HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-3-6, Page 8•11::1111 ItrorTNTAr iii 1 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, 1&B. 0, 1885 211/114111611214. Vat Toyama. John Clarisha. .emJ hu leo we to Mr. M.,uty of Glosses ter the sum of $1110. Jar. and Maas I4SIL Rend returned en Menta last trod a taut to their (needs Towxswtr *Intik, Fvb. 1;Rth. Quieted see at potline to ad}eura- wont. LU the members premed. The Peeve is the chair. Mtustee ut 'set aset,a(I res' tied after some d►eeriwsien, SJ..ptted. The Rode reported that ow- ing to continued • • .ily uslseea, ,'Agit NeMath was unable to pay his tat.•*, and ..n hs not, ,-ueudatiot it ask moved by Moiety- Is 'e l+u.....,,.so.id d by woeful/tot tltbaah, that :he lases a.aouuuus to $2.1 • ' . off Car - ...ed. The olerk wee rwtre..ed to atter salary by taw, placing clerk's sslary at $&I, Instead of at 1100 ('ewmuuira liens from Jas. Hobbs, 1'. L. h., 1\in;p- iam. apply,ng for polities el township engineer, and eesntyclerk of fl ford, ro• meriting Jelegaties to Ottawa on rat/ way lousiness, wen read : The former was laid ever, the latter tottered tie be filed Petition of A. b' JI, P. tta('auti and others, aside; that ..tee en 1...da, bene- fited by big ,Iran. •a more fairly and optical/4 devida:. road. and un mo- tion cf Deuty-R.: oeeteenate.l by coun- cillor Tod4, was hal over for (Muni t•oa aiderativa. Clerk was iwtrueted t.: write to M. C. Cateran. 14 P.. for .d• tip on the drain toilettes, &nit fer re - tot .1 of farmer petition Messrs. ifeb Mar and Pei -lane liters, presented that report on a ..uInation, an error was discovered ,n drama**, and it yeas -that the a'i4 Wtat od_ treasurer mead to meet r.••. .► en Thurs- day slat, at 'o'clock. G ..pert eo amidst. Mr J. 11. Tattler sake., for er.►nt fur 38 rode wire f.•sc.. As this fence was both before motion. retanNntt nay w which grant w.. to he • ',stained was passel, it was coos-••% by I►.p.utr-Ile eve. seconded by orient -01,d Teeld, that a grant of lar eta. pet • •.1 W yrr.n,ted. Carried. Mr. Fort asst«I for grant to inapt -eve side line be: erne le:.. 21 and 9th cots. Lind n• •'r ill J eve nie.'in. . Moy«I by nuwe,llor 11141,n, hitt-elided by councillor Todd. •... clerk monied clerk of Ashfield. to ha -e Ashfield c.•un cil remit $43.:.24 one half of account et{:nded on itrio:rus . s bnde, to trrrt- urer .f West Wswanr th. ('at%iod. Moved by Deputy -Re.. seemided by eounelllar Todd, that clerk r.yuo•t Me Murry, late clerk. to forward to county elerit, espy of the tassessn: ant r.{. far Mil. Carmel +'onnein Adjourned un - td Taur.day, llareh 6th. R H. M.• sa. t .ork. Tis Biotest. will be .,.it to any ails arms for the mimeos; torte m•.sths f. •r One Dollar. :a Au oars.. Thor. tiw,ah, est , of this olarn, was taker, .1 11.1 dotards. list very suti,leuly. He is at tomato. under the care of Ur. lase.,.-•.t•tt. of Lu..ata'w. We hope w hear .:f his spool). r.. very. The pato, ...era! held at John iteid'. ..n 1t neo:., s t ;:ig was a grand in- sets. A pr.grruta,e coesiatiog et vocal and instrumental ploys and epvvchus was goat. through utth, and a very pleasant tel pr -.built. ascot... .esa %peat by all. !'r•raede a arty 10 dollars. PLIP1ONTagnM. ''n Saturday 'venial; Feb, 28th the y. or.g,wop.o of Il -po cow grel[ra.i.u, I'ar.rnou. t t.Vli puea.esK.t1 of the testae of their e•at•vmr't- pastor Mr. Haar_', a,. au 1 t.rw••nted .,v.. with a set u! ha.