HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-3-20, Page 3e She wait tali ted pretty, with deep. hazel eyes, and heavy, glovsy braids .4 dark Lruwu hour, and her cowpluu..n was hke that ..f a fuur•year-old ch4ld, ss she ,t mid .,e !tau n iudorr, •r.th I he after- noon lu...juue 'won her fon owl normo. Mr. Errol w' •.;•p.•site, *anoint o her with quiet, o',•uraal.t eyed, in which Iarkei a .Meade . f a:muyan('u 'Aro you in earnest, Olive 'A:.d, for the sake of, v.• r e111$111 Iearaf► 1S5.Iyu', children, ;o .0 are to gone rip your fit:;t. fir future. Olive, as 1 may cell it '4ra+rK.,, you utisiulerprrt leu. ah'' said, pteahutlr. 'I love y• i as deipty *1 1 oiler d,4.' 'Ilea eau 1 credit tome ivo„j., '*,', *Len for the *ALA, of two tnistnhlu .,ht,: druu, lido. ere' really notion.: to root, p." e tre wl'hu2 to otertutn ail oar htit(rt vsetet.s .•1 a happy, annual home'i' 'Pier ass motions, (horde, wad ddat.f tuts.' 'Toms lw them asylnin' t i .• , e44,r wionttted rwtidly to x)hte Morton'* elsetolt, 'yet surely would not have stat deprive+ w y onions little onto oh't11e street harness.• of a hou:o of their owe --lou would toner cuudemn theist to ton Lusk, sae= tem Ile of .t clutntab. institotu•u.' 'That's ..f1 .entiti:catsd n. neap,' s*. • Mr.• Kris , oddly. "Thu upa4 4 of the muter IS that you 4.1.11 t 1.•:t, me.' •, 'Y. s,' tier enib.U,•rr . !,.aur sent on, alw'.s• rooe!y ; 'ti:,e worts and t-arti 1 kooks ate all a,•fy el. wont, I dot*. doebt, hue 1 prefer t.. eudg. I:y s.roi ries oat). It is 1.411 i.Lriy Motel aut to tow that .you prefer thew lot 4111111111 to m) love.' `ll.vrges you know tt 4 u..t that-- but ought 1 t , shrunk from sty u.anifeait duty 'Jost as you cruise,' ha arsswared, coldly ; 'hot has it ever occurred w you bow you are to support these two pro - Mous prnteees of yours 1 I believe You have no i:idepeu.luut fe,rtnue of your errs' Olive's eyes fell and a troubled •1- preasion ca tie ot.i' !ler face. '1 meet try neo obtain a situation se teacher, sloe mid softly. 'That will ha pletasai:t,' remarked !fir. terrnl, irnn•ta.ly. 'Our duns should al gays plelasant, tlw,rge.' The moor ws. subdued ask jasleitiil. Mr. Errol rose. 'Sham you have chosen your pati!, I ' anew of oo.hing that ,s left me save to had you gond-hy .' 'Good bye, Get try to thinL kind- ly of nu,' she to !'red, her little head tremb!tng is his point. as a frio,htened bird dotter; ...no.; mos beneath the hu - mast grasp. Arid a. they parted; he.., t•Iv,aa who' s brief whi'e a1$;.', had been all in all to oath olhe•r. And Olive Merton dropped intoa chair, burying her face into her hand*, as $sots as he was gone. 13he had !loped, she had fancied. she thew not what---perhap•, that (leotgre w ould afoprnve of har eel -Unposed duty, *ad cheer her with his love in ita per- tormaace ; nay, it had even crossed tier mind as a remote passibility, that 'he might oven take the pour little orpltana u well as herself to his heart_ Vet site .hacked herself THE HURON SIOAL, FRIDAY, MAH. KIM. I hope they one win childreu,' raid arsrN►tsa .r Ifeas/sie Min Agatha, doubtfully. Chruti*„ity a Something, infidelity 'Un/ catsuut help luring children; aid offers Nothing ; it ash. us to give Some wneotly. thing her Nothing. The wise men bong 'Ply dam, You are an enthusiast.' their gifts t • Nobody, upon their bazar. Perhaps 1 am,' sad Ulive, snaltri; and talo out Nothing. Nethmg, like faintly, 'but 1 cannot help it.' the i)ri.•utal Nirvana, is the rod tuwaru 'Well,' said Miss Agatha, junipintt which all uulaelirting philosophy is tend - briskly op. '1 mot he Koine ; 1 wish y n j.. Ile your new undertaking, there.' •1' .e will corse and seeato,latliseh ea? slid t thee, wistfully. '1' yes,' said Arstha, rubbiut her elfin, '1 roll coots sometimes.' 