HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-3-13, Page 8•
it F: It Ki 1 ' SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAR. 12, 18115.
Ales Young has gore to Flint, Michi-
gsa. on • bedtimes trip.
An inornenae owl was acct let week by
Jenne Meersekeu, w the 10th cos.
Jim he won the thanks of all the damage
cod damsels cit liutterttet Rue ter rid -
(ting them of this terror of the barnyard.
Mian Jane Chisholm la tisiuus friends
st Ktntail.
Thos. Harmon, framer, of 6ederteh
township, was the guest of D. Stirling
this week.
Moe. (code Young, of Auburn, visit
ed Mrs. .1. Clarke, of ('larssort fermi,
this week.
D. Chi/tholes, .4 Illinois, is visiting hr
brother, Hugh Chisholm, after an ab-
**0SS of some years iu Uncle Sam's do-
Waris, TowashIp.
L. M.:Brieu wishes t• return to the
Clinton Agiicaltural snooty for the pay -
meat t.f the price gained by his carriage
team at the (all sheen. The prize met -
meted of a due bite for $40, tart payment
on a Doherty organ.
The !Awing a the standing ref the
pupils of 8, 8. No. 1 Guderich township,
Lased on market given during the month
..t February. Part 2 Case. 1st. Massie
limn, 2nd Gen. McKie, 3rd Geo. bun.,
4th Harry Salkeld. 2r.d Claw -lac
('harletu Orr, 'lad John Bell, 3rd Lillie
McKie, 4th Bella Porter. 3rd class- 1st
Miry Salkeld, 2nd Eddie Blake, 3rd
Louie Andrews, 4th Minnie Bell. 4th
clam- 1st Funny Salkeld, 3n.l Charles
Orr, 3rd Maud Salket 1, 4th Robert
'."herr will he all of five hundred cords
tee wood cut in this sectiw► this winter
than there were last year.
V. Fisher is drawing atone with the
intention ut putting stone foundation
trader his barn, and having warmer sta-
bles for these Manitoba winters.
J. Allin has mord into his new house
on the Mau:and, and J. .1. Fisher is
towing into !t:v new on.t at Fishers'
REVIVAL AT Z1.14 CBt snit. The spe-
cial sereiees oonducted by Rev. J. Mark-
ham M Zion church still continue. The
work has been prosperous, fifty having
professed faith in Christ since the u:eet-
Ings began. The meeting have been
remarkable of late for their power and
fruit. The revival has been very nark-
ed in its effects, and further good is look-
ed for.
Mr. Roboratan of the Bayfield read
lost a valuable horse with infawntation
oast Wednesday, thin is the tecand horse
for him to lose in a short time.
John Reid, recently weighed his im-
ported stallion and it turned t ho mane
in the ueighberheod of 2,000 pounds. It
will not be three years old until the 1st.
of July.
Psaao'ALa. - Thorne. SIMpwn, of
Ethel is visiting friends and acquaintas-
.w*around Varna Misr Watt d Wood-
stock is the guest of the Rev. .4 E.
Smith, Varna, Mise M. Tindall. of
Rluevale,is visiting at Wiu. McClymeuts
of the Parr line Mies Maggie Foister
has returned home 'rim her visit to her
sister, Mrs. Wm. Forel, Clinton_ - Mn
Thomas Keys, .( the Parr Lane has re-
turned from • visit to Ler patent. st
Marlette, Mi.bigan.
Maitland Lodge I. 0. G. T.. 304, of
Auburs,will visit our ledge this evening.
and give an interesting programme. No
admission, but a collection.
Res. Mr. Henley, of Seaforth, preach-
ed bore last Sunday, to • urge congrega-
tion, and left a marked impression upon
his hearers.
It is remarkable that all the births
within ear hamlet fur the last three
years have been buy., and is the adjoin-
ing elaeken of Duulop all have been
girls. What's the reason 7
In spite of the severe weather, a per-
severing hen on Butternut Row has
brought out a Lrood of chickens. Wel
Mies Martha McManus has gone to
visit friends at Aibinn, New York, and
will 1,e absent for a few menthe.
Jo.. Melly has been on the Mak hot
during the past work .r two.
Pathmaater K. N. Shaw had a number
of ratepayers ,ahs bat turned out• week
ago, and had the pitch holes filled op
Sawlses don't stand upright now on this
portion of the road leading to the saw
S. Linfield hae rented the fano of
James Taylor for a number of years.
Arthur Horton and faintly-, of Musko-
ka, aad Chas. Weise, have come to re-
side with as again.
