi , 1 0Tri►i $ freed
map t of handsome decorated stades
rhea tassela rollers, ie.. and c•a all as
•►der at an hour's notice. Also a sew week
•• wall paper. borders. kahuomise. moat
a•eaidiag. Wheo you are Axis.: up your hues*
. all at the cbespeat Dewe wader ibe sun.
Mr. Haybo. was in town this week.
The l onadein Rot Juurwl is the title
.4 • neat httle weekly. All lovers of the
apiary should send fur a epectsea oupy
to it. A. Jones &. Co. , Heston, Ont.
Deputy Sheriff Reynolds end Chief
Constable McKay left on Tuesday for
Kthgstuu pxn.teutary with John Lyfa),
who will sera sever years in that place
fur rape.
Mrs. Ledrut daughter of Elijah Moore,
who has been revisiting her uld home
the past 5 months left on Weuneaday
morning with her children for her home
►n Ray City. ^ ,
Mr. Crab's is pushsng un the work of
the new Victoria Hall, and the p'ace will
be ready fur opening in about four weeks.
It wt11 he a eery comfortable hall in
every respect.
Robt. Gibson. of the Thames road,
4 •boric., one of Heron s oldest settlers,
spent a few days is town this week, the
guest of his old friend and termer neigh-
bor, Capt. t abst.u.
Mrs. enameller, of 1lekertng, and
Miss Angie Dickson, of Exeter, spent
the Easter vacation with their parents
Mr. and Mrs. W. Dickson Mn. (`raw
?welter will remalu until the "mentor
. vacation.
;` .1YOM To S•lu•r_• - A sermon will
be given in North street Methodist
church next Sunday evening. This will
he interesting on the eve of the depar-
ture of so many of oar mariners fur their
geasae'e work.
Teluouto Years -' Wm. lliilie tails
oat ail the war gerreapondeat .•f the
(illi. Billy is a good writer and an ac-
tive man his reports should read well.
111r. Bailie was at one time foreman of
our job room, and a shrewd, steady and
FAN. 4 RoLLat SaaTtttG.- Miss Wertz,
champion roller skater of the world, wit(
give exhibitions of her art in the Princess
roller rank on Monday and Toeeday next,
sfternuou eol evening. The Hamilton
papers speak of her s.. veritable wonder
The new town band will sleo be present
The Salvation Army is still attracting
large crowds The services are partici-
pated in by the new reerults to an astive
manner, and a number of additions are
being made from time to time. There
appears to have been a geed impression
left upon many of the young fellows who
Mies Erma C'roll, who was •hewn here
recently es a witnees an the ('ampbell-
f•idctte libel suit, lost all her peen.nal
effects at the late tie to Kerr's *ter*,
Witegham. Het sister also lost all her
wearing apparel. In fact the two rite
saved only what they were wearing at
the time the tire occurren.
Rev. John McGillivray prea.heti •
very thoughtful and earnest sermon in
Knox church on Sunday evening. He
gives premise of being an excellent
speaker, and we think the congregation
may congratulate themselves upon get-
ting so able an assistant for Lr. Cre.
The appointment is a good one.
Rn. Ato; lwtt`cite. -The bon of
Brethour t Co., the pushing ary goods
i men of Brantford. tind it pays to adter•
tae in THE Some .4 our mer-
, chants won't advertise in this paper, but
hang down their lips, and growl over
bard times. the moral is obvious. It
pays to advent*. in Tree Sit:sa:.
Fort Gooek:.•H.--John Brown having
pureemeil the soap works at (:•derich
formerly carried on by E. J. (frown,
removed thither on Tuesday last with
his bendy. Mr. brown is a gentleman
of good business ability and natural
'shrewdness, and being 1.nsseued of een-
s.deveble moons, we predict for him a
successful career in Gudench. -- {Gait
The !Cyr!) Amerieen Lie Insurance
C .mpany. with their usual promptness
and generosity, hire announced through
the press that the p.'lieies of the matrix
and relnnteen ordered to the Northwest
issued by their company, will be held
valid. and Immo paid in full should any
of the policy holden to eu unfortunate
as to Lose their lives while defet.diug
their country.
RF, CIt1L('►L' - eco ■re glad to
I hear that Rev. A. 1:. Meldrum, step -son
of !'apt. CtLson, !Ise leveled a cal t
Ithe pastorate ef rt. Jol.n's Presbyterian
1�}kurch, "..n Francieen Mr. Meldrum
71mtr some time past acted as saa,stant to
the late Ili. Scott, and upon the decease
lid the pastor has been unatum,: usly ca)!
ed to the full pastorate, at an advance of
! SBllt) on his present salary.
l Tats "Itest►arL=cr'-.An ice jam with
;111111.11 Misses in mill property up the
1 Muer is probable this year. The ice.
' mime' lam Much l01.ger on the r. ver,
sad a big rush of water is looked for
from the north. For the past f..w years
j'the firer has "bestrew ,p:" here ow a
` s today. tall the •iw.Is:i,.. • aro wonder
1 ing h..w it will be this year. \'hen it
i doe* go, it will be off with a rush, and
will be • eight worth witnesin,.
