HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-3-20, Page 2• 77. • ' , • . 3 THE HURON SIGNAL..FRIDAY, MAR. IA, 1885. ABOUT APPLS ttrb E. • Pinwooyivasion cn taw Culture of QM Fruit iteheellle MieMP-111116 the Ube Tamar teadlialledlanen At the resent meet o.4the Oa emelt Valley Agriculture! Moiety, held in Meadville, Penn.. the pr•icesnga were t a very interesting nature. Among the thing mud and done was the de- livery of the following excellent address. After preliminary arrangements and remark., President Perrin introduced '44. J. 8. Cogswell as essayist of the day. .1 is not out of place te here state that although Cal. Cogswell has been a resi- t:tint of Titusville many years, all his earlier life was wino iu the heart of one of the finest fruit growing &esteem in New l'erk State, that he was inehy years interested iu the besiness, and is conse- quently passaged el • knowledge of it far seperiur to whet is generally expect. ed of a buaiimes MIMI in it fatl• His lal& times was so lengthy that 'we omit the ntretioctory portion of it and begat with the instructive pori.., u toilette : Valrattattlric tie Mt ArrLa. dealer's edrertiestasent tor agate, they whoa the tree has attained it. growth. 1.14""‘"11 °"/I "imcke:. I "rGruih`irtee•eateries and wind up by Two gad stakes feet to? driven Neuratitui, female trouble. far y ..ar• , esperiesee neesseary. ' The natural the tree, on each aide in the hot of the nee. Seldom the oae that makes the bale* Rae Lawth. The drat bra/aka akeeleas than eiz feet from the gratuid dd Imaidiimerrea n.ls Nam. "le I. Phio- N Ew EpARTuR males the delivery, If you wane times it cheering statement that "Oa pre% lune into the girruort should be act a riot from t" tornblo .04 ell""1111U44 "143'. - outcome of this, ts, that hordes of ascents paceitiog sonde, itisti the tree fastened No inedeaine i'r .1.sna.a omitl give me are aniciliag °Man who meld out teal to both make*, with strew repo or ..r cunt "tit 1 ••"‘I II"P Itittera wee* way so rya net to girdle the tree er to injure the bark but hold b Th moo apple tree from ataadard pear, but they well isdirise yen what n. buy etas • glibemes of tongue that %fetid make au auettoneer oar pat with way. neavw1111411 rue, fee lasisnee, that "Ind Tetolsky' is jest the apple you want -- that the demand mad* the simply- that they • illy Ilan f etilleb it this year ---that last year their orders went utofilled at a delhir, but they will put pm in a half doges at '7,5 cents, etc tic They are itemorally slick *nee, them fruit tree agents, hut ufteu among them you will find couecientorus mem Anoth- er large clam of thou moats, "all on their own hook," as the phrase van They get up their sale, anal in the fell tar wring go te /I...cheater, Genova or Nye cam tar some other tannery centre and inake their bargains as beet they can, paying so mush fio their trees peeked and delivered at shipring statios. If I could geh trees no other way. 1 would buy of an egoist and take my chances with the rest ad nmakind, but if I bad determined to bet an orchard reit aprtng I no alJ et once write te some responsi than, estate:Ise and inquire late aunuaad there are luny of at what pt he would pack soul deliver to the express OE:roe runny well raided apple trees, none a them to be more than three years fonts the graft, to be taken vp with exceeding carat, skillfully The apple flourishes over a larger por- packed and *lapped at a certain time. 5100 .It b° sarth.