HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-3-6, Page 4THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. YAR i, L 5.
We nation by the Tommie paper. that
• Mr. W,lltam Mclean hes bees sleeted •
"A •am.ee,t.Isk awes
mer.ber if Om amnesties eewmittes of
Ae' futb kelt ,rest It." I the newly Corned " Dwsi•uu Cattle
rely mac. him ea ud Needles at
t; "t..t' `beta •r.ee.
Not the mammsh So.. !.c Sad ler r:,roue
beds( at mere:. bask ners-
Dea,el►tg es.p-w., drawing beaks, sad as
!lave( wheel s.ppt.e cheapest in I.wa Y
Inertss beet seeee.
Vsakar N nee Reply to IsMeh.
lest peUlaked. TS .:vets. rick SIM.
Ter sate at imr.e's .tore.
Now, that the weather M. moderated. nail
sod am lianas Osewert's ►--.team• pinto
graph- noontime, s It. Y. Rehmo.
armee& Dsoaa ADD ITOTIOwaar - Fell
nate at Mn. Cetit s. Orders lakes M Maks.
mad premealr.tt..d.d 1o. Roy year Maks
%breogl the Beres f)sek teepee. Mrs
There are 'may who mem look wen drone
eves wttk many wit. bet tem we puree -
lee F. & A. Pinnies' stems leek meat is
then attire, thew clothes hely fashionably
llallew1• t5. neetnor.p►er. 'estommilly ad
ding i.provs..onu to his vodla and as paw
noraph babies "M mink M wish." .a any
style. Bring the elk entad d•rhogs w:sallow,.
fee their pieterrs.
Mons, W A,dTED rvtw irvMT SwF* Parties
).arise Immo? Is semi of 716 and upwards to
tavern. wee de well to call an the under
rinsed. at term .f to ('.nada Salt Amo
.allow t•. V. P0a■t.r. Inlsu
Pull they rave. The "Graphic" and •'Illu-
.1,ated Nowa" Premium pnistee mounted
M mamma. and vmnl.hed at B rt.. eaek. A
lol.f now picture,' will be ready for •lowing
is a few days. The ehwyeet humor (leder the
t on
Ruses'', Militarist itcnnee. lN.et►isg
%ow -It sem have say r4 for your health.
k.ep .sr feet dry. The a ster.ut..d le pre-
pared to pet rather sane os leiter bold. as
a preveat•tivetime ter sprlotweer.
A II klads eft'i - >l t repaired. 7ltwer
H. Itiag.. k o,not
Ooderil h ArtlaeW Mime Were will .pa
for sods, honoree. Ik dlo rf April. Parties
ea 10010 at.ag huddle . should mead in their
orders ssse•ses i�ato(ieo. W. Thom -
m•. sea•Srvr. •Mee ssli.si.ws and ..w. Mt mon et lleprty-Registrar Irnmr,upin
i w••kinee of /e 5..t .make. Oh, hire a aaB Ytrrt hailstone of Kme*tlt'• mill. hat log geed his degree as doctor of
medicine, st the Michigan School of
Medicine. 9r. Fraser, atter his visit
here, will return to Detroit.
tem** Asseei•di,u."
Thu f 'ua.o.psliMw Ithertbs' 4e• , of Te•
rents nays '•Cliwtou High *sheet has
pat shorthand en the Ian of options'
sob for the year, and it easy be that
Omierieb wet (allow vett.
1s IT So 1 The Loads/mere correspon-
dent of the Clinton Pico vera aye .-"A
soap factory u to be started iu the old
chew factory, by the Swiss Soap Mauls -
factoring Ce., et Oedericb.
"().r little Ossa and the Tie:eery"
fir March . • pettiest gem, awl en its
pages will be fogad every attraction and
amusement for the little folks. Raae•U
Pubinh.sg C. Beaton, ,.►Baker*.
Marriageiso eery mares this seesee, l Satoms.eve a
al 6 1 n Goat have 1 --
Uses eaptsred by Seta through theme.
bra Wows Lour. - We learn ►� tele -
thous h MAIM we s tee
re from !'hates, that Jobs cMd 1
tan, of Mullets, lost •Sue siallion,ral.wd
M $1,500, tis Teva=ay, and that ..n the
same day, Chas. Meso., of Trcker.uith
sten Tait a valuable .tallies.
Hay has become a very Taluh:4e1l,,pro
duct during the past few weeks, and has
been sold ,n Kl0c•rdlne as high as 1111
per toe The famine in hay however is
of a load character, as large g0•Dtaties
will shortly he brought into town .y rail
Many farmers aro obliged to purchase
feed for their stook. Imported key Is
being rid in Walkerton to the 'atm' of
a ear lead per week at tress $11) to 111
per tun. - 'Reporter.
Masers Theo. and Wm. Renders's,
veli•. harrt bees outmoding the recent
seesi•s el the Michigan College ut Medi-
cine, returned .n Thursday ter %s stain.
They .re well pleased with se:Icge lite.
The ice on which several fishermen
were standing went out ea Saturday
evening last about a md..but fortunately
• boat put out, and rescued them in time
free. any senunr ending to their QsLaug
Runcewn liras., of the C,elerich
Foundry, are supply:ug the attaca.tuery
for the new roller proems in R. Thump -
son's mt,l, Bayfield. The new process
will be iu operation Stn three mouths.
W. C. 1' U. A meeting of the aloes
society will be held on Tharsday neat in
the lecture room of the North street
Methodist ehurebj M- tour &elects.
Ladies interested Ulwtiete.perance wort
wilt Le welcomed.
