HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-4-3, Page 1W1. OEV°E 10 c u wT" NEWS cgENERAL iNrLLiGENC� • GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, .APRIL 3, 14L A THE HURON SI(e'IAL ION THE WING. Hale to goad living hold their own equal- is !y we;l.� is eeresbed every FrldaT Moraine. by Ile mess TYe.a\t• •• stn? NYyrets at a And row, as curfew has tolled. and io. umr Siwe.. a their Lidice. Moraine., eft tillage lima. 00DRRICH, ONTARIO it is time all law-abiding folk were fold - Aad r 4esi'•+cbtrt b all tamer of the stir -mita The long winter appears to be drawing ow their hands to aceto 1 .all close this i tea a.•ntry by the sarli.wt mshlaaud nosier- to a close, and the slush outside brings screed, old lay in wait fur auotller @,r gooiest £Jwdwtua it has a larger creole. • Ilea toss au, other newspaper in, ha fart tit the loafers into the hostelry. At tate week to take up some other phase of the owatrr, d is oat- ot the raciest, Mew *Mat nose of s rein here u a mutlr •t!ter- ssd taus tellable uarnate in Ootarw K y 8 life in this aeetiun of the moral %Me- 1.f,tast.s. as It eines, tri* turc-ttotaue'•"atial' it* to :he sltting-r,ont, and the bar has yard. I may twenty in my estimate of pod berg la addluoa lathe &toot, a drsaciae. tans.ty wad *reside paper -it is tbe:efur* a a Isrge r.preaentation. A couple of living of towns and cities, but neat to swat d<sirwhte advert trap watery'. host t +iskses a» ititsstly engaged to home bate always felt and ever sill 'hoes, _moo i* stool.* postage pre -past ) it oke�aeoty" ltd 1111.asaiow e: &spr es a deep, earnest, eager, &nxiuw, settee of •afoot, it before sic truths 1 pbtytng 'o paid. ThL rota i►G1. prstmiuls d anutteeaoee go fir to an"' yearning desire to be the potrnaor ♦*sit or Anvsmnsnio.-tight Wipe that en r mit which the M�sies tit is urea.- flat for the lima tieing the unsettled l,y e•e►ss`.r.l*o n tseet/niL )wear T• y 7 condition of the i'.astern pusher is fust the titles. vac", herr •n sight of, sold the sanguinary conflicts in I D. McG. the Northwest Letween the moented Des h e are tusert tun . three rants half• *art era sad queried" contracts et remora rates. ass r*s us.'.--.rehove&t ueerr-class Onbihre department in con -action. amt poorer bag the !seat complete worst awl beet tee ilttie+ w riming out work to Deder eh.•re prepared to do 41•1*tuee' to that Ilse a pride 1 bat .-a ono: be bootee. weemeeaed. a�C..4 IS)/ asst osasot be pulite sent the half breeds are unthouxht A QUESTION 00' PRI VI LKGI. uf. A wimple of merchants are discuss• In the House of Commons un Monday tug the unsatisfactory state of trade, and night, the following tucidont took a>� :— Hon. Mr. Blake arts. and said :—I desire, for the first time .ince I have been in parliament, to refer to a newspa- FRIDAY. APRIL alto. 11116b. endeavoring to fie the came thereof. That cool, calculatin' individual on the OTT.4 WA Mlnl:r'LS. tilted chair is the banker, and he listens The responsibility for the blood -shed d•shed to e,ersthin� that is going on around per article, namely, one which appeared him. but dura not express himself WO in the Hamilton Sp.r:utor of the 27th and ravine in the Piorlbwest territories freely. When asked a oluesti'n he re- inti., headed "The real criminals." Sir, must be plated at the door i f the Donne- plies tit monosyllables, but he u locked if th•s piper had referred to myself alone I should have followed my invariable ton Cst.iaet upon by the cummoait) at large ass custom o1 not bringing a nesspaper ern. Nothing but rs.e'.1.ty 1..r incutnpeteucy . man who hold. • 5rm opinion of bis l cle before the attention of par lament, could bung about so deplorable a result own. As be act beside me while a coo• f but it refers to the white Reform party pie of irrepressioles were eloquently dis- of the protince ,f Ontario ; it refers too as now exist* At Ottawa ;est now little h• I was re - BLOOD :party of as loyal and devoted Cauaduns 1t'innyge' a greatly eztited today over BLOOD! Riel's Half -Breeds 011 the Of- fensive. A Number of Loyal Wbit4 Mao Allot aad Killed. 