HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1885-2-20, Page 22 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. FEB. `?0, t ,85. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL whesu wife and tastily were Christiana, was once asked by another why be dot not speak to them abut u. Ile replied that their Christianity gate theta iapp' Analua►I Convention of the Hu:POrt trots, and he oeslel rut it., envious 40 8. 8. A eociation. take that la•ppissees away. The dying wools and hake sat actions ..1 the roost noted Infidels of the gesilMy was a reef that their embelint itwrtgbt thew no castor( yr hop% The (((raker had tet found one Well who etteldisy he felt the better fur hearing Cot. Reb. iu,gersoll lecture loudels are for the wet part Tice 123k annual cenventioa of the 11a • negative wets The O ristMr world may reit (aunty H. le. -(amnesties cuwttenced today lay with •1! fairness 1f yup are •te sittings au the Methodist charms Sea- forth, e, mewt.. cake away all that tie Gospelforth, on Tuesday atten,a•n Mr. David glees cat, what are you going to love es 'i' plady, Clarion, root Jaw, in ibe chair. ill return 1 Infidelity has tuwe to as in as IwSml4tas Septra a eywee.le of Ulm ssseeltses Reefed Slats For fiesesasy %tenet Werner.. After the opening sagercioss thu cha.r- iran appointed the several committees. Verbal report* were heard (nom the fol- lowing schema : 'elewforth Methodist, W 11'Gray . Sest.rth Presbyterian), 1) D Wilson , Ge.dench North Rt. Methodist. W Meld:Mora ; Clinton Itsttenhury at. Methods'. J C hevettoon ; Chinon (hi• tanto Methodist, 1: Hull ; Zuni, Col throe latter days with a pitubl. alias. It soya •e effect "1 wash 1 eouid !relieve but 1 cannot. I would like to he a Christian. for Christianity is moral and ;taod end helpful, bat t cannot bel,eyn.' Find tits founuattuusof infidelity. Search theta out, and yuu will fled that as e rule s.muasuees is at the bottom. Their life is the father of their weed er rather borne, Methodist, R Yonne ; Holmes- '.f their ursatwns. Infidelity .r on the sale Methodist, Time C Pickard ; N'.t- track of human life every• here, ani must t..n Methodist, A M•orruult • Bethany wet by the church. Wei hate a form Presbyterian. A )1cLbugall ; Exeter et antidelity that tooey net be charged James Wit. M.thodte,. C stall ; (Jute's, with vileness. Gird ►a eve» now reeror- Meth.diet, W Yee ; iettlevaad.a trameh of Iter Alpaitiw.'t seiseti6u teen towards divine rerun. God is britivine learned man to tu%e a better understanding of the troth. He cited the spontaneous life -genu test . 1 Huxley and utbers, 'bowing that the mistakes of scientific teen only continued the weed - neva of the philusophy of the senoturse infidelity most b.. met by the church. we wen greeted with the cheering news The church meets it in the Christianelf s shute adtea•l bet,.z •t4.•utt Acters," ileum. an the Cbnstaao pulpa, mwita it to our Christian satiety, meet. it cat and prrgrees sou the interests and apple- public lire, meets it in the fact of ser cation shown by teachers ,n their were. The subject "H .w the S. S. should be Christian cisilvatiun. The Sunday school is Gal's safe Lard ley p,reeecupy- supported financially, and how its tnoney trig the minds of the children. Ltfidea• *hould be impended, was !ntreduced by try says that as net fair. It alts keep everything back !rem them until they ere old a avugh to think for themselves,. (.al takes pity en children not responsi- ble for their ignorance of him. The children are nun. and we china them fur Gtnl. 1'.,rosaiaa is 11:3311 pine. of the le+, and if we take the nine taints we can &fund to let infidels tt / for the tenth part. The Sunday steel is a place where Bible doctrine :s taught, from the $errttures,frum the catechisms, etc. The mind is fhns early drilled and moulded to Christian principles. Cardinal Mantling had said Give me the first atthought not fer,tettiaat the elate. We ata Tran of a child "s life, at." I doll'[ should teach .•1 the tni.seon cause the tare rhos may have it after. Si. years durivus pnlrlege that ""dlies Ripen w at home and 11* 111 11:o Sunday scbo,l, to work fur hitt. and whirr manhood is and there will net !H wish chance ter is reached they will b•• prepared. Pet estam•tee be made as to, the anaemia ne- cessary to tarry on a ache•.!, and get the children interested. The aubject was also spoken un by 1) I) Wilson, Jelin (algae, iter. T M Campbell, it Lums- den, l' l' Pickard, T Hendee, K Yates, A M•orrasnn, W M t;ray,Res, .1 Kenner, Ree. J 11 Carsten Rev. Mr Fletcher, ell &rr•etng with the speaker in the main, but they would add that of the ea'h•*l motive Is. wppsrted, the church should tet, T Harvey ; Egenondvil'e Prsehyre ruin, S Cistercian,. and as Weston sop the various reports we find the following showing .