HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-3-20, Page 1•
WItol,Y Ntt/11 rR :tIUC i
GO1)ERICH, ONT.. FRIDAY, 141AIt,C11 20, 1883.
MculLt,tc'tWUt,Y RHOS. Pular seam
11.1/0 A VEAL: Ile APYAtVt t
is published every Friday Moraint• I y IIIc
UtLuceour 1f..suds., at Shat 011kce. Tooth 8t
AAA be despatched man partici( the surround
toe oeantrr by tart earliert aro:. and trader.
By coastal admission it her • horsier .;irvulr•
neat an say .Aber newspaper to th'r part a
vie coronary. d is one of tax retire, nowa,est
aid Saud reliable jourcia/4 in t)uia,10
posseasinR. s° it dote, oke foroeiruingPorno kola
end being in addition Leine shove. °:melee,
fatally and inside miner it ie Iber'ot..re •
Most eL*irndite ..u..heas.
Tants. 111.14 In sdvsnes, p•sslaaer pre paid
yIsebtankesac11 if paid b••h.re'vc wool.'
ilLSO if n ,t se paid. Vino rule wilt tie trolly
Rata+ n► Anvsrtytet•tn. F gbt eenta pe
inviter Ora ins.•rtton; three ciente per line fee
esebsultae.tor•ntInsertion. Ynarly.l%.d'yriarty.
and gqaartertr .t .,»ikct,. at redec.•1 rates.
Jae socurssik..�.Ye bare alma ir,t -. .m
ebbisg depart 'sem in onn noct ion. mot pre•va►
iag the most oo.apinte on tit awl best tsru.t:.s
firth Meant work in tiwlerich,aro erenare4
to do bushsew to teat tine at panesssaa cannot
be beaten, DM of n eeatity Stool. °rano: be
serpassed,- TeresaMak
Tear was a happy typoiraphical error
w;.ich muse a Torte critic call the Roos
aortas of sehtw,) !scuts the Ross Readers.
• eheyare.
also.. .1. H. tors, Minister of Rail
ways, is worse, far none. than ••+r
Hnn kir. Hardy. Mr. Hard)'* offence
was that be heard a mean say a swear
ward, but an exchange says that the
Hon John Henry Pupa's salutation to
lir. T..nt Cowan, of Galt. on thet•tiaq
hia w the hallway Committee room im
f the sus 1
U IJLW.i Y RG.I.S-M.vs. ' ON THE WINO. I vertia
We ere glad to leeru that the busimmeba
dist at tie railway station here One
ink in Tss Smoot, the bestants •( its (m puI tion. Their who '•Itlt.'•atra' :+scat wir.:airit
medium. outside ot the cities.-wenldr.'t 'reside in the cntantry and lour its ear I 'Phe mase meeting for ch►Wnw welch
t re t aeu.,t t. an the alaN r-t!•f Weil- recover it. lien mmn
ight just es wail et I.uatacea can hest express the feelings; Ere Ings" about 3 94 pus , res u4lreussd
Nay Tease!.
i ; by the Rev, Jas. I Uwr, Mr.Jaa. Heil -
winter hits bees very brisk. The able-; - pest to recover a last umbrella en a damp t ;slid mint of the people, and can + ern,
:nn, Kay. Nr. Ca ueroi: Preeby-
mn.ts at flour, saltai:.I lumber levo day. The ins r Q train from Palmer. !enable the House to Gout a more cer!cct 1 t.,rian ruin+iter of Dunarntt n . air. John
iuwCain4 Ali ont►d the eouutre glees Mon rota to Winxharn, but it males mil judgment than It otberwiw could OU 1 Dustne, Mr. Kstituhan and Mr. Wi!lii►
avow that area e. ue pf busto.Ile able: one. Into! peruke: esperientee As
that i ,
est nay that the ameuwt of husine•5 damn °Jaiw to accommodate the passengers h thew matters. [t is veer that by the The was meets ezc Is ui advice mid
ubiquitous individual s'!turthernSpsrks" egm).stuilp with the 1 $..[ B. branch I law r:!+tut; to the local government of waruipg ri.•n, rbieb could set flail G,
atctelerie:& *tenon is nearly double tl►st' leas ati nupreaaivli un the Mind. a�
ascot to say. Wer here turfy, and - at that uta is Olden» tar reminds Northwrd territories the are ell. pet Y hosart. of !h• chaldrea.