The town council will meet this even -
Miss Nellie loonagh returnel too De-
►:eit on Monday
Mia John McDonald has returned
'rust Port Huron.
Mir Florence Horton is the guest t,f
64rsatford friends.
Miss Annie Downing spent the Easter
• nation at her home.
Will Raid was in teen during the
week, seeing his friends.
Joseph Kidd A Co., aro rushing the
.fairy malt business lust now.
Mrs. bone and Mass Oliver spent the
Faster holidays in St. Mary's.
Miss Ellen Ralph returned from
Anthony for the Easter holidays.
T. Jarvis, .1 Toronto, is in town vuit-
.ng hu sister, Mrs. Geo. Sheppard.
Saul. Logan, of Cleveland, is the cutest
of bis brother Joseph Logan, G. T. R.
John McEvoy left for Manitoba this
week, to supenutend Mr. Securd s farm
Levi Card, tailor, has purchasegi the
dwelling corner of Victoria and Elgin
■ treet*.
Mrs. Magnus Swanson and Mn. \Yil-
tiler McGregor, are suiting (mans in
Me. Dutton and Mise Dutton, of
Stratford. are the guests .1 Mrs T. Mc-
Miss Dora '4Vilsen, of Seaforth, who
spent last week in Goderich has retuned
to her home.
The Wednesday retinue services in
connection with St. 4:eorge's church are
to he continued.
Ales. Crystal hail Leen at Seaforth the
Last two weeks superintending some
work in his hue.
Mr. Adam Webster, „4 (,alt. late of
New Yerk, is suiting his brother, W. $,
Webster, this week.
Mrs. Walter M. Hoene and Miss Me -
1 ormack returned to their home at
Brantford last week.
John .lessnp, who has been risitiag
'•a mother Mrs- tisorge Jesup, retitle -
ed to Chicago this week.
Miss ida Dickson, of tenf.rrth, was
the gleet of her grandfather. Jamas
t►►cksan, register, last week.
Alf. Stonehouse who broke his arm
while skating a couple of months ago. is
now able to he actlicly around.
Mr. and Mr.. Bright. of 'nafortit,
.;vent the Easter tele in 4.wn the guests
.1 Mr. and Addison.
Brophy, the furniture man, acresting
havoc in timer. Itead his advertise•
anent, and tell hint where Sou saw it.
Mus edam", tabe spent some weer* en
'own, the guest of Mn Aleck sounders,
':aa returned to her home at Toronto.
James !rale, late of Grants gr••cety,
ns flow at the grocery . f (' 1.. %L Intosh.
.'stn 1s one of the best clerks in town.
Albert Souterailig,..,nUeet, dun, left
with his company of the 7th rusileers u
.oa.lon, this week, for the N .rthwest.
181*.. .icne.,e Ferguson return. -.l IA•t
week to her h 11,11/1` u. limens. 11 hale in
•ewe she was the ruc•t 01 Mr. i1
C. A. Winner hes purchased the fine
residence o1 J haat garret,
riving ti ••xchan;.' :In part payment his
•tan house.
A salt syndicate ha. been funned :It
sewn, 1•e he know:) :it the salt
Mannfeeturing t ,. Three !ducks an.
ntetested in it.
Miss \ta•4.n' Cameron en.. kllan
''amerce stent their holiday* at itmme.
looks w if life in eastern 1 hrtari.
agreed with hum.
seetuo Renta. -- The Annual spring
show of the Wen Reline •.1 Hurn Agri
cutters! Seriety w. I Ice be!,1 in 1:•nlench
on Therseer next
Hugh 1f••Meth, reeve •.t Parkdale,
spent the Fester 6ol14.e. 1.1 town, the
named of his father, P. McMath. The
reeve I.•.k• prosperous
W• are indebted to the ',rre.r, the
•.Ran of the A (t f W. in Canada, for
the of .1. R. Moller, 1' s 1..
wheels appears in the* number.
Stews R. Steen has been rimeiv .i
new r..neignnients ..1 clover end time thy
seeds. and his stock •d farm and warden
Beed* is new eemplele. Slee *dirt
i) M Reehsnan, late of K.ntail, 1.ut
new 1,1 G,d.nrh. w.'1 sail for
Britain in • eenple of weeks. where he
amperes to speed ahem two months.
(food house aod garden free of neat,
o , • special arrangement with the land -
Iasi. Apply to IItlawget, ltid1ewuud
Fars, ()cadence.
