HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-3-20, Page 7• NU HURON SIGNAL, FRPJA1, M ‘a. Fun ane Fancy, 'Here you as,. !' allocated a 'radar of toy balloons ; 'hem you ere ' .t little ewe for &seem r ILA •U the same it omit a dime to get ate.. A Ilruadway engraver recently male this mistake ' 'Mr. and Mrs - - r. •pe.rfelly tut your premeds at the laaarnrgie uI tent' datt_.ttvr.' 13•.y. an epigrammatic writer 'Waste .n feeding r criminal. And he might have added, the mono ieedu►it the more waist. Ani•,ett the trop. .4 (aal.i.saa of the c.oai.g sprang is or n 10 Marr J,vurrc oer- tatic.tw• ttiut.owl moth crape. The la y who asked f r a gold lute sixteen p.•.sop. hue .sa pruls,bly relet. 1 SO the ..dimly gentleatan who Asia hi. theghler was attending the euaarr.w- Say. A ....enust now n wn••es that rnl,••a •kstiig wharves the feet of ladies It will be uv.deo•t i, the suw.+twt c n.ipre- hw.sion that that aotinfut I. in the pay of alt Kr ilia. . 'It is easy to ere that the manhas never serval en s jar, before,' remarked an old lawyer to court to a (mud. • it tial hie •u.prnti-ani .4 lila d Wystir„d. 'lie cause lie ;my* such cle .Urnti..n td the e7tdence ' A clickers with a clipp,•d wing matte aevtral iuerfeetu.l a•te.., . to fly over a fence. At. lr.sh•tten, who witness -.1 the efforts of the •t:_ur.:a, laughI..rty stetsons- : ' ll. tell . 1141* a dermal -fen role. (wsun.e•1--- :"hes. ices that k ha struck you • oat. 10.1 .•• •:...s h: 1 N ittorio .rIN1.11•..a,lly Y •tstwig tis *ere like that 1 bat. uid ,is. tsere b.• ..,t sur with a brick ; inert war et ow uusdr4 nor tooth 114' ••t the• t stet ,ali.tt, •Pe, ...td •• ••••hr se worth par•.t.1• ,1 rat• .4 i.1•ii„ rhea ifs heokci Y(s, un sue. •. r.t .le you oak sue . a avocation e 'i3. cause 1 broke the to e socking morass you gave ate This u.urn • the • e. oe is a Wine, a easing, a panel cal Ibe'.nllf•1141,*0(1 no pert .,1 that weenier ful Mrto.•sure will the Led suffer to ba matt.*twit- or dwstr.•t ed. The foible ify the 11 •ow of the : rotate to - below, for Jew,. when deparu•'1; fns*s thus world i easel. "1.1 .*j Father's haw o are litany t s.auun, • • f go t. prop.• • a piers for yea. rue 11.1.oln is no: merely the dwr.li,.;t pla,e,,.f 1; -rd's people, it a stir .bode .d (Uo•( Itiu:.a 1 Wuu1.1 you ha.e Irani • 01 jdes_-will its innocent flowers, 1.. :;roves anti :ueel atreaaea. rte. '.ia4.wt w:iyucy ni it heats the name • 1 CM..,.iben .d L. and Justus - these ens tine to :sandier, i r.. the b rafts of llt•.ws, ...len are riemcnta.vs of is. -rause. *4,.I c .. tau tailor* the bud.iwt( tar ours •t.,nn orf it was lard. From this we pew on ter, ant rxteiuise rungs 01 a is int ..,n • full of historic records ; iw Lew ane laid the archives of more than a thousand years -these books are It. ,re shin,, twely, in uurt.'rrr (*ken from J ..Ilua to gather. Then aa cor. to the mush• Warty of the Psa read whslow dwell aN\lbs tons and dan*htsve id tw.. C. !fruit her., wan rater the Italia of e'w( to•. Book of ' t'1Sleetris. doss t.' the Yrttll.Mtlary. ifs rte---- -i iiirtlr- lug Lay lit, -1 tethfott. Farther oat Is a chnntr•.