- Progress, because during the year a large number hare consecrate., their hearts no (hid. Progress in the temperance department. as there is 3 large increase of pledged taetutallera,and Mr. Jarnw Seel(, .r., Chilton let. The scholar Camila be mails the channel through which the funds come ; children should he taught that they are stew- ards, and that they are only gating back to (had its own. By riving the money through the scholars it educates them as the virtue of giving. End. The children ,bould understand that they should give regularly and feel that a dehnite amount is required. The sch.H4 should be sup- ported Itberally, the money uukht fin( t.. go for thor..ugh or complete equip. vent fur the carrying one of the ached, that it Clay be nsvitlag and interestintr, irfule'rty. The Sunday achoni is doing a gond work is beildirag up the children in doctrine! truths. It helps the church by bringing children more directly Into an experience ref aslratlen Let aehild'e heart kuow the saving power of (.sol, sud that child cast never live and die in infidelity. Ile instanced the cast .1 a minister who had apsstaticed, bat who afterwards cans back to his first belief - the religion of his boyhood. The Sunday school is 'becoming more and inure a corns in its assistance, also that the er•wan! power, earherinl momentous as claims of missions ought regularly to be at grows, and the prevailing sentiment supporter(, as well as rho in/meaniname, 'a the church now is, we want the of the echoed, children should sacrifice tor children converted. We are losing the sake el nivan¢, 311.1 p.trent.should see sight of deto h inat shah•, and era endearnrieg to have the children brought to Christ. We are not waiting until they grow old, but to children --to the little oar -- we new come and endmrur to bate their know Claret. if they are eenverted to (1.4 and know the blur of suvatum, iatidetity in whatever melee will net be able to get hu'd of Wit' *8331.1 ren and draw there away from Coed. The subject, "Tho Bible, the Worlds Light and Guide," wads uwn.g to illness of lir. It D Bayley, taken up by Messrs. J C Stevenson and W M (:ray. Now dark our land+ would to were it net for the Bab•o 1 We shoule follow the ex- ample of I'sul, fur a* sown as God. light fell on hien he taught and imparted the same unto ethers. This glorious light shows as our imperfections. The lithos tea guide that is understood. it reveals sin roan, and rumps to as with s Ian+eon. It is a guide to the man in business, art tells that f•dliness is profitable above all thine& The Bible as a guide to us in, Presence c f danger, and provides a re- fuge. This guile is infallible. "Temperance teaching a part of 14. 8, work," assigned to Res G B Taylor,wa., in his absence, spoken en by D D Wilson and 8 Yates. The itilde tpthes iota, abstinence. intemperance is a maltreat crime. This temperance teething is right and inecce•rdance with serial and puliti al economy, and se 'humid begin in the th Soloed. Mr. Yates said lbM. temperance teschine is the question of questions ; we should comment., now,and especially "look out the young hien, and if po.e,LI., rescue them. The S 8 most persistently teach temperanze as a truth. that chtldreu air rel'ubrly furnished with funds. Quest inns end answers were next taken up, and veriest opal tons were aslaed, and answered-, in which township or ca• colt eonvelt.ona were recormended,also that the prent..hon of a.:hobs he left with the superintendent in cuI.Conence with the teacher. Thu I'ueiosea c.. acnittee reported pro- gramme i. ,. evening session. As se review tI,e tarsi..'., ae regret that more were riot present to psrtiripote in the nfwninc exercises and share the benefit., and would urro delegates in the future t.. make it a print to be ptceent at the first motion. *sr'ISA 'e.41eiN ar aTso»err afire.^1, 7-30 P. IS. The presidents addrose consisted of a pleasant anecdote. and be excused him- self owing to the lateness of Goo hoer. Rev. T. M. Campbell, .1 Cederich, then &poke on the topic. "The n1abhlth Scheel eve Safeguard Against Infideli- ty." A fanner was once asked, ••How ie yeas get so fiord a fleck r aped he replied, "R; takuag care of the lambs." The rburch as now tieing filled up frust, the ranks .1 propertied children. By the terra (n*iirlity, we mean alt that assails or antagonises Chi let ianity - all..hrthet refined we melees, that is opened. God's wool. 