'And,' Ulne hesitate.!, 'y, u hate not told one tow George to' 't:e..r ws ' oh. he's pretty wall,' said Apt is. `.. caul bye " And *way silo went. Temdsy avuuih>p of the next week owe. sad 1)lire tied on bar Hood and wet lion:, for i:_was a dismal; thinly .d inlet, -aid wont dawn to the dp'4$0 t the little western trsvel- t• -a. wh • situ called, 'leer new diad- em' Itut thous eke stood on the platform howl sassy +s°ager demand f.m« td a lona tea* than. was Stu little" llleelyaa shote. tole asked $ wrestlers or two of the station noes'pr. 11 it shah Merton '' he said, toochintl k rap rorpectfoliy. ciples are liftman:ng t., husk into it at 1«r- the great Geld for futtire discovery, hop - 'The little 41111 wrro !,leu array 1'y ing 1, rtc.ver what ha.+ been given ti. it. gent ear'. seed lady ill the ceehit.l trot. Instead of the emptiest of ail worts, it Haw, and thenc•,mplsmrnts, atld y. ud is hen inc. to Int tit.., richest Men who Mot 'true at N •.- - -street.have Leen taught that u'crything is olive's eyes widened in astonishment • s .tl/ing arc lir; alning to ask, what is She WAR 1.01 aware that her cousin's to - photos had aiy, !hong relatives, except herself. T;iem surely must have Leen warn mistake. int . '111.• world esus trout Nutting ; the weal is Nothing : at death it goes to Niothine ; Nothing is the cause of deities in moor, ; food u Nothing ; divine law is Nothing ; morality is Nothing ; the uukncwahlo is Nothing ; the universal and tbo alw,tr'ct aru Nothing ; Zeta, love, joy, aro Nothing ; the law* of Nature are Nothu g There is nothing but Nothing ; everything cat.:ni cut of Noth- ine, and everything will he resolved into Nothing agate. Nothing is the• foundation of our civil and social, as well e• of our { hituwl.!oicai a+ol religious order. 1n Suaciaham, Nothieg is the out:oute of our 'post too. tory and our preeeu' civilitatiort ; and the Russ.an Socialists are Nilti.iaa, or No•thingite1. The original cloaca in which N.Ahi.lg and Something aro indis- tinguiahaLle ham* en as the com- ing. Something hit Notiimg In whirls all kn••,rledee and all napiratioa will he merged 4141 extiogishea'. Indeed!, Nuthiug hos bean cndOsavt with so much by some modern thinkers that their die• this w+otidrrfui Nothing r Men who hare head .verythine explained into Nothing are now trying; to orolre CPnry- thing again out of Nothing, and to be - Kut there. was nothing for it now but there in Nothing more soon* this they t.. rectify the misunderstanding as soot. e,er did irs Sotuethiar. a+ pwahlc, and e. at once putt,." up As an article of faith, *fid a ground her little umbrella, Olive tripped away through the mist which was now a posi- tive rain. Nu. Street wit* a large, hand- le/Me house, with brighly lighted win• d.iws, mad Olive ascended the steps and rine the door l,c:i with /something like timidity. A neat timid servant summered the wtumun*. 'Ar. Kate and Cora Evelyn asked MMit., Merton. 'Yea, iniac. It's all sight, miss. Please to walk in.' Iloyund the parlors s well furnished 1.i.rsry. carpeted with crimes Drone's, and all aglow with the listhe stehoerfial `rate lire, wA4 otherwise illwmiaated,and into this roam olive was shown. 1 wu ray little girls nestled on the heerthatene,playing with a pi's of Meeks --and opposite them, with acountenan•w as beaming as their uwn,snt Miss A.atha Erroh But before Olive could utter the .zclanution of astonishment which rose to her lip., tooth her hands was captured hi a stn+nip grasp, and she was .1441113 t1, Geut)fu Errol's t roast. 'Olive, my lithe self-smcriticin,t jewel,' he cried, 'Colne here and be the queen of this little ?:orae circht, for it ie' al 70041.' 'Mine, George' 'Yee, yours--tlie h ono *Al furbished for you, the te,tuus aro to be your hums, hen af•.roard, sa.1 you are t•. be my s.