The Huron Signal, 1885-2-27, Page 1r!.
wiltLY. NUMKIllt M. I
oEvoTE7910 coUN 1 aEWS
4 ItcO11.IJClrDDT RINI& puscrst�lr,
published every !'ridgy frfKal.t. ►r Mc
tWfi:L•YDT Boos.. at inset tags,. \a.rtelT
u[the riquarct
d b desaatehed to all parts of the ae►reesd
oomstry kir the earliest mails seri traits.
7ral a4osla.tolt it has a larger eMeelw
tiller:asy ether s wspaprr to Ihia part of
s a,satry, d Is nue air Mc, merinos&
acid low reliable Journals in Ontario
paaessia,i. at It duea, the tun• w hUi1.
and Wier In addition futile /b,..
t :Mat-c1a .
tunny and artablrDaane it 1.tuerrfury •
es•'st eissirnSfe adres:14m
,Mets •..,•.
Taa*s -=1.5e in s4 sure, perrar:e prr.pst/
nr oblis ars : 61 ':.. 11 paid ia'ten• ate truntM
'Lai if not eo paid. This rut sr Et b: trait!,
ea furred.
Rarest oe Anreart.tro. Tight routs
MP tar Itettasertiem : three _Mists !tattle
er line
• a gwwu
arha...t isoertlo. )rail) . tatt I rail,
mad tlearterty oastrsagr at re.lueed rites.
• P$%1.—. a have slsoaarst.eIW
• thence department in eoattee•to.n, and posses+
inn the • i et .waspish mita( and best 0te'4Utiew
t it in linderirb,.r.prepened
to do badness is that line at price that Nasse. i whether or le,t they apply for Outiuinien
tt. tn•aten. tied of a quality that mama be
streamed. Tseng Coat licenses, but the ;;eneralty expressed
FRIDAY, nil. Vim. 14 8.1 "? was that the taking cut of such
licenses would be a useless expense, and
Tll t )UR R11./ /)Ek... would solve no treed purpose. In Heron
.As it Ras beau announced by t t.uuber ttment'v ton Lotto! Incites will be issued,
Tse Ii. Hines Ti Pik,/ ''sizes Wit ' its i Teta Malde most have a seen souse of A GOOD MAN.
contemporary as (nUews : - 1 humor- of • palatially sent kind. The
"The Spectator contributes a learned 1 full farts e( the betrayal of General 1.. .
article to the t'aceic Railway discuasten, don at Khartoum have now comae nut. decides to further subsidise the
ndicate that will bo the pr.per thing
to do, but if Sir John decides uut to grant
an-ther subsidy the greeting of a sub-
sidy wuul.l be eery wren,:. it is 'wonder-
ful how atmplaisent the receipt of $16,1100
for Adhered printing for the i.ninigratava
deperttaent makes a Tory jwuros'.
)R.idently tie Nyect.tfor hes not been
puttied how the cat to eons.: to jst.y.'
the dtbs ol whir/ la that if S Jot Mac
Ts Teruu1 Lteensed Vo tllere ass
entwine wiser. thi Teasley they held a
s eet.n.;, when it east resolved that ldat(o1
keeper, exorcise their own judgmest,
we will have the Kcutt Act, and sons. -
our eor-temp'raries that Mr. It Mc• ,
.gut thew IL .4.0 fw.lishly took out Domm-
licuddy, of THa Sto�it, is Aleut to ion Itemiser ut this c•.unty last year are
elver hiseennection with juerualista, we
sorry for A.
\'*Het IL I.. Moody, the etai..e;at,
wish to state that the rem .r is incorrect.
It is quite true Mr. McGillicuddy has
at.n•d a cut -Asset for a certain cl its of
work, fora stipulated tiuie,with a',radate
iasursnce comps- y. but the eugageeie t
does net affect his journslis•tc position
is the slightest. The proprietary interest
u,aod the editorial connection with Tats
Rcao'. Act:esti, heretofore held by Mr.
D. McGillicwldy, will nest be changed
by his new eneazemeut. ft is only
another "perste contrast" which he has
u ndertaken independent of the firm.
