HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-3-27, Page 51 • , PliA01 IsnoBABIA Irregat astasutisa of the Arabes 7reatkr /roster. Lemnos', klatch t. The pi apart of sseintanuar 'ware betatron lifitig'.and and /fame*ii beounsiog brighter. A swots) Cabinet Council wits held today, and it was in sermon ton hours. it is reported that the Ministers drafted * new set a lament:atone t.•I,ssisI int Peter Lute, des regarding the At4li..ti-1urcomaii bonntiary,stl that these new orders oir testily empower him to accept Ins boo - tier fixed by Itessia. ilia. of course, mould end the ditheulty forthu present, and it o ay Le tany years h. ru will c1).••st to make further advance 'oward India. The ittt4trat iu regard to A Ighatt attar treater* Omit Uva in the ssotioaciiir.l. itact v IOW bat worts the A queer of A ighantotto an 1 Loral thufferits, 'Viceroy of Iwl.i, and tts re- sults ors xpected t., hsvo an iiiip.rtaut hearing ou the situation. ltie itsterviue. la to be held at newel hndi. a town of tie l'un j‘t., m the ro •tt . stern corner el India and less than 100 mates from tha Afghan India bouodary. Anstird- nag tn rho inaart.ittle custom in Ot tonal pelsoreis, each pots estate a di be Secoft1- Panted by a brilliant retinue and an escort, comprising* few t itstisats1 troop* 111NrrniTA1 ',1"..-EFJAAID Loo, Mitch 21. -- EtrI Dolltwill, Viten% of India, hue receiw. ,liasaralleme from t he Onveritinetiti i-dityderetiant Sinde that each Plot -ince desires to send contintenta r. Atithanistait to light astainst any farther Itiyasisit ailwanneto wards India. tinter Dift.r Jung, ps.litical r. cro.tary to the "Imam .4 flyiler.dad. staie-3n. a ?atter contaissint7 that Provineo.• offer that "all widest India chit fa are ea.r.•r to sate lathe fniin itunian arsat•m aosmra eststmq arinits emu:rt. It is reported that 1tl1.sts:1 agents are enlisted In distrihoting iiiiiitey miming the disaffected Afghan chiefs f .r the pur- pose of :effusing them support Ayouli Kbau in the movement. to Live tLe ter substituted tc.r Abdutralinimi as Ameer of Afghattiatast. A 1:I' 4.1AN 7ILUT** 01241414 a A tr.W. rn HURON SIGNAL FRILAY, ¥AR. 27, 18M. 1 1 1885 SPRING irz NEW GOODS! Our Stock i4 now nearly complote in all the Departments wi. New !Spring t Gc./odA. We li..t7e nom* eVecial Ines in Dref. Good Prints and Chock fShtr lege. , worthy the attontion of every buyer. • Inspect our Stock bort:re you wake your Spring purchasea It will pay you to do so. COLBORNE BRCS. ,:oderirh, S..r.r:g 1 "frzeirwiesszramAtabtmeni4.--- • ALIA1,411i1.N 1,; !ROYAL MAIL NTEASSSIIIP' :eigitHrEitiliDIATfoiiTEERAGE Iti4UUCED iWINTER S7_11VICE. , filltP001.-LUNDON EitltY ileollase et Mott riteentem 1 . Prozo, ?ortle.nd. •-•,-”VPii.N . , . .....thuesdas , March Mt Se .-iireastr true ~land. Mer'.t; 711.1i. ......" -8._. 1 lat1:410 ...... .. •Ei.enftiay, April We. 77 4- Ne I•ottieer lamp l'ort lased, Aprtirt.t *A k lit:t.t.t N. , .. .T,tetvde• • Apre NO Nu *mutter treat Prealso..11, aprti ft' h. eeP Yoll).1 14 eel., Dry ......„......,..,:.7,.,..,....... ... Matt :4. eatu.r1 .. eir,...ei„..i.„.....,..„.,....,, . P7ront 1-lalifax. Yost cab do 1 bil at a vire,' t•Allti: (184 4.7 bill.tit:7 Youf -__ _ .....____ • ______ - • . I1•14/211.•• ilA:! Q & SHOES .l.11 MAMMA% . kAft01Kliot .•.• ....,..-...••• - " inli 1 .4.7 Tit;',.: .......... PICIOWI AN .... t........ . .. - t.....1, sAituaTu.s........... . .... .....M44 r,,,I tarriatAn,g. thralls* .. E. . D Oltil N N G Last trydu leaves Oaderich se Weilsweiays at 12M 0 este:. ,. ft ycs aro ressUng. for sear Weide. Fee car Xthrra), abtit_L Metals prepaid thsessue'llet ts at 1..see* roue. GI thlis &few. availabie (foal L'aleaui RON . 4 GRAND CLEARING SALE. • A rer7 Sac aad wiaaaseeled sliesk of rano, Oood• are still en :salad gad will be sold off AT FOR Alt *lb.', An/moons of rat Isoaiseito Yeti well ..1..1••41 with nitre and 10111.1slit. t4A. • al,f1kitW or 11,. 1•14eral 41.i 4:. ss ear. Alli litlityvy Le cati gad 't 'spas •••sr e1.4.14 .1,40 4•••0•41.4•4411 SI..841.114 40 1,, • Iry 4.• t I.* 1.1.0 ===.4.1"7 without doubt .1se kunst UJettd /dew of Lc...subeia `stra.t vire rear Serrated. Jae. ix, am C. H. GIRVIN, North at& suet llouse Stassarr. Iteriernab. Steerage _f13 0 .0 5. WONDERFUL VALUE IN 0.0Ext1cTI CA P ET S Livorpor4I,Lendoodarry,Glasr..c 'For Hens .:n4 intorow04187. applty te LorniCit, Queen,town,1;41.4.t.: Bristol, Cardie, A. IN- 1.3 N. A kallirrif0M: Jaigeo., Alavrs; Oesteelett. 2arth tltlit•10446.; LACE CURT:41:47.NS at. kJ- C. P & co's PRI " 4,-1 • 11•1 sh eclat, kr setae.. ire tree. rtenialy box itoso *Iv :wt.; it. ittjt A.nritt. Alto • stise- ••estiern seifr. The broad read lts a Suits, Ma ad to Or3.2- a a Th Mame. 11044 o Russian military .421 1,"t4°J.wili''..1' I Sete Bbeir Zrei, reflects the views Of Om Ittteitoot) 0111 1.. a raandaill . ; en, KillnlIrne, 4 bon . Teber- at $111.0ap.1 7" t• W. tiave:t ate! other vi the w•tr inirty of Ootler!-h. Mr.r. 12:b.... .7....c.. TDMTI..01::, .:5 CO- Ittist.ia, ie tt pateimit et ging the aeizure ,of Herat Wore the Etieiodi esti tortify - p Herat is the center •4 commerce for OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT. the lace. TN, Si.y.t argues that ns iiihoriisaan and Turcrunsesia, if Nerlaint is permitted to hold it the Russian poet _ _ . tion beyond the Caspian till be peril- . ') "Bassidasi„" say+ the "to low Englaud to !mid Herat would he O1 i ',cowing treat wwslinesi befoli re e Tur 011004144. ' Conttnition-i- gort, al . thia f 1 nrran my.: "The En.":11vh MOM he chased out of Tert•teros territory. ltus- .. visit diplomats cora:moron:4 nue inch of _ rroeud will betray the ititere•ta et tneir etttIr try. l',:Pealid will riot riv:g war Cif a erat. She limo,' her detest in',4ht iii - "else India, elSt*renit Russian defeat mould mean nothing more than the main- s teestice of territorial states 441.4. M. t• snr.*•*.• that they kayo 111 0:414 11 3! a 1'...arrP 411.1 Kalaretillarderattillee*,- ftsft•T so NNW A rtter To TIM !.' %VFW. sou,prisieg 'Yell and ftetialea• Nat.iverre. :l'aints, 44i1ii,„ aim arAd NAL., biumeti. Much 21.-T6Arilited Nor- r cies Oaseite stales that the British Ad- miralty has eternts'etred every prevention to send if necessary, a powerful fleet to ale Baltic -rithiti a few U-va. 710 TIllot11.111111 Tait AMU arta a1re111.1110. YATES & ACTZEF1.014" - L. Lo4mos, MarI 1. - D. Gera, Bus - Winn Mit has siren his oflicial prtnnise that l'enjefsh will nnt b. occe• pied Ly Revenue troops if the Afghans withdrew their carrio.n. nest*n Assam, ...larisc "7 sztirr. Sir Peter Linn/den informs Ile British Government that thit Russian 4:00111041ider• on the Afghan trnsitiec ar • filiflairtd lag a riming tti Peirrideh, with a t1OW 41 tasking that a pretext for annexe C•trciva. Ith.rth 22 --It is reported that orders were meet% from En:hind Hatordsy 1concwierase .