HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-3-6, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MABs. 6, 1185.
Short fain Tith ?he Ion.
WT W. QLate.
'What's that
'Well whet is }Maas r
1• -1
. • r +hat are the loo,:redise
' • •.. - •1wg, but it has to
tr 4. h �.
WORM N Pew adf like IOW hist"& all
the eriedriswee NS itllp_etoa from tine
quent, V Mtdasft, rami Wing uu stone
is any sem wZ bel toe
the work
Bet fur 1hw teseson glass lamp -thine -
aye what wadi our mummies wealth of
kerosene •,il ISM let It isn't se long
•.;o that the fiat chimneys were made,
l asd a tuaaufaoturer says that it was a
•..ester invention, and prolific of more
hard lady, than say piece of oempliest-
ed ma. -history.
fi. ,. roea dictio.ary i.i lbs mom r The tint b.itles read. wools sin no.
ts5, 'esu .•f 'sr'.
for eatable rebus Even down to fifty
. sof.. you boa, down weals., 88th y ago they were rough and uncouth,
with no pretesco to symmetry. It was
tarn t., Vk-, 5T, and y., will rise : A the same with the tint tumbler* and
bard Loud:, t.aodpmteut ata. ale.. ge Rob•eu, People Mu the them as orua-
ed by .semi stns +ion Rei it pt r.' meats and curiosities, sad .sly ratters
riuw yen w Rot a start, sad well W a were alte+ed to drink from. l;seh
bit evil Klass.'
01 es u mailed, brows and r.l.ed. articles are sew real gess of wurktnes-
Tb. big shoots of prat. glom yen es. is .hie, sed wino glasses and out glom
bottles are.o finely decorated that they
art as ranch as if the material was of
About fifteen melee from Richmond,
Va., u • farm heave with Nate .( the
Rot window panes brosghi over to
America. They are IOx12 in sac and
w ere brought here in the sash At that
time the use of petty was not ;looms for
glazing, and the lights are bold in place
by stripe of wood tacked sM•sant :hem.
Wile cost of emelt light is Iftegl.ad eras
'rutted we 0- �i-fir far
pare with blame pile yes hist bey tatty
for seen feel& seats. /bey are tul.
of yr bnbhles and crinekles, and those
(billable* bothered glue -makers for
amity Ivan after those panes were sent
ova-. Ute of the first palaces erected
ms Rooms, wheels would nowadays same 1y pass master for a ►arse bora, and
setae of the first p.►tie buitdines in
America paid 37 per peso for clam which
me could hardly see throuzh and which
weu41 not he pat to any use at all in
thee., times. --f, Det. Froe rnrsa
the shore windows are meetly of English
sad French make. Wo hats jest as
gptg .asehunery .n4 workmen in this
esab.ry, but it would seem Coo t' •
mate. dile oro mut as gum', fe: American
plate -flaw takes second rack. The
sheets are earl en hot Ira beds, with
red-hu:.:len, and a is a tidy kat of
work to tura mut the big panes free from
flaws It Ie said that there are Golly two
lona uiu is A,seriea where ,sad tar the
-- elect of tie best glees O -
alba tbsilesw.st l oouattsiis in
witnout a grain.
It h:.e't wo many huldred years s;r.
that the tomato ..f kings and sepses.
wen, w,tb..ut a patio of Klass, and keg
onedyh after the •'unseen was known,
glass W . made .way t..: the nobility. it
Luil•t•�,g houses seen fifty years •;n glass
was .u•.kal ipe .. tins of tl.: bi4 items
of .to.ruse. cud for this owe-• the
sash,- were faihiceed to reactive small
p..ue. Up t.. 1801) a stars . i.odew
bei a pa's MeV) w. 1 h kt•d a;ren as a
grins tt i comma, and the elms etas
unty am..w a• that. Now: lays ,o1.gees
mix feet hy ten.. aid half an inch thick,
are platy enough.
Blue. rod and other colored glass aro
teeply the plsin Klass severed with •
preparative and sulesr!tt.d to a Nokia"
autil the oiler sets flat.
Ali the hand work ea stained teles,
each as flowers, birds end borders, is pet
vat .ith the brush, au.1 the ;lase is then
baked like the ether. .lust what the
preparations ars the glass men will net
tell yea, sae! mannfactsrer seeming to
kayo .amt secret which he does not wast
soother to •tisoeove..
