HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-3-13, Page 1T1•1114HT11 TRAIL(
H. ONT.. FRIDAY. MARCH. 13, 1885.
h published .very Friday lteralg, ly Yc
Ut4.wueer Nolte- as tttelr oboe. 'orthgdt
Al t711A9411-- A MNJIITY CH.4 Yfil. ON THE WINO.
Hon A. H. Hardy's redistribution hall
ha been a bitter pill for sone of the wartad 111ke s -seas... Tle are Peened for Kentxal admission. Tui POTS Albert 8 Myrotriatla Man
Oar 'titters of the Uppesiticn. Whoa ••rrwat•••ra..dal.tlerr►.
sad old op mehed ui •Il parlour the surround it
, •QY Rt MOS. Po NtN .
t M•1g ►
ed ley tiakr. Non ticket holden are !JUL :1RMS'1 hONl t s yf. 8' W. KcKENZIB.
forced to congregate mass •
M.etd 1sld a•1•/Maare b 1.vawt toff- three den untll ti.u0 o'clock, whim they
d. the ether
jatt •-.
Ont ry by the earliest ta•ib •tad tralaa.
Son • nes say other newspaper la this part of
Simi sweeter. it .one of the raciest. sermon*
sad .sue retable )oornal■ la Out•rto
p.a..•.ssg, as It does, tan rorsgoingasocialab
awl beim./ is addition to the above. • an.n-claw.
family pad arnaide paper 11 le therefor* •
Mose f'airwita edwtrtl•sae nt•dteat.
taxa+. .+1.111 la advnoe, peerage pre -paid
Weob abllah.n : 81.73, if paid before eta mouths
It am le paid. This rate will As iriatty
Marne „t Stavairrsause.-itstS1 cent* pe
les for drat insertion; three erste per line rear
*soh .ulrrgseat tnssrtiss. Y•srty, Aslf-yearly
and isstlerly contracts at reduced rates.
IeR rtrtTtlla-- ire hays alao.dnt-class
t dN.g Aepartmsat is eawasetM4. sad p•nu,ss-
las the most oomwlete .5t -at amid hes/ facilities
t w Mraing set work In Dedeaieh, are prepared
Milo he+isess la that Ilse at prtos test canoed
be beaten, end of n etsslltp dust repast ha
sera•sed.-Terme Road
FRIDAY. MARCH. 13tt; 1895.
was read the tint time by the
toanralsd.atedw is ha • larger ctrcula Mover, it almost .ceased as if a packer*
of dynamite had suddenly made its ap-
pearance, sad the ii•mbers of the t)ppo-
sstwn "knew it was loaded." Meredith
seemed horror stricken , Creightoa was
petrified ; Medcalf was paralysed ; Roes,
of Cornwall, Looked kneeler -vet laths
fiat retrad ; Merrick appsS/sl as if the
Maven was k seek*/ out of the boat it
wheeh he sailed ; Erautiager looked any-
thing batt s representative from the city
of the saints ; and Carnegie was, f. .r onto
in his life, speechless. Thera was anon
consternation to the square font viable
when the Promote! Secretary explained
the previsions of the bill, than was ever
i Lament newspapers reward the heeling
down of the British flag by the Germans
at Victoria as deo to excels et seal •.n
the part of German nfllcets. 1t is thought
that (benne..l, weld be enitkely so re-
cognise such a reach ..i piNic law
before seen in the Hue, except at the
denouncing of the bribery brigade last
year. S. surprised was Mr. Meredith,
that when, at the close of Hen. A. S.
liardy's roruaras un the redistribution
bbl{, Hen. C. F. Frazer rose to more the
Timms , March Il`„1•'Id3
Away from the arterial •mill,
I feet as if I haa related item peeks 111.,
and betaken mes''Sitite quiet shades.
After the wear an.' o! stout a dxten
years, the little re:
are tidiest awls
that I srts-i(tkilier.
am aoverthe!esW' haying a complete
change sib; sad tbst is amsthing, after
a11. Aid now to dive the readers of
Tun St•:o&L an idea of what is up, and
what 1 have seen - ••r rather • port
.1 it, fur giving s full record "weu:d be
telling," as the boys say.