4000 TRO3PS CALLED OUT TO SUBDUE THEM. A General Indian Upritt:lig Im- minent. A Bad Lookout for Battleford Rebel Indians Plundering the Setters. March J.), ii p..0 cuss,n • about tit a n1. nothing, j, u as set of men that are iso be found there is an admixture of bili. minded of the sw of the man who y the unttunk, e a general uprising of the 1.1 is this wide Camels. 1 say titan that Indians hoa been repotted. The whiled tiawrt• of Macpherson,wito went to the Irish bird dealer's to get article is a gross and an atrocious gnu a Despatches from Qe Appel'a report en adores the Inter:,r department by his a singtno canary. There sere c o caner- tsairgnsut insult. 1 say that no viler outbreak amts+¢ the Indians in roe Les to be had, and the would-be porches- nolutuay wa* ever perpetrated than this Hills :Too, 40 miles north-weet of otgantic pile of flesh and bone, is tow ez monstrum vender ; tales, t. the know- Qu Appelle er was turning away, when the son of pensive an ortamwt to he continued in l)uid Erin. stepped him and endeavored plate. The than olio gels s written. i to sell hint a large plump owl instead. pledge t. '' Bi; Pitch Wilkinson to ape I The customer told the vendor he wanted ,loot himself or say other sc.uteirel tot a singing bird, and asked if the owl could the registrarship of the capital of the dim sing. to which the dealer replied, effected tsrri:uries, if not a *oak iroent- petent, mus' be a react! unlit for a Cabi- net position. The blood of the :orr:al Canadians who have fallen and `hi:! fall in this rebel -1 is the chief topic of discussion, and 1 find "*.;entad as for that. 111 tell yet the trooth, and that is that he can't hint; Lut he's $ hearty, well-fed chap, au does a diril ay a 1ot air thinkin. • Tits *,STHWAwr L$EELLIox t be need by lending the :litany mon in this section who would eas- e lion, mus aveneed ily ,Kettle the affair if they were given th ab(aedcoalds, the I)ewdney*. the mac, joh_ There's an old chap setting yeuder platoons and the Wilkitsuns fr.tn P"we' I with a newspaper in his hand, who be - and plece. l lieres himself to be a regular Sir t )reels, The s,oener the faterior department ; and w.,uld like to convert those around gets irt. the hands of such a man ft him to the salad belief. He has spent a ; lent life at farm work, and has now re- Dari.t Mills, the bettor for the 1lomib Itired to realize reel to his declining ion at line. , years. He is a solid (Ad Conservative, The incap. 4es at Ottawa, and their and delights in letting all within earshot rascally officials in the Northwest, must know that the party whish he represents iis the backbone of loyalty in this Canada Imo dammed from power if the eta of oars. It isn't likely that he will join meet a W be redeemed lodes!. the Huron legion for the Northwest, but -- hell be sure to accompany the "bowed Tae French have been detested by, Wis• to the station, and advise the Chinese, and the Ferry ministry has them with regard to the disposal (A Riei fallen. Femme has made overtures f.•r in the event of his capture by them. The peace, which Chi -.s has'auoepieri. i old man will remain on the home guard. One of the local shoemakers is artxxts•; A YARN at, the etpenso of the Teutons. The other day a stranger drone up to his shoe shop and enquired if • certain shoe- maker was working there. He was short and stout in appearance. and with- al presented • Dutehy shape. When he bad gone two of the Crispin' got up a bet upon his nationality, and to settle the matter the traveller was called in. One had bet that he wast Datchmaw ; the other had wagered amass wasn't. Tho stranger eettled the Netter by quietly observing : Wee!, I on ate Deteh, ye ken, for i was burn ayoot the Tweed ; but I am whim' tee admit thin f present *cin and ane Mycete is • Duteby sppearsnoe, for I ha'. driven Coo, commander o1 the To- ronto