HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-3-13, Page 44
*Si •••••••••••••••••••• 4141111141•.•-•••
N EWS ABOUT HOML { Jam.. Rreeksottidaw'keara.te
, *aid a beard, sd'quiek as a I OUR TOWN FATHER&. Ofiriv.
tee for a few weeks to armlet w the Wit a- Stab threw of the dm tag Asia, thus
w--tl t tsar Tras.pared a the lessen woo" I Mr. Macklin is *tiling to trot h»
♦n' faith ►s11 *rent it." 1 H.
'A elders ye, tans' sets. Inof • dew st we et that aspiring tillage. &tortilla a fatal accident W e are gad 1
law Ort ageism Air. i1u`•taiiee biota
He u well puled uu groceries 4, say that Mr Fut a noes none telei , asst rental togas.
pre torr Weal r':dr. The Parkhill aaa
s. 0 Perry, v a h h
?GFR TO A N 1► u+ Kaasuu Subtler ben r 1 uuaul was Jed dot as i+eau'
W*Mst aewtag machine o.) sad secdlos at
Imdess book store.
Nes CMS mammoth S• , 1.. and I0e. c sere ice
looks at inure's book store.
tame use wurpares, drawing books. sod all
ludo ofsahall supplies cheapest to town at
Duarte** book store
if yes want • cheap, styttsb sit. call on
Ma ciermsa. The superiority of hu earu.rsis
is acknowledged by all
Felker Nortlegraves "De ply w Isi•trls.-
tut pebliehed. i'ap• s 7S cents. cloth $I..
Fol sale at Isarte's boob Pore.
KwrIC5. All personssndebttl to the Ona of
Itucha5aa, Law.' a• !Whitman. are request
.4 to *title their amounts at uses, and sate
o ata
M to H. -This t+ the month when young
wad old *Roulet %tan h to George ewe arta f.N
their photographs. Suw..-swr lu ll 11.
A set:dress d nun has .n sdvsn.age
as Ulfdreeted nus. b•.tb at Mina • and abr... 1.
Get your clothes made up by . ! A 1'r.e-
barn, the fashionable talon,
Tk.C$Lae.- ,bums dont lake to gel photo-
tfrapked during the freckling most b. but Mal-
lows le prepared to take Orsi -t lass plat tares all
the yell around. He u humid to gate sal.*
f lit. Thomas spent fawn i worse ur w t►g t sgesewae. ---
wauta the merits u1 the reepoetit* epi•
Thereday 4. Moodily in towel risiun. re- 'oil 'hs regular tomtits); the . ,polo m tl at ss gar y a e
lathes and friends. lie appears to b.
popular with otd aogsaiatataw•
Moore. Jam= and Marshall (Ionian,
w&...1 our respected townsman, D. Gur-
don, are J•rug a fl.ortahtug busuera ec
cabinet wakes in Kamloops, B.l'.
Mrs, Jet, nes Mts. l'tllar, who bas
heel. 1eetaiing some .Innnth% at the rsai-
dence o1 her uncle, Fiances !introit's, has
retorted to her home at l+:intai.ow
We are phased to 'visit Wm Hutaht-
• 'n cenvaloccout. Hr had Imam pr o-
trated with Sri Atteek of aneautmtatiuo of
the lungs, but is now able to be around
J...nos S:ewart, engineer of the Har-
ts r mill, .11. wee l.adly scalded .'n the
leg by e•capu.l .t15ul r.eautiy, IS Still
suffering pain John McCallum Is ruun•
Intl the engine an the :ne3nti.ue.
WALL VAran. An :esp•ctien of mJ stock
is is.ite4. 4'alt and sea 11,& newest desiar,.s.
Ates ma hand. cheap. tris and mature tw..l:.
for children. Mao. Coosa, liar,! School
Hook Depot.
Reaahfy year homes. ead mare mosey by
buyteg year .wall payer at Saunders' garbs)
Mare. !Gemini parser paper at 1Sc. per roll.
INoisg, sitaeae and bedroom papers at M •*
17 et,. per roll. Kitchen curer rol& S eta. par
roll. The cheapest house under the esu.
MOUTH *NU INUTnt (Trull Rooww. H) all
somas swat shorthand. PUmsu's pbnno-
1=v ia ale must popular style. Thr
ter.' lir: "fie M.nsat. Sar. Icor
at Tits 810,1aL of5te. A cheap and useful
Present for an intrttistent toy or girl. tic-
ttILLtCtnuT Rees..
No train on Monday nicht,
Neat Tuesday will be St. Patrick's
Mian Kate Dancey a visiting at Sea-
Mia C•asasdy :s still alpined to her
Dr. S. J. Fritter, left yesterday for
Archie Hod,e, of Toronto, liar in town
this week.
Mies Jessie Eines has an attack of
quinsy this week.
Mr. Crean, of Stratford, has been in
town for a few days.
Miss Eva Ausehnxok has had • erten
attack of rheumatism.
Capt John McPherson. of Litckuow,
was in town last week
Geer2e Hudson has been laid up watt
a l.etere attack of cold.
John Edwards .hipped a Large mum
tity of perk this week.
Mn. John Wilkinson arrived tales,n
list week from Toronto.
Win. Hunter and 1,.s sour, Miss
Hu .l. r. are ab..ut to return W their
home at Manitoba, after speeding the
winter ,n•,nths at the residence of their
father, J •1d" Hunter, Huron r ad.