1�orta have • been made for • treed
mai, years past to render glass made
able is order that it eight replace iron,
tis .ad e•rthesware to a great extent.
"(this doom •:r could be made it would
be good-bye t. the tau stores All oar
peas, twins, tri',, kettles. spiders, pie
tuts and .. • . would he of gloss, able to
used any rat aid warrented not to
brook wee,. dour areas the house.
D. yea w ww w..ytbing about ground
glees t Did you ever wonder how tb.
haagh .g bwatets and beautiful smells
displayed os the glass panels of feria
deers were placed there' Come with
!r into the works anti well Lost up
about it.
la the first place. all the glass receiv-
ed u plate. Tbs first naive with ground
glans is to frost il. They were • Recd
many years fiediug mut bow to do this,
sad a very simple thine gave them the
clue. An English 'errant maid found
wane paint un a window which would nM
wash rd. She took a *.hath pebble and
game orad .ad wound away, mod she
net only removed the Mint, but frosted
that portion of the! glass. The glees own
,.eon had the correct idea and here tt ei
before us. It u a tight box 'bunt five
fed wide rill tea Leet hoed, with • depth
et about • Met. It u hung ••n iron rots
so that tt rocks like • cradle as the
,Sgem-power is appi.ed to the machinery.
TM glass is laid flat in the hot, corer-
"? ted with wet sand and pebbles, and the
shaking hegira. 'IThe pebhles and sao.l
shaking over the surface of the glare
mouth it and produce the trnetisj. 1t
"--` takes ablest an bear and $ gsealet-L
eemplete the work, but this basely M-
eagti.n aor.mplrkes as week in that
time a. t diligent man could in two
weeks by heed.
When the glass has been Treated *1 is
reedy ter the artist. Os takes it to hrs
beech and drawn the pattern in crepes.
thus i.&kiny black mud dialect lines
which show throuth the g'ass.
rempodNd te tkN.
(rh.tture skin dtoesaee, humors of the
bleed. eruptions and old sores are cured
by Buriesk BMA Bitten, which purity
and regulate all the secretion*. 2
to Slay es Setter game..
A Seal Immo s...•e .
Cants Liddell wee lately alreeatiee
tom eekNwlellrn.eet of Christ is
e Mow at St. Pasts Leedom. Thera
wore. be said, werk.heps wise • Sere.
sem' .weld he the herald .t mere active
apposition if the Maims tit Christmas,
were .ok..wIs4 d mmidst pressed. d 1■
the clubs et the edtnaled Massa there
was net the bee hitter curt of the teseetb
sad the eont.mpteous ,►reg .t the
s►,.eld.rs for tbees who geeerslly pea
Math Ornish. And here faUewed the
remarkable iUeetr.liee. The preacher
Mated that fifty years ago, at a therms-
lunerpasty which was gives .n the West End
of Lesion. wimps the lathes bad retired
the ee.v.reatiem of the Rentl.m.n termed
on what (to demerit. it N more closely)
was dishonor -me to A►rist as oar Lord.
ON Irma was silent, and presently be
asked that the bell might b. rung. On
the appearance •.1 the servant he ordered
hie earnsgo, and .ilk perfect and polish
el cartes, he apologised to his hest fur
his eutureed departure, for M vas Mti 1 a
Mri.tiae. The Orion j'eeded -"All
wdl think it must have bees • babe, .r
M leant • elorspea.n. It wee nee; M was
then a mien ameba et Parli•meet, .std
became the popular Prim. Wn.ster of
the early day of Quotes Vici orha . neige.