•..f sym,pothy Kith mourners or Lu•,cotat•u--teiteeliniatcd n also the Noon of Ruth and Song of Solomon,•, • leas a * delightful conservatory ed sweet dowers --beyond which are the halls of ancient f.rephets trete isaitsb ' u 1141.tchi. Nest we pan onward to the modern portions .d the building, wheel air (hue 'rectums chambers of petediug ieauty, for herr► are four (u11-htnQth p, rtreits 51.1 the Lord of the toutpaien, .Irawn by divine in itiration T ar- tists aro the four Evangelista. Be theme a►e the workshops of ruechanae•ri rwintrrised in the Acts e( .tpr.stk* Further on aro ststely crmteitaur the .tpaieolic Epistles, tie ;folds... d.».n of which are inscribers with 1 the honoerable name of the Atwell, to the (:anti*.s, ,here it stored the chole- ' es: treasures .%f our Lord. Last of all is the mysterious gallery .1 dark shadows areurely woven s ith the sublime' emblems cuntainiag the history of the • Churn of Jo%ate unveiled till the Pride- gra",ns .mull the Apocalypse ; and yon- der is a fa'r uteaaiuw through *Lich the lister . f Life is wirtdin;; its way, ea either aide of et:ich stands the Tree of bpeket, ail a dog with a esti tits! '•, its Late with as 1.•eutifwl leaves for the tail. 114 had noticed a t•ec•ttiar taste •n haling of the lick of all nations : and is the water• but tllou;;ht it war a mineral I the distant hill., high up ataude the cit, y,n:. P.tople actu*Uy ta.tils.i :;1st', bath.J in light, and glttterieg with eel water last summer and carved it away to i 1.1 effulgent l,ri;;lttneas, the Nit, Jernsa- t teat with its wales of jasper, its founds. kilos • hut, wail tfle Seth. r pre with be sura t.. bad (tiro • tlhin thaw sacred walls Let • allpasadi ik Id (ul A IC l J deacon, rusting An official visit to a dyne; iw,ikhur alio was awry un- popular, put the usual titivation, 'Are you w 1.:Iia t.. g••, any (fiend r 'uh, y..r ' said the sick mem '1 out glad of that, said *be drivel, 'far all the neighbors ere .,f the NUM' o,pnW*.' An old minister i:► Perth, lit diregimint( from route text w which the worn •folb,w' •ceirred, informed his audio tee that ho weulti .peak • ( (nate different kind .d fol leaver... 'First, rid he, 'my friends, there ere followers*hint ; aeo.udly, there are Yotlowers afore ; thirdly, tiler,, are followers cheekier ter clew. ant .adze by sidle ; end last u a', there ate hammers that stand same still.' 'lab dere won, ladder here for me l' i*gwired a ilrrm-.n at the gr,ar:al rich - awry *1 dew •ni the l.mitsselee tee other day. ' No, Immo hers,' was the tettil •Vtwil, .tut it ,iu.wr, he c..ntaitual, get ting hu head into the window ; 'tet aatliehlwr gets ...s,sednttrs Ir.. ladders in SOW .1 iy, and I get II•.nr. 1 14.y* rne•re tow se he dues. uttd 1 hate ever get eau le der yet. flow comas does drugs r .1 ase trying tie other day,' say. M. I.arr.ucherw• I. t.trac.tt awn rsrmen gar int to law over a property left to he di - tided between them; aud, as one of them wee a grant l't.l.;e C*ristiart, pressed on hits the atsi'•61e arrangement smote lu het ween Lot and Attr.hauu '.%e, sir,' said he. with a sly smile, 'that Lot mss a craft) old fellow. fie took all the aster *newl•,ea to hu shore.' 1 malted the danger of applplu•I hiblical examples to modern times 'WorOs of Wistoom. Keep wood compa'.y or none. Never be idle If your hat/ds cannot be usefully em ployed, atteud the cultieatwn of your mond. Always *peak the truth. Mane few premises. Lir* up to your engagements. When y..n ai.eak to a parsuu, look him in the face. Good company and wood conversation are the very sinews of visna. God character is abuse all things. Your character caunnt be ementiaily injured, except by your .awn assts. If any on. .,teaks evil of you, let your life he a.. that no vile will believe nim. Ever live (inat(ortune estteptr'd), with- in your Income. When you retire to told. thin*tang what jou have been doing during the day, ila$u a• haat to her rich if you wield pamper. • Small and .neatly game give eompsten• cy with traoil4Nlty ,If n and. - Norm flay at any game of chance. Avoid temptation, tbruagh fear you may not withstand it. Never b, rr.