-uces ata slap, and In. Ilwwtltun whit a henda'uue set a' crystal, access -, b)' the fullo,rrne addr►as. Matt P.rrutt --!Y the yea..: people of T..ur contret:at:en at !hone alienate Ought, hein.t desiruu.. of •hewtrie our ap- preetatieo► and graft -.:::r is you 1 .r dee street iet.test you haft token to our *piritual welter', b•a.t thought It best to take tale nethud 4.1 .nakiwt; woos small return for d'• (hit you kayo 11s+.i *moo fes ammo pr'siig -tar Aire wishes tote ort to yes .•.d your family. and. w• trust that '} el may bene afore you D.!,a11d atnaw.la Lops the.) -lir stay 4ma•ns'st ua OA, he ars atresea 1. in the future ate in the past. la euDelusioe we molt you to reer•ve this houses, as * taken 1.1 the lot a sod esters. r ;tieh we feel f• r your peer s • awe tin rias tali' this oppr.rcunity to ••recut tire. Ilan» l - tea with those pieces of crystal, at a sten}! token .f our to': u t i her. Sigi►etl Its behalf of the ye .n{ poop.* of Hone congregation - f Cao.sid Hutchinson � .� t to•n:.mia Relater. Mr. Ifs.atton, tl+•.agjt taken by sur- prise, mode a *wry seit•.ble reply. thasit- rttg'aha• Port': peeto1 • for tlet,r kiadafs• towards him and his family. iio said that it had s wipes iir.0 his much pleas - tare to be with flit is ,.nda at Dope. an l at no tine had he tecsived anything bat itiwdtt0ss helm than. After Av. Haaril• tells reply the ions, esu was aisunitui- ly supplied by the content* of Warily laden baskets fur,:,sl•ai ny Inc "Amite ladies, and a pleasant *veal.:: .d ..ciao chat and music: wa. t.: jeyed by ofi. 18 • neon h. John Iranian 1.ds...id his tarn on the •1t�/ccon., to (?. AW.r, for the auto of •;t 0. sik Miss :.ttConneil. teacher of N,. :1.1oad a personal experience of Manitew weath- er, by g-ttint; her aa:a freasu. John Fowler, ••f .boa lith con., bra very poor health at presents iia l,aeaer ps.- taking of rather A ces,.em;,tis.:ewn�fepy at present. Mr. Bettor, •r.. is sera::. from s center in the etontieh. R Miller, of St. lisleait, w:, . appoint - e.} township mark, in place of Robert Marra, who lip igr,-c Cue position, lin. Charles F,ateul (lied from i.i- A.astnstien of tin bowels. iMceasted Jaye a family e! seven children to teeters' her untitreiy iota grysipedas is pre.aleat in the neiftie- Imrheed ot Uungnn'tou at Pretext, nae death }acing r salt l frr.0 it, an 1 see.- ral are to rather a •lat.ge:oto •tate tri :-s its erecta. There was a baste -ting in the Presley. toren church at St. l telcos set Monday cremator, and a e • ::at on Wednesday OLADSTONH TNT ( LsstorL Tae SSm orrraeat e1111111 NM Ranee Jest Sew. Morley's assearl,ueat to the couture aoteton, favoring aintiation of the r.uMlau, was rejected 4:.5 to 119. Lord Itatui:o.u's amendment to Mor- ley s muti..n, t.. the- effect that the (l.,v- en, .,lint lead felted t.. irdheute s policy th justifying e (omeletee of t•arIia,neut t.r of the tomboy,, eat rejected -Mt to Y' 7. All the feta i metnbst toted against the I:vrsn+uuut. tool Hatttngteo mid that whether the .0 Geo o:,ent was tat was nut defeated , the peudu►g motion, tae rt )cutlers for the suppression et the Stolle would be euu'tnued. It was duo t.. Inds to show the vas' Ifehsmnsdau population of that F c....itry that udland would not 1w made to retire before