I'AT.I,•* a DAY Li.en'sL. On
Tuesday evening nest masted v.sper
will be h,Id in Kt. Paten church. and
R • Fr Kulp...1 Dvelale, will deliver
a le. tore un "The Day We Celebrate."
Admission 255.
whew, time has expired are urgently to held ins Friday tattletale hall, March Gab.
quested W sena ms the cash far the cur-
rent year. These who have continued
taking the paper from the port Guile
Mice the hast of the year ee iest° there
by that. they desire to retrain eon our list,
and we feel loth to cut them ... We
will begin to revise our tailing late in a
week or two, far the purlieu of remov-
ing the name, "f all in arrears. \Vit
hope our frierda will accept this notice,
an.l,hy sending in their subscnptions,re
leve us from the necessity of striking tiff to barbas repairs, aktnt that the
,hair names, and sending the accounts matter my attended to etas early • date
into our uuleiton lauds Lir collection.as possible Referred to bath cons -
Renege Dupre or Jails Bose. -News nom,.
wail rweelved on Friday last, mf the sod- I Cbtmun.cation front Royal Electric
den deatn at Galt, .4 John l: old, drug I Light Cu., Montfort, its referred to
giat,late of il.Nl•n.h. He had lweu suf- public works committee.
forint fur a lona title with distrewng 1
Cwemu...isttoo from M. Hutchison.
Petty thieving hu again broken out in
tows. lost week the vewtpta &treat
skatintrttink waabn•len tato ansLa num
bet of pairs of skates stolen. A'quarter
•d beef was a1sa filched from Get.. Old's
Look out fur '*m.
Srattao Assure.- This court sill often
n.. N ...day, March •"trd, before Judge
Cameron. W. Lnunt, Q.C., will conduct
the business of the crown. There is a
heavy list of criminal cases, two of which
are rape, and the civil list is not likely
t.. be shall.
Rer. John ('anon had a relapse last
week, and his compliant took the form
wf rlafl,oemlwt►un of the lungs. We are
gls.l to state that he is now able to leave
hie rosin. His pulpit was filled on Sun-
dry morning last by A 'McKibben, and
in the eteniug ty Thos. McGillicuddy.
A gn-i veered Lucy Ifuckstep,daughter
of Th. a. Iluckstep, was "ha<ging on tee
sleuth .u1 Wednesday lest, and slipped
ME The runner of one of the "hobs -
passed over her la}. brutton:: it severely,
.'hen1b not breaking the hour. The
injorv, however, is of a painful char-
Co4TR.tcT Lae. -- The contract for
building %hutnment. toL•ndeses ro' bride
was !rt on \lunday by commissioner
Havre to l' a urge Kidd, of Ezeter, for
$3,250 There were bye tenders, rang-
ing as high as $4.530. These allotments
Members all present except Hem it
and Cameron.
Treasurers Estancia for February
was read, s1uwuog a balance of 1.'u:).45.
Report of seams* of cemetery fur Feb-
ruary was reed, laminae 'lumber of in-
terments aa fullewi : adults, 5. children,
I22. Filed.
tirastltitu- Abs. W. Yuung, eldest
sun .f Gordon Yuen:, on Wedueeday
last, took wow leitusslt a life partner. in
the penult .•f Miss Annie Lues, third
daughter of the late Huai* L*,e,ssf btao-
ley. 'rbc affair t.a.k place at the reel -
duce of the bride's mother, and the
halide was the recipient of many caluat.le
A Gomm tniution was rec.:ved from spreMuts. The ha.':,y pair left fu: a trip
the Mmrter of Mertue,e&taws, with le- "sant'
Path Norah, jr., has just r.turued
(roar tiagiaw, Mich., when he l:all been
spending the winter. He has brought
with haw a torsi class set ..f (•oxieg
gloves. and purposes ;;lying lemons in
the manly art ut self defence. Pat urea
secured from the llamas the lower Gat
t their hall and intends startle* at *nee.
His evenings are Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays here, and Mondays, Wed•
nude). and Fridays in Manchester.
attars s .:f asthma, and was xis.• tr ,ubl stating; that he had !eat 100 ma. of dour
with his heart While dressing on Fri- , at ee -1. Nairn s store, to Le disposed td
day morning he suddenly dropped deed i by tae relief committee. Tratiska
In his mom. 1144 was about seventy J. W. smith tpedered l:.s reu5ltatiel. i EstartAIatsLNT. --On Friday, the Gib
years of met, and for many years was alas tire Tertian. R, ftrred :u its: cv:a- • inat.,teal a very sucasesful literary and
mitts. e
we'd known 6iure In U'.vlerich. Thede
award being a membermemberber rel Maitland !I 1•etitian from Ales. Kirkbride sad W. I rniyPr•sabyterienrtoteltai(uittdsyuweut schwaoolgiven of Smbyithth'i
Ledge No. 33 A. F. and A. M. , Bro. here. Mincing ap(woiwtIDeat M en• I Hill. The object to view was to raise
McD. Allan left town on Saturday for 1 eiaeer, inwand Jae M Gilham, 1e- 01ep•y to purehuo beaks and 'soon
('salt as its repreeentAtive, and attended signed Kirkbride was appointed. 1•:e';.. 1 r t'.0 school N e are happy 10
testa Waet s -mu ole e,
"Y.*Jlt Dudley Galled the eow1.
"'Remit t Dudley i" shouted
d theo Work.
"%eau. Dodley, t' cried the eatekeepee,
" Iosult DsWey r howled the depoly.