•w, if you can possibly avoid 1t. The beat way to a.'eutnulatr property is to trey *hen , then want to sell, and to sell when adhere want to buy. Tess Love or PRAISE. itis an instinct much e• a.nerleuce is. it is au (irgsnic faculty u much as the reasoning faculty is It ie y.:et se much a pert of ear *tract lu 1 esi.teuce as the heart is, or the Ire is err tet r rte boaly, It is • Counter- part 5.d balance of that which we cell pride. But the ward pude is nfensire and usually conveys the idle of an im- proper feeling It is the a,nseiene tal.e of cros's emit it is the sense of individ- u al rights, one's personably, inherent ✓ ight to be what we are in ..If Mimi - tion. To be sure yon hate a right In your awn jwi¢rwent and personality, hut these men h ire a right to judge yew and what they think you dG well they praise you for, and yeas htee that in Toe which stashes praier very aaset. *1. there are three two quaIItt.e,, one preserving the individuality of s .sin in all hi. rights ; the nth., making him sensitive to the retorted inAi.nere o1 dines .round him. -4 henry Ward Reerher. err ars•Irar sr 1M LW, - The nibs. era w Ise compared to a msk- siEetwt a Iifse, that teak sixteen esetbi- ls t, twill. Its a-ahitect and heilder was Clod. This imposing temple Iks• . IEty.ix mss, viii, lir l it i of W Ola end Wew Tads vents Site', •d Taira N ■k shat. 'Mr. twwrt.asii, that wit -tubed Jog of lours Jigs anvil scratches cat my leaden as day, Outage sty bans tilt they emit lay, and then Iwwk and barks tie live - blot eight. llh, well, tis haw up, thou, I( he an - Is you; 1 d••., t hear hitt. Hai.ro't Ionic to look after him myself, hest if he - tri a. rem► 0� tat ' ...:. , •, filers tt .f • t* I butlicrs y .u, tie ben uta." 'Three days tater Mr timartas r las ' k limb tibwb.y, 1 can't 6nJ my r r+ any where. Hera he hewn *beet y..er place r ! 'Certainly. He's to my hark, t••.w •.•w been .•w lug img t and low ler Li, i!, a • the past twenty four h urs. • 111(122 PrescflOCCI ge., . e „ it bend in 1.•511 o'dt.Y . No .,, .. . t •, •Is' r.• r • ' r t)e •:art -1.. lY.•- .It►. 1 14 s► IIC �'- AL Tana! P�rae2t• COV!t' sa LADY'S BOOK qq' •"♦ wi:11.. wn11,.r are 'war lu an; oda ..tp is• .h_. Al►a �a'i. T arlpt ,4 *4./8.wh. t� should w .ani 1. ft 4. s„ ?wake s b . h. C. •.V of Wane p;Nlaher of las Ni ate •r•.•a•. •i• a s pill entry description of 600EY'S LADY'S B� t); WORK l• N.e,-1d.st vague maser:me to Asa, . rod . a as estrJ hl the pr..: and pall. •o ' lb.• lrttd/aa P,w too Yasarinr, rpm eat; f is , tr, ulal o a. probably a v. re the ►err. . ase 7, U� .4aurrAseeriaupuhInslf..u,itspumast - - - 1,•uu.1 la e•,47 en..asrd • unt411 11:4' lou toll ate to catch hint and to ! no up.' h,Uartwan gess into the learn and tient this dog `tint up to • rafter fourteeas feet 1 from the Ever, by a piece cat rr.pe dna feet 1...g, sl� mat tag Wle•etervt navel-. If a chill is w unfortunate ser to chop off nue of his Angers with a treat ate, 9 Aloes not foitow thlt he is to remain uultilated for hie. 1)r. Fare, of F inis- tere, tram called to .1e where drat lirver was hanging by a sura!' piece of skis. Not bring willi to do surgical wok st vanilla, he put the tinter in place and braced it with a coapte 'd aorseel rte Nest day the tinter was doing eo welt that li. did not distur:, it. In four days there gas etidegee of uuien, in ten .lays the child could move the linter, sad in a Iso.th he was ceu.pletely cured. Ne stitches were used. hr. Fate think, that there is t... mnc!i hasty vtr;•:ry, and the editor if the ,luurt.il ere Meths eine, to agr.vmebt with him, gays that with modern surgical dressings finttee may often he set ort, tier* rhwu c •ml.iett ly se,ereil, Panay TilnR• Oa • 1.11. 