HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-3-6, Page 1Ile TRAIL t tNUMMI/it LI MINTY -MOH IMII it IR. 0EVQTL M_ UN1 BODERICH. ONT.. FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1885. GENERAL WELL IGEH , Mrit 11.1.11` 11UU V NROR. Pu.idesen $1.10 A YEAH IN ADVA\CY ?sow II4roorrlooraosio T lS Weva. War *air Ar.4ertLewis Credit Fueeler Seager ! law u. elprIng sad flandeer Hugh Huelop. Keep I osir t eN 7)r7 Y Dowsing. YAnoea.ltuller (tusk Murray 1.. Amusements. ItIIiCE9d ROLPEE SEATWS SINK. Celbses* street,deed Jsavfe dere. - (� for tae Rasa. y -. d11yl$IUNa. !Jon. tag. troy leas to life tic Dentistry. Afters.... . . iii b 6a •• Ittsety, ' 71/11 to 10.15 PR it 'CS leak. .N[OHOL ON L D.8 tlUIM:EUN Morning. fad,.. tree, as is Skates ev . tea 'roars: .d airlun, altrrnuun sadndsreo'a, ie.,.i .meet. tt1d rdNiaoe. Us- o' *keno.. susat titre, dunes Mlaw Baal of I11MliM1. W. use the o.Iebratsd Wilkie bees (..+dere.:\ 17$11 MURRAY U. MIINTWIH Masager. Uudsrlck. Mare\ 5, Id 111564 She People's tolumn. ►I•Etic7ftto► ► . WHO-1NTI':itED t ho premiss diorites/ to Mr. 1). Monism. oa t'ulborae street. no Sunda) last, and ca.- r'td off a ins*Ree howd-.st+tisL ail( be arrest rd tt it se set left et this Witt s by Sal night. as they are knew,. and were ,dee haw - aa ibe pt.ce. 1915-I t 1.-1'".`.;E AND TWO LOTtt FOR 111.MT The house bee threw coos•: good anode sot well on the preemie - ea. Alis a scowltong raw for sale. Far est - i rt.Mr,amply to34lly J1111WILSOV.drrav maker. over t'. 1). Newton's store. Uod.:rleb. 1164-tf (`t ODkRiCN ItOLLER RINK. --- now Seaa(was Dwtf� �i11 wrap, Rftavweew red N.rnings,fro. �� letolr Aftertw.sik .......,.... sass... Stip 6 .. 7 to 1e LIDS! SKU :SHARMAN. a.N.aLaTaa and plasterer. Omegas the part..• tea their ..abased patrona.te. 11r ti stud ready to ..to ail work to his lin- in o auperti.r a$...r. Prices to suit the nine* h:stiodatess given for beikliayp when required. It077• I. (mule BALE -OREAr (BARGAIN 1' Lase residence and ground* Dear the, !'ark. later occupied try Judie Ietyle. !:sod nasus Two etoeltent tellers with Not» isera Clear to like and *gum,. No rash down.ire st 6 pe: sent. MrAU.R dr 1.►N'1� 1045 -It LIO1'8E8 FOIL STALE-TVPO nouapt 11 on haat er red. 1 r10 c portion of the e.• Goa of ter. lea. MRd. t'.1. rtICART. One hawse Is Usti. one awry and a half. contain- ing 4 name. 4 upsta:rs, end 4 downriairs; the saner bosun. IS.:t ft.. a ...miry and a half. with two rooms sad kit .bei. dueoMaini. and tae raataLs otwtatrs. Al,o..tab:e. /11111 ft. Fie 'boner part.eatac+, apply by Set er, or as tee onsasos, lar AL1:X. t'.t rth'Ak-r. S. K. Also for sem acupboard. bureso.twu rail leaf table.. sada bedroom table with &rower. Richt i MPROVKD FARM T() REN1T- 1 Situated two mules ems tlu4er.ch red tow, w taw Hunan rued. There is n geed �t�y� ea too pr.:mses, barns abed,, endea- .Issed yards For tiuthrr partwntan. M. areas II RS. IL II.\N'La:Y. 10.4 Wuudwsed adder. t. 10I044 L'trit :CALF ark 7'+► ektvT-TIiK It Harbor Mit Works a: l:uderichr(Hat-, be• I..ar.ag to tt.e cite e of rase lam K CHARD SAMWLLY. Fe: par:icu:an. adders M1t$. f: HAiYLKY. I4e5 Woodwork ay. nue Introit. Mich. Ietett' L"ARM 1'0 LET -FOG A 1EKM alit Tears. Lott$, S... ti, the 111.11 lend raw. ,essio. of the Tuw nodeof tledeno h. amply im Petro to J S. I.ITAi. Sust(a.rd. Rise)- tf IllARM FOR :MALE. tU(TIOt. SALE Of VALL MILL FAILS i -I tPEHTV -- Under and by tor: u. of a 1'o wet .f Aerie sea caused is a ,stain r,nrt,ra.re da•e.1 •k IMA 4M of Jame. 4.11 It4Y. resole by WILLIAM MAP:MSto ibe v ••,.:urs. and which will be prod,' :0.l a•. the tt:., of sale. there wlti be sold lay Pnalic Auction, at Martin's 1i06.1. to tar Toot. of Uwlencta. in the t:,• Indy o: Hurn,. at 11 o'clock. Peas ea Sattinl.ry, tat UittA day of 3Lireh, A. it 18,4.5, by JOHN KNOX. .t,tutlnne.r. dm following valued* farm prop• rty. newly ::l I l and .inti ear that ..Ytain parcel or tract .