HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-2-20, Page 88
Sie saaa.- -Mrs. Josses Taylor, la:t•
More. Colborne is very hew at le west
Otoremet.-1t is our uetrul duty to
i a r 1 LhOeai d'omrie.
ten Tee clay id last week, the newel
leacher, herr. J. Mortis, had ueraa4
tt�s1 t&., chastise two youths, oh is they et- linden, Fels 13. -The war office has
chiew,cle the death ..f Wilh..m Pottle] le, twin", l :e •,vrrpuw(r 1 to the dia. I organized a hese of balLew,uists free dial
who L. ed en the boom, .r• between icharge of /lila duty. The father of dile• eesiueer corns of the army fer export 1
Ashfiel•1 et,d Colb..rtt f.'r .uu.. yrsrs. I of them, old loan named Goldthorpe, mound Der. tee ,n the liuwdan. The'
He war i'Kounai, i•••,tfcn.isr teen and • euterld the wheal durnig the trouble, balloonists start Monday for Al•sanoirta.
lulu rob 1 hold .•f '' te.d,cr. using 'fluty will be' provided with three :wee
.amt tby ►Mir. The o& cel lta _ hu i< .d lanauaite at the saute ' bantam, 'sl'ab's of crrryeug a uumLer
1y Sa ) of the cemuwulty N, t�lNrim'w'e very
Lvreat eft mi.'. t Ito air. dime' d the schra!, and 1 of neo 21 horn ata t ane, said teeny
_the f' leht disobey. .. reu loft ice disey. small balluuus for signalling purpose..
: `i As tiuldtb. t,w was *Mee staile au ample 1 rah Asurut:s Valens(.
I apulultq (u hie Couhah eonduet, we ab Landon, Feb. 15. Wulwl.y tel.grsphs
The b0it.rs iust.tiled in .i.•eth ,ter ,,taro fruw c.nneneotiUR eon 1 ..tai" - i to -day an account of the tall oI Kkai-
loda., NO. :117, for the euessisur quarter
t B \\ C ti Tyrone's,
01/11.111014 teem as given by a native eye•wituesa.
1/11.111/11.111014 'rile native says the N.dt s tureen eu•
WC•are • RA dam.,nutyt, _
0 Garrett, W N F> 1 IInu.. t.••X le K: H 1"1«tTr+taw Charles Spence, of hit. ' (io ton was killed byttaiteuni at a'el daybreak ltuiaa' rebel
iial,wc'1. 10 ; 0 Htnlrwe..d, W C; J St'►f•b"d• "'der .h township, was the rillsmeu while ou tun w .y frusta his head -
sweat \I
(f John . willies out week.-- darter. to the Austrian immolate. Th.
Riley. O G - hl la tel wolf wet Is Brown,
W H surf I. if 8.
The orange's hold their jwuleenary
Beeper in tae temperance hell, Tueeley
evenose. Althnu.gh the weather was very
u,favor. n1,, the hall was tiled. Mr
McMillse 'tie .. .cry tdifyr':, ad:Ireas,
expl.in1 is*: tie benefit of you g tutu tete
preenlg their leisure hour' in gtuly, and
the sivantage .0 t'o derived from ch• •.s-
ing their curue.at.y. Or Vein/ spoke
&bunt the use of literary societies std
1` meatus: a
literste seciet1 ill cones tion with see
n:0W. J. J. Wright.he Point ha nn. has
It is stated that {'moos Hauim is to!
Ree Mr Heigh gave a fie•.: address,fu tslrnevad v sue vole...../
returned frotu t. uelph. where hr was he appoiuled igut ewer-geurr,+l of ties- rite Ce.teespsvArs.
wisbtwi to mitoses. ugMeu ►weir minds �setrnding Di •un•ral .f a relative. dart_
Th. past month has been the coldest I The Indian c. tit ingent has been raised Dr. thirteenth, well known to
seer antra'» red hr -e. t )N'ng to the tb 3.'4J0, raising the effective Lorca of !music -loving readers, , .lead. Hu
led elate r tits • tads the stag.- was l lieu. Grslam'r etpeditr•a to 11,.'00 53 years of age.
