The Huron Signal, 1885-2-27, Page 3T : E HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, FE 27, 1885.
way. t ve had to, bat itoe bus titig .
fel hard. 1 ve wi.h,J teleein Meet 1
ossu 4 be laid down Mow with the little
babies out thou on the hill, we s to rest
.a spell ; out tiers was yeu and Lury
w•stwl 010,1001 s0 niy tem hadn't Demo
If ewer you should get married, sad 1
ipso* ye. wdl, men folks seen to think
its medial, whether or .w, de Lleder
make it easy for her, poor crettsr
Don't grind her dere 4e skin and Lowe,
like are, dear ; 'taint just raght,I'm mare
ee't, newer to rake nu more of a vitamin
than 1f she ems s L,.rnd critter, esu
don't du it-'
'Nether, 1 never will'' answered the
son, as ever, etiailly and solemnly as if
he were taking his oath.
But Wealthy was nearer to her rest
Ohm ohs knew ; the enemy that lurks in
dirt, neglect, pour tool, e.,s.stant died -
Eery. suet, the wet of every wh..lewnat
tad tiessurable er'atesaeui to maid and
body, and whose least expected swoop.
down and does its fatal errant in the
isolated farm-heuse, Do less than in the
weeded city alums. the „courage of Nee
Reglasd-typhoi'1 fever brake out :u
the 'fucker h .meeteud.
Wealthy turned away from her baking
Dae Saturday morning, just as the last
>m set es Oka Wend pantry shelf,
wad fainted oe the MIA's emir. where
Amens the younger fouled her an hour
after, muttering, delinvoe, and cold.
What he could do thou, •,r the village
doctor, a.r an old minima whir called her
self a nurse, was all melees. But the
best skill of any kind would have been
equally futile. She was never ciartsciose
moan for s work. Then her er's'ren,-
d to see what efts shout her ince mon
ahs looked •p at her Mn, laid Iver gran
cheek on his hand, smiled • and did.
Hardy had her wasted shape tee.. pot
away under the mutters ane hardtack,
else,. Ler huslrnd tune in fn'ns the May-
field „Nantes with the same vague. tie
was harder to conquer ; three weeks of
alternate buruiva, staking, raviu. and
chills ended .t last in the goy and g,•titn
repose of death for him, and another
Amass Tucker reigned alone in the old
meat will wow aloha„ tse♦errow • burley
well buy wetwsttisa
Mrs feet het rot mist Icer wily girl
empty hotbed to the new home , • good
mattress, two pairs vi blankets, fresh
light creofertables, and setae *heap, treat
white spreads, s eel ,f ,ray ct,.olrry, •
Moak saw a roll of brulit ingrain millet
tate heJ al.. to the fars►ouw sown
after th. 1,,,,,e's .rriwl. Her ample
supply wt .Ji vis and pills/weasels, strong
t .*•-ls at.d' r"few tablecloths had hem
eget toe dry before, se this sot of rites
was taut tlu.dwl ; bel there was a now
churn L•outht, and altogether uew• for the diary. several modern
inventions t . sea -.e the work of • woman
earner, a set ut chain, • table and an
easy lou tI,o parl:.r, roue cretune
covered • i al+laae Lleseunla anti white
thorn cb..:.aa, and pails, hr.,eins and
tinware tat .. • *uid hare wade Wealthy
a happy woman, crowded the over -fell
wagon trefore tae•- turned homeward.
The ail,; house Iresta.e too smile aed
blossom under this new dispensation,
ad aha .. rosettes' smiled t. o.
Anlaaa til IIAnti the e.rati ter her, and
lifted the heel y ie :s .d mill to strain
into the bugl, r pmts : is. tilled the
woodlark by the s• twice a day, put a
patriot puenit into the .1d well, and, as
ie.Mawd *.u• aistmothalieleitraran n pip dews
into a stet art in fire we,dslid, and M
put an end 11•e diawtng and carryfly
of a Ater.
The fat, risen, placid pit.* that new
enjoyed thews/be. in the new pan, he
took cart a..... "egdf. 'it inn 1 work for
women folk,' 1 u said. 'Yoe'ie gut
eunuzl to du, Mass ; there's the vsrden
you 11 have. an e• we an, and the chit:hwss,
tf you re a :oma w ; l'en going to hail,
a hen house ...oi a yard to it right off,
thnt'li leo g•..4 enough for you as well as
the chickens ; and 1 want yvu to primes
if *i) time the w. rk gets • mite hens),
and worms y•.a, y.w 11 speak rittht not..