contingent, is an obi t/oder:eh boy. 41:s companions of thirty years ago here will watch kis career with interest. Tat aggregate result of the Scott Act campaign thus far is as follows :— Commas nemesis mos I by die Ttlu entice -1e � parte.. It Total number of oost*stt. 71 "t"`' - TItl stesaest fellow is the world is the wesld•b. wit who sends bogus notices of weddings, births, etc., to the local news- papers. In the first place nisch an sot is a forgery, end can be punished in the courts,' and in the eeoond place much T caused to those t- (i ledge of those s ho uttered it. As ler myself, individually, the blood of my cotton already stains the snows of the Northwest ; • nephew of mice and ox men Mut ot my office are on the train to- day with the volunteers, and my .on, and my brother's wn hate offered their services to the country. (Cheers.) Sir, I cannot control myself when 1 think that $ newspaper claiming to be docent teers from the east, as the present force and the organ of the honorable gentle- is not equal k, the emergency should the men opposite should dare to say such Indisas join Riel. Ge•erai Middleton hawing acertained that 300 indium had joined the rebel mo.vrtnent there and killed Indian agent Nichol*, sentlorward to that punt four oompanies of the Winnipeg riles, and one gun and a portlier of the field bat- ten-. Geetersi Middleton will not more the main force ant(' the arrival of the voluu• goot1.LICUlrnY Wont. Popularise. t $Ii A 1!Lott 111 ADV ASCII �--....— mus rxataxa 1x attotJ�`+ from the half-breedap + sea ed to be Orta &, !!arab :in__inth.+ hoose of dirertrd at ('rusher's lett• whore taw Prince Albert volunteers were stationed, commons ant rtly before accdun to Sir Heotor Laugevtn read the official news of and °Hitt „t them fell Tie pollee ro- ta -night from the Northwest given plied wh great ogee but themen thennot two despatches The fins despatch says ahoute,ri itto C'ruzier that t 1e1 t.rs:d that all the Indeaa--Creel cad !honeys see the rebels After the second volley under Chef Red Pia iosnt are up is from irs -breeds Crozier s feree brown --area and that matter" Lent unci alarm to withdraw, ceem the rryint with it lug. The second despatch says that dead sod wouueisJ, It was moraine. hatw krauts tmatructun Pay i.e and Apple c i n por'►t bertrolllut 1{tand'ssaid to have int riraant earth hate been wandered by Indiana. who caw the tight, says he did not see The house uvinediste!) adjuurw.d on them nor hear any cannon report. When hearing the news. All the members ap the lies a t+, retreat. dutrtuat s peered taro sadly tmpreamtrf to tet* about men p,clamb hoer to the top of the aeries, further bmuheesa The killing of two and tired mice we twice again. but they h graphed. is fully continued. struck out for Carleton. Beardy is -said to have made a bargain with Dumont Poulid maker s trier nc.r.hers 13oi sad that Crueler should not to killed, the Little Po .e's 421, .r together 7, out of chief helot/ a fneadof itis. Jlont¢raod'• wIw i p s'ne n y •.JO wsrrl 1.s could he informant says not more than twenty had. The t .tel the dist "f indfsns, half breeds fired. The rest suspec.ld nearly all Creon in the district G, .rich that Ivrea was ueer. and held the ether the robe!! ,nay *woad is as follows : side of the ravine. When they saw no At Fort Pitt 1190, at Edmonton :'1321, signs of *nether fore. twist +•f them tors d Carletrn. 