upset here a day hist week, and a` 1:1 Mandt's spies are buy belitilit-g� I'erry Du.dtttic. the well-known
ender fro d' dad had his teGbroka the British victories at Abu Klee and bicycler, formerly •4 Ayltnec, has been
M.?'" Al'. t.r*ba of Dting•nnun, and I Austrian cousin was killed to his rest -
mise )tat :la:enburt, .1 lurich, .1. dente. The (:reek consul is held a
visiting f Is bon. -;lits Ante Cum• xiwuve. .\ camas* of . Ibrahim Bey
min;( is .. 'lug her tvwiss at kinss Ituehdi, who left Khartoum • fortnight
bridge. I aye, states that Fara& admitted the
Nye art ..:14.1 1.. see our ..lis friend T. rebelst o Khartoum. The canvas* sill:
K•luutwu owere ago*" at the "4i►tthy• i his waster wont t. ;;ovethavent house
Fishing thr..uvh .he lee in a favorite 1. and suet Gorden coining out with
pastime hero. The engineer is the ben Mahe.ued Ilei Mestsrha end tee, ty
tishermat •.f the elachin, awl his cruel is canta•asrs. Nhike proceeding t • the
seldom yore' Austrian consulate the rebels tired •
_ .s* Tolley. and (:undue. and Mellowed Mw
LMDOra. tapba tact deal. -
seessbadr a memos.
ON MOM ellielleew
Misuse Um Yea
Rasbh imprtvsste,
Tried ow lbs 'tete•.
l',.:► Ler up aaeserty.
hr,r.:u the rtnsp5,
ria/lien- s'..tender
( iia. A to mishaps.
Oh, it was wiltul
That res would 1.4.p
Where a whole building e•,1i
Meat was bcr drop.
Pick bcr up wader'''.
Kuwaiti wt her err n
tta•bie•ed so teoderh.
Made to ureas.
OW she streak trustrtui,
Whatley galore.
Daiwa she row twsafutl)
O* the turd Ower.
Plek bcr •p teudi rIy
ass good and ea tree.
Farktuotd ru'lenders,.
What could abe do?
IIumpisi� lnb'uuual),
Juitiag the met,
PQM le pure womanly,
Aad trice it appals.
Pick bcr op tender's.
W AAL dues Aloft"- :
Fsabtor.d so teaMNy.
So plump &ads, lair. --1111s.
THE WOBb17:�
the n. • sity Anil a„Irmuil• ,•' Chnatian•
ity. Tec tu.wtund. was c! ,seed with the
l.: net:ie. esu.
1: t:
l Mr••. i:• . liesl,.i.. •, dine to
ear ilia
Ayr this reek.
Nr. 1+14 ffy *111 ro:.rt h•• a his mina
r tine iltia aynui.
1111 C 'w' n wee, delireete•' with th'sa
lesutif al torn.
of h. f. 'b.wing c. rrc.pv n • s ' was
rn • up last week
subat and magnifying the fakir• f of h appointed house `Surgeon au the Toronto
Khartoum. Guooeral eepita
YATES &► AciZso1T
Bee to anee•+acc that they have n;.rned out a Lsree and Select
Hardware db o At.
mu:prising Shelf and Builder,' hardware, Paiute, Oils,
Table and. Pocket Cutlery.
A tall Lisa of 'lobs Calms, Water Calors snd Artists Brushes, and every ode
ntinistte .t. the hardware lice.
Give them a Call. anti Inspec! Stock lznd P
Abrabses Smith's OM Stead. intuit delete R. i Meat
like NM tageea
CONSTABLES OOXAND COLB( An Ester Wr IS the proud {eowtesr't
_ l of w number of yoga; miseries fully
aabstaatest Reward* Par Their VsNbrta:. s
lo wSs5.
fledged, and four pair tutting.
The school aaendaace has been aver-
hug 15 for a few weeks. H L Londdn, b.•1.. 1 t P'•hx l'onwlaWeal la GoAeech. en Tessalon. Feb. u►, the
Five eminent .Awtriut (Aileen recout Th „lel petitrot •asking fur tee wife o. lir. llte;;li Dunlop. merchant *•11x. tai
The tit.' i_ mita I the eexav,n were ! applied fer pereniau..n to Oder tour i .e sato C•.a a `to were sen•.ug1y tn- t w it's o• r
dreeptd on the tarn ret W Clutton, sr, h n of the heti Act in the
service* t. assist
sheriff's , tlia(, Stratford, Inst n.itsrdsy.