It was the late air Report Peek
wheels?* Telma rMsptla
lJ with tatty des. ensues of tats heart.
liver sad Unsafe.from the use of Mocha!,
e.M.diee et is hint tortes. truss the see et
Mimeo"; Irrt.andtty anti retiesseese of the
nervous yetess. from the etl(rcte at wryc nlae:
lsspeired .mtritloe and law of energy. from
tae w of spleen ; sad aerreas glad physical
vormlen bent any fare of intemperance:
ba iWheeler's
"The roller skate," said Bill N)ts�"iS�
• wayward little quadruped. It in es
frolicsome and more innocent hotting
than a lamb, Lot far interfering with
one's upright attitude in the cummeolty,
it is, perhaps. the best machine that bas
"Use's first feeling, en standing upon
a pair of roller skates, is an unountr..ILble
endeaey t.• mum from together. One
foot may sten out towards Idaho, while
the other promptly striata out for
"One of the most noticeable things .t
• skating rink u the screag attreetie• be-
tween the home body and the (leer of
the risk. If the hamar' body had been
Doming thruugh spies ter days at the rate
of • milhon miles • sessod, wittiest step-
ping at eating stations, sad not exseptiag
Sonia's, when it strikes the Leer we
could understand why it steak the tea
with so much •ieletaoe. As it u, how-
ever, the thing u quite inexplicable.
`'There are diffetest kinds of falls is
vogue at the rink. There are the rear
fall and the front fall, the Cardinal Wel-
.ey fall, the ta!1 as .cress the other,
three in a pile, and so on. There see
some of the fells that I wreath Eike to be
excused from describing. The rear fall
is the favorite. It is mere fregeeatly
u tilized than any ether. There are two
positions in skating, the perpendieular
e nd the horssoutal. Advanced skaters
prefer the perpendicular, while ethers
affect the honwnaL
"Skates are nu respecters ed persons.
They will lay out • minister of thermal
.r the mayor of tbecity as readily., they
will a short -coated boy or a Kiddy girl
When one of a men's feet atrrts fur
Nevada and the other for Colorsdo, that
does not separate hem free the flier nor
break up his fun. Other portions of his
hely will take the place his feet 6a• •
just vacated with • yr...optima that ia
rprieiag. And he will knew, that the
has just begun -ter the
hag on. The equipments for the rink
are a par ..f skates, a cushion, .std •
bottle of liniment." -(Saturday Evcatng
Pbmt>> it al rsel.raure l
t�tyYrppss thee will resole than
emus ami maimate the r.actl..al1
activity of the Mal mess.
... tt , -J-_• r.
It is a libel to a!1 • mall perfeelly
Mast, • it the man vibe is the anent
hottest will tea you se.
Truth aver haute for grate weeds and
miatiied out.moa to impress itself a.
Like :he a...atala sprteg, at reaches firm
the valley .d thea lbs allele by fellow
ing the .sterol lay uv the groped
A faat►tel servant is *sew the grates•
cw.plimwte to humanity.
Prudence u .ns o• the •irtews, bet the
mat essertata and diffieett .s. ov all to
deity or ezeoeta
I dolt kne that there is any smith
three as Rood leek or bad lurk ; bet it
then ,s. I am sura that the good Isik
has round more people thee the bad
idolatry is the sin ev the heathens,
infidelity ev the Christmas , bet it is
better to warship a w.edeu gad thea
taemi at all.
Nature Invents, man is simply a dm
coverer ; but what moa meet her, he is
sun t. lad.
Yootaq an, if you hey get any thiag
to do, ao it new. Today is Linked tu
eteriuty, tomorrow is a mytk.
Life es • outage web • utas female
es the warp, man the illing.
lie yee humble before tied, and reso-
lute before Dien : but how moony there
be who reverse this order ow things
Exam K nut safe ; even the viewers
tarried se excess, hokum fastidious, and
Maims ..uithtng worse.
Prayer is the simplest of all our ack
shims ; an insetest lei eves tl • genre
beard in heaves.
lttae Is 110niamtte 1'
Few people know what dynamite a,
though the word is in common use. It
is a giant gun -powder; that is, an expl.S-
ive material, varying in strength end safe-
ty of handling according to the percen-
tage of nitro glycenne it centimes.