Is a remit attic!* in the Sio•b•.,,tm
f .Miry, the lYaalttis of ..erne fel •cite, ns-
ly tinged Caaeeda a ''uywweeil den:n-
YbIP, CAvoteo., let♦ Lieut.-Goverr.•,r
of Mankato*, and at one time a pregam-
e* figura in Parliament. died on Weed.
nesday, of paralysis
1 v, sox has an unenviable reputation
ae the most venal constituency in the
Dominiva. A petition been hied at
'*geode 11■!1 &•deet the return of M.
Pruyn, eoneersative member elect of
Dense of eom•n.ns for L..12et, on
yr -muds of 1.:.h.ry sad seri upturn.
a will be the third trial over tl e seat
a the Dominion Rouse Bina the tsusral
Tee Wingbam 1" amt. is gloats into
.Mote dirty work. The Clinton Y,.' Ern
says - "The F,d.•tte is publishing au
adosetisetsont that is i disgrace to any
newspaper." The 1'u/eft, is in the hands
.of s fellow who will not atop at anything
however low to bring himself gain nr
aitoriete. By the way. when slil he
stake a clean breast of hia connection
with the "Garl.tnd coutiterteitir.y
Tas dreaded (amara wind has already
-.Ates to blew in Egypt. The but sand,
ilfich is very fine. 14 blown into the eyes
and oostrils, and much suffering is ars
dared by man and beast. Toe only way
the British troupe can escape its trout
efforts is by felling face downwards apes
the grnond behind earthworks ur other
shelter while the Kamsin is blowing. The
horses will be the went sufferers
Tac Blyth .4drornitt hes the folhawitg
personal section of the Warden : -
"P. Kelly left on Monday to ahead
Ilia anti -Scott ennventiiin bold in Ottawa
on Teusday. Pat makes a good repre-
sentative, bet his influence will have •
poor east in this direction ea the level
head of Bit John. W • understand that
Mr. Kelly did not take lite trunk with
him this trip, bt : a 'satchel, .:t that he
wooed be able U. carry it to is,. private end not be oespened to Isms
it is the hall of Sir Jtaea'e residence.
Ova sleepy cueh.roeary, the ;iter,
notes the fact that our editnria) matter
our appears on the first p*ge, and says
it is placed there "probably that it may
tact he overlooked by their reader."
Tea ataxia editorials aro always well
stag, independent of position. The
!ate► suet be dell -witted tont to eorestre
tW Tye Mamat, like an entorprisint
*anal, Statics the Matter of "inane sp"
'lama The beet pros( of its sweets
kis rapist is that the Star has for
past few years envied nor style of
make up. poaition of matter etch as
desalt' w pnwil!)tlo, atlbeegb the matter
N err dreary uMtls«altery has general-
ly been u devoid of soap as its editor te
et osteal b.e*bo.s. We will ant he
aerpriaad if Ile &.r at .nine diene in the
Near fust.,, espies OUT "wake op' still
and trots its editerisl (1) neatest
wbet• Thies Nowa* has led.
ons in Tot..nta a few ,uonths Sher. hr
was a..: invited to G.,rerutnent Haase
by this Honor, nor was he congratulated
u••nn Lis success in nit chosen vecatiiwt
by Ontari,' s Lieut (lureruor. But w•
et•eunv by a Tomtit dei'y paper that
;Charles Mitchell wee the guest of GUI,
'mount House on the morning after ht.
glove bight r:t:t Scholes, and spent a
"pleasant hour iu Bmet.•Governetr ILb-
insoa"s company." It es evidently in
°stere.• Ilnw •s it •rs in the ooarts of
crowned helots in the olden time The
isan whe con "k&ock tint" his fa::.w
an is more esteemed than ha who deals
ileary b:'twe satinet sin sad Setae.