I n■ afford to have e,crrthing worn oat
rather than my wife.'
Iteally. it paid. it dues poy, sty nate'
online friends, to eiem, any woman a
kindly word now and then ; if rut had
dime it oftener -or year friends had
hoose on the hilt. in the past. the rigida- el Men ether
would havesi,ered or bared you as they
CHAPTER If. de now. nr unsexed and road* strident
and clamorous that half of creation
It isnot to be supposedthat in all these which is and always was uuresaonal le
years Amass the younger had been blind enough to have hungry hearts. Try it
to the *harms of the other set ; he had not and see.
"been caught with ' every girl who Atsasa was wise above his generation ;
ty went to school with hits, or «brut he he had seen his meth.•r suffer, and learn -
had met et ainging sch'vela or spelling el a lesson. Mary never pined for
leaches. or who Broiled st hunt frees her kindly appreeist en of her work or help
Kerley bonnet as be manfully "he:J up in it. When she had a deer cut through
his end" in the village choir.into the p•rleur, the stiff chain and soh
He amid been faithful always to the `banished, the flowery curtains hung st
shy, delicate, darkayed little girl who
was his girl sweetheart, and n.w mi was
Mary Peet that he hastened to ask to
*hare his life and home. lir hal intend-
ed to take a farts un rharva the text
summer, sod work hie way «lowly up-
ward to • place of bas own. Now he
had his hundred acre farm, mid to his
t surprise be found 113,000 laid up. to
.,.`. • clove wove. `I
$sr • eframetraf frame has Men totally
wrecked y irkeent•tiaer. 1). MoCrtm- Doss.. or „bear waaeasm
awe, of Lancaster, was cured et chorea maim
r►eematiowt by Burdock Blood linters.
It curve all blood atapwntise.
Au ueoerafortably Ir•„ht .ltsav be
trey made perfectly ►y harem
a cloth
wet so but maim assess when it ptse►M
changing several tures. The leather
will shape itself to abs feet.
A Geed Reeved.
Awopif the ,any thousand bottles of
liavyaad's 1 Miele tkl sold asutwJly to
Canada, sot one :,as ever failed to give
It care' rheaalaam,
casks and all painful cutupla/sitsand iu•
Itarrivaas. lie w the poorest, wean•
eat, narrowest ea urea ale. mots ties own
gratibeatiou at the espouse of uthers,aati
he will evattaasly becewe the utter
mieer•ble It has been demotutrsted
by all history and by all human oaperi
leaf the commas .1 conduct which
east Rsseile•r
LoSDOtr, Feb 110 The Canadians re -
meetly arrived at Queenstown from Egypt
speak disparagingly of the boats weed by
Lund Wulseley's expedite*. is its jemmy
up the Nile, and deo are that they were
decidedly toe frail fr.r suck eervies In
pulling OW01 ever the manacle it fro -
queasily happened that ttsar storm would
be torn oat, aid during the mama of the
river thirty boats were damaged so that
they were nu helm fit for use. Ten of
the d oyageurw party were drowsed is
the Nile, two ethers died el fever, and
tee, erre killed ou the railway in Egypt
The Canadians complain •,< the severe
heat of the climate in the Soudan, and
say they suffered a greet deal from son
eyes and blisters. They speak au grate-
ful terms of the inasrter its which they
we, •gavot to call jot and right are exact were trusted by the British offerers s-
ly thus whish individual,
the beat y, ib lathed 1, the .:?.titins, and express
mw of the fudicidusl, the (.mils, the
ail Bitch, the Cation, and the world. antci.h •.t the fate of Gen. Gorden.
Therefore, in the w••r,1a of a re
writer, "He who forget. all Aleut
puaw. If he can du scala a thing, this
inaittstrinc mid *notion of all wetteiy-
he olio formate lt, and simply determines
to follow the >tuidiug Kar of duty, to be
always just. unarlb h, to d0 always the
a.aahi, a Miring the very straightest am-
end* road toward the luthast *egrcer mak
the larMof—.
for himself sad all uihese eere.erstd.-'
Thu Canadair voyageurs est for
Canada today. They became unruly
because the authorities hastened theft
to Our Rwsderm•
II you st',lieutenant erfer from l humors of I alar
hale asbe,
Maud. try Burdick lllnod Bows. 1t is
itOrinentoed cute fur all trregsitarit ea of
the aloud. laver and kidneys. 2
.,5 .
