HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-4-10, Page 1p
ItlItTY•elellTY TRAIL}
WROLI Klattittlt
. . -
--- -
4 McalleLICVDIOY B1:0$.PeviLstus
. Had it been possible to proceed iu The along the North Itas
FRIDAY. APRIL WIS. Mg. open oort against the "bribery brood- ikatchewaii has been caused aineng (Aber
Au. your pray -ere and faallee daring
Lent will avail you nothing it you still
neglect t.. psy for the home newspaper.
This is • On of einiesien, soul a very
serious one. Square up with the editor,
and face the wicked world • itli Ali eased
WE art 'mood t.. see that I 'arsadian
pluck exists in the breasts of the old
member* of the Gnaw -itch compels,.
several former inembet• living at dis-
t:tie penes, have a-ritten Captem Miller
offering t • aerve ui the ranks if the coin -
is called nut for active service. The
men who have thua volunteered their
seri ices are strung young fell...vs, and
w.,uld make eoed campeigners.
Wt heartily second the billowing pre.
position of the fiamilten Too.,
it Having settled with the half -breads, it
would be a good Oleo tor the troops to
cun out the who's pack .1 speculet
.ng 441ticials and timber Inuit gran'oer3 in
...he Northwest. Sech a service to the
--ountry would be scald only in import
!ince tu the crushing id the rebelliou.'
Itirinre. between the lines ..1 the
Mott and ether Corea nment organs, w•
see that the Doininiou Government is
going to give was to the hslf breeds,
after all their bluster. Then the (/..v-
ernment organs will peroh-pooh the up
rising, and call it a petty riot, etc., while
all alontt since the massacre 44 Croner s
men the Mad and ea satellites have been
using 'he biggest headlines to describe
:lie rebellien, and the various murders.
Tax liemiltesei Timm opiate out the
f phase of the Northwest mud-
dle -"An index of what we may expect
is found in a report which we kave from
Ottawa. N. sooner ware the Hudson
Bay Company's stores at Duck Lake
seized than the agent of the company
;eiegraphed to the authorities at °item
that he held the Government respousible
the lose . Rebellion loss claims will
ase plentiful from this out, and we may
expect to be 'baked to foot big bills for
traders and farmers. The cost of sup
premium/ the insurrection is only a poi
tion of the reckoning
- - -
There are Canadians enoulth within
fire miles of the Chicago Herald office to
pat down the Red rebellton, and what's
mere they would do it, too, if their
for the offence of br,lwry, the moat of things by the lend gra/anew ef the Tory
them would low have been in a felon's Imembers of the House of Commons,
cell. among whom our Themes Farrow figures
The Ise, it would apikear. dote not as a tared sh.rk.
toudi the "deuce of bribing a member of The race for fat lots by these patriotic
I parliament, and a charge ,,I .-ompiesee Tories was keel.. Among the others
t • 4,truittly trittue4.2.4 members of the who joined Farrow in the big land grab
Legislature to vete had to be entered. anus that louil-mr•uth apostle id Orange -
While it wetild have been easy to have taut and loya!ty (and governineet land
proved the Charges of bribery or at- grants; Jelin White Bre. White was
teuipt_ed toiletry against any 01 the Tory C'eluoriug tor 1).4 ()ram!. Bill about four
guareette atm es.-ii'Vrateingt-with yeees-empre, but was silenced by some
the effence by politic opinien, ,the diffi- mysteries@ agency. The following letter
culty of peering a 0....eerore to do so 00 written hy this patriot will .h.@ hew
the part et all lie ally t ow uf the offenders the eau* of grab wits worked in the
V$4 manifestly difficult. Judge Weeen 1 Nettliwest
pointed this out when he said : L tloaato, N. W. T.,
than unit nem .if' ten •t least: Here A. M. Burge". iCIN-•
IMMO of the chap who vote" to be country. Those at the toot of the Rocky
sharp at the start. This pits ht • llourstuicis,hyvita4 run out al winter and
be'esz.:..1.40.11::::„0.:,,gmtb• iineoga. ippelue..,,b..bablibeas littio anl he gathers himself and PIP :11:::4',"0: '1..'n's"11.,ICr;."ti-ittitt""*„"ralti,k,t"isti;:,77.11,11'
mirk* t.. his opponent
i People wo•.* putt) altos tsli. 4 sheet in One e,,,,,fitv.n.