•r Sand and premises. ell woe, ytagaad being ea *1*. Toon al4p of Asbtleld. In the County of Hun.n and Province of Ontario. and bring inspused of use Nona Kast quarter of I..t ■..ober .la. 4• the Fourth l'owun.taso1, Raster, Invision of tae sad Township of A.•.arl.t, .watainin. by •dmeasurewrt fifty a. res of land. mum or 1-a.. About 4.1 acus arc cleared, and tie rot: is a rend clay la.m. There a abet: 5 &yrs* of nrst-rams cedar bosh. Taro 1, • good have sad shed oo the prem. .ase• wis& aro almost flew. Teen is also a fraise \o,ats ea the load. The property is well slisi td, and s about 1 sites sad a half from the V.Ilae. of IDnn- g.snos, • tari•Isg 1411.;5 rw. t►. greet rood ustwese Unden:oh and I.eeknow. TERMS. Tea per meak down. end the balance ie osis ascots from the date of sale. for farther parUualan apply to CAMERON 1401.T t t'AMF.RON, sr to Vendors iel.cit.ws UNwrieb. .606111 KNIIX. Amuse -oder, U.deri.•k, Dated lilts f.bruarr, .t.U. itt14 4:441 TUD[CIAL g4LE e IY TUR HiGH COURT Or JUSTICE. real/CRAY DIVISION. ROBERTSON es RtM1aeNtttn:R. ow -saint :.. the Ju.litatent arse anal artery TOE sale mule to this Boor. then. will be mold with the approaarlo0 of 146TTwa5L*0I Mai: 0001010. 11oqu.rw, one of the Masten of rhe y yrese inof Jadiastere at li.derir0, 1 .601114 LNtiX. As,ti.mesq.t Martha Hnteh is the Tow* of .oderieh, i• obs Cowdry of .tern., oa . a1ori ay, the 7ta dry of Mord, 111R6, .4 nye e'cl.wb In the aro-raters i.e following /prroeppeeririr) essr47: -Lot nothing number nine Lauel and eft7.s.a., la the said Town of thodeeioh. The property u Steep re Pt. Patrick's street tone b4..•1 from M. Market Mahar). la We Tows of (l *ii.,h. rand is • deeinaM ot,.•. 'flees are two roisinrt*ble rotyth-oast deed ••a ammo.. It tar7's hush. in good coridilioe. ew. t\e peetsi.ira at present o.rapld b7 Main. TRRMS or 1AI8. Tea per cent town on the day of sale to the PtalntiR'u Restolm,r, ..d 11. bel aoe into O•.ort within one well thereafter. snidest *sieved. whoa thnarehaser will be entitled Rs a nowrrr.an.y5. 7p.rviseser. at the thee of sad. will be motored to sign *0 ascasert for for nomNrtton of the said sale. Ta. ppirs� party will 1. part a0 sayeet to • r tssrved bids is ether respond dm °oedde a et sale will M Mas .laid ag n..nditiowm of este .f tbim Caere. Further partbdan map be had hes the aa':uiooeer, nr from the Platiatirs Solicited. Dead tea lab day of February.Ido. MA141Mtmet, Loud Mater at U.4s iok. 0ARROW t irR()UDp0Or. FWwtir. MelliMs► 11111.1 - - Menke, for ladies say. Adatiedialt..... ter: ,diet.. and +.Haar, dee. Afteeieoe sod lit ening, ladies,............ Sec lirwls, . ........15a Skates and iar(aoe, Yrna Twet re!State 1'b nes .H e0 1:I111.U1ti1'l�ti' t:.tKNIV*1.. SaTvaDay Ar- TatN.el. Adm.suun. ISr.., ineluduig Skates (iHA]I6 PARTY A pmna.tum to bring added, which will be opened ace were. J. C. HARRI.e40N, Proprietor. tele Feb. S. l medical. ✓ l E. CASE, M. D. Gilts, M.C. P.8 Oat. !Merit Ian. ideas. Acids hear, d -r. O0ue -That t our owed by ler. Hutebiwpa) Uaneaubo*. night oma.. Mer- trs's betOL 11111- ) B. WHITELY, WD., C. M., PHi(- . elelt N. Sura.va, At•.ouacheur. etc., M. CPA,.o The Square. t doors S esaof Widon s Mk. !dog Stem up stairs. 111mt lilt. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR - 060S. coroner kr- mos serf reeding* Bruce St7e.t. wound deur west et Vittoria Street. 1711. 1 \R.'. hHANNUN • HAMILTON, 1 f'aleietsne. Piernes. Muddier% as .01. re at 1M.