HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-3-13, Page 31 1 1 THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAR. 13, lege . 3 •11116. aid tree diasv.sUy diaappsar• ad' Preen the Termite Wahl. clidal 'Nam Polly lost anything 1' she de- manded, invading the kitchen, where Mn. Reynolds reed abate for tk. MOM .beald think so ! She's does both Mg but leek for it since live o'clock yes terday afternoon.' 'Aud she newer- nubeclm rarer would Knee where it was hound, or who found it, last night at midnight,' .trod K•trioe, who was bubbling over with a delight that wield not bs suppr..sed. 'What !• exclaimed Mrs. Reynolds, 'how u it pmeibte for yea to have found the stone from Polly's rine r • illedi.selanMea Ree toe essisle. The Mowat uo.erttment basing deter- mined to gu in fur an eete4I*lun of the franchise and a rdi.tribntton of seats, resolved to ample the two measures to- gether, and Introduce them as nearly es possible at the sane time. The redis- tributive tell was brought down yester- day and the franchise bill will follow it today. The termer was .xpLieed in ounrt•tenble detail by Mr. Hardy en the levees for its first resding,aod in a gen- eral w,.y it stay be described as intended to accomplish the following objects : 1. A fairer adjustant of political in- fluence as between .sates and western 'I didn't ; but it found the way to the Outsno ; 2. A fairer adjustment of political in- ttuene, as between individual oonatitu- euemea 3. The reaocnitton of the principle of pr• portional representation 4. An incidental advantage to the party in power as the result of these changer. No fault can fairly be found with the a.nteution that tho centre of politienl in- fluence in the province should coincide as nearly as possible with the centre of popeletina The latter has been pro- gressing e'iatwatd, and the fernier most follow it. Assuming a dividing line and, nun than that, the loaf had come mirth and south between York and On - 1., an and the very 511.e had waited fur tare., the bill takes from the part of the him.' province east of this lute two members, 'Perhaps Jack didn't. want to run v!f and gives to the part west of it three. to Pully then and then ' Of mune I 1 Th. former easing* is effected oy c.onssoli- be.l to tell hien the bread story after the: dating Cornwall with SionIWnt, and rs- rully will torztve me fair fereetalh.g her ducing the four constituencies in Leeds owes tale. but you see I really oeuldn't and t:renriee to three ; the latter is help it.' made by giving three met:shen to Bruce, 'And en Jack 111 at home again,' aid two to Algoma, .tad three to Toronto. Mrs. Reynolds, slowly. Jack's immune This will stake • met gain to the west of five members, and a not increase of one in the whole house, which will number Neither can inuch fault be found with the changes under the seceud of the above priucipls. The bill not merely respects existing county and township bounden*. when thew coincide with electoral districts, but in some instances makes electoral districts conform to municipal boundaries more closely than they now do. There are sense ahem - Liam which took capricious. of course, but to the main the transfer d tows - right person after all ---Jack' 'it's really true ! Jack came last night en the Wage thirty train-dreppel in upon es without a note of warning. All the rest were in bed, and I should have been there if I)r, i.e... r had net been s) interesting lie was the heartiest man - Jack, I mean not the doctor'-yt.0 ever saw, and 1 took him down to the pantry, and fel him with cold meat and Polly's brad. The first thing that I knew he wu rnquiting what foreign sub- eiaree las teeth had ran counter to -and there was the seal ram lets rine. roily had aettaily baked it up in her bread, meant lees happiness to her than to the "theta. 