HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-4-3, Page 6!t
THE HURON 8Ir, N a t 11, I DAY, APRIL 3, NM
law •Twuutu etluuterrs turned ma. t
BLOOD f D, 1•tttost a11 oft n tit'el-day for am/ire
litu4am/ire y.
A FrrIiob Ceaadiau rr;{ivaent hse been
coked out.
TeftLIOLg .,1.AU.:4 rem
It is reported that as au t:ac.oniter
teem Carleton, thirty police wore killed
!mid thirty four wonutlot. A despatch
frolu 11u4- in flay Faut..r Chit Le to the
Minister of Militia ears : -
•'Efr.euatud Fort Carleton for Prince
Arrest, after deitruyui. tute;;raph aud
stores. The ('srfetou light cnniutenesd
by the L df-hreeds tirtnz on the polite
• duaiut a parley wit:, Major Crosier
tinier a dog of truce"
THa P J t 711x11:
'11:0 Canadian forces will be sew: ..c, r
the C-ntdian Pacific. The Toronto met
w,l; ;;t. .,.tr the 1)ut46o nod Lbc:w,
maiden to Carlton Plate, ; there the•
wlfl take the man • hoe of thin ram:
through I'ctthru..e, Callender, e'.., tt.
l'.•u :lrtaur. There are 80 mites of tam
r a.I ail is hire the track his r. t
hie) laid. The first br.•a.., se
4u miles, then mines a stretch r•
track and thou tltrve other breaks,• a
: tnilot-witraf shat--oH. -
frow Prince Arthur 1as:w.r1 is 'flet.
I•he whe!e rood is traded, arta the :um
Call be taken over the b,t•akr iu sleighs.
There are p:suty of horses to he h:..;, h
will be with considerable .litlicu ty that
he areas will be transported. etipeliets
can be readily bought is the Using*
Shier sed forwarded to Winnipeg.
The C. P. IL authiseitics ata -making
all necessary preparations to transport
trdopr. Gen.5fau. Van 1;erne, obi is
in Tttrntto.l, said last eight :
I t have given $1,(YYJ aut of my ewe,
pocket if this had ncearrtd three week.-
eti.later, for we will then bo able to shote
what the C. 1'. is worth to trine ri
troops. supplies, etc. ".e sill here a
hruugb line by that time. As it is we
have to use s:4 i_hs and .cams t..
carry the men L.;tween the ends. We s ill
put the men •through as it is in :ori
+.111!,0, at the eutire resole' -s .•; L.,
country will be turue.ler‹,.o titer ;-
rice of the Government,
Dtrrrt'. LTi¢, is TILE t(A1-.
Tho uucumpletei part of the road i..
[r m D••g Lake to Nepieon, a distat:ee
of 246 meas. In this strotch four
breaks of 89 or 65 mites in all are un-
tracked --but the whole :lel miles would
have to be teamed,, as there are no ta-
giues on the lutervetilnl sections that
ere railed. Horse ales might b.: used on
theta. The inure, however, the welter
iafconsidered, the more untie• iy (Iota it
seem that the C. P. I:. can ••e.
If it is it will be a: great expanse of
mosey and treeb loss of time. It would
be far cheaper ti.; send the men through
the United letstei as citilians, and buy
rooms Sets and sinal in taJ i..-411:.4•41 Statist',
Ahench they cutlet lie s:ii:.i,eJ to Winni
Engagement in the Northwest
with Riel's Rebels.
Troops to Leave Immediately
from Toronto and Mont' i.
Tele/'.Iph t., The Steio 1.
SATs ens'., Mare!! eft.
.risks iu the North west territories
appear to tie In a deslreratu c.tuJit
judging by tuluirams from the prairie-
n .!Sir John at. Macdonald. by his miser-
able dallying, hes u:sin per:Litted a re-
bellion to 04>u:no sues headwai• fait
blood h . Lies si.ia an i -precious 1ias
Tho.ineepaci:y exhibited ant ()item. -o
far as tire North -wast is mnmer ed, is a
Oui. Irvine, chief of the Mounted
Police, tetexrapes to the Go4enement
front Carleton as follows :
Toe party wader pry command and had
.fast arrived here, and when nearing fort
Carleton, I feulld Ctrl Cowie, with a
party of 100, who a short time boli:'
bad gone to Duck Lek. to secure a large
yoentity pf supplies there stored.