Ws congratulate Sion J. Fryer, eld-
Capt. Duncan McLeod is in town on a
brief visit.
Mies Astor H.nc►s has returned to
Henry Murton 1.M rat:reed from the
North West.
Rev. ir. McManus is spending a few
weeks is town.
S. )ialoorm on, Muter in Chancery,
took in Detroit last week.
Miss Seagsiiller has returned frets
her waster's visit among friends.
Next 1(u.day at 8t Peter s, the fit
of Ssnuneution will be selemnitad.
Mrs. Walter Bessie. of Brantfnr•I. is
the guest of her brother, James Reid.
Miss Fannie Roll is in a large whole-
sale minium', setabhshment in Chicago.
We regret t• say that George Cm.
forestall of our uvea r'.•m is still laid
Mrs. and Mies Newcemhs returned un
Saturday frees a visit to friends in Lon-
don. •
Miss Graham, milliner, left ler Toron-
te un Ytsrday last to ',lake apnng nor
Mies Fannie Williams has taken a
position in a millinery establishment iu
The (widest awes` the tteasbers et the
Ouder.eh Oaring Cloth for the silver
medal ter.ineted last week. The fol-
lo.iei dews the play
miner DRAIN
htlit•re(ar beet staleMartin at etr.aebe0
W k 1brat Claiborne • brat
Warauu best Mesb.r
Itar.oy best .Mau I1: .•,.. u. " Ada+ewei
Maicos " Irtol.aos 1'rvud.'aot drew a by.
.(.loom n•AW
NuGrw treat Watson Martie beat Dowry
Wane eau Gibbons Prosaism Ma.wms.s
?KILO 0005.
McGregor teat 1'roldfeot Marr In beat We:ah
Moureger beat Martin.
(amain Mat;norm thus woe th• medal.
This is the aecuud modal wen, the one
last year beteg carried aid by Mr. M.
11 %nehmen.
The "atrtgly tea►" ruts for s': casual
work. and for subscript leas t. t ,c paper,
Imo into taros in the u16ee os the 'dad
of March A11 who owe, either fur job
work, d.ertytng ..r sotraript:uss, ate
hereby »greeted to square rip. D.n't
let those small amounts stand on our
books any longer. This Sten is MMat
her all who owe Grit .r Tory, rich or
poor, reale sr female. Pay the punter,
and arae y. rr eeow.ense during Leat
Ditto. --One of our oldest wittier, died
.n Tuesday :n the person of Mn. Mary
Burke, relict of the late Samuel Burk.,
of G.derck township She had rimeheel
the great age et 93, awd had seen massy
changes in the township during her twig
reside..n in it. 8115 lava a family ea
four see. Sad leer dauehters to utourn
h.r lcte.. 8th was. burred is Gedeuch
aim i i-ttiaHI taking
,.ace true t of het sun, Jia
Mrs. Cumming. mother-in-law of Wm.
McBride, headmaster of the collegiate
institute, Stratford, fell tate a cistern
Sunday night and was drowned. Mn.
Cumming was mother of a fonner princi-
pal of Goodench petals* school, and at ane
tune resided here.
Woe rite Iter. - Some time after
C eveland's electiou to the presidency
A. M. t'Alley made a bet of $l00 u. $10
with Wm. Lee that the New York Knv•
error w..uld be inaugurated at Washing-
ton on the 4th of March. A. M. P.
scooped the sheekeb yesteeday.
M.trray G. !McIntosh has lust returned
frim a trip to Detroit when he conclud-
ed the panthers of the Princess Roller
Rink, of G.deiieh. bane) has already
Iewe.ethe rata, and will make a big
posh is increase the popularity of this
already t.upul.r place of amusement.
1 our contemporary the Star is a p•'er
authority, it would seem. last week we
copied an item frim it about the gun
dub, but 1t was mrle•dieg. Ge*rge
Grant is the president, so the se:retary
informs us. We must got some fetter
authority than the Slur in the future.
Jahn McCallum has l•urch•s.d the I Mn. McLeod, the unfertonate aid
misidenee recently r'ec:tine.! by Stn ledt ani", was s. aive»►y burned on
1'towden 1'hurad•y of last week, deed that sante
evenini;, after we had gout. to press.
Mrs. S. 11. Pere-. of St. Ttomas, is
the guest of firer mother. Mrs. Thomas
The Salvation Army 'Derr, sang hygiene
to 1115 Rin of " Peel-a•1'ae aid " (ltd
Black Joe.'
D. Mctall:cu.ldv left for the East .•n
Maeda!, atid'1 tektni :u the thitaro
Mies Bella Rem. sister .1 Mte. tAt!liam
Wright, of town, died at Matnc►at•r last
week of ttrepoy.
Miss Martha Re..:. daughter .of David
Reid,i• ill with a severe attack of inflam-
matory rheumatism. when the ('lob was entertained with at,
The first marriage in Fort Sidney was excellent sapper, and othermlu
recently celebrated lay the - Rev J. alter which the homeward trip was made
The Club heartily thanks Mrs. Brown
for her hospitality on the occasion,
Much sympathy is expressed for her re-
lators. She was mother rt Mn ('apt.
Baxter and Mks. McLeod, dressmaker.
Ho, roe Mawtroaa. - w ten are you
going 1 Great reductions in fares to all
p.this in lifeautohe and Dakota To
Man. 120. To St. V mcent
11mn $19 :b. To Noche, DIM $19.7b
For full tnturnutisn fur passenger and
freight rates apply t•, eget.; G. T. R.
Last Friday everting the G'utertch
Snow Shoo Club trsmoed along the
Heron mad to Mrs. Brown's residence,
hi.veright, formerly of Gedrricb.