`e and Agat ha's sister.' 'Aud--and the children i' faltered Olive, looking dean at tae lata one*, who were c:in.ing to har dress w itis joy - errs in the ful welcoming cries. !,ere thought. What right had she to expect loos to burden himself with those cares and trial., simply hi:cause they calve to approved -' her A a charge which it vas impossible , fuse har to pot away. On 1 did, !)lire, et font; but when my Ito, it was hotly, and sn,r to than felly, ' .her sense/ came back to me i could fur her t , sit brooding ding h .•re when the at/! but see what a telfah brute 1 had down myself. isd trket an angel 7.,u matter was fully and hoe. •seairly decid- wore. I had 1'.v*4 TIM before. gent..st-- ef. The brad 'choose .f eow.Ltse *biers fmw 1 rvvvre,l tier• .pori$ aoU-swrrs►oo hail bcightcned her life in she ""/Peet :itis davutiou which pot- had :.!town in of George Brrol's lo,e ctrl a home of her exnrtradutincti.'u to say own solders' ewti shew!d aline nc mere fur her. and brutality t So 1 thought 0101 leant 'rhere las SO hod is 1011415,4 *way from reparation I voted n.ake won d he to the le»de° 'Pa/ pathway whish attetch- ed out before her ;nil footsteps. Thr» '"aka ready the t.ntl.test home I mood wait one comfort, the roof httie orpltstu devise for any little wife that is to bre whit never f).1rho hies of a meth! is I)o you hke at, darling r love while she Iivtil to cherish and toilD.d she hke it t What was the tar of oat tee her the quer ion,when the antw.r for them, shone au radiantly in her face. Duty is often a Litter cup le drink,but it.sldnmtom.es in gnile,o uninviting a And the was .me .4 the very,ver7 few suis as wu now held to poor Olive Mer,• star i13 which duty proves its own re Ian's lips.' Miss Aga' ha Err. l.herfarmer fitneee• - 11. 7lattat. stator, dreppee1 in s few days afterward - No matter wt ero pain, ra•n+rtrw. n+ a stout, 1nstline ma,d.m of 20, who lino antenc„' **I,!.. Nagysnt a Yrllnw (hi browse f:1r (he.rge, •en!ded him, pandtd token or 43)3)15011 wt!1 gave imm-listl re - his stocking*, and put all the Leer het- itsf. at• •positive euro griekly follows its oat. 2 tone on his 'flirts. 'They shall bre ours, dear tette.' 'But I thought, George, that you 'Netting your trunk., eh t' 911,1 iNt•s slower Teauta.oy. ' Agatha. '(Ling to morel' '(if emirs,: 1' car not co 0bose to hoar) in so expensive a piss.,' esti ilius Mer- ton, sadly. '1 .hall awn hero to main- tain the ohi'dren as well va myself.' 'Humph " told Mom Agatha ; 's. yes still persist in setting e:p an orplt• i asy lum on a small scale. Rath( r a Qni x .154 ".sinew, f think.' Oh►e was silent. 'When do you refect 'em 'rem the iron r 3)rrs.ct4 Miss Errol. 'On '.salty of nest week.' ' ref hat train?' for totes' a,.d rolitti 'ns unsers we prefer Semethinc to Nothine.-1Chlist- ian Union. •fret UW-11e4s. L. 11. Bailey, in the thionley (.eittic- ,san, says hot beds are not wsualfy sof- ticiently appreciated by the average farmer and gardener. The het -bed for the farmer, dew not need to be started earlier thae the last of February of first of Murch, so even the first of ApriL 1tn reference to the methods of inakia:;, he says 'The most important feature of the hot -bed and the one upon which there u the utast poeral failure is the 'heat' (the manure). Tac quality of the horse manure will detertoime bow lung the heat can be maintained. Tho first requisite hi that the ensnare be fresh. It is there- fore important that it be obtained from tarp stables, where it can all be made in two or three days. That which is slowly accumulated frena two or three hereto is almost melees 1 tooth tried it with uniformly poor •urceso It aim- interest of any kind whatever can at- monly gives a feeble