"Aaeslt Dudley !" shrieked the poem
matron ; sod a sat voice ens beard miy)-
tr : "[lied any ,w* rill Ytrs*It Dudley 1'
{Pittsburg (hnwwb.
P. Carroll, barrtster, of Sesforth, wee
its town during the week.
Mrs. Wilson Salkeld has been tasking
her purchases at '1'.•rne ,
Miss Frances Hutson is telephone op
orator at Imrie's (central).
Mn. Christopbereen is the gout of h,•1
brother, Mr. John Ditlor.
A number of our young lute pnoisee'
leaving fee Texas next week.
A. M. Polley left last wed, with •
shipment of heroes to Boston.
Miss Mullen ietu:ned lost week frau
her visit to fettled& in Loudon
bliss Tussis Kidd. of Dublin, is the
guest 4,1 her stater, Mr. Rvag.
I.:verge Quick. Hawke SL, has he.. 1
suffering from a revert attack of coli
Mr. and Mrs. Thoth, of Montreal, arta
the guests of Me. and Mn. Hetchis...t.
W. Il. Diekenn. lawyer. of Brnanels,
Wag 411 town on Wednesday wee businwr.
Miss Jenne McCormack, of Bract
fiord, is the guest of James Reid, her
The Mises* Macara, have returned
from their visit to friends in Toronto and
Mies Jane Salkeld has re•nrned fr.10
her visit to ser slater, \1n. 1_ Miller, at
St Helen's.
Theehildre::'a niatinee at Harrison's
roller rink is very attractive. See ad
vert moment.
Charlie Smith, eldest son of Mr.. it
R. South. has a position :n i wholesale
house in Turoul,,
Rev. Mr. Broley ••f Seafotyh, preached
in North Street Meth. dist Church, ..n
Sunday evening last.
Rev T. M. Oretplell preached anni
versary sermons rn the Soiferth Meth,.
dist church on Sunday.
Mies Kate Wetmore left for Hamilton,
on Wednesday last. where she Intens to Tway "Swiss" ....oar. -A note iron 1
atend :t c•,uple..1 weeks. Edward J. Brown informs us that the I - The regular annual meeting of Knnx
the funeral which took place in Torer•tu+ Samuel Sloane was ;'r'$utedareinissio.i may that :he ob.eet had it view was
on Monday afternu,.n.
N.eaaow Ew AtIL- Early on Friday
Orton were awakened by Will of the
of Liam in tensagneats of an error'. alta: ued, a '.argn sum of money tng t 1 1 hate. •i wltn tlefsLs. waNyt uu •. borne+,,
A number of accounts were received realised. The programme, which way a I ear,. ate ueen4 h,r r1r. (Irr.111 (w' 1ct a •
was canned out sJoltessfnlly• notate rue at a rea*eeaLle rate. Appl)
• ' to t. .t. . r tltl;lt
The thaws tominatee reir.•r , comas
hew Adverttm1 t5nts Tale weigh.
Notice 11. J. C nwdtrat.
Notice itr. Mcflunagb.
Alvan Lima H. Arwstruag.
Woaderfut Vales - J. C. lietlur.
Horses for Site Mea INaaakh•.
Weeder Hawks Joh. d. Aider.
ltecbasies' In.ltate- Alex. Ilurtus•
0udertch 1tu:'rr Mak- J. C. Itarrir.a.
apeclas A0,,uawcemeet- U. W. llcKeeels
.V1.- 1)em.-•. t)dlor and residence. West
*fret throe •lours below thank of Montreal.
leads rick
She People's Column.
ewe ou. All soomtia•• Rot
, pal I(before ourt (1411 f Aor ppril will pwUtt.ely be
seed. J. A. Sit 1 N e 11.
Carlow, Mento 12, ,lith ttlbi X
IMKAAft have bene placed to tbs Div 1
ttaurnirtbt last the awakened
b 10111 14 0.a telerrad.5 toance committee. lona • nr,
t wenn- It ted oil an ad&we a Manitoba
N 4 Kt - ,'oder . h
children getting sick, and vomittinl;• mending the payment of the foi#uwing; by the nee. 11[r: ("arearon;-nt Dorman t)1 II;E .1I L I'EItS•.NSINDIUM
Mrs Careen get up to to his aid, but accounts, wu road and adapted : Star, nen, and of readings, reeitatemis, leaf• I N t t to tar e.eaee er ire lila JOBN
fell to the floor as she reached the bed- PJ; SIGNAL. $5. f': R. W. McKenzie, gees and music Judging from the Ct)oI p: Mantes Court Cterk. 1�mrmmpas*t.
nem door. A daiighter who followed 1 1'!7.02; J. W. Smith. i2e; Sils:.y \lana• splendid order and hearty bursts .•t ap- are hvrrby untitled that the a b 1'. eel -
lecturing Co., $8,30; do .1177.9,;: It rause we would uy the audience wet, with the endrrwgoed �
Tichborne, 7:,c; E. Graham. 1115 30; S. I heartily satisfied with the literary treat
Weller. 11:1: J:ta. Doyle. $4; C'. Crabb, I that was provided aur them. The ,west
an t.. he built with w ,lees to the araC- decoraterns are second to Ilona Capt.
ti.. a of All iron superstructure. Rhynaa, although one of the yuuugest
rhe Sorgeons'.1 the Ontario Sant.r-
ium, Terme., the largest medics; esseci-
stien In Canada, will be et the British
Kzehative bier), Goderieh, o11 Satarday,
M.re1. 21st. where they may be consult -
e.1 free of Aerie- in reference is all du- ,•C,wraatxlotc So better or more
ears.. 1 a chrunic character. Thar,.: sur- rekable index of the volume of business
gr••.IR are all resider,'. of T•:r•,uto, and transacted In a Gown or village an be
ha a cru connection with shy Yankee given than is afforded by the revenue of
institution .4 the port office of the place. Taking
CHRar Til .1.11S. -Fare trent Goderich Mas we a basis, we and that lietaforth
to Great Rrriatt poly $20.S3 by Alien elands seeond in the county of Huron.