-inaun..re retail Wife . WWI/ the i40ol 0odericb. U. C. Sea,iMus. J. C.114.1111 TOO 1161. Lull. LEAOK/t R LEWIN, BARIII$TERS, Y.7 Oodrrirh. lt. Sadie& Ju. J. A. Menem KN. Lamm. lel C. HAYES, tel1L1161I'OR t 1%. .. , Oise corner of tae square and Nest etre. i.1 •-i ch. ow or Ma. la's bookstore. moos, to leaf et lowest ratty. of istef,.t. (iARROW A PROUDF(k)T, MBAR • RI.NTEItA A1msraeys solicitors. du Uoderte:h. J r. 'lnrruw. W. Proadfont. I7.. ('IAMiiIRON, H.J,T at CAMLRON, v rrrietevel .4.64 4ten I. Cb.nnerl. tc. ".lelertc► and Wowed.. M. 0. Cameron, U ^r P. Holt. M. O.nos, ').4Srid. W. tsars. Wamrbs.. 1751. Loans anb insurance. E ARE LENDING MONET AT 0 nix) per cent. Private feeds Abe agents fur "Credit ►welt.- SEA4.Kk & LIMPS. Gederieh. Marr\ 6th. 1156. lee (500,060 TO LOAN. APPLY TO - t'.4Yglum HOLT &CAMERON. Gods tea. 1735. t/ONEY Ti) LEND. --A LARUE a 11 asao'utt of Private Ponds for Investment Ulowest raid ea Mt -clams Mortgages. Apply toU.tit4 )W L PRO LIDYOOT. 10,000 I'RI V ATE FU NDtc TO LEND NV on Farm and Tows Property at lowest Io- tense. Mortp,aea purchased. oto Commission charged. t'nediabetes trees rrar.iuble. N. H. --Borrowers can obtain mosey in oar day U LiUn u satiebeted. DAYIMUN & JOHN 'ATUN Rarristers. tc.. Uodarteb. 17111 2 RADCLiFFE, FIRE, MARINE, 1 4. Lite nod Aoident 1.seranoe Agent. It- preemies 4,tce Cosp.aars. Also aged for the 1'A.aa,a Lava MTueE Io.t'R*oCo Co. Money to lend oe Mnrgr.se• either in Tows to Farm Property. In any way to wait the borrow er. I►Ae. ..o-sta4nl Kay's block (.Menob Aucttoneering. THE HURON SIGNAL u peWl.bed every bridal Mornleg, IIT 1154' Wosoc boo Hlcur., at their Odic', Wort►id o[ the *Indic) (JODKRiCH, ONTARIO And tedrep*Wbed to all parts of the surround lag au at r, by the earliest maid and 1 r,.la,.. By idnerel ad.niwwa It Mas a larger clreata- tiee t .ay other newspaper la tela pari of tai wuntr). d Is one of the raciest. newsiest pd moa .•liable Modal. In Ontario pooseaa.ng as it do.•s, the fore -going ra.rei%3a an t Acing it. &Adagios to the above, • Amt -else. Welly and Ilreondr payer It Is therefore a •.t .fr.ir td,.set *retinae nudism. Tearer. 111-43111 advance. postage ptispaid by publisher.. $1.71, .f.id before, sit soonlha Glace if ,t N w paid. This cul will be tritely enforced. Ittrrr Or .tnv,1RTtglNr. Fight erste pe Ito. for ant iusertk.n: three cents per liar for ern sube.picnt Insert ion. Yearly. halry..t.iy anal qusrtrely ,oetracts At not yew' rams. dei rrittoyeaA.---.Ve Imre also. lIrst alas i&•bini;demi. m••.it inou-6iitteRliKas I.g the mist . ,mphfe nil -At est beetravallies fw tern.na out work :n Oulerleb.are prepared to do bueineas in tat liar at pried that reared sa ►enters.tool of n quality that a.sa*t Ye e ersawed. - firma Cask 200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS $ '6. lend on farm and town property. at Mw - o,. jut. r. -t. Mnrtaneve parchme.•d. No rora- m.wru.n ehwrged aerate for the Tredand I.o.w Comps., of Canada, the (Maeda leaded ('redit Pom;ony the London Loan Company of Canada Intend. e. 14 sod 7 per real N. It. Harrower can obtain mosey in one day, if title satisfactory. DAVIHON t JOHNSTON. 114 Rarnatero. etc., (o4.rirb. tiririLL, AVanONEME ?(►R lbs Oee.ty M tutee. Rake .Heeded to sm7 pail! Or uOwuseF. AdM. soP. den u JOHN &NOX UMNI111kAL AUd TpN g iogai ♦ eek. 1..1... r era to hies ortlafaw�la wt Mareawl ee sot l sap se LJIU jaii . earerelle iv t.aiee 10.1114/11 7�P�i�/�r�r Ase(lw0.r. UM ernes. FRIDAYintus. $loveAi1C9s pwsy. Spt- pod6611. Tun opine, east of the voter out fir th the seats Ac' in e melted counties . f Northumberland amu Derham was. 2187 for the Act. it would seem as if the stealing of ttie.iris►urns at (7. 