The Huron Signal, 1885-3-27, Page 22
Hard Fighting near Hasileen
An Engagement for Five Hours.
T s Arab Posilie' Firefly Ca;t3rltJ.
a -
sbe risso to ttttertar. 1 A Tory 41.4skia
teprds.s litems. MANIA tttAfttid :1.
1 suffered with Alt.. I.•r'L
. ut rick a.rdt."
Neurstia, faunal, truubld, fur vane in
the meat territele read excruciating uta.-
NO trtwficiue or duoter could shoe ural
relief or cute %total I used Hop ;ratters.
'The tint bottle
Nearly cured we
The iteeend made me as WIN and strata(
as whoa a child.
'Anal 1 have Leen so to DAB ley.'
My huetral was an invalid ler twenty
year* with a seriotu
•KiJisey, liver au.t urinary complaint,
'Pronounced by li,.tuu's Led ph)u-
ciat'. --
•Ittcur.ble !'
*ecru bottles of your
him. and lkruwufthe
'Live* of eat l t penults'in any neighborhood that
saved by your bitten,
And many moteare ueing them with
grant benefit.
'They almost
I).. miracles !' •s
lm Km IL D. Slack.
\til tewartted.
A littered reward will he relit to any
party who a111 produce t else 1.1 Liver,
.Kisimay or Stomach complaint that Elec-
tric ;otters will net spe.driymitr.
them al.etg, it will cost you nothing' for
the metlicu:e if it Leila to cure, and you
wilt be well ma'snleal for your nimble
beeidoe. All Blood dinc..+tt , Ili!iuuas
cess, J:randice, Cna>tijiati••n. and xvne-
ral debility are quickly carte'. >;;atiefae-
tin» guaranteed or meter retunded
Price uuty tifty cents t••.r bottle. For
sale by J. Wilson.
t r 1
live., 1• 1 "hate;.. Yaws., Yeti. t. Iasi;. Gesili IS- 11
Thai cua.rler llas s liewin.••u debt to;
gout the t barlettctu'•n l'atraw.
the usWot el .b.eut $3330 per family. lis s
wany of the rrerincte there is a Inca;1 Sts' Fur ilk. atut:Seruelit ur iuf..rms-
Je:bt besides "ally a'1 the atunicillal• i touLlaaab some extracts Irma s
speoch Ly a Tory nrerober, one
quarters of tha f:e•hoids are tm,rtxattvJ.
'Fb tl• d Lt of the merchants ata he 1'•1 h k 1 3
as of our farwu'; ieosumonity, 1 bee
ties bate heavy debts. Pully three- i yea 1
1 Mr. Ferrite. in the !louse of Commons,
• • ,&•ung • at Ottawa, on t t . pr* . ,
ut y ;treater than tlnir a•.ett, *led r.to4isned in Hansard.
in every respect the dents ora increasing. r Our peep!o Kenusslly look very tloowy
This gannet ye on touch longer without at the pre.cnt time, on MYount of the
un oh in{ the amu wry an atnrrel rain. very depressed state of trade, end tate
The pe apls have to pay interest ..n ala apparently pour 1'rutiitcial prospects for
the future. Why. air, even ,tar large
band of Tory olti:mala al year 1., here lent
their maul stellate cuuttetu:.cee. As a
paa.acea, let theta teed Mr. ;'lame''
outburst, and smile Retina& ti:e brilliant
prospaets assured theta under the great
magician, Sir L. Tilley.
After asserting that farm prtmlusu had
increased in price un1.r thu N.1'., Mr.
Farrow continued as follows :
"What t•gge 1 --and, as a practi-
cal fanner, 1 rant first to tell the Inds
*Lula eget__ It has been atoten.hl that
the Hun. Finance Minister ditiaet urate
the hens lay snore eget. 1 cente,nd that
he did, and I will peeve it. burin;; the
time the hom gentlemen t were
in ..;rico farnlere kept a kw of the cow..
Ilea breel of hens ; they took n., care
of thatu ieecause the e.;s there worth
practically uottain, S.. algin as the
prose Finance Minister tied; Alice,
eggs attained a g.Nod price, and farmers
began to see that they must .•btatn tee-
ter breeds, that would lay mere rev..