AN OLD Aeorec•re :a.e.,
At Stratford 1 met an old Godench
man to the person of eondsotor Hig-
gins, who is the Mme genial son of Erin
a of yore. He is enjoying better health
than he had when in Gederich, and his
many friends in the circular town will
which I Row
• s naslisr ;---fast.
an uuWder it is a strange sight to see ( Turud Up.
the crowding of the people who have tog _ _
t.• obunu anemia by the Fenersl entrsntos.
A needier of p,lieemeu stand around to charged lett Is ■!dower
t Irllm-
la &owlish Jell
me u y
see that diaturlaitos crested h the 1 S.t.br r d Tsur ew . r
. as.ats.srs.s.reeddler..
people who jostle u.e with another to
get near the doors. I entered by ticket
et 6.40, and had time to take in the aur- In Tele SI..+At of the Doh of .!+Hoary
roundings beturte ties entrance of the an article appearri deecrtbine the
os who
><. Even try that tune the strange advent of J.e Armstt r Y.
general paM arrived itt "rbe P wt - ne t)ctwber dot
lower portion of the building ossa pretty in a fish boat. Arustron. , who 5114,
well tilled. The galleries and geteral wsut by the u:iaa tr: I'taher, gave out
seating ars placed in acircular form and that t.t, was oar els way t.. the Lsitiul
ulan4la, bet 1.e hums ter. u9,l I'on Altert
fate the pulpit, behind which u the large fur o couple ..t monthssu1 ats.ut the
neve, and clwir. In front of the pulpit 5th of December disapieered. He re
is the reporters table, and to see the turned in about a week later with a cuv-
scribes rriyfioxaiy attending to business
immediately in front of the congree„atun
would rather startle s4xne of the puritan
sod grave old cuvenanters rhe regular
ly peruse Tun Sweat.. l'unctually at
o clock Dr. \t I'd entered by $ private
entrance behind the choir stand sad
made a sleet prayer. After a hymn by
erwd 'beery, which he said belonged to
his mother. He cgaiti took his de,art
ure after a few days' stay, but returned
once mere about a fortnight later, nod
his former condition of unpecuutesuy
was changed to 0415 of prodigal display
of gold and jewellery. As our article ..f
Jan. 16th had it : - "(M this occaai.•n he
appeared to be liter.. rollin* iu riches.
lie spent his money Weighty, jewels Of
first reading of the franchise bill, the be pleased ei learn that such is the rase. the c'u it the "pn.phe' 'Leel up his ow- great value sparkled on lute hngrn, Gull
TUE Pruviueinl Secretary he.. 14a44 s leader of the Opposition was constrain- ILILWA4" 151.1. •old silTer watches repPe.d .0 every
circular t.. Outline license Lsprctnrs tis- respondence.,std read and answered pd adorn
to eau "Knout. ' a have, in the re- On the train were Mr. Ness. M. FP. ,
etruetieg flare t4. pr...rcele .r parties disttibutiun 144.1 had enough of surprise for North Perth, and Mr. John Gilles.
selling I' Por uncia' Isom... (except and at States raiser! the nsiblee of his world!"
'g fur our day, and can t ataud any taora" the heavy M.PI ., fn•n: Bruce. Mr suttee Err' I ertt hardly call the Ina
wholesale sea eti.a+I litsiis•) ague! by It is amusing to hear some of the old Hess sad I talked about the railway jority .1 the persons present a rru;rc-
Du.ninNru Beside sutler this d.to Tories gruel about the redistribution, ueierta,on from L ors, to Ged.ridi, and
esti the ereatast growler' now an these gatuon .,t werehippers. The "answers
Tars L,caL thermometer has finally to correspondents" filial the pace ?bleb
decided te pi...reed *tett the erection of
who chuckled most loudly when Sir
pocket• a tninuture qo sclasnrs -
thetu iu rotation. lie was tory smusing, d his begat, and sltoeetber he appear-
ed to M • man upon whom this
it was refreshing to seethe inures: taken
the new parbae.es.tar, huildints in
Toronto. This is as it sbuuld be, and
the Geverseeit bas shown wiadurs in
grsppliur with the question. New
buildings aria needed. and later and
material are clump
(t)„ IT is reportedIrum Ottawa that imine•
direly epee the teeming of navigation o a
\*edge will be sent o clear away the
mad her at the mouth of Uoderioh har•
\law. It is to be h..ped that better work
will be performed than has been done in
the pat. The dredge work executed
bowie seasons at thta pui..t has been of a
very peer bort
John Maedanald eerrymenderei Onta-
rio in 1882. At that time they thought
the gerrymander s smart dodge ; now
they are of opini,n that an iniquity has
been perpetrated. They don't like to
take a dose o! their own medicine. It
makes all the difference art the world ts
these fellows to know whose rat is gored ;
and whereas in 188'.' they jubilated over
the crying up of constituencies by air pall and pull altogether will be made
dohs, now Hon. A. 8. Hardy is execrate by the municipalities all aloud the hoe
ed by them becase uhe ha endeavored to bring in s branch of that line to God.-
to mon equally distribute the electoral rich.