%) 000 to :30,- 000 inen at Quetta and X tal.abad Or- ders were team.' Sat II* y to mobilize two army cone ap7regating 25,000 Mott, with ten strong dirtst•tint te reertves. The London l'oat undereantist hat Roo - Rea officials un a fnrlouith hare been orierwl to rej ..... thew re4tincista. A Lemur. "Father, what a luxury r asked litUe Jeltwey the ether uiebs as bio himself or -find tbs parlor stove. folotay 1 Why, it a amatithing we dont real y need, you know thi/I4 we csn alo a • t hou •'W then,- replies1 t1t tiiat ynnth. "What a lilery-x--Inerftpoie.,•••• must be in winter." 'Table and Pocket. Ct.-der. A Full Line of Tabs lVater Ceicir.s an,Aru.te Crnsioo, god c Dry releasite in the hart:.ware !low Giz'e them a Call, and I ilspr::-/ .5 IA -k iznd YATES & ACI-11.7,SON, MarAhatri (114 44115,1. mat ii4ft: tt, R. 3IcL,4111 • /41.tat Marke•- Gelltodeit. TIME SQ„ ..A. 7Z, 0=MPLIC7-1. 011::41•1 e• 1r se- nnw' on *arid It r 1.4rVe• i'Ock ere. iht,wr. Ckrtertah. awl .4t1tV.e..., rye", 110e51 IA. V luitivl :n9 hrovirlses Owe awn% fr.40 the hares MO. threw.' all tie. erre, di 1: • gradate • . 1.•-sts 3.11041bIde. 1 %Ain tte,1 • rrico ,3 that Will, Suit Evoroione. Latlioc; Bids, in Batton or Luott 41,110 to 16.00. Minn alid gtronq School &tit from 7t5s. up. Bus do„ $1,00, up, all Gtr Linos PM !tortoni-A(11y Cheap. 51 I call Sad wttt fr714 you, tio' 111 d ItrL tr. ID 0 W NIrsr� Cral,b's kV...v.., C.s.s.s. List stre. t ..Pd Inatiare. IS.1t.. To the 41-444•: 1.•alber and Ondiary in any 4 rant i y, 1t 1 ov., nt 1 UOTO KNIGH T.3 • 1 CfCCI.CritZallcianclry arse. liftlieloine Works, YOB A . , s kIRC,VT, h sii_Ampoo, _ OR DYE: TIVO 70001:S 7.1.,pff OF P.0 DANIEL GORDON', CAPIETERER Leai ilfidertker, Hat oe.1.1-.m1 eirx 1!-.e LANtillAT *TOM of Pir.ct - Cla.ss Fu,rniture !n the nod floS 1 TWA" radii hill hat ardertioirt bv-sery soft 1 *017 TIVt004:'-'r I'm:ergot from averar4r... good. teem $2.301ip. Bee 4.45 i'lca're. front 3t.. ant atom. !Ring r.rar 111 the WOO nron,rtiluts. AT THE n STAND setwee•j.pk-• mertreeti Oct, Ifith. !SPA _.41a-obSleisxcic P L . N NO .i PR1NG SUIVIMER4 wiLL 1:7:TABU:TEM 7771. • i'CW Goods arrived, and will be hrrivitt6 dur- BliCiirlailiatigriEribinSeD ix41 the Season. 1 eft?? suit all as tortalifaterial atzti 1tylt. Sa.ilz.,Doors & Blinds TIG-11 IDT:3-1\TT...1017 P.A.131-1I01\TALIELIAM_T-41.2.-1.013... 00117. • Oteterteh. on' Monday. Sts:el rtni. tbs. wife°, Dalt titterwiein. of %WTI. w 40111‘14. On the Main 110., a, 11- rtaid•ne• of the bride's father. by tte s'. 7".r. twos Rieill, 10 Kiss Mary 4 ,c.hert„ a'. of .k.ti- Ott the tat' inv., •• ilea osioeasse. 1t, HOillark by Nev. kr. lesv.k. Thermo U. ringgsgio.toss. t Wes -von* 1peArsek, rklest deoght•r et Was 1:tipster*. *.1 • altertele lebtreet• Obverted by Telrlibover (rein Marline Milk! Atansaalna. !starch hi 1*'. Wlest,114•11111bettb • .. ste 7si vs 00 70 Wbeat. tred wint•rt hush •• 11 • 70 wilept, (eyrie/eV bOah . . 74 • :9 W11/.0, taproom/ # biter . • 16 06 • 411. Fleur. Iran) toot . 2 on 4445 View waived),..... to 0 so Moir, Nitrous behmel 11 • . 2 23S tea twab. II bath .... 10 0 I 36 0141 032 0iA • II PI • 36 eb .15 010 00 14 w • IT karies. hush ........... pirtaoe.s. hush ihater. V • •11 . ......... aura tinges. tell dos • 1. •• • t; . ........ .....,..... • ti • • ts t. et lee so w re •• n.. so Ole • we xi r• at coi 10 eget •• • • ••••••wwww.w• " 1 1 have Reid* nerparatiort• far shirtwaist* .. • . • • 41,, le._ 7 2 :; of tad hav• oreleired • chat, 1.91 11440/0/111 • •.• • • • • •••••• •• • • • • • • • • •• • .11 • trots Ole heat house& 400/100/012;;;;;;41.60 * le Clover (5. Timothy Seed' MIMS Oretbard Ursa keel Top. Risme Ora.. Repituabertthe ra:ce W stmt.'. next i.00r in Beal. lifostr-el.Mra -c== EASE AND SECTTRI Thi' eat reprvestota the .1.)Itioi.irasolu : hv.. he WI. Net, the veil kw of ;to ,11111,71022724 'spring. lit lasted tn the Pad. 41y whi• e• 444 INSTAIii be *MV/ T INAND a UPWARD 24K...1M inipporl. 4krill.% wh• ti ?he Irthei 1* .41 CI -EOR - Drunta, SCDI5E1 ...A.C31-MINTT, C11,46320M.I CH - February ma. MA. 11111 ED S1'°A.IbumaPsers Books gards • \Dolls Toys Eto. 1/2.48,.. t, P;: t, Oats Barley,!„ _ 1.7T 1101'11 .. , ... . . Adepel, 4:•-mtsil Calif., Maitiold ....inewapapers and Periodicals .....• toTS 2' arn fp 'Wed. am. a:/ Ieeettlettons •0 t.ardee No Trouble to Show Gala. Pooh, 01 its tor row seri,* osso • MITI. : E411.1:110 IN ALL, Et‘lall OF Lumber, (11 It, Shindies • sidevrrysIrrerIettess. !CNA UP2TUfl1 SPECIALTI. NI AK Orsterii 1rootptl7iattreads6 to, Oretreteit Ana. I. Ni --N 16014, Run.oiman Bros., Proprietors. C811:ZACTS 'PUN FEN STEIN Er.‘.;siP..1.11.01af.111C MAS. 1?47.,1 lig,11:4611 Flouring I1113 ChangEd to the Gradual Redtotieu Sptes /1,irse M,wers, Crush•-rs, Straw t7atters, Agriculturui Furnaces, Stoves, me., etc., at Low Prices. 4.14 Kiwis of Casiftifjs .i[adc to -Order. J. D. 11r:cc-max. Grelericit. Nov. 0. ISM 1344-ly 1:. W. NAVIN/Alt A RN] Wm 10 Me wiDaye annaeriner, who ea0011010113111110 SOW 611110,1rt*:.: hi. basineen mow dim i. .s -od retort bia &Welt • DRY 0-00DS Grcrics y.11ird Cl9lkthL alBoels afid Sieu. Call and tee for yourseIrcs. Bents and Shoe* r.,11 b• `0111 at Lai( Inc.. Qr•- cwrisa trill h� WONDERFULLY ,REDUCED A large stock ef good Valercit rait.itla will he .4,111 at jib: it 11)., rr 81.00 per lam ell 2s lbs. Balance of stock of Ready made etothitig rigductd from 10 to 20 par seat THE CPEAPF:.S1' SHIKTN ANI) DRAWERS' YOU EVER SAW Complete 'took of Canadian and Scotch Tweeds, Iliteliah ora. -,la and Nubby trneatineTA I LOKS on the premises. Suits made to oraer ftt 10 and op - warts. I41.•leahlit•ed, 114.yft and 4..irls Clothite.; cut free of Inure, white the goods are soreliased at the etre ef THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE AllittA to th. front and mecum bargains ilia, • GEORGE ACHESON. •rt.iru EVYBVTUING YOU WANT GROCERIES NEW AND FRESH 1865 aim ant Glassware. t 'nolo in and tomar..: you devil her ova. ler inv. • . ...a r. 3 7. V" per sot. ....... s;6.c • II per 4111. • ••••• „ par lb. ,• . ....... • . 6 111 a telt t ""llikr•••••44crwielemmilr SAMUEL SLOANE. narnilton Straet, °Merit:tit. Orrawr:eb. rob 11/111.111 AT 141212 s ()nitre C. A. NAIRN MRS. H. COOKE, .51451e5104 15 CIO. filhelimord• Ooderte0. Dec ittb 4014 *4!1 v - - • 4 41 a t w• • • 1.-••or2 oisare liadariels Dm. lib, 111111. THE PEOPLE'S STORE. BARGAINS! ! F.COrt CAU o I'PLIDIDTLTOE. BMM GOODS ID OW', W. II Pal:31.1--E-'Y- Jan. 21, 1885. The Pe. ple's '44•re. gaited& CHICAGO HOUSE. 1.., to OM ..4151pI It has lit meek In Low sad varied profs.(.., The Very Latest Winter and SprinAr Fashions sh• week, roots...fully hivIte lbw lati4- 40 5111 sea lee 41108 dlopiair • The Chicago House, 04"141. OK 15& 1. 1VICYT 1Tt`kit7 tintpircli. • - 1