the Alstlht's fanatical hordes. The (iueerument adbared toils pledges and would not leave the Soudan se..i its object hail been aceenpluhed. The railroad treat Seek....to Berber, he soil, woo d be used for a.n.ulerrial as well ss military purposes. He believed 'we., the Hoe ulJ not support the testacy (f uu,lertakit.g the goverotuont of a new jtoils in the heart of Africa. All eoui- dence lstwsen the Go. eminent and iu Tie tate a .thorn advisers would end If the Gov- away H Sane very Inter. et oe4 ODrtMptrfileShoesI ha. hoes crowded owt. Port Albert. M s. arab llaeluo, of tiheppatlten, ..out lest wool in the td'a`e, salon; frtroda. lir Mct1.11, of G...rie, est the guest of Jas. Alaha/y t. ft week. FeetDry! Keep 1 uu two du lei. ata Tory trialK cwt b7 burse fou BOOTS & SHOES Mrs. Joie Oveiesth, of Osterirh, was Jr THIS KTt)P.E Of' of Richard Te in the %.pact that weak, tuttI. g friend& Mr. ar.4 ¥. e, el Chasten, was the guest �' em{ this .wk. Ea D O NG Jas. B. tla.kiu. was in the voltage oft 8I.ndey. Coasting on a tet. sleigh is tk•- latest spurt. Bruised Iambs sod Mute of the boys laid up arra the latest moults. Nearly al the vtllaeers took in tee tuameetiag at Shepnardton on Wedt:ew- day evening, and report a trod base. A BAD END. te.ala of like Teasrae hallows BueUssd a a Palk* Ina5eu £sheep. • Nit !Covington, of British t'olursl,,a. is on a shtrrt visit to friends in them., th- eca part of this township. Revival services have bees started ►y the ito+. C. Hamilton at the Zinn an. i•.aitmett of the Aohtield c,rcutt.filetl. diet church. A very euerossful tie-meetinz was held in the Presbyterian church Lan, t, on Thnrelay .v.nint; est. The Lucknnw choir was present and reader eel sued excellent music. Kew. C. flans iltua and 1}cNabb of t.ueluow, gate short addresses. N'e b.1154. mere win *bent. 330 realised. 1'. 14. I. Miller, has visited in. at of the tci o_la in tin township. The os•oc,l met at wheel h•.uM No. 9, en Saturday, 21st Inst. All the members were present. Ti. minutes „ i previous meeting were read and signed. The lollewiog communications were re- ceived : -Lotter from James Brown, re - atoning his position as ge•lluet te, eun- sideri:.g the salary insufficient for the duties repaired. Letts' fr..m .I tmse Little, asking Ike council to Nett' Irina for dames done his sleigh, while driving on Ike division line. }loth let•urs were laid erten dig. nver till next meeting. The clerk was Thome* u'Lwisg:.lit died on the 21.1 ult., a_•el about 40 years. Deceased hos uttered aec.rely f•.r the past year trout blee,ltug of the ton; & Nis rewama were .nterrert in St. A tt;rsti,:e cemetery our the 2.Zrd. [New Era laetrust.d to writ. to Tait SIUMA,., en- t:a.f and Star offices fur tenders for the township printing for the present yea:. Mewed by L. McMurchy, seconded by H. (atria, that the following 'moment,. to. paid ' W. G. Baxter, $23.70, for 79 Thin was a debate in the ts.n tante ride wire fence en north pact lit '2, and IN sriu:h part of tut ,, lake read ; John hall, St. Fi.lens, het Friday treeing. Kesel, $l:).:70 for 44 rods wire Wee on it we., "Pmsulvd, thwt tha priotin. lot 9, 'c.. i). ; W. Murdock. $4.00 !erre tirese has ti..ne rte-„ for tnankmd than pairing culvert oa b.uodry between the at.., ,. en,ttn.