7 1 •u ,uis*w h int wl ice this Weae'd.n.atsi explosion ani "'fir Colborne. .ra.k p5)haFebruary, the wit,
• the littlish in the Suu•
en the 11th w .. I elan. Thrid application was refused.
c quit) of Perth was demented int e
Jan. 2i while •sedrasunnt; l,. rem.1a a•.o. !•RRtai.
it.f. i nal tn.chiue from the bui'.hng,have Thnrs laT last week. M Rochester. 1
received iiueueruus •Oir•Wmtial Stift* in Oa .tote 'Th rsI Williams, eek. &* l cheater. 1.
recseetition of their bravery. Mr. Glad• ,dee, o[ierir,•thetist a. dumb. dauber et rhe
stone has sant e&e.i of theca ro from Key tet, -r ar Y 1 Rochester.C. W M:r
the royal bounty ;tied, 'with a letterNSR
lau.un& than for their feithfielnese and ! ti gni• tach. oa !iendrr, F,Srtaary I.•'''•
their deebttew► to duty. Sir Wm. j ta1il GAI'"I. b+•Imrd whir o( )':Risk Yom.
Vernon Nara,utd, the h HOP secretary, bet.:.ter, axed ro years.
has presented Cole with £L! and Cox (w Att of Mr. , on the nt itwo h owged .. rite
with CO. Sir Jawer Inehant, the pre- , In 1 Mr. Jame. 5. t leeItA.e IPA ur* rstliam
seller insgisttste of the Row street' A Reids, aged se yen.
irelM a court, hes made warm ed the of, In Goderick ioweeble. on taw Mb ill
Fl i seed stere+
Josue* Hugon!' of She11su Itun, a i The Duke of Cunraught neteesu to
newly insetted tau, has te4en up 11is 1 he assilued to rerrutc to the Sudan.
.,wt residence with uta Hu will retire in env event grow his
14 Overtire i o 4+.r were ice do sheet 1 -Partar's EEL ceG nave at Merritt, le ea, April 1.
'i, re t'•::+ (\\wtori'layy awrnit.t. Gen. Ctslnate leaves for Smarm on
The ::chine me the hue has played out, I Feb. la, Ash \Yeducadsj ne espueta
David Wilru► of �'►tea. a is nen' un a I to make the March to Berber in twenty-
. 'segWeu mut getting tan; that week. visit. dart, detesting Osman Digin en reale.
Kr Pelle.* was to Warn, to attend elra. Mitchell, of (letle''e:b, .1/ the i y
t a Mn- A. :h.e Ell' It u t• ort•d rebels from Berber have
the lrt.,rtrl 01 his sister, Mrs McTavish. t lest week. started Sur 111rte.ueh to reinforce the
P. S. L itil'er, visited the steed re- Miss !Hattie J. eaten, of the 4th. has 1 yarrisun there but reveled upon hear
ceutly •ant nada r ppml'• r n[ 1 ranee 1 tttunted imus fc�m her visit up �isriD• a that the Nile column win MI lancing. r ficers a present of £t0. The lnrulbers foresee. wale of Anthony . t art.
1I r. and \its Cousins, of Colborne, The teethe "f Denied* is now roq• No,' Bald a enaunt deacon, i 1 14: V. George Lawley, 1 :inion. rase ri year..
of the House of Cowaasa have sul,acrib 61•eatb. eat ; rm day
ed and collected, up to date, the snm of i In Inc..'1,`.th5s itch inst..
John tict.ned.
f .4 -M. to be divide.l betwsen the l,rave laced ;7 seer,, sceonths rod It dava
A brother of Lieut. Col. Philip H.
Eyre, of the South Staffordshire regi-
ment killed in the rime engagement as
Mayor t°web:l .e, i. living at Dresden,
W. T. :zhannon. Thomas n i'•on and
W, Douzlas have been appointed hcen.e
w'mmtssivuers for the Etat Riding of
Huron under the Crook's Act. J. 11.
Geiger, Edward Cash and K. Beldon
were appointed for S •uth flumes.
tion. •
plies Maria Ciente of Le•chels1., sere."
a h& d ,ye with Hattie and L:aZie Haw-
kins last week.
A: (t McDonald, ut Deul•• 9. was is
are dotting friends in the , rutty the 'Mete' Khartoum has fallen and
:tit d rn't approve W burse race , but Nher.
past ween. (;,.*don is dyad. another member of the church becomes
\1'e •n Burn to hive to clines+title the Soldiers imprisoned in Englund foe s, godless as to try to pass me on the
death of the infant Ras of T. R. Miller.
miner ofhenctte hare teen pardoned and
turd cumin' home from meetin', I feel tt
•che•d teacher. ordered to join their regiments. my duty to let out a little on oho reins.
the v:llige this week. isles -aria tow. Archibald McIA. :gall of the cut lift• The brat 1 .A I w:,a1 brigade of aril- just t. keep him frim putttn' bis trust
as, of F ►ntail, es the guest to Alias Kat* Ioficiated at •the Bayfield l'resiytetian lore Guelph. hastiferad its 1051100' to ,
church un Sunday the dto earthly things."