Toa Cease.- A fox waa shot Lai week
by W. Rtnehae. Master C. Stewart
while returning home 1r.int the bah re -
mealy, espied three racoons, and with a
Meet staff kllld taro. He ales captured
Um ether, and brwurht it home shoe as a
trophy of the combat Quite a number
0( the fair sex have been t., sea the cap-
tor*, and eongratnlate the mega.ror.
Toa Slu',aL will boson: to any address
fee the remainder of 1S81, for $1. flee
ar agent, er all at *dice.
The municipal awned of If ullett has
ols lard the nice little nom ',f $2,244.
B. t .rebill recently refused 12.3 for
• Week naw, and $400 for his grey
)iielta>d Bronad.•n has rented 100
soles d flea landed trtate of the late T.
yes., and will take p oeseosis. in time
fee Orkin work.
Wm Neon. sin of the willow Meat,
ea bead on an 100 arm
itlkilineot e( the estaatte of his deessa.d
flower I W O has soli an hie stank of
of bulek ow& lark mamma and has eiders
fele Mer 001e liensdred thousand to be
made most Nlasemer.
A tue.,rng pow., limpet: eo., . w •s
'held at 1.. ,►..own • tete ret. , .tpeG
All t' e . of rr.
prawn, J. to e• 'a
sender of $1060 for hw,.i.-,c( 16.40-t c
bridge and J. 1'e,• tee g'Cltl, or i u, at•
fag lima • rico rte • ere ace. pled J.
Attts1ey 1•• 14* pact $15 1,4 un.• „ • .t.
sed aptc1Dretlonr for , n.lyaa h2 m
Wee tut 1A64 rets itt. ' a. ,.,d,. , "• •s 1i -
ver end McLeod; Wad, r. 1.. r.., k s.1
plank accepted mai 1. tow. - T. Brie ,
6,000 feet at *.46 et 8•.•:•t.r.k hod . ,
and 6(I00 feet at el7Y at F" diub • •
bridge . Wm Hersh.: ,n, 1 4(10 f• .
cls at L.adeabor.. ; M Ilrarhwn,te i,UOt►
feet at alto 26 at Casre4l!ta ; .1 •nn lie. s
1.000 feet at 19.7$ at his ,•es. plse e , it.
11 Knox 1,000 cwt .t $4 :,0 at Knos
bridge, and 1.600 1.•.•t .t $.i 60 ala,
own twill. Tres..oer t., pay for amid
lumber un the urd.r of say W tate c.,uu
callers. Security to be monied from
any of the mai 1 parties if a•naiderol
Iles s ary Romeo woe ttranteu lease . !
abeesoe for throe usonths irum 9011•
March nest. O..useil a lI •urued at •ti
called to meet stain lay cat. k
Jas. Ru.Atrxwaltr, Ntrk.
$ocIAL--A metal was held on the
Methodist church, aihuppsroton, ou tk• -
mvenaseltbtr6tn tent. A Bury enj•.y
able ties* eras ii -by "the ynus
people of the vicinity The hkc.41 choir
discoursed sweet music for the ..cosalnn.
The proceeds Atnuuiated to $3.75.
A strong effort is being made let pre•
sent to break up the Iinein School re. --
tion here. The aso.etuent oiiIirat..1
tbrrutth tbedissatisfaction of a .tu,nher
who reside on the seeuud c.•ucessioi► an!
ate very inconveniently ,uu.t.d t• :
school t•ur1 •..r., especially at crr•.un
seasons of the year. when the run.leare•
bad, and it is a ditb...ult matter to get
thruu.h the stden.s.•• and ser..,. a. -
river. A petitwo lass been to up,whuh
has been quite aunteroosly .ague. ,
thuslgh it is claimed by the ,pl.nu
party that a number of these ristw.ter, r
were procured by misreprus.-ut..ta•u, sr: 1'
is support of this claim at may ten incl.
tinned that several .•f tho ce whew sari..
appear upon the petition .lgned ..n e
peewee that tale nee .cheat w.,u•.1 e.tl
pla.wal where it aie. id bevery c•ra•eu/eat
for them --a place which area d be .e.y
unlikely to be chosen by eta major-
ity el the prop:c cousprisen;
the new semien. We haw no
desire whatever to 61.0,14- an the tuaatel,
but perhaps we may ten pardoned if we
venture to predict :hat, an the event .1
the union being broken and a new see
tion formed. tl.,•re will be more dimwit's
faction and inconvenience tha.. thero aro
at present. It nl.•y u.4 be the saute par
ties as at preeeut who will ountptaiu, but
it is not unlikely tha. they will be geode
aapsertes WO, ter.•...