rote in the various constituencies. THS L0.7AL LLOrsLATCLH
The intruduet.un of the system uf u still in full bleat. The seaien is
minority reprontatien in Toronto a staring its close and a few weeks will
slaw a sore theme with the `'maheen" bring about the adjournment. As is
w •
h had flee generously and liberally
Wb.k.ale ae/ tela!i a a ler I. *bet' and
wlkavy Sara ware. ►alarm. elf, Glow, eta.
G• treaN,H, `-lilt March, 18&.
To tie PUN o• :
1 am selling fest iron nails at R:•7o
Fir 101) tbs. net cash.
Deet steel Tarn fence wire at 61 cents
per lb. tet cash.
1 ant ;;Icing; _'O per cent off general
sash sates of one dollar Ptd upwards,and
10 per root off credo *deo of one dollar
sad upwards.
I art cuatiwaall7 gotFi5HiR Pew goods,
Largely •bmight direstre.T-s hitt manu-
facturers h..th uf Creels and the Unites
These discounts refer to paints, oils,
Mass. cr. as cut saws and all goods nut
quote) net cash ..r nett credit.
My goods are not narkeot up Pi meet
the bit; duruutta, but this reduction is
trade off any hitherto unequalled low
1 keep■ full line of farmers' andbutld-
ers' hardware, uteeh•ntci turas and
sailors' outfitting", Ac , Ae.
See my silver plated gouda.
I e+rua:iy solicit your owitiuued pst-
Yours truly,
R. W Mt 1:6N9.1T;
c es rip --.
bestowed.' Be bpd web him a li'm'y ry( j} It upon y COL`S=
hired from John Knox, of this t-wn, tZy School (3iri.
which he failed to return, but left at
Saltford, sktpping on the meriting train.
in our scheme by the psrh•meutary s usually taken in other churches by *belle was then suspected that Armstrong
succorer of D. D. Hey, the old railway reading of a chapter of Scripture, and had been into the stealing business, and
had been one of the gang who robbed
no chapter was read during the entireMax Simsuski, a Polish Jew peddler
'envier" The dis:uurse wap & peculiar sear Arthur on Christina Eve. This
suspicion has turned out to be correct,
and Armstrong and one of hie pals is nor
in Wellington county ga' 1. The facts of
the robbery and arrest are as ionises :-
On December 24th last Max Sime.usei,
a Jew pudler, while ting tnrnuvh a
bush near }'arker, in the runty of Wel Lond, had been ahatnetully assaulted ort
lington, was sprung upon by three her way from nchix, hys lascivieuswrotel+
men who came out of the underbrush. who bad just returned from the peoitesti-
each presenting a revolver. They forced ary where he had Meru stetting his term
him to get out of the rig. and then, after for a outlier offence. At onetime !mirth
ice mon plasia;; a watt in his mouth, took him in- law was threatened, and it lou..od se if
surance that takes with the crowd. Ile to the amide and tied him to a tree, first ,he authorities would be saved expense
warhse. Mr. Hess u from Listowel,
and a reported List,.wel and that or -
;ion as being warmly disposed towards
one, and of the prophetic kind ; it dealt
the scheme. One thing is certain that with the future relation of England and
Goderich has good backing all the way the United States in the march 'f pro -
down to Elora, and should the C. P. R. gross and civilization. It would
cebe im-
suoed in securing another soled trap! paesibie to give even a synopsis of it in
the Government, s long pull, a strong this letter, but this I can ay, I never
heard anything more pocula[' than his
deductions. The prophet u nut an
timer, by any means, but he possesses s
positive er, and an unctuous a-
a rewrites' tear trod allld abamerully
&.gawped • we•icdrel•. areMd Of -
On Thursday last then was a terrible
fes end of il,dsgnatuen aroused in Brus-
sels when it papa learned that a young
girl of atwut fourteen pian of age, of
cue of the best families l0 the neighbor
is not devoid of wit either, and Hoyer buttoning up his coat and plicin;t his of the brute's fret at the ciente/ arises.