cam *nes ..then leant en the Ku!faln Saul morrow we're up the town tins." My
me ..f the story ,f !titled to reloreeoutatioo in the lead
Lake Uuron fir. Clthe wed the I,_� __:_.r_ ___ _�..�..a.�.alas►alfaesLeouncil. Slut io a cwntry where rich
the i'r,nuelal+egolute. triiwt.•. 1..d b•cu ►npatterllip 1.st had P b•zt"naive ublie undertalir ti are being
mp..,.:Sind»►111s►fHaa.(_.N'allose r °artists! forward this is nut sufficient It
- deeuledt"i.1►•,eapart»s( business sitsbrrathiast forth worsja of doorsAni tali r nofohofirsttmpe[tattcsr io loam Lr�a•
.rpt' Tta T!/fi crN'It•I:tl. I ' i ► f lhu►t t'Icp{.•,ueuts of the Proriutiwt s'eeder'a.
othersmellpl.aaanataytt.ovenLegislature. with aha rusrwo want taw,
iench$tr ,.,trs vita.soopltosrsunA few week. o the Wni told a uw•' its their trail* us;•ht be kept away. They ieieelywat view o tnkon in the koeality ;
1 The present mild reminder to the read- and hew .uestiuns ..f »►bane interest imlittle'Iory &Ment a latae taw whoheardwrm sof Tata Aisenee that 1 still lite and pooled the tone,!" of the Iws shops, but ff ! h•
theokler beeda of the f.inil- discussing in order t.. show the public that they I waediately atftcting :list cournrr , and
mote and hare my LrinY, as written sit y under , s.trul of the Portwment of l'au-
'.twit ut��'in•dram. [ I.ft
were nut nn r•ollusnon, el eh •f the worth
sixes of Abraham placed ever hie store da. yrd rmcuded by the ; eople. Ph•y
1 the f.diusiug 1•tteud : "f hof iso pianeu have been so much mere oe*up ted in
Quid dot r .r hair nave ds rosy." considering their esti personal tuterests
.41meut 3 o click :. Is H. it R. train as \limiter■ thou they has• in public the ince
the situation in Egypt.. si esi hu put in f the ambitions o Wing
Say to the f,!luwintt •deet "P 157 the ween 4'ny son Wednesday last with
dna t 1115) suatt Sir .dela' •out there; he'd!, the intention of going to Brussels, but
61 the Arabs." The Stratford is o..',• owing to abet atflictiour of Providence
takes up the idea, and suxxests the t:d- • known as the !:land Trunk rocnopoly,
'atrial( order •,.f business . - "Sir. .1.41i1 failed t.. set farther than Palmerston the
cambkc e•.mtt:and, armed with his rusty tint night. The, ntstiner in which this
ta�aakut s.1 ;. The arou) prtntili can aloe amiets Western (►nt/trioremind* one
Ise dit►ded between Tom White. of th•tt1 forcibly of :Ouse's' the Sailor seigbed
Montreal (sante, the Toronto .Mia, the ldoe u t
L tndon Pins PWr and the iiarwilt.n 1 ;alt fist. wee yet T41 +CA.