Its more slushy than *vet in this sec- g"tr.41hil:ttaii}... gises the sports sawing ' T eine are wringing up all akar, the
, Tut. TA14,1141. AS" '4,11 xo.41.-.
. areuiet A dialler to hatlah elth the I'm' . Za"::iii:4:41441.;:tehrYatt" It'h.1444 144:::aAri ITU It Ut tilr ..4
Mon of the great moral vineyard. The
woe is rapidly rotting, and water is fast
secuinu sting everywhere. Travel by "bunt' instead ef at hmi, for his cern. Mimi will le. ,tie ..f the need importaw
snare, and pedestriauism it for the time' -0 lookiag atm iu the district. The house- 47ser"itiestle‘stehte.:1/1"ss%e:i s'euidel.buultihis thehcLuriff
politer is reputed to be the hernelitiet Parti of the Deanne.- Alt this countio
vehicle is becoming • delusion and a
betoz, a lost art. I speak fro -ii, experiek:1-7 sae Juin. in the laugh at bis own ex- est inarkiee and nie be obylieel te speneato
epee e... tem respect : Le eke eaneeele". pima, for like sill htemeltiookine melt thousands iif dolleursavgAelly to build up
eim post, tg. ameeimeda eke. „ tee bee he is full of good nature (I speak form,: , it few easterri mantfileitins. Mao the
vole e peeing the y'lereks ea the puma aelpeta :isms on this poilit,) latul right to charter reurealti shy where in
of profit -.rehab my innate-%ve e-illinith " ,,,,,L_ „„ .1 . the queetion of a few years till we had •
the previtiees. where it would be °sly
c..mpela me to admit parent hetieally is a ." a ww inw aa's VA ma Weil. C'allo ll!, road to Hudson Boy, fuel be- -in-rtAnd thri boys "take." rest-hirr distance 1,1 the iiiitik‘e.tist4ifrtho
hope era task at this particular 'Dessert of by. Mi. take "(hill':
the year of grace one thousand, eight . _
Then the old "bans' vete down his
along the highways. down the byways, belrri, and r...narks. 04)0D FRIDAY
hundred and eighty-five,) I have been
glase, wipes his grizzly roust:eche and
rod through the unfamiliar paths anti ' Mew (be Dar *vs. sWss a• 4•041•.). I*
consequently speak by the card when 1 nars.r1:11.4.3issrLisAlullot:osti. 1 4.1' 'IV' 111.-".1 4 i'W'd FrillaY mail a c"Isi, wfi'i" -"'.
say that the *Jens of the times atd thel „ 1 day this year.
character of the present "break up ' Weil, not 'tactly, but o i port} Lear, 1 Seethe." wore held 10 the Ronal
winter prognostieate evil to bridgeronrillsi .. l, C ithelie and Episcopal churches, ano
l'i ! •liat d'ye aak for '
and milldams in the near future. The Wall. I thought tt was daire. , utside. tu"nY
Other* gent shooting at halls neat
there attended to their devotiene
river Maitland is riving rapdly, and ces it's bin so all -tired dry insole herr. ' the harbor, ur ot name in the woods.