• 1"1"1"te t bat' o."7 "'her tech an inquiry would delight an honest fruit. The hardy kinds 11:aortae in nurseryman He would say, "Imre is a ham Canada and in Nova i'ootta. rx. Wading to the South It holds Ewa? and surrenders' on the mange and the pine apple. The Conseil Bureau reveals the tact that $1i0,000,04.10 worth id fruit is grown in the 17n:cod States ter annum, over three-fourths of which coma from the apple tree. ou net need that I ahould remind you ef the value of the apple as feed, or that we deriie freers it rider and vine•gar, tug tatter led ospensa- Ws to the welfare of every Imaseheial. Without the apple where would have been the festive paring bee, the barrel of Apple sauce, both of which we remember with delight free. -say Lack We now approach the most important emotion ef all . Hoar shall we produce this apple tn larger quantity and greater perfection t My efforts are futile and yeer unexampled patience in itatening, meets /10 [0041.11, enters this tines:Ion ion he well answered. To its preper relation it will be necessary to address ourselves, lira ceusidering the SeLtstION Or TER 411,02.-N T1 in our ree.on this should be determiti ed by the quaky of the soil and such shelter hens prevailma winds stoney bo obtained from heir by hills (1 Goats, bet, as the latter are hable to be remov- ed it, Juke way for cultivated fields, lea attention should be extended i:. that dtrection. The orchard lot should be near the farm !mine 11 nature has net ptovideal all that is essential in the wet- ter of roil and alb ee4. a t foetidly hand can be extended to partially remedy the defat. If that kind !ma been "reel ' by severe ethaustive cr .pieng, a itberal and zontitimig appliatoot a manures will bring it up. It the echoed be a tens - Mote; clay sr !lord pan, ther•ongh drain ace and the subsea plow ta tin. Main will be proper c.,rreettste measure* The Vita: eah, the elm and the willow, firrue- nth in a SWAMI,. hut the fruit bearing f west trees, the hickory, the eh/mania, the beech. the leoternnt and the oak are hound ton the ridges and uplands, from which the surplus water cae drain away. I would ma advise Nathan: tit' planting apple bheauer Ow laud was en sot Turn t the laud over deep, and ,3111 1 vu4t Had Ib' ground been planted to pot ties or corn the previous year, or borne it crop or rye, ate, betley or wheat, ansi 1•nt sealed down, so hit; '' Ow totter. The tiaer the tiltb, the reper the sod, the further the toots ordl extend laterally and downward, slid - that drew suite nonce from a largo: ravioli of *gut 1`43 sod be compact and Grin. Throw out thr- ead prcner to ono an.141 in a 11...5p, and then remove the aulteeil a full spade'. depth, piling it axe in 3 hsap, and re• place the subsoil with your good ail firo thrown out, fining up the hole to the protect height. Yoe are now ready ro take poor tree from the trench. With man what want nada attention. He knows how to buy, and id I get hie order be shall havegood stock.' Depend spun it. in this way 'tour trees, including ex pees charges, will eat yowling than the average tonces paid to agents. Having received the catrilogue, study it very carefully, oninpariug your own experience with that uf your reighbors as to what has been green reccessfuliy neer you anden sod similar to your own, and send in your corder, stating explicitly the number yen want of each kind, and he sure that, of the free -grottiest! eons, none shall he over three years old. Wny I pat gams on the ace of the tree is, that at three years' 'earth, when the tree is lifted from the' nursery mw, you get eu nu average fifty per cent. more el fine rata which ar mu?, to go to work at ence in building op the tree, than you will in taking the tree a year older. 