'Yw,ny w:1ar tltiu,s you find in an .old well,' remarked a paasanger fro •t Woe- ' biassnetimiatito. Y:e- Uiassacnsaaeti'. 'List fall a.•. rear.-- edv,nt ••ur well, and what do yet. s pose we limed iti it ! Here's a list of the er- t.ele., for i put theca down on the spot F, rty-erren tumblers, 3 jack k:uta. 3 create-p*i!s, 5 old leick,tts, t silver ten- •1t...na. and 2 silver t..blospioll.. - 'That's ttbthin.f, added a imsaeu;er irate Michigan; 'we cleaned out our well last fel', too., rind what d yes pose we found' The rkelet•ws of one 'heifer, four lambs. an ekf rig trough, .t twill sew. !go win Werk it: Attl fifth year • . tD 1da5taa.lr, and .: M pprno+pose. that t eta! as. - _s ._... only ca. rod in eacellru.•r tor. ery dq-erl meet - __ mottling in :'e rr.•auan htrlur). test s1.1,ar- fn i �ce Iwl't and nanUi- .u• Ail rte !water 1 u•.alar teed Ne utile ala tar saemeet pe tole mount. aed M a triol l ar+w q ) 4 ' Giber m..eltineyleMW+d for the MLA. , • kr. NMI fn df nal ting • f Stork s 1Lr Maewatne,, nriaiiisa.. will,••wilair • Ip1Mpr1i,' cat ti's .lay ken+( in •tuck.• Sole Agent for Seigel's Pills,, Ointment and Syrup. JAS . WILSON. llo•sri.L, t,.. 1Rb. IfRf. 1106- - ------i- - If FRIEMAI i WORM POWDERS. Are ra-moan: t. bike. Contain tiuir own lilts tine ;. sir'•, ,,,r. sad eff. M:reser la anal to Gti.1. . tat A. 110 1�' t'aoit u*II, lttrstes 'd . th-irt.•a!u:. lives 1.1 [.dna •'• 1•. polars. .uta ),••.,kn , ..turgid I.. 'a • uv•.;' ..•.r.•ut • 0Eh'MAN INVIGORATOR which p.••It%ot;: eau ?'rrmstr•o1 y ..urge tea /UM.ey '.rasion by tarmacs of *0) kind.* rkaslat i 4eaitsese,atuf all dim -aims that fat - tow isA se',',eni • of'••1a-Abtu,•, est have eres. '•Itty. 1(1.1 ••: tnelwnrt. naltr:.a! lt.cttutle ' pins in the It . *, saliva:ma of viten, paarms• .ter old Age. At.d teeny .$her Cu awe that lead 4lsta....1y or tonsumpt.us and a presume - , Ore averr. head for circulars . ith teatiawn'fJs free be mit. Tb,• 1%%Ieiel.ITS le meld at $l per hoz, •.r so'. boars rat M', by all druggist.., or willtae scat tris .u!• mail. securely w aitd, on receipt et prate, lib kdareming. Oro. Ilrtv.rAs. l$ aitO.ult i11.. 1okdo. Ohl* _doff. .ivy -t rn_`f)wterieb llEItwartime probit. seen 10 •.etas t'ra..,And we wll n•a:! roe e.aroya, rateat.te lainpl• • boa ;r..ortw Cult will two ycaa in the way of 01 skin, rat• • ,- plaster .n a Os dal; than you rt•er tboapitt ,.,.o,ibtst at ass teed,. se. No eap*tal iteeltaet. eon can -live at k •mc and war1� •n .pleat time .wird car alt U..• titer•. All , of b.to ..•x(-•, car all ed a g.andti suct.v-111. It. t•, QS r#ity-ran.od else? ronin:. 'that alt mew wan, tenni Ills% fret the brininess. we slake this. eaeeralk•Ird .•Iter: To all a ha are nut well satlri•.4we. itis.-,*Afi1 topa•-fc: the moble of writix: ns. Fall nee it' .'Aar.. dila• !fins, etc.. neat Deo. tlarttei.se via•. stomata*, stir.- fur al: who .tart at one.. limit di lay' .bink. t Address St t w+n\ k • Pentland. M.•. 11614 Tea.. tat Th hound d meat ti•.ns of fr•ci•,u% stone., fiF..T::Fi�1 vuard its gates r.f pearl- thus coy that ri** e4 he 1, how i.e*.