'Como and see' dim,' insisted Katrina, who was too excited to 1.e upaele of re• pees. 'They're had time to get used to by now. They sane expect to wou..- pelise each other forever.' It was a very different Polly from the dieseneolste maiden why had been found sitting on the stars and lamenting her loose The ring was keeping its stone ^oapany in Jack a breast pveket, until such time as the jeweler could prevent such advesturs in the future ; and Jack thaw Se say Masser ibises esters to lt, --- -1re . w.., ace t. tea o..c = nes la the way i. which Mr. Robert fiusEette, the sadal demerit, crau►M' his journalistic emeries "Lit ate ..11 you how I wete tress lettere and Litter editorials, wy bey Soaetituee, when s time bas pitched Istu net and cut me up reset, and I want to palveri:s hits, and wear his gory scalp at my girdle, and hang his hub en toe (mice, I vine the latter oz editorial that is to do the hal- Mae I write something that will drive sleep frees his eyes and peace trite his soot for six weeks. Oh, I du hs.:d hits ever s slow tiro and reset him' Ball and aquafortis drip from sty Weltering pen. Then, I don't read the letter aad 1 dou't print the editorial. There's *al- ways plenty of tine to crucify a tees. The vile.: criminal is entitled to • little reprieve. I pet the manuscript away in a drawer. Next day i hook et it. The iuk is cold. I read it over and say : I duu't knew abet this, There's a good deet (if bludgeon and bowie -knits j•srnal- isun in that. 111 held it over a day longer. The next day I road it seam. 1 Iauxh. and say Is:.aw, and I can feel my cheeks getting a little hot. The fact is, I ars Renamed i ever wr.,te it, and 1 have halt for.otteu the article •r letter that filled my pout with raze. I ka.•ea't Leen hurt, 1 haven t hunt anybody, and the world gees richt aluog, making twenty- four hours a day as *seal, and [ an all the happier: Try it, my boy." The extraordiesa-y popularity of Ayers Cherry Pectoral i- the natural matt of its use by intrlligentpeepluferover forty years. It has indisputably proven itself the very best liter u operatic for all colds, coughs and pslaa /nary complaints. Postage Rate+. Potyla re to Great t .tai. -.ilio peri once of acts roete. Itetistretiee fee Sc. )Mosey orders granted on alt moue r order by floes in Canada. 1; alte.l `)tate, Urea/ 'Within - Mawr I.:dwarf Island. Newfoundland and In- d* n- d (hprsita received seder the reeroat'nns of ttte Post Ditto savings' bank bot ween the hours of a w.tn. and llewiauered k -iters must 1,.• postai 1.i minatSl before the •los. of ea. u ma i. Once tour, 5...m. to G 1S i•. mo., Sundays e*. copied. _ _-- vom/Weil POATAGIL Canada having teen atw:ued into Use POO tit Union there is a r.'-a.'ntugris Ot d pee rates. as follow• For Austria. Belgium. Denmark, lerland. Figpt. Frame. Alpr.s. Oersaa7. Gibraltar t:nitt Britain and Ireland. Guice. Italy. I.ux. enbrrg. Malta, Monteseuro. Netherland. Nor- way, Peewit . t enersal. Kumla. M. Pierre. hernia. Spain. the (Inner; Islands. Sweden. Switzerland and Terkey. And ria United Staves: Bermuda. Dattamaa, himself h ability t take im i lag from one cenatitueucy t%dui:&Ssuit oloniesetSt. T►onse.St. John. 1 with aaechs of sick Neeraleia, female trouble, for years in Ilse most terrible bud eacructausit tuau- ner. No medicine or doctor Gould give we relief er cure natal I seed Hop Bitten. 'The first beide Nearly muted use The awsuld made casae well and *truce ea when a child. 