Leat and it 4,,es tract h.'r, and far !est 4irert her attention not last hong. The heat will often dein- from the duties which immediately gut elle in a week after the bed la made. It is important also that the 1113111110 should not contain toe moth straw. It should not be s, light with litter that it will .prion up whet it in troldeu down ; put in straw as long as the manure will pack firmly. Moaner* ire.:n highly fed horses is beat, es;locialty from Chris fed at cora-meal. (hood manure, t•repeerly managed, ou_ht tel ;ire a nearly unused heat for two mouths, ai.d acme:nue' it heroines Botta, mud Droop*.her, the will tart three mouths. habit* of seclusion introduced arose the 'During .lanaary and February tie times of the Mohammedan., the malti- ,aanure should be put t.. the depth of w plying "41 44 01 the male l.•irtien of the toot, after it is thorouohly packed down. community, have all contributed to con - in )larch end April a smaller a,uour.t dense the ex,-tence of Hindu woman will usually he *velment. if the manure into a domestic se f devotedness which is,ter a foot deep, the hest .lay he tow foreigners and superficial obeervers have :treat. Over the manure place good loam to the depth of eight niches or a I...4 It is ser ntial tet ernes*, with tho hot -hod that the glace near alts earth, sepecully in these made early is the .o•asoo. Three or four niches spare lre- taeen the mould 11,.1 rotas is quite .ti ngh. While only fresh manure abould '4 used for the hotbed, it should Hot be put in until the heatir'.,+, process has eons - meowed. raced. if it is entirely c 441 when peeked in, it will not hest. This heat - nit; use•lly begins about as soon as the manure is male, hut if it sheen 11.,1, in any ease, it !nay be piled a day or two brt..re it gs used." as iutest upon his work, he site in the (ata the Ter.►. se DS.ast.s. highest, coldest, and generally most 3Lijor lio11, u1 Bell farm (Qv'app.11e cheerier a 140.0) nt rho ostablaahmeut, lits ualy thuurht for the future Loom of hemoitiud his readers sad getting tout in tame.,description of tbe .4 the trlrphoue F.dtkrw ars so14.m/ dsuJleJ in the hit• • o us ni Ionian% : "Ons fsatts o that is sume- +.f luxury. 111•Y mal sesw a r•hcking 1 what novel perls4!•s in our ssnageu,ent is the eatp: ,ymeut of the telephone At $ ...tock every ev.ra.ig I posse my button and put terse!! into comn.u•.tc• boo with my diviaiotaal farrmce. 1 Kive them perhaps tea minute, such, hut 1v each case the .others Lear vital 1 ani .*y"::, th:•u;h they are f tar or rhos mites apart, both from env and from one anothe ; every ratan most carry out nay orders, right . r wrong ; it lies dome n ,t, o? het .ei. Merry hone, t.,.., has its appointed teak set every eveaine. sixteen to twenty tuila's a day ; but hero l am uv.ro 1.44.1401, and if a horse gives out, why, the footman only has toren to his tetephnue :.u.t tell mu .1 it and I reduce tee amen ire teals, taken{ off two mace a day perhaps. This white somehow u worked in this way *a easily by a singe 0rdrater Jit of it etre a inettnr of thirteen and net of 13,1-00 acres ; and all ill. 4iseesa 's about the eamparati:u mdtac- tagee td large anal ems:1 fermi is 114 rather out of date, for the telelt1sa. enables Son to °routine them birth. The teleph a:s --&tel r ed'.reti•rs,w!tickle finite •pp,l►Cat.. e, I assure you, t. fangs as to *tate*. Every 200 ac -re 1:,a a don't_. 