1"91, at probable one Yhai, : • back to their comrades, but by this time total of 83'25pmt»hI7 one !tall of the the police -:ere falling back. One whom ars warriors. a post of5ee half breed wits wounded in the shoulder depsrte.ent baa made extra postal at- from a riouchit : none killed. Bard). ransomsnts tot the cen,eu►bJCe of the with a number of braves things as i have just now read. Sir John Macdonald --I can only say, Mr. Speaker. that I totally disagree with the spirit of that article. and I quite sympathize with the hnnursble emote - num in the indignation he has just ex- p reseed. who are libelled. The writers of those bogus marriage or birth notices deserve exposure and severe puniahmettt. As a rale they are crack -brained idlers, who. want of occupation, do this silly it. Urns of the best tow.pennce lectures we have read was delivered by Col. Otter, commander of the Toronto troops hound for the scene of the North-west rebellion. Addressing than as they were about to take leave of the Queen City the Colonel said : —"ln cettele'ien, I would solemnly warn you tigafest taking into:teatime liquors. Whisky is not needed in this expedition, and 1 hope it any r"2 Toe have any is your entails" you will throw it cwt and tooth not • drop of it. The true soldier needs vet whisky, so that the QRsme's Own and Oreeadters ham no me for a." l eassr Weswveses. Bop" gage to the ball tonight, Casein ' e.tXyt [ Qs tl t boll h Leat 1 011 than yw de hit the gen preteath.sa MOM est, t'I�IIMr, elty rssert. The porridge is porridge. 'Vey 11., os yob. tits'i 1-- sad sM tri; the milk is from the l to ttttees tomorrow [ kst Ask aIle• •aa disik read ,tr•tsr w root the 1d.« serapeeset pole; cal the atter uses. A Ces*rnattre Miasma .1 eew4*ry. "But the dross of gold is not Mr. Dotwdney's g..i. Ho is eminetly a philsathrupiat. His delight is to advance the interests of the savage and promote the welfere of the mote wretched white than under his ***etre. For example, when Long Lodge, chief of the .As*itii- bumes, who were camping last summer Pratrio, so, those places are fully 600 3 c,ntrsdwte'L near Indian Head, c.,oiip aced teat the miles from the scene of war. Riel is toirtaslly icing of the whole contractor's bacon, ousting the Canadian ONTARIO, ONTARIO ' country north .of the South Saskatche- taxpayers nineteen estate per pound. was Meoda March s.0. sen. Hu followers have swept up all nut suitable to the ludinan ,*tate, the y' the supplies and have unearthed the Indiana feeding always on buffalo meat : The Toronto troops, about GOO strong,oovibe supplies ndut a hes, that u seem *totes whop Lung Ledge offered to accept half left for the north west today at noon' Puundenaker's hes, that fit senuua. His a pound of steer beef aostinY • York As the twin stasw.,d out of the station reserve lies thirty miles west of Battle - shilling a pound dead weight, in place of at 12:15, the scene was a stirring, yet of rte., He always less keen lazy and a pound of bacon eosti.g nineteen cents; tooting o1e• tr .nblesonae. All the Indians of the when Long Lodge said the bsoon was OVAL THY MIST PO&1.V;E north, however, have toad a hard time of "hurting his p,wopl.tt,ecaites it WAS not A and B batteries left Carlsson Pace it lately. The small game and whitefish their feed" -111.. Dowiney said "the on Saturday and yesterday they had gut are becoming soaruer every year. Should Indians should eat the basal or die, and safely j over the hrst long break in the the tribes is the Battlef rd district cin be d --d t them." This we* nut said in taste but his •o honsr's leisure. He journey. The portage is &boat forty Poundoaker, he will have sit er seven did nut say it because his friend the 'onomiles at Dor lake and is the moserious hundred adult adherents. tractor, who happened to be in a land that has to be most serious The men with syudicate with lies, had 90,000 pounds • their equipm's ents got accrotr. good of that boom to dispose of, atTnsrOltDCarrcsan. but because ho waked to indoc- trinate the savage with the tastes of the average white titan. Mr. Dewdsey, let Papist witness, is the Indian's friend. To the white man also he sets • noble 'sample He teaches the raw settler • new code tit I nryr*le. Hesbwws kits h, precept and example that in these de- generated deo' it is not necessary for a man holding s trust not to abuse it. He 8,u.trates in his own walk and life the modern principle that emery man should tigkt for his owl wallet. Hu is, in this great country, the most. signal exemplar of the science of hew