The Huron Signal, 1885-4-3, Page 8l until Saturday last, when a
claimant for thew turned up. f to the
name night a lead of grain was stolen
from the faint of the Messrs. Mton. un
the 10th.-jNew Era.
asatrut the °mantas."' •'f his crime. W the ether day by the member of North
Anal yet in the fans d these recorded Perth testified. Timber limits inumer-
facts, Sir John Idacdottald declared in able and other grants, as shown by
the Hose on Thurwlay that he would
numbers of !les, preset that memben Vn the ciabt of :he 13th Inst., s biro
have been toed and convicted, and that were lookingafter thentelves, t ieir sons bob sleighs were left by some unknown t Um of ewes...
nothing would have prevented the lawothei el b e. WithieMH. Masa[sr•
and ions -in-law. It was apparent that parties, on the farm of Juhn Willer. 1&b wewet\RRAY 0. J►ii1V fl .
from taking as oilers.. [London Ad- tipederldt Maroh 8. nets.
the eagle" were t diepong in .e wake of con. They h>mldct en hp bteh6.0 ; _
estate CHS FB1fL NS. the circa, being awakened
of 'f fact thata• albs* lei. rii. find an owner were on- •'
ernment only awakened t the and all *Mots to J
Groove, March 31, 1(itli.. the situation was suceeadu
i here is considerable talk through the
city and within the house of a Fenian
rata uein.t intended. It u rumored that
the 4.:rd Battalion, Ottawa, is ordered
to report immediately at Preawott.
The war fever runs high here and
hundreds are pressing their aaeeviees for
the front and the disappointed ones are Premier had at a preview time unv.Igb•
pleased with the prospects of the Festoon d against him i Blake, when the leader I Distrtet Lodge 1. t r. t . T. was held in
of tee llatarw (inveroment for issuing • the Temperance hall, Auburn, on the
coming to the int. as offering thein • s g Pe at -
chance of service, bettering the Feeians proclamation, which he asserted had lith ult. The meetings the District
to be in communieatioa with the North- driven Kiel to lee screw the lines into tended, every Ledge
west rebels. The government was said the 1'nited State*. When this statement Ming represented.
fh a followingensare
to be in reeetpt of numerous commnsi- was Dade b Sir .John at that tune, it the c. icots Adams,
eatiuos from detectives over the line was emoted cheers, but a distin- yTear:- District ChiefvBro., R.
goished prelate afterwards hr•eught pa- Lnnd.aboro : District ry
Wtodahile the insurgents are supplied with pe'rs to prove that flit. John himself had leturdt, Auburn : Secy -Treasure Bre.
all the lath" and mast modern arm° 1M paid Wel to leave the country. The Frank Metcalf. Blyth. After the or
v'o:muteers are badlyequipped in this aeoret oervice money voted by the Gov_ dinary routine of business had beer, got
respect, the Enfield* eing long out of ernta*nt had bees taken to pay him. through, the Resolution Committee sub-
date.pi Lcnking back at these circumstances it mitted the following resolutions 'halt
Krill there a the bravest • sit Resolved
abroad. (paned. of course. by an inteu•e was interesting to know what the Ger- were duly approved. I,
feelinr of iadignstiion. ernment would now do with Kiel. It in view of the Canada Tenrpetwan Act
GOD$RiCA VOLUNTEIIRS. was very �iticant that, as Sir John coning into edee% nn May let, each soh -
ordinate Lodge in the District, shall,
before May let, notify gash hotel keeper
a.d otber dealers in Liquor at prevent
engaged in the trellis a who may take
pees•seiei of places et public entertain -
reset in their roomettes neigkborheod°,
that the Ladle has resolved itself into
eosmittee of the whole, to see t sae
said sot is duly observed rad
11, Resolvd that web Marsh esxswisa-
tion and all Temperas.* Snotstiee be to -
pistol to cooperate wtth a is 'store -
tat the rdearvsne' of the Scott Ast.