-sten iu privale bM. wbe have trot beer in
harntesay sittt its views a poples questions.
have not escaped its reeitemyttble Laminas
and les:
A groaner or mon contemptible Wee -
hood was never p..nned. and we defy the
Jkar to cite an irutasce to prove its po-
sition. W. have at wsys avoided any un
nacea.ary reference to the private affairs
/ The any worthy sun. Star has been
her years a medium for auenymous scrib-
blers to thug their venom at public seen
in a rile and indecent fashion. We hare
etre flashes in our mind whirs filthy
charges were insinuated against the pri-
vate life of este of the candidates. Ne
sack riilaigwMevery perpetrated in the
columna of Tn. f3lossl. We invite
candid comparison between the conduct
of the two journals during the past four
years. feeling fully assured the the
pharrssiral will be oontactd not
••aft of fa:eshoad, but shin of hypocrisy.
Weis Miss K. L Wadden wrote
" Three Tithes Dead," it was theu;ht
that such at. idea c•wld only be the out -
c .me of a novelist's brain, bat the de-
tails of the three unsuccessful attempts
to bane Lee, the London (iEnv') idcrder-
or, recently, show tbst truth is stranger
thea fiction. When Lee was tint placed
on ,the trap, he was cool and wit -postman
ed, and apparently prepared for kis
' tented done ; but when the telt (*.lad
to work, his sensation most have been of
a piece:ear nature. Again,and yet a third
time was the deemed man placed on t!..
scsf: ;hi, and three times did the trap fa-
lai, to perform its function Three
tie was the I.:ack cap drawn over the
eietidl and his eyes closed, in etpeet-
ancy, to the world, and thrice was the
terrible suspense further intensified.
The deo is the must horrible in the say.
find annals. The condemned roan has
since had hie Petite:rt commuted t,• tm-
pris, Haunt for life.
Arenem of the many weuldbo ":card
dr,vea" that have of late been made
again: the editors.•t The Meaner bio:.
eel. by the ,cels-ey press of thiseeelien,
editorially aid by c.rcespondents, we
beg to r•'.to the following : in June,
1A2A, the John Kacdowal.l was present
at a Tory demoa.tratinn at the tillage .f
(iorfir is this county. After defuse
with the petite question, he had amnio,
to refer lc some personal matters, and in
doing so, statel that it was his proud
privilege 1e be the wont represented and
must abased swam in Canada. Bit,1entle-
tnee, laid the old Cbieflairl. 1 dant feel
that 1 am alts-ticniaefy bad assn hermits"
of the abuse of my detractnra And for
this rwaw. A roma doesn't lead a taHs-
s.•a le shoot • sogaite ; i( the Orme ie
n et wtieth sheeting at people went sheet.
Arid I mint ales ask, asetlamen, in this
resp.util,wile. the boys have been in the
*wheal eesflilli, yea be* mot slwtas
foetid the heel acting and Mone. o
the tree time bore the hest fruit
it erne.* that one of Gordon's pain..,
named Farce. betrayed Khartoum, •,u
wmdlttew that he shies ret en a rye
sum ut money and he elevated to a high
plus by the Mandi After the capture
u n
(KRart um t M Mahd1 presented Fang
with 40,001) thalan,aad then ordered that
worthy to be banned -thus giving hits a
large reward and a high place ter leis
. The Mishit' has a Brest hen,!.
IT looks as if the day ..f the peach is
over iu the Huron tract. Duron; the
past four years the trip has been almost
an entire failure. And au Boca and
Kest a anvils( experience is reputed
The Amhersthurg Echo says
"Fruit rsisere think that die weather
fee the peat west has been fatal to each
he Rami. One fold fruit raiser says
it will he but a few years, at fsrttaat,
whoa al the peach trees rill he killed.
Twetlty6re years age peachvs meld ft.: a
few coots • bushel in Emelt The ti ab-
etted traits have been meetly c eared off
mince, stud the trees have u•. protection."