warm rain wall Cause heavy theels itt at- Yoe're the lust that's treated this fe- Bat i: was a told they for stat of the
most every sectios of •the county-, front 7,,,,,,,,,,,,pe,. 44144:n.,ful! a deren on 'ent his aporisesse,
o The eidunteers paraded about thirty
which nothing but miraculous iiiterposi- o., strong ia toe ((premien. and headed by
tion can avert disastrous results Men 1 U13 • 'le" ol les ''" t:.e a l'"i• the hand, marched from the armory to
day last, I hrid occasion te drive party, and they drop like skittlea when the harbor flats. whore they fired dermal
TtlitorcH 4 441t4It kit t. a "strike'. to amide volleys anti volumed, Although several
. .tfter a little chaffire atnelig theno recruits were in the raoke, the compitay
.archei well. There was a - military
between two c°ncentli 'n lin"' Ire"' use salve*, one gets up and er.iers the flee.
of the best Jehus et the section -the re- feeling in the air all foretiour., and the
doubtable Fin:ay S. Scott. The hue hiul i‘t.ig bowl fin his friends. including the boys in tho red emits ererpoel boldly out
obi bum," and he in ("Hewed by the admired of all admirers. .
another and yet another. and it: a short onrp:07-Trtiodutuy.b"Adltaeradeemih",stirn.it'it'...
time the old fellow has half a dozen troops to and from the harbor, they ter
drinks concealed beneath bis vest. snarled several of our leading eitioemnand
If he hadn't been an 'o-ld buir.,•',:he were .swelfl recemiivean . anTehniecile,,?ts glee.
ini4..ht have been a Premier of a Douai -
bee.. stabled and fen ue prairie iiiy arc
21.st, 1883.
A conspiracy must consist of . mon.
I"' •
Deputy Peellstvr 4,1 Interior.
there were four charged in the evidence
If the evidence included only three, they
eoulti you% those three and discharee
the fuurth, or if two they might cowrie%
two, and acquit two, but unless more
than one were included in the evidence,
Cl V ICt 641 rOMIIII 110t. polleible.
h would sera' that the assaults
made upon the character of the witioss-
Dear Sir, 1 want you to enter the
:mews of David Gilmour, Trenton. sod
JohnWhite for two timber limits adjein-
nig A. H. Farrow's on the North Has
katchnwan. Enter iny name for the first
acid Mr. Gilmour for secima, in place &.f
the limit hold on Smoky Lake, and the
one that Mr. tailmour holds on the Ndrth
Saskatchewan, as 1 want to exchange
lee kr the prosecution by the Tory press i them, judging from JAI ash hear. will
lis! *fleeted the minds of the jury th. I telegraph you from here on my return
ease ta whiie the hold tha------------1 from Rocky Mountain House. Make
the entrees v. taut fekeri -anent riAea ,
SUSUMU§ the second count, owing (44 the 4 ka
euestionahle character of some ot the ant, VoUrs truly,
;Siosoti), JOHN WHIT&
; evidence they Rile the priacners the Can we wonder, then, that the half -
'benefit of the doubt. This merciful act breeds and white settlers of the great
Noithweet feel dissatisfied at the grant -
evidently net been travelled during the
mg of land wholesale hy the Government .
entire winter, and we saw at once that
to absentees of the Farrier and White
we were likely te endure hard trials and
stripe. Mr Ferrow's timber limit is held
tribidatierie; to use the chaste language
in his sou's name, but that does not
of the ancients, it we attempted to drive
improve the matter. Jt only aggravates
on it. Finally Fin. decided that aa 11
the offence.
wou:d save us three miles and the
The Macpherson*, the Dewdneys, the
quarters, he would take the chances an
Farrow's and the Whites have been
drive up the line ; which he did. We
reaping a rich harvest out of tIse North -
were sorry fur the raah decision before
west, because of their "Ieyalty."
we had gone many rods, for there was
- - - -
Dame, M.P., the eloquent little or no (toting fer man ur lomat. In
!en the part of the jury shows they were
in the line of instructiens from tke
judge. who said :••-
any reasonable doubt existing in the*
Juries were always told if there were
minds, that the accused peruses should
get the benefit. fle did not want them
t•• conjure up such a doubt, but where
the evidence was so evenly balanced that
it was hard to say which way it ougkt to
ge. the benefit should go te the accused.