Mrs Nellie Vanderlip has been in
Landow the put tis months al the resi-
dence of her brother. Fred V (underlip.
Dew. Lawrence, who, ens visiting
friend* in Stanley. lies left for Mani-
W. are nfering Tali V,oisai v. new
.aboeribers for the 'nailing nine month.
for $1, (Smit to any address free o1 pos-
The what placed is the G. T. eleva-
tor last fat) by Ogilvie and Hnchlren,
wee rammed to the big mill last
week. Beneough, the editor, is an Isaac Pitman
Mr. Vivian. portrait Minter, and writer, but hie monthly gives ample
brother of Jamas Vitiate of this town, space t• every good •ya:ota. Sample
tbiak• of laving Brand*.. for British eepIM ter 10e.
Miss Burrows, of Bewmaarilh. who
has been the great of Mrs. 1. Downing
for the past few months, relented to her
home la•t week.
By a typographical error th. ani ..f
$2,000 that Mn. McN&ir reciivrd from
Life 14 to be eencratelatal on getting so
the A. 0. t'. W. wise made to appear as popular and able • representative.' 01*,
$3.000 !sett .eek. (;eerie '
Ray. J. 11. ('arson has been laid "P 'rho hiusc:rdin. Reporter slyly ,.-
with a branchial trunble this wrist. Ws marks ' Fier. Dr. Williams rinsed •
aro p!engal to hear that he was well»y seine to sneak veer the lams of sumo in
ing at last tecernt•'•the audience at the lecture last week,
Rlokar.' 11,IIer, formerly of G.Jer.r•h, when he described s.me of the resident,'
bot now of lit. Ilei.ns, bus been appoint ' „f Balumor. 1511111 as black as the ace of
d clerk. of West Waw.,,,&, The •p ; des. The 1.!e* .1 a Methodist minis-
pointment is • good one. ter. and a deetor d divinity to beat,
A. F. ono A. )t. -The electron •f of-
ficers far !lures Chapter, N.. 30, 1.,. R.
C., ems held on Tuesday moping. The
fiellcwmg Gompenuots being duly elect-
ed far 1885: Li. E. Companion', 1. F.
Tome, E ; V. )~ Companion, Joseph
(ls Friday last, aur popular timelier,
Mise Kate Watson. was premnted by her
pupils .n her laving the (:eetnl school,
with • very han,taumr family ph•tecraph
album. bound in royal blue silk plush
We are sorry '0 ler Maes Wassail from
the educational staff, but wish her pros-
perity its whatever sphere she rhwse.%
The ('onnerelitan .Shorthund,r is true
le name. It is a thing that Canadians
should he poled of, that the Loot short-
hand periodical eu this aide of the At
Inntic is published in Toronto. Thus
Brother Patalla►, •f the W•.dsteck
.i mind- Revoitlr, must have his little joke
Hear the naught man en the insurance
mere -,W. wish Ilan. success in his
new work, and feel sure that he bib,
surance enough to do.Il the besteru pin
of the province The North Am.ri.an
rubric hellion 'earn Meeting.
sr0C1At- 0007150.
A specie! :uniting of the Board te eon
aider application* fur the vacate, occa-
sioned by Mas Watson's resicnetws,wtu
held last Thursday evening, all the mem
ben prosiest.
Applications were rad from the fel
lowtnyt : Agnes Knox, St. Mary.. $330 ;
M O Robertson, G.derrcb; Era T Redd,
York, W00 ; Ilene Stanelte. Togliatti,
$400 ; G,1 *1. G. Walker, 8.1tlerd, $300;
J B Ben , Blenheim, $300: ifatharine
Reid, 81 any s, 1 '�: Isaias Harrier',
Mdtuo, 1300 ; M,ao Hen'lereou, teem,
$300 ; Jeuui-�e Thomism, Blois, $300.
Messrs Malt.otui,' and '(w:ins .11 mer
ad that Mies Ktiox be .►.pointed.
Metiers 11.11 ant N ieheleon moved that
MIB Ll.rries_at,n' ,_
Thei • rated oa-the aaredttu't :
-Ball and N ichols:m ---2 ; soy* -Crahb,
Merton, Malot.wson, Butler and Swan
•.m -b. Amendment lost.
Masers. tall and Nicholson novel u'
amwndmrnt that Mr Heders.r he ate
Lost oil Baine dlv,... wn
The oritritul'notion was then carted,
lies.rs 11.1, and Nteh.'Isni
Thare is nue7-).4 ,,.Mite fur a
int class tailor in this place.
We aro Maio! the *pinion that Mu
would be jut the I.lece f ,r a goad her -
sem -weaker to coulwNlee 11Wlu.faa
Piarn*at- -!!hath* &amine our pe-
t Sal your% tailor, left last week for tiea-
forth, where, 50 uauent*i. I, he is going
into buat►.as. Charlie was a general
favorite, and will be greatly uttered.
A flip/gill, 1,1 con•nldr the ai14A111 Nlity
of abating rather a chimes factory or a
creamery was held in the store of Kr.
Dales last Thursday night. The feeling
of the meting appeared to be lu favor of
the factory, and a emoinittee was ap-
pointed to tuvatigate the 'natter. •ad
repuet at the next meeting.
Mr and Inn liter C ,'e •1 the Hay
Held Ir toe. MIM ti J CWk, el Manitoba,
hod MIM Sarah Pent land, of Dungannon,
ate *into% frunJa here
(tin. I'enthoJ hat ',turned (tutu Bal-
Nis. E. Sheppard is initiate treads
roar Lucksew.