1s.urk a year a;io did not help th.. liquor vote, Mr Charlton is in f..rur of restating the regular postage on letters to ten cents. The plan ta a•.i.l to 1 e rer) p pu lar across tete lines. It wenld be a largo saving to bar loves Coen, and would meet w,11 favor trout all cl.:.si s. Lar t!:.• pottage on IetNrs be reduced to tr., if it be true, though we doebt it, that Lake Miehigau If frozen orar, the beryl, of L-d.ty who r.4w over the .arty deep of i'or fresh waters will have a yarn t.. spin forty er fifty years hence that wul aurpn.e the coming ;.aeration. Itis a sail reflection that the hots who aro now guying the old storytellers will be reeard- e1 as the yenerab'e lure fifty years hence. V4l,,trinf 11) LOAN ATH PER Tt1K TORUNTI) (INNER AI. TRUSTS COT arc prepared to lien money at aper newt.. pap able hs f� yearly, on TNKMA 'Po SUiT BORROWERS, no 11$ -,lams farm sociality. Apply to CAMERON. HOLT t CAMKROi$, BartWws, Aimee for the Toronto Oeoe.sI ?r Madre. ('ae..o,, Ilut.T t Cawamsow also a land .mount of private (vada 10 toa. on crit -els farm security. liodariel , OM. 4. 1m1 MUM 44 INSURANCE CARD. a. F. won't. Are Life end Nernst (nausea-- /pear, (M)))BRJCH. 011.... ep0*alts Colborne Hotel. The " hoodoo . mearaeea,- Incor(s.ntd t'Jl The •' Naatnnal." eamblish.d 1141 The '• Hand .0 hand.- the only Coap.ay licensed 10 insure pato glass to the I)onintnw. The ab iT• are all lrst clams and old petals tided eos-w1w. awn it.. .A .t resat rand. Ower, h. tree. Mu, 1045. • 1451 Legal-NotlCes. FRTAT1 NOTION. - tea= Tea Toronto World .temps -" in T.-- I'QL�141:n". t'LavaLAND sea inaugurat- ed at Wuhutg4N ..n K ed.eeday with groat pi.' Tne enthus.aeat was un bounded. He too selected hes Cabinet as full. es secretary of ante, lir. fleyarl ; secretary of the treasury, Mr. blooming : eoeretary of the tnterter, Mr. LaMar . attorney -general. Mr. Garland ; tootadast.r-general, l[r. Vrlas .. secretary of the navy, Mr Whitney, and secretary of war, .lira E,of.outt "Pei Pose Walkinem. It apposes, 1aa Leena (soon'. wart .f hu party. A return mubu.ottsd to the Dominion 1'arliaterut on fueeday shows that for his bermes as valuator m th-e Trent sad Murray ('arta:* ttetwect 11th October 1882, and Y'lr.i May, 1884, he received P.1011111for ,6rvices and $1.:.64 for ex- pruaes Dig i'tuh vies once s Tory editor, at.d ,.arra the ort of a,lkit. the L.tumtoe cow chile roasting hos little por•y sheet A wi:i t known ttgore in Car:adtan 7, 114,r s s t:! t.. mused. Hen. Isaac Barbee, M 1'. for .St. John, N. K. died at Nes'3..rk on 3londay ,(ter a i re tracted Unfits ife was bore at She:::ala N. L' , iu 18'83•, and at the age of 23 went into the hardware bvsinese at St Juha i with his brother Frederick. 11e tilled several offices in its native province end in 18:':, was elected t'. the D,tn,; . parliament. Ju JJ4 4 Mr. Mackenzie made him MitsiKer of ('Mums '1'R s Annan .taste » upon some mf cur fel:ew countrysus again. We don't know tasch about the intention* of the Fatima. to the (`ale.( Staten, who are paniing for gore -British gore but if they come across the herder w,th hostile in:en:. we have no `ear of them. The emission editors who t'....e been iaat'..act• rag W olaeJey how to fight EI Madht wi11 i offer tl. e.: **roan.. to ::1e Dominion (•er• erument, and under r e:t :;enomlahip we harts autaitig to fear. mote we *lieu hear of 'the Catbdic butt.' -- -- --- - --- - Co,aretelets fs0fieg has bees aesesed by tete action of the School Beard in tact l,r..tnotttia Miss Hares to the vacancy csueed by the retirement .