We have received • mopy of the RHaa-
traced War Yens from the publishers,
Gnp ('u , Ton.ato. The pictures de
scribang the doper :ere ..t th, Turuotu
troops are interesting, but the front page
representation of the fight at Deck Lake,
winch must hare base received from the
artist on the spot by special wire, is toe
much of • rood thtag. Oe the whole,
the number Is as interesting imamate
.1 the "unpleasantness" eu the North
The members of the Godench branch
of the Church v1 England aoctety tale
great pleasure to once mere inviting the
public to a musical and literary miter
(eminent, In St. George's church Sunday
school hoose, _.D Monday evening next,
at half past seen punctually. The Rev.
O. B. Taylor, of hayfield. has 'rustled
to be prusetit to address the meetioi
The musical portion of the programme
will consul of solos, quartettes, etc, by
local Wrist. Nu charge for aduiissen.
Ceder►ra .a, les.Ae.a ea Memo tlttt* esr
A public debate bet a•ese three rerpro-
sentattves Ir.•e, each of the above de
bating clubs was held in the tee.peranee
hall here on Tuesday kat. ltudench
being reprwae.ted by Messrs In.bary,
Fete and 1). U. Osineru., sad Seaforth
by Messes. Wilson, Joshua' and !r.
Tke subject fur debate was . "Readi-
ed that Home Rale fur Ireland would
net be beneficial to the British Empties.
theaf.,rth had the Min matte.. and Gods -
rich the usgattte. There was some ditti•
catty experienced ss to the correct deft•
lotion of "Home Rule," the G(dernds
been contending that Horne Rule tassel
nothing nutria than the granting of •
legislature to Ireland with plenary pow
er to legislate on all purely Irish yues
tons, retasning the imperial Perlu•.rot
as at prevent, while the t..aforth mcu
contended that it meant independence
pure and slmp.e, and that even if it del
Dot do so now. such would be the ulti-
mate result, thus twinging about the
dismemberment of the Bntish Empire.
Mr. 1) E. Cameron, of Leeknuw, who
acted as chairman, rman,as ably summed up
the argumeuts pro and nun, decide! that
the popular accepted meaning of Home
Rule was nothing Inure than "Legisla-
tive independence," and gave the phrase
that iueaning for the purposes of debate;
and looking at 1t from that \tend wont,
and as the Seaforth men had the burden
of proof thrown upon them, he came to
the conclusion that they had not made
out a sane.
Al) the speaker* did fairly well, Mr.
Embury certainty being the most
eloquent of all. A choice out rf the
feealorth men would be iuvidous, as they
all did well.
The Petrone Topic says ' The old
idea so seminally entertained that of was
impossible 1.. hare a geed picture taken
in Petruhs oro amount of the inl.enc
of the petrolevra gas on the chemicals,
has been eut.rely exploded h the art •r
tic work turned oat by Mr. Rotuma.
This gentlemen is • thorough master of
ad the Manchee .of the ph..tograpio art,
and wilt give you ea time a picture las roe
east get many city. De net visit outside
&nista ehtil at loaat yaw have given Mr.
Robson a teal.
The irtr.ssee Post says : - D. Mc-
G►lltcuddy, of the (Iodation Sweet., has
been to this sectIOD during the put week
or two looking after the interest& of the
North Automats Life Assurance Co., .f
which be us. .t pneeat travelling agent.
Mr. Me(3iui•addy i. well and fatorshly
known in Huron comity, and as he
represents • first slam company, he will
beyond doubt id. a •wceesaful work in
his new vocation. We can cordially re-
commend him and hu compare to ap-
plicants for Insurance. '
The social in the lecture mom of North
street Methodist church tonight will be
under the complete management of the
young ladies. none .d the sterner sex
having entrains to do withothe affair.
There are many who believe the young
ladies will make the entertainment a
success. The following is the program
1. Addrrms
H a Yonas Lady. Wen."ii Tnn "111
You Home Again, Kath -
Mares wilt inane, Herry and Erhard.
111.-Reettatu. "The Emigrant'. Mit/me-
te. So.g Mrs. T. Dettor.
Mss Callander, Clinton.
V. - Easy -People we Meet.- .
Mos. Policemen.
1•4RT IL
1. Dialogue 'YRratery
The Micas F.s►ers, Mi Bell and Mem Swift
ll. Duets •?he Land o' nae Leal.-..
Mn. Ridley and Mir Ida WHkls•on.
111.-- Receding . .
1\. Sorg Mies Oliver.
V ltecttatios Atter the Hattie. -
Mrs. T. I)etlor.
Tea served at 7:90, sharp. Admission,
20c.. ur three e1 one family, bOc.
at. sieeeart, Vestry feo.sesg.
The Heater vestry meeting of St.
George's church was he.d in the church
achceul house 011 Monday evening. The
iter. 1'. O Junes, amtsaat rector. pre -
aiding There was a large attendance
of the members present.
After opening the westing with re-
ligious exercises, the minutes of Iasi
annual and several subsequent special
meetings were read. and on inntlon were
confirmed. The regular business of the
meeting was then proceeded with.
The chairman addressed the meeting
at considerable length on the business of
the church during the year.
