HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-2-20, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL. �'l bAY, na 20, lam. 1 DTR1IITBB3 01 TEL. Cunningham Oa. or the Railway Exploders Mwwea m T«awa, ansairlitstaBoa et lear'eM M oats Nebo nosam reaser'a ta- aacaa/., AeoYmr Mareaad M • Meek. Leridame, Feb 10. —The eaamasatirm of Bwntn1ham and Burton was coos timed today. Nona:es were posted upon the Quart daerways totality that IMO person carrying . bag would he poi. taitted to enter the Loth: u,t Sud sue peered parties would be searched. Qui!. naw antwunoed that Burton was tau all to defend himself, and that Conning - heat s onning.hams counsel would defend both pr1.u:.- era Tb crown proceeded to procure testi- mony inculpating the l.rumn.rs in the uaderpound railway ezplwien at Gower street station. Policeman Stewart testlf;eo that he boarded the train at Ktahopegate and saw Cunningham leaning tro.0 the waalew of the brake. Cunniutthaut asilu4 the witness for a match. It imam letsVl into the brake and saw what ap, pentyl to be • basket full ad workmen s t.eb Witness then entered a third dams elieetie carnage. ! eyers, auctioneer, who was testified that be tried t., eapr ie ! Wibz-_and that three Nies therein prevented him doing so, One of the men was Cuu- ainebein. Cunautgbas immediately arose from hie seat sad shouted, "You are a liar '- Meyers std he remonstrated and .l• kcded to the (act that there were but throe in the brake and attempted to eater. Cunainaham (waned uvsr the doer to such a way as to prevent anyone from entering. Witness then went into another camas*. The three mon who were in the heals ooapsrtseit of the tram that arrived at (lower street station at the tow of the eapluaiun eluded the police and trio:own and escaped without laving their names enc addremes, bot not before the police and a ruard haat acrut,n.eed them. Pwht»man Stewart today ideattfieed Cunningham as one of the throe icon, Meyers aloe identified him. Bob picked him sent from a clowd of other men. The dynamite which awed the 'tido sioa was thrown from the train that carried thew witnesses. a CIROVL.&. lie have much pleasure in returning thanks to (Orr numerous customers for their liberal pat- ronage during the past year. lie shall, in 1/u• future as in the past, leave nothing undone to serve our customers so as 10 me, -it their confi- dence and continued support. 11 r are in a posi- tion to take all the advantages that a Cash Markel affords, and such being the case, we can show our patrons- goods at Reck Bollone Prices. /everyone knows that a cash market is always Me most advantageous one to prrrcfiase in, and do not forget that goods bought cheap can be sold cheap. We shall hazy for the,, coming Spring t best assorted Stock we have ever shown, and solicit a share of your trade, which we think you will find to your advantage to ex - feud rid to tiS. SPECIAL. - life have Burn, in stock 126 pieces of It mbroid t'ry, direct from ,Switzerladte , varying in price from 3 cents to $,.cx) per yard,—Me Chea fst (Goods of the kine / we ever She •i - atwwirass�s.a COLBOINE BROS. (;oat'r,th, /seri. 2../th, /Ms. J_ Cl 13,TILOR trSiz CO'S - T 4.$%E OP-- OOLENS & FURS! 503 IN PRIC3_ `HIRTS AND DRAWERS, WOOL SQUARES, Wo()1. CLOUDS, SHAWLS, MUFFLERS, LADIES AND GENTS Ft'Poti All at Less Than Wholesale Prices. Ooderiek. Jan. 22ad {8e►i J. tCl_ DETI.OR 8z CO - w. three Mightd ratified that he EASE AND SECURITY sa+ three tete .tight trsrm the hake at (:ewer street at the time of the explo sioa. To the best of his belief Csunior- ham and Barton were two of them Seward said when the train war stopped Cannidibm kilt the br.k• through the window. The prisoner's queetioaabIe meaner awed him to take. better look at his than he would utbcrwise have deme. Myers nn cruse-•xaaination could Live no *&emirate idea of the times ur Piaci. he had wen Burton. He did net A .mow Burton until he tame into coon today, when he ret'urnized his as a mita he had wen conversing with the uA Bishopsgate street. Thia cot repro seta the doable ares without the bell Note the positio• of r ether* 13is IK• ss AaQQee.�tt rbtwt a stot. the trete, oaring granted if. the Fad, by wklek • (N./SISTA ea TANT bet eats i!