BasatA.µ, 1 .. 'd.... •t 10 .
A u.u•.>rtoe ••..0.10504 001p
1,,.umt. •.1 •Ie .t '1 o k ak i
giytw►ue Mew I on) • work, Haw- 1
and jatwUo . ! hive earls. tree,'
here, ua►d.,l , 1 call „irk res- I
rata: tors. •t It H e' riugtoa,
one st tip- ..mete a, eel e.
N Pratt, s.0 *NO. (•e, wore
611104. A hca ry III i•1ee sell
woe (doe. .... (....., ewtii.
Pratt'. i1..1 • t.....1 601) toot'
away ; 041, . ..ss ..ate .A!ek-
t u. Ma t►• a .. • .tae luta*L
(Hie or two pier. ..1 tte.a was'
th:..'.ty tr. *hand of Her
nry4ut. Prat. ew • . ern up ley
the mete alba street helm made
.Is the t..rsb b.:be vicinity.
Lod tile.n.siX0e0011.
l,ut:d••n, 1111 CI. 1s. -L(tnl
ha'. +soufur disuses op
the ground o1 hie a t1.' s newto ty
we dismissed e.dri vita ss.ta
again. t the pl. etifi Sir Jam..
Ifanneo ! r,stdrt:us.• him deci
..ion dec ared the respendonit
laved another awl censured her'
t..tn1ly for err "vie:: a marriage
with his laird -hop The •t -.sed
i aandy belorr merriest of Lady
Dturham, the •curt said, was
ammo tel
A Ain, 10010.040011104 .g a R
i'h.taielpbie, Mrr.:h 10. -At
the trial ..f Dr. reeh*nan and
Madame Russel t•.Iay far isau-
.nt boson mtd!ei.t 1i,1mila', the
tnadeine aware "'.1 1) attach
ed to Icer anew o» her lion
meant 'inwte3 J..wo." ltuch-
anan sae f••u,1d evilly at, Ma.
dame 412111011 waa ..,tutted.
Buffa'o phys.eraae are pu=led
ever the eras of !taw. '..hn hefty
whit After beat!( pra•p.ro.1 fee her
coffin was found t.. h.,.e life 4k
err b.uy, sad has remained for
t week apparetele incites, but
-basins iso si_us • da:.+•Wposi
Two Cants.
u IFH.AT is Ike A'olnftt resist Ng to 1 The poor man ie now on an salad*" oak lilw aishoo . + GU IZOT'S
e s far as Woks tine mower -ate/ "-Oohed Led I:apf fat, Sl. Lauf., i1 311/12•011T oz
f If.t PI' I' 55A N . s (i:ve a ran this . rind .- good hookah toad the --.. of grstifyiog it. nod FRANCE.
: •.t • ;iia 'IAr ily t til of uazittai a happy ataa. }•ou hate Linn fn meters with tbu twat tww-rety in , very 1 fti. ut r.tiptle, tII Night.
1 ,,ri xt of t ietdry, with the srfseat, t. len w itth L, fix• trtt(Ltraat, the bravest. u*J tie' staring CMr4tigar be a unfit' • o 1 u mea.
t...:. is cavo u.Llrxd h Jotlx liwtalruiL Email octavo, obth. gib
, 1 . i.b y litt}r. bucca. nitraya unahrbt{e1. i:t laz i 171". ;roulette. Prig+s. reduced
It 5'41 ♦' 1 ` y & L `aL • art to n.at, pabli•r .ovtvaj Tl in' include"
pt..vvt : i tor
o d.O/
I tTuliea ralleiof ware 1'tdt Loos. 1.4.
sm YYL 6'ar y fx•Y_f 'aI •f'u[M nr
• te.sb Ledo... •atria T 1s. 7n I kiwSs.. .. 5.ea MM w•wr
1 (r,. Mot a ta.rtt.. rL Ws .e . til . i
y.•ra i, eta etre n al teat sorts.. t... a..wr"5 !welt
q Mita riL .rot. i tl.natea r a•fN .rp.w lir.
IS a rruI1asaas 9a5.rW5t. 4. Ilr•lrh. Edman'
Y C11o•at a•areeteas a. Ras rra►*• . 1W Tye
74 lents yrM ,.
p ww Klaaa •e1M WYt... *. ant wi paws .▪ 4 A ..
a Q+r1.i ii lo 17 ts..r /sem i Ac v r1's't
titan ter. rs., W I Weber A 7M w.xf M•' "
3i r, r i r' O.aasL lsed.•w. . 1s. TO. > a 5 sten r. R u et. it e► .arw.s as eattlny of the• hiutary
x West 's
see. i
1 l{ 1 Ft aduw roc Mat r. ,ts. tour :.Weeetate. •t (rrta0oae6arese %' Krwttt•t•. :it neoes ttvt.