Hi, Resolved that rash Lodge in the
DU iet pledge itself to meet the Hares
Seen Aet A°°ociattos in any wog that
may be required,and if feeds ase seeded
to ferfish the same by sato ci piddle
estertainynesta or by dhisl Seratikw
(1 educed frets 1st !••p• )
nisch snore a mute •►au 'bat • f the hi.
sadists( tura., which wstb rt. y ages SOM '�w.rd Make 011 tiltB
mareb toil be ruvrost textile' •way fn a►
it* Mae of applies, and r,,, ming a
broken tvuatrt full M s,1,hu..xdua
Korai. Tits RIM INst ea. air J••t•a A. t1esM+a.d's lsa•ae•dratteg
aware e*.
Wirt,trui, March 3d .•e. s1, who
semeeded Wel as the weo.o• t f..r 1'• u-
weatcher, lett to Oise. 1 day to trier
the get e'n.meai 1.. *err z, .1 tutarnte-
diary. lie nye the du1.4t1.I it of tuts
rutenur at OIt.w. cs to tris••,•• f••r ties
trouble, iota that , eau wain, 1 the had
breed. would taw wrier *1 - c .ler-tau4s
r*ostvwl „px,Ittllttw from the govern
oro u .sr,eatsw i
When Mr. Blake slated tl...1 Ice w.•ttl.l
hold the ..malars el the U..•erwm*at
parentally and p •liiwaily nese iwble fee
any negligence that much' .., ur to 0. 0
sachets with the arwtutc mai equipment
of the fott*s W be aunt 1•4 Ilie Nerthwmr
he was a..r;nly applauded by 1•t0 eht.'e
Hvuw, au4 #5011 Mr. Corot aseeuted.
Bat at the rght of his esu f .11,'
applauding Mi. Blake, !tis Jelin lla • plain 'a• FI . :,l ..i visa f. J:.• mid this
dunald ,sewed k, h..e :its bead, and lktaws Cilamtt had tark p•abitr!:et! the
asserted that ibe declareta"I which ha dattmrot •• t al ,)Tera •taw h„1 NxtstrA
(u lowers i.a,t appiaudtd Ala• "an iu,l' to n !at .1 to tt., . •ud Cl.,.atts far )airs
dost threat" Tue Ili use seam than wawa.; pude, w . cad i.-' ni,st,ie w
dsettrual d such a pray . sh;but.o, prase irw Wei, p+rent. Sp••eu'sta•rr and
ill temper, and when Mr. Boake reiu*I i s� • who tare Rives Iota to persons
Tyr• tall et..
Fri ,•y 1... :
age b.. .0 •u reels.. 04 .i.t, pest a1)•
Owe do Kai l be .•,ee e.. nal! sten
tee •u ..uolev, with rtderetiee 1 • which
M tu•••.hr it•.+t had u..t
tst.,d hoe t1••us with p ..itr seeped.
d' u, res 1,.. ttud*tl••s tot the Soethweet
dlsl urbalteua rue deme and the taunt
try bel Moo . i pi tsy di. t iuv...tsuent 1.1
the ser. r• fit •.- .t c.,u.d Nu dose, sod
she-.. ua•'tel •.i• the I'relytcr .1:d iso!
„ire Di... ,ut,.ro.at0Ni wtueh Ise ebytiJ
Tov 1).1 er. ,.,� tit.' t,ru %ti.iJ utYf ie
•qa the w ) t•' the Nuel we.. to take
.!ares. A 51)00141 distinct' it ,ua Wilma
pee w.+ I* 4 1,: •.h••+ that t i,u titm.eLbts
w.r a'twe., au., ;t ell .late•i that .M,
h.11 tine as ha. v -•i grund. for c,.r-
d. t•no, took place en
ed his statb,ucrit 101 was tkcur'J amen
There ie tremendette castes eet-
Calgary and Regina tour the reported
upralu;; of the Bt.eefeet. Bat no sere
pries is expressed, as the Iodises darker
the winter have ,:aperitoteed uuparsU
privations. Dtattu fres etarvart ,n
have been by i.•, moans uut}•uuuuD, Uhl
men, women and children show bet.teir
emaciated appurr.toce the terr.hlu true,
they. have endured is heist; sent to amis.