% A I:t, aid Urn' Ta ler, B Q presnty supporta the hernia whim the tress 1..4je.ted. testified that before the et plosion he wet two men at the brake. Cunning- ham was one t.1 them. Taylor had previously mailed Cunningham out from among twelve other sot Several children were produced whose hearing had been afotrd or who had otherwise been affected ny the tower ex- plosion. Js sus Macrae, a beefeater to tb tnwer,id•ntiked Cunningham as a person he saw in the tower on Jen. 24, and who was there ORM before in the earlier put of January. Witness ars. saw Burton in the tower in January before the day ad the explosion, Qeilliane's revisit for an interview with the primmer* atter examination war refused The prisoners were remanded for a weed*. -r. Sailipattlten. A fila ('ATr-1t. - - One day last week (`ept. Bogie and two companions had a hue day's fishing through the ice. On their way home they were enveloped in a blinding blew, but the experienced teariaer safely guided the petty to .bore. The trio captured 114 of the finny ones. This war a good day's work. The catch has fallen off during the week. Oeiaslch Ts'wn.shlD- Mins Amelia Plummer is at ',resent rositwi( friends. Mr. and Mrs George Fulton, et Mount Cl.meae, Michigan. The old folks are pealing *wee The latest gap to the number of pioneers of this tnwaahip was caused by the death last eiater.tey of the wife of Mr,Antbuny Elliott, of the 8th out., aged 72 years, early half a century of which time she lived here. The funeral to hayfield cemetery on Monday was largely attend el. Ou Saturday last a sun of John Shop - fwd, 16th on., while canting down hill oats hand sleigh was kicked by a horse in the face, tart above the noes. fracturing the hose aad indicting a pain- ful wound. Fortunately the horse was not shop, and the lad's recovery is as. send. FOCND AT LAST. -- Mr. Ret.ert Me C•llagh, of the Enron Road, lest • nil - usable thorough bred cow, the Itch of December lest, and though be had ad- vertised in Hos varies* lees) papers lie faired to 6.d th. meow annual- Mr. McC.ilegh gest out hand bills and the Iribeted them in the various rens of the euwuty. Oa the lith Met. he received s fetter from )fr. Robb Brown, of ('ran- Iriok, memorise the description of the now. and telling Mr. McCullagh when the seismal r..nld be found. He made the trip of 40 ails and weaned the IoM now. Mr. MeiJutlagh feels greatly in- debted to Mr. Drown and takes this mens of teneterini his thanks to the goat foe his inet.rmatiten. They de, th,.. with • hag •hoop down at Exeter. 1a a local neper we read 1 that one of the enterprising readmits --- of toe .Mohs* is ''l.yiee down tsaternl i �! preparatory to the ereetion of a a»gaif,- sent brick bbhtatith shop in . the gnat" .alai. GEORGE RHYNAS, - Druggist, SOLE At3•131\TT, a-ODFRICH_ rearuarl sta. tats. inc. Low PRICES COME AND SEE TEE BARGAINS re (A•RO(JERIEB, CROCKERY WART, CF3INA. WARE, STOi•TE.' WAR dcC_r110111., .111“7. Ale. a large Line of Moustache Cups, Ladies Cups, Fancy Mugs, Majolica Ware, Vases, &c., which will be sold at COST. W_ 12zTC=ZZ.t_ !laminate hetet, OM.,Mh. December fat h, ItSS. Nat THE PEOPLE'S STORE. BARGAINS! �..T �3AR -AI TS I OR PRODUCE_ SEE THE GOODS MARKED DOWN - W_ H_ RZIJL_EY, The Pe. ple's Stews, (ioderich. Jan. 21.118R BARGAINS FOR CASH 1 AB MELLING OFF' Mt' STOCK ..F CLOTHING AND a➢SiMTW F1'Il%ItnI1t1itis At a Greatly Reduced Price for Cash. Tito. IA A t.KNUIXE ANNOI .4•I IVT ABRAHAM SMITH. Bederidt. !tor. 1304 11111. 1111) HAG'(4.i ;1%1 ty sp ,1 th air leo�.tj�tie an s Ielr Ithew�atseiamsttaj M. mama fop. a Ag itirl.s.d. Mom. W/1 COAL. All kln414 of Haul f •eal nn hand A ten a .amall wrath) of Ihe,•olebrate.l 8t titiffille Lump Soft Coal. need t$ rem order. 'ant. the weather is !air • . It, aro T. N. DANCEY. Cdsdeb. Oct. firth r•t ifltitf 5,000 wined to u 11 their Posen* and framed* !Lot the haat whine to to. n to buy adores acrd Tinware RousePurni•shinila) 1 Saunders' Variety Store. 11„6.1. of fao„I:e- w hot..• G-IRLS are getting nrAtriepl, will and w the sand no.l tone earful arttnlea to turui/b a hunt with. a: • "The tl;wpat House under th. Sun." , GRAND CLEARiiN G SALE O►' TUX BAl..tNC1: 01 MY STOCK Or IIOLIOAY 4tiODS! -t %fry aste and well aarMeu took or Posey antes a•e fill on ba.. Land won rc sold off AT A BARCIFAIN FC)R CASH_ All other break hey of it* bwlnewa kept w.