•aful an+ weal needs no sun op moon, for the :(hely of dtsp• sol. He is the kyran;n:1z time, the le.td cloth ; ;fhteu .t, alai the Limb All the viciousnrea and enn•iellneae Mir o u the light thereof Oh, let us hasten to t.a:e b,xn weeded nut of him ; ate sl+l to ester therein wit" all we love ,ps dem quarrels, ••r tights, or plays, lit other dos. Ten stralige,huuntis,'meet- earth int for the firm tome, behave as ri. illy toward each other as ten wen I know ►ettlag PNaa. 1 • hound that ham an auctonl, wnuf.lri, Itnetan, far away look that re is ono of the ?ouat of Horsley aura ng the Flee; sarbtea He lo„ke like the tnanntai,e toward :rhieh hes heart yearns s.• t,t:acb, whet'. smell ''' '•-- N 1•,1 a l« a•.V. iuterrsatirsg d•.,;. lines .,obent•* e h 1 •is._ 1 Alsy IMacker.zie, in the tropes or, Cul. tient ot. says -1 always hake ail the earth which I nee in potting plants. Many will say, '(►h, that is taw ouch trouble,' ll Ldo out think s•,, for I find if it it well heat- ed in the kitche•t stove it kills all insects as well as their edas, and 1 hate leas tremble keeping mr plants clears and healthy tltruaih the winter. it takes but a little time to till a large square bating ran i !tt•a an uid enc %hick 1 keep •.n pur;o.•se with the (compost, and plass it in the oven to remain two or three hours, not to burn it. hot t•. heat it well through. 1 (eel well satisfied that this is awe great reason why iny' plants aid not afore subject: to insect+. send one neglect some leant _ago confirms mo is the bided. __ ja►tm /pied to pleat NY ilia bulbs, owl 1'1M read t d it was as excellent plan t,• place a small .!uant ity ,f old. will lltltlysid t.atrere at tee hist:, tout of the pot, before rutting in the earth in which the baths were to he planted. Tho latter had been well heat. but the manure had net, and as I was in s hnrry f neglected to de it, het used it without, to my sorrow as it af:er- warl proved, for, though I smoked them lifter, the aphides would, iu watt. ••r two trapt•eae 1 rat (»reed at Ise in take them sway from my abler plant., lest they toe t.eca(ne infested, as the poets wilt ;et from wan• plant to another when standing to the wiodow rat .r together. 1 melte it a role now to (neat every par 'tole '•f earth for pot planta, well eat*.fied that 'an awns 01 prevention is wroth • ,K:utnrl of cure,' yeti, many r•.unds, 1 might say, in this cs.e." * amenias .ata Pas. "My doer, did you hear that Deacon R. MI asleep dnnng the airmen Isar Sunday and tumbled out of his pew t- "1 did not, she rid. •'1-n.• it's a fast. The dements is s eery bees! man. - .• an.•' "Why i she asked. -'Beetuv when ha fell out of 1n pew he struck aide, yes knew " Then she looked at him, awl rho mnrr she looked the awn uncomfortable 1 e (06. )'►aaUy h• 'bald staid it no I(iag. M. "Ur dear he said humbly, "1 1.,, year rariios. A religious matter .d that sat int iv sol • ht snbjmet ter jading EPPS'S COCOA. BRE. -1 i; FAST. 'Ry a (bun µ,ch 1nowhdgs• n' 15.51 ; ] i cel 4wtc ,oto. -h g••te n tar 04* lana.. et 1LCt+t Iwi aid nutrition, sed by a raretd �aplirat!nn -Q tio• inn.• 'woprr'Irn r w'r11- _ketri a"nw*. Mr. itpp•i are provide.: our t. ,.Masi 'sheer euh a 4rl.vtely slat untold t ,•mitt• •tt.:o•h ei.r e0* Ila Intoes heavy dor Liar. It is 4 the Judicious tote of •tort. .