Tat member fix Wiest Haroo is tel'
punted on North-west affairs, and keel•*
the (inreruseent on the were in coal -
flintiest with the affairs of the i:rpart
ment concerned. On fuia-lay Le muted
for a return, setting forth the trieraness
of it numbere4smestters in t4 lieetde-
west whe bed been harshly espe!fed fraise
their Lands by the (;otetsment, and lied
been allowed no consult/rattan. He
showed that the tyranny of (evetonieet
officials had drives settlers out of the
country sod was retarding its settle-
Joaswr Se -mono, the Trent . ;t!•,,u
keeper, who was at one trmu a aril•
known 1a .race reaper, sr.owahsr and
general athlete, has (teen trou;h: attain
to public favor in the Queen city by a
four -round glove fight, Marquis or'
Queensberry rides, with Charles Mitchell,
the pugilist that John L Sullivan could
not knock out. Scholes '..'cured :C
points against 3.1 by Mitchell, and show-
ed that he was a foarean worthy of the
red.,utdable Feng:ishman'e knuckles. It
will nos b• in order fa Scholes to have
a public racepti-w. given him by the
people of Toronto, at which a city house
and lot .h.ald be Kitson:eh. and oou
i;rstalatory speeches made. Among
the distinguished spectators of the glove
fight was Lieut Governor John Beverley
P.:abinven. John llev.rley is gaits a
pugilist kisseit,and once "knocked out '
John Res Itebertems, of the TakTr•:Tr, in
tire• round.
The Star doesn't think the odators
'Pitta Srurrai. "worthy of any attention.'
Doesn't it, eh t Well, if it doesn't, how
is it that for the past four years tt bat
allowed colaso open volume of its sp-tce
to be devoted to personal abuse of the
editors of Tu. firmest", publicly and
privately t Oh, no ; this Star went* to
tree: the editrars of Trss $IGNA:, with *I-
lett contempt. Just when Tn. $t•;tiai-
has determined to bestow a hit:e more
" attention" on the nominal editor ( 1
the Star, the eltuar dtsonvers
the the editors of Ts t tit ;eta4 aro not
'•worthy of any attentisonh T::e notni•
nal editor of the Sha- e!Uls_eti1'loam%
like tea hard the "war serried into
Attica." Icor the plat fore yam Tits
Sears:. did not taints the edit er of the
Star worthy of attention. and it is dully
now when patience has cosset! hi be a
virtue on our part, and I.e has assessed
14a responsibility of the boackgttaedura
that weenie a *pea.-* tn- t to a•t+eeeend-
ence core:ram of his paper. that we have
wen 6t to Int hist have s dace or two. of
his out methane. If the rcedicine
works a core we will dieoontinue the
treatment ; of it has not that effect ere
will increase or repeat the dose until else
patient is either &dyed or carol
win see lie wenewt or tee oat.
Maui', Feb 23. -The Castle authori•
ties are slimmed owing to the probability
of • Fula* earwax e'enstables dollars
that Bison the fall of Kltartoos gad rho
news of the fbwdaa diaastem there has
bawl a jebilatiw in the Faeces wens
The fe*tass grossly &.sitlat the Wrath -
paw that the Ilsttdi W stngaltd the
Rritwers to sink. • New for fruadene
The Noor Nee has peeked ep erne ith
=Lo to approach ite v.airablo an -
maw Hear it :-"ttlameel. is
the Most eelaiseast Hese the twenty buiL-
iam Our friend Rodd, of Qodoridt,
has a surnesr's work bettors hins,eettlusg
rho aim of Wseghaa, Rioter sod
Srusefeliehariag Oliaba out of the paw-
A lliraerfrl Trines( tress saw Paiute te sae
lasgasser er see lase N •r. Catania
the close fof his sermon on, Liabbath
ne.•rniub, hast, 1)r. 1 re took notice of thy
Large nus.ier cf deaths that had taken
place within the circle of hie own pastoral
visitations during the year 1584, the
11uwfee 11town analcountry tr har.
.g been
not fewer than forty ; and he eddud that
six mere had taken place sin.:• the pres-
0111 year began. Or.. of thew was that
of their dear and honored friend, Mr.