Niun-elyesriee. whence it derives its
strength, u composed .ordinary gli eerie.
and nitric acid compounded together in
certain proportions and a certain
temperature. Neter-glyeeritte,t booth net
the strongest explouiu known, brine
exceeded to power hy nit ',nen and other
;we,duea of chemistry, ia thus tar the
most terrible exploos.. mnnufaetured to
any extent. Nstet ,lyceritie by itself
is uc.t safe to handle,tee.ce dynsmte la
preferred. It i. extensively 'wide ana
consumed in the United States and Can-
ada. under the various nines of Chant,
Hercules, Jupiter and Atlas powders, a.l
of whites eentaia anywhere Ina 30 to St)
per ceot.u' nitro-glycerine, the balance
of the compound Leung made up of rotten
•t•ne, nen-explosive earth. saw -deist,
cheroot', plaster of l'sris, black powder
or some miser substance that takes up
the glycerine and makes a porous, spoor v
inns.. Dynamite is prepared by imply
kneading with the naked kande 25 per
cat of iefusr vial earth and Iii per cent.
of nitro-glycerine until the mixture m-
sams a putty condition, not unlike moist
brown sugar. Before mixing, the in -
(aerial earth is calcined in a furnace, in
order te bur-. out all ert:snic natter, and
it is also sifted to free it of large grains.
While still resist it is squeezed into cart
ridges, which are prepared .4 parchment
paper and the bring is dons by fulminate
of silver is capper capsules provided with
patent expl.d.s.
Pref. Low's Sulphur Soap is highly
recommended for the cure of eruption,
chafes. ohappd hands, pimples, tan,
tat. Ira
When the grinder takes it in hand ho
Bits before • revolves: rrindatose w►im6
has been turned to an rise hart wider
than the blade of a able knife. Ono
grindstone eats straight lines, another
the carves and ea nn to the number 4
1.. or sit. The er to .n which the pat-
tern a draws is held en the straw, sed
he most have • true eye and • steed,
haml. 1f he deviates from the lines his
week w spoiled. for the eye nam at once
detect the carelessness. An adept wtl. 1 sty Qrsaomptuows 844 fieadsehe, Ner-
nrd scrolls. bwngmets and the finest I vous Attaoks, Vtmelee. and Neuralgia
I and all wasting diseases of the h.eman
tsas.4 look -
ppsuer Qptl,or.a u 1M a mea iter tl sten off
Dat r Otos, ] .. • • xM
Dam. (h..s - M.01s ltmrslai tft�111N d • M
We wentte Mariam our prosect large Ii•t of s.na-iib.rs by tan thousand wilhk -*
a Junk mid tar ibis puryme .eke the osi. Inning sad aeprenadseted Whir.
eddelli5 the 111. Morn Iflmaefi strew we meas late Mew qtg m A s T wen *
newels std aseb.wNwe wig hese.!,t ea rats --op tar two mouths free.
sad Nwkesd.su
fbsrs wwWy, rrove ea e.•opy floe eve *.antis free
end la enbevfh n witl reeat•e arena et Ili Kraf te
y oe tate thine. Drew..
sad II sub.os(bere will rwwivs • espy of Tiessrit.v Ouoam for one year few..
and wbw.rt•ees esti away a et nay • betty Guam use year news
Jinni *5ulbsbarrt a wtll smite • e;� wwow Owes tour month Are.
small I�ert.acrthen wish reatvas IMILT Owes one year err.
ae5tl.M Nw ass saws ee/es1e etg alagllss•wes for sway u seep.
THE (I O B E has semi& aresage""vib,y which It powwows the .Js right la itis.
_ ods of pub * Mse same* f
.w of abmsoon of the 1Md1u writes, d
llistien, owl se
ireeithia Mae Ibreddises. Jenne
MN's= Me. MN..- e -
- --' M Sea* Ceem,y. s.11.ers. Ia,s.a
R. ar)ee,.
A dory of estbreStg talent. sanded WILL. AM% WIXOM. by Miss Sneddon. •• sew
rryaa�al1aea�g in Tee Darer sad WaeeLv Own. sod will bs eenttaeed ti'J ioeipleted. 11 win be
.iieeaeded by scary hem the gewl pee of J55115 tar€As7t
w m S
1, and .iter the last named
dory t oompybd Mon will .51.50 fro. L INa
aL/. this fatuous a.reltst
In ridding' lo the regular crdtd,.M glory. diose ars always ru.sisg la the 11 sad 1 o deist
einem of Daiwa, and ie Tru wttmaLf Oto.t nee et more addluonal novels by .whore .t
world wide ravage. 1a this maser readings( See or ds s5mpl.0 aver each year.