'And I have been so to this day.' My husband was au invalid for twenty pare with a serious 'Kidney, liver and urinary complaint, 'Pronounced by Boston s brat physi- ckans- 'Iiieurable !' Raven beetles of your bitten cured him. and I know of the 'Lives of stet t persons' to a.y neighborhood that have twee *avesi by your bitten, And many more are using them with great beueit. 'They alaust Ili. Heresies !' la Mn. E. D. Mack. Wel Rewarded.- --- A liberal reward will he paid to any party who will produce t case of Livor, kidney or Stensach complaint that Elec- tric Bitten will tu.t speedily cure. Bring them along, it wilt .oat you nothing for tl a medicine if it fails to cure, and you wilt be well reworded for your trouhle 1 -.:des- All Wood diseases Bilious - eves, Jaundice, Cuustipari .n, and genu nl debility ate quickly cured. Satisfac- tion guaranteed or money refunded Price unly fifty cats peer betle. For ale by J. Wilson. t it /lserrei•a's Speedy fan. F.r.•ry purchaser .1 common seas bathe& Monett!. when requiring an article for a cer- tain purpose. pure'ha.esonly ' that which bay been tried or is allowed to try velure Maytag. Yuri ere allow -d a free trial bolds of biotite Re -'s ttpeed7 Inv. the great rime_ 7 for One- penala• :wpure Blood and Hume OMords , at Geo- Irby nate drug •tore. Lits et IIsi and s1 per ben*. due.- tt:Almaden [Ws, savage `n your own :own. y These are Viand /ash. The hest Weed purifier and system re- gulhter ever placed within the reacht of sobering humanity, truly is Electric Bit- ten. ln:.ctivity' •d the Liver, lliliousnes Jaundice, Constipation. Weak Kidney., e1 any disease ed cite unnary organs, ria sheerer stere. an appetizer, tonic or wild stimulant, will always find EI.etric Bitters the best and only certain care known. They act surely and quickly, even bottle guaranteed to gine entire atisiaction or money r reelo ,. Sold at fifty cents • bottle be J. Wilson. n. [4] Awes. Roumaata.l --- Tn TAM AMID ago INTl*1l the nourish- ing and inviturating properties of Roa- tx:t.r'a Poo.'Rotizen EVt-Ltlog give renewed stren.rh and buoyancy of spirits, Always ask for Rosors:oa . PHodr0ottz*D syrrutov, and be sure you get it. 2 mise was urging is a t t 9 ° - shops an villages ro h1. t'rot., Jamaica, Jap*. aid Peet• . t r f nn and P. lly and all th r has been carried out in such tvewtoe.dlasad M sow in lhcf 'ustal towhee' ears ,e a• to ane. e - o.t the postal rste•. rw•maln as heforel. Lrttrrs p.rtainiag thereto. a way as to greatly improve electoral du- s 0Yaa peri •••ee• Ihrtal cords ! oesu each. It was a da of surprises, for the first �Tewepwpar� 2 ee.ts for / oaacea Hrgtetra- y epris.s, trivia from the puiut.f view of geography ,ice tee . cents. For Ade.. Argen+ine Cenf.deratloa, rr.ru. trail from the city brought a letter that and population. rounded ambito of Polly's bread making Thoughtful students of political science 'adventure, giving it a mamas quite as um • generally will hail with pleasure the expected as moron the leu and recovery recognition of the proportional reprearu- .f the seal talion idea, and will also recognize the 'Me DRAT( NIL, x -Accept the Melee- i propriety of c)nfnine its operations for ed as a token of my appreciation .f ycer a the present to Tuwai The plan adopt - 'Yourand independence 'Your aunt desires we to say that she ed. vat of several which offered them - insists upon the privilege of providing selves, is to give the three members to your roomed". The first welding in the 1 the whole city, allowing each elector to family demanda are attention Chau yea re'vols fur two. Neem inclined to civi it. and both your 1 There need no pretence ea the part tent and cousin will feel ally hurt i/ yon r.fw them the opportunity of as- of the framers of the hill that they had satin, Too in your preparations. 