mittens on hu hands, leaving hint with The facts 4 the case. so far as they can
hesitates to drop a jest where it will do the advice that he should Keep himself be described in a paper like Teta b16YAt.,
are substantially as follows :
The wretch wile perpetrated the out-
rage is about 27 years of age. and his
name is John Logan. He is an inertia -
mate child, bis mother being s deaf mate,
as, indeed, are two of his uncles. About
seven years ago the family remuvd to
suer u or u Dakota. While un the way, Le "tipped
lx' hist the thieves qnt " wrhont m•desta ,,T at Mitchell, deserted 'a•s relatives,
patriotic tire -aa be did u tunes on Sun- tion Fn:incts: detective Jr. Rosters arc' made for his elft residence in the
Ora *hint centre the Star must good. HIs audience I.wka for his as warm a possible. They first rifled
raw pwrary. poiiueians, whose day u now doomed so usually the case, some heart bas. ea is points. and never fails to deal out liberal his psi :kers. secnr:ne $200 in ca:ih and
has called in the ail of the rile sheet term far as a straight Tory re:meese:shoe cropptne up Seward the close, the pen- uae in response to his efforts in that his keys. .Tiro of the meet then took the
by an sbat.d'ted creature in Clinton, in from Toronto is nowosrnod. l be Hardy's -- distribution bill pedler's req and drove off, while the
order throuch the crowd when he tic est delivered
eipa ant.; ' Cee. Ever snd anon a titter will run and hav-
Fraser • franchise bill, and Rose' maw_ thins returned with livery req,
ms he disappeared.
to hates thew at Tee blrSaL. kles the thea
foo thrwht the Scor would noun find it. HAIL, IJINTLl 4PP.fNI:' Pen confirming the agrcemont between
!reel The Honest *Pinion of the editor ! risible.: and when be Wises himself Hi The robbery ttx,k place about four och•c
P All bei! ONsie Spring : K e 'tent the Government and the school book in the afternoon on a well-trsvelled read,
d the Star of kis seely adopted aCy thee with a great erect. Thou hast tar- publishing firms. The two former were
would be racy reading- nod lens ; pray linger act yet i .ager. read s first tone tat week and today
ltecabse we greet thee with "All Hail "' Rios r.s,lutiea is on. Great intetwt is
How. A. 8 I3azoi, pnvircisl secre- return not our greeting in kind. and manifested in this matter, sada. 1 writs
tar,, who has been in i11 -heath nearly favor us not with ail hail and -sleet. the galleries are well blld.
also whale gratis'. thus fu, is now to his Lonq hate we watched for
THS rxT*IASs OF '37.
Yesterday a buucumbe resolution was
moved by Broder. of Donde., seconded
by Col. Gray. A fork, which would have
the effect of saddling upon Ontario iM
Rgsostemed plus, and prepared to attend . Gentle
Sprier and mightily have we
M business. Up to the present twee I mourned over thy dilatonnes, for the
SM. C. F. Fear has been the Govern -
Winter I Winter has been long. and life is but a
ISOM "fighting man." *wept when Yea. .
A. Rom, of Huron, was standing to N yearningly his gun un the provincial financial
Sous time age the ('enadiun Sports-
man devoted s timeline article to the he-
1'ttlisg of "Wee Groff, ' the lively trut-
f l declamation, b rns with
day last -hearty applause is his portion.
It is owing to this free and cagy style
that he keeps fond St. church filled
when the congregations in other churches
are sparse. Of a verity he is nut only
the prophet, but the "profit" of Bond
St. church. D. McG.
areae, s' 4o s esk. ala Mils Answer.