(1,wme„et the tetlowt Marne of 'iea puts Moos win be ..railed
ysrt►er� wt C b• Cattail Makes sal Groot YdW. It .ria pas
,e at~�a is Ot.oaa s soca 11-111 a mea 11 SAO a.te
Liss 8=4_ tl sldsal 1 M t� - 1
IM.u.a (atowa tarda7 1Mrslast Mitres - m Y r is
weal w Ryer. A story Lae rwrently reached here Men
Lome Howard writes item Buffalo, corning +. lady of uncertain years who
N.Y.: .. through
system beams treat y da- resides not more than twenty wile' frena
bdn•ted thmuylh arda sus prufwau,tol
i•erc •Etch as to", goose' to keep. Tin
duties ; suffered from nausea, sick h
ache and biliuuanew. Tod Burdock
Mewl Batten with the nest beneficial
idea. Am well as ever."
It ie satltr4Uticety stated th.,t the
disease frits which lien Gnus hap bee..
suderioc is supertiaai mnfl•mus3* ° smok-
f the
superinduced H
inti. Cancer was at first suspected. The
alarming symptoms have disappeereh
either window, the cry carpet put down
anti the new (Lauder, set in place, with
her wedding present -an esaT, stuffed
rocker --drawn up to the table, on whieb
lay two weekly papers and a orpsitees
ate had dill sense enough 1d/ fie
this bither'o sacred apartment fate a
real sitting mora, when, story evening
CTes ohs and Ammo mated. read /r talked
t• A d !I
h bank at PeeIIskewthe skew sat- ower the day's doings : and when the
Ings of his father's 5f :y years Hs be-' first fat, rosy baby came, and Msry was
gas at one' to get his Neuse an order ;
he longed t» build • new ore, but Mary's
advice restrained him, se he did hie best
with this. The cellar he olea»d and
whitewasbtd with his own han., ; ele'n-
ed i begrime.' window and set two
shout a•;ein, it added another pleasure
to have the tiLi cradle beside them all
the evening, with its eleepnag treasure.
Can I toll it words what a sense of
peep and cheer pervaded this household,
U one
in mite of sorsa failure' and trouble' 1 if
more, iso that it was sweet and light ; the the rye did blast one year, the two lied
home was scrubbed from .its end to the
other, a bpofire *made of the old dirty
eowttortables and quilts, the kitchen
repainted • soft yellow, and uew win-
dows, with *len large glias ed in Plata
of the dingy old sashes. The roadhouse
wu filled with dry wood, and a good
More of pine *ones and brush for kiodl-
ings, 1 now milk room was built but a
little way from tie beat donor owes tiny
brook that ran down the hill Deel hof the
house, and ander the atabd flow kept
up a cool draught of fresh air : • severed
passage eunoectsd it with the kitebees,
std a dour into the old milk -room made
of that • sesvenwat pantry, while the
eur,ovsl of the old one from the kitchen
eerier gave to that apartment 5510» room,
Die and light A sew stove with aed
cosier filled ep the hearth of the old fire -
phis” but further iopreveaents Amnia
left for Mary.
A ditrtnt hems coming from his
mother's she had. indeed, on lust such •
opting day as Wealthy Gyne there. Th.
kitchen shone clear and bright. • bowl
of pink &rats blossoms made iia atmos
/here fr..bly sweet, and the fire was
laid ready for her to heist, do rainy
tea.kettls tilled. and the isiisty held
meek stone as Anima's masculine knew
hags el toseelsold want• *Meld tuggeet
--Isar, better, ens, mpg-- -were in
abssdaaoe ; and nn feat of royalty seer
awe more pleasure to its start honored
greets thee the Item bfseeit Mary made
end baked for their sapper, the stewed,
dried apples, the rielt add sham, and
OHS frMvont te•, owe Aero es this
happy ensuing. Neat day they took
their wMddint-trip U Pod's mills in the
new and seeable farm wages Access sad
jean boualit, with • strong. *riled her,.