and hope% are yet en.ertatuud that tate
number induced to j••tn the half breeds
will be comparatively steal . Many hear
u "t' hove• had tout thought tit to give any in -
will pretrbly be ae tetany •.0 etsc side .5 t s
the tither.
have,; wliu.. 11 u a , ttined
rwa. ,•,e ,., ., ss
haat taken
Iam.I..ear , (.e f, ,,.•.f Ibe slat „idler*,
he hood im1•rovd theist for fifteen or
eirhttw, y• .r4, mutt that ibis Alas the
re 1 saute for tau trouble. ' Tile out -
ars & was a very auriunr occurrence, and
Pirlieuwar shout,' at pact• have been fur-
nialiu•I with the, fullest information.
Tbi, war tbo :aw tot gn;land, wh fre,
whenever it was at any time necessary to
owl out militia, it was coutpals.,ry that
P,.tlans.:a^sheufd be culled together
..uLnr ten day. Naw Partsement was its
already uIt. s their the urs to the
resulted, r tion writ be roossds its the the IV, Resolved that this District l
band. of Nie °evern #sat whet this Lela, work in herawny with the Den•- !
peulie eligials had been about, wby the mien alliance and ether Temperance or
Cs wnuWulns 'now fogad Deo.wary had Satter. V, Resolved tial the Macy.
u,.t beets appointed lesser ; why steps eorressp nd with the Huron Scutt Act
Mei rut beau taker to appeal to the pec- Association. asking thou as operation fu
1)l.; s traaei, and by pru.upt motion re- teddies; • Tstupunucs picnic for the
outwits the dialeult•ns which had beets l'vuuty about June neat. L xndesber
created. Parliament wtwld be wanttu;; was selected as Um next place tot meet
its in ditty if they did not take iwtuedi- tug. The neat moans will be held on
a:u steps to asoertatn all the recta tit the May .iOth.
eats, and.. for that roue he mored all
sme*dment to the ututton to . into
committee of ways and weans that the
Government should at uoos lay kafur*
l'arh•uc•eut lull and ooesp!ete information
sr i a e bat steps bad been take. by them
in referees to the claims of the half
Seeds, the tallier out of the militia. and
the present diaturbeuew in the North
wort Mr. Blake's whole address was
wee id the tnostt au.uaatod, w•tu: •d acd
effective delivered is Parliament, and as
be went from 'sent to pont it dies out
round aftei round of app muse.
Sir John, in mina to reedy, fairly
shook with eaciteoiuut, mud furiously at-
tacked )lr. Blake bnnsttag the gus-
tiest up He said it was nut the Govern-
ment's cicty to intunn the House resp# :•
ing the ceurs. of events. 1t was their
Juty. lie held, simply to tuinistote and Juhn haws, auctioneer, d 1 n cluck, p•
Instils country,
the troubles t without thealaout.
tn., un the 17th dayof April, 1883. moot.
ib. aunts), sod to put down the out• - wbea 1 will display fall lows a earl !,#part
bleak as quickly as possible. Ho went
an to ountrast the Indian p.•ficv of the
Cevernment with that pursued in the
Vetted Ststets. He trferrel to Lite half
br,eds se beteg ign.riw` savage and
rtcklwa. and said they were Prof4rnng
ciaiau that were fraudulent. Ile excised
the Ottawa department in issuing titles
nn the ground that the half breeds look- .t '3 roar.-
ed so leech alike that the tlev ernwent ax r from Mr late [ Labe) call Mirka on to the feet that 1 have opened a Drawl, Store at Gaa.ssaea, wdtr aka
The funeral w11! take plat
pr could not tell whether they had testdewx. itrit:an.a Row!. Goderirh, moo. Fri ' manaatttaeat of �ttatt PENTLAND.
tf t ey waited
received laude. He said ��RS C. H. 0-IRV IN.
if they waito� until the half binds ce:.s �T• Aorit �• rya-•, a' 3 tic lack p. m. E'rie,tob
el ttruitbling they would wait until the and aogaatatan:e* oil: please accept tilt*
day rf judgment.- He repdiated the --
utterance in the (k vernicent orgatss.end 3 ebical.
said the t:overvment would not be Is,und
by cheat but would speak fur itself. He
,aid the Government did Kut want to ex-
plain anything, nor w••uid they expiate
until the rieinr was suppressed. 11e then
tried to justify his prayer at I'etcrbnno
that he wished he could catch lttel, and
wetted up by saying he would not be
forced prematurely to snake a single
Sir Richard Cartwright made a brief
hnt tarring reply to Sar Jobb, ',latch the 1gai
G,vertentent supporters tried to prevent 1 1_1 Matte CorIlro,:e Strom oner °wr wed este
being hoard by ali manner of noises Stn,et tat.
