HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-4-3, Page 3rook
ppUR'PY-COUitTED. j N ppb ladyd Me amleaintance a, a'd
(tioneheslae molt ever wast 1
'Tewr aster u engaged to be married,
is she not ! I think 1 have notices: that
she wears a ring oa what Young ladies
call the remitted linger ;" and as Doctor
Threipland asked the ,I0.•ata'.n in a care-
less, off baud tanner, his lusig fingers
played with & thin silver coin that LLnitl-
ed at his watch ehaio.
They were in the "Id p..eitinu-Merra
lying un the ode, and the D oetor beetle
Trim with has batik to tLe'Light. But it
was the flash '.f health, and not art fever,
that was an 111 young matt s face nus,
and he puffed at a e-e...ien pip se they
talked -the yery picture of iud„leut en•
Morris ilinees had bre° •h:'rpt end his
convaleteanice stow stet eery trying. be' h
to himself iaelf mud C .i nty. Ile was giant
and impatient by nature, arid se.alnear
fretted ar.tl merle him irritable : sone -
tines he wouhl think hrnirlf much bet
ter thin he really ams, and insist '•u
doing things *tie knew iron;,' laud. Lam.
and then at others he would be as p.'
•latently downhearted, deetaring that I.•
was m. better and never wos:ai be better,
and that no'.wdy tared whether t'e was
er not.
County petted and humertd anti ren
trulimd him. lies a geed wirer, but •.'Looe.
her own heart was very heavy. and t'
the anxiety about his health' wen 'tail •i
the anxiety as to how they sere to fit.
without his gaiery. She bad i, Ieetrti
her music lemons, tom. that ?let m'el't
attend on him, and this of itself n ar-e
serious difference its their smell it.e"mr.
But stilt they had lived s'mehur, and
)Borrie had never wanted tar anythiutt
during his illness, whatever County her-
self might have done. t Doc
With an ever -inert -mine respect,
ter Threipland had 'noticed .Li her pati
*nee and Mi.; during those dark dens :
and he had noted, ton, that her pale
cheek.; flushed awl her I„ngtlid eye
He cam* nn a
brightened w!,rn he main.), and that Mor- had Inc" tlsee to soas:;hinz ski: to ,long 'AIIci this i& the ens:: 1 t!:oagh: uuautiay
Cis himself did wit stemma him mor anJ the evenings seemed. cora :cc•y
srarnlly than County tied learned to du. npecn flirtation. and dull to County when she found there of my lore
Rift tnniniit she found the iycctnr Cera was no h,pe of his druppirK In as in the led, when she ?::: exile her 'escape
The Doctor's visits received to briar das:r::f It was true he sn+iiecl blandly
ha?py tease that was Butt* forever :and from the house and was in the train on
soetimrs sho cough: hermit repeating- her way home, she kept saying to herself
that if he died, she w.+.e:,1 die too, fmr
meet a o, u the pueitiun that waited
he Ha sister blab, who often cense to
stay with him, hal jestingly made out a
list of the nicest girls they knew, and
seggestod that he t!wu:d ss: thti.m in
alphabetical order.
'I thunk 1 might do worse time I't. n
With 'C,' ' h • had answered.
'Why, there is not s lady *ott ti; them
whose name begins with "C !' '
'ale, pr..bs'iiy t ie.'
As.. hen Doctor Threipland had 'atria
hiessel. o task f.':• tan slip of the toTgue,
s e. for the slip of the mini t:cut Lad
given rise t•• it, a..d lead ne elf' th :t it
we ole! never de. --that Muss Capel and
Ursituer renis, use wealth, nor sirisieg
apptetreecr•, nue soy of the igi!haut
torn.! .p :at.tit.s that lie desires'. in ie.s
wile. Nest she was ru:y a pure; true
hr:.r:od.al bier Lige tie -holies neber would
e oeA iia society but wonl.I u.A:e !oute,a
bees eel 'with her sweet womanly ways
an.l sire if need we:ae ver j J avend her
life na,crediuely for tinier see loved :
besides, she was regage i.
lie always tea hack en Ceuntlts st.i•-
p:,eed endsigomeet at the one sure a:e-
ly r:uard attains: a f wish love ; b;a that
di 1 net wrest his heart uivinx a ami-
d •n In, of joy when he been: from
Mortis got she wee hero. If he maw bee
t .ei:, he knew he could net hide what
hei t + h hurried away that he
'Phare u me more to be acid ; ver has
better atv leek.'