1 ani anfident that in five years your three-yearold trees will be lancer. healthier and better in every way thau. as though yea bad begun w:th four-year- old trees. How TO FLAW?. In the same poem loon which have before queued I find this gnostical bcauti fully answered. Listen "Cmese let us pleat the apple tree Cleave the tough Ivrea award with the spade wide let ils bellow bed be made Tbere siren, lay the roots. and et...re Sett tie dark mind with kindly ear*. And peewit n'er them tender: y, La reglad the alawalag istast's feet We softly Feld the craeile sheet, no pleat we the &pal. Ism*: 1 would not ad rite you to Oig the htole fur the apple tree with a poet augur ami tampon the ground around the nem - loth a crowler, but I weasel say, beam by first staking out yeut ground, using aa many stakes as you have treys. Se' the melon ID rUWIt at:20a botb ways, not less than twu rods avert, a stake 4 each to ace uhere a tree to to 'tend, met ya are ready to begin. ()pan a tonic', gated autl aid e into which set your tree, as neon as you untie the hund n, esparto itog the different kinds and then "her: them Ili," a* the nurserymen may, that t; ?ever up the roota with earth. The less the rotas are eapiiseil so wind and light the better. It is well to put your early kiisua nearest the farm /vane, so,d if you plant hy the rued side, let them n a* bortier on the highway he the minima %matte icy. he hale for the tree three feet to diameter, the .,til be in tine tilth, in such conditian as it in gla Le if it here a rout crop the previoue year, and four feet in diameter if the In this latitude. in the +Deaths ef A rod sail May and not su Oftetrer and Novem- ber. &dim the of Pennsylvatota fell 'datum -it! prefet aide. .1 sat as early in the spring as your greuttil cau be worked with the .oteltio mid sot :mei to a midden sum, threualt %loch the leader starting runts cam; it iron:Irate, /1 tl") sharp knife cut the end. rf all broke*. most appropriate time. roots sevointn, and hack .4 any b.litses. WOW TiNfIrlf11111-TWTLIWT.- an -I roam" your tree in paltered' had Plant those varieties which year nun Th _ 3..4 tioW require* two. Wittlo tons etnerience int . that of your neighhers Moles the tree upright in its place, the has prayed t000mom-o• e-„tyr- *elm, mope lease Watt &Meade awl vicinity, and if yeti must experoneot with new varieties abi it on a sum!! smile. This exhibition o: 'riot mid* hy the members (if the Associa: wt. Chia last "lay of winter, has Ir its primo eoject, • practical answer 0. the question, as far aa the winter variettea are concerned. Theo crest pat eat : -The Pleads tip.' bait ant their alnptios tried. °Manic theta le thy Foal with hoops ot sheet" This Moral tenth I would turn into • physteal &ramie! nod p!..r.! for our staunch fr.( ndti the BO lion, the R. I. Greening, the N.ottnertil.,;• , 1.1,/! M.ops• Spitsenon-g, T•1-.4.• riatonstre, the Rambo and many other/ of the ataielaiii kinds ahem hatioot id c. me to 'Mud. as thioe that are to,twitz att.-easefully woo es and are iltoir..t..e tioality There is one old eerily which unfit. le *whoa toe tree with the Odra uf stake* 'itch way to see that it ie in eta exact plate Then spread the rotas all out as Hear the., naturr...I position *5 may ne, one fielding the tree all the time. New w.th the spade tr.ke the goo] top soli near the suhseil heap, wiirking it up One and sprinkle it orer the roots. 11 daft ger estate of there Maine bollew place left under the eetier of the tree. took the enil under with the hand, hearing Iii naiad the ..1,1 irtaxint that netrire Mes a recent- is true in tree planting Fill rip the helm around the tree, mine only the top soil. If there 4 a vet of ht,b,r than the other', lift them and put • stratum of earth hetween them. Avoid, when the job is templet«, of hay mg the rata rearm hle the of • cies, ed umlotella, hut rather leave them fen 'N111'4. 