rjsxfuses. Js.hu SLtelds will lie hapP)' It has Gobbled up and mt•nopnlized all
10 2n along as army c,ntraptor. Tao the branch lines of what were farmer)y
wl *sky went freeze in the tir.udar. Big 1 in,ievendeut reads. and in the effort to
Pee% Wi;linsou will, of course. he my I handle theni all, has' slackened accowt-
msater We dtia't Lane just what 1 o slots, on the whole of these, se that
po.itiwn Mr. Hes"" wopk tick Par"! the travelling public are poorly °erred
haps he would carry Str John's mh.ekst. !and heevity charged. Close connection,
presence a reliant? minus dele:;ation Tne aru.p is f•ermwi.
fou, sold by by Tim Menai trembles
the .t -1 don't you comb your hair r'
sem How ars W
Stroud the slogan. fare unknown, and where lines crows,
Toluene ft oriel reporter attended
• w • Loral Lee stature on St. Patrick's
day. and this is what he observed .
, Bon. Mr. Fraser--Ye:lew rose and
shamrocks in buttonhole
Mr Meredith-lihaniroaks in button-
LI• ?1-. McKras-Dl(•.
Mr. Moran- Do.
Mr. linkmen --Do.
Hon. Mr. Monis-Talk;o rose.
.%iI the Speakers -Flowers of rhetetic
ir. '::•sr mouths.
In the f)nli n+ 'Legalist ere Isat week,
Hon. A. M. Rota tt;troduced a hill re-
garding the public health Ile said aloe
object o1 this bill w.• more in the direc-
tion cf provident a aehinerr fee mifnre-
inp; regu'atiens which were accessary to
the interests of the public health. One
prorision of the act passed lost session
was that municipal est nncs:s should ap-
point medical health officers, but some
ul those did not do this, anal one shame
new propelled wit to rice the tieutenant-
t!..vernor-in-council power to atspninl
such of5sers in places where an epidemic
had :broken out if the councils dad nut
evoke action.
THE Ratak f:IiADfi/t:.
In the recent delete on the reader
questieu the Miuister of Education said :
1 am following the irdividual scholia/4
frees first to finish. and he pays i. dents
urate for Lia bee.k* than for the .id
series, but in every respect i think the
new aeries may be c insise"rd ►0 or ill)
per cent cheerier than the old. We will
inat•tu e a comport.. nbetween nttr books
and the other Aeries •
t en!, per
}y.,.. rare... t'oA•.. !tetatt'ee.
Gage's. 752' $1.31 17;
Royal. :l(;5 1.50 15i
Po.val ('.snad:an. •.K,•i 180 19
New )teaden. enei 1.:;5 13}
it sill thite be soon that, conaideriagtbt•
size of the book, they - are cheaper-t,h1'ii
any of three series they displace they
are cheaper and ale° mere excellent print
and illustration, and as geed. if net
superior in regard to the selection of
matter' Place our heals side by side
with any other set of readers, and 1 do
nut think any man requires keels powers
of preception to ar's'ine at the conclusion
that our hooks are really cheaper than
any others at the same price, •r compare
them with other basks of a similar Susi
placed eon tine Canadian market.
iiamead of attempts betas made to facili-
tate passenger teethe. sue would think
the idea of the railway management was
t" paralyze that branch of business. The
w. •rill._ traits fr..tn Palmerston north
titer day 1 was there was billed t.. leave
at r; : O o crock, and 1 arranged to. go on
i:. At r: . f rho cluck. I poi formed a
hasty toilet, tenittd a slim breakfast, and
rushed inimically to the station, grip -
sack its hand It was 6.:t0 lay the watch.
The train wet stanuing •.n the track, sad
it ettew there for nearly an hour site, -
ward. I wasn't alone ; there were ether
psasengers waiting to go north -Moth-
ten in at'tictien, so to speak,
rAucs-+Tett $TAT{U\,
which is a juncticn of N. 0. & H. R. R.,
I is run .•n •'go-as-yssu-please ' principles.