On motion, Mr Js.nes Sheppard was
e'ested peoples' church warden for the
ensuing year. and Rev. 181r. Jones ap-
pointed Mr C. Seager the rector's church
1)n mutton, Mr. 4:en. Sheppard was
appointed vestry clerk Messrs. \'ah
Seery, lL.,ios•,n, Deacon and T. Neftel
were elected eideamen.
'1 Dr. Holmes and 11r S R William.
were appeteted auditors of the accounts
for nut year, and en a subsequent run
tion were also appointed auditors for the
en•uln z year.
The church warden* were requested in
future to have the financial report pre-
pared and audited previous the annual
vestry meeting.
ton motion, Misers. .1. Shephard and
John Deacon were appointed lay dele
gatM to the &levels*,' synod.
The present financial ana busine.a
committee were continued in office for
soothes yaw, to sed is •nnnect•on eta
the church wardens.
The financial repot will be printed
and cuusidered at the adjourned meet
ton ,notion '.f Mr M,Icomsen, seennd-
ed by Mr. F Johnst..n. the sincere
thanks of the vestry was accorded to
the ladies and gentlemen meted erg of the
chox, f..r their very efficient services
during the ye•er A vote of thanks was
ara,nled to !1r Beni. Allen, •.f Chicago,
for his very liberal donation to the build-
ing fund of the church. The retiring
church wardens were ale, presented the
thanks .1 the vestry for them able
manmermont .1 the tinanrial hntldeu of
the church during the past year. The
sincere thanks rf the resery was present
ed t., the memlare of the ladies' aid
*tweety for their very able and sueee•iful
manag.reent of the envelope c obtneu.
The vestry adjnorned fee • fortnight
Tr. Trews. rasp.
4:grrtv,. Rimer.- The tugs Clues.' and
Minnie Kul 1 have been ove►hsule.1 and
i are now to readiness for the op•nine of
navigation. The steamer Myrtle has
been raised ::red pumped out and work-
] men are now busy rnakmg repairs The
boat is hot a,.:nuch damaged an was at
Prat supprend, her hull If perfectly
seuud. and the only damage surta.ned is
Ithe bretekaee .f th., stern pet and the
wt per weeks.-iWiarton Echo
The Wrr t r.,, the organ of the Salva-
' lion Army, has the following in reference
to, tie work of that organization in God.
rich . Prsee (lid her victory. We
can rrul.; aa►. truly God do.• answer
prat er. He rya, whatsoever we ask in
1...h, he'...,,t shat! he granted t•us.
We *Med Him f., • big drum so we
t..u1.1 • .ken the pc••p1e. and thank (loo
He opened the hearts of the people. He
!snit ns. ..n• on Thiirwtay night rid feet
of all He hae w ten precious wins
tits week.
Dr tTn ••r Mt.-. Lyth w I':1 (lord
Fndey the 1. c, of Mrs. 1.!itch, wife of
Rev. R. Leitch. pawed north on the way
' to Dungannon ',•metery. The Point
F.lward correspondent of the Senna IM'.
re, •o. says "The death of Mr. Leitch
hat cast • gloom a large circle of
friends to O.. town. The derpa•e,1 was
4 .err WWI .motile lady and was I.dure•l by
•11. She leaven It family ..f /our, who
with the beloved pant., of the Presby
Damn rhureh, have the sympathy of the
community In thee sad bereave
wont Mr. 1 etteh has ale. the sympa-
thy of his many ft.en to .hreughrwt Ruron
in hie *friction.
A Tonne horse heinntriag to Alex.
!Stewart, .d Dangennnn. ran away ne
Saturday Met. threwinv Mr. iftee•rt rut
and swishing the hands.ene cutter. Mr.
Stewart, happily, w►1 net mien'..
D. F Carneren, of lwicknow, and 11.
it l'amer.o :, of .:ode ich, eame down by
rail from Luc':now, to attend the dehat.
. on Tu.aday night. At 4lint .di they
round tet no lir,ry rag, and at 4 10 p m.
left fax l:.dench on fo.,t They armed
here in rend time for 1) F. Cameron te
take the chair, and It (► t., limit up the
i.utes .4 !Iia •f..or:h. The r+da were
Irough for tramping.
Walter Haines, of 11s11ett, hist a here*
recently. la tinting he get e1 the erred
!into deep snow. and the animal in strwt-
sling to get out bunt • bleed re•wl and
.peri within a short tune This is the
;third horse Mr flames has IoM daring
the last year er •
tease, Mere sit Mea.
The ielowing are the eppointmente • 1
the Ne thwest Tranapurtatem Coattail s
ROW for the serene, so far as yea de
l'mtad Cautaiu, Edgier.'
Roberson ; eugtaeer, R. Keeney . Int
mate, 1' Broderick . ''end mute, James F.,
Itsby , steward, P. Coouey.
tjuebee -Captain, J. B Kymee es•
gine.►. Wm. Kant : 1st mate, W..\•xter•
•on ; 2nd taste, N. McLeod . steward, A.