'e y y hook for Mad -thy har• onus of providing compenattos for those' -
Wager and our eyes have tired gazing who had taken up arms in defence of the The other day a number of sump manu-
factures went et Ottawa and asked gov-
ernment its daubing sister, the Beautiful' Family Compact in 18:'.7-A. There was to take off the duty on sap
Snow. a Iwely debate open the question, end more. A witty *Nobe cvnestrmdent
sew is a pod thing. in its place. but (j the Tory weathers wrapped themselves was writing up the interview, end in
that ysai bas felly demonstrated that it in theta Union Jack -metaphorically- answer to his chief who had asked him
ting mare which is the property of A. M.u quits possible to have 100 much of a end shrieked about the pillars of the
1 ,d thin ea. even in the she et
Dolby, of Gwiench A few weeks ago Rot g y pe British c•rnsti!uti.•n and the loyalty of
usdeelewlt- _,Iii beast carr. Ow great Conservative party. the Iond-
• , Iior,s.,' a t'i1 19d) lb* *tut Ile "itis.
the NperMtew sell thee: 1t tis e'
heated test est shouter wasW. R. Meredith. the
in Tuesday's as.Ngbserve t itA. 1114 Oben thi th.tmmuetet"tand° 0e at 0051 loader tat thor 4sm eethee. The iodates
Polley is out fe a card tt. trot "Stele' beterd 90 in the shade, «hen the Per' tion he assumed was somethm2 awful to
behold, and • listener would have been
almost led to believe that loyalty to Ota
taros interests was concentrd in the
member for London. and would die and
cease forever ---when that hon. gentleman
was called te his fathers. Mr. 0 Canute,
from Bruce. replied to Mr. Meredith,
and made things sultry for that gentle-
man. In the course of his speech he
pointed out that the men who took up
anus in eppositton to the unconstitutiae-
al acts of Mr Francis Bond Head in '37
were news loyal to Ontario and the prin-
ciples of British freedom than was th.'
leader of the Opposition in the Ie• al
tees refuge. ; it is amongst the pruba►ili- , House. who at the heck of his chieftain
ties ahs• the health inspector will be! at Ottawa had proved recreant to the
was given the case tied two days •after township of (Trey, travelling on fougt
started on the track of the htghwarmen. On the public road. between Seaford'
He traced them throueh *:len Allyn, and Walton, he overtook a girl, of tender
Listowel, F.!ma C.etr•, Attwor d, New -
years. She wasaized by Logan, thrown
rr. Brussel', Blyth and Seaforth ; thence down and cruelly outrslrid. He fid to
the thieves had driven to Hensel', and the w .n.ls, but was ;messed, captured.
Sher turning the face of the poor horse gouged w Goderich gaol. and at the fol -
towards Seaforth. boarded a train on the lowing assizes visa sentenced and served
L H. it 11 Railway, for London and a tern, u: eta years at hard labor in
the )tastes. Bothe wth rrittes thnutttit. Klnkstoo penitentiary. At that time
but Armstrong came north instead. with the your.g rascal was barely seventeen
the jewellery
and gold
the ekes that temhe aeon, of age. Legan'a victim did not •
lashed gailyef
lung survive the dastardly outrage, asd
Port Albert lads and lasses, so above l..ng before his term expired was laid 1n
described. But though the men had her grave Stn January Ist,l8
, Logan
escaped far the tune benne, detective was set free, snd came to Brussel' hiving
Rogers did not lose hope of teeing viii- with ter sent there. Last Thursday about
what Sir Leonard told the deputation, re. mately able to effect their capture. Laat three o'clock io taw after' .un, he err
Sir Leonard retooled them with week he received word that theywetseeedod from Bruise's al •rq t . 1tth H.
against "Moose" or soy other horse at
present owned itt Canada, "Phyllis'
barred. the race to come eB oar the
Brantford track tate second week in May
good day and good took. If the
Sportsman meant what It said shout the
spratien oozes tram every pore, and how
to keep butter intact is the problem that
agitates the brain of the boarding house
madam, cooling breezes and ices and
swore are sizhed for with deep sighs ;
and again when torridity has been re -
respective menta of "Elsie 'and "Mcrae. placed by frigidity .one and all yearn for
a favorable opportunity te not offered to anotherousnee. we neither mai fog
make rood its contention. 1f the Sporta-
ref mae *won't hack "Moose' for the trot' Greenland's icy mountains. nor crave the
let it tame snether hone against "the horrid torrid temperature, and that is
cid jade.' why we hail the advent of Spring -the
_ haply medians.
READY. AYR RIAO)1-. it u .suite true the departure oldie
There .s quite a flurry down at Teton- bow insane the uncovering of the whi-
r at present. Ivory evening the oSeers
of the city volunteer bat..ihen are scar
tying around. awl tremor hath it that
tik.sone of our Canadian Lays will fad the
][andi's speak -ern barefoot. S. of
the officers are ie reemestary espeets-
tion of receiving the "route," is which
event Egypt will be their destination.