I Whets the leader of our party, a coa-
ntercisl drummer, walked to the ticket
deli ern, an;pi ended at the portal for
the .gs.ninq of the porthole, se that he
might obtain a ticket, we discovered
(that atatien muter wan non sf r..e1,416-
bits, a the high school students aome-
times say. This fact didn't cause the
drummer to relax his exertioua, and he
continued to be*• a tattoos un the door
of the station. After a anile he startled
the (negate min, who had Leen side-
tracked on the other line. and that indi-
iil I wild1 reminded the tarty that
CT�iI)It t, r ` y
THE U e ,
T� his Speech in favor of the bill the station agent hail no intention of
elbowing tenons charged with a criminal
odnce to give evidence in their own be-
half, Mr. Lister, of Llnbtrxi, said
"I feel that the hen• member for
Nest Bunn kMr. ('amernn) is entitled
to the thanks of this Parliament and of
the people of Canada for whet my hen.
friend from Pieter (Mr. Tupper) is
pleased to all his pertinacity in bniging
this Bill from time to time before the
Rome. The hew. eisanber ,for West
Enron, in an elabr.rato and exharistive
apeeeh, which does his industry infinite
credit, hes tone into this question and
advanced arguments in its favor that by
no possibility can he refuted. *? sl whish
shesld eenvinee us of the propriety. yes.
of the absolute necessity of soaking this
the law of the land at the earliest
moment psnesfbte. -.
The compliment was a neat one, and
wit fully deserved.
&seats.: en:atm
in the institute wwiou ft. W. Le(.ear
first ',peke, los subject being "The
necessary imalthcatrons for a .uoceesfut
t(ah'ath ails•. L %lx. Le(:ear gave a
his dcquittoa 01 s sec:ursful Sablsath.
sCho nl, one that 11 iustruntentet ill hang •
ing the child:en to Ghost. Hu said that-
in order to vht•.rn this end it was necee-
eery t" have * t�•e,d auver.ntendent wh..
toast be a man of Utah end piety. ax
pedithois, cheerful and patient ; Yid
good teachers, who shoe d be converted
in order to bring other; to .1,551 ; 9n1
geed literature, as it was by tie than
noel of ale 4 jihad: school wan
leaves for the *oath, and in "rder to alai" that they du Hut realize that ales kept up, and therefore the ee ectinn suss
reach lhderech, the paaseuger elutes population of the Northwest has leen very important. Ile said that too often
aboard and reaches Clinton sleet 4 p, up. well melt neglected. Mr. Cameron has a taste fur novel residue; was enestelertrl
wl sorviee brie ing taby Sabbath schen! literature, and remote
At that point, whish rejoices in the lxa►t done an "set too tile attention of tinhe or
needed the Itterwture published by sur
appellation of the "Huh,' you are com-
pelled to wait until 9:1:e tor the B.& L.
H. Leonia to Godwrieb --a delay of ever
Ilse hours. I never could understand
why Clinton was called the "Hub," but
I aro iaclinud to bulaere that it is owing
we tootthe result of his action will tie book room, as it was . er) carefully
to force the Government to do what selected•
uthersise it is vo cert:ain would net Mr. kcrtttt hen spoke o1 the necessity
have been done.-
wodoq Advertiser. of the Sabbath School's being supported
by the church, and of having mese. rat
Mmaasew s_Msl� Neel soneseelse. .4 teacher/. m routhrcuwi with the
_ school.
Mr. John McLean superintendent of
Dun*annen Sabbath school, thought
that the Sabbath echoed should hare the
sympathy .1 the parents and the church.
ane1 thus be united in their work.