1K driest •IeN Oraat mar► Tia C ii•eMatatlrL J.r tenth.. b 4eliFad U 36.43., .. ... ye .
IL it. Cower 46
no The sow,.... ..... w •4045. or t 5»45m, r -,t 50,5.7 54tn•n. AfwiO. WrstrrW..... it M htll orf crtd►tun. fthen
Thin ie the only com-
plete Amenia& editionof thin work. wh1(ibknown ten the bent pupBear Weary tut Dann''•
-.lowrmol, Indiau-
sopilia, end.
H Olarasssm1W
wn: wasss.•,r a ea.r.q . Y415V,... tti..t yo,.a tF,.* tspe r'()ruleMerw.11 t Ates i i ' war•also. Tear yTian'warIP Ned IL1aa'•i ▪ I.i 405, Aaeetr .a 'tea qs» 1».•s.eweN T,a T. 0.1mu.wurest YbCtMe .
1t ra Wtdnr, 1 . abu..t ar1r ynre.r.r- e.!ed ,r1 mar aaadd/eet err 4,4 i...
tri.7MrareA1 ay..u. :04
fhMrsi.: uta•'Yo.alsy...ya..r"rime"• _'Mo..... µt1r •.r tb••rlas. •C a.'.ve.r. ar ttaNa.wa 31st J geed.;• tiro beftlre is u-
Styyss in tilt Ault • Ila y are
itrT1..sase. yyepa,errae 1iMas r t!rT uye u. C.[ear app Wvntaatr•ei.of.•f .waaatoftM Wei,.HaasHeistsrWaN•reraco :•hr•Icat At Id ca .e Sero. r1 at a.r'atster- aWtL mea and W0113312,herut
Ho Moral tWeeatlea limbers ol•.*esr k t0a •1rtfMta. Ta. fs i w e
.sten 5ee.om • fie Iso Cheat taros a 1r R art
historic- Ian A)tnml. 1t
rot Neat wretr. k 11• n.ttle.4 Mawele. i1 s d AL1. N. - - ter is as eharmfny(m a»y
it "Ngki*k I t:taere. TM Aar trot Naetavt! J ltd +tar of
_ lied w Manepps ton 8)19.1•. ... se a+ Ita6.ar•• r 1 trmtt.,tx. There is Duly
US ..w.// i a >k .mar r.•rgawa. taw A naso u,.la. d s.s i awdraw-back . . at
1N 5sovt 1 C.w. Tnt... iwNt -U. ntar - (.1fr n/ ,.., * r Walla '
ill mr*tinw Ica ctrw wont... . b M u.nrsat•. W A IINt M,ur - tlwofy tr yomsuwn• likn 1 •tlina:
tri Ts Libertyb loos) .prawn a- at !ways Dao. 14 I e H... .gal=" 1 1 h- rialli e.tt th.an'ik" 1titig
.r w-twirl•.••c.it: se :s 166 4tpsa[re. f1'• .. >tl P••rd...f Wa.na4t..•.. pumh:tet•. -- l;tpm.iarOra
• FOR ENGLISH SI:.f !I t: K1- In the 19;liet-ir ('lrnn'Ara/tta, Toratto.
•• f•'rtem Lie* pit et a
umeter. How Mr. Alden
can gine the eight vol -
01002', and titin on goat
.er, and akar type.
sat-luding the ►nultitud..
of tilwltri►tionia. is u
thing we have cipbe.ed
over, but we fail to en-
clendorwt it."-Chri::-
ifan Leader, Boston.
Ul a ser4,. loos
scut tar F'toe a•.Uln b tY T sl.ei .W tl d Uea.raas b
, lricieItt Classics labrar,. 1`his eerier. of brrot, condemn' u.iunta u:
the great Iitt.rtry N „rke of Greece and Rome has tak(•:t
lea place among the atandani anthoritier. The books ere admirably written and wholly adequate"
tit their eoholarship. Fur /owlish readers who d.•..irn ut+tuaintstime with the great works of antigwt y .
thio.. Leeks nay be recommended :la the very l.-4 within reawh.-The Cline/ion Union, Nes' Turf.
ties. d sad Ihisocats be••1sa 14 ar TN Greek Aetholevy.'50lt'Lid N•s.r+ 15e st Ta5ts► lt► W 0 10115505. ... He
Isy Na• V ea 0. Mn11. at arlssep1rar. . t. Coate. 5.. :i a...esel $1 vdweed WYforl..