2) read out. enpvine nature as rarely el toe *Moly hat which neatly as reattote. Press the earth arm should never he tea, eti umler any or: le over the ...rota when th• hole in levelled cumstarime, "The Apple of Discord up full, bit do not stamp it deign amil ?lever depend emiroly fin the fruit peck it /trill, The subsoil which was thrown out can be need to fifl up the places whence the rood top .oil eras re mewed. Dear in hind that Ono plaoting 4 dorm bus (ince in toti life tittle ..1 a tree. and is 'lie meet impotent era In if* etaisteure. If it is worth doing at all it worth doing ea welt at yon ear. do it. hes gimfl handy man mei a 61 tu hold tree agent to name the note yen are no plant unleas he hot made atudy of the subject and knows a hat sill give beet results in your moil and In oor WOW et mit Yot a TULIN Aa 1(11 per osmium ef the trees at out every year are siseteroa ht, /freehand of "tree totems, might be tmersoos to soy anythmi this t trete on peattean *booth! his shb. stitOtiet bet call the case chased. Rather I Ph" "rem, trees in • day, depmedine than not get trees at all, ;tiltrotor". the e'41111. "i'"• tb• the "I- ubitioteus :tee veva The tune new vault olf TI1R Aorta itita. 1. ihr puma whet. the prtrlltal 1.",,trtY Al eas are planted, 111/ te en+ trio evarttriente of &zee stirert tee alt „tr, i„mthes 5.4 cit „ff ha largely gone into t he liana. ef °look r• eta.. now hotter Gem any other sew firma' who are middlemen lo 11 th, tr" mull tween the rptreeryctian and the twos". afraid to ttion it tea Whipstock in form. They hire inee and cao h rldihtrY• ao its to let the 'ern tt pallet beds matt• wit n send out man clotv, siol hed frith a 01'11 y 14,1, half. the peeking of their lams. The trestismis oroko„ iota. Tim rim dm 14 j It VOL la summit ahead be maintained till the tam can take canto/ noel/. 11 the ensu - tag semen shiseld be dry mutchitee mut 'And 1 ha" b••• b" 1. this day.' be mated to: straw ate gram In the MYbosuand wasan tutaild 10, "eat, depth of too or three inches should be /Ism •"1" • ••Ir' Etpre,,a "need itt,tires „ out „ Kidney, liver and urinary complaint "The firm loatle Nearly cured The asettiati utatio use as well mid strung a. when • chill routs extend. Thiess better than water - lag. Wheoever corn or potatoes are grown 10 flee orchard, be particular to hare the ruwa exactly us line ear the trees each way, 01,1m/every tree as much space as pie do • hill of the gra. vi tag crop and be sure to keep all the seeds anti areas trent getting • foothold around the tree. la running the cultivatur avoid barking the tree, but should 11 be dune, bind cat the bruised bark et once with a trip et thin cloth and the wound will heal, as the surgeonsal, say, by hist inteiIio, tention. One of the last attentions y eau give your young orchard to the fa is to take a spade and make a hill ineuud 01 earth six inches high aroma each tree, sloping it so the ram will ru off, but do not uncever the refits to doing'. This will sometimes *steady tit tree and prevent this thaastrous work u held twee. If your tree* are briar woods where rahbits aboune, each tree should be wound with cloth the tint year or tern. If your orchard at any Rine with. in fire year 11111 1111 to wheat, oats, rye. er barley, as 110011 as the grain is well up, remove with the hoe all growth within at lard three 13.1 of the trees, and after hervest keep all weeds dowu by gime; user them again 11 you are ohliged to ma your trees in • mallow, there will ,t be ',treater need .1 Making the holes ample -that the growing loots as. they strike our -nay read in mellow eartloand If in a pasture, there will be positive necessity fur careful 'taking, to prevent the cat e from injorattg the traces by ru}bang sonnet, theta. Avoid