The verdict of the jury, which is else
where given, is in effect -
"We believe the evidence prove* the
linemen to be guilty, but as all the
witnesses for the prosecution are not
themselves perfect, we will give the ac-
cused the benefit of any doubt and acquit
The Tories themeless believed their
champions to be guilty. Fur the past
year nose of the party but the fanatics
or the fools believed anything else.
And they still believe the quartette to be
morally guilty. Yet it was a sight to
see and hear the Tories Whoop tt up over
the narrow escape of the bribers. They
seem to forget that the queston of
aervae" were relluired 11"initt°n britero has bees settled by the judges
wbn sat on the case, and *141 114. Legis
(hag Tory confrere has given itself
away bsdly. If things are so prosper -
on, in Canada since the N. P., and there
has been no exodus, how is it that there
sr* so many Canadians in and around
Chicago. The Spectator cannot deny
that the American cities are swarming(
with Canadian young men who could
not find employment in the Dominion
under the Tory high tariff petal.
Tan Government cannot excuse itself
by saying it had no warning .4 chis upris-
ing. Two menthe before hostilities
broke out the following item appeared
in the paper below credited: --
"We are informed that Louis Riel and
-attain ere eareseetid in draftinsr a petition
to the Dominion tiovernment demanding
certain concessions rehear they say bent
been promised to the half breeds of the
Northwest Territories, and it im the el.
pressed intention of the half breeds of
the Saskatchewan district that 11 (14...
concessions are not emitted, which are
asked for, to resort to arm, to force •
compliance with their demands, Mr.
liankoughnot'i statement te the con-
trary not withstanding.••
Vidette, Jan. 22nd, 1885.
Josses ROYAL, M. P., who has been
sent lip by the Government to placate
the half breeds and Iadians, is *unposed
to have (loyernment authority. although
/sir John Macdonskl declared in the
House that moth was not the case.
Royal was Ri•I's successor in Perlis-
lature must take action in punishing the
offenders fur their crime.
The narrow escape of the gang on the
charge of conspiracy is apparent to all
but minds blinded by partizan bigotry.
The Chief Justice hot locoed to
In this case there were many facts
which appeared to be well vouched for
bearing hard against the defendants. A
peceou falling into a trap laid by another
was guilty, even though led into it. The
story of these witnesses did seem to be
very strongly corroborated in some re-
spects, and there were strong grounds
outside this corn.boration for believing it.
As to "Big rash," the agent of the
Dominion Government in this rascally
affair, Judge Wilson was unmistakeable
in proormiteing upon hi. guile But as
the eharge was one cf cloopiracy and
not of bribery, Wilkinson, however guilty
of wrong -doing the judge or jury might
ocosider him, cnuld not be counted
legally guilty of ronspireey utilises one. or
more others were clearly and without
the slightest doubt implicated. Hence
the ocuundrel's escape for the present.
However, Chief Justice Wilson felt con-
strained to put this an record : -
The Chief Justice said he need not my
a great deal regarding Wilkinernt.
The evidence against him was very
strong With reference to the reputa-
tion of McKim there was nothing in the
evidence before them to affect his general
aPnr"dalthe members ere.: a respectable let r4!
He h'!"" nature, young fellows. There are one er tee
d knows how to humbug his fel- more of the old bard that we would like
MoG. to me in it. The band turned out in the
evening, and were regaled with a sump
luaus supper at the residence of Mr
and Mn George Acheson.
A meet creditable fact worthy of note.
A 4 errealmieneas Mao Talk. esti or AV*. trap the absence of persons in an intozi
only a portion:tens body vaible to the caged condition on the streets during the
some places the horse hed to travel with cutters sad C*,erre.
naked eye, the lege being entirety placed The LA -owing letter wee written a
beyond view by the slushy snow. Bit short nose before the Roil rebellion, and
Fin. kept firmly to business, and the there is nu reference in it to the theta -
horse held steadily to work, until we tor's doings The writer Mr. A. B.