te ret along re- pardle*s of the means or metbil& of locomotion. Mr. Dewdney, therefore, devrrvea well at our bands and at the hands of the Indians of these territories. rising. Captain Todds sharpshooters it would hardly be present him with a I will he ready to start t,-tnotr"w. The homeste*a. tote he has several, also pre- Militia department hare their hands enipttuns in abundance. Money would full in preparing egniprnents sod des- sert be out of place, inrsmnch as while p•tchiag troupe. The Government are Sir Leonard has • surplus and Sir John receiving tele¢r+►ms impotently, but they pp remains in power. he will not want. seem luminal to withhold infovmstien at Duck Lake, together with • quantity Could anything he rnnra appropriate than from Parliament. Public feeling on the of tluvernment store, that were lying to prevent him with a petition to leave, subject is very strong and it is expected there, destined fir Mr. Chaffee, who hu to ret out, to go elsewhere and teach +that Sir John Macdonald will endeavor 1 charge of the Indian farni near Ditch ieke. The rebels. 320 serene. under News from Battleford is more paeinc than it was yesterday. The telezraph line is still down beyond Battleford, and has been attributed to the etrissaries of Riel rather than to the Indians. No trews las been received from Cot. Irvine taco he left Car etun for Prince Albert. A courier may be despatched by hint cos Carrot River settlement. The citizens of Calgarry are excited over the rumored uprising uf the Black - feet, but the report lacks confirmation. If it be tree it wos'd he on account of their hating been nth the verge of star- vation for the past three moontka No danger u apprehended at plaees like Winnipeg, Itrandont or Portage LA settle[t at DalusIrd, c. *W111'►• to the two taro i+,strrttt.n preyiuulty tate• did list attempt to rul:uw Crozier, who , was it mils expedition, away, Irokiug for the appy itch of Irvine There are over 19,010 treaty lndisus in or o1 nom,' other body of make, Ds the Northwest territories, and about snort, as already said, being of opinion 1190 nen treaty Indica. that Crozier was making play in his front one at.atarzar Mira:- to gime time for another detacirueot to !!wawa. March 3L—Sir John Mac- strike the rebel rear. donald c.,mmuuteated to the hoax this After the tieht hearty trod his braves attersu.'o tete urtelittteuee :'rat Crowfoot, came up and had a big smoke with the 41,hnef of the Biackfeet notions, has Indians Riel was not to the action,but assured the ll, vernmeut that Le and his at er near nahr:el a Ferri-, thirteen braves would remain tuyal, *el the G•+y- miles front Duck Lake. Chaffee. the ernmeut expected an amicable arrange- Indian iratructor, was allowed to go ort went wound be arrived at with the In- towards Prince Albert. The news of dorms at BattleforO. Dumont s victory was carried far and Waren:so, Man., Much 31. •Tele. wide 1•y runners, and many r eruits, emote from tee wet wuignt would indi• Dolan as welt as half breeds, forthwith cote the upris.ugg , f the estuny Indiana joined the re`ie:s. at South Battleford. The fate of the TABLE 11F DISTANCE.n'. women and children she started for TEa1L rL.Taarsx Battleford en Suodey from Swift Car - • Sirs. rent &cation a orieiuusly ..waited. The QuAppelle to Fort Qu'Appelie ti+ Indices seem to be pllligit.g the home. Fort Qu'Appellet' Touchwoed hills steads of the settlers who have "'Aught Touohwoud hills to Humboit 81 refuxe in the barracks at Battleford. Humbolt to Carleton, vet• (iabriet s A half breed named Laririere, living Crrsatng 111 (Tear Mortis, received $ letter from Riel Huebolt to Carleton ria Batoebe's three weeks sg.o in which he urged the C mala a�! netts in Bed Royer to join him or cross Prince Albert to Batochs's Crossing43 the 60111IdAry. as they were ',tug to sweep the emtire country. Prince Albert toe Carlen 49 Qu'Appelle W Cisrke s Crossing.... 