HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-2-27, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, FEB. 27, 1885. FROM EG-YPT. BOATS t1Ut TOM nicht Leaden, Feb- in.- The adu ,a;:y 1, es given order. fur the loomed:..a et a large number of atone la.",hes gild nutters desoloed to he laic.. to p,wes and conveyed with lieu l.raha• . . . pedntwn from Buskins to Berber. They • will be tborsveghly armed and used in operation wt the Nils ft 5s estimated • the bread gunge r.ilt...sd from Sulkies to Berber will amt i3,000,UUO aril re• quire nine moatba for oomitturttor t. Oft. sTEWt&T15 ri.ee::A L. London, Feb. 21. - The !,.neral 4 Goa- litowart at Gakdel was :t most /GO protein affair. The wog wire al! to •vest to team The growing Istat will shortly repel the removal ,.f the British cutup from Kniti to • point further •orth in the 1. -ase of miaowing, what the Marian tel Hartington was reading the tele{ram .eiuuscing the general's death, he broke down c.mplv't!y, his 11.'Ics Yetunang tteuti iV'c. TRE raraL auggte. basion, Feb. 22.- Orient Graham, oemeander of the Sestina Kerber etc• pediti.u, before his departure ler Hankie was warned by Ismail Pasha and Ra14ib Pasha, beth "f whom are in Lmden,that d he undertook to to from i'ast u in March he would court disaster. The Eamon wind, they tail is fatal to Serop.*as. It begins ii. March at.d • 1* leaks. laresil Pasha a °.vlsed rn a campaign in autumn. Ile also adviae•1 the gradual constructiou of tl.e Suakim-Berber rail way. The Army and Naty Gazette sus to march through the desert with tis Bataan1 blowing will ensure the Eig:iib fortes the fate of the army of Canf,4ses. I qtr f 1-t yOiltwtwr or Tits A :154. !iuskim, Feb. 21.--Enurntnue numb- en of hostile Arabs are massive at Tams:. I T �1 But few of the enemy are nuti.otl along{ LJ v the coast hereabouts. The mandi s fol- lowers at Bash.en are alarmed at the upproaeh of the British. The Ataatar tribes, it s reported, are preparing to desert Osman Dit;na as soca es t' e British &donee agaiuit TL-RLIMI L:'Z. London, Feb. _1. --he Ital:an• at Betlul refuse te .ermit the 1;gyptien troops to laud there. The Italians are cuCrouching at Massuwah and iudding rs for landing stores slid troops. The rkish officials at Jeddeb ezh.I t LOP amity to the British at 1;uakuu and refuge to furnish them with supplies or labut- ees- The Turks at Jeddeh are circula- ting reports that the British in tete desert have been ms eserrd and that Wolaeley has eumasitted swad.•. The latest id- yl's* are to the effect that the Tuna rebelltoo is iucreasnie. Ct.ZVti AMD e0:'Cta4►t'L CITROTft:S- Abu Klee, Feb. 22. -lien Be commenced a systematic sho ing of the Arab lines en Feb 17. Two 'ell -direct ed shots did the enemy gnat Jams;e, one e:plodint amidst a group e•'zsro1 iu placing • howitzer toll 0141 summit of s kill and the other removed the wino/ el C a tun curies,. Lind Bonnier.' alt., seriously in Bred the (newly with Gard- ner Wardrop with thirteen CIRCULAR. l! ; mile::e much pleasure ix returning /hanks reit o.ir ,i:,,n 'tog. t :Islam -vs for their liber . r/ paf- r ,nalre during the past year. l> e shall, in The Juture as in the past, leave nothir. ; undrme tr' saere( atter easterners so as to tn< "it their