Fit:Wier, of wham it was fitting that
spoilt" netMe stti.it3 be eaten, not only
en amount et tie Christian character and
long association with them, hut freta
other a.nrderation+ as well L:ke their
dear ole friend, Mr. Allan, Mr. Fletcher
was ons of the loionests of thr,r Canaaias
le arch of the (ltunh, and • ase not a little
by his de voted and u.spe.rang labors t ,-
wands the laying of ,ts founialions at •
taw when the coedit:ens of ministerial
w .rk were much metro •retuenithan tbey
now at% Aanthrr special Neeson why
duet' 4eald cherish his mmet.:o17 u that
b+ wild bar a beau pastor of one of the
cwilgr.$stieua herm out of wl.ich Knox
ehurrh }uu •;,rung, artd it war in this
pls:e be was t‘ilinig in tbepireat Mas:Nie
service whoa his health broke dime.
11e had long been Laid aside fruit re
velar minis*Kial w..r:: befi r., he, Dr
l'ie. besaatte at•,'t&it:ten_with hits. IIs
dimiaiahed physical energy had eve
thou iwpt r. t t.. wine etttnt his w'otal
rigor. 13e was eel capsb'c•, however,
fur a few yet-.+ 'After his ar;osintanct
with hint begin, ',f cortduetii.g oeessit•.u•
ally the public serviette of the sanctuary,
and when ho-iitau ha d d With Stich
ability and accept*nee as to c inti; ce all
that in his beet stays he must have beau
an exceptionally iutereating sial instruc
tire preacher. They a!1 know what be
was as a humble follower of the Lord
Jesus Christ , they all kn••w something
of those moral stn- spirituel features
of character throweh wbith ''ftp bey g
dead ye:speaketk.
4 ).a eonspict•,ess gaali:y was itis steady
zeal for the adtveneenent of t':e Reeeem-
e l's kingdom. The cats* of b.. gracious
Master was dear to leis hea-', and he
continued to the last t.. du what he c told
for its advancement. Ile preached while
be couU, •til w.teo's•rength filed him
for this, he cnatinue i for a considerable
nuinaee tf years to work ex.etly and
steadily to conducting. lir nautili; to
:.+educt, cattae° and c.nrr.gtati ,nal
prayer stetinis, srtd it. eedearctring by
other forint of wark to benefit
and bees hie fellowmen. Down to the
let, unit amid the weft's tai tis mental
as well sa biddy powers, he continued
to breath* the spirit of the words :
"fesse be within thf walls and pruspsr-
tty within thy palates. Fur sty brethren
and cempatens saes, I will wow say,
Peace he within thee. Became of the
house of the Lurd, 1 wilt seek thy go. d.•'
Ile was nutketi also by cathe.icity 'f
e:strit. While sineere!y and intelligettly
..:.ached tones own brai.c`. of the chnrch,
h s loved the people of God of every
name. Dr. Wiaiama remarked the ether
ni,;1.t an North street ) church,
that in his yoan;;er days as a minister.
he had worw'atpped the Me:!,', c`: Inch
but that now his one ambition raft tc
exalt Christ and to save souls Perhaps
MrFletcher could have said w•metbing
tar of !lume f. it is that the
older he bowel the header and diener
crew his Christian sympathin, and as a
necessary result h•' came to bath at the
family et the first bore mere from t',sir
pants •.t anion than 'rein their pouts of
difference ; more in the light of their
substantial ewlenesa than in the light of
their distinctive times sari church
pylatae. He lived to give growing
rrymtaence t• the great doctrine of Cie
fesaion of Faith." that the visible
church, the true eathelic church, census('
of a!! who f. ratite the tr:ie retytien to -
Father with their chudr.n. Aod he
lined to give growers prominence to the
batt greater tleetetne Deet the chereh of
Josue Christ is the truest sense consists
of thine and of these only whe have been
been from &bnre He could have gain
with the late Its:. Dc 1)otcen, of the
Free oherch college, If.dinkturzh, "I acs
pint Ghrutian, Seafood Catholic. Third
Preabyterisn. And this as that true
infer. first one in harmony of wit: said
lora with ale whe akar. with u mu the
common steri•ual life derived through
✓ ital snsint with oar Lord Jesus Christ ;
Ser•ondry, ws in visible communion, so
tar as that a:i lir realised. with all who
make a erstitbte profusion of the Chru-
tias faith, and lastly one in special co-
opatstem end fellowship with the church
of fair particular choice.