Potter, appears to have mush hope in
the future of that section of the North
West in which he resides
Meorroonso to W T
tertained and showed a route through 8111' Once more I write you a few
the fie/ds by which the farmer and h.s tet:infre,:nmetfhtisanfeadr Canada portimi ef the
teams usually went in winter time to the TER WRATIlea.
Prince Edward Wand Liberal, speaking
at Brampton on Ifooday, conspired the
tau leaders, and claimed that the best
that tumid be said of Sir John was that
he was with a clever lawyer, and all his
schemes were fur the interests of hi.
party , while the policy of Mr. Blake
was always grounded on justice. After
sbowiug the erroneous policy si the
Government with regard to the Cenidian
Peelle and Intereolonial Railways, he
to..k up the question ot the rebellion in
the Northwest. His attack on the T..ry
reached about three quarters of a mile
and then fortunately we came to an en-
trance to • farm, which we gladly avail -
ea ourselves of. We were hospitably es-
- really think st ts about time that
camp was vigisrom. Ile eoutended that , concession line to which we were Jour -
they had well nigh citified the country I neylog. No damage was sustained save ti:sh:r°nanistarif.0"o%Pesnruns'staeng (shies. Atr, earirieetee
which the Reformers had left in a first.1 the knocking off of a 'hes frem one of about then the following which appeared
in an eastern paper "It is now time
for the Manitoba residents to visit their
friends in Ontario. They are easily
known by their fur treats, beaver imps.
pulled dewn ever their ears. ' New I
will venture to say that there has been
less grumbling with oold here than in
Ontario, m the cold Is steady, and the
people prefer comfort with a good fur
cap, to pride with a little felt hat stuck
on the 104) 01 the head The American
papers describe Menitebs weather eV
below sero. Now in this part only one
this wiuter did it go below 40' New
class condition. The Tories had turned
the Northwest into a dumping ground
for their political cenvicta. He dealt in
• masterly way with the fisheries ques-
tion, ad showed how protection had af-
fected trade in the part of the Dominion
whence he came.
reputation for creditility or honesty
He also mid that "As Mr. Blake had
inset, and has mach influence in the ably Fronted out, there were numerous
Northwest. He has bis eye on • good ones in which MeKien's evidence was
position, if the following despatch is is amilinned by other sweets and stood
he creditor' : "It is hinted hens (Oita- Gnu."
oto that Mr. Royal, M. p, roeseeired The public have now taken the
assuranees that he would he appointed to
seemed Imes Oevernor Dewdmy before
tot would comsat to proemd on hie diplo-
matic mission to the half breeds. At-
tention has also been directed to the
feat that it was Mr. Royal and Mr
Cho/dean • the present Secretary of
State, who defended 'repine whoa the
latter was tried for the saunter of Reed.
It was aim Kiel, Royal and Linke* who
eseureal tha eiestim of Sir George Or -
Me by womientalios in Promaeher after
hisdeleat is Montreal in 1612."
4- . ,!(..o•,;,:o;
''4,P444.4* 1 it4+, • i ,;,-CdsaLit. 4i'
the hoese's forefeet, which was occasion-
ed by the feet striking when pleating,
but considerable milety was allayed
when we finally reached the gravel. On
this trip we
.1tor4a59 Ter Livia INAITLAau
at two points. The riser is rapidly ris-
ing. and if no abatement of the waters
t Merrier; of the general coinniittee be had destruction is in store fur some
of the County of Huron Scott Act Agate of the mill dams and bridge's... The
oiatiou will be held in the temperance quantity of water in the swamps is large,
hall, Clinton, on Tuesday, April 14th, and the bulk of .now still thawing t.,
commencing at 10 o'clock a. in. The water is great. Some of the wooden
bridges in this section were condemned
last year. and • heavy flood will float
them toward the mouth of the Maitland,
beyond all question. In such an event
the seacinhled wisdom oi the county
council mar likely la compelled to Iota
$ special session to critically eltfalr•
once mere the subject of the mechanism of
iron bridge work. Tho outlook seems
gloomy at present, and it ts to be hoped
natters will improve, but at the time of
writing a season of unrest is the portion
object of the meetirg is to consider the
steps to 1* taken toward securing the
enforcement the Soott Act in the
county after the lst of May neat. There
is mind of • hell setestissee of repress'.