eon/l- ame and continued support. If '' are in a fjosi- HoN to lake all the advantages that a (-ash w%l affords, and such bring the case, cru s/zow our patrons goods al Rock Bottom Prices. Everyone krw::'s /.'ctrl a cask market is always the 'nos/ adi'anlageous one to purchase is:. and do not /!t! that goods bought cheap can be .sold : #:t•ap. fI e shall have for the ronin .S' ring lite best assorted .S•tock we have ver shown, and solicit a sha> e of ti'our trade, v'hic h we think yoe::til/ find to your advantage to ex- tend to us. .v, ipr,+itt 1, SPS=AL_ IV' iria1c now its stixk /26 pieces of Embroid- ery, direr! from .Swit,.erland, varvitu its prim fret 3 cuts to , /.QO per yard, -the Cheapest Utr-e f tlte-J�'=1!�n' t rtf tees trd�'r .Ciardttd_ COLBORNE ROS. (::,derich. /an. _'_0th. /885. 1.5'000 t BOYS GRAND CLEARING SALE ufr 1116 n �'. %seri Or' YY ttf20111 01 BOYS COODS! A ver) tan dad ser!: assorted stock of i'at., y leo its are sail! ea bend. awl w.11 •.- uld or waatr.� t0 tea their parents and frinn:t that AT A BARGAIN Pon aAdH- v!... lest plass in town to bey Stocc8 and Tinware tfore see JL• t rni ami ings, E�'LOR 8z CO'S OLENS & FURS : JOB IN PRICE_ SHIRT`; AND DRAWERS,W 0411. b(.0 ARE. , WOOL CLOUDS, SHAWLS, MUFFLERS, LADIES ANI) GENTS Fi'RS. All at Less Thain Wholesale Prices. Crider:. a. Jt-. SR.d 1tW. J. Li. DETLQI dt: 00- E &ND SECURITY All other bracer:iea ..f my boldness kept well alh.eked with mew and cassia le 10"00^• In thsnkt - our numerous costumess for tkelr liberal ratmn.ag • starlet: VW+ rem. .r..r• ser I1 t,te , to call anal Iu.putt our *tot, and prier., std woes, ...tag -u be ante and r . .•,e ICIT'O=N CW INS wfib.tut doubt t►r n0VI mostuiet.aast-1,••'-.41•!•'.. i e.ewltlerarer In'.•ntr.l. O. H SegallRtvt+ sN',. Jan. 1.-. I15.. 101 AT Saunders' e Goderich Foundry and V. a Wor.rs, Saunders''V riety Store, RUNCIMAN BROS., PROPRIETORS. Heade.;f f.ma.if±r• who., GIRLS COt.TPACTS TAkEN ;CAMAS ENGI4ES, mum:, mu.'. 1N!+ GTA: I t'' i Flouring fills Changed to the Gr'atli��J Re uct1en System. me getting married. win And s thousands.:.l t. at11. esu 1'uwrn, 1'r+in Crushers, Strew (*ivied.. 1gn^nit .r:.• Furnaces, Stove., rte., clic.. at L.t.v t'rices ALL KINDS OF CASTLNC-S MADE TO ORDER. I:. w. "Tae cheapest Ii .use under the sun." .' door to the Hist ()Si t. t:.D. Jas lith. ltfL 1!r; ROTO KNIGHT'S 1010: -8 AVE. HAIRCUT, SHAMPl >0, OR DYE TWO 410Oets LAST OF F.0 J. i;. Rt seiYaS. Oederin. Sere. S.1 M A Gra�� Chance io �4a�� T!allT. The subia•rlarr. wb' 'r *hoot fn emu; lapertast /t►ealf't• In a: b.. r - eau (leers rat a-reda.tioe (ec t .I II fur steek lir Note Papers Albums Books Cards Dolls Toys Etc. -1.r:T You it -- Newspapers and Perin icals AT Mit Ci>rrt:t: MRS. H. COOKE, -ucca•.aor 10 Oro. Sheppard. l:odr^lett. I Ir. Oil. 1tr4. -ort• - DANIEL GORDON, nor Cana. right and found they had only a few 115. Vat reproneats the donate trek wtt,.ut the fit 11 Note t:,e .it1o. of the S .bapnll CA d I tI Ei Cr1A� E R suings, y d in the Pad, limes mit rte+ ► rt AGOa..d PW Altit tM trans u adlwetca. teen stele eautiouslT arottxd the enemy hundred rue.men un the hilts and no reserve spearamen. Wardrep and his ton keeping out ..f sight seat volleys at 800 yards on the enemy's