•leant Ater ciao n• •,oa**it'nine may be *ally troll* cep ecu:: *11001 enough to r..iete'cry tead••ncy to rtkwa.e. llwttdredr of •tiN Ion w!::.. are floating around us *4y to Stark wherever them 1* a tress* HALI-a,St Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER Was the first preparation pert«Uy adapts 114 runt dimers of the scalp, and the nrrt suc- i.uf,il restorer M faded cr pray hair to its natural color, growth, and y-oathtnl mauls. It bas bad rawly imitator,. but aeon hates() tall? Suet all the rrquirem••ats needful for the (roper treatment of the hair and scalp, hhALL's !lata Itarewra has steadily grata N tavor, sail spread its fame and usefu:nee to evert quarter of the globe. Its unrarsl- hled worms ear be attributed to bet , to oast: rt e r atm fs/plss. wt . j tit /.rot•u, s, The propyet•ws hare often Igen Pr pared at lb* receipt of orders from remote en•u- yr • boa -pine oto Mooit and a tl Mer. -Jr. (Inn( water or milk. MVP. )ate loos osol attn. C axe'-., ler a'att.(I. may homy.' note, • fetal Act toy es.• will fortified with pure merle n.s*iptw.lflwete.'- Pima Mater •t;{'ly with boding ftekt t -tiv in 11tnk.'ta lip lira * ."rare. Noma IE CIL es' ‘. Landon Ease- Sale Moatrea.• New Grocery Store 'Tarr rtib- ti', r beet. to aunuuarr that 1.. mat '.a' tied ..1 .1 fete N' l: r.n'i ,, Store /Tit C+ODERICia, slat $ ;".-e'?.•-1 to •• r•, -icer• with 1h. •w'ple •f akr rot. r. and ,•1 t t,i ••bldg •ra•1. *. lye goods are ali'Ngw and Fresh, r mrd hese been pun.beeed far Caatlt. glad 3e the t ---> ya St hear is alts ityme.Nr us. IR* Intend to Make His Phi Touch Rock Bottom. F.rnr• • tore'at• n in escbiagsf�r noel fa b, t;rives w111hegira.. tries. where 'herbal uctermMteeachanter R."I+e.n' forget the aped. the /Cres C•tsh Strife, :ter-i111111tneaon.' r wreaabsea us311as1•11 LIM titme&NeAer.r... The .Si for a short time of NALL'S NCO Rt,rwrIl wonderfully Improve* the per- sonal appaaraarr. It eh'aa.rs the scalp frost all impurities, enrol .B bailor., deter, *ad drynea., and thus prevents haWnen. 11 .tlmolates the weakened gland... and rwdNre them to push forward • sow and vigorous growth. The effects of lbws article are not transient, 111. (boas of aka:tall� proton" - haws, but remain • long Uste, wkk:i stakes Its um a matter of ecouteny BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Ida TRE WHISKERS win finance *be beard to a nattiest brown, of block, a. dost reed. It produces a permawnt enter that will not wsab a•.tc, coreisune. f • ranee preperatioo, it v 874415') wiltroit *40.11•. PRFTAi2F,n nT R. P. HALL A CO., Nadia, Bold be ail 115.Iels la ltid)clt:ce, FOR ALL TEL FORMS M `:dwftttews, ttrrrnr111. sad Mood Moeller,. Ito Mot ...mad,. 'trsusa the ,..nit merebtwg awl thommili Woof peeler,. is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. UN 1, all lxsgglrb , 11, .I s Penial, IN Sol nonm. eythan wtlasrt •k air an few t A.. him '...4'o.' grairtwrre r u•-, "14 vy. Nowt• tall i t'w. free. Hal '•„r!t'wf, ilei:.-• tort C. L. ticINTOSB. tiederiet' Are. 31. 11111. 1471. nrims! Enna 1 BECKS' TANNERY, Saltford. The hirf'rvt croft price pata rat 11401. .a* and •h.'a•p el. am at the ItALT►•(tkit'fa.sers. J. -rtalifnrd. 7) •. t. INV. A. k 1t*CE. ItA: „- -- FieId and Gaett Se& Thr >aiieicrl•(•r iA ilnw pr.pared 'tn 't: nivh ell kin.itt of Field and $ (;meter -i s.' "sr of t!'P REST VARIETIES at late% that ''Anent l* (x'nte.n in O(..lf'n•'h. ('all and n(Amine St)nple'• he - fore pnreha.inr • kitwtlen'. REES PRICE, L ASCI%'ABLF RATES. I.uralw.Itwt.r•r•,:rkr'.tri Paleay. l airy Itiusraohtt•.. by Ilam beg tosai.zioe •• le also. rt and . arrest Nates. I harw•ir.