• rhe pt istnig teres Ashfield and Huron , John McLetutan, won the decision. It will soon ort• news - 12.25 for lumber and spike on culvert vary N. strsuger. 10 brine their un- nn boundary bet weru Aahfield and ifune. abridkwl Wortesters when they tial, ts. Moved by if. (:iron, eocon.l.d by H as with et thea 'hey will eay hags Chambers, that the auditors report to }proal tugs of tut al_quesas, +arnepteid. Carried. Moved by D. Mc llwrchy, se:ended by 11. Outdo that the 3oi1111t. ..editors be paid 18 00 each. Carried. Iw: jt. yu►tst.ltia• r(t amber ash twiner; Moved by D. MoMurehy, seconded by team through here, s.. rest' to LYalt-1 r' emir. that }tnbt. Hamilton h• !raid _ ♦,8.60 far ; oder st ' (100 h) a. �i • ie l,nr;ltnid, t►i$ *oti}►eao e( Priwkesdarin idao, itiiRlt school. xas nesse oat a .visit on l ones loving been esndemerl. Carried. Haitian last. Moved by 11. Ginin, aewrd«1 by H Mr. : w: 2lra J. Q. Murdoch. Chamber°, that }loHmltfie p IwsLaile, ware si..aityj at R. D. tI."'$ W ler being •rbrttbe.nteraon iMonallon aid h a rat's la it work. feriae. Carried. Mored by P. Clair. Visa Mattis Towle, v( Kt. Marla, WI be by 11. Garvin, that Jamas Scott risitir.t at Mr. Andrew Mullet's 1be Paid 1 1 i for shovelling .now ..w Graham's hill. (tarried. )loved try P Mr Farquhar and wife of ('lintnn.and (Hair, ascended by 1). Me Merrily, that Mr. J. hn Alels.r as..: wife of Wawa,.rah, Jelin .Murphy io paid $6.00 for work weee the guest.. .•f Mr. .,r.l Mrs halt! ! leu, on the dirieien tint,. (tarried. fur a fee day, L..t vee:. • Moved ley P. Glair, seconded by H Deati., during t',r petit few days, has! Ginn, that R. F. leans he refunded called - say two of our terms rwsdeeta S1 i+t mistake m no. Lamed. Mused 1.. juts' the .ajurr y etre. Alton. site bl. 1). McMurchy, accorded by H. (lir etf tn,r ..,.wt reatds.,:..1 th:a leesldt•, yin. that the council do new adjourn G. having passed away ^n ,;onlay ewenw r, inert seam .:n Saturday April Id, 1f1146. tine e, Le, Air. tae lye ii alar of l.utk- Wei Letts. Netk. rs .w, ■ young IMAM era ,.,,wn to the pmts.' I.! Ill.•, d,erl nn fuer ,ay .it,nnrg. A nn1.9011 nrer of sols. ..f land bas Leen "�»211' solids a rutin the leo f. a e..ks in Ash I •fh• 'r* -rent in/ held in the Megeo,Lst field, s.,hers dietetic • *ret of this •lac..' el,ard, .ta Wadnnadsy •venins we* a N m Rarper sold ha. farm tel .lens - ,metas in every particular. There wse (Ledge: for $1.200 Genres t'aatphsll a big turn nut, end plenty 61 ehoi.:s eat a. iii to Mr lttotht...,f i:h los foe IP, abbe. Rev Mr. Turner presiders. and )100 .Ioa.•ph Rise.. 1.. Win. Hunter, a aumable &dhow was Risen I,y Re, red We.. Genie, t•. Robert Hunter. Mr. (`m of Dungann.a. The North Mr. 14...•p4t and fa• t•ly imirp.re Fang 15, street Methodist church choir of (Inds the vtst.mty of B,a,..,uu. 111acmtoesrich, led by 11 R. P. Halls. furnished - - -- azo.ttent mouse, Mr. Henderson and jt;rttr', Zgj, Nus Ida Wilkinson in their respective solos were warmly remivsid, and a gear- perreesor (I► •• v.t week chmnicled tette by the Mimeo Rll.rd Menage Balls eta 4.-•h of .1..1... 14e1) .utsll, ,•ne of and Aeeder es was splendidly rendered, neer , Wept omit... al th•+two .f 79eats. Mies Johnston. Leashes., roosted • pimal;t, M^Ot.egell .as w native of Perth very nteel)J and a reading was view by a•;w r ..«.tiatru, b..: ^sine ', meads riff II. Mc[thbon of Underlie, Bich street yaa.a ease end not'I.l in lloderieh Stew home. Mr. Brown. to•ehor,ef j.e.here, /hi,•. nn the orrem.t h.