The Speaker demanded order, and Sir
Richard proceeded. lie saiu from the
vehemence. the calumny and the slander
which the Premier indulged in, it was
evident he felt his case to be kudefeusi-
ble bur It:chare, after dealing with -_ -. - ------
John tion t., tho d ail I 'd catch • patronage. He sant read? to dill _ __--
k k lie incIto • .ape
f atm, 'et clic h+adne tot the (iuvern-
guverunnont, so that at the rat there1
i ..,.ti.,n whatever uut'1 uuestt. e ,
W,'.rlriu, April let.
News farm seat of truuhle is very
alarming a11'n lb's inaruint; abroad lfat
tleforl, shet s Lathan lands outer
Pouirdinaker,Little clue and and Strike
Him -on -the Pock, iciest the teen, a.•d
eurr•nnd residents end settlero ,tow
,closely 4i:si •ved 1n Barracks awaitir; re•
The movements of P.iel with upwards
of two thousand rebels and Itidieus is
mysterious smolt the fall of Fort Carle-
ton, and it is now believed he will tern
up at ItattIefurd, which is oily airway
miles west.
The Stoneys and Crass from Eagle
Hill, South-east of Bettleford, she aha
bands who killed the two Farm Instruct-
ors James Hayne, and (len. E Apple-
earth and two others, eapp•etd to w
and then itx sal sit thu most meager de-
sorip•tun It *as fat prudent a ycer
ago 10 put 1041 toss to l'..rt Carletun.
(:uuctniaa'..uer Ripley anal to a report
this' miming the hall breeds there was a
ehre lie stele of demontont, and the Sas-
katchews:t LLernl t tails '+t trouble last
year. Louis loci um united into the
J.u.itry tiLtal no,utha so., and it was
quit.• erida..t ti,wsiivatiut w.a gr..wityt
orititil, but no motive steps were taken
to prevent the irout...•s from matins to •
h :ail. Ooe of the gtievan.*s ant.ounced
was that the
by the G,vernmuut organs
half brawls had obje.t.d to the aorvey,
an 1 apparently the p.:icy pursued by the
Lateral Government had been departed
from. If this aIle.tua fern of grievance.
that a 'octangular survey had been
forced up.d the people was correct, it
was a most unfortu, ate *tate of thinks ;
retttsra. They drove tattle and horses fr • ct experience sod cwt..m flew pm -
of settlers before them as they advanced pd, Ladd u e Wed.wisher tad! old have tneth
to join other Indiana.
Some settlers awing in were robbed acee.lyd W It was the duty ,:f the Gov•
of their hones, wagons and load, and set ernmeut, without loss of nice, ta- have
(ra fact. disposed of all the questions. But in-
- QINO settlers are gaming in from die- -teed of scout ai mita than. they had
tent ssttlemeuts, and are aliocte its the bon complicated by systematic delay of
Wrecks awaiting events. neglect. and fur piers the people had
Private despatches received th:, morn- been left in a chrouis stat t i dissatis-
iisg cunfim report (f murder a:•d pillage faction. When the sitaatiun was found
Indians so grave that it became ueeeasary to 0C-
A. lorbett,a towhee in the t„, uty of
Pine River, tewnship of Hecate last ,tinct from New 1"erk a gnat wreltT or the seams. and whi. ► taawt tr wrpame/ for
week u tool w harts °.ddb Illy r..u..x,#atl,
Iwv►og s.idry mourning creditors. 1 LEC+ANCM OF DISICSN.