• 1/b kaftans. I•tew,us on I tronsaar.I. mod (.' . au .M Prat -44W lteeiprs , b ••iii. • doet-n, ' •..u. of Vail :qua. do.•Mte amt ion tun W panes Meet ran ig ta.•Slosr In nabs -.sett Wad k and w :tea`. la pages itl.ts rat Inc Vaney.W,•rk la ...lore *ad 116.•-1 and o bite. 111 VayttIr.'ea of rt. heel Mu«•. IS 14aet Out Kerr.% i:.pt 41 iha..rranoaa of Atcbith twat i'l. 'par beekles Ubu:+nctaias *( alo.tehuMl tater. sad *turn,. Nath soloeribr•r will be allowed 10 M1kr aebctioa rash •au4+b of a "► oil Ilse Cl'•1`• per Pattern" of may desist. Illustrated •a •114 agay.ine. w.lbosl eat-' 1.445: these arc worth wore floss the ;•tars. ..r 11' " alae, We wet ale.. pr..aal to every s.'....,1' cr a Steel 1.:..aerie t!,x Inolagl.41'er..*t'. celebrated no -tare • I,•,-prng Lot r.- over ami rip1wraal) for dna t:a,ratin. .\s (1ndry'r lady': th+,4 1•a. faithful!) ob. aerard ire p•niriso. w01,. the abl., It • 7- l.*rroars there *era Giant ,1*, .b. .be abs a rat!. u.4'h to •b • letter. web. eeripi on psi r a.4*' • year. *iambi oa.aiut. seat-. roe telinwiat t• • p•Rtat list of toe work we a-- easbdrd 4 tan oat WOVE LETTER HEADS LINEN LETTER HEADS. {Railed se t R:3'1MA WOVE NOTE HEADS. LINEN NOTE MEADS. (hided a 1'uralyd.* MEMORANDUM H EA DS, STATEMENT BEADS. BILL HE.�#1E3-4 atS. BUSINESS CARDS. POSTAI. CAPLD& INVITATION CARDS. WEDDING CARDS. CALLING CARDS. aphis tiled raner.l MENBRRSHU CARDS. ADMISSION TICKETS. • MILK TICKETS. BREAD TICKETS. FALL PROGRAMMES. CONCERT PROGRAMMES. FANCY SHOW ('ARDS. MOURNING CARDS. FUNERAL CIRCULAR.4. :ADDRESSES. 6' - 7 t•PLeet eeLe01•• PA. fairer' s Weekh,r. ILLUST AT.ED. II.v1:r11t'- 11'l i':7 i Ln. tens t. . 'rate. ea...•.•'...-el++1 •'41*••n as the 1rr• L Urstrrt•d r. LI) iuAairmen. With . , a scant Ilan" , . lit• ...y ran artist • .k- suerr-. tri+u LI.. to ,L4 r 1.1r she 0541:15 , u stint t :nus ws gt.ailori ap) pew,iot.. • J- ana.. ruebr,•r•n4 it . tr`• it satr..rd et. story- ter W. 1'. \ot:n:.•: leefrat-.. es.: lea sant. .peelalte-rmore tut Wert anilt.e,:s, :nclluling 14.- 11 oriel .' Ex + oat at Ile a 1 r?, an' ; i•rtt•rtain;*R abort ,.t , aim ' t h.err•thl, rid Ixrnurlaat -0.8111 dot Isorifies or the chief tope's et_. Every aw,e ,•Lo d..sil.+t *trawl w_ Tical caidc. as, •ntertai*I,g and i r*MP e tstnlly'journal. entirely tree fn,n, .l areae, ablr teal un-. sn either lett •r -nerve or. i ;i- tiou., '.loath.! sot scr'be totiant'1.1i a We'V. V;11; •.u- 11ARI'ER'S PEIt1ODICA1as. 1'rr Year t 11.IRPI tr,' I:.t%.11: .. ow II.rk1'tik:v 441.4(1.7x' %E ,e 11411PA:k--'i ri-fi.'N_A'/•I' w BUSINESS rsi v r,LOPF„s. 'elanll:t'lff' 711.t.l'h• :' XQ(? iRIf i fP ICA 111'. L,sc Y.ur(: \'w sr .. w *BUSINESS CIRCULARS. ra.r.,(/r P11 ,10 u,:..t,a,rio.rarn.rAr 1•51'' 1 -`Kehr+• car C inodn. • The t'ulmelrw of the bit s:,:t,r hegira first Notr.ber ler Javaa.7 of each year. Were too time 1• eureifonid. It will 1* sneers ,red that the enter, Aber wlwhee to miatai,•n. e . INS tM• N u::•b•r neat aft, -r ,tie receipt of or.1 4 The la.t Fate .sn,t*ii Vulnm, • of BMW A'0 Waa•:LrfaImo clotb 1404*tg. wit) 1. kg Goad, postage tutt•l, or L: xpress, fn a wt ...- prn., : nr.,t khat r) !leads dor* nor rt 'td ono dnitar pr • •.duutet. n. 3 CO rel t i.t.e • 1 'hot h res"•- for ca. h volume, 'installs, foe lsrtdin , will bra w -cal uy mail, lwetyaki, co r. es ipt of $1 .e . or••. Remittam.. siwt:id be merle by 1i,rt (t•..Ice 7tfoist.y Ord, r car lreale, to a. uid rbanor or is i"•rarrrp•+or, not ,o.evy (►iw *dr.r•(t.a H'nf . 