-f Mug Wataoo. Mas !lorries is sod to lie a good teacher, r.4d her hong aortic, should be recogniz- ed. M:.. ShartnaG a service .h .nod have gi i rn her the right to succeed Mi. Iifarnes, and the vacancy thus cauwd should have b.ea 6!lal by the new track- er. Th, friends of semis Harries and Mus Sharman natural:), feel this slight. The hope of promotte:; sheulJ not be taken away f:cu, the teact.erl of our junior rooms. arid 'the Orange vote.' but up iu Winni peg (Ley have 'the leelaodie'. e,' which this wire pullers have been beady mani- pulating annpulating in the interest of Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Latton, respectively We pre- sume that it is a e311 Clay for then Winni- peg candidate when Ieeland becomes has - tile to him." Ar one 11600 was estimated that about one-half of the British army was Irish, but the prop,.rtrnn is not so large new. In the year 1386 the number of Irish soldiers in the British army was 66,663, or 308 per 1,000. By steady gmdat..ne that number fell in tet years to 30,121, r r 416 per 1,000 ; end last year it bad fallen to 31,694, or t86 per 1,000. The figures appear in the Got- ernment official repvet. NOTICE TO CREDTTOR6. Parseaat 00 tae Ad N Vbo., (:hptk Petered the creditors of Archibald Hodge who died .t oho v+tlao. of L.okwow 1w for (mi.17 of n. lee, es nr ahem the 17th day of neessbr. A.U. 6004..nd other. ba.ichinos le rsgaes .t his estate. are ►.rail w0ISed to send on M before ass IMM day of Nam& A.D. le . easessolicited4for Resect ehrat adsia of *4.tbo essay wad feces of the said deomm d, their awwsew sad - dressss awl tsw feu p.eeeisa et ted. egoism wad of ue.seurlt(es, If WV, hall by Eine W .lee that Iasdletthe mid lwyesmiter r u. teed betad�le « he pr/Mw e**1Y*s deed. will he stir s time at welsh the ▪ htstrurr net M me n �r�w a�wMs ch sew. tow pmsw et mime apt bays tee make. alar MBA CAMERON HOLT l CA Yovra Term s weak age in the Moue, alledod to workingmen as the "lower orders." Th• fact that oid Tup- per was a shoemaker before he became a doctor and high commissioner, leads the London .advertiser to remark that shoe makers belong to • the "upper" order. W. grant it, but that is net their •'sola" claim to respectability. Veiling Tupper Os mow pretty well "heeled," thanka to hie father, but he deem, t knnw hew lonx it tarp "last." i:sa,J.•., he :las 4. ,0 much yrs --Tem Meal attempee to rte factious et the szpeese of Mr Mows:, and soya that in the sweet of a Fenian raid he Sae turn stens upon to hem There is one a,aree we hops he will not follow 'Thal is the one adopted by the N,r..ater of Hilitis new premier of Canada, at the tins* of the Renran mid. ft sol be re tes.mbered that a walks de*aesh wee in- dulged in by that 1anetionery, .16.e. the horde .1 oat throats wore three:enang our border and abonttal down oar you.,; men. That is a course Kr Koos will not fellow The (Iederia\ E meat bowie tiff i10 et ealleltey e1 dime report of the late Son day Nithool C.nsvention. and cls, nit that it is better Was that of any ether paper; err it ie, so it nes stolen frees t ;e Nrvc Sits and • little muco added V. it. The 8eaf.rth Rrpesib► 0400 sppropria'..d our report. INew a Rsoywtaa HOL.MAN a trier fast The report of the esereury wag hanJ, f w I.y see ef 4Re meretanes, while at Ala fort h. sal the R..fovth moo, Marne not the same nosh sa the Nes Xan 01.6.16 the 'minutes," whish were oemmen property Twa tan MAIL Nays, imdalpI.1..1 e( the secrvrtary s ruts Scalp Wise as meek as the 7..r sets 'Ifs New /re's ramose* to the rb b riser pcerile, told ate lariat/ M 41. •'m.tutes" es "ils own" re pal b lrbthsbi.. M. ('. (sconce, M P., is asking the ;uvert.meat to take a sound stand on the license question. He has give'' notice of a resolution reciting all the facts con- nected with the pees'rg of the Dominos License A.4,its reference to the Supreme Punct, etc , and the nor:fusion and i:.',n- ventence that have been mused ,by De - mimeo tnterfercnee with the liquor traf- fic, and proposing thait1nse portions of the McCarthy Act tha have been declar- ed idles etre should ire suspended toad the whole question shall bo decided by the Privy a.noil. The member for West Huron is um the right track TintTcrotatn Wo.rldesite a'tent...n W the following fact .