'Che Sunday *clued is one department of the church's wean( to fortify it.tlf against the inrueds of in- fidelity. infidelity now puts itself be- fore us an tele total seers. It a open, it is mooing : at flatlets itself before the world on three days we find it bore and 11111n osaslo!e ratt5JTlwtlar ''tirar7r. rampart.. It u a oftseshoning, in the "Music in the. 8 S " was intradeeed langira:•e and style of Col. inyenoil, of by Rev. AIS Smith, Varna. 1st Its the word of lied. We find it oomaanes tntpurtence is admitted by a1!. Ar or in secret secretly wurkinf as well as ran a5 neeeaaary to lea.' and keep all openly. Subtle formas of infidelity are the parte together , an active and proper presented to ua in literature. -Then we person to tale the heed. The music have it diseumerl,goine under false colors, should be eheerfol, and tie words pro- f; eumes no us in (he fere, of rationalism. pent enunciated, .O that children will understand what they are Mem, ; fresh• nese and variety are e,apnt,aL The emotion was spoken to T Mc(a hcutdy, tt (11 (:ray, and 8 Tates. On subject "Mode of main•arning re - eater attendance in the li S. ' an able (eater was prepared hy M• Horse.! For ter, Clinton, and in hie alienee was reed by A 11 Manning, Clinton. Tor teacher shoat hoc one rhoroughly memento! with the .rhnlar, and see that regularity the .only hole and happiness of non. and impar.( are kept up. The teacher The only hn,r, and happiness •f man is should seek the absent and knew the that which the (Impel brings into hie canes elf arch absence. The aoparation heart. inhdellty is the enemy of man, of timelier and echnlar breaks the in - because it thus anlagnnuee ilia hat tent. The invitation should he scatter - interests. Any man who is sines'. and •d hnadesset, and canvassing committees truthful will harm the welfare of het sppr.rnt.'.i, aided by the pastor. The fellows at heart. Rot what are infidels ie*eelient raper was emphasized by 1 doing( to hives the wor d today 1 They McGillicuddy, 14 Tate,, Wed Gra pielmoluate their views, but what do Armstrong, Armstmg, T C 1'uekard, John Lagan, de to help humanity 1 flea they format R Yonne. A Morris i, Rey J Kenner. nstyloes for the insane 1 t). they de "Ille.eretire Aids in Teaching Primary *mythisg to nsit4r.1. *be •rtferings et ('`tastes," wits inters/lured by mos Me- hmmenity 1 11 rbdelity e..wee 1.. es with flfllieod4y, of ftnd•rieh ill.stratu.n. these negatinss in the foes ..f the work (1) Attesct .'tont,,, (2) 11o11 atlas - of Christianity today, we sok of it. Have tine. ..l) Help th. underwta.ding, (4) yeti oft* any sympathy with n. that we Aid the memory. (51 Associate tlh,w:ht .host( hare any with yt.o f Foots Oho with tangible this's. 8. eared Wee - Stet Ibe mhaereh hoe been ow the wet ..f (pities aids ss follows : Iflaobbnarda, H.. thriller, visa sheet .toting vend. mare, *term ia beaks, tttgettose, vas) Hut where is ia6delity f it her rover wend pictures, swish a.rs.wastes. slktger- btsaoed hue sally arywhieve, but at hoe • shrewd it it len, places. A al ere it object leashing for isfaot el•esse. All t It tells us that see•ularistn is the (rest thing to improve the melees. The speaker instanced the secular awmialinn of Tot -out.. I rider the name of secular" ram and int.sleetush.n3, and reho.natiem, infidelity Come, to us, and thus dis;uu- ed, would make on inroad into our heerta. infidelity enter. nice. the Christ un religion. It n openly and se.•rctly, publicly ss well am privately, an *snowed enemy of t'hrtatianate. it antagonires nature is at bead for the teacher. Thi terrestrial, things osleetiel, stars, etleta bards, mimesis, art,eraaufaot.rre, tee butte, ib. shop, war, agriculture, flowers, stones. F..r i:lt3stratave teach• Sag we should appropeatn that assurance of scripture, "All things are tours." The gnat poet had beautifully put it There are teetwee ,a trees� Hoek* I. the mamas Moo•., And semi L ewerrtedor. There are mod illustrations in erery- th►utt. tree bus the Master taught_ He ratio' so objects to snf.rce►ud illustrate thought. Ha used the Sowers of the Sold, the birds of the air, the wine telt Oen, patches, lest money, the Roman penny (a lecture on political te000my concisely put), playing children, the hinjrt household, the vtre, dn.r,shetp, sheepfold- And when he wanted to show the jealous diampl•• who was the greatest mate, he placed a little child in their midst lgl..rytying ebild1nud and object teaching) and said, "Except