Druid thud fart living u the cause aaYgu-
Tke .ede,setod, haw lrg I telly reamed from tho Ma+►rts. whorl. l Lave sc nista with
'eat tan Ube leadiss ar{Mtes ti
1t''Z+O� S,
a.tesses sale•.
All it'hais ine will pot theirlag treee notiice tt rtes at
thus Its' p to t\e tilos of sale.
Auction sale of valuable farm property,
Stine wntpoeed of part of lo: lft, con. 14, ,
township o1 Hallett, at Martin's ►ntel, wilt be area pla.rr*d w.thtM eases which
is the town of G,uderich, by H. W. Rall, ( dial an w went is vague thatImre Wile. 1 Wend to base ray
•0 1' o'clock, toll fiat
A,. the remiss seams is t•aelw aid abs Untied Poem i soak
In iek atoWsia
fine stetertat. 1 harm W.• erred mom la eete.ahp wall al ulithe • trill
my trimmers. sad beak' •oeerdtaulJ• sed fed r.Ltads i,
Laces Lace Collars, Lace Curtains, Embroider-
ies} Gloves, and White and Colored Mus -
tins in Plain, Figured and Check
auctioneer, at :..e , nton, OPENING
clay, ta!sale of 1 d,e. SPRING
Jutliuul ••f land, twin¢ the ewth•
east quarter of let Nu 18, itt the 3rd: ^r11 ��tiaa
eon. of the township of W awanueh, by 1 Cin. Sat-' 1ciay7
In AskrfS.em the nth ult.. the wife of Mr
U. meta.
in Oederleb. ani' kende!. leareb !R I .
Elisabeth .T _-lei► eellet of the lata Hisses
seeltt. tMA.
In riederich. n R'rdnewlay. April 1.t. talk
Kti •aheih. nli.t of tie late Robert farts e.
Matins. Port A aged t:5 years and ere
Trimmed Millinery, Flowers, Wreaths, Feathers, L..aothh, Lata
Curtains and Gloves, in Kidd, Taffeta Silk, and 5.111wy,
all the Newest and Most Fashionable Colloris71O11. h
for Varies, Style and Quality, canna?...-�-•
I MU else ehra aR the settee. suitable tee the seams in Freer Articles. with prices b sur-
ibe tames. I-VERI.OSK IVYIThIo.
at tiattlutnrd by Crce
It u stated hero that if Cress are on surd Yoet Carleton, it was the me
the warpath, the Blaekfeet will be only duty of the G.,.errnce':' to address
tow glad to assist the Government W themselves to the preventonfit a brae
avenue an old gruel w against their sworn toy the redress .,t the grievances t to take
enemies. pl.iin.d of. Tbey had a r!AI+
The detachment o1 Mnueted Police measures w that direction, but nothing
left by Colonel Irvine at tiattleford,have was done. Fes outside sources it was
telegraphed for permission to destroy also learned that • amnia:, of half breeds
stores there, as an attack by rebels is in the vicinity of Prince Albert had set -
apprehended tied on lands which tke Guverument had
mecuo:tAL0 ANL RILL. given to a colonitatiun c'mpany, whfch
Sir J.,hn's curves adeno a in reference
demanded that the tiuternmeut should
1)oeject them. With the heeds of officials,
to 8141 was its 1871, std the Ontario
from the Lieutenaut Governer down, it
proclamation offenng a award for his would be very strange if the Government
apprehension and 1101 could
was tett had Du1 been warned .4cially that
issued until 1812. lion a,uld Sir John trout. !e was brewinx. He did not wish
then toy that Mr. 111aku's offer of • re -
to attribute blame to the Government
ward had drawn Rte1 across the border. for calling out the .ntlitia, as t: was
Sir John knew of the bey etiatiens he had noscsaury to trade every means to restore
carried on months before with Arch- ord -r Tae r•untry would, however, be
bishop Tache. He knew that he had iejured 1.y the fact that this was neces-
plaid the money •,tot of this public treasury nary, and confidence world be rtedily
to support Rini while be was out of the shaken. The livvernment wore to blame
awntry. He knew that he had given for the apathy and neglect with which
the Archbiahopothe arurance that if theyhad treatd the people who mads
this were done to harm should scene thclaims upon them. Tbey were too
to tris{, but that after the elections were bury apparently, Trending for their
over the Guternmemt would prttect him friends, as the immense return rtferted
April 2nd, halo±. Nora plots /butt Homo tt♦aa+S. Cao l.rl.b.