'n, it, with a loan living ill it rent time, and harsh:; chathe of three hones. This system gives WI an limner:he poll over ether forms, a0cir 45 [M2ryrnpte's, the next biggest to ours, which are lurked from 4 single centre s„ that a team will have to go four or ire mires perhet•, to tet to its work ; that is sheer waste Thoso homesteads are groups..1 into d.vuion, of which there aro five eta the farm alt. -,ether, with a divisional fere- man reopens ibis for each Tho mea emnloyeed in esrh division retort every day to the foreman, and the foremen report to me. Local mottoes are left to them ; imperial tnneers,$ are reeerrtd for we at my telephone." river (arming company, Cassels), can- eia.4tng of 13,000 *Oreo under culti, atioe, Rave a London journalist the foltuw.a; sot of fellows, but they knew what it miens to have "the nose on the triad - Stoke, and are airy familiar with colds, cold shoulders, rte. It was an editor who. when &eked why lie spoke of a ton - dollar greenback as a "tai -donor Wa- 114no," amid he did not feel well enough acquainted to call it a "trill." Aa he aim with talk -daubed Lagers, head tient ever his work, and a num that volunteers, to drop by drop, tin tl:e puuctuatino testis, oho, wormiest, can have n greater interact in a meld than an sabtor 1 The whole fraternity and all their !eiders owe a dila of grrtilede to the editor who 3.1.eeal on roe.ird the fol- lowing phi of treatment which was Sue ceasfully earned out by one of his &.rpt: Ile boded a little buamet and hoarhound together and drank freely of the infesi..a 'share going Imbed. The next day he took foe pi1M to; en the tried.' - - they did ',p en theM i an naiscake-- -put one kind of piaster ca his breast,anuther under his arias, and another on his heck. His mother tout some onion draughts on but feet, and gave hint a Rupp of tar to swallow, and a friend of hu neither ad- vi:aoJ him t ' apply a mustard paste after removing the (.tasters. They cater off hard, but he finally removed them, acing an oyster knife. Then he pot hot bricks to his Leet and went to bed. Nest morn in;; another lady, "a dear old soul," Drought in swine goose oil and gave Lint sumo on a .0411, and an aunt arrived from the country hnnq;ing him a bundle of sweet fern, which she made into a tea awl gave him every ha t (tour nand noon when he took a tare. Mote of setts. Luer in the (lay he took a half piut of hot rum at the suggestion of an old ata captain in the Coit house, and *tanned lits 'togs MCI an alcohol bath. At this crisis an odd lady from the next block, oho had hod much cxperieaco in doctoring. ar- rived, who taw at once that his blood was out o1 order, and gave bid a half Ballow of spearmint tea and a hig done of castor oil. Before going to bed he took oi.ht of • new liter 411, wrapped • flannel soaked in hot rincear sud salt about hie neck, sail had feathers burned on a shovel in his room. He is now t!. sroughly cured and fell of gratitude. We advise our rollers to cut. (Ins cut, and keep it where it can be readily found feu- the benefit of those olio make it w practice to stop ►u in the street and tmtkr & 0YM1 conversation the moans of nbtataing advise gratis. r.memele Use to YL.M+tam The actual Hindu Raman is, after all essentially a dumsatio woolen. She has no life out -side her home. No !white nand her in the house. From mooting till night she roes threugb on unvarying routine of occupations the order of which is nearly invielstale. The rigorous 0.- jsoctons of Hindu law elvers'ike Slain the manifold requirement* of household virtue as enjoyed by the aha.