The two Mbar( Tao, of Kudos), are
rutting at Jolla Tillie • is this •alhbur-
Robert llarruigwn has returned to tier
ueighls.rltow.d and looks hole after las
u urtheru trip.
Robe. enact., son •.1 John itlack Esq.
was barfly kicked in the face by a home
• slier% mule ago. Robert is reeovertne
very rapidly.
_.-�- The Sabbath school a,nventi0w proved
A- .- la ,,rand swoon. Ese.y burly primmest
Tlae revival 0.otogs ut the MNhoseeu,e.t 10 euloy e unvuch.
church. which hate hew, �.1, so teriist Ituh.cca aid thAaoeeun.ohLigrW.ery areu,rv-
some time, were Liought t. a Jose ea covu:unt af•er a story st•veie attack of
Monday evening, inflammatory rbeeanali.rt.
Tears are • `rat many en the midi Iter. Mr. Birk. 1r , "( Holmav,ne
list in this neighhorhsed just 005. Th. I occupied the pulpit here i u the 1st inst.
doctors a» busy. I MBirks it a •cry i.rumiring young
Mrs. J.ekson, mother et J110 Jack tesr.t.
seg, of the 13th con. et linnets, used en - C�lOw,
Fsou It.sTi:p.• Mr. Charlie* Yining
has muted kis firm 1f7,,.)::"1610:11.10 Altera
C'.ad and .John \'but, of tett
years, auJ hso pgwe.vm.d to G«iericb,
Yob. 20th, at the ripe old age of 98.
ie abs village have had to get a supply mac
t places
llafvey Hewell, d Shy vi Is$.1 /
0,0 -...r- lis
W'e.tir:l't'. '!�'y'Lanl>Q. - rlam:;lltrrevl 4'! pt::• ftet7 l�
1 the astonishingly short time of 2 P+urs
Mrs. ar..es, .,t Stanley, a the pest i autl 18 mutgtor, Mr. Howell challenge*
of her Iia r, MrsJ8buCluft, of the limy- *17 11nan 1111:'0 t'.•uuty to beat Shu re•
5.+. d bees
Mr and Mn. John elc1'ann were { Councillor McQuade, of Lucknow, was
vesting friends in Stephen township last . on a vent to the 11111 last week, and had
week with h')n his famous back trotting mars,
House Sun\ - James L.,'huuts has '•eat mn Nipper. ' it u the intesitioa et
cold his splendid imported ,•(!lion, Far- Mr. McQuade to lit Susan for the Buffalo
mar's Friend, too Messrs. litter 1t 1Sulson Jane race's. and as eh* r a gid e0., tan
and I1. Fisher for the sum of $1245. doubt °uteri will be mel represented
by her.
James Walters is at present enlarging
his premises, and Intrude starting a hate
and +pale factory to the spring and as
timber is abundant here, ne d•,ubt he
will make it a lima/meal success.
A snow shoe club hes been (tart. he»
mill raY, and they will Ian able t. fur
mutt dumpling oust .n a few days. Maty whin he wail speed a 11. .f well twos t
Prem the 1
Beck, A ; Companion Ja.a Green. J ; The annual report to the goveremeut
Companies Henry Ct.can, S. E.. C-im- was submitted to tin booed and stymy -
poison A. McD Allan, 14 N.; Compri') .j, atter which the hoard adjourned.
ion M. Nicholson, trees.; Cempani.•n H 1 E tl' AK ttalrrtru
W. Ball, P. 8.; Cess s on W. fl. The reenlsr meeting; of the hoard met
Moray, janitor. un the'2u41 inst.
Menne. Deane --The Victoria (R C ) I'1w•ent :- J. (' I►etl'.r. obairl tan.
Tiwtrs of the 18th Feb. says :--"!•'rank and Mews. Mad.. -oma...., N,eO...tame
Elliott was found dead in his cabin, in Crab?), M. r:un, licit, +vets,.., Ilotler.
1,d, yesterday morniag. He came from The 101Du100 of last meeting were read
London, Oat., and has • brothei residing and approved.
:D G.deriel. Tele body was taken in Report from principal was read a11.1
sharing by ?Wilmot Flewin who w':1 at filed.
tend to the burs!, etc. Deeeared work A report was read from the pruuripal
e1 fur some time an the dry do:k, and on the state of the library
hal a claim against the contrasturs fur Moved .by Ba I, sw •' dad ny Crabb,
unpaid serviette. There was fuund •,u th.t threport be nee't..L and the
his person over $'0 in mousy.: -- . - prinriteil he requeste.! t« ..:e a list of
Drsiarro His Wier. - The Toronto names ofthorn having hooks Ir-longeig
papers yesterday published • despatch t• the library, rod th.t t,,.- list, (hen
stating that a y, -mg man lamed Robert Prepared, 11. banded r w . it sw •'e •n
Hall, fermetly of G.rierich, had de•ertad managing a'nnurttee, with le onrr 1. tare
his wife and child at Windsor. Ho had action in Ile matter.
left his wife before, but shed, towed h,m The follows,, eccouot. were .red mei
to Windsor, where she 1..un.l him paying ref"rred to fiesnce cow
attentions to a young lady of that t.,wu. at N. Itr. ta, 33 73 1) a ira:han,
He lived with his wife ag*in, l;nw•evt'r. $8 15 ; 11 Hale, $J 30 , M•til, $1 f,3
until last eaturdav, when he ar*w de Gleam. 11 Sti ;
sorted her, leaving . her and her child in The contingent a'mmir, r was instruct
destitute circumstances. Whiskey was ed to pr.curs minute leek- fur •,. r..ary
the ruir:af Mall. Moved by Morton. sec'•ndr t h, W 1
Clingy FIRE. -$2'0.00 will hay u nil- eximaon. rh..t the secreta' i.•.t,1y It
Adams that his wu will • , u..test to
way ticket to Winnipeg, $19.:5 t.. St
the •cls. u u
on hill a pr•.,, . ap•.lo�y
Vincent, Fiche or Dawn... Other w the principal earned
paints equally I..w. Return Moved by Rall, eise.ndi.d n• Nichol
tickets issued to pointe in 1)+k.ota. Min a
ton. that the secretary be ret ted At
areata. educed Nebraisra Iowa. Teams. Secs, re »duction . 1 $5 1m.0 hie p. un' '6.1'yry,
greatly reduced rates Tires, tickets are
Ent class, and are rood for 40 days.