MUM temperance vnen, and we feel As-
sured that any supporter of the Scott
Act will be well receiver' by tke COM
'suttee at Clinton on Tuesday. There is
need of prompt sod vigorous actnin on
the part of the temperance people of
Huron, if the Scott Act is not to be made
• tool of in the interest .if & amain of nearly all the men owning mill pro-
hisk y ring. petty driven by water power They wilt
-- - have to depend largely upon the strength
“lawawAellatiair Sisia. of their beg, bee dams to withstand the
niessere of the ofaispiretors, and they
stand morally cioserieted of everything
charged against tbs..
On the 23rd ult., the very day Sir hear, rush of waters. At this juncture
John A Macdonald ordered out a hat • • heavy well placed dam is • harrier and
tory of artillery, although lie dented, in a shield in the time of dsnoer For the
the House, that there was any rehellion
sr any ground for the report.. the moat- present
THE ,"05DTTION Or Tilt 0.011)4
t rell I WeinAiit repOrtli Mr. Rufus Steph-
*aeon, Inspector of Colonisation Co- has caused the troubles in the Northwest
ponies, as asymg : to be last eight of, and even the «Id
NSW% has been received of a oonfliet
between outposts oe the Afghan fvontter,
sad it is probable that war will be the
resell. The withdrawal of tempo from
the flearlso will simply limn a transfer
to Mellen, to fight Cossacks hietaid of
"Mr. Rufus Stephenson said he had
"bus.. who drop in and occupy chairs
spent some time in that district,and that ,
there sire sufficient whites there to put in the har-rooro. had patiently wait for
down any rising what' Roel and the fel remit .4d acquaintance to mime in and
letters he had might attempt There oak them to "take suthin'," can't find
were no wild Indiana in the place, all
anything else to talk about. You would
being civilised. The Indians had no an- j
Mimosa' sauna the irtites In his • almost imagine they were afraid of pet -
titan. Mr. Caron, Monaster of Militia, the freshet tTietell A parley of this kind be mill f.'t all to go more into nailed
also maid that he '•hart not reseriveel any . is a anoemeam mea fanning. se the tontine., a grooms of
Hello. Rob. is that you i crepe would wear out th-• Ore of laarl
information 441 any kind from Prince AI- „
beet, arid did sot behove there was anyfleaselers 0 would pay better, pestle ilarly oft OW e-lah . wind. N. W .
truth in the statement of an uprising "Corms d'a one. Who'd you think it 1 tr. those a long distanee from the railroad Corion Imam en the nights of th•
Where." Were theta' publie *Goers web- was if twasn't met I A roe' (teal el the country so lyiag al- 1 3fil and 77th
rant of the bate days before' o grey nobody . for term, kin't nobntly 'wet idle foe the want of a railroad the No. of eleady night*, 10.
11es ober a pitiableterriept y of inempe- _a. the, se -tion rho... s. . . ' C. P II. ant 11181111 able to timild breach Nee. of dear roglits. 21
t tch • lookin nutter No. of freaky eights, 19
tansy ! 11 they were aware of them why I nes, 71o. will,n4 t.4 led any on* else
0. N. iletkolata, Oftmetege,
tams delay and digital!, tig:Itimg: wen- " rya be -
ten falsehood 1--(Clidllmi . Mid thee there's a All kinds of eta* do well ea this OwAseielt, 4prd !ad, We.