Mr. Wet. Plunkett then gate an ad-
dress en the subject, '`Teachers Romeo
sibility.' Mr. Plunkett thought this
waa a subnSot that shoved always be kepi
before the minds of the teachers and
that they should engage in their w..rk
with all their mittht. G► considering the
short time that the trochees have to teach
the lesson, he sit'! "they should make tt
a study as to what means a:uwld be used
to snake the most of their hare, and that
they should he careful in training the
cauldron. because of their being more
susceptible to intprewio.us, at thatiporiosl
of their lives, and their future usefuhtea*
depended largely -..n their prevent train
The nest thing ran the pr. grannie was
"Teacher* Reward.' by Mr. John Mc-
Lean. in 'wenn,* bit subject, Mr Mc-
Lean said that he wished to have Ile
topic w.upled wish loork, because in
order te reap a reward we must be work
era. He said "the reward of the teacher
would be just what iie made ►t," there
fore he shuutd wipes., u ut the wnrk "with
all his huirt." He mentioned the re-
wards which A• receive in this life. At
epprevinst c.ucieer e ; the knnwleIge of
haring been the means an God'. hands of
leading to Christ those committed 1'. oar
care. The kaowle.ige of Christ as nun.
end Ilia approval of aur work. Speakm;
of the teachers reward hereafter, ho said,
that he would lie rewarded sccurdswtt t..
his work here. lie theft gave an earnest
exhortation to be faithful in working for
Christ, referring to his own experiences
as to how he hail been strengthened tit
the work, and his determination to kteto
working' to the end.
Mr. John Pentland addressed the
contention en the .abject "The noaa-
ary qualifications for a Sabbath schen!
superintendent. He said the superin-
tendent should he puactsel, and always
be at the Sabbath school to open It 5.
the proper time. Ile should be a roily
man, with s rood knnwledie of the
acr:l.tures anti a go.id education 14.
should have the faculty of •xplainine the-
ecnptures so as to make it plain, asuman
few words as possible.
Mr. John Hellin in dfatwveini: the -
subject, said "the superintettdent*hook&
be like a child, like a youth, tike • fell
grown man, in ural. r t.• ada•it himself to -
all,gainst end a.,'u s• the 11.11411vper
caption at Children, be sheets! Ito more
.arefel in hie aeliotu,and try to ata their
affections." Its spoke of the ctoieeit sof
to the fact that every Clintowian you The Sabbath School convention, hold
address puts in a "r!ook. ' for it. ' in Dungannwi on the 26th of February,
was a decided success- The day being
TN1ar. i. BUT 0,111 i'LIn7'ur . fatorable, diene was a large atteedomcr,
in flittario, and aver)" Clietonian it ire especially in the afternoon and evening
self constituted prophet ; and every sesrwtis, when the church was crowded.
another's son o1 them has, if I tasty be The speakers were all premed, with
the exception of ono ar two, and the ad-
dresses &hewed a great amount's( csruful
study and thought in preparatou.
The choir was also at hand, rendering
ua valuable service in singing, from
choice ruu•ic ,f excellent seleetion
The morning session op. tied with the
Rev. J..h' Turner, superintendent of
tato circuit, in the chair.
Mr. Th. s. Anderson then gave an *d-
Irew* ..f welcome. in which he expressed
his hearty sympathy with the sabhath
Scheel work and workers, and the plea
sure it gave him to meet them en rack
an occasion. This was followed by the
reading of reports from the Ihutgw
and the NileeSabbath Schools retire
Allowed M quote from a high authority,
"an evcrliving and abio.Iit { faith" in the
glorious future .,f that town a place
which lie believes is destined to increase
and wax mi•thty in the time t.. rine,
and which even now 'so you are told' is
peeem int of great thing-) awaiting frui-
tion. And sit mote it 1 ., ase far as 1 am
ooncerned. It is really a photon* these
hard times to see people. who can calmly
took present depressive. ,:raight it: the
face, and turning toward the Star of
Ho{•e, are hueyed up by A 6rtn belief in
the /teat pneaihiliti,., of thy tune to tivety. In the course of the resdune of
come. reports the 'teeaieen was a.kad, "What
In the foregoing 1 have touched upon is the best way to keep scholars in the
ono of the curses of pespepgtr traffic in Sshlwtl► Sober)! r' It was aoswere•l by
this western part of •Oatariu. I have Mr. Kenaghan, to the elect that teach
WS should be "At their :pest evtty Sun-