4110 er, James N Itriwu : 1st urate, W.
Celebrated Is Tine of the 1 hareems in
Easter Sunday fell upon the Gbh of
April this year. and the day showed hut
little siitDa ..f spring. The winter sur-
roundings wets in contra': with many
previous yeera, and the spring millinery
was not displayed as on some former IM
Moore ar1arr IrlrreODUT I'Ht$ai..
1 Dentistry,.
The **Service of Song." in the evening
was well attended The panne read •a •
lesson the Gird chapter of isaiah, and •t
intervals dunt.i the singing delivered
brief and appropriate addiswes. The
musical selections were all su)tahl•
hymns, and during the collection A. R.
Henderson sang •'solo.
gT. (150101'*
The services in Si. George • church on
Souday wore largely attended. The
ladles of the congregation nobly aided
the •asiatai.t rector, Dr. Owen -Jones, in
decorating the church with flowers. and
the display of calla lilies was something
magnificent The choir sang in excellent
style, and the entire services were im-
prwaire and sugreative of the resurrec
tion morn. Re.. Dr. Owen -Jones a in-
defatigable in looking after the welfare
of his congregation, and has a focally of
letting hearty work from his people.
Kr. rxTR&.s.
Rev. Father Watters preached the ser
mon, on the evening , f Good Friday.
The altar was draped In mourning and
the sermon was pule impressive.
Rev. Father Lotz celebrated Mar at
ISt. Peter's on Ester Sunday. Rev.
Father Wetter& ischia; gun& to Hallett
fur that day.
The singing and music were of a high
order. The &polos "Adore and he Mill"
is the morning, and "Tantum Ergo.' at
Vesper* by Mrs. Moorhouse, were paste
l cularly fine. The "Benedictus' by
Warner, was beautifully rendered. Mr
(:e.. Carroll sant; very well. kev. Fath.
er Litz speaks watt( fluency and ease,
and his sermon on Easter Sunday after
Vespers. was listened to with great plea-
sure, by a large and mixed congregation.
iubler nebeel Ue•rd 1leettsg.
The school board met at the usual
hour on Stueday erasing. All present
eteept Mr. Malcomson. The minutes
of previ.,. s meeting were read and con-
The report of school management com-
mittee was read. sutini; that the hicks
missing from the library ah,.uld be c.•1-
lected, and that the bird appoint some
one to examine the Inventory and notify
the persons hiving borrks out to return
them at once. A motion that the sec
retary notify all those haying books out
to return theta at once, was curried.
The report of principal was read,ahew•
ing the number •.n r.,11 399 horn. ?iris
11 stereo atttertiti.s boys 9R±, gide
251, was received.
Accounts were presente 1 from hon
Coate, e8 On; NG/ r,
Mr. Ball, sixonde(' by Mr. Mnrt••n.
Vete notice that he would at the nett
meeting mere the following resolution%
That at each regular meeting the sec-
retary shall present a statement of the
expenditure of the previous rnonth, to
which all payment• (sa'anee excepted
shall be itemized, with the name. payee.
work done or goods supplied, the amount
and upon oboes authority ordered and
paid. That ale1 statement of repairs
needo.1 and ar•i.les re wired shall be &rah ;
mitted to the board by the peeper roan-
mittee at each monthly meeting.
Mr. Crabt, gave notice that he would
move to re-eel:m.1er the ■u•penslon of
K.lney .Adan.., and that he would'
that he be re admitted without a• %polo-
T • board then adjourned.
uteri., - Captain, H. /Attend , en -
Hath..ttle : 2nd mite, \\'m. Jlourr
steward, H. Fleck.
Sovereign Captain, .l. listed . ria
giueer, W. 1)atelem.
Item adver1Memeets TWM week.
`tad* natauel Sloan
Cigar* sad Candy V. Jordan
Hare M ire Yate•
area. Bargain Nrsg.•r It Lewis.
W 1'. ala. it ttobiasoa.
Earoutere Notice Margaret (' M. McNair.
tiering 1ipeutag H. W. Hrwabear at Co..
rtnnre�c. three dome MMus memo. Mee 1171,1
of Yw1T►,
Qedee/. h
A>uctioneeTinq. --
. ibis County of Baron. 11.1« attended
la any part of the ('uuaty. Add.w uralere to
t:oderlrh P. O.
OHN KNOX, VEat,. wrAuoderMk.
•1 THIS Reit and Iced
oat. Pieties tied cutuiderable eaptrlenee Is
We am:timberline trade. be ts is a position to
di...twit. with thorough eatufsiIiun all eem-
releions ,,,feuded to baa Order. left at
M.oiw'.Hotel. or sent by avail to my add
tl.dcrteb P. O.. twelve) attended to. JOHN
>a/K-lt s
i\air is 'swat Awetleasar.