They left the park ,end walked Mane in
s heioe. ('••unity could net ;.; era ; 4et
heart was throbbing wildly, mad all lira
ideas were in coutesien.
' tti'i,l eon not c me in and see Merritt'
she siker% velien they reacted her town
'1 thine not. Oawed-bye; he answer -
et: gravely si,,l cvlaily. Ha raised his
:art, mud •would i:aro w..:kr.i ui but
.LP kers hire her hot hated. 'You are a
little fee ',A this evening : tate • o 's'-
,r-• draught before yen ge. to Led," he
d in bis l.rufessi.,ital male:r.
County tail, no e.w.iin; draoel.' ; i at
he cried that niibt as if her heart w.,ul.
••reale. For Dotter Thrtiplaud tilerh mai
,o weh relief. Ile felt es if. .s *harp
tient h:td leen suddenly. planned' into
hu.att ; Ite knew that, foe all his
,,.•sting success. life had been a failure,
.icausr lie had tyiseet'. the oto thins: that
a.•uhi lave crowns it wit:& b1111,1t:eta
There rose before his mental eye $ vision
of bri_1a days of youth, when Le load
ilreatticaI detente, not t f arnLition and
m oro eurldly ru.ceas, tett of nu,:o ...ends
to Le tli,:.e is a n.i•le epirit, wi:Lout
thought of geiu, of men and women,
succeerra, of ]:o:n cent:tiered. of science
relninctd, and ant ve all, of • crown
life to be striyea fur and gained of last,
e' a ur
when life • was:: was one.
ssigliL leave ''Lase to mo i::t guard over '1f I had been true to the hi. h ideal
hit it wa a r true,
met atwe e' my b•.tyh'e,d, she could have 1 •ted
it was ,ure tctie, howacer,that het
heel riots he, pay ; and one of them was
t , a yet,t lady erha, wit down on blob's
' h all h'
tied words p
.Heuer te.rtet•ts. always ready ; tat some t.f his patients
was s s al Leon r , d and
Dotter Threipland theutrbt he was ;;rarer than .. a ! .
feasted that he wee mverwork:ug hnmsr:i.
Mowbray's eyes t.ught hie in va.::;
she tired off every slat and shell freak
me,' he thotrg!it, in hit:cri,oe r.! soul.
Doctor Threi;,lacd wont Iiia daily
retools as usual, with little sign as Il.ieht
1:.: -the haa::u.mes: e, them • in J
..pini•'u, and not the inlet etttactite in t'" ••f the mewed he `tail received. Th.
::d the leaasnt lax.: were
yet* I hear yaw m e boat there outs • id that you ware lying of blood poison-
s'. toady : you meat RIKgoagain.' in ,'uw people love las rxaggtrr•to l It
County looted rebirth/tin . \Chat right { H I I
had Iw to dictate le her ? And if she did was croup the :hand huh as 1 to l you,
take the devotee, what did it emitter tIand it had nothing tat do *Abney illness.
What t:id unythin;: matter now that she j I was simply laid up from over -fatigue
never saw hist l The thought mime un- land
c d4
siddrn, and
sloe put it aeay from her 'Well, I don't care; it u all the some,'
sail County ; hut ebn releaaatd the lh,c-
angnlly, toes kind, and roe from hag kuwr te.t
• yea "me y meat a i arose hers coin
he sei.l to s ether tone. 'You eight int rather (•malt
early twfection to your pupi's even if you Doctor Threipland passed het freers
rhewld rsapte the dilemma yuur.r f. through his wavy hair, aud eyed her half
'I will stay away if you thio: 1 ought,' keenly, h..11 neeicsily.
she •nswerewt wbmiyirelr. 'Chanty, do you think you could lore
Ile eeeitimanivtl her a late way down me new r 11°asked.
tiie street, anal then left her with • kind. 'I loved y.0 all tie time— that is why
ly tboeith ermrely spoken gored -bye. It 1 was s' angry If it had bleu only
was et :dent that he bore her n•, resent- friendship 1 couid have laughed as soon
meat. She wuuhi lace been baiter as we were Wends rt the abacnivablu
pleased if he had. Still it was sunethi„ g way in which you treeted out:
t.. have spoken en iso hien o::ee more.