-"The h rots of a Isere.. which drew Ilub Ingersoll to and from bar Brooklyn lecture one night Ate- ly actually dropped off nn the homeward trip. The ',alone! and hie friends wttri- Date the extraordinary and shocking ono curr.nce to carelessness and cruelty on the part of the livery -stable men to con- stantly exposing • docrepid animal dar- ing the recent cold weather, but th.con- joactiwrt of hoofs and Ingersoll is very suggeottye to the minds of the infidel orator's cr.t:ce. Ingersoll has long scof- fed at the hoofs and horns of the prince of darkness, who rosy hive tale* this method of 51owino his power fur ons" Tor. British Government announces Coat all the offers of fighting mon made tey the celunlsa .111 be aocepted by the War Off, -e. tf circumstances Fervid* that reinforcements t0 the regular army are eroded. Col. Williams, Col. Macdonald aid (LSI. Moberly will now take to 'ha wood*. Senously, the trouble .hent M.usr a 1lal..drn contingent for service aliment will he, that nearly everyone will wont to Mea officer, if not r .ariandar of a regiment. A tall to arses en an iu • visitor of ('semis nr a ..ni..aly threaten- ed invaaus .f Portland would likely meet with • hearty response frees Can - Mimi volunteers Bet to Wit dully desert rangers ander • tropical sun does hot call for acne.' c.tmider.tiou. NSW LRGISLATIVK Bl'1L1)f.V11.' I Ws ars glad to see that the Provincial*, Government haa deeded to go un with the work of ereetiug new beildtnes fur the legislature. The present parliament buildings at Toronto have served their day. 'They aro peat redemption 1. far as any restoration to beauty or useful - stem is eooeerned, and should give place . to a inure comfortable and more melons I •lifie. The venerahle pile pile of 1 brick and (allot; plaster has served 'ta' purpose, and, worn by time. utwt give plans to a budding worthy of this L4.,at prov intoe. /be eat et s obey bsildibb. weigh ..Ir. enemas now now grounds, will be ib..ut 61,000,000. The proas'.5 eta .F -the legislative hall is tin, close to trade and oen.mersial centres. The grime and din of the railway and wharf Jemmies of the esplanade and barter ate tea, near fee c,mfort and quid. It a certain that tho site of the present piorl:ament builJtnss would bring a handsome sum. fir many would desire it for the wholesale trade. Its propinquity to the utun station and the Jocks world render the location a desirable amt valuaLL' one for commer- cial purposes, and the aunt raised by the gale of the premises r••u!J i.e ....eider. able. There is another reason why the Wriest Government should take up the matter nos, and erect tiro bu.din;L Nu 1everntteut can make trieeds as easily a it can mass enemies. Just as every day that a mut Gres increases his chane, of d).n„ w every possum hour to the life of a a;overninent im- proves the chances --f the opposition. "'ne Tories are desperate is this previews, and will atop at nothing in orator to got into *See. The story of the 17th of March last pea... that. 14 by a mop d'etat at the next election, or before Oat time, the opposition got contrast of the treasury benches in Outarie, and the work on the new buildings had act been let, the job would be a veritable bonuses to the party winch for at les+! 