7Mify., df .resew
sod kr. atmy Miall'ees ' .........., 11•
L. ening*." . . .. . T to 10
Che People's Column. Stornieg. for
1-s. ie•mly.fAdm and Surace. ion. iec
L) reapeetalsie boarders spates er gselle-
..eet ran be arcwrmtuudated with beard. A .
ppa1, to MRe. W . It. SHANNON. opposite D
H01.Y1 1* teeidcnre, sear Ms ware. 1e010
14 and plasterer. flecks the public for their
costlsurd patIle is Mill read) to do
all week is he alae ea • warner manner.
Prime to Beet We Mass. Rationales given TuT
1Slldiags tabes revisited. Ittr7•l7.
TRAI'T'0118. Smiled tender. wW kis
received by the immense( school •cctau. Nus
7, is the Towaahlp of Collies -lie. Sala Masa.
the 17th day of April. irate Inc the peeper' of
building a new schoolhouse in said secllos.
flans sad speclarat ben t o be seen at the resp
defies of Ilse Undersigned. All tenders to M
remarked "Tender.- Te, trustees da not NN
themselves to e.rept of the (owes or nal
tender. DONALD Meldl'itl'HIF,
i4ecr'slary to Trustees.
tt40Jl beasltkr 1'. 0.
il IGD to the estate of the late JOHN
(1)0ER Die.sioe Cowl ('leek. Imaganno•.
are hereby omitted that the same coati to net
Mod with the understaffed nn or before the cal
May. 101.5. 'sad •11 persons haeing claims
against the said estate are also requetied to
send •n • statement of their Maims.
R. J. ('It VI R HL.
Dmigasem. Marco It 1>Na. ISMS
TO RZNT- Reiiers eaddgt•on■dslte-
ly occupied 1y Jays Doyle. 1 bed rooms
1141.1 mmdi
drawls' e, al room. pastry.
do.. fes. Cellar with Wass : near Part
and t4quate. MEAGER t LEWiJI. Ilaplt
Aftrrnuuoand eicnaoS. Ladies. her
•• Orate, . .15.
Meat.•. and Surface, )'vee.
Twelve Skate 1 hues e1 1M
CIII►RENs' 1141'1NKY. MaTuwt.av At
tta1001. Admssauu. 15e., tnt•Jndies Skate,
Eves /arta on. ret. • prtar.
Atilt addinpf!o Ibis g) gismo ion
J.l'.'ARIL LE . Proprietor.
March M140.
(11Ip ' ;Alt.TI-
ty-rt-T18 Lt BRARY ANit it18)LINO
awe. ewr. et Gast street toad square tee
S tairs.
Open from 1 toe p.m. sad from' to Np.s,.
L..w(..., /may, 11', * y 111111 lllwefro*d!
J'upra, Mnq.cinrs, de., •m Fele.
( noting free use of I.tbr•ry end Heeding
Application ar membership received by
Libraries. in morns.
taro. here. A
Goderirh. Man la 1214 Ila5
:+eery t ary
-- - - -- :=
✓ T E, CARE, NI . D , C. M. , M. C.
. or. Physician. !'unman. Amour -ems
tis. Odor ,That formerly' (occupied b Mlse
RMcbts.o. Uuoganuon. 4.Igtit 140
W'. bawl.
( B. WHITELY, 1 D., C.M., PHY
*ft . S1C(AN. Surgeon. Ancow-briar. etc . M.
Owtarto. (Mire The stream. l dean
Salt of N'emu's Drug tan. upstairs. teat
pantrytthe sad kit !hen. w.- Asea sed soft wales Itruce Street. ".rood door 'sot of Vlelorla
Apply to018(►ROP. McM.(HU\.
(todrrich. April let. 110-41 civet 1751.
1(18441 Ti. hetsr bas tonemroom•: 1'aytetcaaas, Surgeon.. (tvvurMra, kc.
there ie a rood Stahl, and well on the premier cent• st lir Shannon's rrtddenee, 5e.r the
ea Aly. a gg0000dd )east iRejoin tow for leo pav` gaol Ooderlok. OSasso. as
. C. Sassev. J. ('. Haut
tamers pply M it let. JMH% W 11J4ON drew 7.x 1751.
maker. over C. 0. Newton'. More, Uoderio►.
leit-tf -
year.. loot W Ave. In the )lutland con-
cession, of the Tow•shipp of Ooderlrb. apm
by letter to 1. S. LIZARS_ etratlt'rd Fluff
CWItat'a tail's M*meas,
Pursuant to • Judgment and Order suer in
this eau*, and bearing date teepeeiss;y :he
lath day of rein -nary and 10th dayf lamb.