•m•etead. Here idea read • odectsee. Wr Peobl.y, of lee t: toted • hoer* los himself. and rear. tidertrh, posted the sedie.s,. es "e .t• e. 1 '•ta,atly. R:. t11%n wee per Ms tea," ,s • eery interesting sketch el • /, ,es red no ewribeiri to Ierg.ly wttoneltrip down Spoor The one of I►d0 was e,i. 1 -, I 'shin' emote:It-reed in O•s.1e- realised A ones! wee bold lode lathe teaseta tr,s .v 1 tom toss awe) ,.wins• •,• tilt, death et his slew, Rev t fee at Oseasst' 1* Use. J. B. L,g.s was viable be 110 _meet; agriculturist has postal ernme.t was rvnl►olled 1•. Inform the at one t:el.r:k Saturday ,nonan,. sas.rr Gw,rmo Bnekland A.•use of the procto n,easurue a.lupt.d Mina iron. .ny'aa.d reap ago, uui for the Fetyptirn cAmpat{rt. can justly be regarded as =under .4 Nwthoute'i mntie* of .setae woe re- wricutters' edtwtis, is ()stare. As jected -30:.' to edit, pref.:seur atrtoo)turois The eshiat•t cntlttt'ittistitttrrgtr3tttrtit'c,Uw,le asd"tb Ontario veterinary --- tb:a:, p.m. Ttw•Jebate was e'ett.d and Ir,., rsotetary of the provincial Mown fo w... Puinta .icseded the bounds et. ,,j griculture, and so old sod esteemed decorum. Three tome .•1 acti..n were member of the council of the t►ntarsu t.n•pu..l and stoutly a.ltueated. arts and agricultural eiatiou, he was pour •n ui•i•ries to resegn nuns«lit►n• rsw ately w „rally and far •rab!y know t. an en and let the Tories as. If they eau do soy gegen' in 1Arwin;t pursuits throughout letter. tie ;wormer, root by these, as well ea by TI.. a.•co:hI prots.ittnn was to push the puhlic he w faithfully served, hu the oielt the ralietri'wti. n /eh, which has }oss oil, be depl.r..l. err.y loon nzte to ,y 1,:r ea• en o 1 1 1 ed 1 1 1 f 1)ecrased dme.l a oder peculiarly sad e�►b Crb'ss 331oc1:1- 1 herr mow .n, head the Iarr' .t rtock ae,•r .few a in t:a•s feriek, avt .o+Ariew. every 11ne e. natty fnaed ins (trot., 1►N dem .ter.•. tined the tin.ltd. throngs aa: Um .oterutrd(ate *tidos W twat .t asst cowhide. 1 watt real at Prices that 'W'illSuit Everyone. Ladies' Boots, in Button or Laced, rsom 31,00 to 15.00. Misses and Children's Strong School Boots, from 75c. up. Boys do., 31.00, up, all other Lines Proportionately Cheap. 1 tau au I w .11 tNnit you. nob .r. ,;,H. . a'•d pr:ass. Ctskh's Bk,el, Cether Fest street and Sonar* N.1t T t5. trod*:legabeeeked fladtttgrisawn I*Mtaty..t: Lowest Priem ME SPRING &SUMR .e rf b•.tl. Iwrt�aa, then to illusiveParliament oircun►steuest 110 was tested with a fit ., eat. Good arrived, and kill L� Urrivitt y f6r- ,nd t.tke the chances.( a _eneral eleelina at Youge and Ring streets at 9:4:i Fre- u.' 11,. conetit.rencies e,Mt%tituted by the day nitt,1 Not k,rowtng his identity or eul.,r,red francuue abet the rer}ist•-!•u- „,itis.. }'ulicewau Thouspwu had him lien rcaxted u, • sir' --h to pollee headquart- I'4e th.nl prop.uiti•tn was tv Nick to era. The ease *Al se.•n to be a mires odic* and let the Opperot •n howl. The ,one acid l)r. Old-tght was aumwoued,but srvoud pr••lw.sitiW► .41 pr lelay protan. medical ad was found to he powerless The ot/ :U -ell Curt' of F.•t. oke ex- and the add 1 t.ilewae die 1 in the .Is actlt tl.acrihes the opina.,n •.1 the belt. of time si 1 ,, crock this ,corning, his belly. the liberate in saying that the H..use ot b,,,,sg sftrrwara, ve',nvrd b.