1 am not an .ye to the train chance. With soder orders from them to stop he you, ¢ov.rnment by party one seed not ex- on my way hems (rum B.Ifab mixt week, ct at:vtllin c alae in connection with a and tarry you off t. the dry for a oho`- W ping bowl. i .eheme of redistribution. 'As ever, your loving undo, . On the whole, Mr. Hardy's rneasare,if 'CniemrLR It itNUI.Da.' ' it becomes law. will work a great change ---_-s1Rg oied' was a receipted bill for ail pappuss orderei from Reynolds, Bax- ter d Co., rad 11 was ilecowpanied by to the liberal patty will result from the shook for a hundred dollars. diminished in1ueace of the east; which 'TO think of it's all cowrie; from a tcaf is pre;•uuderatingly Tory, and euabled for the better is the distribution of poli- ce' power in Ontario. The chief benefit of bread cried Polly, with flushed cheeks and bright eyes. 'Ne,' said Jack, 'it came froze a brave little woman, who, when thine' were bad, west to week to mend them.' Whereat Polly blushed mere rosily, end denied that she hest done any -thing unusual, and Jack found it necessary to carry her •i into a corner to convince her. Dat the assure of los success it is not given to this chronicler to r!Iate. - rporothy Holroyd, an D.s.rest'. Menai, inglr*ibi. Take Ayeea l arsapatilla in the spring ale the system, excite the liver toadies. always electtn) a good ratan trey Hili the araU.h hui.e. Ceylon. (ireeolaed. French Colonies f. Asia. Africa. Uoeseica sad Amer- ica. except tit. Pierre an•! Mtdusle.. Persia. via Perils. half. Pe rtagues tiowske is Asia. Africa. Oceardea, Trinidad. Spanish C•resies in A•r$a, Oce mica and America, euept Cuba sad Porto triter, Straits Settlemess in Sigma - Penang and Malacca : --Letters 1.4:. per ft•.• Plonks. ac.. 40. for 4 W. caner registra- tion fees 141e. West st India Isla.da Cm Halifax. same rate as formerly. Prepayment by olu up an all cases. Aaetralia. 'except New youth Wales. Vic- toria). and Queensland : -Letters 7c.. tlap•t* a cents. Australia. New Meath Wales. Viaaria. Qu.w .ia.d .. - Letters lie.. tapers 1-. New Zealand. via Pas k'raacieco. -Lectors lt:.1c.. papers influence et the weft, which is prepode• rstingly Gr:'. Algoma is fairly enticed to two members" It is alsri a and rapidly developing district, and no better dieid ing line could have been chosen than one a chert distant west of the fault. /truce is entitled to three members, and while it is good for two liberals now. the liberals will riot be able to count it. safe for .son than two to one ooneervauve beitialer. Th. liberals of Toronto will be sure t• elect one of three members every time, *iwJ will be able to compete on ret very disadvantageous terms for of the year to purify the blood mnvtgor the odd scat. If they make a pant of New Leer for Fiestas. Weaseard ey Mia. ease. w*,ellt sad tetsslpatlos. The Great German Invigorator is the only specific for imp. tency, nervous de- bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, pain in the back or sides. no matter how shattered tl:e system nney be fromn ex- ams of any kind, the Great German Remedy will reets.re the teat functions and seem* health and happiness 111.00 per box, six Kase for S:i.