'Anil ou will promise never to throw
About a week after that, County had
gone a 'alert distance Ly train to give a
music lessen to a little girl. Just as they
were n';.'ct begin, her pupti's mutht r
came into the room.
'11h, Miss C.apnl, ern yet& te:l we Low
Doct,.r Thrri!elan,! is this Morning ?'
`i)oetter Titrwii and i'. r.F.atcd Caen-
ty, and her heart ieemed to stand still.
'Del sou not know Le cram i:1' Havo
you not heard 1'
':rat : I hare net heard nothing,' she
forced her white liies t.' utter.
'Living sat near, l trade sure you would
knew. He sucked the mucus, or what-
ever it is, nut • threat of s little girl elle
was dyin_ of diel:thetia.and he has leen
nearly dead sines -it is supposed from
blood penis, :ting. Such a horrible thing
t.. do, wasn't it 1 Quite a poor child she
is neo -hut her mother was in great dis-
tress about her. eel it seems this was
the only nay b. save her. I heard al!
abut it from my charwoman.. It will
b- very shocking if he loses his !de by it
poor tellow--such s pleasant &eau as he
is, and so clever
County never knew how she get
t?tr.ael: that m'as't lessen. Ail the time
her p'pil was hammer'ne •••-er the scales
and exercises she was a$Ving to herself -
hit .1 \leas 1I .a bray s, ani brine an in -
pendent young lady in every sense of
the term, ane wee s. no pains to hide
her preference. While she was very til, her ntaprarrne of met•, with' art • s:nge
Ms manner ha 1 i mea simply perfect it: bus I re 1 The Mete: might tM well have
gentle kjndpees ; but, now the• she was alt p y'
been her Li -Alter fcr any .nirtati. n sae
aims:: telt, the laughiu.r and jcrtiagr c,.ulld-as6im int::nnw.
:net 4e LAI bc;un for ter amusmcnt more t. Donbtj Plate,
A. Chard, ••f Sterling, in a recent let-
ter. states that he met with tin iter dent
Wino ttnir alto. by •limit oneuf hu knew
was se.. rely 'hairnet. A few appliaa-
tices of 1isgyard's Yellow Chl afforded
immediate uod comp eve relief.
A11 trees and sbruhs ar• hardier as
they attain size. This is not w.tarr WW
mete ea. of wired to ability to resist
(reeatug, but ability to resist t ang
and drvlue. Such trims' quite
s.uall, are frtalueet:y ru1,Ui»•i eke whole
longtb of the body by th eyelet 1.i • warm
winter's day. A tenter tree u hardier
far growing in ..n evergreen ked„ e, or in
a vamp of e.erereens.
Use ravened. ted nem
(hi acrnnnt of its purity and rennin
trate' strength and treat power over
arse. Bunl..ck Bleed litters is the
sheapeat mcd hest blood cleansing
kn'.w'• for all dieerdered condition of
the blieel.
it in my teeth that I wanted to County- I White Alis. (lendren, a student at
Court you r
'Wanted ! I think you have done it,'
she answered, as he drew her down be-
side linoe t ate sure I dor' t knew what
Morris will say ; I premised never to
leave hien,' she said after a while.
'Isere he an.nes to speak fur himse',f,
answered the Doctor, as Murri„ and his
sister came in to nether.
Alias Threiplan;t went straight up to
County and kissed hor.
'My dear. as soon as Andrew sent me
t.. you, I knew bow it ems l,eetweou you ;
and, as I was afraid Morns might Le
lonely without you, I have ',remised to
the Victoria edited of medicine, Mon-
treat, was preparing • suoieut for th*
dissecting class about two noels ago be
east his hatter. The poisonous blunt of
the subject per.etrah'.l lute toe veins,
and as be nee, ected to use nitrate of
elver, hi hand bee*me much swellse.