•lI stors.-d ollh *emend .w.'onahl conch • Iw thanking oar • Re it a. `•oew fo a,u•rr Owls !then prtru. r during the past year, e �q rite 7 Pott our akrl aro prise*, azul wt .% obis ao he ore as ace liar .41'CI1I C.E I bT'�T without dont* amts IBM t.ptt al yens et bre•-tank/ *Anders et , r I$eentd. Jar. it., nag. .1 C. He t-s-rn,VIN; 4 Need ace i Imo it .n, • sleaze. Yeasolob. Goderich Foundry and "trrhiiae Wrks, RUNCIMAN BROS., PLOPRIETOP.S. CONTRACTS TAIIES FON STEAM ENf41RES. FLOt;i*Ftifi r.11. Ak/ diet! MAC$IIUUT tItGATED ?lou, ing Kills Changed to tha Ort.duai Iducticn System. 1st It •heel :v the Met Ood,ri, i, Jan. Mb. Mani IAC 00 TO KNIGIT'S FOR A SHAVE, HAIRCi p1', SHAMPOO. OR DYE. TWO !icons EA$T OF P.O Horse I'uwca, (:rain .hwhtrs, Straw i'u•s.• ., A, r,. ultnrai Furnaces. Stoves, etc., mix., at how Pr:az.. ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS MADE 10 ORDER. J. B. Ht .c'lMA%, Ooderl,f.. Not, H. lei 1:. W. ItugatteaN Maly �!A Grand Cbance is ti�dte ; �Lc1 Note Papers Albums Books Cards Dolls Tops Etc. -"ET SOI It - Newspapers and Periodicals AT MI:'. cOOK ::$. MRS. H. COOKE, Successor to (:eo.'Sheppard. oodeesch. Ilse. eth. 1taA. t!! DANIEL GORDON CABINETMAKER AMU Leath lludertalor, ilea un tend now the L.tta:EoT %TIM% of First -Class Furniture Mt tbeliteenty. and as i non- purchase for cash. W tin uodersadd• by any our. 1 tlH r Carpet Lounger. from 54.0 upwards. Wbatnota, good. trout 92 .50 up. Hew hack ('hairs. from xi.• rep. and, every - thina sloe in the ons.• or. p'.rtion, --------------- Ti. ruhaeriwr. who is abnt:: to make . rs^ i'atUM«n' ek.*M-es :a Aga baileast. awe Went ata f rdr.tiom fur l'A,- Il his Muck of - DRY GOODS! Groceries, Ready -mode Mtn ,and Begin and Strict Cell and see for yourselves. 1lo,da and Sly •ai wit h u.id a, a.a'i ,.i s.•, Oro. cerise • iil 1,t WONDERFULLY REDUCED 1 A large stock of good Valencia raisins wilr•be.eald at tic a Ib., . r $1 00 per but of 28 lbs. A._`iuses of stock of Ready-utadedkimhi-ted.eed fon . 10 to 20 per Gest. THE CHEAPEST SHIRTS AND DRAWIi*3 Yt)1 EVER SAW Complete stock of Canadian and Scotch Tweed... If nrh.h N orat.ds and Nobby Overceetinge. TAIf 1V.4 on the premises. Suits si .e to orurr at 10 std up. wards. Fit guaranteed. Boys and *olds' Clorei its cot levo ,J aban•e, *Leo the goods are purchased at the store of THE RED, WHITE AND BLUE. Hush to the front and seem, bargains 3'_:_ GEORGE ACHESON. mi a -mac rev i op FASHIONABLE TA,I1,01R,_ i:'NTER STOCK FULLY ASSORTED. AT THE OLI) STAN1) Seinen, the foam 0111re k Hants of )Montreal Satisfaction Assured ion Style and Pit. o-aDEJaZI Cir_ Ort. beth. 1413. 1913- tW i:rnienth. r the i'4a. a treat ,:roc:, :ora door to Hark of 1Nootesevu% d�IlIQ1�ICJ'J lEgEo DLT L c P PL A NING MILL ESTABLISHED lis::, Buchanan, Lawson Robison '4%41 r tt-rt a►lav;ov Sash, Doors B/mds 06AI.Cna tM A5.t. KINN( or Lumber, Laih, Shinijles The Very Latest j1'interand Spring Fashions and betideYs anterial t.1 tsery deseript km. ' • 'i Anil* would re4ptatfu1Y fat ae tare 'adios to esll Siad s'n the display at SCROOL FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. • art!! Orders prornpttyfattcn ;at to. llodrrieh A Mr. S_IMZ. IJ011-1y- C C. kN-A'FRN • CHICAGO HOUSE. ivL=SS W2Z,K=1�TSON Ben to aamoaaec that she 1:11I. to .:(w k in lame aad as i.d protusion, 1Lt' KYF.I:t'TH7\t: YOU WANT GROCERIES NEW AND FRESH FOiR 1885 Hr i. ah.* inn n splendid wane` meat of China and tllassure. e Chicago House N-FtiT ST 111.1. I t;t r1 t1:1.1('il R. W. McKENZIE IS NOT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS be: hat been so long in it and formed such ;road tn.rle (-outwit nne t. se ho is .th and will GIVE BETTER BARGAI1 S GENERAL HARDV\/A ! E! Than uttr,, pret,-e..'rB i i nen at t•oet_ lb' is hound that ria hollow to lite t•.t,. tt. past. abs:1 b• nWad as tb.• -( CHEAP HARDWARE ,t. • EMPORIUM. t'aeie In and leakif you don't buy. No Trouble to Shot hods. Five (5) r e r Cent. Off Gash S. C. A. NAIRN, T Ove. tab. tMw w..t 0 ... Wears, oodartob • . .. .in 4