•wr. Ilia Commits ties found the 'eta Irish Car- ,tt,e was $1 IT.ir..oi. World. .list. "Nut guilty, bot d..0 t do it _ sitars �1 *Image taus of mlydrosa.M.. Lindon. March 2.- -Mr. lode uche:tie rese!utit.t• that the it ti,00f C••m' }trllrriIk, Feb. 28. Stetohrn ('torte, regrets that the mi ilia .s to be embodied, Irvine near C'.Nrsrron, was attacked with because it indicates ttffe resotntien of the ,,.dn,phubu trio.,week and (..came ea (iovonime, t h. interfere in the S• u.ian yr ,taut he h ul P to he taken G, iston jail by fora •f lines, was defeated ny 149 to foo was armed with cunrulsionr white 19T1;e !f,iryuis of Harkin. -tow defended engaged it. fawtly prayers, and bef.:re the sending out .d the fiords who rt the urilha.rs arrived was revue like a }•ec'ed to 44 employed en the war when- naadu.an, tearing and calms his non ever .erious ois•ratte,ns netneeded- ft flesh mail he prrwnt.ed a hideous ap- fwas mot tl.. Government a t.:tanners to l.wrauce, When he became rational he C104 nut the reserves yet, but they would traveling stated he was Imams by a read dog while with a ...Imes in Carthage, July it t, hesitate Io 'la *0 tf, nscrssary He 1670. During the tint four hour& his I tAt...to:'loninI offers of military, ,toots• tits etre acenmpsntod nth lasrking. ome.• iseeld le declined. The teevern- yowling, heavy panting and during in- , were now ce nrnllriaatine with the 1 tenets leakier of a dr. Alter beim, colo n:. s i .r Ilio purl.r,e of avicenatniwm strapped to the had by toren muscular the exact nature of the assistance iM colerile+ could tender. 1 COUNTY Ce RRSNCY. I Intra :rem rot r+rt• et normsot ow tow %res• la.asaie. Margaret. slaughter of Mrs. Halliday, of i'.li.,rne, .tied on the 21st inst., and ass hurled in .he cemetery at f'ell's aeweral erase. ebur• -ii, Hese lint. flatlet*, ..n • he 23rd. -- - Mie. nelitd-e has thu syapstliy of the The family and friends of Goa. Grant, neighbors in liar ra4 berwersent, This •e weal as the doctor* attending him, ad - is the third member of her family the mit that then is tittle or no trope that leas 'varied withus the pant past. the eeneral will recover. He anff re men he got loose and cut hue face badly in attempting to share. 1He pulled ora piece of flesh han;;int from a wound his hand and chewed it, being ap ly pleased with the taste of his . 1.1...4. Physicians think the case one of hrpoch indriac origin and at first quite under control. A itother "wane, ezeurred in the ranks of the aired • Holler, Cal the 19th ult., io the portion ef Mrs. Jackson, at the sidvaiteed age of 97 years and 9 months. Destoasoil was native et Scotland, mei: eratel to Canade abioit 41 poses seri. Aire- ion lieo in New Brunswick &beet coustent pain in the ear and head. The coneenens 4rowth at the root of his times* is hardening and steadily grownag worse. 