Stair were obtained, and the hens were
better fed, set that they laid
thrn ig b winter. neat when sprite;; came
there .at the ,nultii. icatiou of saes."
t ick a tl,tnlle do'' Weil d•tne,
Farrow 1 "Tuutter," with his "forest of
crawl" and "assured reciprocity in two
years (rem 18:8,'. must now take is
ince seat. Lit us control our mirth,
,tad •1u.ete '1r. Ferr..w's speech a little
their dcuts, though the ; revslsnt tystete
The Nat;ves COntert Eery i~.s1
or Hours. et raising money by further murs,a,ea.
hes hitherto male the nay 'tient of utter
est Ie.ta an easy sea doing 'natter.
'Fhia sore system lies been f" lluwed io
the matter of the C. P. ft 'I' to
Ru ..n with the coutract as tint made
with parlament, the company applit't1
f •r meet help sol got. it, Ai:d now that
the syctdieate is is tr, cbt, .gait there is,
im • the quarters, a ,liap•1•e::ion t • yiel•1
rather than bruin about a crisis. If the
as: d• II•vernrnent dries this t)t•y will_ befullowin, the sane prineipl• &deed-
ed by the man wtu haling endow-
ed a vete far $103 titi is that he hat to
p.y It . r cnaene a noto for an ,cher S100
Choosing the latter, he Enda he must
either pray 2-200 „r en3.•rrt• for 1400, and
putting off the evil dry again ha yields.
endorses end,es ler 2403, then $800, then
$1.000, and sea en, staving f the day of
settlement till when it cnmes he is un-
able t:, meet !tis t • ota.hly incurred otli-
aati.on, and is a baukrent. His mutak'e
Te:c,traph .o'rna:8:osa:'. -
Th. Last:e futt;;l.t yesterday was near
Hasheen. it wee a hot erga,;,emeot for
a few hours, during which the British
cavalry charged repeatedly tipea the
A:sbe. while easel:i to guns were warkael
with tieediy effect.
wrest bravery was. aliaptlsmed on teeth
aides. The Arab 1 taw, killed aad
ed, is es:imat.d at 600. The British
loss 40 The Ata'eas displayed desperate
The marines drove the Arabs frota the
hills, and feared them to retire teethe•
plains. Then the i-ttdian--tr.t;tps char/e4
open the arab position, but were out-
flanked au:1 unsuppnerted. The Albs
succeeded is getting behind then bne.
The Bindtos famed themselves bet area
two Gres, and flew. During the re:reit
they were clnsele pressed by the Arabs.
ho ha:uren/ ltvrses and speared {.cigar! with end.ersine fareCOO. but hal
riders, he settler; hit lest. then ire would not
The Bene Iese fell bawl in . infusi.oa
upon the Eot(iist infantry and Guards,
who had been formed in a hollow sleaze,
and leisurely ret •r• 1 while the Arabs
have been ruiace. If the eovernnte•It
Had refused the syndicate's first deueswl,
the loss to the country would have berm
mita teas than it is now : if tither ad -
were yelling that that they lid regained ran_es are meat tc stare off the etAlepse,
the lust peeitiun. • the trouble will be deferred, but ineres
At this janeturo the artillery mem •:d, and the crash will ,tae eventually
to the rescue, with elitist lire of smelt w::°t creuttr ft•rce.
shot from machine ;,:rtes. and shells floe Now is the time to stole Gen. Sterlt'
Knapp dela/ gens. e:i is tricking the most tae tudeut de-
The (iuurkhasme,aawlsile had •!rivin :naiads f •r a reicaee of the lien un the
th1b Arabs from their position. • railway f tr$330.000,000. The adamantine
'Free marines maintained steady ficin; ebe.-ek which enable -4 a mon t to ask far
tbi.t will lie s i ieent fo,r tile risk of ask_
in,: for more. If Sir John is aisehewill
liar, and 'fa
refine .o clant entailer titer io
.r:cis atmos he can et) tri the country
with the p'ea that .`tis tint lain ret $30,-
es:000.000 was and is well seecre• , e
1;ret.ted with the patriotic intention of
a'.eompktin, a area: astle a:et wort. He,
could then ,h•ew that the synalieate,
thb:'ain i they had beerwleni steci;ro4the*
_ .it':ati•,n. had t:it'•d to belly him inners
COII�COUNT.CCURRENCY,T�� _ .. s i,•asint: the security far alta loan which
She wad refesed. fiesetrald arae explain
tlerav tteea rN I. at' et laar.w tat o.a ter dight he ,unld, by a very small 'expt•ndi sauvW Le given to the Finance Minieter,
!hews earMrae. sail
:tire, stela -glen the Tina held it as an ba::+tau Le had aetna.e
ly made the Lens
lay more /gigs, the pi,.? to fatter» better.
and the tiny' to siva mute wilt: and but-
ter: '
Commert it aacal!eaifee. Mr. Farrow
appears to hare tint saute appreeiati•.a of
the intelli yuce of the, pe .pie as hive Kir 5:r Charle•a, a::•1 other Tories.