Walnut cattle get into your young .orchard ni tne winter. The tender twigs arca great attracted, and many au orchsril has ban injured by the browsing of cattle. A chart er map of the orchard should lie mado hotter in setae pa/interim' boek, following the ''Fautaly Record," if uo ether p ace cati finotati, iudicating the trete by numbers sold opposite each number the name of the variety, 1a for tustaoce„ N. 1, Early Retreat, Nos. '2 and 3, Red Astrachan, e'c. fhis chart should be made soon after *mina. and thee remove all labels, as they are Notated lbe tree by a ire which will net topand• ith the growth uf the tree, but too ',often itoures and sometimes rut..., by girding, If possible keep your orchard under cultivation for 41 least five years, preferring root crops. Go toter your yonmit orchard early every pone with the sharp knife quid cut any all unneseesery limbs. Watch far :he dreaded beret ; his point of attack, mil the mat vulnerable pan ..f the tree 14 at -the cellar,' where the tree bark met root hark unite. If "eternal 'roil - aye is the loam .4 liberty," continuous and iatellizent viliganee is the price .f suacea with a "nem; orchard. Do you it pay to take all this troublel'• I answer yes, .4 dingle* ituusa. yea ! Pay ni the setisfact iiiii of seeing your, work pr.eper tu.deo r yur feted ! Pay in the catnip you hays set for adhere and uftiniateily to the full froitiou your hopes! mete • Yon ran 00*h.ive year long pent up 1 i o. rear.f. ( 1 am nearly through, tout, elbow 01, t.. express my thatihs her veur patience and kintrIneen in listening Le the reeding ..1 this paper. 1 cannot Clain/ that 1 here "a round ontrarnished 11 a ao ,„ them along, it will oat you nothing for the medicine if it (atla to titre, and you will well reworded for pour trouble laest id. All it head diseases, Bilious- ness, Jaundice. Constipation, antl gene- ral debility are quickly cured. Setiefac- tion guaranteed or money refunded Price only fifty centa per bottle. )'or'rale by J. Wilson. i'routstaacood 8.1114011 s Lest ',byes- cians- 'Incurable Seven bottles of pour Litters cured him, and 14.i,,,' of the 'Lives of mg) t persona' In my neighliorhood that have been saved by your bitters, And many 100/0 are using them with great benefit. 'They •linest Do animism r 1. Rm. L D. Moak. e41 flewarged. A littera/ reward will be paid to any party who will produce t ease of Liver, Kidney or tinensch complaint that Elea,- tric Bitters will net speedily cure. Bring ale delivered." unvarnished it tenet certaiiily is, but its leneth precludes it from poesersing the tither qualibottian. Tastes or thrice have 1 prove.' that, like Sas* 1 ion inclined ta drop int* eery 1 and to maintain this similarito nub the hen, ef 8..ffie's I:ewer, 1 will note attain : W bat plant we in q.t. &pp'. frac /31,1•VIII lor a Auntie. d flowery epritre to Wed he leas -wind's remotes When front the orchard row it 1403.P1. 1111 (raglan1 t tirough mer open dooms: A world ot blossomr fro the nee; Flowers thiPTTP sick silent Tor,. For the glad infant terms or bloom. We pleat with the apple tree. What plant we in thir err?. ire" Fru.is that WWI swell in tunny Jane .tod redden in the Amami noon. And drop when IS. Keane airs tetfle by Thal fan the Aloe September As, VI hile children -mate sIth crier of of., And segillaridseue where the fragrant gnats Delwin r hod loathes, who psis At the feet of the seek tree. A a When itieVatid op, non --- The winter stare are quivering brie's, )` n hose young epee yarn**. v. Ali Shell peel its In outlaw. hearth troper:TitroliiVralYs'alvio:7, And gulden tiramo. of the Lite, The fruit of the apple tree. Tlbe.werifew ee OW any. ''Whata pi ud for a Cedar a lien *lien mike& but seldom satishicior. ay attiewered. Wean answer to the eatitifictiton 4.1 alt , if they will fellow ear .tcYlk_11 and try H agyard Pectoral Ral- •o,,, *sae, plea/rata and certain threat And lung loader. 