ye be converted and t000nne es little child- ren, ye shall in nu wise enter the king dura of MO." (The intensely oe d weather having prover ted a clam of tittle ones from counsel( cot, Jir. McGillicuddy resolved the convention into a seat prim- ary class, and trace !hew some practical teaching as little boys t..4 gala j U. painted to the window, and ask who at ousted. The class replied to let is the light. Where does the light erose from 1 Fronts the sun. .!esus is called the Sun of righteousness, why 1 Be cause He was the Light of the world And so en. 11. then showed a key, and drew lessons from It. Then some his suits of warms shapes, and the thought was benefit' mut (het as the shape had been given while the Lisccit was yet soft, ao the heart feta ata lasting impres- sions early in life. A hook also carne in for use as an illustrative aid. The clasp et "children" acre very gaol for their age, and appeared t.. enjoy the work. Bleat retire side in intermediates! tiers were exb,hited by J C Stevenson, to the delight and profit of alt, and many per- sons •rsons desired the remits and ability of using such i'Iustrstu,ns, and *cute good points grew out of the diocese. . Io the absence of Mr. Jas Mitchell, the topic, "The teacher's preparatien," was thrown epen to the convention for three minute speeches, W Armstrnu.g, J Logan, It Lemsden, E Cssh, H Yates.. A Morrison, and T McGillicuddy taking part thereis. Prepare practical teach- ing, and aim at the one treat object of salvation thrunch Christ. Read the lesson first, study well Its contexts, and truce references. The study should by made daily, and rot left until the last hoer Report of the nominating committee for the ensuing year was ss follows : - l'resident, l ..bt Lumsden, Seaforth ; Vier Presidents, I) I) 11{laeo, T Mc(lil- ttcuddy, Jas Thompson. i) Tiplady, C Snell ; Executive Cvmmattee, W M Cray, 11 Foster, S Yates, W R Hutton, H Mo- Qusrrie, and all resident ministers of Wrotham ; General Secretary. .1 C Steeemero wed A 11 Manning ; lltnnte Secretary, W J Clarke. is any I*eaen taught us, it should Is t'.1 to 31s, straw( cat our speech and wtiot The filth sad last peed was, the te'aeli week 'etch the child was the fouielrti.. of 11 a future of the child's life, We now laying the twund.tp'n on which 11 child abed bus d. We roust are caret that these en tr,ttal t.. loaf care de nt build on sated) foundation. W. tau aim to haeme thew huitrl nu the Rock of Ages, that they may afterxards be with the angels to stye./ the glories and praise* of the Lamb around the throne et G. e. enter and attettws .1 the geese p•etort Memo er w•aseer, w sttot►drug Lw alas been eery veil. (Ihsr Maur (.linked reatmlu.'Juliss..ii ti• ere treat apparent dieteulty dustier t3.• siut- 11 . or wraiths, b on the matter of o.us. As re we are isocl, weltered, arced the .e Lound. ..i t he .•w1grrgatl.n., 31 a dtliicent ul to aro on !ewe theta amyl •rota' mam- 4 mg*, and this new stasiderJ team u net at it .ser favor. ((till the average attend• 'nee has been wall kept up, and all Oen- osresd are faithfully ende•,otiug to keep' ta. the work. ,.cad toe helm lactated ohms - Illy • ill ort tail. The following in anhwlancw was recti. - ed fast year, and applied thou as Noll ra to this omit a work. It is frau the Sup- • I, ertnteudart cat the Baptist Sabath nl echo•( at W imgham : •'l`t a•:,.,sou i.v+ With oar *Sheol we *Sava a wiaeaos banal, , ✓ called tae Willing Wutkers`lrursi.1n Nit ' 1•. 1 cion Band. We have over 100 in,uIlwrs, it and the ureetices ase held monthly. 11 e I- 'aro ?Noynlg for the education of • luatlieu tr boy and girl ea 10.11a, ..nt of the ruuntes paired ny the band, Th. interest taken Ott m3oston souk Ly the eten1l4rs is very h great, And much �.+.J is twine done. We be expert this }ear t-. raise 1100 for wart- , Diens Ever since oar organization lied R. lam been with usaud richly blessed out efforts I hope the time will Well ,rove .d. The following persons spoke en the subject : T. T. Pickard, John Logan, Rev. J. !