He Vat .net by 200 rebels, who held
an advantageous position at Itear•dy-g.re
•erre, and the rebels trial to surround
the ponce and the civilians accompany.
inti tbena. y '
The rebels Merit first, when fightir*r
Gemini genera:. Crosier, owing to the
disadvantage at which he was taken. re-
treated in an orderly manner, seri%ire
at the Fort at same time an my party.
Ten civilians trout Prince Albert, and
two policemen were killed, and four'
cis iiians arid breis constables uosndtd.
The ntihtber of rebels ii!'al is rot
The .situation in the North-west is
grave, particularly since the recent en-
, counter, m which 'tae hall breeds were
victories's. We are too dvufrt begieninz
a serious oampaien.
bel is rep..rtt•.1 t,. have 1,500 adher-
ents, armed with lieminzton rides, with
sit field vine. Tho :;rarest danger,h..w-
ever, is feared friar the Indians.
It is quite evident, that Beardj sband,
. who, by the way, are Pagans, crust have'
sided wail the repels against Major
Crusier, aud should the dis:,'lection
spread to - other Indiana in t' ,rleton
agency aud to the large hand in Battle -
ford, anti Edmonton districts, the task
o1stampiue it out will be truce fermi!'
The Government has taken vigoreue
measures to me et,the ernergency. There
are 370 military within striking distance
of Leel ; 300 volunteers, with two Arm
stroug loans,. six or seven day. travel
away, while 800 eastern troops can be
iaaraediately deipatebed,to the spot. %1
The latter force consisted of A ant 11
batteries, , .11300 men each
frlfi & he.teueeu s kin and Royal grena-
diem, end RO mon frutu Seb..ul of In-
febtry, Toronto. Trou}.a parade at ten
ti::oc: this meminz when men will Le
picked. The recce will Choi leave as ar.n
LS possible.,
Mounted P 'tie-- Co::aiabie T. J. tea.
son. constable r P. Arnold.
Civilians- apt'a(Ipt J+hn lf.•ritOn, R'.
Napier, Jas. Bel.ely,.'i. Elliott, Bold.
Middleton, D. Mackerbie, 1) Mcl'hstl,
Chas. Praia, Jus..lndelra ei, .Uexantler
Civilians -''sot Mio..re leg broken),
.1. elaeeab, W. R. Markley. alexal tier
Mounted Poiice--Iatspect. r.1. Howe,
r'.....s•ttur."`•t:Urpuraf 4tllrlrr,.t. •to.aee4ars CleauMtt
S. I. s:o;h•11, .1. 1'.. �uai111, J. .1.
More, A. Stiller.
The news received on Sunday was far
ir•n, ei:eourtging. Pressed by the half
breed.. Cols. Irvine and Crozier wire
forced t•. retire their united command
from Fort Carleton, end fall back upon
l'rince Albert.
Out troops were forced to burn Fort
Cm leton to Prevent the morphia supplies
from fender into the hands of the rebels.
(i.n Middleton is neer the rebels, but
finding them in strolls tease is waiting
tor reinforcements before making the at-
T.lurtng ean,lay the military authori•
tin.s were bury. 4.000 tru.,foa have been
ordereol (.1i•, and others ,ill ho called
it is uuderatnot Sir John Macdonald
ant• ••,tiraio� t:Irough the 1ir.astl minis•
1S'ltehiug.on for pertnicsion to send
CAn.:•liar ten ps through t'uited States
territory. It it ured that the Canadian
forces are mit being sent against any
other nation friendly to the I sited
Mete that they are merely sent to put
down a renclli. n in one part of Canada.
Against this, however, there will be
stemea oppi siti.rn from the aati•P.ritisfi
element in the United :hates, es.eelatly
now that rhe democratic patty it In !Wa-
rr. They think that by embarrassing
('.nada they will hurt Enulant!. Cleve-
land and Bayard. however, are nown to
it. friendly to England.
Cor: AIA., March 27. -The news of the
ight in Norhwesteru Canada between
•he police arid Itiel was received in fenian
circles Lyre before five o'clock t'slay. in
the ct-ening other reports were rxciron
that. went to show the brotherhood were
watching events in Canada dnsely. (Inc
* u..inin14lrt 1lflCff zt (tit` nw4td nit tTtt'y
*ere act' organized in Chirazn, 8'.