Ben►"'s ls.:n the places A .eree itbantity ef rock :us square Nit.. Forester wee was .leiug sessile" the home authorities to �o to the Suu-
Gilbert Hust.er, eei Briadem, offers IN
reward to anyone who will give intones -
timber will be thin{ est (rens :his port tee !service at Bethel.
Qrcte. .tering the cot*.ne seminar.
'Teem* -ea new erig :ted fault .g it to the I
Thu .,terns of loft week ai,'aic deprived
u5 of o es* meal l:..a M ,ndaye .odd Thurs-
lay. '"!te seventy of the stot.n, tegetle
er with the intensity •.t tate a.:d, where
the memory went down into the twen-
ties, Cawed us to think that w. lad heen
resto-ed to within, at least, :"i' of the
North pole. The oldest inhabitants of
these p„rte,are agree.: that th.r has been
the rev,:est wilily. within the last '20
The 'd.Lean Bros seeire•. quite a
aumbtt of cattle in thew parts on their
last tii, :.round, and took thew sway on
Friday of last week. The Meioses are
lull to .r pretty fair .healers ; but their
setidm ie refueling to 1,s*\• eatt:e elf the
Rine 11 e• sky hail caused s sfieht feeling
against then to show itself. ().4 weight -
noisier csitns that the arnica are all
right. and farmers should remember that
it is in ,bo intermit of the deal. este have
the titins driven trot,: here le 1. Allen's
before wetgb)ineg them, en a.•co'tnt of the
A grand ball was held in Yo .aa s hall
on the 11ieht of the 15th inst. Asthe at -
lair partook somewhat cf the is tole
nelr_t p^.-ty, certain of our y..,ang
wh i 'rt acew:u:aad Oo iota us 'he
,lane. were debartr•i from : trend
Mies ida ('ryder.nin is &taut to take
up her abode ice MitchelL We under-
stand the teaching of music there, for
which she is emineatly eeslitied, will
Ise enraged in i.j her.
'The revival services in the $et!••••iist
Church are still ring on.
Captain Hicketznn, of the Saeed
*nay, received a telrynm un Monday
to go to Wiugham. He has decided to
remain in Aebuns this week.
Monro, Wittlulftse A kenos' beim, put
in a sleek .f font -ours in the premise.
purchase' from 4), Wenzel. 14 M their
intention to d• am undertaking hotlines,
The Rev. Mr Parke w..s unable to
conduct service teen in the Episcopal
Church en Sabbath last, on &cc••ueet of
sickness Wo hops to hear awn of his
.4. M. Polley. of (:adench, was in this
neighbuthuol last week buyi&., horses.
The county ledge ' 0.0.F. t. F. will hold
its next meeting an the tem; *trance hall
hero un the Dith 10.
mazy mazy
()no f :he chief features of de ball
the corps.ciao u will nod W the "disouver) of s
Joseph f the erdain, replying t•' a re,_dark ratan wearing dark suit ase a black l►slwrnQ trvda, that her majesty was sof
*mutton of the peace association •f Bir- pants batten on one ado, strict aeons*. • a. w .�
minrha of rxprraved the fear tat the Dark grey hair and whiskers. Between tenni from s severe cold and had been PPsaa. eashab 130. • S%
Bir -
policy of urtreatin. from the Matadi unable to leave her bed for Nes days Pori.. i. , • eve 1.. 1.1 • 1 >r • • a:
b0 sad ei0 yarn of es • ' It was stated by persons Ionia with uta). 1 tow 4 en 0)0 N
would not farther the cause of Insets nor Is a letter to Prince Albert Victor, II ;t: c 55 0 is w 4 Lr
prevent the alfto h ..f Flood. tbu queen's household that her ms]e*ty gr�., ,unte+•'cedt i dos a IL '100 1 !•
con rrtulattng him upon the attainment , d run last month has teen esceed:m/1y tees.'"• a 14 • 111
A 1.11 at al to the late Cel. Burnaby,
she fell at .16u Klee, a ueiug raised us ung "been relieved Lyr f tat and cape ullq turn p for
oflid:.'ia lis addition W the ah,•ve the
wounded cow -udder have 'evolved .'- ,tar' c.4ee*rb amass s-
tAous from private ttidividuaa f -
noouucn. Feb. A M.
SO ,i
Wet ss*JeN7ti Halts.