He seen afterwards left ter his hums at
St. throes, near (t. Hysci'•the, where
he received treatment. trona then ha
e••nditlen ha• erste, worse •ud nohoges
are new eutertaiuet f••r his ret overt.
keep him coining.
"How are we going to get threuelt
our wine and summer's work ? We
are all run d••wn, tired out before it
begin." So say many a fsrtnur's family.
We answer go to y..u: dru:rggiet and pay
five dollars f+.r six huttlea .1 Ayer's Ste
several:. This is just tho medicine you
need, and will pay computed i tereet on
the investment.
— —0_
rut Mel Down.
sunshine into the shaoby room. Moe
ria face would lose its weary, fretful
look se areae as he entered. and forget
p it weakness and depreesien bt.
•euro ped tow talking and
st her lively sallies. He said "Yea,'
"Wen," and "H'm,h'm '" a do -en titres
,'ohne his visit ; hut she was t'.' clever
to be unnerved by i:. end knew he i•n!y
di1 it methane:Idly f_cm force t.
-Deep se Ione.
lase..&ao L in L.vee. ia:r. days Snot
ttatai i.; ` t:_Iatne could net life witA the remorseful
ting ' •I wonder why :hrell•l at. has cot : pain s wags aching at heart. And then
t p ler ,
fore the knew what he was slow,, ; and been here fi: N, long - Morris said i she trued to pray for resLitratinn, but ale
hat'i~ alas sister one evening. f ways eadati with the inward cry, 'tlh,
weight of anxiety would be was swin_:ng '
then A. De•etor Ti.reiptand ':'erhnps he is net well.• she a•sswe:e.: spare hiL'i, apart him :
A lifted .`neat County's brow. and she. tope, '11'ng heineward, atter caaitrn t Mist Merrill had been away fir a week, And
emelt' be merry in a quiet way, anal make' t y he ase, miss
Capel'& nest little 1 hypmeriticelly ' ► ..0 might hoe (leer a -.d w s e be led It east dor, LLt she co
quaint little remarks that teeL'oet er
would find reeurritr to hien days after
Let somehow he never thou_ht of re-
pro:in; County's sayings for the enter-
tainment rf ethers, although he •often
aniseed his patients with stories he had
picked op ou his rounds.
County's esteem for the Dnktor in•
There is only ono way to estop Louis
Riel, and that is to hang hint the tint ! Selph•:r S'•a!' let
tiino he is caught in red-hauted rebel- A ['ICe twabe DraSatst•
lion. Ho is a rebel by trade and by in- •J. \t ileum 11 stoats alive to his her i-
clinatiun end is in his glory whet, stir- ncssarta' span's no paiusw suture the
ring up trouble in the Nurthwest. lle beetle' erery article in him llne. Be has
has already cost this country millions t.ecared the agency for the celebrrtedDr 1
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
and kept back the settlement of the the only certain cure known to- Con prairies. He will cost us many mm» sumption. C.,a•:hs, CuLia, H,•arsenese
trillions if he is net sunpr•etsed in the Asthtua, Hay Fever. Bronchitis, or any
moat summery fashion. Rebei:i'•n has tiff. t '.n .1 heLThrxos :d LTrial tiled
not to be pet down if tie' a•nfeelerat:on tree. positive
ar sten gL00. (
is to be preserved ; any t: 'Bing with in-
surreetien writ only increase the audacity
of those who take part in the next out-
break. If the halfbreeus have a griec-
uw to .• - t `could ants right thein,but put the rebels down.