to Arse it
'I wast rtes to look areas/, Mary: be
had said oke night Week sand use what
is sedtuI been I eapest slot marry -
Oleo is w•sti eg. and we seal leg est
able ilsery, bet first st all gee what well
Mbw year wort may. Year wetbldag
Hair Vigor
Meter". whb oke gloss and freemen of
youth. faded eft Pay hair to a natural, reit
town race, or d'wp Nadi. ss. may De desired.
try its me light or red hair teal he darkened,
this talc thle►erred. Rai bal,L•aera often.
taco/0 hot throw, .: A,r•'d-
1t clseis 1.... t of t..e hair, a:.d r:.ww-
lat.w a weak sad sickly growth to .ignr. 1t
prevents and ear's se :rt and dandruff. to '.t
hr.0 wisely every .L.' -se roe& ,r to t'.s
temp. AS Ladles' Hair Itn•ssltart. this
limon 1s aregsslleu , it conta:u* smelter.: .rd
nor dye, reudon the lir *ort. g'naiy. auk
Olken in apneeranse. and imparts a /Mutate.
agreeable, and lasttub len aa.o.
-d*. C. P. boicuo1 write' from row A..
Inst 4..t r..l lux:r e w....r..e.
falling oat. sad In a abort tone 1 tom.. .e
'early bald 1 aa• -4 part o1 • Iwrtei" •-t
Ati.isHall taw•0.v eA.rq,i.,iU,"fa..-
In; of tl.-i hair, and started a u.•'e iaur lis. 1
here tow a hill header hair grow...` r .r^r.
midi, mid nue esiorho.d that lout for lave y
ase of your prsyarutil1 ea.uehl
su rtly fool'• r
cows die another ; if • weasel see* in-
vaded the new and wonderful has -house
tad slaughtered the lest deme of Ply-
mouth Rocks ; if sweeping storms wet
the great crop of hay on the big meadow
or an ex broke its leg in • post hole, still
there was home to came to, and • mnsi-
ble,cheerful w.tean to loot un the bright
side of wheat a man was dimmer-
Bt, on the whole, alien' prospered ;
and as Anima heard the sweet laughter
of his happy children, and met the calm
smile of hie wife, he meld not but look
tacit at his mother's harrowed and sad
experience, and lee gave • heartfelt sigh
at thediference between the two Mese
Tucker, how much was dote te
his own sone' of justice and affection.
There are two morals to this simple
sketch, nay friends ; one is, the greet
own and necessity of tering a good tastily
taaper,and the other is the equal ns.s mai
necessity of being nvod to your wires.
Accept whish you like or need meat.
In the language of the ancient Romans,
"You pays your money sad you takes
your choice
J.R. 6nwrr. propriety,. of the lkArdsr
M"l haeme. * '. says ."Ave 5 H till Vomit
ra most rsre:.eut pe .7.11a.. off 101' the k ,.
. t it arca y Nr experience. e.
•.,.. µe....erowth .-f s. -w hall, aid
!sees :1 :La) aim soft. The t-mosi widow
A sore erre lir daadraf. Not «inti■ 01
hew.. • lye has the preoeraMes ewe tsali4
to ghat 11lire *•Ua(aetaa."
last dao of leap year Iavino pawed •
no tine asking bee to *glide dawn 'if.,.
sarcoma with. ,he decided it was now nr
never and rt'. oa''d succesaful'y to a May
widower, who a the proprietor of • large
stock ranch neer I)srliugfurd,
They were to be wanted at the resateuax
.d the brides broAar (a bachelor) for
whore she had been keenighousestie
he, being a mwictan presided
organ. len the entrance of the bode he
struck with epint, •'This is the way 1
long have sought, ,seamed because
I found it not," which caused • smile
Then oil theRnnw''s•to cumte'P'buld
"See the conq*ter ig her
immediately after the ceremw y hr struck
up •a • wokitua math -What ahall the
harvest bel"-(Dakut:i Paper.
a Atte *mite 5f* tit'
J. Milson is always alive to his busi-
es',►. and apart* no pains to secure the
hest of every article in his line. He has
secured tate agency for the
Kings Now Diacuvorya
the only certain cure known tar Con-
sumption. Gough*, Coals, Hoarseness
Asthma, Hay Fever, I:notchinia, or any
affectia.s :,f the Throat and Lanza. Sold
..n a piaitive guarantee. Trial bottles
tree. al= $1-00. (3
manna :i.