196 The wires are still down between Bat Qu•Appelle to Battleford 281 tlefurd and Slmuateu, and no iafutms Lia ke's'nosing to Prince Albert 41 torn can be had as to tho acting► to the nlaratica ricer w txx:ase. natf /treed settlements upon tae upon Fort Ellice 2)M the Upper Sask+uohewen. bort Qu'Appelle 337 Riei is evidently saute on the Jefen- Swan River barracks via Fort Ellice 337' sive, pending the sacce's of his anima-372Touehw«.d bilis rias along the IndiatHamholt 4✓3 .a The portico of the old town of Battle. Fort Carleton 536 ford abandoned has been burned by the Battleford ria Gabriela ...... 82* Indians and hail breeds The teleor:tph line runs from Qu'Ap- 'lhe report that the File Ilii Indiana lie throw h Trueand Humbolt hal risen and kitten Instructor Nicholls s to Clarke'* corning. and thence on to Battlefordand Edmonton From C'latke's Crossine a branch ruts to Prince Albert. VIZ roto 1 mon TAX raw:. far the day ower pitch -holes, ani sin, my friend, a u'e bit net of stoup, ye ken." I fire you this story, not for its intrinsic worth, but for the sake of the loud burst of laeghter that followed it 1 think I have beard funnier "torte*, but I never heard heartier laughter. In this way the hours west around, and before you are aware of the flet, the time ap- proaches when it is necessary to book nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep. There are r may places where a grester degree of style can he had, but for ail &round general satiafaotion, i know of know of no place where owu can tet more eatidsctien to the square inch than et ems rwrrr•r SOM. In it you don't run &cress the dude or the dandy . some of the labia's' may toot be esthetes or of high mature ; bet you are certain to emote acmes fellows of shrewd native wit, and mon of hoes discernment, and good hminew bet. There is another reason why i like the errantry hotel. sed that is bemuse roe gee buts siatenls sad less bills of lees A Battery Kineeton) S Battery 'Quebec' Queen's t own Rifles (Toronto) Royal Grenadiers (Toronto`. C School of Infantry (Toronto) .... 90th iiattalioo (Winnipeg Field Battery (Winnipeg) 11* a:: Col. Williams' Batt. (No. 3 district) 3110 Capt. Trod s• G. G. F G. 'sharpshooters 60 Mounted Police and load colonisers, estimated. 4111 Captain French is in command of the Tota! .. .. MIS eighteen scouts who prootic the ezpndi- 'Besides the foregoing, Cots. Stewart Oen Ther.t are only two half breeds and tittsrge have been authorized to mem( thorn, ilia remainder heitg *Ails ut�g•ntoe a company each of Northwest March 30.—Itattlefexd hu barn esp- iA246, will be teamsters, the whom mintd t Capt. mounted rangers of from 160 to 200 Wien. lured, •ted the Indians are in ere are povsea ped 113ed'on and will be erased with P.*btdY Lieut. Col. Scott. M.P., will raise me of the houses. Tice inhabitants escaped rifles The teMisg alone w13: ort cotrpama of infantry at Wiompeg, to the police barracks, where they swat dailr numbering abut 230. an attack from the redskins. Lieut. Oral (►bborae sinuth, of Vl'itesi- The Iodises are from I'eundmsheih A 14dv-ss�ee'e twt?ount 01 tntortta a pew, a ltttl11•lient•f otghtcompaues,•►tie0 reserve, *bid zee riaM to 1.-i00 Ar I - at. 3r1f0 Poondmsk.r is helped by Little Pine. fret Qn'AppppeeBe, N.- toate!. - -- Asthmatic information of the fight at 30,—I111marsr llontgrand, • ftimidly half- pati, 40. Duck Lake is to the effect that only one bred, who had worked un the ,,id trail Col. wood, ot'Birtle, Man., owe ems - rebel was kilted,as the half breeds fought to Prince Albert for many years as •my of 40, and ot.e company each will under cover of the hush. The only thing teamster, come in during the night from b.. raised at Weary and Kattidurd. that the police could see was the curling Clarke's Crossing. He confirms the pre- The With trattatiron of MontrwaI, 362 smoke from their long range rifles. mous report that the Indians north of strong, have been ordered to hold them Drrewe, liareh 30.