+tern, the traditional accomplishments and ideals of the female character enforced by urea&o, the influence of nrthnlenticat Tie Tber itearltes er "A tial," oft!u ewwatrocted at a 4eve.at form of involuntary drudgery. Take the Hindu woman nab of her home, an..liet her wath widowhood, wile c3sldlmsnece. or with tl.e loos of children, and her life 1e rro- tr*eteJ d-ath. The te.idency to herd hous•!r.,., wort: culminate. fu r'drrly woman, but the yo.un,t are by no way exempted. Al. the ate of twelve, or therea!,vuts, erory Hindu girl hes to join !het domes:es e,taRl.sbuset.t of her hushrnd'a fathcr.and there t'ieodututi,n of her life c',mmc'nroea. Teo eauc*tion consist* of hos+ekeep.i.g, regular rovtiae work, der ,tedness to promote the e•nn fort• of family, and the traditional a*a.goe •and propriety of ritopeotatle feminine life. T:1.' trainiog 1massom* under tho au?enntendrnce of a mottoes - This is nhn Rolston of the vest for :s Lw ►nmcoh.t advsneel n Itfe, osad "ustchin.; cold." Th•1 fact that 11.. ono not unoften of a tyranny, al du;w,sithwt, was ever known to catch heat is spoken `Ls is a „tern diactnlinanaa, keen ..h .d as evidence that heat travels faster .erne, and eloquent admun+'hor. The than cw'd. Pdients with "s cold" eef- .:•holy la ly is sometimes; ae�end..1 by Many fwrnl..rl racoma. u.t5finees antai 'Lem c.eisalts physician tinloruft is unur g p As 1t1aMr's Tns.e►,. r 111 one nr tori of her grow c den rht•n. ler to character to the one mean below sally ..vers, hot since they do coma oc- 14. ,whom aha yuuthfal d&righter i -low a T".erten 1•. Kaaator,e'dit..r , e Ft. Wayne have horn received. and Katy, proof . f easionaily it is noel! to have the most IIr•! , .haunt•, cartes : 'For the pest Live the great ralne of Polson a Nere aa vihlns *m oeaul reatheds of treatment in mint!. I an intruder and -oral Avid between the ]rvn bevy.i lvvalways need 1)r K.ar;'. New pain remedy. Try it m other *rid daughters they mike the i$src.v.ry for coughs of ,r,ost sever - The Arra object in the treatment .i any I:fo tot ilia poor ncoricr, dur►saq 13). fiat 1 ohat..ar, ata well no tor t:s As of a milder that we have trawl Nerrik .e in .*r fauns- di" am u dii,trt.eia This is ditrsult in y,,nrs 41 ler tuteT g rornetiMrs rery 1 tyle. It neves fila to effect a .pmedy lies, and have f mod it oat.* reliailo room diasters, an 1 tote to -tiniest pro. uttco.tnf. ttab'r noosed. - ((Tari•!. (mhos. ! core, My fronds to ch"n 3 het., r.. remedy for .moor in th♦ atnwateir, akar pp.tw.ts .01y sit Oi a cord, however, a commended nt spook of 1t nn .sme high (,.4 headache, and ratsrr,*Ily for rhr•,m- ' ,....a. Hot:app been tatted by it of overt' &tic .eine lfo bows. ah..u1.1 be , .,k..wt few .y'tcatulns will usually ..}lite. ''Toa, a bewaMelgw ' a h I hare howl for fir • Mat or tare flsiwes. Is the enrwrneo and well-known Anr- doek. It ie one of the beat blood purifi- ers trod kidney regulators is the veget- able wort.!, and dmoomp.cad !nowt/ se Burdock icduod Kitten twosomes wonder- ful power in dsMaese.1 the blood, liver, kidneys and sSS sok. 3 maitre Rwrae. It takes wan, .osseous to alai* a lark. Tears are talettad_piaatetea to the heart. An individual always ream (s bhp you -The Devil Wisdom is the bast l.eumotics for a train of thought. Life, like a pan of milk, contains more skim silk than cream. Did rot ever think h sus it is to do • job another is eng ed at The young doctor with patience can become an oil doctor with patients. The ways of Proviiennt are no more mysterious than the weight of a tun of coal. load your time with Cot Lowder of wisdom, aim high mid the game w.lh Lo yours. It is sad to think what a sinal' grain .f tho leaven of truth will came s !oaf o1 dishonesty. Nature's hod kritigs up the brick, of wisdom for genius to build the temn:o of success. --! Wh.teha!! Throe. a U.arey teeeo,ae.ult.S. Jae At A Lhnpey, of O.nes,00rr, states that he has takers lt0relock Blood Bit. ten with great henetit.a a ltn;anng cont• plaint, ar,d adds that he would glom'}• recommend it to all 3 *l bt►rrta Oasev. .1i more imoleit of • \Materna dater writes ".51),,,11J yea 1$4 *ay of year fstutly toe too:he t with di'•htheria, dot ba a'srmwl, as it to witty *fid speedily cured wntho:,t a doctor. 