1.E. CASE, M.D., C.M., M.C.P.S.,
• Oat. p►Iseictan. tur;e 11. Atweehesr.
e1•e. (Ake- 4Thst korrekt!, occepred by Dr.
R,1teki,.eun) Uungi noun Igist oaks --Mar
iii • hotel. ut1-
j D. WHITELY, 31 D.. C.M.., PIlY-
e SICIAN. A000er•bcur. eta.. M.
C.P.$ . Ostariu. Unice -The Square.: deers
Baster WItetxi s Drug *ere. up stairs. tenet'
jJ Paysiessie. deriteoae. A000i cee s. kt.
odes at Ur. et.anaos'e reeidenee• sear the
gest tiodertth. O. C. draNNoN, J. C. •LM L
sea 1761.
soot, points raised, showed clearly that DWARD SHARMAN. ar.[c1LAvta i Uo,ter[butt, here:,yid. us.
Sic J Itad f•►sitid vhs face to reL- Fj
't1eu1 t , (p cuui centinuru slur ,111•4171;-_
him " episode. Ha mad from Archl.i• I� a. snit ,be titles. ksciutate. sre. i
shop Tache's evidence, ar.d proved leave
bwi111°es when rcaalrtvt. -_-
V t -
WKQLESRIf ,:111) 11(1111. CEICEl 11
wino Awe,.
L,ha%e much p:easnre 1n calling attention to my stock o'
t:artlully lured a^a' llanotlr.I.
Fresh Beef, Veal, Mutton, Lamb and Pork, eusaap 8!iced
Yeats! Tongues, etc.
A coil to sollelteI. -1' er dtrs Dri. $4 i Illr3 wad.ottr:r!d.
ant plasterer. thanks the mime- for their
Sir Joke had nes tared 'toe Kiel to tan
the country and sent the money as the
price of his withdrawal before the _ -
Ontario Government issued the Kochi- _ - --- --
stem offering a reward for his arrest. �`t ODZRICH ROLLER RINK.
.ietemet ebuwed from the edictal jr
'rho, Mears. Otelsr ob.
travelling $uiba.
g��ram Mired. Mama.
Gedevicb [ Lv. T7itam ( is:9 p.m { 3:Y p.m
bt: at tord . Ar. 11:1 a.m 131111 t i 1e raw
)used. Mixed. £sprees•
LT. I ism a.m 1 1x:10 p.m sat p,m
Ar. ie1e*•m 3:15 p.m 9:ti p.m
As Sir P tin 1�y� aterwa,rp, .lftersaon
records Sir John • lack of veracity, the Three b Osie.* and Kri•tap. Stratford
Ii h • rm or cheep Mo irtga, trent _.` --
read byoductne otter evidence incr t l Il F
to to It l:oderiub i
cause ring sect a storm
Casey supplemented the testimony i montage.
mina' g Sir John in dra.ble dealing at Morning,for Indies -
xlkate. sad surface twee
ier call. Admission
fisc .1luctioneering.
s time of the lied River insurrection. Afternooaand Evening• tidies. ••• �
A vote was then tekeu and the amend ueata. tae
Skates and Surface. Free.
mete defeated by a Tote of 12'r to ,: • { Twttat!skate Ci,�eties p
The motion to go into committee then 1 CHU.DRKNS MA fINtt os g oruanai a
nd and 6 Committee reported the v_.vxoae edema iso.. imamate.8kates•
carr e , the u ver� one Bey • prima
ecu :�'. n with regard to prisor. labor. Milt addingto tbs.vusu les..
J. C. HARRISON.Pr Proprietor.
$1111: Wit. • March 18.1st5.