Potter suelt a sp,'.•cit it is little wonder
!lett Sir Lemma' Tilley would %Fall Pr•-
thrum:hoes the enga wweut, but the
honors of the arty :ere Igen& ;y 'due to
the Irish Lamers. whet chat:zed the ti:'..
of battle lay .it•snerate eharifes, azul re
triev'e•I the Porta i s of ;rung Graitent •
1 and w.
command wheu they aerated al
The nutmber f rebels .tt ag.n1 n-
eitioaatei at 4.001. They :Atrietl
their ltil'.ed meal ire.ut ,lett..
Litters cured
hare Leen
nonfat* (nu lrtbr.ted. 'tats, the t: tewtau Attattnt of Tits Prate Gioia w;U be walla;
'e a tee ranee iftruio -haat ttate..ta. the . alnat s aa:•d t e, .,►r Nrttam : !e
Ana t3L.•na-Staa.M !• tett tea i lova. '•,.MAA G w.*. Lin •tf nr s )i tit
\ tAILY tt;uea_IIS eeh,ei - .- •IV • iee • 4.1t)lan,Y - ! •'• " >V w .,i tit)
JAtI.Y 4tarsat-aotualay \teritltvx ttd.tit i
SrtC!,r.L TR1r.L TRIP -TVA ( s- t
C -'.j E_ C E TT1
We want to inertia" Our :'-r•.-r.t taro 1:st of .uiw.ritwreby tea
fit dal w. OSA tear tits parsme hamar Me alter• 111"... .1 laid out,rlrtotMafa earl:
Ns adi**UM M pie above Awrsi sate We awake tae (MWwt.S 1 Atttesrte axxv»1e MP ..
Taecn:a.(setl: aub.••r;b•ts a.:t r .-••h•etua extra rr: • :e.-twefltt ti. fret
*t.5i uidM lit sat ,Th.irs t•' 'H rw .•. e• au vitro ow.. ir •i�t i rp :»t t,i� be . 5 i w»
i .. ami is ••,las •riltars vete' tw`rtve a gut y tt t uiif taiahst Y G: tI.n te,a v:.a Year ire.
1.t •r :.4 Are :-1 im... r j.e trill coectve i v. it 7- f
$7 'eat
e tett iii+,.., -'.vt( r.a.dre s'w tf i.,f i i4{tx 0tt.;.1,PIi nn- in ....
i. Olen teat' __ .,. ni \\ a rerearee e•;f t a.:.: llat1Y tom. leer `
f t '.'d •. w Ird a.a . n w tJ tw utrw•ii Mie t'srtitdiattt • i Waage
ai,b•.a•r*. sew and •cettfrispwie
teas. ;with*let• bywhlebittee tortes use tee .';fii,.aO .
��� GLOBEittat yttttiratt•,tofuet•: twist .tth•+ :
e ?1r*,u.
, .•.A•.t
:,t!:. -n, a: --b Ai Mltkte 5•41146.
141•11.•I.AsIq.•lsrh tete.r u bv. 14.1.S eyeiin.rem.
O rt, .•t t, iYtitta.0 rows. Ileo.
'., 1! a^ ' .,f •;.•.,!,,.‘ . .;Haig htteFest. ent i; lett tt ) t! . N 2 t ww'al d.f 'iia~r rirt'wcr , r row
r. n;•••, • in'tifitraad e_"power ;:guar. at via- _ ort t,.•Ican&alael
.':... • .�.•• ..r m .•..d y tonna tae "powerful pus of M :I 5i i •t iS t it 7.
,.ort' is c u,tet•lett Wien w1U Spume olook +rat1. L. ralJIAii tt.c i....,•.•'I tet e.....
. metier eamara tri • ere• teem are severs r •matere tis t at re este o teelt
r; - to the tai'Ait tar �.•rewrr', r tis' :.mer. a.tdir;. 'NI n.wt t u)' AIWA ss et
:tom. a:r►t.1' .wnMa •eu.