'see lam. j
mut netting toward bite. They .Lanai )1„rris went with alaerite. . The D':• 1 nut wait fair him. She must know at I The fentans, the railroad rivals of the
mut to the street, but alwrtys p. oassIJ' ` ,I
othuc with •trues and a ■mite. (}Alto r'ercrar•. hen wa-miy. They walked { once i:uw Doctor Threipland was, and Canada Pacific, and other in8ucnecs -
fa the (trdt't:, where Mise Thre:plan i 1 wvu: i tin and realminquiries herself.she thin epis•dato itu dr.naga will n the the
iuutry and
ust of
was surprised therefore when tl:*yleatrr joined them. She :oohed nn Morris as ! When she got
stopped this crenate. Balked rapidly tiil near the D.•cter a , encoura a the tasurre ctien, If they see
'Thi park gates will be open fir an
ogre To Ceae:are.
I'!Y meal treublr.otnn e.•u4h is sure t..
yi.. 't •if timely treated watt Ifattyard s
Pectoral Bdsatn. Pleasant to tike and
wife for young or n'd. '2
Jxmoa Ihincao•'m .'f the gore of Don-
nie!' tow,.ship, diem remedy from suffo-
catien. While satin, on the side of his
bed he fainted and fell face downward
en a feather Mike. In that y ie was
smothered. It wits yt €:reit `thought be
hod been poisoned and 11u ati,maclt was
sent t+, Dr. Ellis of Toronto f.,r analysis,
but the coetcuta those.' no trace of aay-
tiiing suspieii.us, though they &hosed a
lack of t.uurishmrnt.
For rvos;h conditions id the skin,
Shampooing the head, I'tmnle•, Erupt•
and -Skit. Uswsee. use Prof. Low's
ether hour,' he said, after shaking
hands. 'Will you come and have a turn
with me? 1 hare sornethine to say to
creased daily, and she was g!.sd to think yon.' he added. when she hesitated.
that tt'e esteew u.s mutual ; she knew i Tint Doctor was sin -prised himself, f'er
!noun au uccasionai w ird c,r 1, •:. that she 1 he knew a our that all his prudence.ami
had won his respect cud appropriation. self-a•nhot had game, and that he wee
•9e Doctor Threp!aud seemed to have quite 1
forgotten the disagreeable incident at
the beginning of their aa1uaintrnee.
County had net forgotten it ; but she had
leased to remember it against hum, and,
having redeemed her ring se spm as
possible, hail never told Terris hew and
aboet to do the very thing he had made
up Lis mind must tot be done.
1 cannot draw back in honor now,
he thought, trying to excuse himself.and
to heti cairn and cool. while ;every beat
of his heart was flooding his hards'•tne
face with colt r.
tan amusing boy, and was eery :kind to
him; and Morris, whose heart aiwaya
opened to kindness, talked as freely t -
her as if he had known her sit his life.
He told her all about C.•unty, and hew
she had Leen named "Countess” by a
mistake .•f his father, who was very
absent minded, and, when asked what i 'dre.d. But when she d:d look, she saw
the child was to be called, had answered,' that the blinds were tip. the wiuduws
"The Cuoateet"-that being hew the i part:y .•pen, a•d nettling t, mirk that
country pimple deeteuated the titled lady either Illness or death w.is in the house.
whose namesake she WAS to have been. 1 With a sae )t cry of tita.tkfalnees, she
And ho told her what! $ devoted sister I cr.-tsed the street. and her heed throb -
County had been to loin. and how, when , bene its if it wouht heist. rine the curie
he got a poor sieuetton in London, she I cry bell.
refused to be separated (rem him, and I Si.,ihad hardly done so when she
had displeased wealthy re:at:vis by leer- 1 hears a light stop come reunite down a
in the-^ and sup,'•rtir; herself by I dight of stein. asci iinineliately after a
givilemons,v music Icons, so that they mp ht 1 lady opened the door. fol state of health fir monthsHe has
remain together. Indeed. during the 'Miss Ceeel, I knew,' she acid ; 'you 1 suffered from a ennstant fear of being
hour Morris stayed, there was very little must excuse ceremony : Andrew saw I thassasster Aped.waha aeh,assast seesce driver off
of there fatgily hist•'ry that he hal not i you is the mirror as you crossed the in a lunatic asylum.