Loudon, Feb. 1:,. --it is ruut•,r.'.! to-
nwght that 4teeen ti ictorio s dine*• et -
eels the annnu,i.•aatont made front
trh-at.trait►'bosh • ..:le
W h••at. ire.t win erl T barb e se is 1 51
5 M 1 41
Wheat. anomie) a blah o N w 11t:
Y.uur. tall' *cwt. ... 1 N a 1.
Fleur. sisadt w cwt ...... . ,... 3 M w 1 m
Irtunr, stress bakeest feet .... TSM 110
cf his map.rity, Mr. Gladstone spoke of eaten and a.ouuually worrying „our Snot" 4. o tea
obremode,• • the inn .go,eru,11e . l;leDp, w ton .. .. .. ..
our modern institutions ,,f stoneat was las to the outcome of the Suudaae ee et r Por+ c w d
burden The y petition. d' h e that !Wont
G.l. Williams, :H.1'., has recei'red a
c blegrant 1rota 1w•rd Woleate, stating
that h. would be pleased t.• see a Cana-
dian regibiest 111 the Se,udan, hut nnth-
ing has been heard from I1u*aiug street.
CA. Williams has received nearly :,00
apphe bailees
has seelt0 ger the
The bsltdasss ee}epe
The Duke of ('asnheidte, commander-
in-chief of her n.sjest) s ermine out S.atur
May at .Aldershot reviewed the guards
who had been ordered to Krypt. He
p:uuosnced them thoroughly efficient.
.A gigantic tradu,g company, til be
ca:t.d the Loyal Soudan trading compsey
is i,.•iug forme.] to 1.4)419h and Alexan-
dria epee the same tents es lh-ree upon
which were eeeductol the Kist ludic
company. It will claim as one of its
pnvilorges the right to build a railway
l'i aintra>lt. (hen. (:raves, Col: McNeil and :nary
.1n•. Martin is sullerinq front eryu- ether tt1 cere will start fur Suakim on
We ho to hear of his speedy t• - Tuesday. Col. firecketiburj, who we
Po pe 1 y coeds (hen. Eerie, has been trade a brigs
comity. tiler general.
ween Berber :and tis&kine.
burdens." t u rather * n Notwithstanding the fa.e.. ge ••• " '
mt'un sod ' as* .. .............. ..
The first times French Canadian w e sthunedeser e ofoGo
[ rthdeussfall .onlynE Kdtatreeahsrttett I.,sr
of deaeribiyg the march of democracy.
11 09 "Nt0
1.1 GO 'NIP
sN - 4N ,
51 •• s :.e
Mica Elkin, of Manchester. is i isiti ,g The ,.fj.ials of the war 4.t ice and eth•
her esti r, Nn. Reid, of that day liber- et men/Fere of the snoverntteTt Listen
--in to �tduod.
decided that Australian and Csndian
Mrs. Trask Metall"' whale carry:ng troops would ne =stele to reach tiaaitim
a pail . f water, •lip} 'd on a piece of ice, lin time t•, share in the operations. It is
and had the misfortune to break two of stated that ni•iteen ret;iIuents have been
the "sarin flame' 'played at Quebec be majesty. eke titsisted eM' dein; her full
thought it was s sport of lunatics. and I share '.f the consequent woek which
Otos d K.+T
;'nosed it to b. kI.. s "1 saw F Sian again
the res. elation of • splendid vi
Mr, D..ttau viot.ttist.
�tO r.
her ribs. Shm &Meg as well as could
loe expected.
Iiis mewls. Mies M. Douglas.
dimpe•iltd in order to make up a fere of
10,000 for the &tou.lan . eprdition. in
%pile of bed tt,aes the army is unpopular
snd Iitiletieitlway tI matte In die Incur
►�iei4 $Tid"7<eR lest rnvr;. at an Bart date. They will likely
baa entailed upon t • Tear•tlsel -tsVT
today some &tetchness throwing on the ; g ,vvrn:sent, and the result was • ',train -a
ice ash
rge &Coos bale, aped "45bomb•' en her nervuussystrui which made rest ( (;HEAP V•� Wil a.
after which they yelled 'soup. i imp•rat,te
time: they were fools." 'Ili
seems iTsetaat RwiSey mine Seel.
these able editors oho every day give --_
Wolseley the benset their rice as o
the conduct o is campaign. Ben-
in!' commander has plenty ct advisers,
but the mihii is a poor orphan, withost
a solitary editor at hu back It would
d id thejournalistic
sup ' laughing like fools, and I really ,. queen is suffering from LI on- t,T' P IT f5F'L'3. AND
t6 j chins • E %!tY?elltkG EN THE CROCKERY
It time te' remonstrate with i I.Ililr.