Ti..! :leas flora were s urea $175 TU -re LIBRARY AS1, lttADiNG
fur a sane months old filly last work. ROOM, cur. of Fast street sad Square top
Rieaard Gorier and Miss Annie Govier slam. Ire= 1 to 6 p.m., and Imo 7 to 109.91 -
are at present cisitiuq Errands at Bump- ABOUT ':000 VOLS IN LIBRARY.
FA au Swot.- .:,oho Lanham its. sold I.eod:eul Deily, Weekly and Illw•tra
Papers, 9Ma,xirine., ate., on Fit.
this nundem•ek farm. on the gravel road, }r
near L.ndsl»ru'. to a perso`ne f•�rom east- M:MBE i H1gf' T (el L Petry sad ICICT. ONLY tReading
ern ttntrtrio, for the soot o. ev.Ut10. It granting Itoun.
ceataics f10 acres.
Gee. Rathby. of the 12th con.. is suf-
fering from a goere attsck 10* medialeat attendee
hadA fur days ago
had but •light hopes of his recovery.
The p.ue. efts rete lather b: ghter at
present. .
Smtrn0.-Richard Browr., one of the
old residents uf•iiullett, and who has re-
cently melded on the 7th con., departed
soddenly last week for Kansas, leerier
sundry uwet:led ac:•ounts behind.
Application for membership received by
Librarian. is rooms.
President. secretary
(imitate'. March Ittb. IBM. It'.17
1 RINK. Colborne street. opposite
Drug store. Orem for the Naris N 1e41.
If *mom from 1111 to 12dt1 o'clock.
Afternoon. life to W ..
Evening. 71e to 10ils
(ferning Lathe* Pres, used Skates. lee.
Genera: admission. anemone and evens, Ilk.
solves when hostili-
ties commenced. A cvmmisaion to in-
vestigate the grievance% complained of
had been appointed. and with the aid of
foot, cavalry and artillery, the Govern-
ment hoped to get oat of the scrape. it
would be a questiun to know what to do
with Riot wheo he was caught. The
Soren District Ledge 1. 1. 4. T
The quarterly meeting el Nest Hurn
Capt- Miller lad the volsntmsaout en for parade and impact
boys turned oat well for so short s no
time, and several recruits offered their
etrvices. The cotspany will parade frets
time 1-, tis.*, as it u not uprobable that
they may be galled fee frontier tarries want the
before hand, sad tee trim sash an
boyo to he in Road
e m wrests)
tart &Omit.
"irison isrard. of Joliet. 111., a cm a
visit b• is persists hors. ('erevll kgs
We are informed that Gen ream bin
puMbaned the Royal hotel bate.
oesin Iso R .1 D*Long, std Weeds
taking reeeseies ill tie 1st d 147.
raid this aftereraes he was wain
ing for horses) and evidently not
=the teesnn taught him by the
filth. the Government. The Govern•
west would doebtles Sod trouble in the
feet that swat service money was not
now evadable. One Government organ,
the oodea' ( suggested thatOttawa
Ming ht. siesta be serous •p to the
Gest tree. Mr. Blake weed ifdm ser ter-
a* was itueiral by
and whst! *r it was thought advbM* to
resort as Iymb law. Ow* this, tee to-
Irswsat art premed at owe
that was to ren tee t>b.We
were at the bottom d di the
PINi•mest should be provided with the
, finest isloemstios as to leo tb treebte
embed r
A L ns a,sortme•t of the Dania•
. the Cosaty nos Heron. Sales stseadsd
In any part of the County. Address migrate
Uodoc•iob P. O.
°,TION EKR sed Land Valuator, Ondertcb,
Oat. Having had considerable esperirnre ie
the auctinneering trade. be is in a position to
discharge with thorough .satisfacttunail tom -
missions entrusted to bite. Order's left at
Martini Hotel. or sent by mall to mos rddnes.
Goderich P. 0.. carefully attended to. JV°8741 INU
iZ.NOX Counts Auctioneer.
suitable 'or
peIrnaaA\le UAtt &t ut wage
nano axe ms T. a ars g.
arlllttl) O*AiN Or ALL KIND15..5
Um celebrated
aS RNhvboot is the market
Um street Orals ik"o'. opposite Tows
Oed.rlok. 11111the
Deana Mab. lees.
liss ordered mate choice
Gamlen and Field hada
A ws{_sik 4010e el Orwoeries always os
Qin. B. OLD, the Formic, Gederiob.