5 La.rs'i 15r •1' a .•
ti i'l '0 . H. Itty. L. M War ra. Hy .•5 sad ...011004• s :.t R.6 -ace
amasurr .ran .
W aad Trees.. W. L 0.+50,0 rue ' Nero ale•. D t'. W. C'410. Lc t 51x0. 113 Camas W •',rent ..
9. tineas ►1 w 1. , 4La. 45r' ,.N.cb11•a., 07,ae01 Abs.reb. . Ile S! ♦rl.•...l.. e47s 5v Alla •treat. .,
`0100,,d40**. s.1 W. L. s . lM*a P.P. 'G :mops e. ss •t.r :. Orem 10, '^r t5' l .•ttK *t 0 I awdriee.,
4' .•rat. 1 srr. A. catarrh 51e' :'I N..u.r•.. 4ynn,/ r 0.1..-.405.. ts• 14 .•liven. Sr W 1-.:••.s. .'..neon
W /err. lis/ R. t. S. s Or , :T srr * Mei. lb M. L (4Mss lir •:s N.re.senw Ice' ,-. . aw•riw...
61 LitrtPM.'a a/ W.8 (lease 15e , :t TOLL Illy W.L. imams........... t+.• .::.'wear 14 AatMwy 140i44pe. ftc
COUPON r5.. c... era nwr.e u 1100 04 :o e.-,0 ear... Ur 1190 -!•acct IA Y,! LOG UR neat J1'e.. The beat lit -
t7; ,at .yur...y5•d sot 177. tarn a r t., u writ . aceta r..4y.
IGCEM7>i. r -,o e.u.,,r tarr..p.e+.e••• r,... -..r r+r. e+ T►.,.,t,t.,t.... t-ruun• of the* wort.' ot the lowest pricey ever known. Ii!Me►..
..r• ro-w 11:uar: ree..er.. w 1550*. t6. **,etre •.I..ru.aat •..dig.& brut for Ex •f!NI!CA TUFA- BEFORE PA FM ENT
nn reasonable a•tidenee of ,total faith. Ad.ln::. JOAN P. AI.I)P N, isolifiaher. 387 Pearl Neem. New fork.
GONTNifIPOEidRT OPINION. f 14..'. MCKENZIE A' Lekevtrw tarsi. los. brn. en tote 7th 1t sit *fie w.sr9e•-tl3t.r a - Mare. t•td. tht cede of H. 5talsaas. ur ar.. . 4rse.r.erN*s!. w4 . W.
m tuns.
In am township of 3uslrv, a: for twA d.sce
7iri annum* .)$ Tai 51.03"i ('A9ii. of the boder toolbar, on **rob Ph. MI5. lite
The tmeatufs at Ottawa have mood . Re.. Mr. Arbeeon. Mr. Alec. W. Yount,
Pay LidWt wn of Noncan Your g, 0.'5.. l•Mburtgt
stag little work but what is til a most so Meas Annie Love. third daughter of the :all
A.tcral.le kind. Their time and thoa7hts i HO!' 1.. Esq. of a oae7rd March. by the,
ax'. m.•ttly, ons might say exclwsvdy, Rev. kir. Anson, T. H. (:araaho.f, to lliw
taken tip rip with (l.v..rce cases, and tae old 54514115 itrntk0m tornserll of Laderich.
c.Igert roll the curious reve:atseas -r. __. -.
brought not in the way of buvtnew, lite Ne..stlob eta
.Meet rnura«la, under their tongues.
Their 'mirk is of itse f as ample reward.
They listen a'tth easter interest, they
fnitow ammo with a Ici.ureiy wkcitudo
that lets nothisat be lost. they question
with a certain familiarized intelligence
u•Jicate these they have been there before.
Porter's SUL While every man and mother's son ,.f
them "sighs and Iooka, as the and I.wks,
Mina Lasa Hillock is in a vi.it to the and siths trans," whether from regret,
'vile, a.nenT friends end relatives. enryieent, or repletion or a:: three cum -
Mr. F.ebesof the 4th con., alto started biked the record may no; say.--L.:.uoe.
for Florida for the benefit ••f his heal:.h.
has returned bag and ba;gage, his health "as.rrsolrtvz ciicR b 'Pie
having improved by the time he reit to
Tote Halifax H.rard -sots the fn:law.