Mw., Yeti. 1. IMO. Oen'Iemrn -
t Nathxed with attache of sick headache,'
Neoral iia, female trouble. fur years in
chilliest lsost terrible and excruciating man-
No m.dic:ne nr atuctet could cove me
relief or cure until I used Hop Bitten.
'The first bottle
Nearly cured me
The second made me as
as when • cbdd.
'Ant' 1 have been so to this day.
My husband was an invalid for twenty
years with a serious helot,
'Kid,urinary complaint,
liver and
'Pronounced by Ileo+tori s Lest physi-
W• wast to Iacreoee oar present large hat d rubor, ben b7 ton Mount,/ within the ■
mted ha. thisto
tpurpose wake e •bete 1.beral and unpnrydenlwd calor:
a ha wassails tate tel5waag t •n•lMea Nbet,u tin
•••11111110•••11111110•••11111110 N es. above allesar taw/ wa s
72 wale and a e'a•mrtb•is «dl moth' ea carra cop/ aur two ntustlu fres.
EIS sad M subscribers will r.rri.e an rafts for flee.a16 months
Urines Proem•
nd auha.«tbere will rooster •.-'•py of Biography of
0 a4 0 e'►rr1ers will receive • copy of Tn s Woo): 1 limo.* 1.5' Mill yam wir t mel 11111wMrriMrwillL'
s wreceive s copy of is tu.dey's "u,tt Otaet111
Mead as hero will recele• t of litany bur tree
and WO stabowribiers sill receive a ogy of Tua WALT bes-
lbahi.etbe woo nod *eew.e reports d beh*ilalfe�M�
wbieb R t•wiaa e. ib.• aale debt w fare
THE GLOBE ``' "pr''"' a elf now - - vela mese of the trod;„. worthies et
William el ra. Mr.- swpbnwe. Braila seaway. sad r!M
a wwnwtnv be files
NM. A roof IAruaatsw, teedsr et deo
celebrated "Pautsu:n Family" os. aeottieh
\' .taloa., •rites front ltei. i, )raw., F ,
Itwe. •• Lyre piens aas tiny Bair betto Ors Ind
very *Thiene* a alae /burp which 1000101
tl.o. 14..e0r•th. 1 have mood *10*s HAIR
neva, eel a have Lem able W milm50
•a .py/ArUK* rf yesthaalwese -
a Mater•.le ewrw.Ve••M to 'strews*, ern
tors, arwr', +std 1a feet every eta* wan Yam
w tie rhes of the rabbi."
Has. 0. A. T*ssewrr, wetting from to iia
P. ' ave.. Nus'+, Lor.., ,ai.rsl H, heti`. says
"Teo rears ago shoot twe•.tlslr.4 of act hair
canoe of. It Mooned ver7 rap ;.a e wed I e ta n
last aro•ies4 beta. n3
Vita -a :tie .f ,ng a ilea growth
sonoiwenr.l .n.l in .Haut a ,.,oath lay bee.*
«SI eo'*$ot' ly renewed with .hurt hair. It
has emotluaes to grow, and M .sow so ped as
Leto.* .t felt. 1 ,,gelerlyneed des Dae M
of the t .o..% Mt ass ant it ososaisnal4•
a Jreeitag."
wwe have bsndred* of "Impar trtlmsalNt
to the eseae7 of ,Area's H.ta Voce. DI
„reds bat a trial ise tonneee Me coat ek./If-
Mai of us Palma
rytcramin tar
Ou.J.C.Ayer &Co.,Lowell, Mats.