A.D, IIlt6• there will be sold wit , the spew-
batino of :•tutherlaed Matcnssm. Keeuire.ene
of the Master+ ut the (Supreme Court at Gude
rich, h7 John gnus, Awetl.woer. at
is the Village r 4 thnigannon. at the hour of
ase o'clock. on the
17th day ,4' l ppr►ll, 111.:,
the following IaueI ria The s.eth-,ut quart-
er of let number eighteen. 1n the lr1 mere.. •
cion of the Tuwnehfp of Wewaawk. in Ow
County of Heron. containing Arty aerie more
or lee. The soil Is • rlsy loam. About ti
acres are cleared and well fencwt. the halance
M timberest, chiefly with black r„h. r.dsr and
ping There Is .rotated nn .aid lands. a frame
hods, 15i44 It starSee bilk. and a loaf 1.4,1.'
11114. Then 1. also a young orchard a...lgene
well. The said land 1s situated shout 4 motel.
from Dungannon, 5 miles from )fan. tooter
.and 14 mile. from enelert.-h. Mere i• atm
abut r atns of fall wheat in the ground.
TEltele 01 SALE:
Ten per cent down on the day of safe to the
I'ta:uttfesi.uli.ftere the. teen... to be paid
into conn within lA days thereafter Isr If the
pee:baser prefers, 4700.0( will he allowed to
eland on mortgage w-It4 interest at ; per'cat
yearlst whenperchaaer will be entitled to
a conseyancc and pors•sni..n.
The purchaser will he required to sign .a
atrw'srnt for the completion of ails put-
• 1 he *aid lead will be offered for sale salami
to a re•rre.4 Md.
to other respect, the .nndiltnea of sale will
be tM .tand:ng rondo..,,.. of the court.
Fur further parte-Mars seedy to the sne•-
tlenver or the emboldened.
Dated •r G xleri -h. this 21M day of March.
A. D. isles
s.1 MALOOl(10N, venders' 4(01111 ors.
Master at Ooderlch_ Neal!
■Igs Orbe& Veeee.
The H N. L 44. will meet tonight. I
0. 1. Hawkins, a pupil . f 71t. is new I
pnncipal of the high school at (`entre'
Grey', ind.
k 1.. 'hearth, ono .f our 1+011 knows;
rx•pnpte. 1s a cauneillnr of the I niter- l
arty College Liters Society
.lames W.Ia.,n,..fWawantwh, and lair
llendersnr. of Ondench. are book seam
taklne up wink for first clam eewibrate..
Edwin Wood. a fernier High Sch.. I
pops], carried off the mild rwedsl on gra
dustier at Med/ill College, Montreal
Riehard $.sine. a termer pupii '4
l indent h H N , is president of the Nor
mal School Liten►ry $. 04v. Has ex
perieace in theOrden:it H S. L ft. w: 1
Nand ham to /.d stead:
i•adcr and by vlrtne rel s power of e:, urn.
Weed in a certain 10011 age. dated the elm
dy of t4rplrmbrr, .4. D. tt17e, to the Venders,
..n4 *bleb eta be nendis•ed a1 the time of
sale, then will be amid M 1'wblte Aso en. at
1n tie Town of Itodrrkh. le the comity •f
Heron. to It o'clock nonan, on
oterday, Me IIIA .pay .,f
A.14. 1$415;
by 11. tc RA1.1e. Aenion,.r. the (allowing
valuable farm prune rty. namely. all and
.inrular. that certain pareet or tract of land
and premiere .Ituate. lying mei brise fn the
Township of ilutlet,. le t4. 4 manly of Heron.
and I ro►in•r of t)atarle. remtafnlnt by ade
mearerefeirnt, fifty serge of land, he the same
sen nr lr*•, artsgcons owed o1 pert or Lid
Number Twrnly-s1*, ;n Ike Vuurn...nth tore.
version. of the said Township of Hallett, and
which May hehetsrr known and described a.
folio w. C'ommon.. ret at * d telam r of
twenty•evecheese on it omit* !Meat therty
degrees West host the \anh•ewiterly angle
of rid loot, then.. North sixty .tegr.e. Afty
fuerminntrtWret*0.017.paln. to Mr Her
1111.111111.111 feta twenty -Mc sat twenty -.even,
t beset Meth Flim, degrees went on Bali lin.•
or limit thirty-one rhafn. ,.nett-II.e link..
tbenee Smith misty degree. fifty four mime..
Etat nine Mein. to t..ti, of gruel road.
thence Netthetly oa lonit .4 road thrte,haln-
thirty Unite thence Norte, ....tartly following
see NNtsale ed the gravel owed tweet�.f.
rheas" ten inks to Mee read, theme North
:hurt* degree. YAM en 11m11 of road "even
rl.isa o. the Nape of M•gininag. este •red
sae t scree cher.../ h.r•rnfnee molal to Ile
Rev cemetery.
shoe, prep. ray :• all neared and 1. Is
gone •r14. ,.f reet.s•..,n. The sell i. ealett
and 1st ',rm The p1... is well fen. ed with
rail fen. -r.. There 1• A frame dwelling nivrl
and a reprise horn 1x134 eon t4. p4..e.