Lo e_ Reil to Wtnnrpett $_'O.IY►, Neche By the Postmaster-+:enenl's rep at we
.ad Dswsor•, Dakota lb 73. Finn et- notice the revenue of Goderich w 115,033;
Bunion train leaves Goderich \larch 19th Seaforth $4,471, and Clinton, $4,006.
12 2e p.III. for Dakota., i[arutuhs and But, (:e.derich, being the county town' a
Il,iliah Columbia, low tate', th111107t anal deal of the revenue of the pot
s • *ping cars go..4 accommodation. Pro- otr-cc in that place must he derived from
alar • tickets and all information frau official correspondence which really Jodi
H. Ard.tr ons; City Ticket Anent G. T. not represent business d. ne in the teen,
11 paestoffice block, GuderidL so that in a purer). business paint of
Tier fiederich branch •f the Church of i view we are justiC top acing •uta
her ale. fell. Capt. Green called out to
another of his girls to strike a ma:cb,
but it refused to bucl. He then thought
of coal gas, and hastily throwing open a
window, gave aid to the prostrated mem-
bers of the family. It took about tea
minutes to art Mn. tureen and the 1111
revived. All the others were quite back,
with nausea and violent headache. It
took a day or two to wet rid . f the effects.
The accident resulted from neglect to
corer one of the holes un the lack "f the
stove. The all was just close enough.
The Detroit Fr, •I',•ru gives the fol-
lowing send off to one of our I lederich St. Patrick's ward, fl. 9; tit• George S,
soya : -"Manager Bulfard, of the 1''lion $10; St, Andrew s. $17.50.
Steamboat Company,. has &elected the The reeve gave notice that he would
men who shall
e to
care .4 the tl ratineintrusted h
g property ender his fire limit e tmeeting ramend
1 t• * , fer redeems; within
tawnarrement this season. Among the smaller space the lire limits of the turn.
changes it will he noticed that Captain 'owe di cowbell wet hie! op the quee-
Robert Ithyame 111141 been pr.muteti to
the command of the finest steamer in the
line, the Nyack. Ever since coming out
the I.ysck has been laked upon as the
hest ste*:uer it. the Lake Superior buil-
nest. She is 15115, substantial and
swift, ane her cabin arrangements and
12.30; Ge... Grant, $11.5"3; John Mc-
Callum $:1C Rowell A Hutchison,
interestia;; event of the mutter was the
presentation of a geld chain t1 Maw Glen,
art/gout of the church, to whom mere
]lay. Ito. and all versos*
against the said estate are ales rags'5 5l to
.sod iu a .tatemeal of their ••:a•m•.
It. J. CItAWFOND. t ):ucwtwrs.
Dungannon, March '1. lSYS. WNW
$2 62; A M Pulley. EIA sDR ARU ,,HARM - oft
warden reported the following than any one else• is doe the succees of it/ and arca, tt.aok• ate laic tmthear
The rare utas+
ba eft:cera of the lire brigade for the en- the present entertainment. TI:. chain ;..rel owed parn.nat.•e. ito t.. s.4t naris u• do
suing year : J. W. Smith. amt.; ; ,'has. a all work in hie lase in a snperlor manlier.
p was eceamladsed by the iw.ow►u;( I Priers to snit ire hates, hat mates ei.et. for
Bates, let lieut. ; Geo. Smith, 2udlieu, ; 1 apuxtthi: bulldisgs when rrqu:n-d. 1517-ty.
E. C. Belcher. sec. ; W. Kirebride. tress Tu Mi )bile,::■ aug.-W, the
Adopted. ltfemberssad adherw,.•f Sm'11111
Relief reports were ...l, showing Preahytertan ehureh, dtsesire en atbtshis WG
amounts expensed daring Febrsary to be: i *Aragon to eznrres to you our sincere sred
masters on the lakes, has earned furhim•
self a fist -class reputation for careful-
ness and good soalatlship. and is one of
the most popular masters am the idle
Superior trade."
heartfelt thanks for the raloaLte seri ices
you have rendered to as aur • cuncrtttat ion
for the past ten years during which time
you have faithfully and ettetetitlj fulfill-
ed the important duties of organist. As
a alight mark of our appreciation 61 year
s5r1ices, as wall as & token of the esteem
tiun .•f relief grouts, which was refuted in which you are held by es, ae beg- id
you to accept this chain, with the prayer
that Ged may long spare you to wear it.
W. ask His blessing upon you in what
ever sphere oioofe you may Ise placed,
and we 7 -ray teat when you are dome
prai•anr Him here npon earth you u ay
.ams el tM aw•lne*. War at tke aetea
to relief committee.
The council thou ai;•.urueci.
aauar. tin the angelic choir above, and stns;
His praises throughout eteruity. Signed
The D• seluien (:rouge met «t Turoute • oil behalf of the cw: ,tion3,1•Itt E. Mot:•.1+,
Ise, week. KATZ Rhin.