8.1d by all dreglostni - - Is the oariariatirtaneous relief fr.r Nem lined Unkinien reline, Headache, Toothache, eta,. bine a few deities briskly Is 41 that is needed. N.. Minim neon- ais tacilicinee for weeks, but one minnte's application rerntoves all 110111 and will pmire the great vale.. of Krains Fluid LigEtning. 25 emits per bottle at Cioprge R1.yana. drug National Pills ail namely upon the 1.44v11,141. itt. 1.4:wee/• and as f etga five amid and Riorrough. Ign fbaurtiaada May go. T. W. Milting, Orrard, Kan , write* 1 never heather, to recommend your Kleci.ric Hitters. to my r »tossers, they wive entitle satiasetion and are road • sellers.' thecirte linters are the purest and hat erserbente known and will 1,041 tirely cure Kidney and Liver complatiots I Purify the blood and reoulitte the meet. l No family eon *Seal to he With,,,, them j They will gave hundreds of di liars in I docter's hills every year. 1,14 at bOcla. • bottle tr7 J. Wiliam. 13) lieleiregees Weedy Cure. lorry pterobaser of Ceeleffan sense hi:einem enpaoty. when requiring an art kir ler $ tar- tans interior, pun -heves only nun which has been tried or Wallowed to try u' tore hurls& You are allowed a free trial bottle et McGee ster's Speedy Cure, the greet remedy for DI. oepsia. Impure Wood and Liver Disorders at (see. Rhyme' draw outer. Sold at See. and $1 per bottle. See tatimotoials truss retooes to your owa Iowa. Wiese are gelid reeve The best bleak! purifier mad systeni re- gubtoor ever placed within the reach' rd suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit- ters. inactivity of the Liver, Biliousnes daunalice, Constitetien, Weak Kidneys, er any disease of tho urinary oreans,..r whoever requires an appetizer, tunic tor mild sttniulant, will always find Electric Bitters the hat and only certain cure kn.own. They act seedy and quickly, etety battle guaranteed t.i give entire easuranou.Inti l'eb". but vs., the ihdloworg "kneed et Tan 1141ILT MASS VIM be eleella .L. to,. be ribrr. (leo. :bow ('iouota. the l'atted Mows sad Unit 1 •0411, Italia' 4. Was Iiitsehlaff 'Withal . 3 Inee. p.m 4 toes 42.10 nom OM pentilium* 3 . i• 1.00 - 7.110 . I 1,„.„,....: ,,.....,..,.. • . 1.0 . . . 0•11.7 1/1041e Alltintiny Illoynkair 1/41/44/441 so , ,;,) • ha• THE WEEKLY GLOBE SPECIAL TRIAL TRIP TWO MONTHS OINTT__;Y"' 15 C= -.=S We want to *.'re our prevent large list of irebeseriberst try ten thousend withir. the a 111 des. and for thie purpose nuke the abet e ItherallUitlInnit. eurote.1 vire.% hi oddities to (be alb••• Men* saver we make Me Iblkeelas i AXIOMS OKOVV:41 VO :e. oohs and 5 anbeerthens wilt reeei.r. an est ra cop, tor I Iwo tr t 05 511 free. k. .,„, ...i.1 le waricribara will 1/444.1101111 • atm ops for err i;ice.tha fres. r.n•a,5 1.1 .uhlirrtherli a-dt receive a . op, all langraah" .4 tae ade Merge Recoils 4° "a us'46•3'iler• "IA rrcai v. a LAIPY of Twit Wets bs fe e oar for one ye sr fem. !Lc, awed se ruheerikees Irma remise • rimy of rianisstays hall V Ii1,0111/ 0W year fritw• /7.10m.i.1 .rt re:herrn., rt. will receive a copy tit. Tilt Ifidar tit 'lag c.o. roe ntint fn... 11.,te aim ion rube< nbeni will remits is a Tett 114115 Moos nae yew. tree. emberribit nem bad sease .Mk. rasehreests We only *1 sewn THE GLOBE I." °°°6416"°°106,4019 Ls rfkirk burrewer tele right in CAW ea. et putiti..t." or new morels by resit of !tar ...nee arises us Lame. Es. as Wilkie tallaae. Ma. araddes. Ja•sla aterea Illearbey. 