Whammed runt
pouting to we into • gs.ural
btzsness, and convert everything and
everybody, 1 generally discover that he
wants M convert all things to hu interest
and hie way ov thinking.
Sant men are ruled bt their rase,
sum lit the moon at others, hut meat
•w them bt their prejudices.
Wisdom maks. • mai. humble. while
learning aukes him rain ; the wise teas
is surprised nkat he towers e. little, the
learned one that he knows s.. @Butch.
Kindness az a ,olden thread that rens
thru the Warp Thr every mat. a ezielentx,
emotimm hid frau sight, but never im.-
tuely lust.
To the thane ain't a more i++ohle sight
than a tan toittn>; honestly Wm lima daily
If than tittle un.ekts even ashy kne
their power for evil. they amid ma
our existence miserable.
The Brate error that meetly teetaphvei•
IMO Mk*, alley alao tratng t.. fly loin
heaves meter& rY cree,,ing thane ; than
wines will melt off long before they Kit
half way thru their journey.
Altbo t am a rank radikal, I believe
in the spirit .f red,kalisut mire titan the
tutees wv it.
AA Ar AGSMMLT11RAL lUwaralER Tali WIttslr GAMIN r 1 NW •nus tat.
tecB�..W tparY.m•s owe \snit eea.very week la liat•r'dey s Ds[ v Oe.nna .ms1 .o Teen.
es.. C.aae. c ' 'I eetMe. meat w lied �a the amts.
11e tie.. C [t. nR..t,! , t.eir.attvw.
e stays est.
Address, THE GLOBE PRINTINGmoriorrrai
memo them a+at me
Ts the riely tuetannc,tu relief
tafor Nee-
relgi•, Headache, Toothache, ate. !eb-
bing • few drops briskly is all that is
needed. N.. taking nauseous medicines
for weeks, but ons minute's apphe•tn.n
removes all pain and will prove thereat
value of Keae's FInid Li11htnine. %b
cents per beetle at 0sor,fe Rhyne. brut
store. Is
Spectator. To ----
Tire anao 111. toner the nnarish-
ing and m•'gone inv properties of itoe
insoles Pester entmen RrtruenV give
renowd strength .n4 hwywncy "f spirits
Almay sok f..r Itosaino.. P.osrsuxtaso
Emersion, and be sure yogi get it. 2
F,.eoan'. Worm Powders require no
a1 se pir.;.tive. They are safe awl sure
to roam,. all retails' of Wwruaa 1 m
Nateesal Pill. set promptly upon the
horn, 'omelet* the bowels and as • purge
tire are maid and therwegh. 1,n
hanger le tae Ale.
In the chilling winds, the damp Mutes
phere and soddenly checked perspiration.
colds are lurking. Hagyard'. Pectoral
Baleen euros odds. coughs, esthete and
all complaints tending toward consump-
tion. 2
Te at+. Mailed erellenoses. and all wire=
M maty e..0.101.
Pheephatine, or Nerve Paseo, a Phos-
phate 'Cement boated upon Scientific
Nets, Rorenlwted h Professor Austin,
H. D. of Boston. Hags., cores rilosun-
Dr. lore's Wean Syrup will remove
worms mud lease quicker that any other
modimiae. 1m.
MA1arTQ :1.
••Maiden. Yeas.. rob. 1. Mita. Gestlemee -
1 watered otta.tracks of neck headache. -
Neuralgia, female trouble, fur years in
the moat terrible and excruciating man-
No medicine or doctor could give me
relief or cure until I 'mod Hop Bitters.
'The first bottle
Nearly cured me ;'
The second made meas well and Meek(
as when • child.
'Aad I have been so to this day.'
My hummed was an invalid for twenty
years with a 'serious
'Kidney, liver and urinary complaint,
'Pronounced by ttoato•'a best pbyai-
Ilice relies !'
Setae bottles of your bitters cured
him. and i know of the
'Lives of eight persons
Iu my neighb..rhood that Imre been
saved by y. -sir bitten,
And many mare are using them v itjt
great benefit.
'They alrnu.t
t)u auricles
1. ltR IL D. fillet .
an Rareness Sepses.