confided nil Miss ThreiplaO4 in ler *trees, aril sent me to ►.ring yeti i '
bro'ther's hearing. 1 'nen be is better F I That dight cold you think so little of
Come again aasst, tba ':fit
or old. t 'Clic, yes. he is better and able to be I may prove the forerunner of a complaint
on the sofa in the drawiwg room : But that may be fatal. Avoid this result by
when he was leaving ; an r then Morris ; `ng Ayer Cherry Pontos,. the bast
remembered to oak him why they had •
he is weak still, and moa: rout be e,u- oftakiknows remedies for odds, ca'urhs,
trad,et.d ; 50 come in:
I estarrhs, hr.nc!iitis, incipient consomp-
nnt seen hini in Duubty Place for so ition. aud all other throat and lung dis-
Dr. I,e,w's Pteannt Worm Syrep-An
agreeable, safe and effectual remedy to
remove all kinds of w' rms. Im -
why she had parted with it. I County maw that he was atreated : Mut
The Dottier had stili continued his; she had no suspicion ui the cause or of
liens after Morris had quite recoved.and `shat he was going to say. H. ped her
of:en dropped in of an et ' g to chat ha silence N. lis wall where there
with hint.County was usually at home I was rte one to /amerce them. and then
when be called. 8 mistimes she joined he 1•a.►led her full in fats.
is the (nnvcrtatpoa ; but oftener she est Perhaps he is goats/ to tell me abnut
st her Sewing, a little apart, putting in x Miss m.,whey,' thought Canty. who
woad euty now and then, to which the I often heard the Doctor a matrimonial
Doctor always listened with marked an {I prospects discussed by the friends of her
tention. It was pleasant t:. County to pwteila.
have het' words tuikeneel to this -a11` But when Doctor Threipland 'peke. it
eieh tee-. latae pleee stere because she was not se- IIwati t • mak I.er to. be him wile. At that
cnat•.med to it, far Moths was in the' County was amazed ; and then, .dilly
habit of ioterraptinz and contradicting enough, she be -awe indignant.
her without ceremony. Sometimes when Do you forget how yon treated me
she raised her heed from her work, she once she demented. 'IM you forget
would find the Doctor's eyes fixed upon ! how" you refused to come to see my only
her ; and then she would smile frankly at brother, who might have been ciyinz for
him as if he were Morris, and go on with anything yea knew ..r cared We were
her work again. This evening, however' i strangers iia'tran:;e city,we were friend -
eke had goon to gine a MUSIC lesson, and!
1 h ps faltered. What ' that Riel is sappres.•ed, they wigstop1
wenn, Rbte guree.
Are you trouble wits' Salt Rheum,
Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ;
if s,. go at once to t; .o. Rhyne'. Dreg
Sure and get a package •,f hleOregor 1 mate.Parse's Carbolic Curate. Price 21 ate.
It was never known k• fail.
house, anLzeA r: s.e FOR Tal MI Of
if ail was already .,ver ' What if she their plotting* ; otherwise they sill d
should find the blinds down ? She walk- • more damage than the :tlahc.i of the egos. 13,5Doss.- TM stave ter We-
ed on the other side of the way till near- 1 Prairies.- -1Toronto World.
ly nn; .site*v. the sumer;,. She Lal Print elyFortune.
els featly, f s► a ?Wu
nermeeets, a se s Path.
repieweee out donee e
hardly a erseo to look, s) great was her
101145 ole esasa
Itets,and at the time we were almost pen-
s() Dr. Threipland had an opportunity of ( noes, -?soil reasons alt why 1, • gentle -
asking a question that had been often en woman by birth and breeding. should be
his lips e,[ late, although he told himself I learned and insulted by you -% gentle -
that the answer could net concern him matt
in the leas'- Her eyes elittered.her omen trembled.
)ion's laughed when he heard the She lined attain threug thore hitter me-
mento in the Doc'or'a surgery ; she saw
swain the cad. hard face, beard again
the try tones, and •twin her het heart
throbbed wi'.., indil;nant pain as the pea-
sinnats ere went up, 'Oh ! to humiliate
that man as he has humiliated me this
Doctor Threip and grazed at her in pain
imam may mimes* the f„rtune of a
but can never p•seeu happiness 0
without good health ; to secure w is
the blood must be kept pure and every
organ in peeper aciteu. Burdock I:hp d
Bitters purify the blood and regulate all
the (alpine. 2
The Cowen ne•er. or their t'rlve. •
Dublin, March 24. -Joe ''mune wh'•
pointed out Mr. Berke en the day when
prince h h
proper rdive w wok s-
Tor ConallpatIo•, or Cangiveseas. so Mir
remedy Is so effective as e's Ptu•e.