►saner, N. Yates and Rev. J. Braley. Another Incentive was a.1.1s love to Christ and working Ivo the L. always brines reward. Thetapir, "The t; S.. ata e•uttit, • nng5went and conduct, ' amines! to 1 B. Hutton, was, in his atsenes, lake up by IC Irwin, Clinton. and T. Meth licudy. We sbuuld seek to male st school rums attractive. introduce. gospel humour.' Sociability a necessary bleak teeel eserch. es are chert*, r; tort: orsmeetings are helpful . se must stems hearted and kind, a7/T11 IwN.IO'-rag*$TT*Rla' • nuke- Evsia.D;( seMivn cumr11eileed at. **clock. with prayer by iter. A. 1). M Donald. The tardy of the chur_h w sxtupied t•_v tioi!)v -tk-- nl4ren of Use town, who had turned out an lame nuns bora. There was also a large nu,ober delegates and others present. The sin,I ing was led by lir. Keret, and Mt Wilson presided et the organ. The ung ing by the children w.ts hearty and meledeous. The fnllnwin_ addresses were deliver- ed : -- Mr. 11. Clarke, of Exeter, •,n "Doing g.val. 11te test way of getting fond, :.ti•1 p►antet tut that we mist first ",et good and that shoeld be '.now. A great many ways of doing good arias every day, and willing heads can constantly tintt something to du W should always be gn...1Sauraritanu,watch wee for opportunities of dein, good Ivey. G. F. Sattun,en "What we shoed expect from the achalers in the Faunae First, to study the lessors on istecitia at home, :nark- all the dif&c.lt passing at home arid ask the towhee to 'septet them : second, .how petal -self iu 111e h..iae to be true Sunday wheel scholars third, teachers expect yuu to remember in the home and obey what your S. 14. teacher tel!. you. 1Re, Mr. Musgrave. "What is •.pest ed of the scholars .n the school.'- first children should be reverent ; :nd,ahee enite heartily in the S. S. work ; 3rd children should help to maintain order and 1* attentive, ask questions ; 4th we want all the bots to be Christie gentlemen. and girls, t'hrisdien laches. The President eleet, Mr R. 1. edea • Saforth,) was introduce), and thanks the contention ler electing hist to th honorable position, and asked for heart co-operation in the responsible work. Au essay. "Preparation for the S. S. sou read by Rev. J. ltr.ley. The object M important, es many person, bosons converted though the instrumenuht of the teacher. The teacher must be pious maw, a ttible student. There must rouclra *tBaluw- rttTnolthr (5t3e'5 W precticl Christianity. The teach* 2 D. m. Opening exercises. should endeavor t.. thoroughly master women- "The Teacher's Responsibility' wen- the lesson. 'Ch. teacher should alert tr.ducel by Rev t; Pletcher. Thames cultivate a ss, spirit of cheerfulness an roan. The speaker wished to show the should be converts! and de*oted to th difference between responsibility and Ob- church. The world never neededligation, and wished all to look at it ass heist; church more than it act's today response, and that response should b e Pero nal appearance should he teat and wither. God is laying obligations sensible, se upon every teacher in the $*Loath I farewell address were indulged in School, and asking f.. rest ortse, T.:• tetdtstey of the world is t:, leave Jesus nut. and the response comes from the S 8. We will put Jesus in. The u1diga- tiun 1r sorry brndiig. berwase of the age in which children are entrusted to nut. are. therefore we assume a great re- sponsibility. The ti.ne elven the teacher T.• the President,titicers and delegates as very short_ The success of the S S of the twelfth animal convention of the depends upon the teachers. county of Hainan Suudey t4;11wAnstalt- The subject was discnased b7 S Yates. fiun T McGillicuddy, J .ha Logan and R The returns which have been ramawed Lumsden. trnn' the different Sunday 1ch,•-o's of the Geier t, the delay iu the train•, the counts, for the year len44, show that substantial erasers has been inside in the grand work in which we are sug*ged, and give abundant re f s e for thankful- ness, atld the inapiraticn of froth courage. The three essentials of S. S. work, as 7 when e• sty Baptist Sabbath Sch.wt in e' the land will hate • uuss1on band srga i- . • lost!. ' eve *& tettelr'lolH _ - of the conoty 1* the one at Crediton. he longue,: to the Lvaagelical Assuctataen, w and .trader the peatorat.' ..f Ree. J. A hood[. '1 h. suponutendent is Mr. C • Rruwn, and the following a tt..epurt W full ; Total N... of scholars. . . 3L0 Total Ne,. 1.i teaches Total Average attn.dwee ;;J2 Mission money raised $ �. 8. expenses. .. . No. of pledge) tat,.tall ers . 190 • 'rite 1u et erten lin...hest sato is in order are as to l'.'ws : d jo • s w� ,a •tintou Y.. Itattrabu*7'$t.... 13 3/111 l:v.ar lt.. Jam,s M....._ MI M 3A 2,50r elestorth Presbyterian. .• 217 t1teton t'r brteriaa,.. ?01 ea 2-A Ito Wirrgttam '. t'I3w, Gsi, :75 sa 3. l*.1 . l de.Ich North St. Medi. '^• Z2 :110 tcst e 'derhlht• i tbtterias 733 36 '-e •:3 •87 mistake. the attendant.