ALSO a Wettdelected Mork of
f h ad t Ttow York Feb 1G -Yuma Medley I''E:e:e; (1Rfx,'BRIE`4
f fe The
get a1.f n+cruiti.tf.
�A are Sad .•r brat n that ,titre 1:. I)• t crowded souse_ . Furter particulars will l A c••nvoy of wounded and int -elided
giorky s quickly rc�o ,slag from lets i begt run i before it takes place. lhitiah wldton oa the *ay from t:uiat
Nv• i! i._ss. • The Methodi.+t `e plc are going to r„ Korth encountered a party of Anbr.
: k.. weather alrnust V..rsty . , e businttee l give an..ther of their popular peeler a hot fight ensued between rho Arabs
in "tar hob," se :be franc-, living on I snrlala un Wednesday, the _loth taut. A and the *,event and heated
s c �x x ren f10on8
Rusaa, whu was set in court. The pm-
secuung officer announced that he would i - -
bo rely fair art i. e hot c&tl Kusa because there was such
cheek* of 'rodeo between the two. - excitement ah ut dynamite at present
(Tornnte World. that ettrsns•ua *tatter might interfere
with 11.. onlwly alminiatfattua of
Chief tad stones
ref Hamilton, Wrings justice. La .hedge Fullerton a:e1 Lawyer
fifty pound atone+ in his pa). One la Butts appeared for Mrs. Dudley who. sat
lettered in gilt "Jambe." and the otter
"Licht of Asia." Hamilton curlers are
in favor of very heavy stones, and their
superiority is acknowledged by aurae
f;rantfori curlers rhe• beheld the dines -
Goes effect of these large stones, upon
a thirty sit or thirty eight left ass gaud.
The superior weight would drive the
lighter one out and enable it to fellow
..n to • geed position. The Hamilteo
even elle stones 115.10 forty-five to fifty
pounds weight.
orithat nanism. """"-
was scrammed today for the senting of
Ito r ,ads ins locks north snot tenth an 1 1'11' tinge u wtpeetwl ; do r' . nu.a d. minutes. The Arabs erre repu.sed. The
•ww1 f Ie'ely blocked ut 1 y :1.1, ir..mrnse 11'11'
only 10c. It sill tin• hell at elsuaaro*uu the Britoil .tile eels few.
.Info 1 tole residence of Jnn. Heid.
Tet cwm'4N n,:er e, si T5lea.
A placer anis. el , ih mid he withlMb. - Outing. the penile e•rttrc of British
VIr4th. ''lv 'e",5'f l'hwr.h will De held : military operatinas in then Soudan, u a
del the rawitle•.rc ..f .\ \1d �lurchte Thurs
Ase ev •nin;•The •: iatterlq meeting 'terriers of the village ..f 43t) houses sndabout•rol 7t10 in -
On r r:•1ay evening *venal raluahiz � i)ungaunon circuit were held in the hahitants It is surrounded by ,ryteta-
pr se; wul he offered for competition w. , Meth.id:st Char=F. here on the St's inst. 11.- gardens, which set ply the markets
He Cash r skating and curling rink for a ThereTlb were conducted dery h ywhtRev.
l'Tearl ed usably a ssnbwrh,which
althuo,tk sGebst on the
is vir-
gin' skatin„ .t sic. 1 l an able and eloquent german upon the other side of the Nile. it is also the
Thu L 11..E R. F hes teen rtceiriud t 1 mem te'y when nacre buried wane of the
Um worm ••f theoil
snow, as it was bless- j' man' sleet falw he saints and ehisfeatn' of
'iMe' sea Shu lane- part of Sickness is eery lorevalent in the Allende, M feet wh•ch smarm the village
aided ;• .tap 1
Kee ear It, and hs m.ly ruby cloned Fxns* I ;ot rM,.od just noise t►,th am, n; old•send in ib. a,•t' , m - 1 the entire ifs
traffic ea k:eM,'hj. ! ar..l jour;. n.•mwtan w..rtel, Aral will r.•nder its menu
MA nursing a m,+► rn.fned We.. Msl MlMAOOe•d,nf Cndetich Toaaship, ti ,n by the tt •* t.% peculiarlyirritating1*.ne
Alliin•, beats oat in Hwllett, rias tome , u at frceent t i.isnig her friends to this p* B1 Mahet.