1114141ams Mark. Wes. *Upbeat. Wag% I tams,. aad eIben. very euthraltlag interest, twined WI L11.1111111.1" WI VAMP. by lap, iug in Tit, flame aad W tit oat. rird mai .tictinne4 fairest's-riot riot ceded by story from the powerfel pea id ern 111111WII. anti elegy torispisted there will helm are boa M. L. TARAIDell. tht famous nor 1:en 11 Mal be e ILA :meted In rdditios tone reviler mentalism" thereat, alias,* retattag la the IS 3 note* and in Tut W MELT allgattate or kW" additter.! nos. la ty them a or hie repute. la flue numaer readmit get live ur toitialcta tweets each year., - _ art /14-/SWVILT/aAt ONO Waltitalf etient Is It WIZ Kr SPURGEON'S SERMON ittes med by Stsur„-rte's own hand,. given eves? eel. a ,n • .d.ty'ri W tow+ Samna, math, sperial and clauses/. i.r:rti„..tet r the I t4 1 at, The Hes. 1'. 15. speormon heyotitt number. the iimat 141.1,:) mother In 4. world, aa•I la/Jae). racy. practical and littera. tier. Address, THE GLOBE PRINTING CO. LOOK OUT FOR SANTA CLAUS 1 LA -D11 and Veriest Allows's...A i)!' TJf BM .A. Efr FANCY ILTATTC11LX15, •ahle for XMAS & NEW YEARS GIFTS .1144: 1/..4•1‘.. AT THE MMDICA.11. • Ladies Velvet, Leather sad Plash Sateheb.. anti Ham. 114,1114.1111. P117/1h sad Leath* Jelicl. Perfume and Isressiag Mate law. M1r11.n. Hamel sad rotating ktirrere.tibsi 'du., Took Attieles in etitte.a, varlet). • A LARGE STOCK OF PERFUMERY, ALL KINDS AND PRICKS. Hyacinth.. Buller 1.1 Norm e'4,04 4. IV T Sat fafact onor mea' tedandee. ti..1.1 at fihy cents a bottle be J Wagon. 141 F. JORDAN Godon, • ch. To rtic Aa Alto veriest the malarial- ine and invisevating properties of Roa- Ismoke Pluernitatzre Ton -lame give renewed strereot loam! hueyancy of spirits, Always ssk Rom Naos a Pkoornosotai. Eatiaaton, heti be sure yeti ;jet if. FARMERS 1 Why use p..or OIL eta your Reaners moo &Leers, a hen yeu. en *.w got lieu, Lite tar runettatts Weakened by flak 2\4CCOTemiTaal.S rano. laeleIlal sad leesstmemen. The Omit German Itivigorator is ths only specific fer impotency, nervous de- bility, universal lassitude, fergetfulneee, pain in the back or sides, no matter hnw shattered the system may be from ex- So Cheap. It has ito eyed. Try it may at will -nye .,.locs ceases of any kind, the Great German Remedy will ratere the ' foncti.onta and secure health and happiness. $1.00 per K.., six Mixes far $5.00. :40M by al) drugoiste Sent on receipt .4 price, pottage paid, by F J. Cheney. 'noted's), Obau, ede rount ter l'aiited States. Cir- _ calars and festinio.itah Sent free. teold icy Itnyttae, sole Vela for Godes- , Sra LARDINE OIL KING'S EVIL IFj Was :he name formerly circa to Soveula bemire of a superstritoo that it could be areal by a klag's touch. The world la vaster now, and knows that SCROFULA ran r My be eureel by a thorotezh pete1tie3- 1io0 of the Wood. If titin le. neglected, the ditease porpetuates it. taint through ii i I.1 • •• ' 3 3 3 § 3 3 I I rereaer ro tnen titt;a-tation. Amen; Rf. I > j i r.- • - .. . taitelit r eyntittOntaZie devekTments are • . o is."eI/ .1Eczema,CtaneousEuptions,Ta 1I morBoll%Carbuncles, rysipelas. Pendent andPhy77; ,2f115"f-iI.4 prt .tf . ..?.1 •' ko I 4 ••11-; / .- !•1 ; rz'Fi ti' if r. 114a. -yr: ;7. 11 1 1 i : t. EIC ,i i I 1 ,ii. 7-,,...; g.' _ z o . I ,I 1 h. r,-;,-; ;f• Pi ,Ii e - f= I ai; 3. or..- - ;:t 1,. iLil F.- & • / ; 1 4.!. ha* mile 'overfill cad °lamp relight* z • 1 il .i.- ._ , 41 IthroillywetAritig tweidissme. It Is 40 *dean %„,,,,„ ual an akerattve that k eradicates front on -.. . in.> ' the kindred poking of a -outstations tinesses the eystein Hereditary Scrofula, and ,..1 Ls ii 17„ ‘r if i :.;1 j- g _ •e .. - . - - 5. g- I - .. . .... A :.,' and mercury. At the IMMO time it me, rejuvenating the metre riven). °I-Cigreat hessithful action to the vital riches and vitalism the Mood. nes :i c.,„, 2" t ri i9.,2 2 1 --k• :. ,... , 2, ....:: Regenerative Medicine McCOLL BROS. & Co., TORONTO. R. W.. ZVZci-C=I-Zi=, CV •"' '"' 'a V ?I' ?i ?. ?sr?, ry ii iv r.. a. -4 - te 111 ,. t• 0 " 3. r ..; es . i.. . =i `20,i.1: -.1i;--• ,..,.,. , r..