14 years has been eat of ogee, and is husntenug for a fat job The Tory *out reel. os are nuterioua for paying literal aososraents to s gevernr.ent of their chew, and Tory Governments are equally mitoriuus for levying assessments on their .01.11 et erg. The pewbility, we do not say pro- bability, of the T..nea arming into poser at any time rip the our future should be s.t!'rcient to hurry on tow work of the letting and construction of suitable legis- lative builditsga W. an treat the Mowat Government with this great work No talus of jun• bery has yet attache.( to it. The new budding,. are required. M. Mowat has the power to go on, and he will build them hosedly. bet to at uuue .tpewded for the parehaas of new and oarefell)' selected books flame iuteuding to avatl themselves of the ►.tushes of the Institut.. can *Mass farii..r information from the libr.riao, w ho is au; hooted to reoetre.ubecripttens, we. Those who could like to acs the library- and res ling rose belure Jainism( ars at liberty to dem . • 0I;7.t: NRCHANLW INSTITUTE. There ate now in the library of this institute clogs on two thousand •olumes of M1see11aoeoes books, to which the directors are frequently adding as the meara at their disposal permit , and 10 the reading room shout forty newspapers and periodicals -Canadian, British, and A,wet'iesa. The tending 606501 is kept is good order and comfortably warm, and u open from 1 to 6, and 7 co 10 p. a.. every week day. The charge for nal of reeding room with pnvilege of borrow ■ any busks in the library s bat one dollar for the reef, or fess than ons -third of a cent per Jay. Still, with s'i these ad - RBDI"TI:IB'.'TIf'!l Oi SEATS I: wits a .natter el surprise to beat Ref-•rn,srs and Cumeortiativea that Mr. Mowat dot mut make a yedistributtee of emu in 1882 The Dominion Govern- ment ha 1 shortly hal .re made a shame - t sf •;orrvisoRderirtri o1 • u: c ount:ea, under 5tie moieties that tl.c result of the census deuum!o ! a '' readjustment ' of the sun N .tuencies and it was thought that thn t►ntuioGore! ..... u had the nth1 to alio at !east a legitblate ft -distribution. But for some souse Mr. Mowat did nut then see to. even with air Joh. A Mac- donald • exaesple before him, 1.. sake any alteration in the boundanee of the const 'tummies We teem, however. ti::o a red istribo- tuni of seats, based t is on average ropre- mratat.e-• .,f ab..ut 21,0'00, wtll be made this session Many of the ridings are badly unbalanced at pr.•sertt, owing to the c'.ao.:es in population daring the past ten year- A redietributinn baa 1 i.e. been badly needed, art wr are glaI to am* it taken it. hand t,c.. There will be no gerrymandering. The oleo pro- posed twiregy-dot. 14.. county will be torn maunder in order t,v Lieu the Terms or 1:1**. a Grit (.fart.. eke trustee er the ••1a,meId.- T1. fo10.:t14 attract front the report of the Ilinist r of Marine and Fisheries will be of interest to our melon, as three Godetich mot, Capt. 1%Gregor, W. %Vata.ai a:.d T. G. M..orhouse, were on hoard the velvet when ah. mad. hoc gip! •retains Amon.: other things the report say, ''UwiNi1 to tn. *(.nett continuously breezy weather, much of tae work which would othereas hare men done in the open boat had to Ise accomplished in the •es.e1. This, atuung the shay reefs, is the victnity of the entrance to the bay, was attended with r,.ostdenble aultoty. la consequence, however, ..f the Weal kn..wira:o and enplanes displayed by toy sating maser and pilot, Capt. Algia auder McGreeoe. and the unceasing at- tention 10.1.1 to the eagtaas by my chief engineer. Mr. Charles Linter, I eras ea- abled m. take the vowel In closer pros - *tatty to t:ouee dangers than under lees fnrtuaate circumstances w .0 d have Meet prud.ut lar the interests of this y. i think it advisable :he department shor.ld tune that, to the crew, hydro graphical ■uneying is retrrssly Mone tuness work, which a tae hardest kind of all week - that, un -.k• seafaring men in ether emip...ye on these waters, they du not ,"e their h otiose (noon the hero ming t.. the end of the. That goring the depth et the water -a mistake it which may ia,.