Detroit, with the thoughts .,f eh-,uelats Ing( despatch.. which have passed ho-
of the beauties of the south. twee» Mr. O Mullen, of Halifai, sad
11 rrtyBodin baa returned from his the I),.m.a.:,n(hverr merit
trip, to the bone of his child19•.d' TIalifax. Fstf f(1i is&.-
flarry reports things dull on the other Hon hn C estigan, lliia In'aad
side of the briny wares. H. think. at Revenue, Ottawa
would be a fine epee fur some of our all Government protept in th.Cnsrta
bachelor friends to tale • trip over from action under Fcnruicsa Is.>gialauoa
Loins l :entp with nothing to d.. alders of saloon, hotel .'r shop licenses
A party of one hundred smart, well ruder1883 aatheritynser ,:f Liquor License Act
trouped, intelligent boys. of ages ranging( (Si;t An/td;, J. C. (I'Ii[r,; Loy.
faire 10 to 15 is expected to leave Eng-
land on the 26th ins.. under the aus- Ottawa. Fab. 2L
pices of Dr Barnardo, for farm and other John C. O'Mullen, Halifax
employment in thin Province. Those The Minor dealers onus: everc:ss their
desirous of engagine or adopting any of
these are requested to make early ap-
plication to Edward Duff, superintend-
ent, Dr. Barnardo's Home, Peterboro,.
Woe 0161teeasfy Treated.
Cot.4i•:3 Prater. L i . March 9 -
Carrie Bauer, a pretty i•et•,ry girl, who
has rec.nly been recent an a .amber of
amorous letters from all unitr,••wn ad-
mirer, appointed a meeting on Saturday
night with the writer in a secluded spot
whither she went acc„n:?an.ol ley her
brother in law aad met the man grow
proved to be Herman Hornberger, a pro-
minent citizen. Mia Saucers brother
in-law and a constable gave Mornherger
A severe elrubbin8 sed a wore of the
lady's woman Tremas thrUbid him with
brooms. H.rnberger 1. married. bis
wife being the daughter of • wealthy
retired merchant.
Lues. sows.
V5OSDI:r. I1,ose. -Some .,f t11,• pro.
dncta of TA, Lat•r.•.y It.-.: af..re fact
tittle short of :he marreinus in the era
of those who, remember bunks and prime
as they existed a score .,f years ago. TN.
Literary Yton.farl 'f kliate7.. described
in our advertising columns. is • stoking
example of the change which has cons
about in favor of the bo.1k-lover. The
Mashed at N'erlc, New Teak, won ohar-
*eterfxise the volume . "A wonder book
in more *eases than one The Mrs of
putting a work like this at only $2.50
per copy, seems preposterous , and yet
then is wisdom in it, for everybody wt:I
want it, end it will thea be the moans of
advertising awintroducing
t uigthenrrow-
baker is tutting fare/oil Even st three
prices the publisher melee n.• , pretence
of "philanthropic emote, but as. the
hook pays a god profit The are he
maks of a 100,pastedescnpt.ve ea.alogwe,
free en application, will sagely (►all forth
shower, of inquiries, and the further
offer of "Rooks for examination before
payment" mightat
10 *misty the inertias -
The publisher s addr ee John B.
Alden. 393 Peal street, New York.
Lindsay Ceding Club has wen the
Oee.ruer ihinearsTaniiard and Meda!
t'T two.- remarked farsor Hoedown
of Hackensack, to his wife the ether day
e be was reading his morning paper,
"that Pre( Fens." .f Laden says
!mein' is healthy es for stella
New that s jest what l oci
Mary Jane whoa we Ilse le& OW
Unmeant-r.•d wens floes iwo 6L"
Iftwpotted by 7.1.11boke from Harbor Mill.)
uuoaaliu. Manch IL ISM.
Mboat. a FAIL.1 hush tri► 10 w 00 01
Wheat. !red winter! 1 base u :it .r 0 es
What, l -print• 0 bush . 2 711 n 0 1U
Wiest. Wore ibash 00ee Der
Flour, Doll) p ewt. . 2 10 to 0 al
F1.ur, ,mixed, l cwt . 4 M 0 0•
Iilour, icons( bakers' 0 w' : a a 0 *e
Data. al bush .