1t hone it was r.gtn{ 1n Et 11an•1 a few yeors age. 1 so comp/toed Ur. Yield on his tewnda to cli.,. t3,' s•ocalted 'wnnderfnl euros' he 'oviform/el, while the pstieut, of oth- ers war•. J: u;,piug' on all sides. The remely, t., bo so rapid, must to (kelpie. All h,, toot with him was isiwder of sul- phur nod .s quill, and with these he curr•l tee 1Hhe!11 ,.tl,uut exceptto:.. Ho pia a t.•a,;...vriul of tour of brie. *torso 1t.••, s winegl.tss of water, sad stirred a w.'h hi. Auer, iustea.d of a spoon, as else soli her don het readily un41. auu'r. with water. Wfien the au! - !rhut w.as wail mixed Ito gate it as a gtrg!o, and to tem in:mites the ;&bens woo net' 44 41 an_er. I;nnastoot• Lill. every s;e.ws of fungus in than, Least ioil plant, in a 14w nitrates. Instead ht s3)rttn�. uta the gar4le, he ra•t•ounu.end- col this ,xaUowiu,{ or it. In extrema 3*104. in wltlah lou had l..eu called just in the aide n!' time whim the flings* was t.., rte.rly (Posing to allow the garl- iatt, he blew ale sulphur throoglr a (lurk tato e t rot , a at -he funges had Aim* to au. of it, thou the garoling. Ile tosser loot a patstat from diphtheria. ti a pain4511 cannot : : (ie, take a lire cot!, ',tit it on a shovel, and s{oinkle a rp.w.nfai or t ..1 flour of Lruustmte at a time upon :t, ' t t':u s,tfcrer :nh.lt it, holding the head over it, and the fungus will die. If p!ru:4',1ly' used, the whole remit may be tilled aluu•.t to suffocation. the patient can wit k a'.•wt in it, inhal- ing the fumes, with doors and windows shut. Thu mode of font ;aline, a neem with sulphur l.m4 often. cured most vio- lent attacks •f e&d fn the head, chest, etc., .t soy tune, and is rca•mmeded 0. ('ales of cu,lsuu:ptiau and as(li.at. Ayer e flair Yiour ,tunulater the hat • cello to haa!thy action, and promotes a ti;,urous tr.,wth. 1t contains all tau' can hesupplic•1 t.• make the nature! bah. beautiful end alt :1.3)1 t , keti•v the coaly. free from d:.ndruff, pre*elts the lair from becemiugdry and harsh, stud makes it texahle and glossy. R►erler's Tte*ue Pboapats••t 9111E POINT ON \WHICH THIc i1 ,,lebretM Aber•otby utast insisted www the sous•('Ie..a4 through that tmportaat awsraa he maintained that all diseases ands tr, tared. The truth o1 lb:* otwerraltsn u .veneer when we n -11r11 lint LI,e w1.Me ale. of treetMV•at..1: silt fora. nt drbility is t0 her- nt1 errors is o.trit'ea arouse from tailors or the Diac.'t:r. • earatrts to convert focal onewlra into ) e:altay hloo4 to m&katals the• daily wanton( the system. Pee the core or Stomach trethtea we hate er„hwtttf the beet orlon,' to,o+••ty yes oriainoled to 1st. truest sea Phosphates ant cashmere_ The llama e)t/ feel obese. A your,! 1sdy of Glenville had Leen sitting is a chair and arose to Ret some- thing, and as she attempted tomato sit 1 7 sesta young friend quteely enth.truw the .lair, seal a1I'wcd Darr t.. sok heavily to the 1onr. The neat eat alio was .tallow ill. and physician was $lm,nonet sod for ten month, he ham leen applyiat h',,dagee, plasters, etc., to save the roam lady, wino is t'1 pool of age, from permanent Curvature of the spine. As it was, her Lady twos no bent, teat tare 1 her 'needs great alarm. ft wt!l be five years 'afore all danger el spinal ti:meso will Int removed. The f.13 caused the cud of the species tote) driven unw*r,l ant to the oda. - [Pro.ve/atoo Jou: e., . I': vr, MQ4;T, mirror. 03tldf^n, a:n very trying to the patience of ail who have the tare of them. and is the tn*jori- tyaaralletea the freitfuh,twe 14'544 from s week and totems'st .:,,nditian cf the body. em oat by the .Train on t)I' enneti- tet-..n durins the peri of of teothine, or As rapid gr..wth sethndhwo,i, rt suck case/ tti5 • )tn:tiwNNr n P.