,,,r:,1 .. s..•. 1a t1e:.:crantecr :w.a•::•a lee ur a m !A a 'r :
AK A\ .i'.Xlf$L1'fRAL 11k:ww+er/si 9'1 II WW1
Stiller •t't /t'4 •Ol"tsirengt
5Pf,�.Ait EO�i"ot 5 SERtit`Z.1iaS `t\\ aft/s1
F . ♦ t .
t . itte tr- 1iit.- 10.1.e7 fit tai .. . i>- t..'• t
'IiM' ttr1. 4„.,, tL fila an trek ti. tlyr'ai,t K:..:jt, iii .-. No.,:'
:t lo otilit.
a,aal Sssd%(••1••�+-+�-`�•1 caul meet. . t , .
Adm, That (zi.G: to .:1 t1U4r C". -
gleeregiitos /tiredly eras•.
Seery perebsser of common souse heelless
•apmet:r, *hen r.•gairtr.a on sir irk fors v et-
ta•u pttrtioe. pure:43..-..,nly than whtt•.tr lea.
been tied or u allutv..f t.. tri re•fore htrytnw•
you are allowed s fere Ilial t.,tt1r of tire
war's $p,.nly ellAh. the .,^rat remedy for 1/1.
q•n•ia. lmpnret Bland *i.1 Ltt-.41".
Glu Rhtnai 'trot( rtor'. l3..;d at 'it•e. and cl
per bathe. !are testiwwi•ts from iterates in
rust own town. 201
/bore are Solid tarts.
The beet hleod pnritier and aysi;tn-re-
„rutttor ever placed within the reach; at
suffering humanity, truly is Electric ra-
ters.- luea'tivity of the Lit• -r. tialiuusnra
3eundice, Cunstipetion, V3.'t;ak Kidney!,
•'r any disease of the urinary ot•aane, t•r
further . wh,•erer requires all appetizer,tunic er
"Theo, with r'eg:tnl to til fattening of n•itd stimulant, will alenys tied, Elaetrie
igi. when aha hon. gentlemen were in Bitters the. beat and only certain cute
P known They let surely and quickly,
prswer pork wax see low in prom that' it
was not worth whi'•• for a Linnet at pro -
partly feed his bogs and he felt that every
bathe! of grain be fad wait Null t•tgtrtng
it :may. Now the farmers feed thew
threw tion., a airy. and hogs may be seen
oa the Ottawa market W)) remade en
laying better, bat the hogs an► tattooing
better. Cows also ti:re mote milk. If
y .a starve a caw throtgh winter. you
It•'ed tot expect much intik or butter.
What' the present G..iercauent cal,'e heat
paver, fartneri tie
5'.'» found that
the cows must W fed better. 'thinks
w. i •Id. Therefore are nig only the bras;
\t'injhani 141 a enreerattun;baby.
lt'orrst -- li u:eetiu;; was held in .lie
.1 elretrf:- .f5'• fir the• of reergau•
, isong the Winshan quoit Onto ivr the
coruin4 season. 'fit. fz.t!tnrtng officers
were elected : G.•.r;;e Hugkee, peso
dent : D. hicCri,irno.t, i ice preaidebt ;
reran rot the people. ---lie-refusal to •t
,the uyndi tie,hace :he key of the pillotic
truaury would go isr f , ;onetime tope
people of three things:
1st. Tht%t the ting --:awe ::re not, pos-
sessed of infurriati"tt xl.i:s wuuid dis-
Jas. Fiegty, secretary• reasurh. gra-c the eovurnment if ausde'publice
Barth t*ft ie via Smear Sot:Tn.-J.'D. 2;1. That is praatittg the loan he wag
Stuart, of RZt.r.tdaie. ret.trne.1 .n ,tui !iia utmost to t.inpttsd• a gewat
Tuesday from New Orleans Re as
fiwork with Itul.est aiid`fittR,Rit islrr ltd tuce nidi a little ";•. '
scribes the Etp*ti; is n a. t grand affair f -
and well wrath seeing.
of summer tuts, erature,
laainolies, Lc, ill:turslly
tat ettt-y in these wk.,
fertematnt enough t. =ta
snow to lands of ..n,
every Mottle guaranteed to give entire
satisfaction or money rofundeci. S..1�at
rely tents a lot -idol Ly .a 11'iise•n. (•!]
thew Life for wu•tett*s. Weakening by DI.
eine. D.Jtllt and ttl•alp.f1.5.