Paul, l)ulutlaant in cetera! Waco,' aloe_
the boundary line. •'1\'eeould take le'ir.-
nlIiv 7 ant! hold it without trouble," eni 1
h., "and before five 1!sys we natty by in
it. Well hit 1:.: ;'alai where, er the op
Iw I;unity occurs."
A despatch from Fargo, ilUleli., says
that the feman ordanvatiat .I sllthout
the North-Western t tatss'a making
.•I..•rons edorts a. aid ltteL \\
it is stated that lee; is not inaetwl
command. hut that the rebels are beim.,
handled by a strong fenian sympathizer
from the 1 nitt:4 States and an cold cam •
lr'pine, who was lark's lieutenant in
not if the Fenian* threateg the Ix,nler. the Manitoba troubles of 15469 70, at St,
fir -cwt. 'inrc't 2.#, 4 p. id.
I,1tt Carleton was burned to the
ground. The police and voluntee.■ have
retitled t • Prince Albert. The firs was
at:idental, hut our force had concluded
to leave the Fort.
TI4 47 1. .:i 1.11: it 1 42:417.
At°1Jucic lake,tirutg Nall began by the
rebels, while Major Crozier was h••ldinl
a parley with lam! under a flaw .,1 trace.
The engagement woe brisk, the pollee
'and rn:u:iteere resp..nding 01111 a tailor
ora !Ire. The remelt' are said to lure
loot 47 killer( and wounded.
T: a tannon of the Mounted Pollee is
asa.i ba have eared the loyal fetes is
I1•,nif.e., over the river from Winnipeg.
Ile say. he has nothing whatever 10 do
with the t•r.snet nprerinR.
Lord M.4gund passed through Tornn-
..n Friday ler Winnipeg. He has had
experience in skirmishes with Arabs, Af-
ghans, Zunis, and: he expects now to
learn a point or t. of warfare as Cort•
ducted on the plains in British America,
Unclerich company d Volunteers will
meet this , Monday) ersaing in the arm-
ory. for panda arid inspection. Rally
'round the loft burl.
( thsarnettinns of the Stomeeb, Liver
and Bowels, arm pet -tinkly removed by
,,,When threat upon Feat Carle(twt. Naitim.al Pills. las
.satflw nioiLrt�'
OM cert weep l ° eu�(a3/ It ennui ur=u
dapn4 dlroksif 11 4.p i1
rex-maws404 bumf anbiful[osrtAtieass.$••.
�• 1. r �tlt , a VY. asrae[s, u[.trs/i`
8 W O 42 Z'S
SEEDram alae oz,rvR1
For 1M. fen', L.7.taile anti f.•o.r 6.v/•..
Shoot bra bawd !.y the (lar:feu ibr,i'rr to-
rrrart•r:.ea rush sed r e c:a•ea tart 4427 r.
n,risat:al rue amrlt4, vita:.ta d pot -.,sr e.r
lova our ns.errpa.• (4x1J l sralu,ru.. br1e.
Wally iaa.teslod, eov4Wn: , air 4, ~Sal ••
f •rewtlan •. now r.blekrd tot •.., k esa.l.s1
.aa teal Lutead11.a pusekesen
1110. A.111170E R C0.. Hamilton. Oct.
ft( 0i.E
..lit! da :Ai Wo▪ rt.: coasd:arj ru ? Thar p.m(' mein le now on :In e. tsa:iey with the rftlsle:, ' G t1I ZOT'S _
• f books d.'•-(' r.tts•al f' pti..t t+t Loeb. RUMOR or
4 a: 7 i are concern'
4 " .
.A L'3 J<m1.1' ?IAA. -• i:ic,, n num this Liate (for tood laaokSI. and Le' mean. of gratifying it. aril' 11- , f A I f1A Nip?!.