They insure regatar daily ands•, sod re -
stow the bowels go a healthy eremitic*.
For ladlsesUoa. or Dyspepatan's
. Ala
rata aro :unlash" and a st::e care.
Aeart-bora. Lose of Ague' weal
atomaeb. wlstuteary, 5Ur
Dtas. Stead -
ache, Numbest*, Nausea. ars ail rsiswsd
the latter was assassinated to Pinenint and ear:d by Ayca's PILLS.park and suttee Iunlit ly turned irate -Leer, inLIesComplaint, aunt. Elllo*aDisorMes.
as beet: has just died. He hes i
In •dead• Jaundice, Arca'• PILLS should be
cisco In dosis large cooeab to :zeta the
cher and bows•&, and remove ooewlpatioa.
Asa eiezas:ng medicine in tbe Spring, thew
PILLS ars unequalled.
worms, ca'tsed by a morbid ebnditton aft
Ibs bowels. are et;si►led by thew Ptl.is,
=rnpttons, gain Memnon. and mime.
Do result or Inly:estu.n or (: )ostlpat ae, are
*nr±d by the wool A t La's PILLS.
Tx Colds. take Avra's PtLL5 to eves
the pewee, remove taannuiutory secret:1w.
and ansv the fever. ,tsM,,,t tut
ZITtrtnrrbeba mos l yeews /.
mime evitt.., Ittt es'ble food, tie., Area's
res aro the true remedy.
Itleematens, Gout, heat+lad•. and
(9t tat.trt,ol:ta won't from dtaes:.•e &mom).
scat, or Bolds. and et -appear tm remerteg
tb, wore by the gee of Ayrs's Pt715.
Tau:ora. mercy. 161da.T Conplatnte,
and other (Warders caused by debility at
was:ruction, are eared by Arta' PylaA.
thing. to . and i'atnlLl leeesarnae
Cough. and Colds for the past tour years 9np; r:•ra.on,
with the meek untaried eteeeaa, sell to. 1 tion, ]lay. • We and res/4 rsatete r .
day my opinion of it is that I saltines
to think still more of that which 1 bet,an
thinking well of.
Otto Kra., Manager Ontario Bank, I e .tial Q-etloas. is vert keyeare. aa.
Price 25 ciente at all droevista m norm=ay amok poet -uta.
rsaratan Cit
Qr. J. C. Aye r & Co., !-a\\'all, QAass.
•.td by all Drafieta.
'She is rather ena;aged not to be mar-
ried,' be said. it was I who gave her
that ring and a lucky sixpence. which 1
thick she hots lust : and we purchased
each other tbst we would nicer marry
but live together all nor tires.'
The Doctor steeped for • crooked pin
that he saw on the carpet.
'(E , I s:n bosy : cons you and see
me,' he answerii-
e•r*fally to strsigbtso it. and
'()h that's it, is it r ho said ; and het 'i thought you had fergirt'n me long
wheeled softly to himself. After s lit -
t:*, he jumped op quickly, saying he
SOWS be going.
• Welsh you wait till Comity mimes in !
skid ttldSttm.
'No, my dear lad ; I hate emote visits
N, pay yet. Owed night !' -sad seising
iia b'tt, lee went off is a great ferry.
Though more time weir esnwiaseed of
the tleetrtWlty of hawing a wife. Loetor
'Arriving hod cast y e boo able to de -
aro,' he said.
'it was my own Fault, there wee me:h-
ieg to forgive ; and if there hail been,
your sweat kindness to Monis would
have atoned,' she answered. cooing
heel (n the present with a little gasp.
'Thee why recall it now.'
'Hearne i must. it is trot than 1 have
not forgiven you. Do*trr Tbteiplend,
bet that T mama bye a woo trio Dodd
ho so ere•1 a • woman !'