The t;rent t;errnan Invi;t.rat..r is ttta
only specific for impwteney. nervens de-
bility, unirerial lassitu.le, f.•raetfulneas,
pain in the hack ttr sides. nu tnstler hew
shattered t!:e system may be frt•iw ex-
cesses of any kind, the Great (fermata
1temsetfy will rvatore the lost fuuctione
and sears health and deepness. $1.00
pear ►a, six boxes for $:x.00. Sold by
all druttr;ist& Sent on recettei of price,
partate paid, by 1' .1. Cheney', Toledo,
Ohio, sola ream for United States. Cir-
culars and t.stiatonial* trent free. Bold
by Geo. !Wyatt*, ole af@sst for Ge.dee
rieb Sal:
Se -in is believing. Read the tett;
moni.ala to the pamphlet on 1)r. Van
Bert n'a Kidney (fare. then buy a hot.te
and relieve yenned! of all those dietreas-
ing pains. 'I our L)rutt etlt eau tell pm
all abet it. SohlbyJ WilannGotierich
DN fixe Dtr
"No ; she ling••n•a and suffered about
'opining all the tarns• for years. the doe-
or't+:f s d•iir. g her to, wed ; and lit tad' leis.
-t"r.t Varied !secr;esent et
17SE1: v2.. A.1 3D 121`:11.1sTOr 1Li:TICL ,
\wilco ".-'v't. 1.eata.'•r and l'Inth t?ate'ie *. VCltaai:coal Peewee Ikidese. Ptnah e,tat. t.satbe
3ewtl, y�ri g ]11rn rs ha:1'.><'4uas Yuarta/testa ia MIA. t&dle lever. Salm ar.:
t(y'acitrthe Be;bs In ),roc :r:n t; +. T ,-e st!rac r:cwerr. aCr.
Iles ileserspinuse,emir. .___- -. _ •'cared by this Hap Bitters the patacrta
ormges. torus,' 2r3. That he watt:a the road to by ItgpS DiiDLBI 'S LATEST. t } e
exci,o a faevnr• ,mrrstetl ani trade a ben _ nap eat much n t, tet. Lelee : in.le d
win pie:»d tali ' •how (1 ant ful we slaeu1•1 be 1.r that
hate not he" „ ase Derides, l: t:se •f r•rio n. to
Linda f rot s o the p,¢bliCti iastea : t ata Watts. 'mu:Lc:fie.
• do Lefts -fug. wad Alter nafAa 7rormed
to t. iandals a• a \ors
form tie s ar
Zit. Siewert Mas tuent f it the extortron a.1 money and a
a pc)rtfulin of pictart+i of the Calumet moatw .f .•ppr.•'saing the ample and, fur,
City and a nuteht•ei full t sketches. ttishing cauepeeats funds.
frwa wbior we ho•p. to haat ''''Piot" It Sir Julan yields he ail; entr.agetem,
•stntte hetero lane. -- StratfardBearasn. the duller./ sense of his :ollowera, and
ill h f' d" hotmr and' feat
tatraeperaare 1s't.areste. .
In to aac.,uw' c e.f m at:Yc e'.1 itsit .d
the Toronto waken alta Health enm-a
faittee of the city tousled to the eseasef,,a
c`Iwt ituw a '
better proof of the erij$ of yttee
could be bad than l,y %:ailing the 'nrot.-
that to aiuerst every C1110their beta -g
sentenced t%, this ir.stitutteri ems either
erre •city err inlirettiy Inc..)ato the abase
of dicer. There steed in line (tams ad
meat, ,ate the visit ir. ptwe•l, wihit_rtad est
PJ egg cutFiclet•orf attara ifence other than
drift) ehttese. T -h- '' aluwresat !Pricer'
rete was .aousth to make anyntee
sad. The tales told by the Eetent in -
metes to the m>yor wad others, were 1 excuse, salt inert ral.act ea itis punished
had been en ittwed with ititefpigence, had Ig' Stir.erie•:* l°ince tr et tic 'las be
let their beat past by in deli/melt. eraybi.-{'�,or. :.lege•.
and .a the escape .l their hes were
tutee ; t hr. •ugh p ••, city. to sprawl their
hast dory►+er-. eleei.taxtinn--ari.tua.ty tis: 1 A btame :r P neat.