--.1 :3 -`e r.. . fail of m.i.kine. n t,.:ppy rasa. You 1•Llne hila in coeliac' wail too tuns, tot U't'1 tit ovtu'y i:.tlrltarlorw. h&gh t
ria! i h!tt• ry..: irh ala• w•L ... tam, wittiest. the tetxltcs),1, flu_ broieo.. and tlw' puseet cIu[rar't-n+, beautiful volumes,
:shave .:3.x4. d horn:ll it, '.: Josef 1l! .omxt_ + o ia)l trtavn, cloth, hilt
• epi s� • t t • 1 • Dainty tittle hooka. alwyt; arutwi,1tfed. in laryr t)1".,tt>fw i`riw raduta .
lest► �/r � L L 4 i b L (. i c ?' rirytt ltilie . • t h,:n `�.t. SU W ,��.PJY.
'� • and is n.•at y;tlxr ex)ver�, l.•• p � t Ns•�(-t' pLY:).
1 'n. is Wtatlr, Irr(er - f• t*)W1...m. 7 RaMaja.a - is 1&U1.of,bila
tic L•trt et. s • 1 1...... l .i r++. 't L.1 L/mamwma • u1 1!.-ary Pitt Wan t Y N `r'. L:f.• or 'Yt�� sl�iT.
Jit V{
Ma w•t�•410 are.:••.. M'n..n.. 11' yaa� .�. .174 tt..r,'I,KFr. ri,M•M,3014 0000 •. f ti t!!e (1LI coo
•,' ....1 ! 4. a. A!tr.wl .1.11111411141.1 :. W 1..47 ur[nv Lobb a30.4 ... 1' y A (half lo.rr wait Ot Yat1 y
, 'n\tr.•M . 44,1414,1.1.. Rrt,Ary .e 1 •car.n44., I++el{, M b a'h..'ru.•waNet. t-'analtt.•ra+tMCY 930 plete r� tnf'rttun H.11tr)rt
f . •,s I..1. r. r..• t'.r. Y A1. OU . 4!e 1' Lir w tam• /.04 taielet t drafttt' e7 bran rW nl. 1'301. . 411.4 M++r:•r re i t1. 47 o'k. i"Ii) 1,
11 ,i4.0..;010
.rreorrrl, Wit.• r...o.o. twee. flu 1.Yt•r-'.e+ ant rat014*l &.�WILran et 0,01th t:.: N•.a0M 1•aaa._C•IWM'1. >k
0 .0.i an...! u•; r • 1:YUtspn.. ret f.re. 444 waMiteirr Jaw. . •)w K•01..r". n TMIr$ tar. 11.2, ea' krioo u 11 t ilio I*..t p)p-
ta la1•.rs.'• t'tintw enotrr.a. Etas ate tea Hwu..an e b 1O. I.sarls..r (sal We- re.. 0 0 0 0 Me ,�{ I' t :elH't•.
A. r►: •lt 't. 44.1 . - relive. . 30 W a•u•e• •vis ,... Iw.a'4 Mr.t. .p. aka 4 130 J iii•* ..r,9e.tre. A0.. 4•,$. IIs ltlYr h13.tx1 S'
1 (.m....as B a -tosses-... taw 471 waw.• of 3;) IVO. ()raw creed at Ile. t'--trrw..aa.tu:A••r rs..rw•x_ tar' __. j0,.. -:4, 1,.1iau
t.'Her.a. tA.t WWI!. b. Utit.•,p,.. . Iib w •. �r el '171+ Y�•tun Mart wl/W11t IY••rxrra i. �lrc, 1J/G1.
441.•444 a.rwm nett . trwlii . 40 w pit Wer. , t • 1....../.., A t•....'* to T'ae 1 u r: • 4. 04..(3.47 01 01430.. ten_ apt, '.
4 .tr.t.-r1.. am4orie.. .4. .'9 :o ..a:.•f lard,. J.•,.4 t4•iJn ar as e'art.ttw:s. ,err tiaa -
1 _ton...tioa'I 4.. wazytt..tlw. to til r w•a..r WUd1�, .e. J.40 tar iW ie Ill tee 4 t urs..nrawl ,01164.4':,11‘ . 1111ACAUft.AY .i Poor
4 Du 4a tt1TTT b
m Wer. M ,n :.