• of the Nibte1.. (. nt Kaos !'bomb, I:edrrich,eras onutted. it has a .nemhrrwhip of aserr 110. and .3, ,,rr -- a�aatteudanr, of 10. making it mu •h arfer than aperar. to this reeurt. Your aecretan.s have thought th+3 ri , might next be un.nteresstiug, and pease. , afford f.,..l hor r.lt.' ion if they made n asote few conuparisms between the at- tendant, at lite tartars Puddle Scheel+ in • the coaniy mei the Sunday Schools. d The t••tel uu.. 'ler of person. attend- e ing the Pubic e.eds in the cent(( s y 17,536. InstillThe tete' nuruler attendine the' �. from the return' Instillend cowpututi the unreported is 1,,:M0 • The t•)tal number of pearann• ,n they county under lei tears of ante ie 1' 14, 1 a It will thus he sett. that If an arca a made for .t 4,4o/entitle rtuwlter ✓ et elderly people who attend the S. S., and w1t., c,- taiul)• do, nut arse within' the Pubhe Scheel census. there is a large d number of ctoidrest certainly *.me r • th..uaande who are not in the s.ht.tlt 1 a wheel We require usce more to hate 5enueled out to us the )!aster". command "tie ye ant Into the highways and rhe f hedges. and compel teen, to come in, t that my heoae may he fuli.' ('arer:1g nue c.mparisen a little ar we find that in tf.e four testi • •.f snick we are able to get complete T.-• (elan., *h. fit3nday Scba,l (wpwlati..n ton siderrbly exce -1a that cf the l'ubbc Schools in three : - ler in character to (1.. ..u. glees bellow hale hew received, and give pried et the };teat value of l'obou . Hare than ata• pain reluodyt. Try it, Arnot., Feb. L0. -W's herein 'eddy that we here used AenJiaN iu ma tauai- Ilee, sold Loot [inti it • Anus( reliable reusedy fur Cramp* ,n the alum.'►, alp Ler headache, an 1 istontally fur !beam atm Irina. N ..4....se ah.nttd til' without thio tnrsfuaul.. re.3514). -Luxe Guts Gunn, Cora. J.1'. Buy is Wren:. armt.tn honk. ' at tltileem'a dna. st..,ot% Luse Lotilw _6 cents, by all til 11 Nijt .. A Sell way seer). "Ira beau lord %eiher for rallrea3- tng," remarked an lllistou Central Rail- road u.ud.:. t •r yesterday, "hut we bare Mew* fen. 3..t she seine Wes :oil ewer to a ttatn (het had a stn.. plow iu frust, mum (brow!( &nits 1 WB, 11 you wasn't, you I.a•e tan 'dere the way that save Il.ee a hen the. weather .a cold The etlgiamer eau 114.1 (dere see 113.5 to, could I5 • gra( e. ?hat tlyhu4 .1155 g ,r5 every where 1n the cats the entit-•er ai:d tliewwen :.re cu*tpletely t!'u i..4 arra That at/tXwi!i ot" anywhere. fount same itnldr a bre 'a .y bittern, e1ich ahi mighty aper .;port; That diving stud', . ..sue, of *lir plow and dt'aug au the anuli, ail. .*trough glass, meet, tor anythi:►q, Lee Friday we had a dude ren guy tall„ 'The ha. a,.! a e :it fish gave to., mad of un• paellas. lie in.nod fau.t wi•h the rail - read ,-,.w;•-t,, teal autli time employes. \Ml3mg suited him, sand he made a wrtesaee „f himself with his cruel. Pretty suer he walked to the trout end of the sir and anted lookit.i( out the ,ler.'. Just thein we went into • drift in a cut. 'fhreagh the creeds e f -that door tome tau draftee; ,bucca o1 anew that struck Mr. Lade one on either cheek, When he turned around her wa• an ob. jeer. He looked like a snow mill Yoe coilda t err the dud, at a:! - motion' bet stew. Itis south sud etre wore full. It wall in his hair, dvwt. the broil ..' hie neck, his ,,rockets wrro tell. and hie sheet We was seven hones behind toile then. and kept .m y*tre.a mora behind at almost the no •.f '1•• .n Imes W an hour, but we beard ns. ar or tas• plaints frust that chap. 1t see a terrible day, but, as I went up and down the rear humnrau1 `l'II* anew, the keentifrl snow. where he could hear re.l throat/lit to Tayaelf *6l,1 it WA* OLP lr•rppi.st day Nest 1 h.1 ha I since the day I meleteed full tare truiu one of the tiirseture she tint f • .'ultra. his pass." A Total la seek. Many a strung tonne has Mew toteb wit ked by Ih.•u5.a:(stn, U. Ms -Crime e•.u, of Lisesa.tcr, was cured .'f hrutrie womanises by Burdock Clotd Qtt(.... t cures a:i h! .e i irpurit3ae. by (1. M. Cray, Revs. C. Fletcher. A 1). Mc -Donald. and .1. Bodily and M.r T. McGillicuddy. The text erns intron will be held in Winghanl, son the seroma Tuesday and Wednesday in Feb.. leld6. t meoreev + earner. (,..neral Secretary* report was read by Mr A H Afanr in¢, which was adup:ed, and appears elsewhere The report of the Treasurer, 'showing • balance ..n hand .d $3 32,was adot.ted. Mr .1 C 'teyins.w, the deegate ape 'given by a famous American worker, Dr p.in•ed to the world's lntcrnatinual S $ Vincent, are the three Gs -Grade, Crit Censenti.n, 1: 1e, Kyo an Jgre sad Greenbacks. 