TIM tellst., li$L - Klieg thet, Count j
could hardly keep from *ebbing tea eh•
fol:oied Miss Thriepland. The Duette
rxtseci himself '•n his *thew when he
County was watching f'r Morris when 1 heard her c••minit Ilia 'sae was {wile,
hs returned. Site was very anxious to I and his ryes had n tearn11 expression
hese about Doctor Thricpland : hot, I in them.
except that he was quite well and had 1 Mies Threiplend left (' •unty at the
not been to see them bemuse he was drawing ram diger. Ferhap+ she mist
hely, her brother Itul nothing to tell pectel that they would +x lortter without
her. Ha did not say much about Mine r or v. ta'tt'y she had cauvbt sight of
p'tsreip:and. either : and atter that he 1 Morris, who just than crossed the street
was often at the Dareturs when County este
thy .s his sister hod done,
supposed hint to be at the IiAesrtatite I Deem. Threipland :field out his hand
Club. I to County.
One day kiss Capel, frning asp the .Well. you here come et last '' he said
Mope bf •hens t.. see one of her Sunday I and his tone teed of pest !engine and
school children who was ill, met De.c:ur 1 I rl.sent eenterit, while kis eyes seemd
Threipland corning down. Her heart tt• devour her.
almost leaped into her month, and she The st moment ('emery was en her
wanted to turn and rein away. She had knees M the side t,f thew w with out glutton t.. him since the rrening un .n bruin lien, sobbing --
she refused him -now more than
a year back. She had often wished ter 'Oh, Doctor Threipland, can yon seer
an opportunity of saying something to fnrptire me r
soften her refusal ; but now that the 'Convey ---dear Coanty, what dies this
opportnnity hal at past presented itself, mean l' he asked, passing his hand softly
she had not courage to tale advantag* oyer her bowed head.
if it 'it means that i was a horrid, spiteful
The Ile ct'or came running down grille• little wreteh, and that yea are the hest
ly, and was almost bts lel. her b.f."' he I snit noblest man in the world r she cried.
este her.
A BAWLER'+ Tg.wrrroxv - For a
Cough, Cold or any Bronchinel affecion.
"Pectoris," in my opinion, n just the
h' There need it In my family for
'.tad t'e think of your endangering
'What are yeti doing here r he et- life t.. save that child
claimed abruptly. 'flet back st mem! your
etli!d op ;osier
MJ dear mel, there was not ulnen
Don't you know that dm
hes eiaksheetar
'Bed you els es es* her.'
!Ter: it is ay dety ; beti it ie not
defter ; it was only croup, sad it did use
no harem '
'hues taM tae ail it gam divhderie,
Tbewaeees Our neo
T. W. Aitkina, Girard, Kan.. writes :
-i never hesitate to recoutmend your 1
Electric Bitters to my oest"meem they
rive entire attic Bittmers
and .re rapid The People's Livery
yellers' Electric ititten are the
purest i
and Acct a Kidney
know*. and wfll.,pee
t' ly core Txidney and Liver complaints ` i
h Morels
Purify the blued and regulate the ow
N•• family an afford h. be without them ,
They will as,. eundreds of dollars in
d'octor's hills every year. cold *1 lhOcts.
• bottle ne J. Wilton. f31
t;,ieas•. wawttd IlAatilUM0
1s the only wistattenenw relief fee Nee-
rsl- is, Headaeh., T...Ihache, etc. Rub -
eine • few dr,pe bnokly is all that is
nested. No taking nawseotua motlieines
for weeks, bet eine minute's applcsttnn
removes all pain end will (pvwve the great
~rodeo of RMS.' plaid iwghtdnp4. 91
do per beetle st feotw Rhynes tree
don. b
JOHA SOI, Proprietor.
The snbsrtler it prepared to (*Tsai, use pwh
Ss «Mb
The Finest Rigs
eAtet• AND rip Cita Opposite 11. Cet•sr■
l these►. emeerteb. fI01 a>•
1 Qsdsetete hob. Ilab. 11.1. -