- -Here, as in. al- the South 13askatchewan are uneasy. selves nn readiness. most every other part of Canada, no.th• Bawdy, One Arrow, ()ken's,* and other The foregoing gives a force of upwards in g is talked of but the North-West loading Ra ns smoked with Rl's agents of 3,000 men at 26 scene, un the way ern Isadore the fight on B.'rdy's reserve et ready to go. Duck Lake Mentorsad gives the as' Rtyt a MsrTioa. an authentic atoou•t of that engage- { As ceased, supp:ies, it is believed Ho. sent•rebel have an ahni,JaM ate re. Ltttlg► k[ajor Crozier intended to secure the santitres fell n,tn their hands at su lies in Stobart, "den At OttOs 'torsi Iltatods's creams*. Duke Like, Cb.ffee's term, the Elbow and Clacks's crossing ; in feet they have made a clean sweep. Reports concerning their ammunitiss .apply are conflicting. The teeem t1s F. Dumont, brother of Desoto the say that ever *rote last July arms home ether Indians and- other Rhine leen the ethic of grab, greed, and •hamalessaees he has iutrxd.eed hare!" --[Winnipeg Times. NOT A Tttawoa -- The Clinton Nay Kra toys:—"Before the bariai o/ John Ray- ons last week, • report got ie eirculatisn that he was not stead, hot wu in a toner, and to est at rtes this report. • en.ple of unedited ort sod. an ett;rei*at ire of his Andy, bemg perfectly satisfied that he w dead. After the burial of the ked the rumor wss repeated,and to thorough- ly satisfy the lrtewds of deceased. J. C. Servwws bad the body exhsleed by Mr. Webb wTetedsy, Mw+. T. Waite old 3. Cit' a e.eltsayieg bit•. It or t .rad is pre ia5t the owe vanities se when booted. mordodica bowies set fa, min then ed big toe elisbtsot Ross te doubt the* be left Teta dead erten first supped to be gm to "throw • tub to the whale" by di' missing Lieut. Governor Uewdn•y. Sir Dahl Macparson, er scree miler atheist upon whom TAE 5UOLT.•OVINO* Or res (SOYRttlnr igT esn b,* tithe red. Mr. D.wdney's itsea- pscity and dishonesty in his dealings witli the half breeds and Indians are re- garded as among the primary amus of the rebellion. Th. conduct of the Clove ernmeet in sending up • host of political hacks, and imported dodos to administer the affairs in the Nortb• W est iltetasd of entreating some natives is elan severely eendesnited even hv Cn,.aerrative mem- bers of Parliament, away of wheat, while nonsiderine it unfair to Wargo the whole Arty with as'reginsu vlt rna tr*Eapneas ell, admit then it is the remelt of gross wis- wisoormea11 Ws. the port of eke O• sen. *Mt lead their dliei•la. fetryeran at Dumont s ernesing• had how- ever, raided them *teres before Crosier's arrival. Creator came upon Dumont's forms ma B.srdy s reams, and Balled to them to surrender. His mon, gottiteg the word of command. pointed their ri*ee at the rebels. who were standing on the edge of a small costes behind • fringe of scrub pnpelar. Dement shouted : "Is it to be • fight r. Crosier answered • "i must sheet if Fon do not Isy down your arum" Without farther parley the rebels dropped into the melee sail levelled their rifles stens the top. A white man wee among Oren et`romer. who was 306 yards sw•y,held up his hand, and the polio, snit voles. tsars extended their rusk. Both parties find ahem* Meadow. The ifyt voP.y been going into thew. (rum the Aleeti•Wt •ids. In O eetobt 40 were seat tot Dumont at Ilia *rooting. He told No witness that thew ria had Veen seat on ahead by • party of gentle►ea whit wore going m„ose•huwtmg in the far north. C*treless have bees shipped in all wider packed in barrels stet tension „pork, ' "tin,' -red echo..” etc. 'Rw Rood Cross up north, es diatingniskoi from the Southern thee•. seeress of 9'. Plain, are all well armed with shotguns' sed Winchesters, so tkst Reg will Bret am, to draw on hu armory for thee. Alt servants agree in fayius that Nei can hold out for months, .r esti! he is overpowered by sheer. weight of em- ber., .ltd that then 1. east sled. Its per - pert by entering the inteessinabie Ar est. Has poeildee in ibis teepee win b. t((awt.aeted en 0t! repel s 41