Another trait that might bo noticed at
length, del time permit, was his het.evo-
lemn. He was a Ippon men io the sense
in which the •n,4 io'd is used in the
New Testament s man roll of kl.dness
and affection to at:, and 'spatially to
thou soh, were of the hoaseheld of
fait':. H. sympathised with all kinds
Sisal snot serrew, and was ever ready up
to the mtaeer* of his teams and opp t -
teethes, sod sometimes hyena" it. to
sinister relief. He de6gbtfd it. what -
ewer terenehed the happiness of others,
and especially in whatever gave pleasure
to his frie,,ds. His heart moved in rho
lino et the precept which bids us "Wee
with those eine weep. and rej,.soc with
then) that des re rails. "
The last trait seestiased war his gun
imsaufasems to the divine will under hag
e o stittei sad seven tree' Here, the
preacher said, he referral, net se mesh
to the insidious sod fsbl malady stft-
eeiag et the brain uar!sr .bash Mr.
FMbbar at last sank, es t., his having 1 BRUTAL BUNGLING -
been 'dun
UNGLING.been'dun yet young to the miatstry,
cent fled t h 1 f h l
pe y , close mire o t • un;p t..
abandon the snared calling to which he
had devoted himself, and for:he seams-
cul prvsucutwu of which he was in gifts, l
grace* and culture, ne well aelepted, sad,``
to betake himself to other .•ccupatwnsI
whutly "oreign te hia sptit udes and tastes!
to rain a litehhued ler himself and fam-
ily. Of the furtytwo years ut les life in
Canada, only the het wren were occu-
pied is ministerial wenn, f- ur .,1 the••
having bees spat in Chippewa, the
other throe ns Cadet -rich, where his path
liework was suddenly brought to a elute
by the cans mentioned. The lot thirty
fire years et his Itte wars is lute for the
meat part, tsars ..f ailviit endurance, and
how meekly and unesurmunnitly he sub-
mitted to flus weighty ettliction thee"
who knew him hest can beer staple testi-
mony. Ras rich ohildtine faith enabled
him to say, "Father. not a I will,but aa
Thou wiliest," for he knew that in the
marring Light that now .nines around
him, the veil which •toren so many of
Cod's dispeosatlues towards his people
here, would he removed, and that all
present perplex hies gad distresses as sett
in tun 1:;'ht of in'inite Inr., would be
converted into swste.t music and sena.
Dunng the delivery of tl.. above
oniony, many of the congregation were
in tear,, and at times the speaker was s•,
elected that he had to pause for utter-
s Me.
asap Maws at tie a/wetel.w tapitel.
Ottawa. Feb 23. -Tics afternoon, he-
twee.t 40 and :A mender. •.f Parliament
waited un Sir John Macdonald to ask
that tate Goveniment would at once take
charge of a bill aaeeding the Scott Act
in a number of particulars. Mr. Fester
was spokesman for the deputation, and
pointed out that •wing to the recent
doeiuon of the Soprano Court of New
Rrunewieit it was found that tete claws
of the McCarthy
p:uridnt� for the
eaforcenent of the Scott Act had prac-
tically repealed the penalty clauses .f
the Scutt Act, and had complicated
rmatte:s in such a way as to place venous
itnpeditner.ts in the way of enforcing the
law. This the bill proposed to remedy
fend silo to protide for Saws whish the
working •.f the actdisclesod. 4lr John's
reply was very non -committal. He
prniniseti to bring the subject tenant his
eulteainios, end that the Geverttmeet
would gide the nutter early consed•r-
T'at e. P. it its Delft warn.►..