"4'1'1 tv: tn• ee °"'"•41231.1 that.', nett The west .'shah;. dise .very eatentttti
knowing what Ilan t,•. mated their a li ee in meat -ern times is that of the :gest biotin
a:id cltildrrn. nuriti or end liver and ,i.lney mei at -.r
t:n.,wn. We refer t r )lurinck Rbe•et
'litters, which i. retaking art tinny
aortae: Cul cures and tonin;in.; the Wee+
ed ;emu es :taalth to w many people. 2
wt, tire aid 't t$ oe •
Thu ptepie -•f every *tripe cf politics
are of omni . 1 t :..t rot another dollar can
be trusted tit tae;cauda of _lite syndicate
stalks, Vim mow pint on smelt a poet,
booth, tk•ei h they Ya --
tette* se it c. .:re:t:r,n coter•any. it it
phot be•.an•e they have imbed (fowl their
*it'aey. They ra fuse t , bring nut th.
stridence which would ;wore or disport a,
lute *hang. fair Jrltp h1r sail a chane
t0 retreat : if hi acid• &lotftes tl'.11nr 1'•
the public burtten it priertas relieve the
syndicate hs Tail! out have a shadoa of alt
i, w•
?tiIfni indeed. taey•isair.•el seen; who :
1) 4,t:tt,:tea 45040 d...
"What la •,o t••r a Cntd . to a .:Co.-
tie•n eft• r *.:.tai. ten; t.ri:i .ro &elf,Arh•t-
ity answered. We esti &naw.e to the
eattsfactlen of all , t.' they will &dhow our
*crate awl try HagyarJ s I'.:' t t1 1! t
ata', s vete, 1.t4auatat mei cornett t!ir tt
and luau heater. s Id by all drtz^,uta 2
A Teeelble floor 1. Mlrbsaaw.
1t4*W1STrt,, Meech 18. - A
terrible bhzztrd has p• -.teethed renes, sad tan trete% have arrived or
deem tett. 'The se. e• drafts are elitist
fest deep. 1t is tvpotted that airmail
•he,,pers hare Leen (ream to .tenth in
the woods. At Orate! Merritt the •'lit
is M intents that r heat mal p Itemized.
the •tela•:. fuer, are i:amente drifts
neer iia Ignore. and f two ,ieya the
pass•nyen ne 1,aa
'uebel trams lases
re es. cuf!'..a uta for le a.1, kat het;• haus
been west.
* fie. t4.4 els
Hasysrd's T.l1ow twit r.•eIlee tM
right .pot every tine* when applied he
rheumatism, tseeraltis, mire seeime•s •r
ia.ene.aanti int.rnslly for e -.dela, sant
Simi, etar, it is aqui. islfsldLrla 2
t.fsrtas. it:e a*Sers'
• •'‘fatla ..t, are "ire ampler", had
• j't%, nae ehi' t, eget awe -
"What makes pm bed.'
aWhy it injuries the kealth to e
jays rang to bel. ' .
"Olt i I thought maybe it inj,ared the
hee't•h to M t•• het r•+bt r'. e• pepper "
New York, M'erett 1 1. - `.1i a Tenon
Dtrar)'s ittpri.t•nrn«ret i:' -then Tombs is
apparent -y m,t tutrtitme her itraith. Iter
cheeks are it fall and r••t•y at nn tt.•
afternoon wh•:n she tired her little pistol
at Mr. {fosse. Her tai: scheme for
her country's we:f.ire is t.t !weir the !
wounded Engiieu A• who are 1i:tilt
ing tiro Itlahtii. 'I am gvine to Egypt
next Oetotem.' she seal tette', ' protidt-rt
-tit (wire in -time. H I am not Sent to
at.le prison when ala• eiird germ- m=
April, and stn liberated I shall lecture
ada._/Qti. JJ�1IiL sari Ytnt'
Sns anal. it is not adviseirle too an 1'.i
the Suu.lsn infer., autumn. i allall
begin my lectures le this city t met Y'•
feet) here tar other large cities in this
,eeetrv. My rnans_er is a)r,. a l) en se-
ed. It it aeedL•w 1•• say that my eutvjeet
mall he 'Irish 1)ynantitces' The Ameri-
can petap'e are aw:tk••ttts c to the imie.r•
armee of this matter. I shall tea ettank
Kerma. My bullet 'thee -eel mp has ricer.
acter to OW in a s, frrrt•nt 1 0 t ft.,rn
wbish 1 former y lo.'l;ed s,1 him. Ht•
isn't worth neticiate any vette. 1 have
found 11141 lea is net the leader of the
dpeamit. r+. It is neurone 01.e nit•
•erect in a enrol and_ secret way. r
shan't tell yeti wb wti: mime T think,
nisi,, ween I err fre.s1 shall heein s Intel
coif a2+.inet Klan for ehtainin; n'
!•alret Helder false pretenses, fere 1 cer
1 tiniy it teihe not Etre alter tarn if he
had ;pit deceit IA nee c•,:moral:le him-
* f.