Soars all Draggles*
ser,Sarr.p•nllaisthe be* medicine
for every env is till, apnaL. ffmiafrasts
•rad travelers will End in it an effectual
oar* fur the eruptions' buile, pimples,
es ems, eta., that break Det un the skin -- -
the effect of drnrdor in the blood, *tool
by res -dist .ted Meow turd ship.
aMdge 41..a Soma
wursr tsineae. Nee. R.wddme. Jess/. y
RrltNea ls ,ew
A cloty of tDeityenthralling centralrnitle•1 w„nd.aes*'
run tlat la Tot Deity and Wa powerful pen a Jenne re:aRTtr„.L% 05.051. and will he continued 1wJ atter t'•te last tan
l. It will he
e by a e ar} frostthe111 1, the to anus noislut.
stogy a• completed then will follow Dear.. an alto L YAfJENt.
la addition to the regular continued story. there are always r'nn'ng In lin 11 and 3 Wrier*
/dittos* of Irut.v. and in Tim Wm /my uttlSSawe or more j.dltNaal novels by authors of
salve or we oompiete twirls 1e h year.
worldwide repute. in able manner coulees tplat
An air tsar tw.TrBaa 160011.4000*�. 0..f t:Lasa all
yapepgeosla own handl.ta vee every weak in Batu iSa Iu m.:none d t an v clone and Cn as
EN/Timm/TAl� sag eweasti a �ra tostfoot tor rasa
awl ayRtR beeOaL s racy, practical and ays. ata M the weed.
Nal is ice Address, THE GLOBE PRINTING CO.
A Large sad Varied assertanent of
tlettb'U L. .411.14 El E .NCV .A.wr LEB,
•loanable to -
P. JORDAN, Medical $au, Goaerich.
' I nncurable ''
St en Madre of your bitter+ cured
):.m,and Iknow ofthe
'Lilco of eygl t persons'In my neighborhood that hare been
saved by your bitters,
And maty ,lora aro
great benefit.
' They almost
Doz it t'rs,.
Why uM paw OII. on soar Reapers ar.d Moser', when you can get
So Cheap. It has no equal. Try it and you will use no other.
Fur sale be
Just received
Lidice' Velvet Is. s )s' -r and flush Satchels. Whisk and Perfume Iloidrrr, I'io'h tooth • •u .
Jew••1, Prrfr..r.r awl 1.reeaine rams. Plate Mass Min..r. t, 1.1•:sb Ilond wool
ns.•.ouf Y:Tura,blhavIau Maga. Toilet Ar' lclro in endless variety.
11; aci tithe H13103 1* bloom to c 'at •'a. t:rcr;aatdrg 1100C14 1. 1r
well and strong
`_ —�
Fr Of yob r w Oitoditt
fable _
NYS hese mad nr
the Commilla• Isto
rwaavr-veva mum tad w el.. that Mayars
esu meof tr /+fol. toms Oartloisalaseeeealttr
iffoity mode maim
fineninen• nee railarse sal Mil Mooned
HUH seal�g/t,
f10. d BHIIQE _ r. Mat L
t:sine them with
Mea E. D. Slack.
Wm. Rawa.ded.
A liberal reward will t . paid to any
party who will produce a case of Liver,
Kidney or Stomach complaint that Elec-
tric Bitten will not speedily cure. Bring
them along, it will cod you nothing for
the medicine if it fails to cure, and you
will be well rowarded for your trouble
beaded. All Blood diseases, Bilious-
ness. Jaundice, Constipation, and gene-
ral debility are quickly curod. Fatfac-
tion guaranteed or money
Price only fifty oentu per bottle. For
sale by J. Wilson.
peeeents risen
araN Need ea foo.
Postage -
mai you will get
/see • maser of
Wade of large1.100• that w111 start yea fa
hater than any
week that will at on.* IntimIntimyou In reoey
thing else is with rook Loi
atonal the w'. in peasem
w won rd every where. of either set. et
lert tertor an thr e et their n n Kbe w 5 renew* time fbil
all workers abw.letelt .weed. Deet delay.
H. Matdsrr .c co. P.wtl.wd. Males. 104-
11100.e1P,, Mom,
�f perebaser et ossa sea mese Menem
etatlrPer wham ra�aeem.sterls4 eats that
. bh has
b ave-
ja to try Were btylnb
Yoe tried •w ot lieOOn`-
s are
great ^'sed�teI�
maim, impure Mead end laverd>l
boo. RIlkyosor dna work asp
per beam. fare trattrimidele Mee
year ewe town.