!. AeuL•e.. 11 ]a
r •.t k • taw. .s l .s•- to .lal ..WW1 a nl+ w t7 vete ♦ l:uh
r utgpr lea t.a.) itI$5t, ) 4 -0. r0 t. Kb-.. TAW., s* 1'30 44441111k 3 TUN Vilify
7 T.„:t•r..0.1 .Aa.r4ra1.•.. 1u•.' of
+.see '• o..n, rte J- 1 w0 •w. a tl 1. • tie.. TAW., Til w '%a - uu31 k 111 D:•.. ii. [l • *. 7 •.•trt4aro... )er petits} of the lu.�ie+ry
♦. •wax ,4SA* kY:it. •tai .. zo Leo t/to- w*,wo•t.•r. Illno St Loo Wes,M le AO►veWmr..f .a •.4achaa.aY. 130 •M. Lisa rL4Tativ •
..: •ln...t TMresmtb► from 0104 4440•
Too It4A;,r.,ssa4.a. J.,►. ti. -L, . 5, 31 !.fit lytta .. ..•
ora . r.: i 7asaAt'a•orl."•tv.•rt. mala y u worn,. tl:,,,,tta:*4 , m laNHefeau4011.like•r.
it... r-eseia., A11 itt,..�rUW..=iii.4wr. ,y t Ti..:it et .4 n,..,t..,,a Gs 1in•4.r Ix. 44 p•.*507•d d3earw��li. 4'' r„i,•k atr...1:1 • hit eb:r-
ia.Y••r+4w: AU.k4.$ei..... .. 1�y Iberrtnf.L. ..:..Orli Armada 730 f{3(,L a•a.of Y•e • •,* S000)- •
... i<.• yet 0iitU.Pt.£*f 1 t ..'. . re tM IA1.h• nI )tm.c4 74 r .. tlwtr.,-re- otteAblww. fly Jabs 4'x114... ......• alit. i ria• 4rfurr n,r s,
}hv.a,n<. liIObr:uq Asa 404 i.e•W. i 1.14 1,...4 t:.. T. -.:.•r, ,. t . al l el.ust:..r e.r Ar11, I:awaa'4 . at, -
4 �• n�aarryy it tlaN iurJt : tLr•y arm'
4. 8*1...,a. y,.13rw are..W !e taw .cit by ttV u..,b. th+ItOjwtRit Woof P.t.,°nvas C. a, loam pie
i eat.•Itt Y4uo koo. ttnru.:•: NO 2a.• Kew .1' lieueo.•.•.
44 011.11101144 owlets. rive. •rfra ate.M. k nrt'n and rr�,r)avn, not
�° s �r.•< lucatt�a µ.saw. creast. sr ! historic Ise t: tiro' .r 1t
� � r b. i,t,ya ►re- ,i
!i.w eel rtJ...*Uu11. aertoet .)raw . y 4lritasa,•nr A►aia 4.
1. ttiSki mass 1wlswa0.n. Paritevr t ..s . 1 w, r.. -d J..an P1' ar4M for rat
AS -*at Aloe. ti 14.1,1•10, Mull 11 as charming es Mat
1st Ps. w nt ib: rut rk,ti.� .LI/brs.. hl
1.- An kat yi..i ne:. eu0*1 .. rT 41 ,•uf4:a "...: •,t ri moi.. ? " W U Ti):•!Y ii Unit.
.r 1e) *&a. p , I...r•1 lI, roe 3c 54' Hl.-hw.tr• 1 [.corm• U w•. 31 t'Otlt1 h .
1a vie
oat arm Wl�l onto r. r ns t.*1 !h Ria aA-4.4 r.dru1. --a^k . , ..
i1 \statwri. a:.:. 4-...!*.epr . oi rooe •.. t frtn ..:•'. e*.'r•Lii. �r iy A 11.14 47.41 to
r t kt: rm • ... i-r2•ir•;
01 T".r.•twawaar.-n-. ryywprr. 4, lwt�..•n )Set l' 0.43. 41.41 tl,r k Ne.. 1. 4. ssarr.uww... . II J.rribntitssnan.txitg ..
11..7 .�•. wan) .. taart itli.. , ,"• �':orr•..A!!.., e. 1.4.••• .. . T • aa1 i b•:..f w - i ,itri•iit.a•, %.o.a.la'.:;.!
PS r..ototo. .. - Walk* .- _-..T artaertwsa Woo_ er i 714 R'ordo ar 1Rio1Jyt.,4- - _ . W I 1 t.