•lie the loo of a vretmel and liras- is a responsible duty, and can r.dy toe entrusted to intelligent sued trustee -thy mon. The **awn fee hydro- graptucsl surveying Is necessarily shorter than, that on other employs to "hush they winnii be enaa!Ied. 1 mentwn thews eiteumMasees t.. site,. you that, in order to fedwee 1101 claw men to j.•n *. 4 stay to thin week. 'mod saes must be gtven, and diary pfitiirtaleiorfort that the cir- cumstances ran abed. I am happy to .ay. for use erottt of a D.,nno:in Govern- ment ems*. tire& $mons thirteen work- ing hand,, placed occasionally in yore template c rcum.tano.e. that in the hole ties seemilm set the slightest atm. pinion .,f Imeohridy`.r di...liedience s7. curried, amn I trust that nothing will vantages offered at neat he nothing, Ike transpire which will prevent their rid taws - directors find it very tom N ..corn loinue. eo•r'i being their present tates- t,... Tho c•oun.ry suffers • great penis - coca two bemired permits to nowt two say Nies by the time -ped is break - coati; a week is auppert of a . doable .hg to naw bands. pnvtioge to themeelvee sad ether* This osrt.isl► does net .peak well fur the ma- jority of our cilieeae. A few of Mho sub. seribers, too few, aro from the neighbor int townships Many of our renal friends stgi,t with great sdvaster., and for a tn0t.g sem. become tnrn.Ie,., and meat a keeping up and 'steed me alias. fol it.atitat:on. When is 1. w:1, ant kavint an hour to spar, they would h.oe a 1 teassnt room tie retire to, with ma. daily sad weekly papers, usagaxines .0 1 revives at their dispout, and sold masa and take hems with them one or mere bean far the planate an I b.met t of themselves' and their families Asoag the books are work• suitable for •very healthy /sate, historical, biographies , pohkioal, work• of travel. s large supply mf the bed works .f Betio., together with tl•aelsg'eal writings e( the shiest authors, 1reni the apologia of Cordias% Newman to the lately issued works of Drummond end Mooser. The ilire.tere amid 04554?e the gemereee support of ell redden. Every dollar en.tribnted m mot nrly raped by geed vales given, .0..004 -as 1Neaeeenkm it would he a ble.,rne if owe. a cm. ,•Iocutient*te of the Domini..ia would amp dune t, Ottawa and gig wale of the members of parliament • ren 11.11...11 is talking distinctly. The anaoytag pea - 0.5 -0 0f sumhli.g is daily growing writes The miniat.r• make wine of their malt important, an'oosueowente in a eaumblisg w hisoos. Ntr Jehn s ..iee is Browing Ise unturned that it is ..w impossible to Wear hint two yard. away. Oniy today Maj Chaplets bad to ask a Grit member *he w t. Irma him what b w.. myina. Yd it is tea rhanw to ons that the MOW t.ry of mate dose net row know what M eta Mr. Chapleau himself, al1►ee& a lawyer, avid well take n few hewse- lilt Riohatd Cartwright is the trepeubors Ideal .1 a parliamentary talker. Whys he talks Sven obs doorkeepers it the l.hhy ma hear hew, wad tse ln• s plow tag voice is oddities -(Wseld. The total muerte for Moe Mwa.hip of Stanley for 1984 were $13,1171 46, amid the need payments 613111 79, lesvfat a haloes. of 6119 47. The ass.sat paid M .55017 l easetvr, 6.1110 01, Ilwiesl•, 64,161.01. Rosi, 61.700 OM. Works, 637.60. susdrlea, .1.1113301.