1115ate T. lumar-
Maey hundred reeomracesdatioes semi
lar is character to the ase giver below
love been received, and give proof .4
the great voles of Pnlsoa-s Nervibae ea s
psis remedy. Try it
Arnow.. Feb. II -We haveby eertdy
that we have seed N.rvili*e in our imbi-
bes, ad hero freed it a must reliable
»seedy M erisinge in the d1osesek. nen
fee herlsoisat_rd *eternally for Arens -
die paha no boom .herald be with...*
this ievsltlable reasedy.-Iwo Oats
Ikawa Ooss. J.P.Say o _
ri_ s rains. ages bbe10 seat eisasis etlei s vests, b
The People'ver'y
taw sea Mea lies„•
The hest blood purifier and system re-
gala.irr ever placed within the reach* of
suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit-
ters. Inactivity of the Li Kidneys,
.Jaundice, Coostapet
ion, Weak or any disease of the urinary organs, or
whoever requires an appetiser, tonic or
wild stt1telant, will always find Llactric
Bitten the bed and cooly certain erre
known. They est surely and quickly,
every bottle goarasteed to give entitle
mosey satisfaction or osey'radKnee. Sold Idtd ot
fifty *meta s bottle M e
new tee fee Pe•MMae wessa.eed ea 1114
reefsMOM esti gnsseewtaso.
The Great Osman Iavigasroto.r is the
only special for isigebasey, nervnee do-
hshty, esieemal laseitwde. forgetful res.
pain in the bask or sidsm, so stager how
alumni co
shattered the aly be
frost re-
assess of saykind, the Omit (bervaea
R.tudy will restore flh. ' et fenetiom
apee nd assure health r IMA s•a Sold M
Jt11111 YlluL rropnetor.
The sebewfbrr le pew sr to Cess'' tar /eb-
The Finest Rigs
AT seesoealns PRIt'O-
CAt *VD Pal Opsealto tb (001fre
RONA seeedee. fat►. 1151. tie
QO tl07 dQQ7 tl0 ;tl O;
ee ..s
HIC la c r tft x.4 sus.g =gn
fa > ra-f ...hi F i .1- ..11 r
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5'1 lel x
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-i -a _ _ `l•� y
t ii:Ititti
�ii? ii,it,i=A;3Htr��1V1ggp �Iij1i1W ,s
egg, •; E r:
F.; to
uly £#`
I .
II i
ji I V
Merchants : Get your Printing at
this Office. Quality of Work and
reasonable Prices Guaranteed to
please all who may give us a trial.
Wool m aeee017
That a daily brownies pay to the i/now
of thousands by saving many of their
deer ones from an only grave. Truly is
Or. Kith's new Ihacovery ter Cemssmp-
ton. Coughs, Colds. Anthills, Bronchitis,
Hay Fever, itom td Vance. Tictliag is
the Throat. Paan in Silo and Cimeat,or
h Threat and L.alp • 1 premed 'pinta, km rf appetite. geese/
SIe(iretwr • Parte'e trial
Comte Ihr
Ares tested by fears et trW toZiee`t
(wand tate most t*.,eersat ',hatpe�tt
we bo/ of oaspl7f aR earhalM eM Oj,t
eat antiseptic e• use ter (acct
aeeae. Be fare yea art alclh'rlar oe t' rksfa
tasrheafe l'erov. *Mil tor at seas by Omni,
*Mies* drmtf.•lalt lot
10101 Oleo 10 -
If y..0 are .utferist( wit)• law and dm
atty 4itrtsse 0 the
posit» curs (Iwtwuntew•1. Triol lot debility, diw►rdored blond, weak *Meta
Om free at J Waissa'. Dreg Atom Large tattoo headache, or say /issue of • W
silo gl 00 fail tow waters, by all mesas peoewea
! . a N1
"" _-r---- You will be ear -
costars '.l' medicines no p r'ps I the of Electric Bittern
to este the telprweeoeet that
.s, as trettow kat received sack universal ores mimed lbw : alibis implied with sew
s draggi ad Best sus lisset ed /'ries• aeet avers it Oast is kid ties; rrdwir ?lila
avid by / J Qkwey, Toledo, pr Y Bttres's iiaasy pMib ta+d tlftiw! Py of
bt bores immillatiou for aIle *talus it made wit) fo
rte for a mat
tlkrMa Cir- awl dic•sgss. at •n will r amt, is also
. I these deems= yes
hsuJt�Q seat flee Qede Ie_,seuplai J. Its action
!, wooderfei. ilms. tea aBias,. us d Lei
ot agar mob,
iii Ile • ,