$'-A 35 secures a ticket from G.,derich to
Liverpool, Glaariw, Lwndopdorry, etc.,
by the Allan Line. Fer tickets aril re-
hab • inferinatio■ write '.r tall rp.0 H
Awiooltu, city tie;:':t effic. G. T. R.,
agent Allan Line,' West street, bode
AN i0r•o&TAyT CAFE. tin Wednesday
Imo, on motion being male by cnuoed
for the Bell T.leeh'.ne Company f .r a
writ of certwrart to brine up into a
supen,.r Court the proceedings taken
before the Minister of •Airicu't,:re at
(Ottawa to void tae Dell patient, .:tithe
Galt directed that the motion should i e
eulargal until net' term s, that it mi: ht
be heard by the full ('uurt, and stated
th.t be did this in view .4 the magnitude
of the interests involved and the genet al
importance of the ease. whteh he charsc-
tericed as ene of the must important th.:
had come before the .,urts
▪ The Goderieh Curlinc Club eel.bra:e.l
reent victorious toot ..f the county.
lan oyster simper at the Colborne
tel on Moday evening.
Albert Igtenehoese, an apprentice at
A. B. Henderson. our po.pu'ar vocalist,
sang at Lucan.w 113 Friday before last
at the charity concert held under the
auspices of the tiddf.ilows. 7 he Luck
new &Wane! says of him • -"Then came
the splendid solo, "The Crave Digger."
by Mr. A. Henderson, of Aed.rich, who
appears to be a general favorite with
Lucinew audiences. He peseesese • Tiede
powerful tea, over which he has com-
plete control. Mr. Henderson also gave
the "Bay of $nett) for which he was
loudly encored. and in response render
at iu a faultless manner the sola. -"A
Hundre.t Fat.honis Deep.- Ilia instru-
mental selection. en the mouth ergs*
were Vere well rendered and much ap-
preciated. -
We last week nrerl.wked the enter'ain-
mint hold in Monday Feb. :Gth under
the auspices of the church of England
Temperance 7oeiety. The attendance
was large, and the programme was we:I
rendered. Ray. 1'. Owen -.lone* was i:.
the chair, and the f Blowing aasisted
Bowl;. Mrs Tome Recitation, Mt..
W.iltams : Duet, Mien Rina and Master
pretending 1e knew whether the am of Rion : Reuling. Rev, I'. 0. J.wiss ;
spades is • black or • red spot." Duett, Mrs. M.ourh••use and Miss Cooke:
At the semi m..nthly entertainment. Readier, H. L Strange, R. A. ; lie'..
tinier the simples* .of the Horth School Mrs. Tons . !leading, Dr. .1 mes . Duet,
L tottery Society, held last F roday, the Mn ]luorhouse •..id Mies (i-uke; Read
(iordoS's furniture establishment, broke following programme was presented ' - ,SII Mrs. Tema The erenine hymn eon -
leis aria the other e.n:ng, hy o (.11 at Itwaahsong.nL, Mr. Humber ; song. Mir meeting.eluded the meeting. 41 the close •
the Princes Roller %el. R.•rrEry ; recitation, Mr Buchanan : rad tie-nber of erne": ip'ne forward and
Miss Limn, Wilson has leen sheeny int, Mr. Alexander . sung, Mies Miller ; Joined the society
from town for some woe.. nattng on her sow; Mr. Armstrong . r.eltstaai, Alias THE lien Isar+ Lr.rr --- it is not very
suet Mrs. Swinnerton, she died •tint Radrliffe ; .ration drawer, Mr. Strang ; „flee that (ierierirh refs the ,cart ..f
• week at her home :n 6xrMr
kir. Moore.
Kier K. Wdluima ;readier• C intoe, eats the .A'• v Era, but whense. such a thing does hapten we noel 4111
W Snyder, at •ono time telegraph
it will 15 remembered that last fall tl a the a.enty 'own due credit. On Friday
operator at this port. and new Nation
steamer thorne was rom into and sunk afternoon last nit radia. belonging to tt:e �
., dsrnch tt it.t.r Sports nob, !ramped
from e:deneh to H•lmsnlle, .rr an.w 1
shop• a distant," of nine miler, in three
hours Of eeurss,h••y were •esumtaried
Ivy Seale esenrt■ Now if any of the;
Chntr.n lassie. ran veal this, we shall ire
glad to 50nounce the fact. but until they'
do. G„.tench ladies take the take. He
doubt tier esteemed friend Kydd will
new be euprrw,.ly happy tint Clinton
has bees van.'lurhal, and will oojmid.s
this another argument sy*tltet the 1-amor-
a1 of the county biplane:a.
leering it $75 Carried
Moved by Swanson, secnnd.•d by Mal-
C•'ms'n, chit OW board rr , air•• tl•e
Prevent oiretasers at the S. arty. glad
last' year Carried
Moved io a.u:rrJtnent by Bill. aw'ond
ei by Nicheleme that the sligoint•nent
of caretaker a,( 8t. Davids wort school
be laid overt.. wit meetintt• I, .0%
Moved by t'onIL, secuuded , y C.abb,
,hut l ',- lo-ph:or's salary be nt,.• lead
red dollars per annum Carried.