set alluded t,. the - y." Then another question was pre-
fail/...HT . sravt:vu Twsbi. piled, "What is the hest way to keep
but i can assure the reader* of Tut: Stu- She Srbbsth S•.!o.ol ckddr •n interested
.At who have not had occasion to test to Shu study of the lesson, in case they
should become disinterested lay the
that, branch that it is in an infinitely eaanurr of study persued '" This was
worse condition than even the passenger
trade. t-ader the present urder of
amalgamation with G. T. It nunasiement,
this unsatisfactory cnudition will e'er-
tinue to obtain, and ne help an be
looked he except in one /erection, and
Ithat is in the bringing westward con-
nection with the C. N. H. .4 live c,m-
petiton would cause better rates fur
floe l' F. FsAsas'A nos franchise bolos• around to he had buuinea Alae.I freight and more speedy travel and better
bill will elect a radical chance in thewhet.: also that the key of the nftfiee• c•nutrtions for travellers
calculation of results in elections. Hero- Iu writing this letter 1 have no idea
t d been mislaid and i..' a nolusion,
tofore, in inuring upon probabilities, it
was neoesaary to make clew calculations
upon what wan haven as "the outside
vote"- the sole W non-resident prwerty
holden. )fi,'Rctimes this Tote was the
balance of lower in errtam voting dis-
tricts, and often the secret service
enemy had M he d,•led out to impecun-
ious n•n.resodcnt voters nt a distance
to entente their appearance at a poll utiles
dotsr.t from their place of residence.
Under the new franchise scheme. no
swan can rule in inure than ane c•natit-
uency un matter how spiny property
luahfioation• he 'say !Wild elsewhere,and
the "outside vote will thus fail to be a
factor in the determining of election..
The local newspapers will not in the
time t.. carne he able to insert such items'
a the following :
"(loop Woaa. - Mr. John Jones, of
,Jonesville, proved conclusively on eke,
tier day that he was • "True Blue.
He was pioneered of a vote in fear dil-
SrwsUwO irew 4 has been • e•ommon
practice anions a certain ;•.Aron of the
community la ennntry towns sod
various have been the means resorted to
by owners of woodpiles to detect the
perpetrator The most common prac-
tace to insure deteetints 1:a been to bora
holes in certain sticks, pour no powder,
aid then plug up the heaps. (SI eoura
any person song these particular sticks
Is .•n.train. 1 to buy a new stove, and
the report Ren. abroad over the seetins,
for it is rel! known that i11 vows travels
fist Until recently no geoid and eel
Besot reason Inas been `iron by the
owner* of the exploded stores a to the
ewer of the "blow up," bet at hot the
problem hu been salved. A short time
ag.• sur read in ere of the city papers
that a wood stove had exploded, and the
stira*ones owner at tined attributed tl e
damage is the feet that some eeilolhe
pissed noithbor had placer) dyeamiAo b
the stere And sow the •wren of
woodpiles will have to discover I ossa
gam, aetlod el deteeeieg shrinkage is
Use stook d feel
(trent constituencies, and by dint of
hard drivinc tweeeedrd in polling all
fear. Mr. .1 .nee is a man of whom the
party sheul.i well feel pried. 1f every
enter was actuated by a like loyal spirit
to the party of ho ehoiee, there would ,
he no nrawity for agitating the lues-
tion of compulsory votive."
Two Cone r�fh es were t nesated se
Howley _$rNwtt, of Levis, and U1sl1N,
of West ifeethumberland :toddy
Pringles little beta of Si.. etc , that Re
formers ,,would not vote .:ria' wise r
warded by the Supreme 1'eurt as a eer-
rept prsetse•. The election in West
Nnrtknabafland will be a el. ae ens
ea •
that the passengers must buy their tick-
ets on the train, and those of them who' that the Grand Trunk nun:vemene willsw .nulla, arrangemest, and a,wdnct.--
at ince frame a new time -table that will! (n deshn� with theuutht of tl• ilahieth
wa•ttei return tickets could get thein at ex{tedite tnatten, ht uetertheless d (eel seit..l, Iw said, “It Was necessary to
L.iitowell. The drummer immsdtsNiy convinced that when the present deplore- have a good superintendent. goad teach-
biecondition of railway travel is brotsebt en "%
eels. ocen, a ,iuod supply if Bibles,
lad toward the coach, and the rent of el -
anaaered by Mr. John Echlin, who re
commended a change of the ordinary
routine of study by proposiu{ yuesti, w
to the scholars, to be answered by them
on the following Sunday.