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent on receipt of pries, e .aid, by F J. Cheney, Teledn, iosole rgeat lin United State*. Cir- 1 velars and testimonials sent free. Sold . CINGALEA - A name well known is by Geo. RAyna, sole agent for (rode. i onneetIon with the Hair I:enewer,wbich I oak 3.' a few weeks use. Sold at 60 'omits peri t NEW DEPARTURE t!tel( Icily t11�ts Ya see4 DD Omen will M tailed aaraa ae u 12 task pie - - COI If4elo. .. i u $l.7$ a moa Iris Asa bin.. -d o.iuc1 - . - - tier f.es LILT Gissii - 3 - tier LW Y Uips- ttaturda7 Meeaing Whim - tee • ai THE WEEKLY GLOBE SPECIAL TRIAL TRIP- TWO MONTHS ON2�Y 15 CENTS We wast to Menem* oar present Lowe list of a. r*buse W tpsInassaad walla the ■ Ma days, and for Ude purpose make ter• at.,ve liberal and a. terse. n addttem to tete above liberal ogee we casae ter AIIowilag 1 ANrux* Nanoine us '13 ream and 3 subrrribe s will revolve an extra ,-upr for two mosthe bee. 51.50 and ie subscribers will receive an extra a up) fur Iva nioatbs free. and 1.1 subscribers will receive a espy of Ii10 rwph7 of Ibe IM. George Brows. and L.Ub.rribers will wen itt • swop) df Tae 11 cute Uveas for one year free. �h.*bscribers will twelve • copy of .';aturda7'a Dame Gums one year five. Wase Se sebsrtbere will reenter a e-..py of To. DAILY UL.o.t tour Itseathe free. is and lesuba riben will receive a copy f Tex IIAin.Y t)t..wa one year free. sew ase were reports of blab hetaaa..M fire only .a masa. THE GLOBE Wu special errao."wmte by which 1 poetesses the enle right la Carr sia d punkah.* of sew novel b most of the load ttaq� writes et tkttem each u Winne (ratites.. Wise aiewddes. Jostle McCarthy. w. f. it amen emetbey. mina.. dark. ton. tinpMat. Mug\ footway. ser labor.. A story d eathrslltr iatetwst. entitled WVIJ,Ata+'w Wastes, sus. Sraddes. la sew roantiyyrr ra Tse Duty and Minicar Oroar..4 wwW1 be continued till , earpleted. It will leys au .od.eded Wasson from qe �wrterfel pea d s ■rCART111. and atter the last na...d story is oampt.ted trtQ /stow ens [tea B. L IIAYts/. the famous oorsliat- In oddities to the regular enol sed s1.et. *Ma ere always taWi1F In the. 12 and 3 o'clock editions or 11amms, sad is Tim WOOLLY Ba��aer tsert ./tliltssru morels by anchors d world wide repels la thle assurer reeksget Rem tir ala Maplate rowels each year. Y Al £C L 1 * t� WLi $Lawt Is 1 MIIISTAI. f • SPURGEON'S-----SERMON le � .w..-.'. ow. headgrant Weir Wink la Saturday's Detre Gr.oi a tt ln'pg! gliy t.oaa ceder spuria$ ani etdwive a umgenwst tar the Dominion of CaaY► C. H. Spurgeon k honied ..wire., eMi on widely -road preacher ca the world. Is always nay. pm:idealsad g.Rrsetive. i Address, THE GLOBE PRINTING CO. TORONTO! LOOK OUT FOR SANTA CLAUS 1 + A Large and Varied Arsortae t of USEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES, t e`,:e for XMAS & NEW YEARS GIFTS J.at rreelr,4 AT THI �et1LEDICAL HALL_ Ladies' Velvet, Leather sad Mab Satchels, Whisk and Perfemc polder'. Rush aid Loathe Jewel, Perfume sad Dressing Cares. Plate Glans Minors in Plush. Head and Shaving Mirror". Shaving Mass, Tiede Art ielm in endless vareet7. A LARGE STOCK OF PERFUMERY, ALL KINDS AI/ PRICES. Hyacinthe Baths la bloom in Tiers. E:erlaetir.g !lower,, tea F. 301131941; Hadi, Goderich. restores grey hair to 1s, natural color by - FARMERS! Why use peer OIL on your Reapers and Hewers. when you vers get McceZ=mI'S LARDINE OIL For sate by Su Cheap. 1t has no conal. Try it and you will use no other. McCOLL BROS. & Co., TORONTO. R. W_ McIC=NZ=, OOD5Vffa• read rears the healthy tomo and vigor of the whole physial m.ehenum. ao arab sptsad-. Mrs. (greedy, in her "W anderinwa in the Soudan,' relates the following curi- es episode - After a long day N marsh eh* as dust settling herself down to sleep skips her Mat, an Arab telegraph clerk, separated from her only thin par- tition, beta to my his prayers in a Med sag-seot chast. She remnnserated: for a tiles thee* was alma; she was failing Weep when the cork Man hie prayers Mail. Agra she reao.strated: regain there was • brief .iloncs, to be brakes. abs! tea .eon by the indefatigable elerk, WSW over more began *eying hie prayers "d.." Dui time taster than ever. •' .ki b msehin*ry the whirr and hem were to mec. r! learn- ed newt