1J. is bresinno down, but has displayed much courage. The Cancer mom mulled uedisubtedly by eircess In smoking - Ferry tune he speaks or breathes et eats ymra. she tea ea to thus :los is disturbed. kis difficult to treat it for that reason. There has been con - where sl.e has rseicled to the time. et her eiders's', hies of Woo* of the eat palate. The, General takes nspurishmeet *very day in liquid form. He can not eat gelid this t "entitle it iisnehter resides in food becanee he has lest all his teeth. iliey ware extrected. in the hope of Ausitr3lie. Three day* ef,ee nee death emote the pain In his face. The doctor cannot sa,y how wear the end iiebut there is • potability that be may live for mouths. The General spend* a little time moth day in reviaiog his luotory war. His has somebody read to inm what he has written. and then dictate* eorteetione. Hts two volumes ere so emir completed that the gsearal fools tlist his sun could finish them ammmary The litomigy yolk Meow mosd off Goes Bs is two is abet sad reticent. Durine the day the Grant noideace was visited by many friends sto expressed their sympathy in the 'serenest terms. They were tell that the general was tenab/e to owe any one, and that for weeks he had had little cremfeet in the society of even hie neon intimate associates. The bare effort to articulato is acentnpanied at times by acute pains. and always by great ioconvenieuee. el: itp000red it, better lo-eth ihan usual. onnuiroti for the dtfleretit member* tug aim I.e,;:en to Aran Worse.attil appear - the Litli con., int the) Seth lista --INew Era R Jamieson und T. W. Thin - sent, .1 Seafrotter-torried tine vieek frets their ateissiiiial OP 14,14 FO.Antri 0. Wedie olay eyeliner lust, very pleauint •ortvisv fell to the tot of Kee. A. R. Smith And wife gaily to the evennto tore ',met! gentlemen freeri the I.; ...hen at.tv,inensent dreve do with igiosr.te of fifty ',newts uf 'which telly 11V11.11111414 lot 1t111 use of kr.Stnith's from ie.. some affee111111, the penes. - age 'A... fair stormod eounz ladies anti ofttlhosten, with wall losakete on their arms. A moot enjeyable even In? WA/ spent to ceuremation and music.. Afoot whit+ Mr. Smith etfer dispereed to their hornet.. The waney value of sash a preyen. .11 not trifling. ben har ebsint that is the guarantee which it go .• tile Aye path, and goodwill of Wit ens Rarruremaaaa arrowii.__ flofore the Nat ural H story Soviet, Preto dew It•edio reed • paver on the geo- graphical distribute... ef rattlesnake* in Chetet,e The rattlers am moral nuttier ou Hotese islatel and in the Bruce peninsula then in any other part of the province. There were twenty eta epees* of this reptile. Toronto Iticienge D. Mcentriey, M. P.P. for Rest Kent, died at Oakville ou Seteritay 'knee &pain- ful illness Deemood wee moored eon of the late Hiram MeCransy, of Trafalgar, an,i yes horn in 0014. Hie boa tepee eented knot Kent in the local hoes@ ashes Mowat admintstrat ion 11 is remains wens hweere.1 Oak elite on gondol. A large liamare loonsIstor. sod "thaw friends frma Totteirthe nem la the funeral, having gem urn by •pasnol trate. To. 00Ftell• was a sib beg. Seedlon's Cana theane, Neb., Feb 20. -To the Nilo 1rrel•tive to len. Gordon's "black sane. - He newer used • 'black cane." He simp- ly carried a piece nf bamboo shoot a yarn km in his hand. using in direst each movements as were necessary to roofs* the meaning. 1 know arid wait with hien. Gordon (rote his first appearanee is dm °bloom army until within two years before he left it. 11.9 always, in the army, eould bo found without winerd se any (thee kind of arms. Kees whoa ao horseback he appeared in the simple ene- dregs eastunie ot the otTieee of duty. The Miaow did not attribute any wpm, Minos* to bun nor to tho mos He wee • booster num nothing supotelitiogis sheet Aka. Perna IL D. Oote.