Mr. John Thlltin,in his address, "Home
as an aid to the Sabbath Scheel,- spoke
of home training as an essential b. the
reparation of Sabbath Schou! work, and
the necessity of parents frequently volt
ine the Sabbath Sehont.
ArrE .'WH Sunni.
Tim opening ape.uh of the afternoon
session was delivered by Mr. Jos. Heth-
erington, subject "The Sabbath School,
• le organ asset suitable music books,
ra ,�ld snip aftera s*5fV waitiaz.t the knowledge of the puhlic, many a supply of helps ter teacher* and echo'
the train bicho to more, bpi it wit. only &he have heretofore been averse to the ars, such as ii.u%n.ra, 10.5.1n leaves, ate.
is that aft could admire Palmerton inhnnol»ne of Also a Weakloard, a bell, a tempsraotee
pledee, maps and post earls for teachers
to send t• aha*nt whole's. Speaknn4 of
the arrangement of the Sunday. tdehoot,
he said, in country schools wa are gee-
erned by circumstances, as it a not nal-
:pointe. The to Avrgptu 11x,.
Dom different stan• gine
shunted up and down until the pnwng•
its this wcatern section, will _ace the
ere' breakfast appeared like a myth, and queattow that thought whites it ntsdoubt-
Ih • lied for lunch time Finally
•'ll)deser •s and a hale thtnkm u{,r.n
Palmerston was )eft, but the Snail'• the matter will soon convince the most
speed made by the train wit a travesty 1 skeptind of th.* necessity for a change.
on railroad travel, It wit if 1 seeded in this, I will be asusliel
{ that try epistle in this connection has
Sial. af•iHT nas ant: net Vert not hien in ram, and now I will draw
lac had tt, t 1, .i wrs see F. Gowans- I my cogitations to a close, and Isere the
town, iwstawol, At wnoel, Ethel ot.) readers of Tug Shaval to take up the
other pwoiutm, for ire e•nld got off, make thought, and keep "Thinking, thinking,
his gala sod return with the latest Wows (tbiaking , D. Mtl.
from every Stopping place : hut the reeti
of us were of opiuian that then nib i
the t etgage car, and the re-
ways p.asibla to have etstything ono- the boys of the prereat duty,wlio tlwragkt
raniettt, and we ahould therefore make that they knew more than their to.+dors
the beat possible free o1 what we bare. and how the supennteu lent should trp
In connection with tate conduct of tae by pore to „rerp•ors, their conceit. bdmp
Sabbath ticlsoni, hew that fish- . M shies partiality, which w
bath Scheel papers should he handed to always stto.4ed with evil restate
A collection was then taken up to
defray the expense* incurred by the am -
venlinn. A rite of thanks Ives toseder-
ed to the che.ir foe them meows" in wise
inti, and to the Be.. Mr Tarter for
offioist•ng as chairman
The convention wa. then hrowght 1.6 a
sheet by singing the hymn uwtiilvd "I:od
Mew oar seb....1.- after which the bone
diction was pronounce& in tare Hey
Jaffe' tether.
K4•at•d direful net pit y, ps
the Hoechst' with the names of those
scholars who were to rewire Otto, so
that only one piper ahould bs. Keen to
each faintly.