•,saru•,tt le* Etslir.vtn1 aa•,.rd.n4 tY directiuor, or the adviae ed your 1"hy..r►ae. '1 1 y. __ � o nut •sok well how's our told l'' 11 a c• „ r n ),oaths. tort• hit fnsaln*ole remedy. Lau Cote. 7 mgy rd's Yellow (1 1 loath••, nhn t stelae rt the merle ^-eliahloi aril sure cnr,„ ttr,wa f`nt.a. J.3'"Firwldy bad thigh yon' and there. the i Wahl &pet ovary time show wt pLcd for , tier aossTlu, r..1,i,, etc Oat! at W,teowt's 11,'. a 10 writ mood. ird':,1 at Wfirnt's air dit$eul+y t : sol. ed, late .{t*gno.i. is t rheu,nstisan, newrsieut. 1.&111, $,t,v,ase or j (butt Store mut .et}► Rhee Troll iinttl.o. dam 54040. Dirge bottles 21i nerals, by .lea eu...ea Mkili sn di oath lameness, and nnorna.ly for.old,, ere; j Imo. tune tl 00. (3) all dr er*. 7 ' threat, etc„ it 4 .vllselly inlallrbl.. „ ` W� � iupise. mosa;sMettcy for treatment, aril It i, s4 agreeable that soon an intent 1'r_f. lona a Id .Iplier limp u highly ! will take iL dor'..'.ho ',olds, ..sero. 'Thera ars tern, but l shall net lsss,k wbn 1'6". to torics &t II plRinw, tawts, aney', s,thass and Moor►.:ria Na: Froomon's Worm Powders ode. nn rte. tmeselert I•,r the sure elf aro I for tine, until the latest, witch o ansa in usher purgative They arm sig, trod Are diswwn+is 'd a e old a, tat 4,41)1.? 1 T1 • chafes, chapped han3a, pim3)l.w. tan. I yetsl's )'.r' •rah 11.3,439, to r^!i.sh'» 1,1 at aa.' I • remove all varieties of Worn* ss war) natnrO of hit oeoupa!io t neon it, !c. lm t young or n'd. Q • mute teas. erosion. J. Uu!s. a i, always aline tv his bush name, and spirt* no 3.31111 t.. i,'. are tie bast of every article in hit line. He has secured the agency for thecelobratedDr Kiug'a New Do ,'vcry for Consumption. the only eertat:i cure known tar Cwt sumption, Coufihs, Colds, l lnat' ncsa • Asthma, Hey Fever, Bronchitia, ..r any affection .4 the Throat and Luoee. Sold on • positive guarantee. Trial h ottiea free. R.csgwlar size $1.00. !we•trw's arises nerve T:.e g:eateet me.tieal wonder ,., rho world. Warranted to speetltiy care, Burns, Rruisw,Cua,Uieer., Kelt ltheam Fever Some, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains{ Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and al.. Rkin Eruptions, guaranteed too cure in ee.oy instance, ..r money raf•ea•L-,l fffw. Per bed. For sale by I. Wits..13h ly. laid alit *5.' Nu ;'17- lin creel ani saf ert',l along. "ptnin3 all the time for year*. the dne- 'tors thong her re, .,00••1: and at Last was 'cored by this H.,p Litters the paper+ 'say In much about. indee.l ' indeed ' "haw thankful we 'shout.' be f -or that ;medians.''. Seeing is believing. Head aha tont reoniala sn tho painphlet on Iltr, Tan Kervn's Kidney Cure, then los a hIlttlo and relieve yourself of nil these distress- ing tonins. Ito•:r i►:n._•.•st !'sat tell 7011 all about ith tivi by .f L1 i !son eodench 1 Ste ALtestt - .Q, riot :.•• N alt known 1:t • itimmtttar -i.met, eatu/eaa ¢rey hair t. iiatnrsl 44,1 .r by s few weeks Me. Sold n:.t 1)'a mitts per bottle br James Wilson 2'o Flat/ I,:RAtniex caves Nrant*,• t. o« , minute. )7s d 1.4,eas/4,,g sur. , T'.,ilur.h• in ass Muwta. t'nnd btieweieg crying t'a •0 Aehr In oto- minute. )'Sued Lightning ,err- l..,nln,t» 14 or• w,rwt#. 141.64 t,Ig *rnialr reit-yrs Rha em.tlren .one anion'.. fluid I.brhneeng rn.ea am :MIN Or arhn i. **a•ly. t'rir' rt 44,,;14 p -r settle at IIe.r4s It34t.,ai drug *Lite*. bus The !ret rwaw►Iwaataw. i lie i.not rnmbin trio.., .•t ' ''.11 11.4804 requlat,ni;, In.a:sh gseiiz her tot. notes and too ks tomer otos I:ur•t,.ck ilio d Pitt - teas. a pnre!y ,at-;rryht44 towed, that. Bores at«saes tot the hlon.ei, Li co and kidneys. The People's Livery Jan KNOX, Protriw or. TD • meeer i a«r . prepared to f n -n i.h i bo pat.- wtlh Tho Finest Rigs AT It AAn11Itf11.*: Ptt11't*a. CAU. a N L) NKN Uri OPpse,lo the 1'.1.00,, Motet. Hs11.1*. ts.dtorie b M Hitt►, IMa,