morning that ear ho nng.d set tea whisk obliged hitt hie prayers abed. rad which also oiled, a see of ita meet strangest rales. that the moi.. .f either a wastes, a d.akey, or a deg. if heard .t airy time dyethe *er- as, tr- s, m.de it nee_n• 7 seat the whole of the prayer. sheets' 1.e repeated•'. wee es '.M ng 1 bottle by Jame* Wilson. gm Field Lightning cares Neuralgia Ia one minute. sad Ljbtning cares Toathsctt: in one mi..t•. Heid Lightnieg exam Fa •e Acte in ore astante. Fluid Llgbtn!n( cures 1,11:bsgo In our minute. Fluid Lightning .etievue Itheuncei.rs to one minute. fluid Ltttttalwg cures ser ta!n nr *eh. in- stantly. setae 23 onus ins: eu*ate a: tirortn- Rhyne& drug Stores. '-)• more completely jtastify the introduction of the new priueiple. There are two conservatives from Stormont now. Ansi ens if them will have to gee. Freta Leeds and Creavilte there are three cos - eervalives and en. fibers!. Under the new arraegemeet one cons •rrativn will be crowded out. ----Pietr lit ie m agreeable that even 511 infant will take it. •he eUn� � Hag sa F..la.l 8alma is (suable t..c rim of eta = Prat li.w w .leap ten= ttes•u0mea4sd 1.r the .tee et eWea• stripped hearty platples. las, As 1n WARREN LELAND, f .13,10 everybody knows a the .xee5A) • manager of Me HW Ellogrius of •merle, says tbat "hue a pweeesr (rams Nan York on board a ski? going monad (laps Men. in the slay days of emigratio. to Cti1- ttasia, be learned that ..s of the mason el birestf darint the veg. the had cured -- c e, of an obstinate dames by the ase of Dr. L."w's Worn Syrup has removed taps w,om fnem Ib to :10 feet in lor+gth. Apps s It ales destroys all kinds of worm. lin ����++++ 7 C7 t7 CVO toA AA 1i tat" Ct> Sat' Z 1 7 .-r > >s I.r! �o m nm1 x Ev ...,r et l0 x sr� vex �. z> f� s ..<p lid st . yr ZO nyT. 'i• - H pet n M T N� sy. .- c M E :ii x 4n�ta � v bbi� r .1 g n> q el �I��IQ_ 8 age rr 'i r. j F .k, tart I. A r L7 ass : ' - ! '1 .1 1 l 1f r'f i5 f i' 703 �,.-- a L -T$' q - q tirs a -- e. C iib ylhttittfli e-. • 7 - 14 AiT; 7:l. F •- 1 i:' 4 ti e- ri, -Ti _ i ,. ri'a L4 k -1r :4 . :i ; iff 1.5 i li i e ofi- jr.21 t ifi .z tul 11 i utbagb c1 0• Sarsaparilla. t� C'V Mose OM lir. Lawn, has rrr.mmeedsd p t *inure RAIm.i'aRtL6.e in man? •sellar eases. sal he las .ser yet beard d to tail- Q drat nt ars te t a rained awe. ! Meaw pais ago ear of Mr. Lrwsn's term 0 Writhe Maid lin lag. Owls. to tie had . ra eta_triAl Mt Meekse wily seteramersweuing stamp tyewead en p. Warm limb. Bat - Ala 1MMq ef the ails, with handsel oat -11laa them* the Ilmiyp > . t111M1M Ilesturea e. Tb• leg bea=t a ler- Iaeldfr and rami., .leets Shied, V deslielta - pa.at/W s ees of .asremab H ears matter. N. trestawnt nes at rad /e.) Meth 04(1 the viiia, by Mr. L*LAT(D'e draw to giwprd with *ma's taseArA- MiY, RMr atlleyet the pale and trriutle.. I halYttiM sumveaovd the .w°& sad• Jre peneb thawed the limb to e... lir. taa.axe W pieweefy nand Reim'• (5.lsMaly L the .,. ly instaatsneuas rNief for Neu- ralgia, Headache, toothache, etc. Rub- bing a few drupe briskly as all that is needed. No admix nauseous medicines for weeks. bat cite to .hemi kli at,on removes all pain and willpe thievedmese of dfsmer's f-drlsi4F ve�irtl4it+Iller- tli cents per Kittle a: Go r.e IC!tynai drug store. 