'Whet shin paha when 1 Ort to the
Rowlett! Why, 1 sit iii tandem s' .i
leind agog; rn'th0 jn.r it Any ether oars.'
anus 1. intpt.rc!.e:tbee d !v..ttttn.itt im-
pewn tin• fat ri 'is 1 don't step
to think of the chin de end other inc./m-
eantime--a i siteeiy gr*. it i die it viii
b.+ for Emulate 1. f Atn ready t• die ler
I,,.r, No. 1 Is green 1 selected n.yy steamer
Jaltetry was hest el o.7 to iced is eerie Tet, 1 have w•. Peeremla-'s twee either
think perhaps the American stestashi;e
aro best revamped. One object ret tt.•
* ?toot •f bare 'irises. 1h h 1 intend to'b laver wail be
to get money dot my E_m•tien trip,"
V ®ti1faiVit 11x1 , �.I" c otic l .,3�f�, ' anich.
terlalee'a .tr:ae s t:at,e
The grcntc_t me:died wora:er n. the
world. Warrnnteal to 'readily cure
Ilurns, Ttrtises,Cuta,1'lcert, Salt Ithetim,
Fever wares Ca:irers, Piles. Chilhlaine4
1'•.rna, Tetter, Clutp ped Mande, and all
W./in Eruptions, gwttanteed to turn in
every instance,t.r mbiMV refire/led'2Iie,
per Lox. Foe sale by J.
PINY. macros. reit-ream children. are
very tryin;; tette. patience of all whet
here tete care of them, and in the ajnri•
ty of cases the fritfutt.eas arisen frame
weak acrd etaatiaten rand:tam of the
soif •u:se t by till rlrtin un the rnrtati-
tut.un derin•: the ptrnalsd ii tewsM*la -ra'r-
the ta'eid gi,twtb of eiw'ttkend. in seer
wiles give Rostesox 1'swsrnoatzsa
IhM leitater reaordtnt to directiut:seotr the
ltdviow of your !'hy�tieien. 2
r* real th:' atght, ;lilet'
:net a ssma,. AmericAn $o tali linos,sttLon h i
1s theairmenen•l we'll km, we Row
cheek. Ti is on. of the beat (Joel fwria-
wee ett.l kidney roe -liters in the reeet
%17. world, and the enmatiami bn.wn we
fter"r )Weed R&titers ttn%•ot+es.onifer-
fad power in dosages u/ the bleed, fiver,
Indent' and .totn*eh. 2
Freemated Warn* Perchers requite we
ether pswwativrt.*. They are este and re
• rete all tatieties eof Worms. 1a
ger are% wle
Rarer. 51.14 LIWOolea
Is the only inatanaanease relief lar Neu-
ralgia, Hoaditclee, T••• -t Roche, tete. llult.
tains a few deeps iva»lily is ell that is
needed. No taktnA natter 'we mreliein•s
for weeks, but one minute's antrliratton
regaOVA* all ;vain snal will peeve the event
e• w of dram's Float !detailing. 2b
stats per bottle at (bers Rhymes' fru
.se voter OTIe on your
pens and Yore:.. iso:. :errs It
Se Chap. vIt has no seas:. Try tt mod
cur sate ' 5
.1rG_ W
u will use no ether.
▪ =
4s titter's Trona..
Tt:_rami Keater, of Ft. tr.cne
Intl., (bawled'.', writes : 'For the past 'dee
roan 1 liar• always toted 1)r. Bins. New
Dt,c•ov"ry for cenelrs o1 most severe
chants:ter, as sell sea ter thoee of $ milder
type. It never fails to effect a s•.rly
cure. My frien.ta t:. *thaw R bay., re-
e,emmended it •;geek .•f 1n same�high
term+. flaring been retro.; by it ..f every
smell I have had for five rite, 1 tem.