Moved in •m.nd.ae.t by Butler, sec-
onded by Nich.ds•.n. that the salary of
the Inspector be $75.00 per eauuv.
On u•aiun the bard then adjourned.
aeras -Wean eepe.•ataal•a.
George Batd.rs-n, whit stone time Oro
add hie fano on the Bayfield eoonceeei.'a
t•' Reeve Elliott, no "bout to more to the
Chive form on the 9th tion. , which he has
The hectare riven lir Rey. Mr. Kterlc
o.. Thursday night was an the "British
Church." The rev. gertlenan deliveredywith A. J. McDougall as preude*t, and
a very effective lecture, giving the history y I.mtnack ar secretary. The club
comptses sora. 11; member*, and is in w
!1•,ufish ing cond.t.•n. + in Towle) eves -
i' the provident and secretary trek a
tramp t.. the Nelr and back. and oovered
the dietetic'. iti 5 boars and 25 minutes.
We understand n is the internee' of the
entire club to meet the (lederteh mow
elves club sone evening shortly No
doubt a plateau{ c': mon; will be stent.
Ben. (:ranger. ear affable village
blacksmith. has in h s possession • very
aurn.usly carved loory stied" butt, at one
'time the prulwr'y of the greet Dan.
C. Foster has let: ter the Ottawa u:s. ; (I l'.0 nail. The bus was siren to Mr.
trier, woes h: intends to reside m l'' toy leis :randfathrr, aild u • intteh
tutor,. fano-1 !clic. Mr. granger, with bis ac-
euatgmril .er,d mature, will h.. very happy
l;al•nel Sprunr, •f the baseline. hos to .1.15 the Fait to any o.ne calling at his
hien confined to the house 1:y s,c.nrss shop wine wtrhew t.o ase it.
for the Inst tan:. week( A social and concert in aid of the
The farmers a!;o patronize the better Presbyteeiao church will be hold in the
factory are Ws" engaged baying 1n Stocks church here on Friday evening next All
of lie. Lacy to get this wittier. the atai'ahle liras! talent has been secured
atria, osGnu. Flluttuheff 111
,LehuisigfaIrtm Iot:f, ::A> an
irod o• I nu.mnbecrh• oafro sradxieee4 te*ril dto ;tunaktelepn
Jas. aaE.gw.nd for f, year.. A yid time is ►)nc,petal.
V- a,als in tl:ie township eta Tue.d.y, N'm Yount-, otiur .•.rthV recce, Last
a h••rsa was sold far .`i cents. U.e err week discovered a v.-ry remarkable skid -
not informed wheri:er ;: walked army or etotn on his farm. tieing short o1 water,
was i:rawn off. M eng.s ed two men t.. sink o well, and
it is said the- the w.dow of the late alien they had gone about 10 feet they
Wm Aiken. is goons to enter a wit for came tutu the bine.* of sirN' largo ant_
$3,(M0damages acainst the llullett rutin- mal. The bones werefully taken
cll. for not ha‘ Mg the roads properly out era put together. and plainly show
e(wned --thus causing the death ..f her they titling to stone largeanimal !~W
host/and. ,ince extinct. 1'he frame has been rs-
The Beamish farm, on the boun.ary moved to the hotel at Carlow,, and nem -
Hallett awl Gist tt awanneh, bent of curious ones call duly to see it.
was weld by section ' t. Tuesday. John It el the intention el F. Mcth.n& h, who
Thurnpeon. of Ilulletr, being the per- has obtained p•esea•i..* o1 it, to
e,aaer, et $4.4:,11 There are Int) acres, it to Prof. N'tu. Smith's V
geed buildings. and the piece is eunaider- legs in Toronto, of while is
In tine House uu 113onday Mr. Causer-
ausere■ ;Hta..n) meted for the corre.p:n-
druce t,ctworn the Government a•• 1 the
North West Ostend. respecting the n•tire
Fontanel' of the Territories in this Par
liament, and the petitions from the gee.,
plc on the subject. He said 110 dn.. mit
pmp.ws to discuss the question at len:th.
until he had placed before Parliament
his BIB on this subject. beyond cabine
attention to the fact 'Mit the people of
the 1tto•th Wcat clr: nrd rhmt they hal
population larger than that of Prince
Edward Island when It was ad.nitted to
the Cs.t:feder+tion with .t re present etioa
.f sit members : ten tinea larger than
Manitoha 'bell If waaa.i,uittr.t with four
members ; and ten name larger than
Wendt i✓'o;litshta when Shit Brit iiidmRt-
ad. That taasttun w'thoht reptesenta-
tion was tyranny won a statement an true
es it was well known. Lot amnion Mr.
Macpherenn, Minister of the interior,
sa.d that the Gev.•rement wooed be pro
pared to consider the question .f the
N.,rth West rsprese')tat,..n, tout lie (Mr.