0 0311
'.w.1 W . ..'0tm6Ot 00
Barley.1 bu.). .. .... 0 * b 018
Patinae*. D bust,....70 • 0 s
Hay'. 1 taw !s SO gr On (a
Britt. -. 1 • 0 16 .g 0 17
!uwpacke5' V dos .. .. • 13 to 0 10
C.use, 0 14 40 0 11
Sheets. 1 to. .. ... i3 O0 to a 0
1fhea, rton t .-'...-.•.. 111 61) ' 9090
Port. 1r cwt 5 :5 " 6 0
Wont . ................... 330 " 770
1114........ ........... 8N " 060
(Reported be Tsloeheae.l
Cusrolt, an► lith. I.
rat) 'obese per buss. $0 IS to 1400
Syria; Wheat per bash 0 :s to 073
11M4. per bulb .. .. . 0 3010 0 33
Psis. per book. .. ... ... . 0 to to 0 .`d
Barley. Der bash 0011. 00
i'Irk. per ewt.. . S 75 to 0 M
W BALL, A1:7M5W. grit 'POE
. the (misty of Berea. ttahe moaned
own judgment 1n ti..! matter They (roliedaUrtaceh p Otte County. Aidrw Visors to
should take legs' adv.:e as t„ the coarsecould not _tioe__.im.._e part ea ent :seal Pro- 1 OHIt SKtlx. l3E tEI:AL A1'C-
eeedinge wh•ch ought mans
they s5 ouid p.:-ru-.. The ll a:,tomes. a TI(1\LYR and Land 9slw or. uodrrieh.
Ih.', chain►( had eon.i4erabl. experience in
(Signed', Zoos Casrmate.
1;5r •setioneeriag trade. he u in • 'wanton to
divest -ire with 'horo:tgll satisfaction all cum-
siu:O0, emenaced to him. Order'. left at
Martin's hots!,
or loot by mast to sty address.
tfode-ich P. 1)., carefully atte.4.d to. JOHN
iXOX ('14101• . uth.nerw. I113-41
Loans ant insurance.
A (11x► per cent. Private hada.
A Oletreater, Masa- despatch says
1be 6.hinz scheneer Solomon Poo .,
with a crew of fifteen rams, is fovea up
as lost The crew trciudeti CAI. Mc -
Padden. Caderwald. On:, act/ fear
othersLe.born. b John Knox, auctioneer, at WINTER SERVICE
A:*o agents for -Credit rew.tar.' y
t+kA08BR t LEWIS.1 o'clock .tri. 4n 11'
Coterie , March Sob. Mi. - Iso* 70th, 188,. The farm will mien be 4Sar- , .A3 .Ow
1 =___ _ _ WO TO WAIS. APPL1 TO d for rent nn day of stale -
rh B i'A9R IIiI D C 11 N (' P i• ? k `Assault *tul.T tCAMiGiw OI, 17* Aootinn ale of hem stock and i n' Ie `Wllaire of )1411 Steamers
Read My Special Announcement on
First Page.
Cheap Hardware Emporium.
Aentasm acne
Al: parties.rttia. their sale be!ls printed at{
VW oak* Will get a tree r.oti.,e iuserted to
that tut aP to the 1100 of sale.
Auction ale of valuable farm proper-
ty, being the north -cart quarter of lot
No l: 4th nen L D Township of
*Afield. co...;iaing ti0 acres,at Martin's
hotel. (iodericb, by John Knox, auctwn-
ret, at A3 o'clock-, noon, on Saturday. R f) Y A L MAIL STEAM 8 H I P S
March .8th, 180"5.
menta, the property of Abs. Gowan, Int
Aucticn ale of farm stock and nmol.- CABIN1INTEROEDIATE 1TEERAAE
11, con. 11, Coil ,:le township, hear AT REIIUCRD t;ATtrt.
--- : p Wednesday, March .
tca • ! LIt 6RPOUL-W1,DOIvDERitY-f t r
ono P11ystetta, Aaseeon A.vwarh.w.
I a , att term.rly oa,.p:ea by Ire VNLY Tips LSSD.-A LRG E
. te11hu.w1 TJttlf0011!f 5.. tle>OUno 41.n1 - ---5 aratq tr TA .tunt
Inn's hotel. 1!m- at fewest riser en frstelaas ii 1 !1. Apply
B. WHITELY. M D . C dila, PHY-
01$ft [AN, Surgeon. Arewieh.nr. ete.. M.
(;. P S.. tM4r,s. (..ti•» --The llg.aar.. tt doors
lbw of Wilson's Drag Assoc 1111 stairs. row
(200$. coroner to .►an• all mold.***
arum Mont. swoon doer wast of Victoria
Street. ►Al.
Paywc.ans, t ergertns. Aoc eoaMs. 10r.
aM4» at Dr niaaaoa's roodeser. sear ore
pot Uodanek. Si. C. ataatenaW, J. C. Hart L•
toss 1:14.
p4!Mwatmeft .b
eto ear! t ell 110en
1 Heads Inn
1MW raw. b.tpsW .s erose as
piper wit sope%teip"aw000
Use and est sawtedes sad grit pica
Proprietors 1 t
>110'00os-UanMb Ill, *oat to Rosier"
on Fara and Town Property at lowest ht.