C. samosa. Ja. J. A ¥harvest.
L M. laws. 11R
D C. H..TL4, KOLIOITOk, Rc ,
OT::'o .crier oftee sesare aid Wan
amt. :.1, -Mi. over tattlers boekster,.
Wae7 to lead st lowest r•.e., or totems.
T 11USTISIVI. J,wornayS die* e. ase
Dederick. J. T. G1rrov, W. P 11k
re:ass:.,re n situs ary.
Ba owl 1, m. i,: (:. (•emoros.
� lMauAsmi' _tor 4 v:atisrsrl' 17.0.
The r\••ge of tem has Vitaee(to-
-- tN THY ---
W w • 3 ele
Ratsvdai IS$
ti ..i= I:;
my Neter se rho
J. Bt PITT, leak
,Yes1N lliZsat
o*dsAst. time& Meta. OIL > }
Arrival d Pint Detach:mats of
Wall Paper,
Fancy Goods
Loans anb Insurance. _
111 64•11i1 per east. Private tames.
Abs •grate bur •'t;aeet nosier."
tlJ;B11.A(ti.1t � L�Iyriz.
eder!rb. !tar -b 4th, 1 . tris)
1000,0uo TO LOAN. APPLY TO
• ui]1dt0N MLT Ict,AltlilltON Gods
j*v ONiiY TO LEND. -A LA IL 41 li
ltam.,.1 t of Private rands for fav at at
� t lowrst ratty e$ are.elar ilisrtgages. Apply
to%JAltltOW '?Mott T.
X se Yarm sad Tows Property at lowest n
terse. t° aati!� lar•. cassabas.
N. • IL -Borrowers sea cams is er_ dry
if title b aati0tactee/.-DAT t JOHN
.TOM motet es. tito lioderide. slat
fI1J1or prwo
Ctle�airsiOo t lurss eAreAaasaget.
LIVE *roue tww,iaacs
Mos*) to ped on Mortgage. either is Torn e.
Yarm ios Property. 4e.t le Karl suit the borrow
Moak a
er. O --cit
To Foal on fans aid teen prepaetl. at low
est interest. Illortempa par:basad. No cos
mases noires(' resets torand
Company Cantata l�
tae ((7ssrda
Credit Company. the se Fora ('espial
et Camila. !waren. e, N sad 7 par amt..
N. R. • Il.rrewtee ser Mises asasep m w
day. if We eat
1/fs Barristers. Mc.. Oeirieb.
�',�11O T(g,LT.OAN AT a rift
are prepared to Insd•moaey ate per coat. par
able hull yearly, se
nn ervt.-ttas farm security.
Ap0IT 10
CAMrtheTurk. reef lT & CAII>< ehrW
Aerate for the Toroatowar*flaerdw l Tr Qtr!•
Meson. Carsaos. Hwa s: Caraaew true
also •yarge swiss( et private roads ts Ma
ea lrst.:lw tarp reosrity•
Oodsirb, pot t, 1e.1. 111111
FMD, L(/r sad ort JY.ewr. s , I peal.
Newsalte HMM.
Tks AssrssM iaMr/prwted 17fL
7 \e ;Natlrea - .4. ibm t(.
t \sIlleers as 5. plata glom Iii p Ui
' The sive ere�salt ere class sad old stab
r..11ew M 1 V' mems.
peaerbb. Dao.1My 1.5 qPJ`
House 1:trnis= nga
IRFTmo A1ge. CTO'T. Tosowte--R!••MIMd
PROM iNP. (70•T, et Lewers Rsslsaet-
We�Mtehed 170.
■ A NwoizD MK
ocrY. d Rastv�walpa�il.Cee
Rieke tame IS •
thewlity riesthe
CANADToAp1M LO AN ass f CO. d
T M� Loan usarlh. from
7} a per Oast
•loser' lupi. M
tees:eh Now
The Mewled Reese eider Um Res." If 3
)Reit door M Ow etre Ogee
00110. Mer so.1� tiffir