The prnpert• Is Mteatee la awe of the Motet
r•rm•ne p ctn.s• In the 4'misty. and Mon the
grarel nwA, and I" •1•1111.1110ate•IMara rim the
ULere of Isltttemel tee miles from the Teen
of clime,. and t7 miles frim the Tnwn of
Nalcr,• h
Tern" In down..54 cite babe.., in owe
month trona the date of sole. or of .n.•1, h.l
ase• may remain on nerve ere roe the peeper
II for ere t, an 11111h cnlrrep at 1 per cwt.
7151.4 17'1, Narh. A h ler4
For further f•artl. Sian appl to
I'AMi Die. H04.T♦C4M1*R0'N.
Or !o1' '\ p \ 1Vendors rwdietters,
A wdimehm. neaten( h. Hee H Ander' . i feet. Ill IMP
l• Uatasan• 4s. J. A. Morrow.
E. N. Linea. 11111-
1 ('.HAYES, St►LI('IP IR Re.,
tot's corner of the square ase West
Meet, i..l•rirh, over Haller's bookstore.
money tetrad at lowest rates of Interest.
`N KISTICKS. Attorneys. Stilettoes, ere J. T. (larr.w. W. Proudfoot. 171,
Harrieew•. Solicitor' in e•benorry, At.
Men, L and \Ingham. V. l'. Cameros. QQ
of 1' Mill. )L 0. Cameros. Oodeatek W. E
Mahan. N•teetotal. 1741.
Loans arab insurance.
(t • per cent. Private fui.da,
.44.,, aarntr I.,r t'red,t i'on, ter.'
SKA(:IiK a t.F.w1x.
•:o.l.r.ab. Man h St►. tae. IIIc
• t odt:e0Y kot-Tr4'.AMYRON, (lode
ich. 1735.
�L mom, of Private rands for invent:Mee!
it lowest rates on tint. lam Dioramas. Appy
to (; A tip IW k PIRA UPOOT.
nn Vert• .ad Tow., Properly at looted in-
tens!. Ilortgngr. pith based, no ('ommtr,on
charged s .w.,yauciag i'e.•. reafonable.
N. H. ) can obtain m.s.y i. one day
If title is mi memory. DA\ ISO, t JOHN
STOW thirstier. Re.. ltoderi.•h. 1751
1 Life acid A,•cident Insurance Agee.
' I(prra'-Wring Oro elaat • Alosapat
for f or l • I. Aust Live *rot It 1.s11 na.Ct Co.
Money to lend on Mortgage, rather in Town ,r
Para" Property. in any way to suit ate borrow
er. trice aurestatnl Ray's Hoek (t5Art*
To l.54 on farts and town properl). at Me-
w r:•.r..t Mort gime, purchased. 44o cos-
' twomee el:erred .geese Ow the tihM awl Loam
Cua'aev of 'Sheds, the Canada loaded
' Credit a 'mummy, the laude. ,nen l'ompaa7
I, of .'*nam, Interest. i. 54 and Too rent.
N. H. Boerne en. earl ohm, a teensy 1st ea*
:... if !Hie ssltdsctnrr.
DA (1*SON t JOHNel ON.
I1g0 Yarritten. tc.. (toderir4
:fir,ir "I '4 1.K,,T.
Tilt; ruIter Tu 1:Kx i:1: A1. TR4'4TM (YYY
ern preprr d to 4011111 mosey at, per rest., pay
able heir yearly, on
mt flet-eL,s, farm wcurlty.
Aptly to
('.'M*It0N HOLT t (.4341.440).
Agent+ for the Toronto t:eters! Trusts Col.
armee e'atttlw.v. ifniT k coamegom out•
t aim • large semen.. 1 private !nada to hyo
..^ '...lase harm seeinety,
(I.A.Neb, 04.4. 11tte. 4111-11
W F. FO(1T.
lee. toe one Ma rote M.erener .Agent,
N' 0111 -e, nppo. '. 1 :oll..rn♦ Hotel. -
The " la.nton lw.utan, t incorporated 14111
The ' Vet meat . - ".40.1 ed tato.
Tk Hale -In -ban . 14e only ('etapsar
lecnsed to iron plat. glow is the
feeit i n ion.
The •neer are all arm clans and okl .ash
I1.eta taken ..a lowest rear.
item 14 1 ti..•. Mak IM.
bin-rig/1 AMR CWT. Tsttaar•rie ftseskelabed
PHtEV I X 1No. (O',. of Lowson noted) -
triaMia4wA 131.
N l
1:111 ilt 1. INM. r i re. of R morrow Casa
1.1.1)Ish.4 ItN.
Risk. taken in the sheerer', flaw Ofew at
the lewr.t ret,• by HOICArk *44)4474)11.
('AV 111.1 Pit Oa N
immeenipeot Ise ..n 411A'TINGSraiser CO of
Twn,- vnt.
• Mopes moderate.
owe t►r*►+Lr menet,. tem
HOP ACR 11011TQ74