Mr. liender•snn in discussing the sub-
ject, said, that `Sabbath School wort was
a progressive work, which he showed by
TUR NO11T11 H -RST TSGItJTt►R1X3, o•rnpsrinst the Sabbath tichool of tidy
e,rpa, in „
'Reinder of the c.arha formed the 'air. ('*mernn of Huron, nisi', an with what d wa twenty years apt•', sad
+ h hat ht ezpoel
the ptsmnt wet w try mag
funeral pretension. .it was modally s1ow. I able speech en the subject of the repos- ns the rotor:.
And here 1 might eice a pointer to the i 'irritation of the Northwest Territories in Re,. Air. Leaver prop sundeeld the
management t•f the road • if they eherg- I the House of Cemmnns There is no question as to whether the Naheath
ed by thin our instead o no h t d f by the mile doubt whatever, that as soon as there is Sobool 1*sr.n .heuld be road by the
they night be stole ter swindle the pit- la sof/iciest population m a district of
wagers even more than they do. Mahe- the Northwest to return a rneopber to
spears has Said, ''H• who steals ay Parliament, in emissquence of the pro
purse steals trash, lent the railway not visions of the B. N. A. Act, represents -
only lightens your wallet, but steals ti..us .houlsi he Riven, awl if there is any -
you time, 111 large instalment*, and 1 thing him the population to ....isiboine
rrmomh•r lb* headline in my old onps- I and Alberta, whish has hewn represent -
book in the way haste creed to ay iu a I ed, steps eu,ht to have beefy taken by
big, hold round hand, "Time if mice! the (luternmeat to .eeurtniw their
lest can never he expend rs(•med." After ey namberet and provnlc them with several
n*• on that eoca*inn 1 have name r•p r**emtati.w sure this. it is saves de
a IT Swett A srrttT tas>KI I I to tit. eenelesi•n that then wsa eon- "noble that there should he *dgoate
A *loos sevwtiny into the redistribution sidonbls wisdom uw that old homilies, espre matati n trona thew new avid
M11 of the Ontario gevevtmest fails to 1 loot half a dayon the railway he remote diatreta It is impeesiW. for
detect a rail 'nominee in the shape of a , tweets Palmerston sad Reuses!" whisk 1 penmen betels lar away from a sits -
gerrymander. {The Wiwi. 1 never expert to find again Even ad -
nesse sementommdressassis
er and the clans, er by the super's- This well known vualut died at Lis
teedsnt and school alternetoT• In this rwdence, Braehelaiun slum*, t)reenoeka
theta wa w
a dovun. and no debility on the 27th ult., after a )awgerine ill-
o war arrived at. new. • Arta bens in I:1014 .w anent
Rev. Mr. Turner thought it would lettere!
terty years ago, awl had leen tnvei)isg
advts*ble to have a "lock in the Sabbath ! as a frnfeassaoal oilier for twenty yews.
School. He *mhn5*d a series ..f programme*
Mr Win. Baths, superutlendsnt of the atter the style .d ths.er of the Kennedy
Nile Sabbath School, gate as address'on (Amity, in which he appeared se the sale
the snhyect, "Teachers preparation " He I performer 1lseae were .1111., esoeeafel
seed that teaehers should never attempt in 1478, whimin the height ot hes pnpu
to teeth • Imams, unless they were pre- I lardy.h. er••ess•d the 4tlantie, meiter
Par" par1. explain it rn re ways than •Mist tarn years travelled oyer the
..ere, as whole!. wars differently es.stati• foiled StelesStelesand Canals Bed Inatweed, and therefore 'meld not he remit- buineaee management bon *qua* to the
ed in the ms way. Teaeh•rs It -tumid eistal,s of his ntb
ash , on, his secs would
never attempt tomea without the at- harp hea lordlordliest' secs a. Asia was,
tontine of their sato sm. and that their he len A'aerie. poorer than whin es m.
del ..lased t:.aii..l mit respond win rived. His *mood wife and two child.
ren servive ba
deist always to adequately reedit. the' th"ir prnfotaietti .