Ca nerun) was ant sear* that anything
had been donesioes' then. It would red
t be advusabe to postpone any action ant,
the census cru taken and the result id
before the Hour, f rt thin weuld lve
the North West unrepreeent.d during
the present Parliament and probably
'during the w het•, /.r at least a part, u
Ithe nett Parliament. -------
T h. Motion was eareistL
saast.r at Eters, teak a flying tilt• to
ph.rda and the Nee lirlans Sap„,,„,
Ray R. Hick's ,mean, to England sae
brought to the notice o1 M. (serge's
in ter Sault Rte. Marin River during •
d.wa fog 1.y the Colada Pseudo steamer
Alberta. 'the latter cannel woe libelled
hy the (!shorn* s owners for the ;!amo p.
and jadewtwwt was rendered at Detroit
eeatgreg.tion last Srn.lay by rho eh•ir declaring both rowels in fault, and de-
mrring the hymn " For thee* ,n peril un •rseing that the de.nagea Is devidmd.
the 8.a Th. division is t• he mad• in the follow
Money McIntosh went to Detroit ing unique manner The Alberta owners
fir a les dans, to look alter his interests are te pay half the damming .natamed by
thee. Charlie Davis took the manage . (h rem, and the ti•hnr,• sweets
rest of the Pri-eees roller rink during aro topea half the donates inflicted epos
eh abs r.se. the Alberta
'toad,. innate. Mee *Wtet.
tinkle, rinkslittle where.
/steamed to the era:•r's heel,
How 1 love to ase you whirl,
)'ropelld by a de ate glri ;
los I :civets se0 700 elide
:;awfully on stn outride.
,'erre of beast y. Ilneilf ttraee
Nor to pretty mal" Sn'a fox.
For the enc tams elm dew den,
Fee the first time stand. nese
R.nkle winkle. toll. wheel.
Fanered to On tem and 5551.
AA ' an rRnrt she dope 51st•
Now the ep'•rta!nrw'bay break
For t5. wall to teed away
From her erne at wind -twill play.
V....h• triad. Sat lows eke wee,.
dad err MOWS rte a deal
1Y..ek.'e Omni*
T M Daly. at ore time member
parliament for Neaten Perth, is dead.
of the church art.es its early.0ay. Chem
was a good attendance.
.1 literary satiety has keen orranizerl
on the Hayfield line. The members met
.o F ridav might last. aged had a very is'
tercet ing debate -sabisct: '•Which isthe
nest useful, 'nod or iron 4" ltoth ads
ap•.ke ably, resulting in a tic The e.•ct-
ety mets ererr Friday night. A mrd
prugr•mmm is expected fur nett night in
re•dtugs, recitations, speeches, etc.
I _
f s.a ;senor: r',s 14 o PMD ('uti-ra-
'li.e .bone entertainment under the
auspices of the Church of F:nglant was a
u,arked success The attendance was
Inrgt, and the ir.'er, rte'., very f000d.
Tea was serval in the hill adp)ieent, and
the refreshments excellent. The concert
was held in the church. The music was
furnished Ly the Godench Elighah
deirch cher 'fifteen voice, under tee
f eadrnl.ip of W. F. Foote, and was a,l-
i mirat,rendered. The foLnwiug pro-
Cratnrne nes offered : -
Jub..a'e .... Jarkrww
tarps Pula
W. r. F oat
.d *heap eneuth.--(!iew Bra.
DII: 111111111/B.
Wiens B."ri(
Te lots.... Rridyrw•at. r
tion ."Afore. and be Still- I; ow mud
W. F. Foal.
Res -[alias. . .
4 Mae Menu.
\tint. lrnaborrs mat Mus t'ok e.
Deus tti.ereatur.f6aw,enfs
National Anthem. (71\1.4. ..
A recitation was rives by a count'
holy of thi vtllalre, whose name we did
net learn, and addressee were delivered
f by Rey. Mese. Carry and Can ,roe,
end W. F. Foote. (:oderich. and D. 1..
Cameron, Lucknow. The choir hod a
rich expensing in the way of pitch -holes.
and had no dil8:ulty in 'ratline the pitch
on the road The n:rune( waxen enjoy
able one boleti who attendiel the anter
tan nanen t
1.twe geed roach -min hennas, at Martin's this country d.es not giro Demos to any
Wel, by John 81wn1, 5.e8gpser, at ewe wean to set the rowdy. The ban may
oelm* p. a. , us ?talents', Dian* 7th. yet haws to take its seers* in this matter
1141:s. . of the Rakf rd seh.ol sewelt ems.,
assert.* esti..
♦II M -ti•.
rett:na thr.r .ale bale nr''nted at
5:t(!Ilse will get a Iter rimier inarrtrrt in
Ski. list rip tot►.. time of gale.
Aeetion sale of valuable farm proper-
ty. Ming the north ..at quarter of tut
4th ,sirs , F: i' , T.wnehip ..f
AshSel.l, comprumg f.1 acres,at Martin's
hotel, 1:."!rt•ich. by J.hn Kn•t, seetlon
ser. at 12 .'rinek. noon, un )(etitrday,
March 28th, IAR*
Jedieial ale, by aurtien, 15ien
81• pnrprrtg nttr•(t•d ton '
rick'..tr.at, (k.iarieii, I.4 Ito.Rt. I 767 •ridat
M es Rutobs'1 .f •'hut
visiting at Mr. 11'm et*i ky'k.
Mr Wrn. Cr, . ks, ed th. 11th coo.. is
den...r•usl. all with am abectts in the
)Ir. Joseph Miller has given up his
t'eatt1.m with the 11. T. IL company,and
sulet„ls going out to Dakota in a few
wake, wish the intention of locating
there. Mr. John McCurdy, of Clinton,
has taken hie place.
Mr. Edward Camit ii bili wage M
Itlehard Gli.ldon has remored to 'Me-
Etern. tuwlahip.
Mears- Hill and Lawrwttee intend
tn.ein1 into C:intoe this week
Ed. Level baa bought Mr. Glidden's
house fur $800.