Fnlf EX ULIYii 111 ,f DL2ZK--IA►kthc zet'iri Caan'hnlm►, TtxollW
Liia ary. 'Rima o..rws tri ler:f, caatlenae'1 air ants ai C: P:4E1'PQO OYER.
tl a meat lite.Ttry works of (ir.-txa and Ramo ha r talk a:• .•'-ferias t(n+-�•r•n of a
:1.-. plat � :1!:..-'' LI • atsadard r_ut!oritiee. The btx.?.`s ore admirably iskites and vrhoi!y ttdeq' itto ! v130117. NUN ai.r. Alidcn
1:it•ir.uholai;h.r. Fur English readers who theiro acgncititne a with the rent work.. 1 nntigaft , i tate r,1ya tutu a rlrt rot+ .
••w bout may bet reoot:14:eande,l as the very Mat within reach., -Phe Christian Union. New. York. t,w.k , ani eta: .
.110.Aolout T1.•aeris Doti... .I* elthet's*Aa Lrd+rweea.tat'feTatte* Psw.iireaai.. .•..aa''llkiodit. themuiL•t.dti
t'.sa:,r. ,. -. 4 w..r1..• .. Ise.: $ .�,r 1 . k. cocas tan ...I j... ells ' A , w sinned tat '
....-r .•.. rl'1�l1. rl17.15,•* five eP aV. t'ri~1iisel ass wesitetaa :t • Y IHra.4• 141 7• , .may l,,u.1r.1t:unna. is 1
y;..,,.,,,r Tweev. 44.Lla.$.ba WI TR tr,}1' . 1'.•ne1, : a1 Ytato. 1`y • !.•..m w' l'!.11tta .•'thing W' !!ire t.'tphogort
- . ?tar.. '.y K. 1 Cats.. . . 11.301 :t . taK111K ia1..0et1..r • 1..Hiat i.' ' • AfY.tot,.. It) Mr A00..00 '. ., ,
... i:s • �r, I. tsAhaw...... 1,e •.• X...,. r..o t1- ate At.x. Grab, .. 1°:. ' • S'rtlr tSrar.•. N. 3030. J. awe►rt0Y, 410?. 3)135 w•e 1:Y t0 ttta-
•+r,.L }}t,..,. het..t��,,rnl.... « tie ;� Hearts.,,a�ey w. L a^.prtpi.. 1,: r� t4ata..e.a�.a�s+•...,
..'I.. R, Tr.,. L. (7, Mt o .. Ise i 't ii,......:il 11.4. I1 w. I. sots... _ oMytOattl 1t." eke fit . Luelat44'•s D1 W. 4 .nae.• iii. i t1 44411. 1s W. t.. t`taan. Ise .r ta/ser. 31 Aerauar Tn46 les . ase f:a:t Li 47.rP, Boston.
• .D•UPON- ;p ;rne.•.:awa:ZITlat. a^ i�"eo&t94 r taw 1®14-P.SGL ('.2TAI.OGUE mewl ferer..The heat let -
,w... ,•.wuAtr "'ZIT i ray . ♦••at r.t1la e•.br,
t. ,. E mli tam mows .irt...r alai.�s,•, r. -,w. o., ... r. . •kaki matt. waw r- er4ture rf t'a< '••.,r:.i .t t:«e furred pr.et a ever 11111"r".
.o., lac w tam t. nca aim` s•.+ ..t ...to. -
pent for I:.1 1J11:1".1Ti(►:k• itErefOIYL P.11•JfE'YT
'. h...e...Jf)1l1r IL. elL?)biz. Piribliwrt•,•. .i:. F'.art ,wrve!. lever teeth.
iiiictcnt C1a8sic
Smart Weed anti 1 e.1tems, .men retied ' A Lit. Annie rreArat.
th t::c other ic,•teviw. tit lend in
Air. M. E. It
• .4141 tlawtkl hit' life to a stopple Trial lla.ttl
aLi...:t, u:c alnson, Las ,
KW! 1 r»uy .8ta .,.,. rw.ke t :s.an • `L ) t+►pl a .a.