•Ploy are jebilant over the peerbility of
it''•' being abts to snatch honer and fame
*rem the assumes mouth. if flay an
tolled Car he the Imperial Government,
we .terra to hos of thorn looking for a
notion on "Afrie's golden sands' a
ier in
eagerlyil4s es we wwhhe ohm 1 dlaaddtw
Mettles rat,
the seaming► Meg Y' e _ weed in the pilo w fest dwindling away.
IC Late= Idtsea, tri gwnaeeanle 1 Mo t Per these sod other agwally reed remoras
l es • tnodt. sa wild • se swim my fail eoevertor.pn1s sgsrt. 01 O ear heart lifts up o errata
rt sr Gees If Wes ear est.ktf. MNM aerial.
Wenomll va+[ . .07. s sli lift
the a r a bees
lle sig , tt►•e s Stn tae asowwwvl tee both*
La:t., tlbsMmMer from grew
around with Iteres.ptory orders fur the' beat interests of his natire privation.
;Jeanine up art the hark yards ; it is a Mr. ('Connor furthermore stated that 4
solemn fact that ovonboes will have to Per John Macdonald s. willed it, H•.
be sttsndoned, and the blacking of ahem Meredith would be willing to eerie the
will be "Iwo regata•1y entailed spoor w : treasury tenches by fora, and wield
snd, hey,•nd portdventare, the horrors` Rol, in that meant, hesitate 1.t take op
of heoseclesninl will ries Sp Went esiarmsagsinsteveatbwdnstituti•.nalriders
hke s terrible nightmare But after the ..1 this pr.eince. The Worrier thenen,
long sister through whisk we have pass- • and a nasber of momben •Is. tr k part
ed. we are am -Neely r.signod to the ter-
ren its .tore, if only to be free from in the debate. The 1837 noolutieri was
tare shah we bare a so long 1 rojeetd by el to 32.
The melody ha gene cot of the sts; I
t in in Canada thou h theyhad s Wei Blake's. e
the answer :"I dreamt that ::reed might i ars / u[ Grey. calling at
still lie free.-jToronto World. I the officers set to watch them, and am- 1 en,lutrwt shout hay, but t.dn,{ to gait
mdutely started on the tragi again, , ant. he tuir.•d Inntst it. the atdernaf,
trews wilted h constable Iluss,n,ot Arthur. o
7 Lie a ti,e childrvu war :asrinj "John
pvrss•se eta M T /sit track of the parties art :fatur- ,
!kyr t ,1lowe sttheal ivaH ' ;;la lgc.•und wax t- ,
- o are identified a (ewe tie then
48. as•
obliged to yea,.' aid a day' proceeded t fiancee, ed Sham tl:rouyh the f.
the meq and Wok them to Gaelph. took the ode end from the 12th U the
dere-fisted old fellow to s a•untry eat
When arrested they gave their names a (10th ce,nore.iuna, and supra *wet three
ter• "if you will express my !kirks Georg• Buck and Joseph Arinetrong. parts of the way screws cane on to .we
thruui h your excellent paper, to the
When before the magistrate. Nuck made of tee acho',ars, a qtr! named Hannah
many citiaewwhose timely sou Inst night a clear breast of the wholestfa.r,and mid fta11 daughter •.f Mr Henry Pelt. He
savedsavedmy hoo use !roto beim: deatr..yed by that the third p .rty implicated was Lot walked near her until they reached $
tin " tie, the same man olio shut the eo,r.sta- solitary spot. when A. sprang towards
"Certainly," reeled th.editnr, "I will We in Torrent^. Little is still at larto her, and in spite of her cries and an.
tte understand that list week a ,rootlet old fear•tt.! s'regglee, foully
goantity of Jewellery std am"+watcher forced ! er 11.e circle of '''.eaten anew
went found on the premises .•f :..nes • attested how hart the girt fought for
Bard, of (:wry tnwnahip, uncle ot Latl.. Iher virtue. and her hritee.blamerd blamer
_ This tallies with the story Kien by d limb. told the goy of her reveller's
Mr. Teen White attacked Sir Richard l Bek .rid Armelrnt:e. 11.11* it w41 ba I yebnee After he hey accotaptuhed his
Cartwright in reference to the failure of remeal'eretl• rat recert!y tried 11, bode- I purpose. *4s Sentra kiret near her lido
the Cewstereul Bank. Sir Richard in- rich, ch+rl«t ras
h resettle, the con- enu, aha eoam h.,uses on her
atablas who were hunttnt for Little at my home, f, r fear she weigh! giro
"I would be
THS morns? mr DOWWD Orr.