Woo. rt rtes par(•basat. a Commission
rbergrd. l'a5rey.ecln; Fees reesesarie.
Y. R -Borrowers eau ttlitata mosey is 5e0453
If tele i* s.ttstactor'y.- DA V IOO?. t JOHN
1T1►'t Barristers, etc.. (Dederick. 1111
Life anld
d Aecast insurance Aseat
It-pre*t Sag 6ntclaascolopunes. AMomest
for tae ('
alarva STOCK 1'ta'R•*ca t'o,
155007 to teed Me Mortimer. either is Tow* or
Parrs Property. in ray way to snit tae barrow
ee. type. -iss•eteirei Ha•'a block lidewtee
To lend on Nem and town property, at low-
er! Internet. blert*a..r purchased. No com-
ma/MOO rhargoi agents far tie Truman./ LOWS
Company sof ('oseda. 110 Canada Landed
Credit (`omaa*1. the I.ottdon I.san Cowp*Ry
of I'aorta. tater!,.. 5.44 •1A 7 per (tow -
IAL 1. Rorrewera ran obtain wowey In one
day, if title sat
DAit5J10'. s OIRS TON.
/!10- lamsrere. Jre(]ed.r,rb.
4:IO,Uea ros'r.
rne eu1 y am. money at O per (vat.. pay
se Ire•eta.. tars security.
Apish to
t:AMRRO31. 4101.? t ('AMEIIOW
Monts for the Tomato Ostlers! nM level.
15.00y. . (.11111&(.11111&110‘.anv. HOLT 10 ('awa*On alive
aga t*rge a *. t .f prorate tee&a to leas
5eoloWeb. Or . 5 tl 1011110
j N$UL4OCs
w. r. root.
Aapr. ! 4e wade?(, .Ii grime 4e.mt, s.1
I and.. tea ( Kytas011p'1g
TO. -- Nation 1. 0001. lshd ora ITM
T7. 'toad -is. Mend,' oke oats (' 5patt,
keoseod u 1..48a0 pinto glom. I. the
tsT o e!o0,'• sac an 15)0.cast and old *Mab.
1_ 0afrw M Woo roles
(1•110016. Doe.11t1, coq Ohl
0111so VedLFili.
mans, the property of Wet Rocks, lot
10, con. 4. Ooderich tnwant•ip, I. John
Ktiwai_ 1 o iolue . p.m. on
friday. M6 g ►t I
TM; ran OUT
From Portland.
SARMATIAN. Thursday. March IPS
No Steamer from Fbnlaad, March Ms.
$teq,rr from Pb s.,&
PAFN AW/itllli. tad
Ne t►e
SARDINIAN. Tbe.wday. Apra 44th
No ►11eaaser (row Portland, April And.
• SARMATIA>v . Thursday. April 3011.
Wit train leaves Uudench on Tuesdays. at
42:4 o'clock.
Saltines al Mail :iteamers
From Haliiti.Y.
P1RtIVlto .. . Mata# 14111
CiRCASSIAN April 811
SARDINIAN..... . flab
Also • WeUJleMcte4 Mock of P100014N Nth
VARNA/14N ... . ..... ..... ... May Ind
FRESH GROCERIES Leat gni. leaves 0.dertcb ea sWearoaa.y;,
at Ilia .'bines.
k CANNED GOODS,' a Jo,epseeo4,dbig t?ar ear pleads. you oar
at tido 00.M... air= from Tiactataeis.4 to w
*Iro(►ana. /reuse. Germany. Swedes aad
GEO. H. i*LD, the Spasm, Grlderich.
Ja.. lath. 10SS.
srwM_kv. no& roll prenuottts*e hr tie sowon
Steerage $20.35.
Livwpook ,(31aaQow
Bristol. Oardilt en.
ren a 1 i.bamod a
IItsall, apply t. t
AMI Ansa Lies.
O.Mtea. Nares Ht1t Mat. G'
gra «rortlarsd • .retes lig w std. WOUkAMOI eA1D.
Clover 4' Timothy Seed
(bwised Orgies, Rai Tap, taws Drat,
' iteat, Peat, Oats £ Batley,
= pss4, G.*sd Oft Dem Maws& sod
imd. sad W *...rept..+ sT Darden
ft will (ray tree M Dive r a toll.
aalasR$os Street, Qtd snob.
Asinine. 10►r. tall 1001 tis
OREMstir. 00'1.
1701. • • ,
•^'1. t•• '•'.•
tl* scenes/ 9s1as 0p
77•Optl ,taus
Ooa.r'sa tqt