Ottawa, Pah. 23.-Thereieeming evi-
dence here today that the Canada Pactfc
Railway Company 14 in fittaaeial diffi-
culties. A deputation of euntractatnand
workmen from the s.stiun beyond 'ud-
Tory waged CM the Goren: meat this
Liaoning to ask tt to intervene to procure
their payment by tate Syndiste. it
appears that the o.ntraeters here baa
for several ,nontue unable to pr cure an
-ay. and in consequence the men had
m n
not Doo paid and are very turbulent and
riotous. The deputation desire that the
Government will withhold sufficient from
the company to pay the claims, se that
the distress which the laborers aro suffer-
. hie nay be alleviated.
Toa eY:rtotchra'a SLti? wrist.
A low days ace when the l.oternment
desired the information in Iir. Edger's
'motion for trestle work on the C. Y. 1:.
it was stated that the intalligence wag
deserted merely to damage the road. It
I was evident that the .ievernuent'a pur-
paue is to conceal the fast that it has
been paying in full fnr incomplete week
Tbia is substantiated by the circumstance
that on Saturday engine No. 6 with
fourteen an of rails bruke through the
trestle work two utiles below Spaaiah
Forks. Eight of the cars are a complete
wreck. The occurrence as in the section
srereet by ►Ir. Edgar's matter., and has
been paid for by the (. ,-ernwent as
permanent road bed.
"/y Wein s. Au.'
i.ouden, Feb. 24-- (Ina of Gordon's
letters says "those the river roes we
have driven off the .Arabs to four fights.
We tired their towns tl'e met azpedi-
trona to Samar. ten had a tight on
Sept.4. We were defeated, with heavy
Mee, tui square hentg away. hrcken.
It has beton quiet since we fired three mil
lion rounds in these tights Arab Krupp
mons often honed our steamers Ws
have lost three stamen seri hotlt two.
All the captives with the mandi are well.
Keaton hey is well treated, hut te kept in
ehuna. The nuns &myna the captives
oetentauousty married tete Greeks of the
party to save themselves fries being e..m-
peIled to marry Arfbs. There is a mys
'Wiens Frenchmun trona !Magid* with
the mabdi. Dnu't let Egyptians soldier.
este. Take direct command of the
steamers at Matelnneh aed tum nut the
fellahesn. "
In a letter to a friend at Cairo, dated
I) e.14,llordes wrote:"It is .11 up with
u.. I expect a ata.trophe within tea
days. It would not bars lae.ri es it nee
people had kept me better *alarmed of
their intentions My adieu to .1L"
Tho world is crowing wash --x hs
sentimental. A 'rest many valentines
paned ehroseh the pistnmcs daring the
gniweek. many Iw plutons*
iplutons*, ad maw* these seat, there wee •
aimed shamus of the milk and wets
styles( leve epistle.. The one out seri-
Miens prdwoioslsd, the aeh..ol ehd-
M* berime auto' their anh.t.en,. iw
bilging than. Sealer tarda are said to
1~ seppha.tiag velentieae in popular
tav r. --(ss.
Taare Anweapls Wade es Nae; ■ ■terMre
es tad Taira Nair to re.. ... dots
erattea a $err*Me eperearle.
London, Feb. 23. Three futile at-
tempts were made .else to haat Juba
Les,the murderer sod rat usher of gam
Kers, a wealthy lady fur whims Lee
werkad. The drop fatted to warn, and
the executauu era postponed.
The details of the attempt to hang
Iwo sulks dL. case the must hernble diet
ever disgraced the gibfrt an England.
Lee was perfectly firm. aid went to the
scaffold uudanutel. • N bon
Tiff rrttlF,ti'F.11tr r -
to itanz Irina failed Tt to priWner s spirit
remained! unbroken. He was hen from
under the gallows, and walked back to
hie cc!1 with a firm step Anel erect bear-
ing. tt lien tirat elated upon the trap
he stood mutsontrs duriri: the pt.litai-
eary ceremonies. sal when the noes
was placed and the springy about to be
touched he made au :ip•sarent elan to
adjust his tidy to dm expected drew
w'iieu the creektet the sprint sounded
he - — --
romaas if he felt he was taking his last, but
when the murderer realized that the Mb -
bet had not done its week he appeared
to start as if from • iitel tmsre. Hes
however, quickly recovered. Thr ma
cbnten- was ctlreftlly examined end the
woodwork found wet Ana swollen ,,,that
the spring and tree could net teems
,Inickly The machinery was then (iLe.1
and mored watt! the •.tticials were en',
voiced thst i: was it. perfect cop* duo.