-4 .... -4 ,.- :4 • 5: .-• "2 clz/ lil el - at voz 0 o as e - c-, !" roolta Xta teosiSil.„-• l''..:71. r.r: no • t. t 4F • *.c4 r ;:i% w :,-* > • -i lc ..- t. • a,..a r z -e - s.• . Z - 1,1! *" .... r:s. • n XI :- m 2 •- r- • • g. -. 7tt el , c... • • 0- i; n i .6 Ft.e,,,tic ..> . • i,'z,..':, - t ;.• r • _ s - ;., i. toneLOICH Ideal catnaps... etc. bt allowed to eon - thine, Klianimatiann, Scrofulous Ca. ims other dengtranis or taial sellsines, are Z. I Financed by ft. minds, Kidney arid Liver Dtatiasea, Cy Tishoreulrer Consumption and earl. Ayer's Sarsapctrilla tO 1. composed et the gronim Honduras sa litarsoporeta with reitote Dock MI 6.41a, the iodides er Pommies. and leuryna', anc214= ITter7crterinit HZ:steep: Merchants . Get your Printing pounded. 14 formulakomeraiii known at • te the medical prottuaiss, and Me best =1"einte=n1 Feint" Art" this Office. Quality of Work and -Absoltfte Cure .444414.1iIIIINMNANIVamo reasonable Prices Guaran.teed to the blood. 1*1, coneentrsted to the blob - Tor ill *lel,'" eerlys'l bI the "Matfett et !. eat prriethmibie (berme, far beyond say nth" pveperon for whIob iLkets pleas© all who may give us a trial. are claimed, and Wherefore the cheeped, as well sa the bcrt blood purify -Log medl• tee, hi the world. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Pat PIRED WY Dr J C. Apr Co., Lora, Nom ( Analytical Cbenetiets.) Sold by all Dettarbhl: pries elf ails battles feel& $2001 ON . foricl weave. g--, ur . + on'AM. n' il'fireth7 .e. . .nr..erl It. .'.. . a packees el nt Ii -de %alai, tiou III start you la nerh that will al mu.. mew es..i in snowy Neter (5.., seethes* rtse in arnertre. An . eel the sai...sos in ptv.ents entaebeli bentA. pe • an ever. whore. .4 MIl... se., of ell ages tee elt the lime, we spore time owls, Se Work for "5 51 l515r went house. PkWalten tar le: +miters 11,010/110.6 .1100 Otp•SI 4411% tt if 4 41.'.11' se Olk. Per1111101. tii.e. MI - • - • -•- naves itorannor That is daily le trotting mov to the Mimeo of threat/Wit by saritse mat y of their dear tines trove an eva ly grave. Truly is new 'hectometre for Coneurnp- tinn, Catiehs, Celde A kt ate o. Itneschstie, Ilay Feer, lemma Veice, Tickling the Thereto teen in Plide and Cheet,nr- atir alarmist f the Thrnat nor? Lungs, a positire cum I nate to . Tonal Rot ties free aIJ. Wile•ii'm flew!i4.,teargs stee $1.00. Oil Ir. the Oiefory of inedirtnes no props ration has receivoid snot 'titivated eta madetiou for the 1; effilefle, and the permit/went entre tt erect* in Rid way 11111411401141, an De V1111 Karen's it intuy Carte Ita erten in • 'afire aistremotig eneiplaiate va Ititaply trendier's]. 4.44 by J, Wilson 2m Wetereser 4 1'00101 Os*elle Came bas here test•A t boa fond the 1401111111ent 01141 ofhietwal nreettina spvirhuir mewl. 4.1.5e. Ta• were am loom -ono is OMB fine Cuts, Hurtle aod heves Ite MP° few est IleCrever it. Party, Oarborie rent.. Mold tor .. 51 Georg* Ills eat. too tot. ' tat mover in.. of,. It you an. saffering with 1..w and de- pressed spirit*, ef appetite, general ifetelity, disoidered blond k tet um. bade/lie, or any disease of • bd. lout natant, by all means 1.mm/re • ant - tie of Electne Rotary. Yen will he ger reified 1n are the rapid inimovesiseat that will ; yes .41 )1. iesporvel with mew life; etremorth sad activity *di rotors , run and misery eat nano and haft forth you will apiece in the praise of Metairie Diktat's Redd at Atte ants • bottle 11 J IN lien.