A B. 134claclte Planters, the host lit the 1 l 1s.uHt . Ne'w Di..overy, flee esCea-
t au/apt:
.-.i. ket. Price .y'J "Wit& 1101..u, whl.whichu. d :aim to procure �{0
a large'. ,tale t% tatt,•mpletclycured ilium
t when Doctors. eha ige of climate and
1 taeeswrt4alrie Cwe''M, * everything else had failed. mkt sthwra, Q•F Q.Ca'RI Itis,
Mrs_ :Wily A.1Jailey,u i uof trtoe•k.1 F3ronahatia. H.,arlaccaa. eaere Coughs 0410
Pik- 01'14 1119'..-t, 3 for atx ; wars *141 a 41". sand aii Tart..: sad Lung 'iitestine , it r OlIC)C..,RY 'L'. A te,
ma 44(1 !. ram.limbs, dtlTu. , rrllittn tit .e', irk Aron. eotl iii cure. Trice! I'o•.tles at J
:be twat piywclauramu 1 ;:.t' cru *Q11.1- 1 Wih.w:adragster% Large rasa$:- (1)
Her life was desiitiltsi .1, anti/ in lain •
1► tob'r, s!)0 i r .cared at- ia,t,lt, of 1)r, Wiassstsorox. SC.,
King s Ne. •b4'e .cert', r ItAta int: ietiiete 1._ 1 May 16th, ISM. Moustache Cur 9, Ladles Cup .. Fancy Illi.-'-. Majolica Ware,
rimed was telt A�c�`'` •is-a*a...,4 sttrztltct r=�' bet n' a sufferer Vases, �.`.. WIIic`I:.'ill be .,&d at, COST.
I'!�� ei/rei!t�sisi ; ire THE 'PAIP IP CAIN'S
`�-i1 TA W Amt !..
d&C., &C.
• :q) + Lo 1.,ere o'
f thole
p tit:7 car- farms luitgliridf +0410 roes prostration j 1074e}w /w•'!•'t"9"10" """Mtl'a''!"_lil`TI me-"
3 deD:•lity. was v' d VV J
for tinest. r
cd. uail:i :tl ,iu t:. ,it :a0 :tilt, to a few J mi general . I whist(' to.
- arm au. s 0. V .am aisc...cal rrlanata1WW111i..
months. try Mop Bitter.. I hove taken one hot. re -at.: on .'r,.1. Goderiea.
Fres Trial Th,ttlss of this conga* co :1e, end I have !,Cert rapltly getting bat,,(; .
of a1! Throat add t�lrr-•1'yrt tet At J r.e, ter Feer some. anti I think it. the beat -
1f-i:so1i s i)ru3 store. Large Bottles Inc:liciue I ever used. f am t,ow gair.irx
gone, and I. was iu Lie% air until I trim: wie\ p, L\ tt 1 S r • R cAsH
. a
1 14) streegth aim appettte. which was al.
steetlias Istsmvar)r- your Dieters. I am tow well, able toilet
shout 'and do my own worl. &awe
..i'ing's New Discovery tor Consumption;
euririg patients that they the:0 ,piiren ty 1 Mra. 'tieien Pharvir, No. 331, Daytime f
to die, is meriting them to realiso their si.. (-maw,. en_ m nyvt 10 her *hay. ;
sense of ditty, d
merits 4 this wonderful iliew,..o.erv. I ii- 1 fere., with c,,iiinniption f•L4. ab,,,st um 7
cians using it in their ptactiee. Ttial
suiting iu hundreds oi ear halt ithi.;- y..,tra w.te treater] by nine phymoismt,aIFI mum auk- •
.1ce he•• t;•• von up ail hope a ewer recur. iCTI Caghs
cured Ler. ' Doubting mote pioase deer, !
at J. Wiloces dru; dors arid get a frt.., Goacrist. Nor. tn. Inc
trial bottle. i (1
To Lloalbeld reittootton. on* all
la MA, okitrest.
p:rtiO Element Lived upon r.lcieratiec
Facts', Formalstal Proles/Ku Anstin,
votes Attacks, Veneto and sIfeetraigis
and sill wasting dioceses of the hutsuin
• firory rso`e meadow tie hest four line r -
extensive Premisu and Sp.o.n' did New Stock.
lit• tle gem for a* Teeth and l!ailt Ask
your dittoes; or address.
hal. a Nutriment'beci.nse it cemsains rot Yrrt Tug t., It Ii.,rrrr7• t'orcrty i t 1:p! i F
rNmable or •finers• P"la"ns, (crates '•' beehosen' aMr .J. �r� - .�, i a
)I with perfect t:r ._.i is rather b.