(neem M desats welt his team deck in a • nei,;hbuth.ind. TIM L.ATisgT.
tar . &1 :1. it in snf,l,,y.od h" bhem ad be1 Nett mabba l%eveninT Rot. Mr. Le
deskir ! Gear will preach a sermon in the Meth.•; T' ted hattiw •.Ta uta
A ,,,;L. "ambit: of 1••..l.lir^s r.h be ills: .'lurch lin "The Am of the t(ntuw.
ion of 1' e
crones is teen the ail ; monet ? 'The &timed 4 M. convent
Tb'• Jork•sn will b4,11 three new , i)utiganm'n circuit e 1 the \feth.diat
above vee hit prop{r.�t17 011 Herrera street. Church wall he held in the Dungannon
U It7lw.tt •;•' e,t 'ii nn th. I church en the 26th inst. An interesting
tsewl Jttt.
I,,, Rossi an ('hf11. I+tek t11 % hrktw,twre ' pr„gram is being respired.
- ._M•:, t'•otlec hit Mt 1' r rantract for n ' t tei$g 10 the storm of est week the
}g,,, . Me 51 ethrir h' •v *0 Rattd'n- 11(445 in this vicinity are much Meek
r,.1 si, el' i1 1'i .rla•••,rth. 1tied, wd the work of turning is greatly
R' .i • F, ,. ani"' ("•oveh gait. As• retarded. 11.1 "its an ill want that
• •Wi•+. no til via ewe- l»tnnrtnt, ctassid• Jeri t•..t blow some ane Rouen" To •nae
iw0 ,f 'ewes& and ;wt. emeteal music. y sting teen w:thin the hies'• of our tae
n„. t al* to- he. •lir. Nend"row, tgeaintance the strive was rather a
r 'attao.. •hfellr 1 's rat .opl•estaneve �planet misfortsne, as it emeris.,u'd
b'r '.n• e. ireiR: 1 with raptor:•ts hint in the bora• out his ►•loved fou
1 the. 4.1•11 "trpreciattvt elvers! days -
f.• , I , f, kr ...ding the J no. %%'s'11tn 1K nerh is the beide-.
tr at455' with *• tido • eseeival im� .�mems. *0 . 15 si a
edited neer Aliens( R+ Sem
Debliu, l b. 1:.. -The remiss of
Cardinal McCabe lay in state at the
eathe•lral today, and wore viewed by
21,003 people. A pasters! letter recent-
ly written by the cardinal, 1i'Nt+`uslj
deenunoing the dynamitets, was read in
the Dublin churches today.
ce,n.poaidly near her counsel and listened
without concern to the teettn:.owy of the
witnewn. The defence stated that n•
testimony sound be put in at tats ate e
of the prucee.lingr and the court held the
prisoner for her sppesranCe before the
grand jury us* default of retheI baa:.
Rev. •1' t i Connell, of liendoe, has
t;1•.• 1. U. d •l.le. the .'. quare, Godetisk.
e1, toe, try
been found equity ay the been' 1.1 trials
r. seanda'nus *s.4 disorderly conduct in i1
becomenZ intoxicated. The bishop with (ABIN4 NYBR.#IBD!ATFI. STSBRABB
ant h s lisosse and /.samosa hint front ♦ e it imticau I tTn.i.
tb.posutron of assistant e'aist.r bf tat
cathedral of the Holy Trinity. •)'Connell
entered a protest.
Hr+nano Hate, t! a eminent ,trident
ref Indian dia:octs and cust• les, has an
interesting article in the F.►.reary
Magat,ne of American history, . the
Muhawl( chief, (leo. H. M. ,%• .,nsren,
_ who manned a fiat cowls of Mr N. D.
rsr neves" es lie Lrsdaw Howells, the n rvelist, Mr, Hide gives
a grsphic ',event of Johnston's life sod
Ottawa, Feb 12.-111*. Farms, mom work amog the Sit Nat000s Tia
ger for Yost Hares, is r.ue of the candid t Mac It u not generally knewn that
(Jenser•atises in the Honto
• speech at • meeting of the lmmigrwtion
Committee this morning, admitting that
the present. system of settling North_
Westla-els was a failure. Disguise the
fact os we might, he said, Canada was
spemdine seem'•.' some of mosey, every
yew u;."n the int - :retial service with-
ont any return. )1e 'new that inimi-
cality, who • _ i l« .•n '..new
Oeht into the
Mr dale, who u'stirre. to here, an
whoa r'hnel.,ttcsl and historical writings
have gained for htm a world-wide fame
&m.wg atheism is a resident of Canada.
He li•ea is Clinre°, Ontario', and was
For many years chairman o! the High
Scheel i...ar1 there His estt+i:e t•' the
rause+• of ht,lher sdoeati in to kis town
hv1 been unwearied and Trus' rateable.