--(Chi- sago News. WHIN 09 Platarday, Feld Iht. wth or M.. 11. DAM ftwisavs. swot 71 news brd. Max Mary Illetto, rebel et Ow MU Sterlia awed M Pews IZral=lalt. OW Prides. Feb. Mb. US sited room if/ the Sear,on. 1 C(171 .suit all as to .Material and Style. D J NIOP, PASHIONABI..E TAILOR - adritenicastor the Pls r• twat Ideas seateisooaa seoce, Neb., Feb. 28.- This after- noon three desperadoes mitered th• mato treasurer's office welt drawn revolver, zed ordered Deploy Treasurer Bartlett to hohl 'Jobs hands. After some par ey Bartlett acceded to their demands for money and pamel out $300 through the railing. exclaiming it. a loud rots • •itere it is, help yourselroa" Thts was the signal to deter -nem concealed n. o room, who **erotic' as the tethers %Pre retreatine through the doer. &tee tires fired *A Lilted fine IL:riffle, a netted criminal. Ai McGuire, AnOttilif despis- ed.* character, was captured before bir could reach hi. hnre* A third robber, • unknown. cleverly escaped by re - mitering the bank and jampitie threue,h a wiftelow. Th. emoy was rano 'Teti Mimed. 111.1A4. Mixed ltepress. Stratford 1...1 GM am MI6 pea p.ni GedeelleihMarlunte (Reported by Telephone from Harbor lffret doiesercit. Match 5. Ism.. Wheat, 1119111•buidt - . 10 111 10 00 Oats, 11 hash *MI rt Perm 1111 bosh 1136 6 M Hawley. Moat SO es 0 ad Outflow, Sth. IMO ran Wletat. leer mob. P 70 to pi Ts myriad walloper No 0 76 to 0 76 Perk. per met. 5 Ste 11 110 NRITISH Ara WT. Tmourrei !Grab/Libre mei tratabliehed 17414. A RTIORD INS. 00'T. et Paill"rv coos Itstabllehed 111111. Risks takes in the above laret-alaw. 1.141ce at The mderelined Is Mae Appraiser of the CANADA PCS- LOAN inn SAVING:4(0 of TOINAPITO Mowry to Lose en troteclaes security. treat RONAL& !WILTON 0•4•010 ilopa Mir WilliZireir2FIRtyliadia the sealigt tp. Soso AM. arms rem. titecasoy Sinai Cm Peettswed. Maine. kn kends of Rawl Coal we hand A • . e "es t, quasars of e:•hrateet litzliteville Lump Soft Coal. imam ga Neer order" th• weather .• ta.r for dAli•rey T. N. DANCEY. Imo lots cats now CHEAP CHINA, GLAS3WARE, IAN MICR PACTzt,_ AND EVERYTHING TILE CROCKIRY (au. H. OLD, Oar Sp dere, lodench ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL HTEAMSHIP;4. WI NTER SERVICE. Sa:lingo of 1111m1 *itemisers From. F'ortla.nd- rlitcAsPIAN .Thisrolay. Ilia Ink CAttPIA N. . Fhb. MUD 12-1) admit. (iRCASKIArs.. retie Hit elAitDINIAN Moral' Mt netietivIestle, 1141J, PARISIAN ..... Itemises, Ism teas teamodIftlftesb oar Ifteassoars. et 1116 e'aieek. If you are seadioir for yam friends, yes tea obtain Prepaid PamaireTinketa st lowest rates sit this ()five avails/tie from Stictimd, Instead Sest/aad. Trailer. Oaramay. Sweden sad Not Way Steerage $20.35. London, Queenstown. Bristol, Cardiff. SIC. 111 lets aad all isformagioa. apply te ARIMITROSIO Amon, Allan Lille. Ooderiely Feb Mk. ISM. AP deed sir reale hoe 011/11ege. aad (eon We fres.seesay bet f "mods whlelli MS kelp yea morn MOW* litit swat urea isaythine Mao in One world. AI . of dither ass, succert1 frees flest bone The tram mad maim. II/4 SEEDS et 1 and bare oridarid ekes, 1st of seeds 1 tiontssadai tell prinsaratiouft tor tie maim him hest booms. Clover 4- Timothy Seed Greek ned Tea Oh* °teak Ent, Pall & Barleys -576n per roe sod. me spoil. SUNNI SL0111E, 44,14rbillk Aft IMAM 111111as