.41',14 a
Year's day 44' with • clear alty and
m practice the Goderich gun club will be
Pie going in all .direeel. able an a very short tune to tweet in
V;:rntr, a man living in this township,
keeping up the high reputation that
who "mei about 40 rears in Hur"n' Goderich has gamed as n sporting teem.
prefers this winter has fine in this country
The regular meeting of the club was
held on Tuesday evening
MALI, 1,5 (11 Haler neal)o
The last curling match of the season
waa played on Good Friday The
and Mill crowns led at first. but the men
with the heavy capilliary substance on
top caught up te the bald,... and led si
the close, as will be seen by the follow-
ing score --
Walsh, Barry,
Dickson. Adamson,
Humber, skip 23. Daucy. skip -- 22.
.oleortimi KATca
An intereettng match between nisei
bees of the ;Joderich gun club took place
on Good Friday on the harbor fiats- Tho
eaptains were Messrs. Geo Grant anti
C. Seeger Ketch man in the team fired
15 rounds at oompositiou halls, with the
following result -
Grant . Seeger . 4
Watson. 14 Edam . .
Chambers 3 Henderson .. 4
Campion 4 Hutson.4
Pretty 0 Netted 4
24 9/4.
With ..ne or two exceptions this ono
the first praetor for the members of -the
club at Mlle. Wile a fair amount of
(which is called a cold eine by old settler;
to the average Ontario winter The
Rev. Mr. Roberteon, who hae lately
been In (tritons, awieeig ether Omens
visited being Oodench, attesting in
Winnipeg the other day he stated that
he prefered the dry atmeephere and
light sr.ow fall of that' country to the 1
moist atmosphere and snow blockades in 1
many parts of Ontario It snoweei on 15 dass , amorist of
nisei, A HN
,:Altri,IO OUT AT 26 entore. ram) snowfall, 22'. inches.
A young laa; "1 1" part ear'-' 45 It rained en I day, the 28th . animist
camped for dinner in * small Owe* 41' Ilreatewt velocity of wind during, 24
miles scrota country without homey, and, ot rein's'', 0.5 cubic inches.
bush toehold seferine with the 0014 1 hours 'es the 201h. 'A? mdee, or 41 sides
met OtAr/0.11. I: two- hour , wind, west with IfliOW flurries.
No country wilt welcome the enii , letwat velocity a wind during 24 hours
grant Tr"r% than Ulu', it he is "r 6. mrht on the 2.3nri ; wind, IS W . notate'
see, being those wishing to 'arm and cloudy . 100 mike. or 4 Mlles per hear
with esough mosey to support him till. No. et frosty niahts, 2*1
he can rause a crop, 1118 the 111410Ullt ei Na. ei clear nicht.. 6
laboring hande wanted will be .,m.what No of cloudy nigh's, "4.
!Mem 1 Neir this place in Renee 2 Prevailing winds. H. W. to V.
Wirt, 2n'i Meridian. is the Cr•fters
settlement, they Ming supplied with
woo by fatly Cathcart, the meet of It *floor's' nn IA days . amour or
whom are doing well and w. doubt will snowfall, to inches
make good %melees Alen some :12 It rained on 2 daya . mount of rain
families of Russian .41 take
len Tonemmewnetitiminelth2, fillires5 stuutrolw:rdinceetherey •01 uni,... during 14
anitilnakgeefs2rtn. hut
ttou'vti of painobrokers and hears nit the 9th • woad. N. W somensig
DM miles, or 10 miles per hour.
PimildWhitileri ireOr elifi 111.1118! 11O1.1 none surrelile „balla ilreiaajai of Wind An the .22•41
this country f..r growing orlon, 11 would *ma. eiloth . W011ther clear , 110 lodes. or
4 miles per hour.
Prevailing meek, W to N. W.
The min crossed the equator at r Lail
elerittier Ilteleire rev rillerlierr OS*
opinion there was no trouble.' ing tee much water in their whisky if
laugh te -141 et
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