With 'quiet im•itrtry 1.e eurswes his pail•
(4* 1 1 gs of Malt $testy are
From Portland.
('lttt'A$.IIAN ... TArtsitahllMs
ttAP!• N. . FeN•t
PRRt, v1APr "
SA�tgfAT1AN .•
POi.YYgG9l A�
PAI:Mi AN lnrtlfsd •
loaf t••in L•ivr, I3•klerieh oa Tres.lays• at
Millings of Italy 1tearurre
Frons Halifax.
('IR( A$rtAN. Fsb'y
P1)I.YYSnAltilA!( .
twat t* tfene•001 rM4 Ns Wednesday*.
North West had refitted to remain The dud lyes •m:ueri' t at 13!
of .eica. s hes : - frir,dw, yea 5111
Muller, not 10:1 age, mine him pub- f, �s t e- teir low5+t ridge
was 4g a teas Y.nelsed Incised
wast of breach lines was one of hate at
the prise Runes of the eteihre' which i t the he s tt1 Uabe
Amman phil•.Ingy from contempt.- -
,,e expel ndey dui n. -t he thoegIt it was the duty .,t the Gov -
take pl.ee. (hl tlalurday, Gen. Gulley eminent to atop. 11.- proposed to. send
ahandooei his poeitien et t..th*t, befuse
Metstnileh, .on aa�•nnt' f the savours of
KI Mehdi, with 9,000 men front Khar
teem Buller has retired to (i.kdul
Wells, cunt may yet retryat to Knrti, if means, and a broad smite on the faces
he dots net 11' acres" to (J«n Brseb.'n- rf the members of the Committee led
bary, snd help hint in the propneed aa- Mr. Farrow t0 sasure these &het Mr.
weft en Beene?. The advance ward •d lett was Weed • remarkable men,whees
the Araks was within seven miles of the awn fur the ooremewl etudes would no
Itriteh, and the .waits Ir•4, cbly twenty doubt seceded, then*?t the Government's
m'ks ssay when Rutter aamenn:ad Gent pettily had !Ord. The t Iiwn•n•
G•'bat Tie wells 54 tsrioms stella se of lir. Yarrow as to the conliausd.ini' s
are giving wet. There an 1,1400 •a. s wt our ion under the Leigh taste
with B.all.e's tura. The troops are flew ley ei eseeediaely valuable. The
&woeful. Outernase•t should seppres• Mr. Ferree
m, JLT * CA I81)L
g0 (Jou•&haw. sn .t Knrti, fee further wink a tiwMr limit, a atone) a'tb'sidy. ('IAi1L� K "�
«.,neon tee t' s �tnedsw. Amnon the or • silent p•rtnerebip is the l,nwe tors- V t �.
(Iwsudwrr tawsrs awmised ere Ott Lee -`beet. H• .alt be kept from tellity 0M �� tlr�rJ t!y
wig esti ell m Deutan ttthd LLL /lib b� or be will etiL W reit. mtrq �rMIMM►
far • Mr. Lett, ref Winnipeg. who had
seise patent method .,f k•rprnt immi-
grants in the coonrrj. Mr. Trow urged
t Kr. Lett sk,•ull be sent tot by all
Keay the high oenp� l+sew
one of the three who alone redeemed ""'r'a''t• n&ee, Ge'teacs• Nwellea are
(Toronto Educational Weakly.
Legal. Or C D 3 RICH
Licerporll,Lendonderry.dlas w
17 C.. • LEWIS, BARit1STEIt�t, ' London, Queenstown, Beillrt.
o.+etlsJ Bristol, Cardio Rec.
Ji A Iteuismw
R K Leen& 1!' F... lichee and ail Snt.reottom. apple 5*
I) C. HAYfit1. .lk)LIc11't)R Ra, , 1.. Ar. Y
1 Admit Allied. lee.
OAes comer of wait., Mi0T5.
sleet, G tt,rleb •verW eal
Oo lrrlwD. F*t1+ INh. Mk
lesiva" totem& all suss iwta.M, _. --
!`1 ARRnw A PRt►'t5Dpl(dIpl, BA ll A p41 sae N tr e
l* RIATML*4. Auerie Ketlefser'ea ereged•wMf h wlei Gew15e(ea. 1. T (lxrra s IrI.IdNeM. 1T! teem MOON*
heart r,ytb+ le ti t•5�
zit:, Ttiwrw R Co., A
ties 5*
OLta 1
It i
to t