flank. Leav- ing one man at this point to continuous- ly tire, be took the twelve •then and pursued the sure tulip at three sac- cesaae hills, giving the Amts the im• prolusion that fresh bodies .1Rritish were Q arriving. The eandi'e frees become AND THE BARGAINS panic atriekea. ceased tiring, and de camped toward Sletetnuen, taking their COME gets, dead sad wounded with them. �� Two Arab smuts only were left three�ORCCRRIF3, miles mei to watch Gen. Koller s i 'e- ± l ROCgERY WARE, meets There has been no sign of the • CBZNA enemy since. Buller will advance to B^027E L�TAFt tiakdul se Nen u r.tnfureewents arrive from K.•rti. The British loss during the engageutent was four kilted and taent7. �►0:18t tire wounded MAOMIVTtltO a eitt11tint. London, Feb 22. -Another account 1st the skirmish at Abu Klee nit the :7th says before the rebels fell b e: there was tas some very active fighting sharpshooters en both aides. The Arabs did not cease near artourh to make volley bring effective. Lord Wolsoley thinks Col- Buller will reach Gakdnl wale with- out serious difficulty. The Lond"n papers magnify this encounter into s British victory. As Wolseley has sent nu report of the affair it u probably re• yarded by him sa insignificant. The withanwal of the Sudanese to Metem- /�►1 nth is attributed to $ want of water and supplies Korti despatches say it :a .1 - peeled theta that th U k n prwewre wheal tlsnppOTTJ Ills bergs E RHYNAS, - Druggist, Leading lluPrtPrdak, OI. AQ-33NT, CI0IDERIC.H_ Itat Ila• ON hand uow the LARGEIst STN k of "'•"" ��yy _ F'iest - Class Furniture T ^ P � / - - in l hr County, mg and a. i now purchase any o cur .dash. �f j_(i./) C will mor he as 1n w by buy one. I Offer Tapestry Carpet Lounges. from WOO upward... N�ts.ot.•, gaud. !roto lf:.5? nye lh.w Iieci Chaim. tendo rh•- toy. and retry GEO s Felesary DRY GOOD ; Groceries, Readl-®ado Clothio, ;,, Bi�ais did Stets. Alan a tater I. .. thing else in lhr •..me proportion. AT THE OI.I) STAND Between the Font Ogre ft: Pant of Montreal C}ODERZCIi.- 0.1. 1541., IMS. 11113- Air., slZ C3.ODERIC$ ache Cups, Ladies Cups. Fancy Mugs. Majolica Ware, p% 4 iv' \ 1 ,l/I//_ Vases. &c., Which will be sold at COST. t:-TAP1.1-11El) 1•: R. Crlerich- r :t: b. IL 4. 19St Bticl�ananlLaWBon =Robinson 515'1 }'A, TI'alil��0t•' Call a.t.l see for yourselves. lionts and Shoe- w.'. loo a !d at hail !.rice. Gro- ceries will lo WONDERFULLY F.E%)UCED` ! A lar,. stick .•f g..od Valencia raisins will be bold at be a 1b., .•r *1.00 per Mex of 28 lex. l4slarce of at,ek of Ready -glade C!otLinl reduced trim 10 tt. pee teat. THE t•IIEAI'EST SHIRTS AND DRAWERS YOit E''ER SAW t'..mplete stock of Canadian and Scotch Tweeds. Eujtli,b N„rsteils and Nobby (lcerccatii.cs. TA1Lt IRS on the premium. t;aita omit. to onerr et 10 :end np- wards. Fit guaranteed. Boys stud',irls' Clothing Cnt-Elan-o chat[e, when the goods are I•urehaaed at the stone , f Bailer e a .e s n will he renewed. •Tete n,andSoudhese uniform. 071 C b • N At Abu Kies w..re the tsandi's untttorm. round showing that his contingent has arrived �� T1 CIFOOD8 a„�A,R$F.D DOWN from Khartoum. Cul. Buller untlil b. s ., m i�iM�s I ti.tt• Et'F.RYTIllko obtain to rename his retreat nspo he �7 .. _ WANT i T obtains additional toeing of caiuei transports- V V Th, I' pWs Steer. Eiwlelw! YOU tion. A second convoy with camels acid ,;au..:1. 