!8ircott(s, and n o titrmw:aumt$. ,,n: m;m? than pzic::as awl .icet•e sis. Try the
ly the Phosphatic anti elartric 1Remestts magic effect of a dollar ...tie of r „av: its •(;AI3Iti Irl' - ALA I: ti . .'i I i IIi:KTtt ii.Ell,
found' is our daily f.4.1. .t Jingle bet*4s Cr H3ALzi
is snffi�tmt to convince. AP Drugeteitt
sell it. $l.00 per latch•. Lowbee at A.! .)etvo•u De.ati:y cured by ti:e use
C..., sole agents for the b(lrnnlen, of Pr. E. C. West s !nerve sial Praia
of Trent Street East -r.•roat., , T:.xttn.rltt. 1400 advert,set..eal els.wh,etw
ii(•a: a: 1. iiaun't UrJ7 in. -re. (31),
4.„'W itGit to With A single hair."
BRASS I IRON STEAD! FITTIPSS tilch P74)1 : 15"tu
tlY611244 by the use o.
hair can be e
Lenz HAM
RR Itoorer AV soltod.
con sine or.e price u. a oleo of Kidney
(*.laver Comeonnt that itittets
Mil orders tor pew wort. ate: repairs r'n?
receive prompt attention.
Works nom u. T. ft. Stati,.E., or hey urinary complaint gtoculy cured.
They vitrify tits/Rohm& millet* the ette - call anti examine our goods before pereisasier elsewhere.
Owlet -ink Feb. St zest tra; onil act iVirettly on the diseased rell-Itstnesalter the plane, neat door to J. Wilsone Drug Stars.
inets„ Every bottle unaranteed. For surf ustoni work will T000iitt mar special attention.
stal• at 54.2. a la,tthe Iry. J. Vt ileon. ese-None het the best of notterial used sad And -clam vorItatetk etny,toyod.
A ale..tma se all Weak led. Allritersirinz neatly done on the shorted metier
Hamilton Street, Goderich
A cowl vow" tn.*, of irachts. AM -room. 1):n r.t.om mid Ps -lof Yttrnivort. 0,4 so
N. R. A con101..te moot' went oft °Mt:sate 1-htettata..it, ye en bassi lass !teasers I' sr S.,
Lett v. announce to tke Public tha• hey loot hi enetl bits:nese in the above 8tor •
in the store beely occapied by Horace Newton. Harnig purchased a large semi
well ear •:.1.ed Mock of /wring mid Sumno Condit at :Iota figures, we &redetermine
4Z1- c the 1.100110 the henna:.
In Carte t.taes when our newsnapers
4 isenionis. it is grrsttify.ni tr. know what
i beet inert ire. or t metal debilitated, ART DESIGNS ZIT WALL PAPER
' then is nothing m the world that will
eon yon so quickly as Electric Bitters.
They are a Itiessine to all niankinci, and
ran hp hail for only tifty cents a Fettle See is the nese. it you wish este er two twee rooms at bane. te see Ilet Wee resin I.
Its Me ewer
WILL CURS OR RELIEVE of James l0Voiallienta.„./ imuin pry. [2:1
an.iltISNESS, DIZZINESS, 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Des"
MOPS' r, that his wife had listen troubled with
Wm. Johntion. 1.t Huron, Dak., writes
JAUNDICE. acute Brouchttis for many years, and that
RA t r OH If WI, ACIDOrryTHOFE MIMI; ali remedies tried rave no permanent re- r
dmisrikiradHEANT BeINA:vvt. Kicisimaxar ram: sorm eikric„„,,„,,,,.:71pro,t'ortieeds, wahirermeh haana elinttnileguWir:I.
And eser•ezto• ee Ilelseee orist OsPOR I9 is guaranteed to ems all diseases of
Trial ballets free at J. Wdsmes diva .
the Dress.
Every liral
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Latest *log Bazaar Pallulls 6, Fashioos.