Lee sea
iwar t .,tett WIT l)t'T
ab3ovi 6rtniy upon the trap. The
machine amnia fatted tailed to teeth Th.)
victim shuddered The esecationer
pounded the framework and stamped
ulnen the trap, but the trap. would tt't
more. Lee straightened hiwsel: up anti
was the second time removed ;. ha cell
His spirit was airy much 1•ro.rn.
tut TH:I.L Tilt .
the :machinery wits overhauled anti pre
soune.l all right. The murderer was
Tod out, - the noose nd; usted, and the
Msec cap placed on his head. The
string was again ti uched. and again it
refusal t.. operate. The strain and sea
penes had now user -taxed Lee.
HIS aw•)O'aD,
and had to he carried away The
sheriffs officers were dismayed and de-
serted the gallows. The teh.riff bas tele-
.craphed the flume Secretary fur in-
t art Piit l•.
Lee, whose execution was hnnglod thea
naonung, has been res1,itod by order of
Ike_ oma Office.Lwt'a sentence has been c.oiunuted to
lite iteiprwesa.nt.
T M eel lee Asweelits
err aaasred ra caosea.
Basiu.r*wtp, 11.188n, Fah. 2 tin the
14th of Jasualyt, t.°, enc of th-e foal
eat murders over\ p.rp.trae.d was cog
milted in the of Austerlitz, Colum-
ba county, New t State. t racer F.
1 Beckwith. alias White, murdered
his champion and p nor, ahem he cot
up into pieces. burning the head sad
limits to a hoz stove and salting down
the other portions of the trunk with the
*biota of concealing the inhuman crime.
Thew retrains vete found In the shanty
(occupied by the deceased and the ptisue-
(or. Datectiv J. i'. (:a.raleee, of
Bind.rhook, N. Y., fi.l;owedchlthe orisai-
nal to the shores of the Pacific and
thea through Canada along the line of
the 1' 1'. R. Ho put himself ut com-
munication with Detective Rogers, of
Barrie, and D. 8. McDonald, Govan -
meat wood ranger of the comity, sad
with the solo assistance of Chief Con-
stable, W E Porkies, itf (lnreuhstet,
and Sbinll Uititnr of Coleman* aiurtty,
Now York, succeeded in "misting tie
murderer, Beckwith, at booth Rimer, iN
the district of Parry Sound, end passad
through here with the murderer en route
to Toronto this running. Sheriff Haiser
and Detective Gildersleeve eay that the
assistance slid kiedoes resolved trot
the above mimed (sntiemen was beyond
praise n: thanks.
Tose aytidleese.4ewdrtees.
Tito oumpan, is hopelenly stranded,yet
fortune' have bun made nut 14 it by some
of its shareh,.litus Parliament hese
rent to demand iaf.rrnalion as to bow
the publtc matey has been spat in the
peat and eusranta.s u io how it shall Its
spent to the (ohne hetet* making any
further coseaai,wa.-Maher/ Misr.
Trrrt&b A.esd.s4 eat !weer
Ezwai, Ihit., Feb. 21-A nal sail
fatal seeident happened abut hells hells
oath in this place this afternoon. As
Mr. David Richards was working en a
1 ors. stack tutting • pasts of it off, his
wife cams near the stack, when the set-
eresd pertt..n fell tin the lady. Mr. Raab
was i,alaedlatoly harnessed hie team and
drew eh. piece away, but did not gs it
eel haler* life► was *sheet, 1t is asp -
Mrs Ittottards was killed iaseant-
y,.t the mass was urge and ►.avyt
swmpeeed e( frown straw and g
Mrs. Richards leaves ..vowel gall abed -
&obi. F.nteati i, of the Zurich read,
Hae, was .inion.i with paralysis eleedl0
I.M week.