The temperance r a+tai!tee brueght its' Car:.w ,Marsh Lib 1885.
a retort reeommeudiug all fanners to
vote for the Scott .'act. and to do all in
the.r power to see that its provisions >Q111271.
were carried aut. \\'lien tt had been _-
carried t: a majority of the counties in • Ty,. ufBa.rs orf Court Duderin, Nu •41:, �titat,•e. and serrate. Yrs"
Canada. the ruvernrnew should be naked lc. U. F. , were to Gederich on Tue:eday Ttrelve tikare t•1eWsee it M
•o Sas a [u! [Wing law :or the Holum. , rTl: 1u.'4. led MA-ruNKS e% gAn•n .v Ar
p 1' i 1........ week, and Eon their drug. lneu• trI•a,N,N. AdwlwMt, tea•., on-lading.kates.
i0a`. posted. Kvsry gat► awe gat• s prise.
foe committee on tranr.nnation and 131tAN0 PARTY NEXT WE• 11.
I Week before last a number rf the Stilt .dates to the �tetamaelsalwl
.An usements.
RnOM, cur. ad goat street and Square lop
Opi frees 1 tell ►.w-, asd from 7 to to p w.
Lesdi.9 Ilsily', Weekly owed IUo.tveted
1'urrr., Mapsawes, (c.. ow F -le
granting free use ea 1. brary and Itesdlsg
Arp::cation for saemtanbip received by
Libraries. 111 :coma
010. (tt(F.. ALEX. MORTON.
free i des t. Act re t ary .
Godeneb. March Mb. MIL 15. iy
Thee ts.sioaa I d p. Heir /ftimmow•t
Mornlnse�frnw ..•Mtn l5
Anernnows, " .. S to 1
krenisge, •' . 7 to Y
Mornisg, fur l.ad ce only, Adm nton. Ns
S ate. and Serfs... Free.
Afternoon end Everting. lwdl.•s. tea
" Oen+s, . 13x:
monopolies b 11ea su15este0 ..hat the cheape - mesben and adherents .t St. Mark's J. C. Rat Rtt 1 . Pn.pnetor.
went be nlertao•naliaed topr•,c:.ie cheaper )'e b. !t, tots Mui
Ept.eonal church herr went to 1Kyrh :n '
transport for train. As malleo now I • body, and s•npnsed the incumbent, D R I N 1• It 14 S ROLLER BEATING
stood, the railways 1 f Canada were is Mr.Parkes They ttr.k with thew s i L RINK, Colborne street assn&{,, Jetrdgala
the handl of two gigtaAtlC cyrpontiune, j aaaLtl of rueisanus for the av'ur, and 1 Druc tin^' -
and they csatrul the price of grab&, a:- q P o p j Op,e ver sib. sa w af tear,
several bees or>render for his puny. , sa:�'sIt►�r•,
c,rdingly as they chore t.. increases or ,
Mrs. Whitt, a guest of Sir. Parke. was Manner from tees +., 12111 (COWL
lower their sta.udarl .,1 rata.Farmer. ' I ♦t►eraoon. sees to b'w
got the advantage *f I;...d man but no made the rec:parnt •.f •purer co:,tainin, Iivesing. " 7110 to NITS "
tad add e
advantage m prices. two great ,. .f her aercicw
ed 1 Self h Tire a sura ,f money an rre0. as w I ttl
sit ht !lent r f reetr.nLt n tie
ne•n[• lat•::e, Free• rise of 'ttal.w. Nikon.
Xn_land Te-.nperanee Society will gigs ,.goal with it if not &bead of It, thus enemies of the fanning elms were party s o for some tiros •set, A leu- tatuenl . 1,5 .. l' attcrnonn awed ►vea•go lis.
all friends of t44m raniwtl4e evil e.t I S*sforth the hest business lace to the spirit lined powerful money monopolies. p 1 r'o( .katea.. ti•
p5 privilege p ant eve tntg 5154 .pen . We nae the celebrated Wilkie Skate.
spending a pleasant ward pn•fitahte sten county ..f Hunan. It will also be notice- The former crushed out ;,&.tics and MMtHItt 11. MetIeTONR, Kaaaasr.
log o$ Monday next, at i :10 p. m., in Gt. , rd that beth Gederidt and Seaforth am equity, and the latter sought to control' The concert and sande ...r,al in the C.oderieb Stan k b. 11ails MOM
Ge.rite• church school house. Thseot!considerable i&advance of Clinton, and the :tovernasent. The (tonna:flee en- Methodist chum:, hero •.n Fnlsy even- __.-- -_.-_ p
will 1r good murk., gw'il sl•e•king. and j still the denizens of that ambitious domed the McCarthy 9111 now before the ire "f )est arerk wail * decided .deur&. To, Sate or to Let.
an uppor•nnity f,w all t•. associate thew.-.1schan' persist in deai_nating their horse .1 comet .n., which provided for The singing of •he 11e -rah street Methut ,
.rlrM with the gild cause „f temq•eraroe.•. Do net neglect the eee.ertunite. Ad- ,1'1116,mi thet all the meld should leak town u the "Huh,- and are rzcee.hng,y the establishment .+! . b,00ri of railway diet :holt of Go.derich mss ?uehent . the I HOFIX AND TWO la MS FOR
-_.- _ for the Dominion, and reaJtnes sod recitations tot Messrs Hoare I RE`1T The hnu.' ha* til. ',mita:
ti and t'aanpbeil and mese, 1 w and Camt•• there t. a stable and well on the tern lo-
o -art t..e adywtaSent l good
were Re:! are& rJ. The remarks h e"- Al -o a Rood J)�m:hw cow ler sale. �or par
tacutersapply sHite.J11HN WIIs..N.dor ss
maker. neer (:, ti. Newton's sure. both -etch.