Miss Taylor. of Blytk. is visiting at
Mr. 1'ickard's
Rer. Mr. Loeser, of Dunpnnnn,
preached here on Sunday morning. flay -
Inv to lave on account of news reaching
him of the illness of his sister, be did
not hold rv.utng nervier.
hes been
KNITS, Morel) 1. Goners
arrived hers. Lord Wel.cte
as address to the hlack t
served under ().sera! third.
*elegising the ssgiaeer saw
who ,...(ended the starve
Senora! Sir Chas. Wilson to
Lard Wolseley says lie will
rook•.• made by General t
Tett MAUI, s 107151101
Keen, March 1. Toe
sheets hare arrived from
twisty days. They report
els hove *round to the right
Nile, end aro ready to *ppe
Ink. The whebttants of
forbidder, to read the K o. a,
ordered to red the e,abdn'a
ruandi has instructed hie tr
charge the English. be: to t
a distance, septic it hu .,
for (led would dmtruy the:
SAre AT 000.1-)
Lo+mus, Feb. `A, -Teen
feeling of relief throughout
the now -awned safety of 1,
troops. Special telegrams 1
envied no !.,aloe tSuioht
Williston, c.•rresper.dent of
(lhr.aide, whish prove that
.f the British column from
was almost miraculous. -rt
the age, their splendol ►vel
of esteem. danger and thei
cipliss were the elemeoto
armed Oen. Bu1hr's little
L,,rDnv, March 1. -Wel
Meted to hold the Kurti-(
Ye believes by adepun r th,
can prevent the I1ehei(ro-
ter advance on K•.rti oy
Klee and Gakdel, even we
inclined to attempt such a
is, however. douhtful.
wells in the English hands,
the 11Wdi will find i'
water and feed any large 1,
across the dirt.
Lord Welaeley bat o
Braclenhury to returntu I
proceed to Abe Hauled.
Lord h'olmley s *yea a
the glare of the sun. The
has awed an outbreak of
ameog the British troops.
Kneel, March 2. --Me
()snderman report that 0.
the Mabdi were much el
the seall amount of phut
Khartoum The rebels d
auixiutis t . encounter the
Mandi ala constant tar
It a .,ported teat the
will remain to the •:caaity
tug the summer, and be !c
huts. The greatest fears+
eoncernina the Jena of t
'rho mortality will ; douht
aid the trope may he cot
ed by rebels.
Miss Mc('abe is tutting at Mr. JOON
Me !seen'.
Joseph Beek is around again, atter a
alight illness
The reads up the lore shore are almost
impassible. and the " oldest inhabitant"
say. he never ren then worse.
ate Saturday meriting hut, H. Wells
lar., straw ick taint and buried ender
it fear howl of cattle. Learning of the
mishap, the nenghl,'n canes to Mr
Well . aasutanee. and alter some hard
work get the e*ttl. out, hos one sf th•
number was dead, and the ethers were
I very badly injured. l•iomo of then will
likely die
8:•1.5 Tel Ina STta. Itweaeee a mss
happens to be " • lace* landholder," it
dome not give him any right to ester sad
twe*k up • rhos.d with oaths, Sones aid
violence. We eon ma kw no distisoti.a
between a rich blaskgarI ' mad • poor
eats. An extra hiwdnd serve of lewd le
Wanes Death Sb
"In the last days," s0:d
tinee0eclotrlr uttering all
words of ecriptnre,"tbel
greet Qwrb:e and distre,
wan." Ttre gram prcph
?few York Times, is new
in the progressive down(
pin and the terror, cont
'ng it This it is which
fermidabie nitt•sticauce t
present eresada and otl
outbreaks. Ail alike are
in that worldwide heal.
death strurl. .f Islam.
000000 oasis peopling
world - i.e, 4,001.0,000 to
10,000.000 in Centra' As
Afghan ;star, 8,0100,000 is
003 is Bur,pean Terke;
Alger*, 1.760,000 in Ti
and the rest in Arabia,
and egaatenal Africa -
are already either direct
under chrietta* control.
der, dreading • similar I
themselves for the errs•
which hangs the destiny
their religion.
Id is a teitevons amt
many de, that these .
have no power of .owl
ammcdanaie p.ea.'ssSs t;
two of propsg•5list5, 1
polled •rid disciplined
acsociatioD. livery pill
Mecca itself bears with
.1 ene or ether of the
heeds, and Mecca itself
been, as fully recur
meeting for mus.lman
fey courpir•tors of snot'
.tern apostles preashed
Chin is +n danger. and
est rise 50 one man to
ow -whisk, trod 1•
Rereletent advocaey et
,wee, may be held
"dyamite party- el M
gen on tar ae u menet
tan of Terkey and a
pnmaeo who have alio."
De swayed by the ink
cursed "leers of Fran
unbolts' ere).
Through the active
ions freemasonry. w
imperfectly under•tne
eon statesmen, and p
..lonely mythical by
one fiber .f l.lat0 m'
the shock being f
wind* body. Remit
Turkey, Primer's ani
ESrtand c dn•snre
Italy'• Red an crewel
these fierce mnestnnt
improve to the ~tree
moment the latest nes
is being dismissed i
Bengal, in the bazars
the bousdiw rtepp.s
boneeth the slattern
11awg the Euphrates,
teeming men, who mr
.bq �asbisg .ya tt
elf 0• pr.pba .nu os
the �paea of the twill
6ds1 Lied. !dam
di., Mt etad.etk car
w1.1e cart► ttessb)d,
P'a&r Raa- Tea.-
of the Oth et.wesesiel
hie tart be Mei.! 1
beis goes to milk
Bis kik. Ikea