*tier r 't tau nnlr reliable anti sure core
for serails, colds, ete.' Calf at Wilson's
Drug S' .re wnar dm- i Free Trial Battle.
Large size $1.4K). s i2I
Cieeal ate. -- A mane well known in
nnmeetion with the Hair Renewer,wiich
'storm prey hair to its monad cn'••r by
a few w*eb tlee. Km it 60 cents per
bolt!. it, dames Wilsonles
Fleet 1. geranp cares \re-atan1 is one
rt,ed Ltgl.tni.g clew ie one
ash nolo.
Mold Litthtdnx ernes r'A 'e Ache V sae
)^e'A LtRitM.R rannl t•.nibt:n is Otte
a I'lui t
\\alit1. I: ffb:nin; ry»rrH it?.:::carLre•
ono aa:
r1a:d Ltlgh�tn'+att eerie nay pate or ease et
ovally. \'nee 711 gent• ret %Wtt* at
Rhyme' dam stares. an
�O O/k11 .00:"
i mi aura - M mist
TU) n6>Yy. menet t ,)..
rsa" , nil 111 ' K
env s avksar of
• ay,tds of loco. +ilea. that will elan yt a t&
work Used w•11 at nowa b•tete ne 1• t+a.,ttaj
Mao, thaw amyl bin: .t„. is �treertta. AQ
bet the le ft iA ea -wrote the each Mete
Arian w*w: •••vrewkarrr, of *Ishtar Mr, aA
a,paaaata, roe *1l the town, ar •tate Nt&t *war, tb
sstl•w nasi bob ware k•�riur . i 1.
1t. B ati,/P i Uw. ►gsoa's.. Wane. 1*74.
J t
H1:wL a+[
T.x;e x^ A 7. -1
i s y 1
t i It 1 d
--9- -.. I ... •• a - Ja .'
• • "-ad•t
T. i
a. 4
•a II 14-1
S taxi 'gii.g
...+e+•>.•*..••-•...•..wr�tr-'w*0arsetr�w•......�rw.�.r.w+...w...... r�
Merchants : Get your Printing at
this Office. Quality of Work and
reasonable Prices Guaranteed anteed to
please all who may give us a trial.
tires* ameeve y
That is daily brincitre t, ey t., the hens
of Ihnnsan. s by saving many of that
dear ones frees an early three. T:tilt' is
1h. Ktit,'s new 1)iactvery for•p•
tion, roughs, Culd*, Aethrnt, ;Irma/Adis,
Har Fever, Loss of Voice, Tiokliag :n
the Threat. Pun i. Side sail t'),t t,nr-
saty disease o the Thn,at anal L';sra, a
positive care, (Toan,n't.d. Trial neat
Om free at J. Wtleou's Itresa{Stare.. Leap
um $1.00. 7t;)
1c the history of no pewee
ratio* ham received steer*i .•.•'w
es.adattttn far the al).rnatint at sJuada,
rd the perrmsaewtees. it effects in k:1
eel d ieenareee M 1).' Fan Tie r.•n's K to'. h
Care. Its genets in them dastreas e.g
eneeplwr.ta i* simply w,•nelsrfel, heli
by J, W')sna 2se
Mc(4t.p • PaMufc Noel cents bee
twee nand tie yeas et trim 1104 tits ors.W1
fm••d the ansa ene*pitet •.d •f! t•teal
mese,* of swore, serbt.; a Mat. eke Atte.+
est aat;a•ena• 5 we for rets. Min. wait turf
` r►v. $i
von. re. p t Mra..traer • Porto.
t*rbt.I!c (Yrit. ••a,.e for st ..ata b+ ti.oereito
Abyss, i. adptue 1rr•4„
%ewer Wirt be.
If jets are snCI•ri . wit). 1.1. and di/-
o-premed virile lora et appetite. Ferer.1
debility. die Mend hto.d, sr..:, w i-
tittio m, hcauache, .or Any disease if * 141-
i•su nature, by all mamma prepare $ ent-
Ile of F.leotrie litter■. Yeti .,!1 he env
prier.' in too the tst,ill im .+.ret...t that
will 1, •;low : year will h. i.epirad wbi Deo
lily; s*rru th and activity will Mats .
lain and misery will seas, awl heats
1,4th you wiii rejatess is rhe prates as(
FI•rtri• Raters field at 61ST ee.ts a
hi ft!, try 5, Wilson. igi