unmans' ten cants, to be paid at the doer. • upon it as the principal husineea reatre which Lod for :tri o
r of this fair county. Clinton is. no and regulation of freight rates. be'y
Thr many grand. nid so.lnant. will jlegislationRer. Janes Gra of Clinton, were M
of (lira Jwnles Swmert.w, .,f Exstar. will (doubt, a awry nice little town, and it The committee on racoma
!mai :o the unlet..
d that an a.ereaaed duty on Goer The chair was ably
learn with entree r4 the death of his venom.. very favorably with such places mende
as Wingbm
a, Exeter, Arad Brussels, but would be a;;a:n•t the in'.erestr .1 the far- filled tie the i.vt..rl Mr. Colwell. Gut
Rafe She wail teff acted at tint wall eon. ' it must not a rico In rank with Malarial men : that determination in railway hut not least the dlaloga•• by the church
trestle , .of the lenge, hat it turned to alit 1 caretaker mud tl:e doctor from town was
eempk %tem et dila...a. oh* was 62 or Seaferth• as the facts do not justify freichts u detriruentel to farmers, and B
Chet a or.. ••+ 1 The deceased was an amiable, uta ambit ion. to comtarisou with these places thew m the power. f Limo, corpr
lort-tiee may, and cheria!red iq-. all wl,u , teens r, twat take a back Nett- The
knew her. --(Exeter Times. The domes- 'New Era will please take notice and Lmy-
ed many wan n relative of mfr. Abraham !era itself uesrdiegly - 'seabird, Ez-
W'el•s.n, of G.nlerch, and *f Mr..lobn • mistime. --
McIntyre, of Sanford. -
Sam whsle Assns. !•suss•
eery amusing. rerylwny apq,eareio. to
salons iia committee rero:nroen the adoption by tate pee master general f
the pests) order system now in use in
(rout Britain ani, the United Seatee,and
the issuing of registered pest tarda The I neer and by Haire of a Potreo *f Na1e MIS -
alae. thou:ht that um.afurm 11m. Run(nrd and wife are in town,MUM
tamed in a certain doted -he loth
slay of Jane, A.D. ISM try WII-1.1.1M
gl..i.a ,.i wheat ant barley oho t}d he on a visit to their friends. HARP -1n to the .•,.dare, whit), in he
fixed by atatate, the ,tandart of which' The captain slid .sdet . �f the Salvation' i "'til. ed at the tins of sale, there will be sold
P tar 1btir Anrtion al M.rtisY Molrt is the
!' years. Let *live. la the Ma • 4nd cow -
mellow. of t14s, sbn et li.,de?n n- W r
by letter to J. IL L KANN, elrntfcro. min .
7 d ti be well pieasad. The receipts were LT4RM FOR SALE.
. ; „ nearly Mw. r
blas. L. Wells left cn Frida•; for (salt, res rteraph which n; prared in our iamides.. church amgregation was held ,.n Men sh.ruld h • In the
psosesst.•n .4 all bu ars'
tri•• The final.cial stat�mewt y 1 Army here. are to be remucr•1. An 1m• Toen of Oselerieh, la the Orwell of Nw•en• at
' .._.11 Nie Cowed oaf 4.N lather, the buret' etarro t{wrueigtu.:y..t face, -.ilia tint 4u n tweed s1•**►d ire ayes itt.eeee u'pett ei of , eeern.n e,uwi &•:sanded &herr larewwil .4''4lttak• yes
late Mr. !heed, tirr:ggist. of lbs Swigs S'ap t-,,. from 1.odeneh to was in the allele very safisfacterl-, lht' alt person. selling ,'rein. A uaif••giroa:.r !,aces lsat Sstnday in tiro roan hall.
A•atwdrle, (11, !SfA day
of Mwr:A,
EAst.y Sratx,:. -Two olaok Brows wore 4•ndeabar o' sa not tree. He asys that receipts freta all entrees amounting to foot apple barrel+ was recommended. AJ►. lIfln
believes l:.ttleih Ihater, w discharged wlnut>131'CIO, of which marl o•e fifth An infant .4 le Campbell,stonemas.n by JOHN ,:NOR, .lnrlinnrnr, .►e follows
entjnving an aerial flight over our 1..51,1 Y' r on ncdltur. and ails
on Sunday nuerimne last.
Tell the roan who borrows the paper
that Tat $i.. tat will ccet him .•r.ly 11
for the balance of the year.
k glees ug leastre to learn that it•ui 1'g H1.r. Float Tut'. Amrriean The three rewrote mauerera, Mull. won urged to .scare a good education, I The • sueyard Rower Ring wart cloned ibe v.d Toww•olp of ea weld. eonta;ntwrt M
,said Shann••n is mirk t•• ire about wit -r I adwea.wreoert by .arses ed lawn, swan a
and Manitoba sulaorihen who err oral Buchanan, mermen and Or Mci.ean. 1 so that the saying "only a farmer' w..uld ' Tuesday evening. It ag a splendid Fink tees
ice Y I ?he cummtd .c ag
employe*. is there. Kr. Brown si•ms had bean sawed by the lathes of the eon• a was receiee4 !lit, Ineribersh:, "f rue trrlba*rrm property. raw urs • Allsn.Islag-
I glee& &tion eamvraf ulateel the [rat:, s Mar that et:maim parcel or wort of !and and
his nnts-' i.•r the Heron S••w, ('..., sole bun The aerean of the realm, army, ureic*. ace riding to ifs rules 1
I inaw P the continued Improvement to the various I premiset wttuate, ylneaad b. oasis the Town -
m tnafacturen of .r.a' ss S 5P. The yews had been paid .ff. *11l 41w rt."' and regulations, in which the Gag mat ship n( AshONd, is the Comm, or Huron area
grades of stook it the D`tmuiie.t+. l I.der- E Mrtaer M °mtar"- mad tofu rna.