1. - - Mese Te0laeny. Many hund.ed reetsessat ndatinns, mime lar in character to the one given below have been received. and wiry pr•iof rt the great value of Poheeet a Nervtlttte as s pain renee•f it Try it. Arnie Feb. 110. --W. basin, certify that w• gave need Hervili.e ia our foam - bac and have found it a nn.t reliable remedy for cramps ►s the stomach, also for heedacbe, and .eternally for rheum- atic pains. No burse ahmed N wttheat this ievalesb!e remedy. -Lets (70414 EtJAsa Cots, J. P. Bay a IA rant tinmpli bottle at Vfibna's dreg dor.. Large bottles 24 mote. by all draggle." Notional ►'ills set D1e eptly Irina the Iver. remiutate th• lessees els and as a peke - tie* an mild anti Ch'reagh. Ar.n5 ttettl�iati :dr412 Rheum, il tiaatp►yShia, ?gilts fit clank,* Ames ; itis. seMone le OM Memo' D-ut Nfnr* said gap e11el$ regori parka's s antbulis t)mg . Pete, M sesta- It wax never knows le hit b p_..'. were hailers require se ether parodies "hay are MMA Mid we $,r 19aSeie $Wvtllllilr et Kssa& Is, -- Rang alt otwolsa SEEDS Pie,. r Gee Pewee Ilivabs, ase. nandb 0. limens a Maneter I_:RTC Ito amity. e�Ml'ai� aIan = ea, a soe�ptl hail i0ad met he areal t. r 170 0 OO.11atniltf*, OM. AY818 96 rsaparila V 1 Merchant.: Get your Printing at Ae .....set.,.eb satire wean :.rid, eehl etu.rratide. declare. Ibat. In W britt, ere 1. nmn. n .dtr.e Ice the vr.0 d this Office. Quality of Work ars d rite .sIlia Se It ter the sur.• et Liver oteoedeers. , reasonable Prices Goat, . •Cocas o f Witt thread.. ear 0513101. Sores. Lripti ea, and ell ter , Guaranteed -- - waiters dbrs• sof Weed dlN.oes. Weham Br. Lr.I.AVD'Sperm;asL.ntoUnita r Sar ex./MIND In *' g•*d al: elm may desire ort rt to I'" tt11O""°"' email* carpowersr please all who may give us a trial. art.'. SaoatId sILtA to see hie Perron - arty en• spy .ltbe at W taameanth (rhos Reset, Lech Rraalkw et taw popular Leila1J hose', . - r Broadway, RathMrren. few Teck. ' ate...tla.meomf Mdiesitr !Park.". C.rbshc Grants ha Ur. La easiv. keawiedee el aa. t hem sewed by yw' of trial end had Mm d eradls.aormr That is daily hriwgiwg fray to rho Mos.. A+e.d ter �++t eoevea►ml red •glnetaM r'"'t'150. Ilei aasgaa11' I of thousands by astne many of taw., .,d .1 •pplyt.t amemlo avid- TM. maven L:o. d l.e`1'tv 103)1411 kgs tog tMdeeehie M eae 10 ere ter l'e1•, norm. and fad mors ra.s+'.:e rot.weast.•a dear sense from ss, .arty grass. mea "ea M ran Tee ret M`44"1". 4 "Wit"Dr. Kings now Discovery for Cosmtaap pis Oaeas•. Meld ger • «osis by r.rraavft 01 tern. Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Rrnsehitr. Mayoras. saappi"' ©-. 3.C. Ayer & CO. , l owe11, MMst. Flay Fever, LOOS u(V roe, Tietliag in Mev.• ne,e em. data ler an U.nielpet•, reel I.ulci..(e. t!i the Throat. Pais ie !tide end (!he.t.nr" If yogi are .sien.g with few and de Glineflisani may threw o the Throat mil Leases, a pvteliGd aprrib. urea r f apgoettte, gensatl --- --- - I pot .rad Trial Boa dehshty, ce1ta11 /� �y��}} .- see �1 pf) (ill i pian netts. by all amine present a Mf - in 0E1f rittors ;2PA 000.00EF-Aria:11,�la q40 Watery el rsedtofeam noptepa1 Ile n/ Eiiedrio &vista itw will ke gMr- f f • ttlnalesi widow ties vserired much esieeres ens prised to rise the rapid improvement that • , w r.atr, that s►III age x y+• 11 fnllnw; ail liar 'stdw'it�tllew 11a with wast that well a *see kMrlM yo• n An notions : ..s. ,car thou leg ides M Aamwla;. rax rad the r"'"1"4"4 in kid lite; ,tr*gigth sad saavitl The Finest Rigg abet ebew:q Mita mh ear as.l d a Dr rev in Risen =sad winery will frees, sod home At 1Wdlbew*Rt1 PRKW. � mom ~ am- M ice the di.lreMwa.g lrrrth 4. will njwev fa rho pniM et as 5.5 plfRA1T5_ Me repo* �..redi les _e• i_ IMaa. !told (lwMlt tiMt/�k ti. Gibers 1 piebeema tbstr ewe Ils.aea �lw .assiwrI�is siwll!! to.imAoL lelsektM Ri.ksra soYat f� tilwia . The People's Livery cite egire. (lean!diradoredblond,weak - se ,..srato otua ties too atJ. RJwti •Drag limn. Leg• tease b.sdacha, eve any disease of a bi- tft .emtesrrlbsrt.,--p•"•'ef..rg0ekW av►stere tamp• 1 eaez 1 Mina ter the alb it nand*, wi 1"s, Mt aim wise. Pen. tall,. [RL MOOD 1 or, ogee tow b ► • Aa betide M J. W IWI&