1h\;,. ► ammunition for Col. Buller left tJandul Friday. 'THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Sash, Doors & Blinds Ire %I KIM IS 51.1- Kl'5n• "r BARGAINS 1 Lumber, Lath, Shingles and builder's material of every Lr.eription. 33..A.RG.Ae=1NTS 1 scam FURSITURE A SPECIALTY. y, ISOr• f./.111 Ord, re promptlylatlenL,.1 to. 1.u.lcriCh Aug. Iy lr.C)IRL-CAJSIEI THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. 7 Rush to the trent and secure bat:Gone lirt EORGE ACHESON. II U GH 3D-c-z\T=..,oP FASHIQN.t>MLE3 T.A.XXX)R.- WINTER STOCK FILLY ASSORTED. Satisfaction Assured in Style and Fit. t?Bemrmt.er the place West street. n.Tt Cine to Bank of Mont n,1.'bz. i' La P. CHICAGO HOUSE. SGISS WZ=3`=ZNSON Bert to announce that she has in moils in Mere an.t varied profua.ot The Very Latest 1 Vintc'r and Spring Fashions and the world rost.tfnlly .nrite'bt holies to cal' and ober the display at The Chicago House. U...1M Osrepe. -- Gen. Buller bee alt ample •epply of toed sed water at Abu Klea. A grand durber was held on Tuesday in the promisee of the Rahhahish and others sheikhs andthe British stir web Lord Woi..ley p. 1 medic of Dongela with the order of St. Mieheel and St. George The mudiT asked Wolseley to convey his thanks to the quest. A hitherto .appesblinhe,i acentrnt of the battle .f Abo Klea says it ie aeeertained beyond d IoM that Onl. Burnaby, who heli nn official position in tieregiment, net, ordered • heavy mewl cert d This hroke the square and caused hest, mortality. His sotMbr trdor to retire came t..o late. 'men by See eraysego. Pu r'ow, Feb- 24- Ldward Fates. a shetresk1, living in Poston, was fovea dead this e.wwine on the we frozen stilli es the Icy Qninte,6re tones east of hero. It appears Oat he and a then mooed Ras. who also lira in Pict. •, left fi•..-^ntn reterd.7 evening for 'Net ,m wish a t.••rse sod ratter Ran says they ion i!,or e else is dad .poet, aid Fagan be elide with him farther, hitt imiel he instil fie leek flu DMISMI110. BARGMNRCASH GROCERIES . I1 1885 1 AM SEi LOTHING AYL otorrcrFT'itVTW{1�'. At a Greatly Reduced Price for Cash Tltt`t :' ' rllntiltNE \. t lAt \ r ABRAHAM SMITH. gederkh. Ver. t]tb. Inst - ter ilr i• •how:nT • .p'^nail R..n tmeM w! C c i L. ! China aild Glassware. NEW AND FRESH Fut' - - Ali Kinds ••t Went (*.lei on hand. Alen • ansa, .loaelh. of 15. , wlr l.r.ted I 1•nrr .n .n,± 1oe.1 i' inn 'ft n-' hot Straitsoille Lump Soft Coal, '� H , Trouble to Show Goode. • - "tent .s yc.r orders w ile the *eel hot is fair tAr.sa .,�tlwe•, T. N. DANCEY. C. A. NAIRN, ry • ..u..., ravel Hons. baa + Ce.Mri.h for elrine-. •*+,-" naj gram,- ( er,.4. 0.t. 1Mth. I-14 1101 tf Dat lith. ISM. nese ergo. Vs -urn err 1 se a -WSW A4Ait"r. t:ubclu<tI.-mac �.. •.. .,a.a. .geMeith. Oet. Sod. MU R. W. McKENZIE IS NOT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS but has been so'ong in it aril Coveted ..w•h good trade re0aertuor 11.11 he is eh and .s+tl GIVE BETTER BARGAJIN T GENERAL HARDWAR Than ntheta prof. 'sing to sell t,o shall cost. li be• nu , that M. home • 1:. /he fele... , ta CHEAP HARDWARE EMPORIUM. Five (5) Per Cent. Off 0 h Sar