14cl has given the last, gave a hrief daunt of bas saait,and gkm ra 4.53 panty workers, earn beyond sour eitrecls from the Cu4rntiut, mate their regsirta : the second Inas been dis- played in many instance* where amidst tra'.rdinary. That the owe* interesting much duceur•g•ment, in sparse settle - meeting was addressed by help,* emote, and in plata where eco great "Th. Incentives to Ear,iestneas "'MC"' wear intverhseeol by Rev. 4- 11. Careen, of (iotlerich. The first in- centive was the worth of the slut of a 8abhrth echoed child. The highest point t of t:, s. soot k en 8. S. tea -hint is the salvation of the scholar. Wears taught "What shall eaiat:AL 11 AT:•Tr.-. it profit • man if lie gain the whole A larger response has been made to the world and Nee h:a own soul t' That circolars nailed by your Secretaries implies the fest "tee of a angle a.ol. ■ Iic,ttag the general S s sta:uth•sof the Ne 8 R. teacher •hnuld cunfn,nt his cottony than in any f.retm ug yea, but dues if he fails to hring beinre them the we art' cen,vn.twl that • larva her truth of Christ. The future welfare of still remain m.i'epnrted. A summary of the aced of a child is largely :n the hands the returns ;;it e4he following results of his Mwnday seh..ol teacher. Second:y, No. of achocle repot:ang . 120 the dangers to the child'* stud. the Noe of scholar,... 10,1(43 dangers surrounding life. There is in Ve. of teachers ea odlosri. 1,1133 the child's heart the *sods of sin. There Total membership ... 11,311 ,s to the world the counter t of that Total average atteninee.. 7,196 evil. How it eurrepte t soul) There increase cturn•g the year !UK; *re rnemiw wit ore are rnemue 1Volumes an 6bnry.. 19,387 without aa--Q-l. In the heart of the N., reed fn,.nseh.olintoeherch, 327 child there is a tenden.-v to sin Can he 14 . hat ing remp'c.urgeoiistiens 30 nenrcome it 'maiden t '1'h, temptation to No. pledged .. . . 2 070 infidelity and ether evils is treat in the' tm'.unt raised for mestens 11806.20 world, and if these are rot counteracted 1 Amount raise) for the school tlt:l„97.40 M religi.eus !mini off, he roast re down, , arM-esl. rsttIRRa The third point was the fact Gist He ( In answer to the question at to * torr, was very brief. slit jou, tha r retertw ,penance e.rganineteen , the soperinteed.nt NNIa7, and ion will End more *hart ; of LM.hweed ech.u.t says that the whole eremite than long sates. 11 foe children stb.wl n • tewper.nev .,rgauitrat.on. are, to last saved.if wall be, largely r aha ,fames Street, Kleist, M.113.4 st result of the labors eif the towhees in rhe echoed. reports • Band of Hope of 210 Hwnday wheel. The child meat early are I•Jerl members taught in throw teethe that will (certify I.g lir R Harks reports s trnparane. (w- him against all♦ remppttatn.ns of the world. ,anttwttr.n m asmrooti.,n with CentraliaThe reactor has • eliiild worn Aiw that ! S h which does entracte wort, anti has a may not ter permitted to reach the affe o(� wsl ea.enship of SBU, although the trial twenty, In me f.sa$h ono, the ltrevntt .nl nmwhe re 75 sf lame at the ts. eher's d*ep..sil should . H•Jrnssrille MMhedeit wheat re he an ineentivs to earnest and faithful porta • R..spel Temperance !tomer of work. ttevew yeses wee a lsfine •revege for theetteedarroe oda child at Pesoley i 1(N r. R.h.e, d•.i.rg gwsd f lik *chard - perhaps flee aware would he Mr. • • Mel.•rlis d Rwdto the wearer it Whet dose this *emote to prier, R H, it orsswer to the our rind. 1 We hare t13. elild lwtewgdt , (tee, auo, , $ : "The whole athoe4 is dailyin enrolee* with thee. Clings that troop . f the RoStt flet " Wel to destroy he moral eherane,. Pah, •xs coos atsslrSq warytea : nee boor a week is memo to the ' "(lour wheel has bean eery well al- eech,' to eneoterset the evil. if there tended ehet.sgdt the 'set roof. TIN , indilTerence reigned, the S. S. worker bre patiently toiled for the Mettt•:r : and the lett hes., on the wi.ole, been very liberally given hy the patrons and ftiends tee and Morns. H..rpeeially urged bet Woolen dreams fit sem coder aro ri.u.nt'.t 551!. * n•t:►nz cobs:, turned - back aloha- l oft and suer, or revers of the ulateriol, o'a tut 'ted with *elf- cu4,re.1 ewhr'idrio, _ Fpr turtle rest,. t.ebiwrt pito, ti.y(- aerm eruptions and all akin dl*arw.. use 3rof. I... * 13u)phnr Soap. , Ir. Gcelerich. Clinton, Wit.:tha n, Exeter, 1' S. at- 14. 14. at- tendanee. dexd.iiee. 1215 Hlsi "li 119: 'Ol ;06 tet):, 4:40 798 Brueela.. 