of "The Iloaetifel .sow, ' the tinkling ger Dr Wild, pail! an tincts ,o M an
of Ow sloth belle .e so leaser Jamie to
ear sere ; the *sal IS the bin sad the sttrmetisn. For thio peat 6. • peeve l e
km kept Hood street 'bomb filled ,.s t, o
door., sod last Sunday. there was se
abatement in the attentlesnw As.hs*
6 30 p m o.. of the foto dews of IM
shores is opested, and sdierea .ns isOki-
.sprees your thanks. but Mean be neces-
sary for you to advance $1,:0 to repay
the expressers
div Richard and air INH.
termed the House that he did not pro-
ver to answer the attack of Mr.
White : that he was President of the
bank at the time, and that )fir John
Maedoseld was tree of its directors. and
that if Sir John Motellenald would as-
sume the responsihill y of censoring him
as Mr White had done. who knew moth
tug sbuvt *he matter, he (lair Richard'
was ready M tell all that he knew *boot
the matter fie declared that he was is
:re way responsible for the urs.
tome of the parties upon whom blame
rested were no tenger livinve anti he did
eat wi.8 to say a..ythin/ which might
wntiwd the feelings of their.ehtldren
let it was tar the Primo Minister to say
whether the allies of the Comnrwwreial
Rank aheald lee ./fade the sehjeet of Par
liamwit/my dieseesion. if Kir John had
ray redeutinne to east spots his esndu t
se se otaeer of the hesa, he was pros ed
••• direr the gqtll,Mti.,i. Kir John Mar
doeeld said that h. W no soewsatione to
make afloat Ser Rlaherd Osrtwngha.
it ►a espseud the (Mtsrin Legislature
will *djoarn in &beet two week&
his house little s street wield be
baited with relief by many, het he is
desperate customer, 'and will n. t be
esptueed without. • hard fl ht.
(►r, tVdnesdsy Reck and Ai -esti -mg
were sentenced. The Julie st.n,ntator-
• 1 a cots n ; lecture to them and senten-
eed each or the robber+ to f'wrteen years
in the p.sittwtiuy.
ss alum, and then left her, ayiag he
Eras genie to Ithel, and that if she told
what he did he w 5nld kill her. The
Child's er'r'ata were sheen' 1r.m home,
and no stone win Taken for L.ogas'a ca
tare until the In
OM was then ,crane
facts, and, ehh•011
The t ilallesa eager Mer.
Ottawa. i)tarch 13 all the talk sbnnt
the gevernrnsnt•a resignation sur of a
di,ta•elatewn ha ata origin in the flet that
at this time 1a' year it hail been ar-
ranged for all the mvniste5 to send in
their resignation to the premie at the
ennrinsinin of the !OW .n Thio weal,
Lave monied 4.r John to form s resole
strueted evovernnont, leaving Woe nut
in the mad whom it ossa thought bettor
to digests. with. OM Tomorrow pat
this 011 toe ass ruses .I.r another last
year, but it is believed here that the
thing will saaarelly he done at the rad
.t the present *unto*. (Tor site World.
dirt W. B. D.ok-
acquainted with the
ua to that time the
girl had not mese teed her 5natlant,
the y•ung horrtster whtked up tis oeoeso
thnroug'lly this Logan aim arrested. aid
a atoms chain of eletoms!trths! evidence
fastened sntued hen N• was brought
before 'ustgcea of the peace Hunter sad
Shaw. and esu fu'.ly ttent,fied by hip
befit• at the man who hart nutra.ted her.
The ease war clearly made act against
Nee brute, and he was taken to (:wderiah
gaol by constable Hooke. severed batd-
d Loggia speaks well of prima
fl life since hie Mere.
These ha ben much vytepth7 ex-
pressed fur the peer MON et tree ea
innnsset child in pear' mid tenability.
it wield Aare been en may matter tw
Ansa a erwuJ to twig Logan is