Hon. Jos. 0. Ouodndgw, of Brooklyn,
N.Y., .n's. : "I einr.ot express loyal
in sufficiently praiseworthy tetania .t
Burdock Blood Slitters which I have used
1..r the past two years wait great
work as neatly and emptily as en artist
'. n draw them
Where colored glass is ground the
Tatham is toads by eteply gnarling out
the m.lor, whieb leaves the Thr areeea
ties in white gad the body of the glans
he also. There aro only sheet Meaty -
system. Ph.aphatine im not a Mode/eine.
ham a Nutriment, bemoan et methane no
Vegetable or t • i nersl Pois utat Opiate.
Nuvstse', and no Slims/ants. Met imp
ly the Phrspbatirt end Oartrie Elements
found in our daily food A ale bnttie
is antlisinnt to 0•111•411114. All
pelt it $1 tlg battle. 'inswing &
five ground Rase factories in the flatted , pope aeonb for the D.nntnios.
States, ted the pay of an adapt weekmas 1 SA Front street lll..4 Tereeie
hie se sen., regeteear.ad now threw.
Male Lea aid by Yr Omalse Reade Ise
wiser -ace team. and we able dal theeoss•ti
..d..a.+ Ice pone, 7,5.1(Ladseee. been
ate.a Our Dosemivo poker
Melly Iy, *d. neons 1( mer grad f.
• w mesh sad
mi ,arr1O b eesied
11j0.4B:I1a � Mawaalep geks
nn.e y. Meat slam
aieopasiageaat a M
•'VNV�fni you will get
Pro a peanuts of
geode of lents valve, teal will wart you in
w..rk that will at onos bring yon to trues(
faster 'ha. •nothing sloe In A+redea. Al
anon the mom in proses with rook her
Asian wanted everywhere, of either sex.
all age's, for all the time. ■par• time only. M
work for es at their own horse.. !-urtnn.•• far
all w.rk.e..beeletele ....moot. Dont delay
H. 11aLuirrr Oft (.e.. Portland. Melee. HMS_
A Lefler ^al Vsrio4 A..u.ttai.-nt of
U A2if1) W -*.r CY . TICLEB,
-.u.t..*;'- lor
.:,,.t ••ea%tr.•d
mite.' V. It t, (.rather a• •1 "1u. :cast' e1.. Wht.dt and P. dame 1Iolc:rre. Plash sad Leather
Jewel. Pa/Yana. omit ',Tarnow Our,. rat., t;lass Miner. in ftn•h. H•sd and
roaring tlllrro..n,tinay.ng Mugs Toilet Ani -•1. 4 in endkeen variety.
It'beim b. Isultw In Ake ro iu ,tta• • •. iie.-r'zet'ni Flower.. k,.
1eclicafl gnu, Go&erich.
Why nee.pour OIL on year Reapers and Mowers, when you can get
roe sate M
wstl 11wes•Mi1. �
A liberal reward wtft be paid to any'
party who will pruduoe t nape of Liver,
Kidney or Stomach a mplaint tbat Elec-
tric Bitten will net speedily cure. Bring
them along, it .ill crest you nothing for
the medicine if it fails to our., and you
will be well rewuded for your truuhle
besides. All Blood disease', Bilious-
n ess, Jaundice. Oonstipatioo, and gene-
ral debility are quiekly eared. f•atiidar-
tion guaranteed 0' refunded
Prieo only fifty Sato peer bottle. For
rale by J. Wilson. (al
The People's Livery
so Cheap It has so equal Try .t sod you will use no other.
W_ c C Ziazrs',
(10D8 5101
aoseeroomi wpm* were.
we WOO aaRgargeiryy Ashen {-t 'sire bailable
aim e+•f� r•• a ng en areas ter a raw-
tafa only that which mus
bees tried se sil.wed to try suture Maytag.
Yes are !glowed • hee tent beetle of ttao*rr.Oew
g oes
npy Care. tiseDYR-
O▪ so tth see' dust stere. Sold at Ice'. sed L
per beam See testimonials teem peewees
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The beet blood purifier and grimes re-
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The Finset Rigs
CALL AllD RRR L'*--Op5SMM tie Ltnbern
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Merchants : Got your Printing at
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Ir. the history of mwdsei.es no mem)
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Care it. acting is times di.tr...tag
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if you are sufierine with Ica aged de -
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