tons teu••us b 1,1inL witted over h P••d of
Heron Soap Co. is now busily eu;,agei of "Isbre*t bearing" dila, bearing the, Jnaage w:.a toren...) •.:y.,cateJ. as wa (s F tke Honk East gwrteref tot number cis, la
head of the tilt int s.id r.
fitting rep for further ,rale. latter at $4.00ft • fertilising the roti with .borer. Faricen the Pnurlb r.'rnesalne, Yrre4, ih".ion of
1W Mag add painful tineas. g won n tle•ct.d. wad Kr. Morton mea •rlth . tl.�ng, t:.'t,e. and b rant.' wa.tin Ahnut 47 arrwa.r cleared. and the roil lea
a 4, .Ate. are rv.;nasted to settle lectins ubv.iete, Agr """ram "laelt:gw 4 r
W. are glad t • s t•• that Mn J. paid p y ektete.l in .Leet of the late Mr. McNair. (in the public .chewls wait also ssg_e.t 1 T'tessa and e•erything o. r un in ant -clash r'�en �* si wt 3 &errs ed ar.t dasw react
at once, Sand the mune n.,.r, as we 1
11erT is getting .tune atrotbg mrd well. •11 t ff 11 in arnan at th44 ri.4 of Thin ars-own and mrlutgrn were in Thr print fur.k.,i, tewswyun YurnoaAriuty 'Inc.lTo qud r by the large wt• ►ash.
altercr lane ee1ere 11114541.
Miss lilies Wallace. aoaonpanied Mrs.
Warm 1. llwll .'n bar ,&*&hail trip W
Terento. They returned titin week.
The ice on the Detroit river, ie Nine
broken op by the nwamic bnat. Lrins-
downe. The ice is sheet 30 tweets
thick -
•n ei..Qrant excursive t• ))(andelm
Mill take place from (Instate eco the 24th
Met. A &amber intend to its free. Mit
Barad Matter Tarim/ has bawd mode*
twitg a week, en we presents ,ramie will
*OR he heard when the " errs go,s•
Yseg ,(Ibe t Ft,mehonse, who had
Ins broker' at the Prances. iI"Imre
. Epad
bag hers l lssve.l to 1114 house at
OI,tT (alts Pot tits - Tate toff ar ..f Tr R
Rule& for the re.aatnt1'r of Die year fir
oMdloaer has been a+ls.ndwd to Ileerti.
y OW** the post weer.
A, )Jaurer, tw.'oklee{•er for tlgiivie 1
Roteltiejs'a milt. left Let wren: root • rim(
Ps yglettrsa in Tektite 1 w , art ; „tire,
eel en n n
+ "eructed Io awake smngem.rnts t* allow t. 'evidence fat• night it will le a 1nattc,*) T••,1' i. a r.`ea burn and abed oil the prem.
the nto•wt ►. We ops oar rent•,rra atria& wv awwrdid Ur Mrs MuR.tt •of B1,lttr 1 t Mss w►tel sn an
the Nees w14 have been trusted s. far Ur. ('re A sett wawa11' vacation during the *n,cr.A til.. era Loads iron/ the1
hill. The thanks of the grange were Tl ere M sso s !nesse ►oar on rhea hnd.
will not make their 1,vin1 south of the le'tr 11o.•••rver he .h.,ul1 prefer. The ',imitated to the eity ceissicil for the use " l;rg' mer•• tall !:vol and spent an .n. Tle tater. !. wall ••teavd. awed Is .,rest
meet Inv e'tuesoed stun in favor of can toys Me eeesin on the rolling whM1. 1;.:It.. 5 t r MU gall,& a.. YtHtaee of lima-
4ftth parallel an excuse t.. cheat the pub •f the executive eleaml►r, ranrwwm. • thrtvieg rtltwle.wi ,tile gavel rand
lather. We co 'lot nutshell our black ,awning rho ronneeto.n with the tau Following are the oat':urnr!tcte.l fat "ka ingto the at.rriuR mwiC of thus far, leiw.eenO„deri.ksuetLtrkaow.
list, but w.• ,.r••••, 1 ,.4, ever ;'. and 1••,nd- I er•ap•ry .rltu.e1 - „r,4 Its, toeseon was the esesing year M.tbtar, R- N'►ax, . 1 fau:rd C'liatun torn land. Memars i rM TBRMN.
r« seed t•• take n lieatwm Ie have Itle-nheiwt : overge«r, A. R. Rlaek, Ate- I R..i,t. Wilkineoos. l:ea •. Nairn. .fohnn.e mwi� g ,�*„d,lw1. f t�aH t rlenee [n now
sr on tl.•• er-Gee inret •.t fine, in nature. rte
Mr. -1,.Mi %ic(LI•ivny a{•trrinted 55 as t hent, N. S. ; .erretary-, H. Glen linntac. M1cl nlsoeh and Chas Andreas were ler farther particulars •tot to
tee role ay ,nen state that the river at t'eaf!'RtiN, Haire a !`AMRnON.