1((.eT. • 44- • rpm -s ere; r of ll.tnh:n R kwrr: Addams, il'Ar:a`kit k 111101'11►.It.. New 1 •rad BU8INBSS NOTICES. SHIPPING TAGS. SHIPPLNG LABELS. DRUGGISTS' LABELS. LABELS FOR ALL PURPO E$. BILLS OF FARE. HOTEL MEAL TICKETS, BLANK CHECK BOOKS. BLANK DRAFT BOOKS. 9LANK RECEIPT BOOKS. BLANK NOTES, IN BOOKS PAMPHLETS. SCIENTIFIC ,dME61f.Rti 4*TAar.t.1170 1616, The mem popular ,wetly newspaper de- ('()?ijbTITITTIU)ti By -t • •tel acted to science w.'rhan.-.s, engineersng. d*, • eevglf'.. Inernthane s..,1 patent...ser pub.ish ed. Kien number i11,A'ratM with ewe dot etlwrat Ings. This puhltr AUr.a far.tt.hrs.r:or valuable ency.•Iup.d r of Information. which no proem shook( be with •wt. Thr el the )t.', KS IOW Altman MS *. sorb *bat Ile c1t'oula: hr* aearly equal. 'bat 01 aft ...Ler ra primer is char •vwnhn.a). Pticr. $2.$1 a y..r iilaoount to (,Oahe. !Sold hv she new•.te..0a, i1144KK s ell., 1'alai.i,en,. No tilt timed c1 New York. BLANK SOCIETY FORMS. Rums "AND REGULATIONS. (`ATA LO(; i TES. PRICE LISTS. • MANN. FOOLSCAP FORMS. BLANK LEGAL FORMS. LAW WORK OF AL'. KINDS. DODGERS HAND PILLS AUaTION SALE BILLS. --- --W►tmM*a3 BLOW SHOW BILL DATis•. CO.NC&RT BILLS --f TTEAMEETIN(; BILLS: LECTURE BILLS. F.XIIIBITION BILLS. EXCURSION BILLS. STREAM ERS POSTER :WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION SALT BA GROCERS' MILLINERY BAGS. WRAPPING PAPER. kc-, ilea ta11t $treat. (lrnin Depot. Opp..ite Town Hall, (ioderich. WO -is Pitt, Me as (Isnot TG. Ssttwar ra 74 -- Holiday Printing Mr -plants ran eat tb.it' bill Ile&'.•. Lett.: Heed., ke., ler wooed at Ill. arAk, fee very little mere tams 'My senrrakr ply Me the minor, and t1 halve 4 arnrrllr, their wsts,er. (!an sed era eupiw• sad gest prkv. 1'OILLICUDDV RHOS , Pre; 'k4n palt-O s --berth At., west If ltegrtr, VI= C.:etlt!J. ATENTS Munn R 1•n. have also ban M pars "practice Prion• 11.e Patent (►R: • ih,i tare prepared n,..re titan Ma. 'son - deed The.wsawa eppti"•Nctoi Iter nal• .'nt. the 1 nnh! W,aess and f Nies. (:greats, Trade-IM.rkr, tbpyrishk L.. *OWN Ma, and all e:hr: tapers far lector**, to P.Vrntorr the 'r isles 151 the l'n(t,al 11 4e., a•at•ada, England. .ren -e, (1•rrnany a..4 •.•hr - foreign • mime *v. re -,s nd ai %bort tonic- and •M rest ni*hie tecni.. Intorautlun err to oh'..infroe frt••nt« , eer- fully Risco withow! -baron.. Nand•' :oho a.: iaforw•ati..nseat tree. . tier!' ohtair.re,1••.' Winn R t'o. err nr+.l,••.• 4- Ir, tk.seat.ia Am- rn•an (nee, The sir•.*•". ••t earn 1st'.' 1.• sell understood M all yr.+. ti who VI 1.14 to Maros of 11 ell ?atria. A46r.-M MF' N k 1 '• s tare $.-or. 7th• Allah:,. AN, *I Hn•adw.•, New York. • i.a6a. Harper': ^ aga,zi.e LL. v:irr r11'7'lars. 1111 , se sew vda.".e_Ott *5- c. tribe f♦♦krar• • Ala tet' • WH; eeae rSer Its thlcOf r.h• year. Tae + tie ap. met sit • car type, it Lean, Iryta new NNe5e. • woe a.n ••��.�� kd, NM:. •• Jean .1 pre. 14, M. a1! a.e salt :.e* • •. e. e chir.1 tesla v it et. -. t) • •.oa.n. s. .1 method 1(►4 .:al w'•. tog • p word, Ile * ..te• 1„ • ..4. ni.' rhe 11.91.4•1, .. r .t Iver li'• went. 1.!041 , 4*. , it izttra tit 1ran. so Ito Orr ata rso•. rnwrawe•. .rat•4.f • «sal ..• ■ _.. Ipowe'.la: naw v „•: • "A s: Icwl Clove: .r,t- r. n. ifay • soy, IL WI -dbl. Atta" anew' , !'1., 151, etc. UAL.' it is s5 ILAx 'Pk.' 1.: (API:X: t ((II 'Mil'• 11.4k ICK 1111Yt. r e:.:1n 1. *tetra u•f`,‘ The color. 1. N. ;ow rv*r. •Vh. order+, seat n will. lb Tbr Iwo .1 awl'ate • w rat be sen Fl os torr to til l..r 1.41•11 *o naL seal tete Iva, Dom h• tt.. a ln111, t A4'I2. __ • '. n Ftaupeto kb re ra! / tiF'.