4114 There cab lee ne doubt that the n umber of schools hue decreased alightly daring the year, owing to the 3110011 to ; several localities of the different Motive , their churches with one school. Taking this ion, account, and 'flakier the best 1, compatati'm whorl the data we here ea- 1 alders ire to do, we have ooecIsdrd that there are an the whole county of Iiuron aborut 1510 Sunday schools, with a meta - Worship et sahniest, teachers arid lancers' of about 17.500. The internato.nal convention at ...outs - vine, age*, an oppertonay to "to'e ,acro q uake a cnmpilatn,u of the S. S. stat.. ' lila ,d the a1.Ild, er}t1Cit lrIN11110 ire a* follows : al'*13: •, th ielt. aMiniTl, :i ie. T.! I. ' w. rRt3', Sehula re. Tear -hero 4,1141,413 500,30 . K,1 telt:, 932,_83 •r - (treat Britian Unite] !states British North Am, soca Europe Asia Aloe Mouth Atw•ru•a :181,330 45,412 717,310 49,631 314,00) I,77: 152.74:, 14,3;:1, I:'0,000 3,008 Australia and the 1'a- cdtic hs:es 1141,1100 ,!9.001, Totals 13,'968,6211,539,s ; Thee t' -tale form a Sunday 8eb•.nl army tri the world of 14,673,346 teed:eta mod .ch dant -105. Yong seeretaneo repute to knew that there hat hr.en a steadily increasing re- apers fur and appreciation of the Sonday Seh.wl, net only in the church where the value of bible study hy ?nun/ .mi old ia more fully appreciated than berme -hut among thinkkin:• wren outside the ebmrh it is r.werenir.d a the agency which more then any ether we aro to de - peed for the bible loving citiaeos, whit are t., stand for the defence of rotes. tanthim and the dearest institutions of our osenstry The Sunday School we.rk- en bare responded to this taelsased sr p�shon •( their work by tgnlater faith - fellness and null : their hither enneef. tiara •s1 the dignity sn.1 responsihlity al the fAfew hate led to advanced plans, and their ever enbreitrg clews of ate pus erhelitier limes dersh.*ed as..., thoefht fulness and eaten. wwccyy an !awe' r.ns.0 inent, and of totetol, •yatematie anci no telli,onr Mode reedy, than has ever be- fore been known 1n this or may 'thee Mod. Resperefully submitted, J. C. 1tlm nenw, lJoin A. H. Matrrat.u, 1 fiery `• A Ila.gia'a Tsenw,xy. -- F..t • coli, ('.til or any Ihvr.chrcel a$oriplt,, ' Pecteria, 3u in y opini n. to Just flaw hair. I have mien it in nav Lundy M' (ou:ha end C..l.ht for the part tour Yet* ai:h the twat ustvarird anonym*, and te- .tay nay opank.t .,t et i+ that I r tettiuoj tis think still more of that which 1 hq,as (hack•- II L wit tt . Geo Kae", Ma:.:,_ger thatsi.. Beek. Pickering. Price 27. rent• at all drntrrias re AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. Se tabor easiness are so (antlers is their attack r tissue &Tons*{ tile threat are huge: stew se tnMd with by U. majority of ase esr- •us. no ordlaery ranee or cold. n..antLR perb•De from a tronas or aaaoaaeltes el - posers, is often but the bsgtaateg sf *fatal rennases Areas AMaaw Pseeenaa b 111/ wont proves its wear) as a forts years' llght •.tb throat and lung dis.'w'., and shoal M Lees to all eases without delay, A Terrible Cones Cbmee. •' 1 * 1MT 1 urea a orrery told, shuts •scab♦ w'a I*ag.. 1 ked a terrible roosts See= Wahl after a :t attire{ sisep tree loch. gave IN el,. 3 tried AT1a's meati P.c- * ,**t, which relieved era isa/r, latmteg sleep Nd afforded sae eke net ossesasry Her eke remora, d >w atraagth. It7 the eeatntertl w of the Yet oto[. 1 /sem teat Pati ser effewe..1, 1 Lia ane p years eat, kale tad hearty, rod us satiated year Lanus Pati^,*,e .ata me. Aonaca Ia'ea•e75a ," le,hh.lsaw, 7 ., ,1017 u, 1a62. CRIeP. -• trellis, Tr$1Ne. "While M the towner, lam water say HMO het. wee year, tie, ser l.k.n tot St Mime/ as if M esra3d obs trona SU.s. Ute of tbt family oyes.. IT. of ATR*'. circuity ht roes a aha-► was ewer kept is the beam_ . Z1 was tried IA .n.eil aid frewaeat ek est toner a/4kt is tors Ova ball aa hear a►• 11(1s patient se, Neath.ng seen7, T1s. M tow rad that the t' Pwererar. that eared any Sailing '• life. tan 7011 IMAM so oirmatiteder 1e*eerel7 joarq e Geninur." tNWetlath K,1: rTrot.yMayenU1*, "1 )ase erred Aria's ammo rresetaa t. my family He, •eeral years. std M besllate r sweeoesee 3* tie away elealter) seed, ler weighs tad wads are have ergo whitLM Cr7.tat, Rias., irora g,J'tM�i.'t' " " t sterns for sdgbt ramble= Itampaliak and Grier try*./ 'may to assale with se row •ms k 1 arae gored by the see et Aimee Cages Ilylata, Maki 4140111.1 yrn s.1 •ar ramose L R TIatA,wl. " t waw say Is Som`-Iwg •••Ztr.eee ""�• rsubbia Toast a pt) i 11111 11e'ms of es nfe..sta al IN *awn et est ertws waft .most M postai wawa( b Ns sae N Antra Cayman Itiostreermo e d n stn 51s�s dUe seam a r etas symrly karma No eaaeret el asINra Crdsaai 1!•rer011Ais ipevlsgtMwass_i 101 4 he se, I Neat Ire rareasrm Se Dr. J. C. h &Colt Look Owe 11/11.0111