aaatwer for the aumlmer. ! Mand
{a, n-eferterll ; tressunr, J. t. among the ♦biters. or to t.c
Detroit 1.14 u•d been M, !nd1•: tr.rerl up Hoarty totes of thanks were given to Bull 'neglected) ; 1,cter.•r, C. M.•ffa, 4 •ran l .Mwshte trwn:p was induig^•i • Jt►HN KNOX. d..%sMIMt4,ra Owd•rich.
l*r twenty gran as it a at ttrcaent. the tr•.getrer and the managers general• ! bill : d fain, C. Ieth'ar+lye in I.y member* ..4 C:in•.m and G••drrieh AtsetMae.r. tt«ttrlr►.
(hole ..4111 train was enabled to emu the ItalYfe ' Neer",ib /Mhrwr, t •r Inas
1 . the ladies. the cMeir, and the usb... ! t'kttttimilrn : %tea art, T. S. McLeo . ichae on 1 aeolav af:e^:.en. 1 he clubs
river std cease ')i e,h 1.r th. ►wain lin, Mos.rs titr.eh..n acrd Saunders, f x W. -- '
fur over • wefk, 1.ut *11 ..eh.•r 61*tnew5 as tlr.r s 1',1CPs during the year. I Ilwlehwo ; assistant :.er, 1t, truck. crestal ogerte • their
inn ac they march -
▪ being done ern the Karma branch. Adelai(i: watA.-Tar, 1. W..nearnp,'ed int I town, .11 their picturesque rm. - 1 R„wt.swtille : fag's., 11rs. (i. Lath- 'tum.. 511.1 _lowin5 wi'h the pleasant end I =.- _�
The superior ran o '.
Th bed tve•g f the 1 ant yt,l,en Charon Frwnci. Adam* went a Malaita, Strathhurn ; Pomona, Mrs. T. healthful exercise. A supper was par- `EAGER 1 LEWIS, BARRJRTIBi,
.141511151 ,ewes key srht sunt ylgf pntwlP-
a.grrtly duties the meat aver! wentl.rr.
to fng151td, and a dinner was 114 Mei...A, I)wls:on mom. Mr.. C. , taken of at the It.ttet,t ury Hoene, ahem It'.
wizen to het by the premier, was of the Moffat, E•Igehill ; 1al *15).1140, Mrs. the well known excellence . f this c. I c • p1Ao•4' Jaw. J. A. tonna.
Owltgdl •haw to. take . Mak ,stat in the y 1�"p' R. K. i,rwr10. tfp.
mow w d wiring mama. ter the rail ark makes, alluding to various K H. Holborn, Ethridge; exeenttve liar hotel wM fully seetaibed. The •now-
waw fert•iea 114ara's t)Merrer. ClwYmw• 1■ Lun.pt P414 (Seer attain- committee, M, 1 departed K e IIbR Re
' ! Jebel W•hiwants. Middle- *kern fntnt the circular tow,. d rted I C. RAYRS SOLID
gui•hed greet Ball t •II ss that s.'l amen :,wtrck : H. Currie W'tllgharo ; msdi:ura, len the tt;1S *rain (which was 2 bare 011,'" teoraer otttNt sad waw
A ('togs CAtu-Q11 Nondayf..rene°n, are riveted g oral 1 suppose. f" turesn. 1' Moffatt, T S. McLeod. • feat•', high); delighted wit!, their stater.: suet. Ail• eattl error M heettstere.
Peter Fox. *has tmdr.vnring 10 thn.w with the beidenw0 .�iseet' t.. Mr. '1 - -�---- 1.50 teat. gasnAl*lesi4aeNwemtmsasell..erg"e,
th. Tett off nM rN 't'. erten'rice in Adams "Yea." said the atter promptly. 1 T. S. Arthur, the wed.-kneww aught "'"�
Eid.l's tsilst salt reAnery, hA.1 -. scarf hes ••.,tri in.i. greeted e'I,lat e. repeated the I anal fw.bli•kle. 1. 4044. entad i0. Mr. 1 Deborah Rielardeoa died near St,
w.,n nn.und h» bleak e•nght in the totter prtwpaly. ' AM mu created 1 Arther achieved w•'rld-ei.b repute w'. ThoarN, the other day. lanae the print
. halt The rearm wasted around the .heft "yid 1' IN -pence( the neater. isemoielow .he street. e.1 '•Tea erbteita w Barnrom' of a ns.dle as her left h.rd thumb. is
Rusty ttsm.rne.g, ,abettors, ere
OsSook k. , T Garro*. W. Preedfeot. ITS
as ,.arae4,,• ., ..I. ewd sae 4fmwiag v..• 1' Y. a dose"( „we es'Isised Mr. 1 en,1 .es'er pgiwi., 11§P* i1lu►tnhvr wf three days *1ter r+sttsnae hod set en and t Raerittt.•n• Ft„ it r, ry 4toe,
fortieth d Use mill, site past lo/Asa/1 Wiou." at x-!:ty• . eAlva.
to epperent death, wises James GAMI . ams ; " 6wt ebttt1l a cant i i the hes ' deeieetw• tcie sed .1Wisu4 M promote the tree eel W.irlr to th l shoulder. ' d•r h .a4 tT., ,,b.*11 i; r
y Ow chi l uTt 4*' 114 p o' It t. Oeastle
LAWS. fie a•, 1711.